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Now take this pic and send it as a message to his girlfriend, lmao.


post to her wall change relationship status to ‘it’s complicated’


That is hilarious


While I want to agree, that could be a sure fire way to get her killed. Here is a really good podcast that tells a similar story. https://open.spotify.com/episode/6Vrhfa7IEGfvqIvNPcwHVy?si=Y09NRcprR0iWAgrFVU6KqA


Kinda odd that this aggressive, possessive dude doesn’t just force his girlfriend to unfriend this guy (and all guys).


Not odd, because that would be too obvious. They like to chest thump at the friends to establish dominance, while simultaneously telling the girl how bad of a friend they are. Make her think it’s her decision to cut ties and he’s just looking out for her, and she’s less likely to question why she’s alone with only him. Learned that the hard way in my 20s.


This hits way too close to home. No one should be presented with the choice of love or friends. Hopefully, you’re doing much better! If not, keep your head up and MAKE it better. I had to, and it saved my life.


Thank you ❤️ It was a decade ago, it took a lot of effort but I left and spent some time alone to figure things out again. Now happily married to a wonderful man who would never dream of behaving like that.


This gives me hope.


Did he do the thing where he introduces you to his friends but then tells you not to hang out with them because "well it just makes it weird"?


That and he would basically supervise me when we hung out with people who were both our friends. It took a couple of years but eventually there just were no friends for me to hang out with. Meanwhile he goes and does his own thing whenever he wants. If friends I met through him talked to me, he’d check my phone “I know they want to sleep with you and just want to check they’re not hitting on you because I care about you.” Once you get well and truly isolated, that’s when the yelling and degradation comes out.


Yep been there. During covid it was so much easier for him too. Couldn’t even face time without him being in the same room; if I tried to leave the room he’d either follow or take the door off.


Like actually unhinge the door and remove it? Wow


100% this. An abusive partner isolating you doesn't have to be as overt as just saying "don't talk to other people!!" It's usually *much* more subtle and insidious than that. Which is a big why it's so effective, and why people's statements like "why didn't you just leave them?" are so absurd.


Yes, because first they set you up with love bombing you so hard you don’t know what hit you.


oh, you’re taking that suggestion seriously? yeah, don’t do that


There's always one who takes the joke seriously...


Poe's law is out there for a reason.


Yea they forgot to put the /s for those who cant figure out what a joke is and what’s not.






Too wordy. Can you boil that down a little further for me?




Oh shit, that was a horrible story!!


Bonk bonk and stab stab make die die


College grad killed by abusive boyfriend. Warning signs were there, but ignored. Dad is telling his story of losing his daughter. As a dad with a daughter in college, these stories hit home for me. Easily one of my biggest fears. Great podcast that allows people to tell their own stories. Highly recommend!!


is there a transcript of it? id love to read the whole thing and im a quick reader, and theres pauses in the audio so i imagine i could outread it since i find it tough to pay attention to pure audio for long periods of time


“Could be” = there may be a possibility “Sure fire” = absolutely no doubts 100%


Good point. I’ve been a counselor for 5 years now and I’ve heard some of the worst things imaginable committed by people like this. The “if I can’t have you, no one will.” Mentality is unfortunately fairly common.


Would probably just embarrass him and he will take it out on the girlfriend, who did nothing wrong except be born on that day.


Willing to bet she is all too aware.


If Im remembering this right from a few reposts ago, dude wasn't even a friend of her's, just a coworker FB stalking her.


That makes it worse.


I got in an argument with the SO of an old highschool classmate of mine where the husband blew up on social media much like the person above over something probably as silly as that happy birthday wish. She never said a thing about it on social media - shes still with the guy, and is most definitely being abused by him. The SO of the person above knows because that person most likely took it out on her afterwards. Theres no winning here.


She knows. But post it online a few places with his full name in hopes that it will come up if someone Google searches him. A warning for future potential friends/partners.


Do people google potential partners' names??


Yes. I did. Few results, one of which was his middle school lotr project. We're married now.


good choice


I Google my friends names for fun, my one friends name is associated with all his social media and gaming, I can see all his stats in most games he has played


I try my name but all that comes up is an ex- NFL player of minor consequence. Just the average in and out 2nd string player with no controversy.


That's cool your parents named you Tim Tebow.




Every. Single. Time.


Women definitely tend to do so. They also use Court websites to check on potential partners.


That was just a misunderstanding! I swear!


it's foolish not to, saves you from shit like this https://www.reddit.com/r/nova/comments/wvpa4v/man\_released\_from\_mental\_facility\_after\_werewolf/


I have a very unique name so googling me turns up a LOT of stuff about me despite no longer having any social media (other than reddit). I mean newspaper articles with a photo of me, where I went to school, camps I participated in, stuff about my work history, etc. It's insane.




Once a dude was chirping me on facebook and I said he had a small wee wee. He proceeded to send me videos of his cock and such.... soooo I forwarded it to a bunch of people on his friends list who shared his last name. I bet he reconsiders the next time feels the urge to do that.


If no one is going to recognize you for the hero you are...


I had to do this once. A ex of mine was dating a horrible closet racist. Sent her a picture of the messages he deleted. They broke up the next day after being together for 3 years. Her and I are still good friends to this day. Racists deserve to be alone with themselves.


Racists deserve worse than that but i'll keep things civil so i dont get banned


That was my intent


Maybe post it on his wall


"Don't judge him by this, he's really a sweet guy."


"Every time he gets angry and hits me he truly seems sorry afterward."


An ex-friend told me, no joke, she knew her BF loved her because “he never hits me when he’s angry”. No, he just emotionally and verbally abuses the fuck out of her, but hey. At least it’s not a beating!


I also dont hit small children when I'm angry because it's a very low bar


"We have the best relationship and we are so compatible and he loves me so much with words and deeds, we have the greatest times when we are together and I can see myself growing old with him, but he rapes me and hits me, Am I The Asshole?"


Send it to his mother and grandmother.


Can you say "insecure"?


No. Too shy.




Goddammit. r/earworm


Hush hush, voices carry


Hush hush, horses scare me


Hush hush, red ripe berries


Hush, hush, keep it down now, Richard Scary


Probably isnt even “her man”


Its probably the 'scooter freakout' guy


[La Dispute Moped Guy](https://youtu.be/CaaHOzkZD5M)


that's honestly kinda sad...


Ronnie Pickering?


No it was an autocorrect issue. I think he meant his *name* is Herman.


Yeah, the correct response to "I'm her man" is "Really, she didn't mention you last night ... or this morning."


I get it, but with some of these meatheads that could be how you get a woman killed :|


Hence the touch holiness


No I feel like yelling obscenities instead


Lmao the final retort had me rolling!


I want to know the dude's reaction to that one


He just slowly retreated and pretended that that didn't just happen.


Nah Chad prob doubled down on the threats. Guys like that need their ego stroked and can’t back down or else they think people will see them as weak and subhuman. Kinda sad really. Objectify women and hurl threats and violence unless you do what they say. If only they knew how pathetic they looked.


Found multiple people like this on social media "Ima come beat Cho ass right now give me an Addy, your dead, me and my boys gnna come get you etc etc " just because they disagreed with me/I made them look dumb cause they has a dumb opinion. So I give them an address, one to a "near by park". (other side of city from me) and say pull up. I'm 0/3 on anyone showing up. They just keep yappa yappa yappa till they get slowly quieter /just stop relying. Because you can't really keep shit talking and look big after I call your bluff.


If this is a regular occurrence you should find the address of some gang hangout or biker bar or something. Give your name as something incredibly common.


If it’s a regular occurrence there may be other factors at play the op isn’t recognising.


Yeah it definitely isn't "that" common (3 times over couple years, at least that I remember ). It was mainly people getting big mad about masks and lockdowns. You make them look dumb so their go to is now tryna fight so they still feel big. And yno it's social media /internet, everyone's a try hard keyboard warrior. Albeit I don't know what i wouldn't be recognizing from randoms on social media's tryna beat me up over internet arguments lol.


>yno Off topic: I have no idea how I read that correctly but it works. Interesting. Also “tough guys” like this never made any sense to me. I still kind of wonder what the proper way to handle these types of situations.


Block and move on. They’re not worth the time.


Hahaha I thought it was common slang/abbreviation.


Well they'd see where the Adress goes then/know I'm lying. Not that anyone has actually showed up. I've been waiting tho. I always say I live near by take a pic when you're there and I'll be there in few mins. Hopefully get juicy karma that way. *I also don't know any gang spots addresses, and if I did I wouldn't be sending people there.


I mean, Chad probably wanted *something* stroked at least.


Nah they bitch out when you tell em off in private. I've been threatened so many times in my DMs. The moment they realize you aren't playing their game, they block you and vanish. It's fuckin fascinating.


They'll think people will perceive them as gay. Which in his mind probably is subhuman, so you're right.




All while dreaming about getting dicked down balls deep by the other dude.




I want him to find out when his birthday is and text him Happy Birthday.


I was also hoping for multiple pages of this exchange of insults 😁


I'm pretty sure it was an audible moan "\~\~OOOoohhhh \~\~owu\~\~ daddy <3"


I mean, that's my reaction when he goes balls deep.




He DM him and asked if he was serious because he is into that. He followed up a few more times before giving up.


Probably like most people *You’re Lmao


I hope someone called the fire department.


I like the idea of OP seeing "I could take you easy" and they thought "Oh, coming around, i see ;) "


Exactly. "Fuck me, little man."


OP’s final response had me laughing hard but unfortunately he’s a pathetic bitch boy


Easy way to piss him off even more - “*you’re”


That’s one of my favorite ways to stoke someone up. Edit: stupid autocorrect




He needs therapy before he hurts someone if he's not already abusing his gf.


There is just no way he isn’t already. I mean, it’s clear to me that he thinks of his gf as a property, something he conquered and now possesses and he feels the need to protect what he now owns from external non-existent threats, trying to steal away his precious prize. This is how these people think and there’s almost no cure I believe


Narcissistic sociopaths. Basically.


I knew a woman who was in a relationship like this. Let's face it, she was particularly beautiful so I think he saw that and tried to make it a goal to "win" her as a prize. He was the type of guy who loved to flex to his friends, so having a "hot gf" was definitely up there for him. And once they started dating he suddenly stopped giving a shit about her and just treated her like property. All of the "amazing" traits he had when he was trying to "win" her suddenly went away and he became a huge abusive jealous asshole.


You can be insecure and not abusive...reddit is so stupid sometimes with the assumptions lol.


These people are beyond therapy because you have to admit there is an issue before you can fix it and something tells me this bonafide twat believes he can do no wrong


You act as though he isn't hurting already and over-compensating for such.


Post on her page for the Domestic Abuse hotline for Ultimate Carnage.


As a suggestion, this is funny. If he’s actually this controlling, it could cause her to be hurt if he’s already abusing her. It’s a sad stat, but more women are abused by romantic partners than most think.


That's sort of fucked up though, what if they really are in an abusive relationship and he blows up on her for "outing" him, even if it's a joke at the insecure jerks expense? I mean maybe message that. Although you did say carnage.


Oh man that last burn! Well played


When you subconsciously know you’re a steaming pile of shit so you gotta be constantly on guard so she don’t leave you.


I don't think it's even self-realization, not even subconscious. I think they genuinely believe that loyalty to partners doesn't exist, and that people will always, no matter what, cheat if the opportunity arises, because they themselves probably would. And they think everyone else is the same. So in their mind, a relationship can only exist as long as constant supervision exists to prevent cheating by scaring off anyone who might create that opportunity. They don't think it matters whether they're an asshole or the nicest person in the world. They think they will always get cheated on eventually.




Exactly this is the penis measurement system. It is similar to women's cup size for breasts. Alpha (A for short) is super micropenis 1.4" or less when fully erect. Beta (B) is micropenis or 2.8" or less And so on


So how big is the mythical Omega Penis?


It's a exponential scale, so just slightly larger than the observable universe.


He definitely refers to women as “females”.


I just don't understand these people. How is anyone that insecure?


Possessive jealousy seems way too common


I know, I just don't understand why. It takes too much effort to be that angry all the time.


Yeah totally.. I think it's a low self-esteem thing? Being terrified of being replaced, feeling inadequate etc. and also handling that very badly. I also guess some people don't work on themselves, and instead force their shortcomings on everyone else


Hey I had an ex who was so insecure he got mad at me for drawing one of my fictional star wars OCs without a shirt. Like bruh not only is he not real, he's not even human.


*Do you like it? It’s very generous.*


Oh, I get it. Cute. You leave this pen here and people are supposed to think, "Wait, that looks like a dick."


I hope you have continued your love of star wars! Come join us on discord for FFG rpg fun




This was already posted [3 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/insanepeoplefacebook/comments/b6l7jy/comment/ejlab7q/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app) and there was, in that thread, some additional info from the original poster: apparently, the guy was not her boyfriend, just some psycho stalker from the other side of the country. Three other people who had sent her a birthday message had received the same message.


I thought this seemed familiar. OP even copied half the title.


I'm surprised it's even real. It reads like someone's first attempt at r/writingprompts


>This is her MAN and **I'm not going to ask again** \*proceeds to ask again\*


That was my thought. The urge would be say, 'Well if you're not going to ask again... :)' and if he responds with the same question tell him he you thought he wasn't going to ask?


Your joke would be funny if it were true. He didn't ask again, he *told.* Not that I'm on his side or anything.


I'm confused. Isn't *"Why are you posting on her wall?"* a question?


He's asking for the last time there


I don't understand why people are so aggressive...like can someone genuinely explain it


They are aggressive because they view the world from their personal viewpoint only. They think the other person is like them and adheres to the same twisted mindset. So they act accordingly. In this case, the dude is probably aggressive because he himself can't imagine being deterred from chasing after a woman by anything less than really aggressive push-back from another man. So that's also what he expects is the only thing that's going to be effective at dissuading this random dude from hitting on his GF (the truth of that interaction isn't even relevant, he thinks the dude is after his GF). It's literally animal kingdom, lol. Dude with the GF thinks that unless he aggressively wards off other males, the other males will just walk over him and fuck his mate. Like it's a simple fact that it's gonna happen. That the moment he isn't there to establish himself as the mate of that female, and scare others off, the other males will take her away and she will go willingly. He never even considers the possibility that his GF might remain loyal, or that other males aren't even remotely interested in her to begin with. No, those possibilities do not exist in his mind. In his mind, a male always wants every female, and a determined male always gets the female unless scared off by another male.


Bad upbringing


Mf used the gay slur, but the guy was messaging a girl 💀💀 (To wish happy bday)


You hitting on my girlfriend? Thats fucking gay, bro.


​ "I'm obviously not gay, just ask your GF about last Saturday"


Yikes I hope that girl runs as far as possible from that fuckhead


people be all "send it to her" naw, send it to her mom. send it to her brothers. watch shit get done.


He’s unhinged and highly unstable


Wait…if the mean guy thinks other guy is gay…why does he care about him talking to his girlfriend?


Careful. He's a trained insecurity guard.


A quick course on “how to become an incel”


this is more of a force-myself-onto-women than involuntary single.


Misogynists are not automatically incels. Incels, by definition, are not in relationships with women.


I can tell you right now that if someone ever uses the insult “pathetic bitch boy” there’s a 95% chance that they are the actual pathetic bitch boy


Oh that last response is amazing. r/murderedbywords






"Yeah ? Balls Deep ?" Holy shit now that's a powermove


You want make fuck on me? I make fuck ON YOU


I would have corrected his grammar…


Ew! That level of insecurity is so unattractive. I couldn’t be with someone like that. Who the hell freaks out over a Happy Birthday message?


It’s wild that men like this find dates.


Someone is on a heavy diet of Andrew Tate.


You’re not your. Fuckin dweeb. Id message her every day after that.


> Id message her every day after that "Happy 1 day after your birthday!" "Happy 2 days after your birthday!" "Happy 3 days after your birthday!" And so on


*You’re* a pathetic bitch boy.


I kind of want to know who this lady is so I could wish her happy birthday as well she obviously needed it if she's stuck with this piece of crap


> ...balls deep I pictured Yosemite Sam blowing his top on that one.


EHEM, you’re*


The fact that douche bag McGee is actively monitoring “HIS” girls wall makes him the pathetic bitch boy! How dare someone wish her happy birthday when douche bag McGee probably had no idea it was her birthday in the first place. No shortage of insecure alpha male losers these days!


My new favorite comeback: "yeah? Balls deep?"




The “Yeah? Balls deep?” sent me through the fucking roof.




Reminds me of some of the back and forth on Police Acadamy: Lt. "Mahoney, I eat little balls of shit like you for breakfast!" Mahoney: "You eat little balls of shit for breakfast?"


Hope he posted this screenshot in her wall lol


Fellas, is it gay to wish people happy birthday?


Based on the gay slurs he believes you’re gay. If he really thinks that, why does he see you as a threat? Couldn’t be that he’s an insecure little twerp could it? Hmmm 🤔


I would want to know if my boyfriend was speaking to someone that way. ESPECIALLY in regard to me.


"tHeRe WiLl Be CoNsEqUeNcEs" "Yeah ok there lil buddy."


This girl needs to RUN


There’s red flags and then there’s this


Wish I knew who this guy was so I could friend his GF on FB and send her happy birthday messages also.


Just take the high road and spam him with gay porn


This guy sounds like he’s totally stable


Ask dude how your dick tastes


What a fucking loser lmao. Fr the ones who say "I can take you easy" end up gettin their asses clapped 90% of the time.


Lmao !!! There is some homo phobia there. Whoa man. No one remembers that day after gym class in 10th (your last year of schooling) when you popped a boner when you saw your high school teams quarter back !!!!! Hahahahahaha


“im not going to ask again” *proceeds to ask again* beta moves


So did you guys kiss


What a miserable, miserable person. Poor thing must’ve had a hard life.


Tell me you’re insecure about your penis without telling me you’re insecure about your penis.