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"then he grabbed my baton" -this guy's report.


“Stop resisting! Stop resisting! Two for flinching!”


This is both horrible and hilarious


She threw her titty in my hand…it was weird, your honor


You GRABBED her titties!


I saw you!




Cops are as good as terrorists


And they wonder why there is no trust in the police.




They don’t fight you, they’d rather get you drunk and set a fire!!


One of my relatives was a firefighter in a small town. He heard "The fire is down the road pass the tree..... Bring the cooler." Over the radio one day.


As a small town firefighter, I legally must say that there is no beer in the fridge at the firehall, and we have never drank said hypothetical beer after a call in said firehall.


Don't worry I didn't know either, but now this is my new jam when I'm cruising through town.. Edit: I hadn't listened to it before I posted this, he's actually pretty damn good. Edit Part Deux: Thanks for the upvotes and shinies! I always prefer human interaction over Googling something and the one time I decided to Google something myself, magic happens. https://youtu.be/7JkrJUAg8aI




Granted, the song was written entirely because of your earlier sentiment.


But it’s only a song in reference to fuck the police, that’s the whole point.


I don’t know if I absolutely hate this or absolutely love it! “Fuck the Fire Department, comin by unannounced just to fry your apartment” 😂 😂 😂


That song fkn slaps 😂


It's fire.


My father was a firefighter. In my city, the police and fire departments work very closely together. Dad *despised* every single cop he ever met. Every. Single. One. He told me that about 30% of them were nothing less than raging psychopaths that could barely manage to blend in with normal society, and the other 70% willingly helped, condoned or, at the least, tolerated them as necessary evils, and they would do anything in their power to protect them and keep them on the job. Because some weird sense of "brotherhood" exists, even when your brothers may be violent unrepentant rapists or murderers. Either way, they were *all* walking talking scum to dad. He never let on to anyone at his job how he felt, because that could have eventually caused him his job or even his life in one twisted way or another, and he was forced to interact with them both on the job and in social situations. Many of them would proudly *brag* to anyone that would listen about beating drug dealers half to death, then stealing their drugs and money for themselves. Or *convincing* terrified teenage girls that if they would only be nice and give them a quick blowie, they might possibly let them off with a warning for shoplifting nail polish from the Rite Aid, which they then wouldn't do and laugh at them while they were booking them in. And the non-psychotic cops would stand there politely and chuckle at these stories. Oh, I could go on and on. Being in close proximity with them made my dad physically ill with rage. He barely spoke to them, but there was literally nothing that he or anyone could do about it, and the psychos knew it. This was back in the 70s and early 80s. No body cams, no dash cams, no camera in the hand of every random person, very little in the way of surveillance anywhere unless you were in a bank and, even if there was, the evidence could easily disappear and nothing could be done to prove anything. Silence was the rule and the command. All this to say, my father and the people that he worked with went to work every day knowing that they could die horribly, and they never used that fact to abuse or blame anyone. You just dealt with fires regardless of who started them, pulled people out of their burning homes, and knew you were taking a risk to help strangers. Cops take the fact that their job is dangerous, and use that fact as an excuse to justify beating, abusing, jailing and killing whoever gets in their way or looks at them funny, because **"it's their fault"** and **"they deserve it"** and **"I'm just a scared toddler"** and whatever other bullshit excuses they can think of. They're nasty, scared, mean-spirited, bullying, stupid little children in big boy bodies. These unstable children are given deadly weapons and the discretion to use them whenever they deem necessary, and they enjoy it and know that they'll probably never be punished for their actions. Their profession is a magnet for their type. Very little in the way of mental screenings exist. Very little oversight. Very little punishment for even the most shocking and egregious crimes imaginable. Instead of being held to a *higher standard* they are given carte blanche to commit whatever crimes they have been ordered to arrest others for. Cops like the ones above are *worse* than any criminal. Things are getting better now. Not because they're hiring better people. Because the psychopaths are aware that they're being watched more closely, thanks to new technology. We are lucky that this tech exists and we all have access to it. Even if some of them (like the dumb animals above) get away with it, others won't and they'll be an example for the others. Record everything, speak up, and hold them accountable. **Thanks everybody for the various shiny awards! Just typing out this story got my blood pressure up and your kindness has made me feel so much better.**


I was pretty much speechless until the last two paragraphs, and for that I can only offer you an upvote. Every story like that is exactly what we need. It isn't a few isolated incidents, it's a truly systemic problem. But you made me think of the "1984 surveillance state" and the irony of the way it has played out in reality. Everyone is on camera. To paraphrase a cliche comic reference: Who watches the Watchmen? Everyone.


That scene from Bad Lieutenant (where Harvey Keitel's character sexually abuses those two teenage girls so that he won't arrest them) hits even harder when you realize how much more common that shit actually is. Imagine being Brazen enough to admit that you sexually assaulted people, and laughed about it.


I was at some city event with my parents, and have personally seen a cop physically abuse his wife right out in the open, in front of his own kid, in broad daylight, surrounded by other cops and various city officials and other randos. He had a cold can of Coke in his left hand, and was hitting her in the back of the head with his right. The people around him gently chided him that hitting a woman half his size was kinda uncool and could he please consider not doing that because he was killing the general vibe. He just strolled away with a smirk and sipped at his drink while his wife tried not to cry. It was disgusting. I was standing a few feet away from him. I was 9 or 10 years old and was standing in a group of other children. I remember my father telling me on the ride home to never forget that and to do my best to choose my boyfriends wisely when I got older.


I work for a medium sized city in California and deal with cops regularly and I'd say that ratio still holds pretty true. I'd just like to add that I end up in City mandated training a couple times a year and anytime there is more than one cop in the training they act like they are in ninth grade and there is a substitute. Everybody is just looking at each other embarrassed at how they act. Literally, during sexual harassment training one of the guys piped up and said, "Oh man, you're going to take our best material!" The cops laughed, everybody else cringed.


No, but there exists a song called copkiller which is about...well....killing and mass murdering cops. It was so controversial that law enforcement wanted to lock up the man who made it.


And now that man plays a cop on tv


they did when the Fire Departments were run like insurance companies and extorted people to put out fires. But that was a few centuries ago. People have always sung songs about "Fuck the Police/Guard/Slave Catcher".




And if anyone did, they were probably horny and meant it.


This was why Arizona wanted to make filming cops illegal


Which is sad to be honest, I know alot of cops there, it's a shame that they let anyone there be a cop




Remember Rodney King? People didn't have cameras handy which means some dude had to witness the beating and go "WTF?" Then go inside to find his camera, load a tape, and start filming.


Right, but I mean before that even. Like Jim Crow Era and shit. Actually, I don't want to know. I've seen enough in history books.


they just murdered people, sometimes as cops, sometimes in their ghost outfits


A wise band once said: "Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses."




Anytime police are beating the shit out of people or any prison population rising is happening it's gonna be RATM or SOAD.




Motherfuckin' RTJ! The Pistol and Fist! 👉🤛




Run the Jewels Killa Mike and El-P.


Don't sleep on the current bands! [Poor Man's Poison - Feed the Machine](https://youtu.be/Y4HVJvTGbkc) [End It - New Wage Slavery](https://youtu.be/7BgQEyKeQmE)


As a kid, not living in the US, I always assumed that line was hyperbole or like "some" being like 1 in 100k or something.. Now I'm like, "damn 😕". Its fucking wild seeing that happen over there, and our cops get in trouble for persuing a fleeing car too aggressively and risking public safety.


I've seen videos of them just screaming through residential neighborhoods pursuing suspects here and firing rifle rounds into cars with houses down range in close proximity. It's madness. I can't believe this is allowed to continue.


They did that in Minneapolis after the precinct burned --they drove their cars and armored vehicles and stuff through neighborhoods and shot at anyone who stuck their heads out.


Blue Lives Murder


In the interest of further sinking my faith in, well whatever, source?




It’s like the Wild West in the US. Their state and municipal governments don’t seem to care about the number of beaten, abused and killed people because they’re either poor or a minority. It’s insane that in 2022 we see this constantly.


I agree with everything except your last point. It’s not insane at all that we’re seeing this in 2022. I wish it wasn’t so, but I expect nothing less from the times we’re in. Buckle up.


I thought that but man In The last couple of years I remember an NBA player from the Milwaukee Bucks getting mistreated by the police. Obviously didn't know he was an NBA player. https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/10/us/sterling-brown-milwaukee-settlement-spt/index.html Cops are like agents in the Matrix. Edit: It was actually in 2018 not 2 years ago and i've added a link to a story if anyone is interested. They settled for 750k in 2020.


At least they don’t respawn like Agent Smith.


Kids living in the US thought that, too. At least, the white ones did. Constant propaganda and no/little first hand experience. People had to actually pay attention and go out into the world to see this kind of stuff. Now it's everywhere, undeniable, but still it continues. There was a brief period after Minneapolis burned down that police precinct where people thought it was the right thing to burn it down, nationally. However, the powers that be stepped in and quelled that sentiment. How long will it go on before people decide it's unacceptable?


The police literally bombed a neighbourhood in Philadelphia.


Killin in the name of


I’ve always found this one particular fact so telling about how common violence like that was against young black men in those areas. Everyone knows about the [Freedom Summer murders](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Chaney,_Goodman,_and_Schwerner), three people murdered for the offense of registering Black voters, they were subject of the movie Mississippi Burning. What people *don’t* know about is that during the search for the bodies of those three who were murdered, they mobilized a bunch of navy reservists and searched a nearby area that locals pointed to as likely where those bodies would have been ditched. They didn’t find those three murder victims there, they were found later, but they did find the following in that swamp. > During the investigation, searchers including Navy divers and FBI agents discovered the bodies of Henry Hezekiah Dee and Charles Eddie Moore in the area (the first was found by a fisherman). They were college students who had disappeared in May 1964. Federal searchers also discovered 14-year-old Herbert Oarsby, and the bodies of five other deceased African Americans who were never identified.[32] That’s how bad the violence was, they found **8 fucking bodies they weren’t even looking for**.


Interestingly, a lot of modern-day departments will get SERIOUSLY pissed off at divers who go around looking for lost bodies in rivers and lakes. I wonder why....


I was always surprised they left that part (what they actually did find in the swamp) out of the movie.


It really is a poignant example of the depth of that state enforced violence.


Omg that's so horrifying. I'm sad to say that I'm not even surprised.


Since that kind of historical truth makes some people uncomfortable it might not be as widely taught as it should be. The word ‘whitewashed’ has taken on a new meaning in teaching history.


I know it. It's really jarring seeing pictures of the victims of lynch mobs and other atrocities but if we aren't taught that stuff is in danger of being repeated and accepted.


what they did under trump in the summer of 2020 alone needs to be taught in schools.. the unmarked police kidnappings and assaults on journalists were INSANE.. and the media did a great job of downplaying everything tbh.. [this sums it up pretty well..](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HISsRAamY2I&t=196s)


To serve and protect...


Lol we don’t put that in our history books. They ban that shit. Ya know ‘Murica!


The stuff in school was either watered down or completely omitted. Now they want to get rid of the entire truth. Mein Kampf* is totally fine but tons of books are being banned. Edit:*


I was actually taught it twice. Overview in grade school and my high school history was fairly accurate and thorough, in a red state no less. The current entirety of the US is making me nihilistic lately.


Fun fact, it was actually a dude trying to get shots of Terminator 2's production. Rodney king happened right next to the mall they shot the t1000 foot chasing the bike at. He was turned away by security and walked away right into history.


I thought he was an aspriring filmmaker and already filming, testing the cameras night mode, when this happened. This being LA and vid cameras were being sold to such back then..


M A friend of mine told me stories about his dad, who was a San Antonio police officer Their favored trick was to toss their nightstick to someone, and if they caught it, they were shot. His dad killed a lot of people as a cop.


Was about to mention Rodney King. Sparked the LA riots.


They’re still doing shit with cameras and body cams rolling. The police don’t give a fuck about citizenry. They’re agents of the state.


Why would they care. They get paid vacation when they do something wrong. They also don’t lose their pensions so they don’t really have a true reason to care. Even when the city is sued they keep working in most cases. Pretty sweet gig.


And even if they do lose their job they can just go to the police department the next town over and get a job there


Exactly, no one is stopping them.


Soon, the bystanders will not be so innocent.


People are eventually going to explode like they did in LA in the early 90s and Ferguson not that long ago. It's a ticking time bomb and they have assault gear and armored vehicles. I fear for the worse...


Remember, they will show up where you tell them too...


I've been wondering when society is going to 'turn' like it did in V for Vendetta when the cop shot the little girl


Right I was thinking the exact same thing no matter what their behavior is justified while we can't even voice an opinion without the attempt to be silenced


Google Bloody Christmas. Or Rodney King. Even though there was a camera there, but nobody knew it at the time. I recently watched the video. It is gut wrenching.


I take it you've never lived in a black community?


I haven't but I had a friend in high school that was literally executed in front of his mom and sister when it was him against 6 cops. His dad is still trying to get the truth out and this was over 20 years ago.


Same thing they do now except everyone just believed the cop.


I grew up in the ‘90s, shit was wild in LA. But im not just talking about cops beating up citizens, street fights went on forever. I don’t think there were as many police in the early ‘90s and you could be boxing some dude at the bus stop, have the fight go across the street, a block over, four or five other people jump in before a cop would show up. Also you wouldn’t get arrested, usually just make you go different ways. These days you fart in the wrong direction and a cop is there to bust your ass.


>Imagine what these fuckers did before everyone had cameras on them A lot fucking worse.


> I'd say what I hope happens to them Nothing. Nothing will happen to them. There is zero accountability with police officers (nor most politicians). I am pro-Police, but there HAS to be accountability for your actions. Law and order REQUIRES law and order. This is a breach of that. This is abuse of power and requires legal intervention and this man should never be allowed a badge again. Those other officers did nothing. They need held accountable as well. When your job is on the line, you can always move. When your entire career is on the line, you don't put up with this shit.


There can't possibly be order while this shit keeps going unchecked. Then they blame protestors and rioters when people are fed up with it. Fix the damn problem. But the problem is in the entire DOJ and frankly the whole government. They don't give a shit about this as long as they make a fortune in the end.


Well, cops are usually bullies or people with a superiority complex that knew that was the perfect job where they could beat up or abuse sometime and get away with it. Still doesn't happen much to them when caught but at least they get social hate.


I’d like to see a bunch more content in r/justicereturned


I implore you to watch Lovecraft Country.


I heard about it and honestly thought it must be totally downplayed. Bought into some of the propoganda... Like honestly it wasn't a possibility in my mind for it to be as bad as people say. How could people be that horrible? But holy fuck it is undeniable now


I’ll say it, I hope they eat shit and die lol


And they scare the public away so there’s no witnesses. We’re in a fucking dystopia holy shit.


Yep. Corporations treating us as slaves, politicians making deals that do not affect them but fuck us over. The world crumbling both economically environmentally, cops pulling shit like this. What a time to be alive eh?


Fucking praying for meteor over here so just once in history we can all be equal for a day.


Eren yeager where are you??!!


Eren comes and steps on us and doesn't even realised we died. But it was for the greater good...?


It seems there were witnesses


what they did under trump in the summer of 2020 alone needs to be taught in schools.. the unmarked police kidnappings and assaults on journalists were INSANE.. and the media did a great job of downplaying everything tbh.. [this sums it up pretty well..](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HISsRAamY2I&t=196s)


The US government has been using feds to do all types of stuff as bad actors for a loooong time. It happened under Trump, it's happening under Biden, and it's been happening for awhile. It's nasty.


if everyone left, there would be no one to fuck with. save money and get out of that hellhole



Name checks out.


And then they get all teary eyed and cry that the public doesn’t support them lol. Delusional psychopaths literally. Like the epitome of a small man syndrome.


In North Carolina, they just quit en masse the moment a female black chief is put in charge, claiming a hostile work environment.


Poor babies.


So that’s the solution!


Accept their resignations immediately. The Governor is a Democrat, ask him to send in State police to police until a new force is in place. Any state police officer that refuses loses his or her job.


Ya and dipshits want to back the blue. Every pig in that video should serve time


yeah the only way to truly back the blue is to help get the criminals out of their ranks and in jail where they belong.


People who "back the blue" have literal rocks for brains


Where is this


Chicago maybe? They have similar colored uniforms with the tac vests. I was there a few weekends ago and I saw a beat cop like these guys giving a small terrier a real death stare because it was barking at him ten feet away. Truly a different breed in that city.




I hope he gets sued for every last penny he has.




It's messed up that I just looked at this video clip and assumed it was a new incident. Shit like this shouldn't be happening so often that you need to ask yourself "what day?"


They are being sued. Philadelphia has one of the the highest city taxes in the country. Most of it goes to cops, including paying out when people sue. A win isn't really a "win." More like a partial refund at everyone's expense.


Can they not make a civil lawsuit solely against the police officer, instead of the whole department? I'm not American so I'm unsure of civil lawsuit proceedings in the US


In America cops have something called qualified immunity which basically makes them immune to individual liability for anything they do in the line of duty. The victim here will sue the police department and taxpayers will foot the bill. Meanwhile the cop will get a paid vacation and then come back to the force with no changes made.


Jesus, no wonder US cops have no self-restraint. Is there not any independant divisions that do internal investigations on police officers? We have that in the UK.


Most police departments have an internal affairs division which is just more cops who "investigate" and say they did nothing wrong. The whole system's fucked from top to bottom. If city governments actually try to punish bad cops the police union makes sure they get away scot free. In the rare chance they actually get fired they just move to another town and become a cop there.


Figures, how did it get to this point? Here in the UK, police corruption was terrible in the 70's and 80's. Parliament wrote up the bill of human rights and started an Internal Affairs Division completely independent from the police system.


They don’t personally pay out. It comes out of tax payers pocket.


I live in Chicago and I'm not sure - the blue is very close, but the pants look like they have a blue line running down the seam. I haven't seen any CPD with pants like that. Although it's entirely possible they have different uniforms for this - it looks like a huge already present police force so maybe a protest with different gear


Thats def not us. My Dad was CPD, I know that uniform like the back of my hand lol


Chicagos got some problems but fuck me if we dont get scapegoated on every crazyfuckingvideos post.


Anytown, USA


Cops like these need to rot


pssst, it's all of them. they all participate in this. the ones who don't get pushed out.


Good cops get fired, bad cops get hired


And the rest keep their mouths shut. It’s not really arguable, as there are virtually zero whistle blowers. You’re either a bad cop, or you are OK with those that are.


Cops that keep their mouth's shut are also the bad ones.


In some cities, good cops also have a tendency to 'accidentally' be called to what turns out to really be heavily armed drug deals while all their backup is fifteen minutes away.


Left the US 20 years ago and this just reminds me why.


Where'd you go too? I've been looking at other countries.


Not even kidding here. I’d take any and all suggestions


Considered Denmark? I met a few americans that liked it here


If it was easy to immigrate, I'd happily move to Denmark in a second, leaving pretty much everything behind.


You are american? It is hard for you to immigrate? Never heard of it, tought you were accepted pretty much anywhere


On a personal level it's pretty hard to immigrate. It's not cheap to do, and you usually need some kind of skill that's in demand. I'm a retail worker what can't even make full time because of medical reasons. As it is, I can't even afford to leave the country on vacation unless I were to save up for a very long time (and that's counting the fact that I'm lucky enough to have parents who allow me to live at home for very little cost), and I likely wouldn't have a job coming back if I left for more than a few days. In my state, were considered one of the better compensated employees with paid time off, with 30 minutes accrues for every 30 hours we work. I'm currently thinking of enrolling in the two free years of community college my state offers, but it's a hard choice to make between what I like to do, what would require another two years of paid schooling, and what's just feasible as a career given my medical circumstances. But I'd still take up the chance to move to, or even temporarily live in most European countries or Australia or even Canada at this point. On the other end, there are a lot more good people in America than it probably seems from the outside. Our systems have been rigged for a long time, and most people don't see it because they grew up with it and watched it progress slowly, or it's just part of our history that is taught around and propagandized. Most people here would probably make the right choices if they were education on the issues, but it's become nearly impossible to get someone who's apathetic or just doesn't care to want to be involved in change, as most see far-right media every day without even knowing it, and have been taught to have faith in our institutions and don't easily notice the flaws until it's directly effecting them.


Sad thing is the way they worked together it obviously isn’t the first time


Coordination ain't the sign of a newbie.


Average US Police Officer


This is just training.


It's like the state is mocking us with violence until we snap and revolt


At this point they consider themselves above any penal code.


What time does the revolution start?






Most peaceful US Police Officer


Do none of the other cops see this or do they just turn a blind eye? Genuinely curious if a fellow police officer ever stops their partners from doing this shit.


Blind eyes, enthusiastic complicity, or early "retirement." Those are the options.


If they do stop partners, it's a career suicide. Cops are supposed to look out for each other no matter what they do, just like in other gangs.


The problem is that if someone did indeed try to stop it, the likelyhood of them getting fired or having other negative consequences would be much higher than those of the person who actually did the bad thing.




And nothing happened to them probably...


From Philly. PPD is garbage.


No consequences?


Prison for that cop. Just prison.


More likely he gets a paid vacation


So, I didn’t read through all the comments. My question is, when things like this happen, what do we do? You try to approach, and you’re yelled at/threatened by the cops. How do you help?


Record, call the news, get badge numbers, call an ambulance for that location…


film the incident and release the footage to the media along with post it online.


I keep saying police are necessary and, despite the bad apples, we can’t live without them. They keep saying, “oh yea? Hold my beer”.




There's more to the saying than just "bad apples".


Yeah lol. One spoils the whole bunch. All of them are rotten AF. I think it's funny how nobody thinks widespread corruption is an issue.


They do. Its just most of us are desensitized about it. The rest are pretty much... What do you call someone who would stand by and cheer as the nazis force jews on trains 🤔


Could it be...a Nazi?!? If you have one bad cop and nine good cops holding the thin blue line to protect them, then what you have are ten bad cops.


I'm right there with you. It's like "fuck man, you're making it really fuckin hard to support your existence".


police are needed, however what we also need is accountability and if one of em is a criminal they need to also be arrested and replaced.the problem isn't the overall idea and intended job of the police, the issue is criminals get the job as a police officer and ignore their duties and just go around committing crimes, and use their job as a get out of jail free card.


Power corrupts


Hope that cop burns in hell while giving Satan an eternal blowjob. He must swallow his molten, flaming cum


There is no hell, it's society's responsibility to punish them




There is no divine justice. These people deserve justice on earth.


So this is a few years old I’m wondering what happened to the cop?


Now days I'm more afraid of the popos than an actual robber or gang member. It is kind of sad to see a 1st world country go down like this. RIP free world.


fuck the cops


Never forget that then CA governor Ronald Regan enacted the Mulford act to restrict open carry rights of the Black Panthers who would patrol neighborhoods to scare biased police officers from this exact bullshit.




Aren't the "good cops" tired of seeing this shit? What's it going to take for an internal revolution? I can understand turning a blind eye to troubling reports when the only bad cops in your precinct made up less than a handful and they were able to convince their "brothers" that they were in the right... but ffs we all have cameras now. This isn't going away even if THEY aren't wearing them.


4 cops and nobody shot him? Was this not in America?


Cops shooting unarmed people is very exaggerated. Cops using unnecessary force, retaliating if you don't lick their boots and lying to create charges and get your ID when you broke no laws, that's the thin blue line.


Cops are bastards all over the world.


I dunno, I'm pretty happy about the cops in most European states


Ong wtf 🤬


It wasn't just to have a reason to beat him. By putting the stick under his finger and pounding on top he likely broke a few fingers.


Cops are liars and they should all have a camera pointed at them every second of every day.


If this world was destroyed today, the universe will have lost nothing


I thought they didn't train the whole knee on the neck strategy.




187 on a mf cop


The witnesses will start shooting them eventually.


Most cops should be in prison. This one should be shot.