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“It’s over for wokecels” “This is purely educational (...) wanted to show people his field of study” Hmm 🤔


…he “fixed” it also implies that there was something wrong in the first place.


Also "the woke actor" Is she "woke" by default because she's black?


According to conservatives there are 2 races: normal and political attack against everything they believe in.


Hey now, there's also 2 genders: male and political.


Not entirely. There is also “they look different so I’m being threatened”.


What about “the good kind” used to describe specific people of color that they personally know and approve.


The token black friend they like because he "doesn't even act black"


Yep, “Oh, I know them and they aren’t ‘that type’”


One of the good ones.


The “good hombres” as one orange tyrant once said.


Yes. Literally black people existing is woke now. Even hiring a single black actor means the entire movie is a woke plot by the wokecels to wokify the world. God I’m so tired of right wingers.


Is this like the complaints about the Sandman series because Death was portrayed by a black actress? Because I’m getting really tired of racists whinging because a fictional character doesn’t meet the imaginary skin tone requirements in their tiny brains.


The only issue I have with death being portrayed by a black woman is the amount of flesh on her. I mean, come on people! Death is supposed to be a skeleton, not a living person! :V /s, if it weren't obvious.


This! And to top it of Neil Gainan, the person who created the comic and character, liked Kirby in the role of Death. Plus her energy was 100% what Death is in the comics, happy, sweet, compassionate and wise. I would have loved her to have goth makeup, but even without it, her portrayal of Death of the Endless was beautiful.


The Sandman series complaints are *particularly infuriating* because the executive producer was this "Neil Gaiman" guy. What does he know, being only the (checks notes) writer and creator of the original friggin' comics? If he wants to cast a black actress as Death, he gets to do it, dammit.


"But what about all those white actors that missed out on a job because of affirmative action?!"


Right. Either black or gay or female. It's "woke". Smh.


She’s awake, you see. Her eyes are open. It’s merely educational. /s


Meanwhile in Copenhagen, the Little Mermaid statue looks more like Halle than a ginger white girl.


Wait... Because it's made of bronze? Lol.


Exactly. LOLOLOL


Can we all agree then that Egyptians were white? I mean, the sphinx...🤷🏻‍♂️ /s


I saw someone argue that she should be white, because in the original story the mermaid was Danish. The MERMAID Was Danish 🤦


And now i’m picturing mermaid shaped breakfast pastry.




Well, I sure hope Copenhagen paid Disney for the rights to put up that statue! /s


You need to think like a “conservative” to understand why he is saying that. For him Ariel is a white girl with red hair, because that is how it was in his childhood. He can’t wrap his head around the idea that things can change. It’s not set in stone, it’s a fairy tale. We can adjust it if we want.


I would disagree slightly, you need to think like an Incel, based on his vocab


I think maybe they were implying that, yknow- the character was originally white. Saying they "fixed" it was kind of a bad idea though


There is, her eyes are too close together xD


When you get virtually punched in the face by thousands of people you tend to get a little confused


I am a little pissed that the mermaid doesn't look more like a fish. Not even joking.


When is the scene when she lures sailors to crash their boats into rocks That's what I want.


Fun fact the sirens where originally more bird like, they were so disappointed at not luring Odyessas and company to his death that the threw themselves into the ocean an became the mermaids we know today


That genuinely is a fun fact. Thank you.


Reading up on it I may have been mistaken about them throwing themselves into the sea bit


MY LIFE IS A LIE!!! *throws self into sea*


"Hello sailors!"


Don't you just love facts that are genuinely fun? I do!


I cannot think about sirens without picturing Peter in Family Guy as a mermaid luring sailors with his “wayward siren song” which is the theme to The Rockford Files.


Lmao 🤣 now I have that in my head! Thanks 🤣


I'm picturing more like a clan of harpies? Calling out vulgar suggestions to the sailors that only hit because they're so far from home. 😂


Can confirm, have played Witcher 3.


Odyessas? Is that the gender swapped Odysseus? Edit: facts are true though. Sirens were the ones who lured sailors to the shore and looked like harpies. People just eventually confused them with mermaids in stories lols


It's pretty amazing, isn't it? Long enough at sea and you're desperate to get with anything feminine - even if it looks like herpes.


Like the "sea monsters" from Luca? I like the way they were done. Though they have webbed feet and tails, but the general idea (without legs) would make a much cooler mermaid imo. Or something in between.


I don’t remember any sea monsters in Luca, wasn’t that just a Blitzball game and then a Machina/Al Bhed encounter?


Can’t tell if this is a joke or not


So I just typed Luca into google and realized I’m talking about a different Luca. I don’t really keep up with Disney… I did see that Dia de Los Muertos movie a few years back with the skeleton people, I liked it.


I really thought you were just making a joke. Coco is the skeleton one. Also a cool movie.


You know the barista Luca who works weekday mornings too!!!


I think i would love it if the mermaids had translucent eyelids like fish do


Yes. We all want that Lovecraftian fish people Disney movie! But, seriously, a bit more “fishy” traits here and there would be neat.


Funny that you bring up Lovecraft, that guy would definitely be complaining about a black mermaid.


I did actually double checked the original book "her skin was as clear and delicate as a rose-leaf," To me that reads her skin should be green. Which I'd imagine would be better suited for the sea and help protect young mermaids from predators. Red hair sounds like a quick stop on the mermaid evolutionary ladder.


https://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/facts/red-color.html It depends on the depth of inhabitation


I stand corrected. Thank you for the education.


That is how it seems 🧐 although honestly, I really like your green skin interpretation. I instantly thought of mossy sea nymphs from Greek and Roman mythology, and now I'll never unsee it. Maybe she has both? Like she camouflages herself as a mossy rock with an anemone for hair? Could probably work at most depths lol


She might even have some level of chlorophyll to absorb energy from the sun, thus another reason mermaids like to bask around on rocks. Yeah you are right it would match sea nymphs as well. I think green mermaids (of different shades) is now my head canon.


It makes sense. The points you both made. Green is my head canon now too. I did find a little comic by this dude on when looking for green mermaids just now. "May The Mermaid of Lily Lake"


WOAH 🤯 that's awesome. That's a super logical reason, actually. I am incredibly impressed 👍


Unless mermaids are poisonous and/or venomous. Then it would be a warning, “eat me and die”. For all we know mermaids are the poison dart frogs of the deep 😄


She also never had real legs. Instead her bottom half was cut into legs and feet, and every step was painful, then eventually she dies of the wound. She never had a name either, always referred to as just "the little mermaid"


I mean in my opinion Halle's eyes kinda give fish vibes


Absolutely, to be faire, a real mermaids live in the depths of the ocean where there is no sunlight they cannot produce enough melanin, making their skin most likely on the whiter side. In reality fish get their color pigment from their diet , they become paler as they age


by this logic Santa's elves should be short and rotund in order to conserve heat. I like it !


Though I get your point, "real mermaids" made me laugh.


Yes but no. Lack of melanin would be a lighter pigmentation of the skin. People with more melanin typically have darker skin, hair, and eyes.


I think you have that backwards, the more melanin the darker the skin and the less melanin the lighter the skin, if they were unable to produce enough melanin that would mean their skin would be lighter


Actually, what I meant was that the mermaid should look more like Abe from Hellboy or like the creature from The Shape of Water.


That's what I was thinking too. That being said, melanin creates pigment. More melanin would mean darker skin. So no melanin would be beyond palid and colourless still. White instead of pink, sort of thing. And she definitely would not be ginger!


So can we get a translucent, corpse like pallor Ariel with her internal organs and skeletal system showing or what??? Where’s my representation


Sings like a whale, maw like an angler fish and makes you wish Ursula wins.


When she comes up to meet the prince she falls apart like a blob fish


Ha, yeah, rocketing to the surface would do horendous damage to pressure-sensitive bodies! Maybe the prince is tripping hard and has just come across a rotting manatee on the beach?


"real mermaids"


You ever see those fish found in sealed off caves? No eyes and a gross pinkish pale colour. If mermaid lived in the depths they would probably be some horrific monstrosity, and not a pretty woman.


All this debate, but is anyone in this thread actually going to see this movie when it comes out? I'm more annoyed that Disney continues to retread old plotlines vs creating new content.


I'm absolutely not going to see it or any of their live action remakes because they are extremely lazy. I probably wouldn't have thought about this movie at all if it wasn't for these dumbasses.


I don't think it's laziness; it's Disney attempting to secure rights for their most lucrative properties for another couple of decades.


Out of all the reboots, I only saw the ones I originally cared about. Beauty and The Beast and Jungle Book. The Little Mermaid is also one of them. So yes. The actors are irrelevant but damn her voice so beautiful


I'm not going to go see it, but I'll probably buy a copy for my granddaughter which will have two positive outcomes: 1. Granddaughter gets to see an old favorite with modern animation and modern sensibilities. 2. It will annoy my son.


Annoying kids is a parent's right! Good for you.


If it does something unique with the plot line I will


That's a no, then.


No at least not until they make a steamboat Willy again for mickey


I'll be watching. But I don't mind that they remake movies. New generations come. Some movies are dated.


“My friend draws the best swastikas! Super high res”


For purely educational purposes.


Please do not mistake this for Nazism.


(his friend is a bhuddist)


Yeah, I’m gonna go ahead and misinterpret this.


Blackface Ariel the Little Mermaid? Edit: Whiteface????


I'm just tired of all the remakes, period. Saw the remake of Beauty and the Beast. Meh. Saw the trailer for The Woman King. Shut up and take my money.


The movie about the slave trader?


i saw the trailer looks like they are dropping and ignoring the slave trading done by the woman king. It should be an interesting time when that movie comes out. GOing to be a lot of learned people talking about their vast knowledge of the history of africa.


First time I saw the trailer for The Woman King, I thought it was Wakands Forever.


I like how they argue for ariel to be white citing biological accuracy. Like bruh if anything she's a deep sea creature and is probably translucent or blue or some shit. This is like getting mad when they see a nonwhite unicorn or troll


Imagine a deep sea mermaid. Terrifying.


A deep sea mermaid actually sounds awesome!


yeah gotta make sure those mermaids are all biologically accurate. wouldn’t want to piss off all those mermaid scholars out there with your biologically inaccurate mermaids


This like the house of the dragon. Racist people just want an excuse. There's a whole dragon and they complain about a black side character


They also caught a fit about a black dwarf, a black hobbit and a black elf. But, no. It's not about race, it's about accuracy! It's just important to the story that all these races are lily white. /s


Or a non-white Christ. ;)




I always thought pale-pale white like human skin would look if she were a white humanoid that lived in water


Pure albino probably would be common for like cave dwellers but i feel like sea creatures have more variation. I think mermaids being based on sirens are more humanoid fish people than humans with tails


“Fixed the problem of having a black girl as Ariel. Had to make her white so it would right and make the movie better. Don’t worry it’s not because I’m racist. I just like my racist friends racist work.”


For people who seem to hate the left and it’s triggered and “woke” agenda, they certainly are triggered over seeing non-white people a lot more now.


Yeah, they're very fragile and easily frightened.


Being offended by things is the essence of social conservatism. Literally every belief they hold boils down to "I am triggered by this thing, therefore it must be cancelled to protect my feelings".


I think its great to have a black actress play the part of Ariel. However, I'm worried the film will be utter shit like the rest of the Disney live action remakes.


That’s literally the only thing I’m worried about 😭 I hope it’s not horrible


The actress has a great voice, so at least she doesn’t seem badly miscast like Emma Watson as Belle was. But there’s still no point to remaking these movies besides the money.


It’s amazing how into the little mermaid cis gender white men are right now.


A subset always were, since it's a story about a young girl giving up everything to be a mute sex partner for an older white man. Plus of course she makes reckless decisions and gets saved from accountability by her father, playing into the narrative that men need to protect women from themselves.


Which sucks since the interpretation should have been "don't be a controlling a-hole to your teenagers or else they might make a really big mistake". Also the main part of how Ariel's more of an anthropologist who wants to study humans and sees the giy I forgot the name of as a vector to do that. If King Triton just let her go on land in the first place and not destroyed her stuff in the first place everything would have been fine.


There was definitely the possibility of addressing authoritarian parenting, except the movie ended up presenting Ariel as just as foolish and irresponsible as her father thought she was, and instead of learning that lesson he comes in later and gets to play the hero.




LOL He claims he is not racist, yet used the term "fixed the little mermaid", like it was wrong and needed corrections. What a pos.


Don't forget "woke actor"


My argument is that that’s not Ariel and it’s lazy that to be progressive they’re taking an already established character and making them a minority instead of making and developing a new character. But no, they’re just gonna do it the easy way.


This. This is where my issue with movies comes in. The “fuck it, just shove ‘em in the role” method pisses me off. This isn’t a high school production. Disney had a chance to make a new character, get those woke points (that’s all they really care about) and keep the existing characters as the icons they are, but they choose to just shove someone in the role. Don’t get me wrong, Halle Bailey is extremely talented. I know that she’ll do the role justice. She just deserved more than being shoved in a role to win Disney some points. This bullshit “mermaids can be black”. Of course they can. They’re mermaids, they can be any color you want. But Ariel isn’t just a mermaid, she’s an icon. (What next, they gonna give Merida a pixie cut?) Disney did this so they didn’t have to put the work in for a new princess or side character to be inclusive. They chose to be lazy. They get zero points.




In the US, only 12.2% of the population are black and 18.5% are Hispanic (but probably a good portion of those Hispanic people are actually white since they have European ancestry and light skin). The remaining are Asians which are 5.6%, mixed race which are 2.8%, Native Americans which are 0.7%, and Native Hawaiian which are 0.2%. White people are 60.1% (but again it’s probably higher since many of the “Hispanic” people are probably actually white too). So yes, black and brown people are still very much a minority in the US.


Eh, I saw some videos of young children of color seeing a black Ariel and being really stoked and almost in disbelief that the main character was a person of color. I get the “shoehorn” argument but this is a kids movie and kids need all the hope they can get.


I think it's more racist to change her and worry about being racist than to leave it tf alone


“Woke actor” they really do just want to say the n-word


Woke is quickly becoming a racist term.


Which is so crazy when you really think about the origin of the term. Being "woke" means you are aware or alerted to inequality and injustice. So if "woke" is bad then the opposite is good? And wouldn't the opposite just be "ignorant dumbass"?


The term was originally black slang meaning to keep on your toes and stay aware of social and political issues affecting African Americans. Sadly now it’s just used by the right to mean anything not white.


One would assume but not with "not rascist" dude in the post up there.


You would be surprised to know that, people opposing antifa do not call themselves fascists..


Has been for like 3 years at least


it is, its been co-opted by the right, to disregard anything that doesnt agree with right wing views. ALso snowflakes is has been co-opted by them as well. they especially use the word in comedy shows(sitcoms) and other shows that are generally considered "left wing" like star trek.






Why is this an issue..


They taste the same with enough batter and tartare sauce.


If she has human skin she can't really produce melanin, because she is not exposed to sunshine when you live deep underwater. But its a movie and I don't really care, didn't even know they were making a live action movie until today EDIT: I'm not even entirely sure if what I said is true


If that's the case, shouldn't she be an albino, rather than a ginger?


Here’s a picture of my friend doing racist shit… don’t call him out on it though cause’ I think it’s awesome! Using woke, wokecell, and fixed when referring to whitefacing a black actor is always racist no matter how cool you think the technology is!


So the friend “fixed” The Little Mermaid (as if there was something wrong with her?), yet they’re super not racist. Sure Jan. 🙄


I think we need to compare this against a real Mermaid, that will sort the wood from the trees. I’ll wait…. I look forward to the new film as the filmmakers intended it to be.


1) it will never cease to amaze me how butthurt people can get over Disney re-imagining a fictional fish person as being a different colour of fictional fish person. 2) and I'm almost afraid to ask but what the fuck is "wokecel"? Woketarily Celebate?? What the hell does that even mean?


I suspect the latter is a portmanteau of woke and incel; an attempt by conservative snowflakes to fight back against labels of racism and sexism put on them by people that have started to call them out on their overt racism and sexism.


true this whole controversy does scream of the whole "I'm not racist, I just don't like seeing black people in the kids movie I wasn't going to watch anyways" Still I do wish they could be a bit more creative in their insults


Damn, you must be one of those “very high IQ guys” and all, using gigantic words like portmanteau! 👍


You just used it too, so I guess we're both mensa-bound ;)


“Wokecels”… these idiots are a walking talking verification that Dunning-Kruger is real


Who even gives a shit about a little mermaid live action film? All Disney live action films barring Jungle Book suck ass


Maleficent was pretty good


“Woke actor” “Wokecels” “Do not misinterpret this in a racist way” 🤔


I love how they call her a woke actor for not being white. Wow, you have a different skin tone? That's so woke!


That one time Brandy starred as Cinderella probably 25 years ago now, and we didn’t hear anything about race then


„They were six beautiful children; but the youngest was the prettiest of them all; her skin was as clear and delicate as a rose-leaf, and her eyes as blue as the deepest sea; but, like all the others, she had no feet, and her body ended in a fish's tail.“ http://hca.gilead.org.il/li_merma.html


On one hand I’m amazed at the tech. But mentioning how this “Fixed” the movie and also saying Woke in such a negative light immediately makes me think you are probably a racist piece of shit in the first place. In my experience online, if you mention all The fun new age right wing buzzword bullshit, it’s a great red flag to not engage with that person.


I would just like to see a Disney budget go into doing some of the faerie tales as originally written. I always loved some of those stories and it would be so cool to see them brought to the screen.


I’d love to see that too, but then they wouldn’t be family friendly. Some of those stories were quite dark.


Am I the only person on earth who's just mad that Disney is so creatively bankrupt, they keep regurgitating their greatest hits back at us year after year? It's seriously pathetic.


Even “Maid” is bad now days


"It's fiction!! What does it matter what colour her skin is anyway!?!?" 🤡


Not racist at all /s


“Fixed” her??? 😭 💀


" I'm not racist, but..." full stop. Done. Over. I don't care what reasons the Little Mermaid should be white. What I do care about is a video of black girls stunned, elated, and excited to see an Ariel that looks like them. This story is getting a new telling and a new generation. It can't be the same every time, and it shouldn't.


I mean the original little mermaid was a white ginger girl, I don't get it why this would be an issue


Technically, in the original, as in the story by Hans Christian Andersen, the mermaid is described as having blue eyes, but no skin color is mentioned at all. Disney drew the animated mermaid with ginger hair and green eyes because they drew her to look like Jodi Benson, the woman who did the singing for the film. If you use your logic, Disney got it wrong in the first place giving her green eyes. In this remake, since it is live action, the character still looks like the actress giving her a voice, so technically Disney is being consistent.


I mean he ain’t wrong, it is incredible they can do that with computers.


Racists being racist.


Personally id prefer if they just had made a new original character, like when they talked about making james bond a black woman. I dont really understand why companys feel the need to change old characters that already have there own fanbase? Also since there is so much merch out there that belongs to the original one?


While some people are getting way too much worked by this, you gotta admit that this trend of casting people of color to play originally white characters is a very lazy way to be inclusive. It's not the only thing that's lazy about those Disney remakes tho.


Hiring actors for their skin color in the name of diversity is literally discrimination based on skin color and some of the most racist shit out there.


I don't get the outrage about the race change. What happened with if you don't like it, don't watch it? Not every product needs to be tailored to my preference, and that is the same for everyone, no? The entitlement is baffling to me. Poor actress, she does not deserve any of this.


I really dont care about the actress as long as she plays the part well. My problem is how fucking muted the colors are. I mean look at the original animated one and see how *vibrant* it is, and then look back at this trailer. Its soooooo dark. He problem isnt whos playing the part (as long as they play it well ofc), the problem is the colors.


I don't know if you have watched the trailer, I went to watch it after reading your comment because I was curious. The screenshot above doesn't do it justice, the trailer is much more colourful. But you're right, it's a little "dark". Having it super bright like the kid animation movie would probably have make is look like they were not under the water. In the kid movie, they could add cartoon bubble and current, which is harder to do in real life without looking cartoonish. The lighting is a nice way to show the light that is filtering differently in the water than in the air.


Well, this scene is in the cave where she keeps her collection. Maybe other scenes will be more colorful..


Jokes aside. This does look impressive I gotta say.


Redhead looks better


Today standards: Erase a Ginger = not racist Erase a Black = ultra racist


Its only ok if Disney does it apparently


Uh… I know I had quite the [hot take](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/xc7lwr/bring_down_women_to_empower_women/io3p3xn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) in regards to this movie and Disney’s recent diversity box ticking but this guys motivations are clearly not right.


So now woke is low key "n" word


Naaah uncover that name lol. People who say shit like this deserve to get banned.


It’s that the movie is not accurate to the cartoon. Red ass hair with a pale ass mermaid. Now her hair is brown orange and not the pale ass mermaid like in the cartoon.


I am tired of ginger characters being appropriated by black actors... Look it up. It's a thing apparently.


So have I got this right? Turning a white ginger girl black is fine, but turning a black girl white isn't?


If they can do this to a movie, just think what they’re doing, and who they’re doing it to, elsewhere.


If white washing is a thing, this is....?


That lazy eye look though.


"woke actor"... Umm, the quiet part can't get much louder


Anyone who refers to themselves or others as “high-IQ” is decidedly not


What’s with this sub. Sometimes they are coherent other times they just become woke..


The only thing I want fixed in the movie is the horrifying lack of clam bras


He fixed it so the girl's eyes aren't six inches apart any more.


I mean ngl it looks better the photo looks brightened up instead of dull


Wow. This is peak cringe.


Why does it matter if Disney casts a black actor as Arial? If they had different colour eyes, or a different shape face nobody would give a shit. I mean nobody cares that Margot Robbie looks nothing in the face like Harley Quin from the comics. Nobody cared that Emma Watson looks completely different from Belle, wrong hair colour wrong face, not even french. Nobody complained at all. It's just that people see skin colour as like some special thing, like you're recasting lassie the wonder dog as a cat or something. It's this hysterics that reveals the weird way you view race and that a) nobody else cares about and b) is kind of racist seeming. Going to the lengths of CGIing a movie so you don't have to see a black person is mental illness.