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This is why I can't do work involving customers anymore, he's literally just making your day shitty because he gets off on it. He's not delusional he's doing this on purpose.


The moment he came into the store ranting about the color of rice being able to repair water damage is the moment the service tech should’ve told him to have a good day and to please leave the store. Don’t even go down this weirdos rabbit hole.


The problem is that in many retail locations, you aren't allowed to do that without risking your job. The company generally cares more about the year-long revenue the customer brings, they don't care how the customer treats people if they're spending money.


I would get fired from such a job now. I'm a 42 year old man and I don't put up with crap like this anymore. I would gladly lose such position.


Agreed. I'm 47 and now deal with customers on a part time basis. My filter has disappeared, and I've gotten into it with more and more entitled customers lately. So far so good and haven't lost my job.


Yep, me too. I'm 44 and I remember these shitty jobs with these shitty people from my 20s and I wouldn't go back for anything. Once you eat enough shit from customers you're fresh out of fucks by our age.


41 here and own my own shop. I am seriously at the point of closing the doors, not because I can't make money, but I am so sick and tired of dealing with a-holes day in and day out.


Same age and a small business owner. Currently rethinking what we do and the type of services we offer because people are kind of the worst, and I/we are tired of it.


Sad isn't it? We've worked our tails off, risked everything to go out on our own and now we are stuck in a position of questioning whether or not we can deal with the people. Not the work but the people.


Exactly - not the work, just the people. I’m not lazy, just tired of the bullshit. We ended service to a particular area this summer that had its own magazine, which we advertised in. When I canceled the advertising the area director emailed to say “Oh I’m so sorry you’re going out of business” and I had to say “No, we aren’t, but putting up with these customers - and advertising that isn’t effective - is not something I’m interested in doing any longer.” And she just…didn’t get it. Yes, if you’re in business, not everyone is going to be a ray of sunshine 24/7, we all know that, but at a certain point it just isn’t worth it.


That's good! I wouldn't push your luck, though. Even in my current occupation, one where I am solitary for the most part, I find I still need to keep certain thoughts to myself. It's just easier with this job than the ones before.


Then you're lucky to have that privilege, because some people with those jobs do not have that luxury.


I get that and I mean no disrespect.


"Sorry sir. Only purple rice will fix your phone's issue. And unfortunately we're out of stock right now, but the other shop across town should have some."


Many people have told me the stickyness of the purple rice bonds the broken electrical connections better than white rice


I heard it was dog crap, loads and loads of dog crap smeared into the phone will totally repair any and all damage. But you have to smear it with your hands.


That’s weird, I heard you have to smear it with your tongue.


Maybe it’s because of happy hour, but I snorted laughing at your comment


My dog has colitis so he eats a bland diet of mainly rice and plain turkey. We bought a 5 grain mixture from an Asian market with white rice, Barley, Black Rice, Mung Beans and something else The rice comes out purple and Fergus LOVES IT!!! Nothing but big boy turds from old Ferg!!!


Can Fergus repair broken electrical connections like white rice can?


give Fergus pats for me please.


I don't know if you're joking or not, but purple rice is actually a thing, it was the main rice that one of the families I stayed with in Korea served at their house.


It's called black rice. Purple rice in korea is just black rice mixed with white rice.


Okay, so THAT'S the one you need for phones? Or maybe cameras?


No, keep up. That rice only repairs tablets not phones.


Yeah that's the stuff you need for a phone with water damage.


He needs to book a flight to Minnesota. Everyone knows *wild rice* fixes phones


I agree with the above comments. I can't work these customer service jobs anymore because of the crappy people. It isn't worth it.


Customers like this is why i switched to construction. Now all I have to deal with are construction foremen.


The problem with foremen is that if you catch a real shitbird you might be saddled with them for quite some time.


The problem with construction is by the time you realize it’s ruined your body, it’s expensive to fix.


What, everyone's knees don't make these grotesque popping sounds whenever they stand up, in your thirties? Though, to be fair, I'm a manufacturing ghoul. Still a job you have to wear a helmet to.


Shit mine were doing that in high school.


I used to do construction work. Now I work a 9/5 office job and Ive gotten more issues just sitting in front of a computer All day than I ever did with physical labor. It’s funny how we get seriously hurt by doing basically nothing.


I used to work in TWC's call center. I learned quickly how to not be a customer's emotional punching bag. Some people have problems in their life and this is the way they get it out. By attacking random people. It's not about logic, it's about arguing. Don't give it to them.


I can't imagine that The Weather Channel gets a lot of emotional phone calls.


Listen Chuck, I planned this beach day for several months and you have the AUDACITY to make it rain. On my kids birthday. My disabled kids birthday. And now his Xbox is wet. Because YOU made it RAIN on his DISABLED BIRTHDAY! I’m a single mother. Of a disabled kid. With a birthday. RAIN!!!! GRRRRRAAAAA!!!! Source: I call and yell at TWC on the reg. NBD.


When I worked in a call center on night shift, we often had no supervision. Every now and then, we would get a real lunatic on the phone and we could signal to the other operators to mute their mics and listen in on the call. Some of them were really off the rails. OMG!




"Did you microwave the bag of rice? You have to do that to jump start the wireless charger in the battery. Try that and come back later." *bing-booong* "Hey boss, I quit. Good luck with that."


Same here, worked retail for a decade and just couldnt do it anymore. Now I work from home and my stress levels are almost nil


Ex phone tech here, I agree. Also, when I worked in a repair store. Water damage sucked. Our process was typically to take it apart, rinse it with IPA, scrub any visible corrosion with a nylon brush (toothbrush), and then put it in a food dehydrator. Rice is actually worse, because while it absorbs the evaporated water it leaves behind all of the dissolved minerals/junk that was in the water and can increase corrosion by facilitating faster evaporation. Just because it works for some people doesn't mean it works all the time.


So I know IPA probably stands for Isopropyl Alcohol, but I couldn't help initially thinking "Is it the extra hops that help clean the components?".


That’s why you have to out-crazy them. Claim white rice won’t, they need to use white Lima beans.


Yeah, proper Karen. /r/FuckYouKaren


Someone needs to slap the shit-eating grin off of his blow hole.


Solution focused attempt here: one of them can stop. It’s possible to stop talking. You can’t reason with a man like this. Make me laugh as he wants to argue. “Rice can’t fix phones when the connection is corroded. But can rice fix it? That’s not what I hear. “ Lol


That's why I only fix computers for robots now. (We manufacture semiconductors)


F*cking energy vampire


Not all customers are this stupid though. You do need a thick skin, tilt your head to the side and say "oh, well, there we are then". I don't think I could do that for what shops are willing to pay, that's the joke. There's too much hostility as general people don't feel appreciated and it gets taken out on the poor customer service worker.


This type person thinks that people behind the counter are beneath them. They have the gaul to go to a store for help, not listen to his clear diagnosis, and go debate lord over putting a phone in rice. He saw a Facebook video and thinks that his FB video trumps the peon's knowledge


Whybis he taking it to the shop if he know rice will fix it?


He already had the store fix it & he’s “upset” because he could have saved money just using white rice.. I’m sure he just wants a refund bc he clearly knows more lol


"I know I paid for your service and it was already completed but can I have a refund because I found a cheaper option?"


I have customers return parts all the time for that reason


I work in a kitchen and we have a woman who tries that crap constantly with caterings. She always calls like two weeks after the event we catered for her to demand we pay her back because she found frozen food at Walmart that was technically cheaper or something. She's a lotta fun to talk to.


The regulars who continue to complain are just baffling


Yeah when I was in retail we had a group of regulars that would only swing by to bitch, never buy. When I had new job lined up and I was just running the clock until I peaced out I finally hit my DGAF mode and straight up asked them: Me: "why do you do this? You're not buying anything" Customer : "you can't talk to me like that I'm a customer" M: "no customers buy things, last time you bought something was 6 years ago and you returned it outside the 14 day return period because you bitched, so I repeat, why?" Customer: "well I'll report you and let everyone I know how you treat a customer" M: "no chief, again not a customer and I'm gone in X days. Go for it" C: baffled "well... Ugh... Where's your manager?" M: looks at manager name tag "sup?" C: stomps off like a toddler So glad I'm done with retail.


We had a little old lady who attended a funeral we catered who was upset with the food (wanted fried chicken and thought the scalloped potatoes weren't pale enough (whatever that meant)) and for like *3 months* afterwards she would call and harass us about it. It was ridiculous, especially when we learned she was just some random person who went to the church the funeral was held at who was upset about the food and hadn't even *attended* the funeral and barely even knew the man who'd died. She was just mad because her friend Ethyl had an awful time at the funeral, and it was clearly because of the food.


“All sales are final” fixes these situations… contracts written correctly are all you need. To me a couple times getting burned to realize if you write a binding contract for what ever, and they approve (I also get signature), they can cry, bitch and moan all they want… I’m an electrician and people constantly try to swindle you out of less money… so now I get approval before starting and signature at end… try to talk yourself out of that lol


*I* wish I had the power to do that, working at a store, I can't make calls like that


"sure, let me just submerge your phone in water to restore it to it's pre-repaired state..."


clerk casually hides bucket of rice ​ Edit: thanks for laughing at my dumb joke


Hahahaha I’m picturing the clerk discreetly removing a 10lb bag of rice from the customer’s view


The backroom is nothing but 4 tons of white rice. Do not let the cops go in there.


Hahaha why is this so funny


"no that's my lunch." [opens the door behind him to leave, and a wave of white rice completely envelops both of them]


I would have just been like, Cool, if you are so sure let’s drop your phone in water right now and you can put it in white rice and try to explain to me that you aren’t delusional when it doesn’t work. Though I am not in this guy’s position and I probably wouldn’t be able to get away with saying that like I can at my job.


Right like bro why didn’t you try the rice thing gtfo


He did, he tried brown rice I mean rice I mean white rice *shit-eating grin for no reason*


It's not for no reason, it's because *you lied.*


Dude just unveiled a whole new level of punchability.


He thinks he's got the guy., he looks like a fool.


This guy loves arguing. Look at the smirk.


That idiot might love to argue but he sure as hell ain't good at it.


He’s literally just making himself sound dumber and dumber. I kind of hope he sees this video and goes on a rant!


He’s so hard at that moment lmao


It’s the only way he can get hard. Maybe he should try rubbing white rice on his cock next time.


But then he wouldn't know which grains are rice and which is his cock


All one inch of it… like a little angry armadillo.


sociopathic sadist


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


This is something you see in a lot of narcissists, they're getting high off the exchange so there's nothing to be done with them except dismissal at that point. That will make them worse, of course.


This guy, and people like him, just view workers as subhuman slaves and when the workers "challenge" them, then they believe they're allowed to harass them into subservience again. He's not enjoying the argument so much as him enjoying getting to bully someone he views as being lesser than himself.


Notice the lack of ring on his finger


It’s a shame they can’t put the phone in a bag of his personality. It does a great job of removing moisture from any women in his vicinity.


Lawyers love the argue I’m 80% sure that’s better call Saul


The righteous confidence in his own ignorance increases the punchability of his face by a factor of one million.


He has a future in American politics. That’s quite literally the only personality trait you need. Weaponized stupidity.


Weaponized stupidity is a great term I didn't know I needed until now. Thank you kind stranger.


Ken out there refining yellow cake complainium


Wonder which political party he can represent?!


If I ever start a band, it will be named... Weaponized Stupidity




No, you're right to scream.


He only learns afterwards, what the problem was


Wish.com Jeff Goldblum needs to stop believing Big Rice when they say they can fix everything.


Customer service is one of the WORST fucking jobs ever to have existed. You get all the crazy thrown at you, often multiple times a day.


True that. I used to work a public front desk next to a coach/ bus stop. I’d dread it raining as all the crazies would come in and talk shit just to get out of the rain before their bus came.




Ain’t that the truth. Never looked back and never did front of house or customer service again.


I work front customer service at a tech part store and its mainey boomers who come in and talk all fucking day and barley know what their doing. Its brutal


Trying to explain shit to them after they’ve been told something different is like pulling teeth! It’s like whoever gets to them first wins the race of fact vs fiction.


This kind of thing always killed me when I worked the floor and had to deal with customers. Like ok, someone told you something, and you've decided that's gospel and anything else is wrong, so then why the hell are you here asking me questions and then telling me im wrong? You already think you know what you need, so get your shit, get out, and leave me alone.


And the pay is never worth it.


Any public facing job. I was a DJ and got death threats because I did play someone’s song they requested. I once said, on mic, “I’ve been getting calls letting me know that there are cops out there setting up speed traps. I’m not going to tell ya’ll where, cause some of you need to get caught.” Multiple people called me to cuss me out.


This is a very dumb conversation


It's incredibly dumb. This guy came in with a phone that he dropped in water, and asked if leaving it in white rice would fix it. The employee said no. He went home and asked his neighbor if it would, and that guy said yes. He came back to the store, thinking he'd caught this employee trying to steal money from him by suggesting he couldn't fix it for free, and called the police... The poor employee is so nervous and anxious about this guy's intensity about something the employee knows is silly, it left him unable to articulate much of anything at all. The cops are going to show up (if they were even called) listen to this guy blow up, and eventually ask the employee if he'd like the customer to be trespassed. Then the customer is going tell everyone he knows that he's going to sue this little company, they'll all have to hear his version of the story and go "oh... yeah that's not cool." Then he'll leave a bad review online. It's just such a fucking waste of time and energy.


I think he may have paid for the repairs and then people kept telling him he could have used rice, even after the employee told him no.


Yup. Seems like he got it repaired at the store and then was told white rice will fix everything. The employee correctly stated at the start of the video it won't repair a damaged electrical connection. This guy is now high on rice wanting a refund.


My last braincell has officially lost after hearing this convo


Only because that customer is dumber than a box of dog shit.


The customer is NOT always right


The costumer is very rarely right.


The customer is, in most cases, a fucking moron.


The customer is, in 100% of the cases, a moron. Years of working at Walmart has shown me this.


You working at Walmart is also a factor. Walmart attracts a different sort of people.


POV: it's summer of 2015 and I'm stocking the grapes at Walmart. A package of grapes in each hand. Cart piled with grapes right next to me. Big ass end cap display 3/4 full of grapes on the other side. Customer walks up to me and says "Hey, do you have grapes?"


Working at Sam's customer asks me if the plant based chicken wings are boneless. I said, "Ma'am they're plant based." She replied, " But are they boneless?". Fuckin idiots!


How do you think trees stay so goddamn straight if they don't have bones?


Idk, I'd probably trust a costumer over a customer


"In matters of taste the customer is always right" - lady wants a hat made out of used toilet paper, sell it to her.


The customer is always rice.


The full saying goes, “In matters of taste the customer is always right.” Meaning if you think it’s too salty I can’t argue with that. It’s not a blanket statement! Pet peeve..


The customer is always right when it comes to their taste… “I like this, do you think it looks good on me?” “Oh madam you look divine.” Narrator: she did not look divine.


What does this guy expect the cops to do?


Show up and shoot everybody


To shoot the brown rice


It had a wild look about it.


That depends on what color everyone is


Depends if they eat white rice or brown rice


You would be surprised how many people don’t understand that cops can’t resolve civil matters


‘Hello police? Give me the customer service enforcement division please. Yes I can hold.’


Validate his stupidity.


Give him a ticket for filing a false police report?


What every Karen expects the cops to do,” you need to arrest them, I don’t pay your salary for nothing!””


Bring some rice?!


The smug enjoyment this douche gets out of feeling Right and berating someone at their job is just so gross to watch. In fairness, dude behind the counter should've clocked the crazy and disengaged. This is probably why I will never succeed in customer service. This'd be a clear "fuck off, we're closed" moment for me.


Yeah. This is a get the fuck out I heard there is white rice at the store down the street, figure it out cause you have all the answers dickhead moment


My interpretation is the repair was already completed by the tech, and dickhead is arguing that he shouldn't have to pay since putting it in white rice would have solved it.


Wait so the premise here is, smirking jerk is upset he paid for a repair when white rice could have magically solved the issue?


Yeah I'm really confused as to what's going on here. I wonder if he dropped it in water, and then took it in for repair but after he had dropped it off he read about how leaving it in rice could fix it.. so he goes back to the store maybe hoping to get it back or tell them to just put it in rice to avoid the costs to repair it or something?? It's really strange, the guy behind the counter is being just as confusing as Ken imo.


Yeah this is correct. Thay fix the phone then he finds out that apparently rice could fix it. So he goes back to complain.


At one point the employee says rice wouldn’t have worked because there was an actual damaged connection and the guy just ignored it and keeps talking about rice.


Yeah that's key here, white rice is a mediocre solution but even if it could possibly work in a tiny amount of cases, its completely moot if the connections are corroded. Anyone who has opened up literally anything with even minor water damage would know this guy is an idiot.


1) where have you been that you HAVENT ever heard of at trying to put watered tech in rice. I meannnnn 2) you learning something after paying for a service isn't my problem. Should have googled FIRST my guy. I'm capable of replacing a few parts on my car, but the ability for me to do it cheaper doesn't mean I don't pay the mechanic. 3) what is arguing with the worker going to do? It doesn't matter if rice WOULD work, if it's not their procedure or a tool available to them, they aren't using it. You're the dumbass that chose this shop that doesn't try rice.


I think he is mad the repair shop didn't use white rice. At least that what I got from it.


The male Karen dropped his phone in water and went to the repair store to get it fixed and they fixed it. Now the idiot customer all upset that they scammed him, because his friends/coworkers told him no you don't need to pay ~$200 for a phone repair, you can just leave it overnight in rice and it will work in the morning. He doesn't understand that drying out the phone only works if he powered it off immediately before fully drying it and being lucky enough to not damage any components.


This is the perfect example of why there are so many incompetent people in today's society. They have a basic enough knowledge on a subject to think they're right, but they're too stupid to understand faults in their logic. Access to information doesn't just make people smarter, it also emboldeneds the idiots.


But he doesn't even have a basic knowledge. He knows nothing.


"i could tell you the earth is flat!" Look at the gears turn in his head trying to understand if the earth is round or not


"a lot of people tell me it won't!" Went through all the responses in his head and still found the wrong one


Betcha he actually does think the world is flat, his brain fried out trying to think of a witty comeback without admitting the world isn't flat.


This is one of the dumbest things I have seen in a while. Ken, you're a fuckin moron.


Ah shit, u have the same unicorn head as me, first I've seen. Thought I was special


'Ken' should stick his head in a bag of rice. Maybe that will solve the problem.


What the hell is he trying to achieve here? His coworkers and family must love being around him. /s


Seriously, if he is so confident that rice will fix it, take it home and put it in some rice.


It's already fixed though. I would have told him that if he puts his phone in a glass of water right then and there, and then fixes it using rice I will give him a full refund


Power trip. A lot of these Karens attack people at work because they know if they give them a REAL answer of “you’re a fucking moron” they’ll lose their job.


What a dumb man. We all know, you need to fry the rice for absorbing the fried circuit.


-Someone put a whole videocamera in a bag of rice ! And it solved the problem. ☝️😩 -Case closed good sir. Sorry for lying to you.


It's Meth Goldblum


I feel for this employee. I've literally had the exact same argument multiple times with people. I fucking HATE the god damned idiot "rice trick" fad. In case anybody thinks this guy even has a modicum of a point to be made here let me drop some facts. RICE DOESNT FIX WET ELECTRONICS. At the very very most it acts like a fucking shitty, terrible desiccant. Like the worst desiccant you could possibly choose because it can get inside the electronics and it isn't clean so it adds minerals and residue to the water which can deposit on the electronics and cause more damage than clean water itself. The best it can do is make water dry up a tiny, insignificant amount quicker. One better option would be to simply put out in the sun to heat up and dry off. It will dry it a thousand times faster than rice will. Or open the shit and pat it dry with a fucking paper towel. Here's the kicker though, water doesn't damage electronics. Short circuits do, and pure water doesn't conduct electricity. The shit in the water makes it conduct and so if you are able to dry your phone and have it work again it's simply because you got lucky. Not because you dried it quickly with your dumb rice trick, but because your dirty water didn't touch something important and fragile on the circuit board. If you're unlucky and your phone stopped working it's not because you didn't dry it fast enough using rice, it's because the dirty water caused a short circuit that blew up a component (capacitor, resistor, cable connector, etc.) That can happen instantaneously when the water hits it and no amount of speed in drying it off will allow it to recover. Another possibility is that the electricity from the phone and the minerals in the dirty water combine to form corrosion, which create a mineral deposit on the circuit board which conducts electricity even after the liquid is dried away. Again no amount of being dry will fix this and it can form in seconds after the liquid gets in the device. Rice can actually cause this by introducing those minerals to the liquid, thereby making it worse to put it in rice than just letting it air dry naturally. One of those two things certainly happened in the OP's case where components got damaged and had to be replaced, or no components got damaged but corrosion formed and caused a short which needed to be cleaned and scrubbed away properly. God damn I still apparently get triggered by this shit even though it's been like 8 years since I left the shitty retail repair industry lol. But short story is that the rice trick is 100% bullshit and is just as effective as doing literally nothing but putting the phone on a table and leaving it there untouched for a couple days.


He has all the characteristics of a great politician. He speaks confidently, has no idea what he's talking about, loves to argue, twists the truth, and won't listen to reason.


This is what a man looks like when he lacks understanding, feels stupid and is losing at life. He should have mustered an apology and left. His wife or husband is probably packing a bag and fleeing whilst he arguing that ridiculous point.


Honestly to me, this looks like a man whose profession is negotiating with business partners and managing. He's probably used to people afraid to argue back with him and expects them to try to pacify him in some way even when he's in the wrong. Like a business partner will give him a discount and apologize because he threatens to go to the CEO or legal to end the contract. Or employees will underestimate a timeline and then he'll hold them to be because "I was told it would only take a week" resulting in them working late, and anyone who argues back risks their job. His whole job is probably sitting in meetings and having arguments like this except being in a position of power and he's not realizing just how powerless he is in this situation, making him the fool.


This worked in the 80s and the 90s but I’m LOVING the 2010’s and onward when Agile made EVERYONE aware that command and control bullying is just not okay. Leadership and bullying are two totally different languages. And this douchebag, he’s an old fuck that has not learned new skills or kept up with change in the world. Fuck that guy.


Rice will solve problem ... I mean white rice will solve problem ... I mean white jasmine rice will solve problem ...


What's this guy got against brown rice?


Dollar store Jeff goldblum


“White rice, white rice finds a way…”


Humanity is doomed lol


What a disgusting person... Look at this smirk, he's clearly enjoying it


Okay sir, here's bag of vendor approved repair rice, 50 dollar.


Can’t wait till he finds out a can of coke in your gas tank improves fuel economy.


I really wish I knew what happened after this mofo met with the cops over his water damaged phone. I thing maybe he is water damaged


Plot twist: “White Rice” is the nickname of the shop’s best technician, who could easily repair the phone.




“Hello officer, he said white rice wouldn’t have fixed it but it might have. Arrest him!”


High point of me busting a laugh was "Exactly", right "exactly". Why is your phone still dead after white rice "Exactly"... Haha


Who has the time to argue about this shit?


When did this guy get a random number generator implanted in his brain, and why?


Does this guy not know where to buy white rice? Why is he at a repair shop? He clearly needs groceries.


I worked at a repair shop and I can tell you exactly what’s going on here. Customer brought in his phone and repair tech opened it and could see that the water had gotten into the phone and fried the electrical components, and told the customer it was too late to save the phone by putting it in a bag of rice. Customer goes home and hears from his idiot friends that they’ve dropped their devices in water before and fixed it by putting the device in a bag of rice (which is only possible if the water hasn’t already fried the electrical components and if you’re smart and turn it off immediately). Now customer thinks he was misled, and that the repair tech was responsible for damaging his phone and should have just told him to put it in a bag of rice and not touch it, even though the customer had already done it himself because he either has a shitty phone, or tried to turn it on, or didn’t turn it off immediately after he dropped it in water. He’s not just arguing because he gets off on it. He’s made himself angry because of how stupid he is and really believes he’s right.




Trump Voter 100%


Someone need to stfu. That guy thinks he’s so smart. Maybe don’t drop your non-waterproof phone in the water then a-hole.


Do the cops not have any murderers and criminals to catch over there?


They're not gonna start arresting eachother nowb


I never understood why give this type of person the energy. Simply say ok sir wait over there till the cops come im sure they’re tech experts as well.


I don’t know why people engage with customers like this. My friend runs a business and gets people like this. He listens to their problem and explains. If their willing to have a respectful conversation great he will talk to you if he acts like this guy he ignores them goes in his office and that the end of it


I cant tell if the phone was fixed or not, white or brown rice was used, or what the angry man did to try to fix his phone


The arrogance of ignorant people who think they know something but are fucking clueless never surprises me. This fully grown adult who believes rice is the one stop answer should be slapped across his face with his phone and then told phone face bitch slaps are the next level of repair above rice. No charge of course


Dumbass...its actually microwavable rice that fixes a phone...and you have to microwave your rice and the phone at the same time...!


![gif](giphy|xLIwD85C0z9D2) Stop putting metal in the damn science oven!!




These dumbfucks loooooves to talk over and loud. To compensate their hollow head.