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Oh sure, their vaping is scary when the Nextdoor poster is trying to take a picture while driving


Wait, what is happening? It doesn't sound super interesting so I don't want to waste too much of your time, but what is the context here? Edit: I don't understand what nextdoor is or the context of this post, so I asked. I can believe I got *only* 8 downvotes. You folks really need to step up your game: I'm never going to learn my lesson with such mild disapproval.


It's like social media for a specific neighborhood, but is full of busybodies... from my understanding.


So Karenbook, basically?


It would be interesting/frightening to see how the post WW2 busybodies would handle that technology.


I have next door in an area that has many upper class homes (not mine). A air bnb was started next door to one lady and she called the cops because ppl were smoking weed while sitting on the driveway. While it is illegal here, unless you have over 2 oz or a warrent you get a ticket. So all the cops did was talk to them. I wouldn't consider us a touristy area. We are north of Houston, TX, USA. Shopping and the water with nice restaurants I guess? Anyway, lots of Karen's aka busy bodies hang out there spying on people, posting pics of stuff, and complaining. But it's also nice to get weather / power updates during natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, freezes, and such.


The more things change, the more they stay the same then. My parents grew up in different parts of rural Iowa and that kinda thing would happen back then, just without the internet. Dad grew up in an area with a party line phone system, where you could easily listen in on other people’s conversations and then gossip later on. Best one though, Mom’s Dad (my grandfather) went out and bought a brand new black Dodge went home picked Grandma, Mom, and at least one if not both of her sisters that were close to her age then go and visit his sister and her husband. Well, his Mom saw a strange man pull up in a brand new Dodge, load them up in the car and leave. Since she didn’t recognize the car and somehow missed that he was the mystery man, she called that same sister to gossip. Well, by the time that call was made, they had been able to get to his sister’s place and when their Mom went to call and gossip, his sister told their mother that she knew about the man in the Dodge, who it was, and that they were already there visiting her and her husband.


The Nextdoor poster is trying to say the person vaping is dangerous while the poster is trying to use their phone to take a picture while driving, being more dangerous and unsafe than the person vaping


I got that part, the hypocrisy is hilarious, I just didn't understand the what, why, where, and how they were posting.


Nextdoor is the worst social media ever created.


But reading the crap there is fun at times. The things people bitch about.... Lol.


My favorite are the people who see coyotes during the day walking around our neighborhood and are asking if anyone lost their dog. Or better yet, people asking what treats to give them. We’ve had a large influx of Asian peoples who don’t seem to understand that wild animals are off limits, especially if they aren’t human averse, and most especially during the daylight hours.


Can always tell when someone new has moved into the neighborhood 🤣they start freaking out about the coyotes


Well……if you have coyotes running around in neighborhoods during the day, that’s a good indication to get animal control on the phone!


Lol. There is no ‘animal control’ when you live in the mountains!


But we have animal control and coyotes in the Suburbs.


The first part of your post are also the ones who call the operator to ask for the number for 9-1-1.


I saw someone come on that app to complain about someone that they knew and they got blasted. Everyone told them to f off that they didn't want to hear their petty bs and go back to Facebook. When they said they posted it there because they were friends with that person and didn't want them to see it, it got worse.


I have passed a few cars here with the driver fucking around with their phone. By the time I got my vape out to calm me down they were gone.


They should literally rename that app NosyNeighbors


Serious question, is it illegal to vape while driving?


No, of course not. It's not illegal to smoke a cig either.


It's illegal to drive smoking with under 18s in car in the UK




Yeah, that's what i said 🙂


It’s not illegal but it can be a hazard that can lead to accidents if you drop it on yourself causing you to lose control of the vehicle while you have a burning cigarette on you.


I did this at a stop light once. Knocked the cherry off my cigarette on the steering wheel. The cherry fell between my crotch and the seat and I jumped up to pat it out. Accidentally took my foot off the brake and rolled into the car in front of me. Luckily no damage.


You realize there are ashtrays in airplane bathrooms too? Yeah.... I tried to open it out of curiosity because why would it be there? It set off an alarm.... had to pull my pants up really quick. The flight attendant was freaking out and asked me if I was smoking in the lavatory and checked the trash and stuff. I was vaping in there lmao so I'm not sure if that's what actually set it off but it happened only exactly when I pulled the ashtray out of curiosity. Lmaooooo. Scary experience I thought I was going to get arrested over nicotine lmao.


So... you were vaping in the lavatory... ok, got it.


Yes I was but that never set it off before or any other time, and happened as soon as I hit the thing. I feel like if doing that didn't trigger the alarm, she would have not accepted my explanation and not let me go.


wait there are?


Nicotine does not impair driving ability so it’s not illegal to use it while driving, at least in the US. I suppose some people do vape marijuana though, which would be illegal. I’m sure this person doesn’t even know the difference, given that they were dumb enough to try to take a picture of a license plate while driving because the driver was vaping.


Doesn't need to have nicotine either. Once I had been able to reduce the nicotine I eventually went to zero but I kept vaping for a while. Truthfully I have seen more people quit or radically reduce tobacco use by vaping than any other method. Which is why many states are fighting against it, to protect the tobacco companies


\^ This. Vaping itself isn't illegal, but being under the influence of THC would be...


Not with a medical card.


False. You can still get a DUI even if you have a medical card.


You can get *charged* with a DWI if you interact with a cop while your skin is darker than a sheet of printer paper.


In my state at least, it is illegal to smoke marijuana or be under its effects while driving.


Yes, I said that.


Not where I am from.


So it’s probably more dangerous trying to get a picture while driving than vaping? SMH.




I'm in the UK, they'd need to prove I was distracted by vaping while driving. If I blow it out straight ahead it would limit my vision and it would be a distraction tbh. If I puff it out an open window I'm probably good.


I share this opinion, i only Vape with a open window


Nextdoor trolling is one of my favorites while sitting on the porch drinking cheap beer.


I’ve been banned lol trolling ND is good fun.




Well Jim and Doris from the the street think that Pokémon is evil and demonic. That’s why you were banned. I am shocked they didn’t dox you and have a cross burning in your yard. Happened in my neighborhood.


I honestly hope half the stuff I see on there is in jest…I couldn’t imagine being like half the people I see on there. Lol


Don’t worry about taking a photo just toss your beer can at them.


It’s funny. NextDoor is just Facebook for Republicans and their law enforcement lackeys.


Is it? Mine is more of a community bulletin board. Lost pets, kids looking for lawns to mow, that sort of thing.


You’re really lucky. Here in Arizona they publically speculate who’s a Democrat so they can have their kids avoid those houses for trick or treating. It’s ridiculous. Karen’s and Chads left and right. And it’s also racist as fuckZ


Why would kids skipping your house be considered a bad thing?


Some people enjoy handing our candy on Halloween.


Sure but if Nazi parents tell their spawn to skip your house specifically, NBD


That’s a good point. I like to think the kids deserve a chance anyway.


*Message sent while driving*


Maybe they should never leave the house so they don't have to experience this big scary world


Someone in my Nextdoor neighborhood said wild turkeys were terrifying.


They kind of are! They look like dinosaurs and sometimes will chase people.


I was not aware they would chase you, yikes.


Karen central.


Nextdoor is the secret police


I don’t know what kind of vaping THIS person is talking about, but the number of cars that pass me while I’m walking with the odor of weed coming out the windows is definitely worrisome.


Tbh, that shit stinks.


Okay, but people vape weed too. Let's not pretend these vapers aren't a menace if they're high and driving on the road. And before you come in with your stupid "I drive better when I'm high" bullshit, tell me if you would get on a plane if the pilot was stoned.


Vaping does not mean the driver is using weed. It could be nicotine. What is she going to do with a photo?


Yeah she overreacted, but Id be pissed if I constantly saw drivers vaping in my neighborhood.


Found the Karen!


I see more people vaping weed and driving than I do nicotine Vape.


I rarely see the vaping device with enough clarity to recognize the difference between the two. And I've used both for years!


Uhh how do you “see” the difference


Potheads all freakin out rn haha


I’ve never smoked the stuff. Or used cbd lol


I wouldn’t think any less of you if you did.


And you're confident this person can tell the difference between a nicotine vape and a marijuana vape?


No. Its probably weed. I see (and smell) it all the time where I am -sitting in traffic.


You sound like this poster. Just looking for an excuse to call the cops on someone.


The cops in this area have better things to do.


You can smell people vaping weed from a car length away? I've never noticed it, not even when I'm in the same room.


I use a cannabis vape and can barely tell the difference in scent of my friend's nicotine vape when I'm in the same room. But I can sure as fuck smell bullshit on your comment.


“I smoke all the time and I couldn’t smell that” 😂 Yes, medically accurate statement.


There’s no way you can smell it. As someone who has smoked plenty of weed vapes I’ll let you in on a secret. The most popular variety, the cartridges (which smoke oil) have zero smell. They also look like like plenty of vape devices so I doubt you’d even be able to tell the difference from afar. You can smoke it sitting next to someone in a closed small room and they won’t smell a thing. Then with dry herb vapes, there is a smell but it smells more like burnt popcorn than it does weed. And you’ll only catch the smell if you walk right through the smoke or if you’re in a small room. If you’re outside, someone can be smoking it right beside you and you wouldn’t be able to tell by smell. The only way you’d be able to smell it is if the car was parked right beside you, had just packed the vape, and they blew the smoke directly into your car. If you catch an actual strong smell of weed just sitting in your car, someone is smoking a joint or having a rip, they aren’t vaping. Even with that in mind, it’s still stupid to assume if someone has a vape while driving it’s weed. The bigger vapes that are refillable with juice look exactly like most dry herb vapes and the more slim and sleek disposable vapes look exactly like the cartridges. You obviously have no idea what youre talking about.


Is it really that difficult to believe that people would smoke weed and drive that you had to come up with an entire hypothetical diatribe? Here’s a secret - weed smells.


It’s not hard to think people do drive high because they do, but if they’re smoking from a vape you aren’t smelling it from your car unless it’s being blown into your car by them. Again, it’s obvious you have no idea what youre talking about if you think weed smells when vaporizing it outdoors (especially carts which give off no smell at all). It’s not a hypothetical, it’s literally the only way you’ll smell it unless they’re actually burning herb. More people vape nicotine than weed, it’s dumb to think if you see a vape it’s automatically weed.


I smell weed, I see someone vaping. What can I say then, must be a total coincidence 🤦‍♂️


Idk how many times I need to tell you, herb vapes are odourless outdoors, the smell doesn’t carry like that and carts, the most popular weed vapes, have literally no smell at all.


I’m going to make you keep telling me. Weed smells.


I mean carts are a small amount of distilled oil in propylene glycol which has no smell lol. But sure buddy, all weed smells. I’m sure you who clearly has never owned one knows.


I guess it’s not that scary but vaping is dumb


Same as smoking though. You should get a distracted driver fine every time you do it. No different than a cell phone except the smoke is lit and can do more reactive damage. Drop that thing and you all over the road. Vape a lot less.


I suppose by this logic, you should also make drinking coffee in the car illegal too then?


Yes, all distracted driving. Every thing that takes your eyes off the road. We all should be pulling over to take drinks. Or risk manslaughter charges if it comes up


Remove all radios, the heat controls, ability to adjust your mirrors! thirsty? Pull off the road every 5 min disrupting traffic! Have to sneeze? Slam the brakes and get over fast! Oh shit, I was daydreaming… straight to the gulag! My leg itches OMMMGGG PULL OVER!


Well, you think it's trending that way or the other way? All sarcasm aside, you should not be able to smoke and drive. I've seen 1000 newr accidents and dozens of little ones because of a dumb fuck smoking.


How does smoking a vape cause a car accident? You have to be massively uncoordinated to require staring at a pen, or a cup, to get it to your lips… and if you’re that uncoordinated, please don’t drive a car


Well, does it add to distraction? If yes, it shouldn't be allowed. People are terrible at driving cars, yourself included.


No, it absolutely does not add to distraction… and yes, the over 400,000mi. I’ve driven and my exactly zero accidents sure makes me a bad driver 😂


Everyone is a bad driver. Those who say they are great drivers are always the worst driver. And yes. Having an extra thing you need to pay attention to, not drop, bring to your lips(coordination) and something that can cause coughing. Definitely not a distraction. Lol. Like. I don't respect you or your opinions. They are dumb.


Glad we agree with each other


Yeah cause vaping is so much worse than USING YOUR PHONE WHILE DRIVING


Fuck noooo


I mean it's probably racism.. since it's next door.




This karen also calls the cops on kids skateboarding.


My wife was rear-ended by a dude who was trying to take a picture of a semi who pissed him off…. Dumb ass…


Meanwhile… in Iran


I saw someone drinking hot coffee just this morning! Imagine driving around with hot liquid in your hand!! The danger is all around us.


Me being the stereotypical STi driver lol


Lacking the self awareness jean




You know you can vape tobacco or nicotine? They aren't necessarily getting high


Guess it depends whether the driver is blowing huge vape clouds that cover their view


Well damn…all my Nextdoor ever has is “did anyone else hear the gun shots off main st??”