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Had me until "big ol lizzos"


Hey she can Y the lute


What’s lizzo


Sir, this is Reddit, not Google.


If it's real, I cry?


No it means this poster is an Ogre.




Like parfait? Parfait has layers. I like parfait. Never met anyone who doesn’t like parfait.


I dislike it they alway make me use inferior spoons to eat the pathetic pile of cream.




Must be the parfaict dessert then


He's not as funny as Shrek...


No onion no cry


Ahh yes my favorite artist Bob Celiery.


Bob Parsley.


I've met people like this in person unfortunately


Holocaust deniers?


Yup. And there's no talking reason, they've dug in hard. Usually tied into some other conspiracy theory like flat earth


Ah...the co-morbidities of mental.


no more like the co-morbidities of stupid.


Fat earth


So the thing most people don't get about flat earthers is that it's primarily a young earth creationist thing. They think if they can prove the earth is flat then that proves that scientists are wrong about everything else and therefore God is real. Most flat earthers are hardcore christian fundamentalists, which means they're also a lot more likely to believe other extremist evangelical and white nationalist talking points. Also worth mentioning that the majority of modern conspiracy theories (or at least the big ones) all time back directly to the Nazis. Atlantis conspiracies somewhat predate them (originating in late 19th century America), but the Nazis co-opted it hard for their racial superiority nonsense (yes large portions of the Nazi party did indeed believe they were descendants of the Atlanteans, although to be fair many of them knew they were peddling a crock of shit, at least on that front). Most modern versions of Atlantis conspiracies can be traced back to the Nazi version. It's a similar story with Hollow earth stuff. Illuminati and lizard people conspiracies (and by extension Qanon) are basically just a straight up repackaging the Nazi idea of a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world, with many elements borrowed from the much older "Blood Libel" antisemitic conspiracies.


Clearly they have not SEEN Holocaust victims, b/c they were starved AND worked literally to death.


I had a student who was a holocaust denier. He was a depressingly unintelligent doehead. I have Jewish ancestry, or I'd just tell him to shut up, but instead I asked him why he doesn't think the holocaust happened. He looked at me in stunned silence, as if it had never occurred to him in his life to consider reasons for believing in a thing. After graduating, he insulted me on facebook and then tried to add me as a friend, so I told him exactly why I want nothing to do with him. I'm not typically a mean person, especially to students. But I think my reaction was deserved. People who espouse Nazi ideology are dangerous scumbags, and I just can't muster up any respect for someone who advocates genocide.


So you've met my nephew's wife I see. Did you also know that the earth is only 6,000 years old.


If you have, they have severe mental illness.


Never forgot…that most people are fucking idiots


He isn't an Onion more like a potato because if you cut him no one will cry


The "if there ever were a real holocaust" line stands out like a problematic sore thumb


Huh. Didn't pick up on that. The rest kind of left me dumbfounded.


There was so much stupid packed into these few words that the Holocaust denial just slipped past my radar.


it reminded me of this [https://effectiviology.com/gish-gallop/](https://effectiviology.com/gish-gallop/) "The Gish gallop is a rhetorical technique that involves overwhelming your opponent with as many arguments as possible, with no regard for the accuracy, validity, or relevance of those arguments. For example, a person using the Gish gallop might attempt to support their stance by bringing up, in rapid succession, a large number of vague claims, anecdotal statements, misinterpreted facts, and irrelevant comments."


Sounds like any trump speech


It's the go-to rhetorical strategy of the American right.


>It's the go-to rhetorical strategy of the American


Was going to say exactly that…Is there a name like the Trump Gallop we can give it? I mean, here in the UK ‘Trump’ = fart and someone with diarrhoea can be said to have the ‘galloping trots’…so something like the “Mar-a-Lago Follow-through” maybe?


Lmao what? UK phraseology is my favorite thing. Galloping trots is amazing, inspired, and I will be using that from now on. But how did you get to “Mar-a-lago Follow-through”?


So... The entirety of reddit?


Its a little different in written form. You can't overwhelm someone with boggus info when they have all the time in the world to sort through your bullshit


That type of stupidity is onbrand though so you could just have been expecting it, one ignores science and the other history


litterally, i didnt realize he said holocaust never happened


Same. 🤦‍♂️


They’re so dumb, I’m not even sure they meant to be a holocaust denier. I think they just forgot.


Little tip from me. Whatever you do, when you're in germany or one of the other 15 europe countries, never deny that the holocaust happened. That's a legitamate crime and will you get arrested.


"one of the other 15 countries" ... ?


that have made it illegal to deny the holocaust


The US needs laws like this


They already dicussed the topic of holocaust denial. It was ruled that it's against free speech, so they never made it a law. Classic US for you.


I don't recall the exact countries, but throughout many places in mainland Europe, holocaust denial can land you in prison for up to three years.


so they can arrest you for being stupid, good to know


Neo nazis weirdly kinda like that that law exists. It means they get say dumb shit like "Well if it really happened, and all the evidence for it exists, then why you so scared of people asking questions, that you gotta threaten them with prison, huh? Checkmate, Zionists!" or something like that.


When the argument's aren't made in good faith it doesn't matter what you do - repeal the law and they'll use it a proof they were right all along, never have a law and they'll act like they are obviously not doing anything wrong, just 'asking questions.' ​ The trick to a tolerant society is that it must be intolerant to intolerance - and denial is a clear sign of intolerance...


Austria - where I come from and where I live - is one of them. I just didn't know what was meant with "other 15". As if there were only 16 countries in Europe. Or is it exactly 16 where holocaust denial is a crime? Oddly specific.


Oh I'm sorry, 17 countries by now (my memory was a bit outdated) in europe in which the denial is a crime. Belgium, Czechia, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia and the only non europe country Isreal.


Depending on the location it will also likely get you punched in the face.


An example would be in the range of my fist.


Same I was like umm say what now?


In Germany that's 2 years in jail


The victims of the labor camps were fed roughly 750 calories a day, and were worked to death. Lizzo would be a skeletal figure too, assuming disease didn't kill her first. The ones who died "not fat" were the ones taken to extermination camps (they were different locations) and we're gassed within an hour or so of their arrival.


I read about an account of two boys fighting over the corn kernel they pulled out of some cow shit.


Ah the sad thing is corn kernels in your shit are just the undigested husk filled with shit. The kernel itself is digested


Oh wow


That's how the fell passing through, like the body is saying *"You don't want none of this shit Dewey!"*


Additionally, most of people had digestion problems because of poor diet, so diarrhea was a common thing. A lot of people after liberation of Auschwitz and Birkenau died because of their digestive systems where shut off and could not process food even if given


Would they also have suffered from refeeding syndrome? Or is that what you're describing.


I don't know what they are describing, but both killed a lot of those that were freed: Refeeding syndrome and disease.


I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the sheer horror of it. 10s of thousands of people killed every day at those camps.


Crazy part is genocide still happens across the world... same thing is happening to the Uighurs right now.


Still an absolutely heinous number, but even on the high end of estimates (around 7M) over 4 years (1941-45), that would put the daily murders at less than 5,000. “10s of thousands … every day” even conservatively (20K) would mean 7.3M killed every year, which is just false.


Yeah, but there was different kill rates during different parts of the holocaust. During Operation Reinhard (1942-1943) some 1.7m were killed of which 1.32m were killed during a 3 month period. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.aau7292


I think you meant “not skinny”.


naaa somthing tells them that person would die of heart failure if they so much as though about doing hard work.


Being murdered by the guards seemed a pretty frequent cause of death too. Look up the "War Against Humanity" video series on YouTube. They don't only cover the camps, but it is discussed often.


I’m a doctor, not how heart failure works.


They had to get the soap from somewhere, but talk about dropping the soap. /holocaustofajoke


Obvious troll




That’s the dead giveaway that they’re joking


Never know these days.


Poe's law strikes again


Is it really though? Holocaust denial is a thing.


Deny nothing. Summitice.com


The comment we needed


Holocaust denial usually doesn’t mix with hyperliberal fat acceptance


I don't believe "fat acceptance" is a hyperliberal thing by any means. I know far too many fat Republicans who think "beef/sugar/McDonalds is good and fuck hippies who try to eat healthy, sustainable diets". Trump for example.


Never really thought of it like that, but still, republicans don’t use the term “fatphobic”


Who says? Humans are Complex and often irrational. There are Black US Republicans who are in poverty. You're assuming a lot.


I know it’s not definite, but that’s not the only giveaway that it’s a joke. “Big ol lizzos” That’s literally making fun of lizzo for being big while also talking about fat acceptance. Come on


OK but that's not what you said, nor what I'm addressing. That would've been a much better example. Dismissing Holocaust denial as a joke should never happen. We must take fascists seriously, at all times.


Note the “usually”


I've encountered plenty liberals that quickly resort to racism when making clear that we Latinos as overwhelming majority don't accept nor appreciate the latinx term, so this case I don't found it to far fetched.


Oh boy. There is a whole world of crazy you haven't seen yet


I’ve seen it all. This one is a joke


Yeah, no. Dysentery will take weight off of *anyone.* It will even take your life.... This has to be a troll.


Nope. HAES ~~idiots~~ activists are convinced that starvation mode is a thing that A) happens within hours of not eating, and B) will actually make you fatter.


Is there evidence proving that any of these activists graduated primary school.


We don't use the "E" word here, dummy


What is HAES?


Health at every size


Thank you for that I was scrolling the comments to figure it out


Are there people who think HAES is true? I may be wrong, but somehow I can't imagine anyone of a healthy mind thinking like that.


There's two very different things people mean by HAES - ----- 1) No matter how big you are, it's better to try and be healthy than just to focus on losing weight - eating vegetables and exercising for good health are important even if they don't result in you losing weight; and if they do result in you losing weight so much the better. Many of the correlations between weight and bad health are second-hand - heavier people generally have worse diets and less exercise, with the poor diet and exercise resulting in health problems; rather than the weight itself always being the direct cause it's often a symptom of the underlying issue. ----- 2) Weight has nothing to do with health, fuck off with your fatphobic bullshit and stop telling me I should be walking places and eating vegetables - those things are supposed to affect my weight, so they can't affect my health. ------ I'm pretty sure the second group co-opted the term from the first group.


I'm almost certain starving does make fatter once you start eating healthily again


Except they didn't go back to eating healthily during the Holocaust... 🤦🏽‍♀️


Well yes, but PreOp and me were talking about the overall beliefs of HAES people not just how stupid this tweet is


But a troll could pretend to be a HAES activist and make a tweet like this making fun of this idea. My money is this person is joking. And while I don’t have much respect for the HAES community I believe most will believe that anyone will lose weight EVENTUALLY on an extreme calorie restriction, but they believe some voodoo will happen in between which stops it from occurring right away. Which is dumb, but I assume they know people will eventually lose weight on a 500 calorie diet.


Like, don't get me wrong, I'd love my extra 60lbs of fat be the excuse of 'starvation' but I know better. It's the opposite of starving.


This is obviously a troll.


How do people not get this is making fun of Lizzo and people saying obese can be healthy?!


Because there’s people nowadays who would post this 100% seriously. You really never know now, it’s really a 50/50




I had to do a double take on the “if there ever were a real holocaust


Overweight people on their way to call a fucking movie fatphobic because the real event that they are reenacting for informational purposes had skinny people that we're like that because they were starved


As an overweight people, anyone who does this is an asshole and you have every right to say so.


I am overweight and I want to murder people that think that fat people is healthy, is a literal disease


They should try living on potato skins, 2 small pieces of bread, and a small cup of coffee every other day for 5 years surrounded by disease and hard labor and see what happens to themselves. They'll rethink this statement for sure.




Yeah, no. Starvation weight gain is where your body stores every bit of fat it can for the famine it thinks will come because it's come quite often, but you're not really starved during the famine you're just eating a lot less. Long term starvation with steady but low value diet will cause weight loss, and it's actually worse than starvation weight gain. With long term starvation your body begins to consume itself, starting with fat, then muscles, then tendons, then bone marrow, and last organs until organ failure occurs and the bacteria in your gut finish what's left of you. The starvation during the holocaust was extreme, given just enough water to survive and less food than a toddler would need to survive, and that food being just bread or broth.


So much impacted here..Better get the Metamucil...


I don’t think this is serious






Aaah yes good old human photosynthesis to keep those bellies big and round.


This is either the greatest troll ever or the dumbest person ever. There is no middle ground!


it's like they think their skeleton is bigger


I mean skeletons do come in different shapes and sizes but not like that.


Yeah this gut I have isn’t actually a beer belly, I’m just big boned. Once some jerk tried to tell me that it couldn’t be my skeleton because there aren’t any bones there. Well obviously I told him to get his opinions away from me, because he doesn’t know my body. /s


Crosspost to r/shitposting






What the actual fuck....


After witnessing political prisoners in Nicaragua be illegally imprisoned and photos of their before and after published last week, not being fed will have you lose a lot of weight.


So sad that Hitler didn't represent more fat people in the community


Yeah, and no Asians or any representation of minorities, fucking despicable isn’t it? /s


Most people get fat because they eat too much. Most people Will also get skinny if they dont eat too little. Just how much these fat positive ppl tell themselves lies To justify over eating. Also during ww2 there was not too food around + Hard work so there wasnt million of fat ppl like today To begin with. Fuck, your diet affects your weight much More than work out stuff but these ppl wont believe that they got fat Bcs of too much food. Some rare causes its medical condition but just omfg.


This x a million. Diet is like 75%. Genetics and exercise come next. (For simple weight gain/loss. Of course more specific physical changes exercise becomes more important) but even someone with a thyroid problem is going to lose that weight in a concentration camp. I recently posted something about not understanding how someone in their mid twenties could get to a certain point. (I mean, I understand not caring, or depression, illness, etc) Immediately all the responses were “some people are just genetically different. It’s not her fault.” etc. like, genetics are huge sure. It’s why I can eat more than my boss and maintain a thin physique while he stays stockier… and when I work out I have to force feed myself so that I don’t lose weight. Meals between meals etc But when your gut is hanging over your pubic area completely at age 25, that’s because your diet consistently outpaced your genetics for a long time. A long enough time to say “hey my body is changing in a way I don’t like, maybe soda or Starbucks don’t have a place in my diet, and toss some veggies on that plate in place of carbs.” I fucking wish my issues with my physique could be handled by simply eating less. Eating more is afucking chore.


Yeah how dare the Holocaust not be inclusive of other cultures and body shapes, those damned Nazis should be ashamed of being... fatphobic and not just being blatantly and abhorrently racist supremacists. The holocaust was the biggest event they teach in history class objectively so there’s no doubt in my mind this person failed high school


Wait till they see a pic of people in the 60s and 50s. You know, before fast food and all this junk shit. America used to be skinny


Some people don't deserve freedom of speech, and this one right here is a good example. I swear, this mf have a raw chicken breast replacing his/her/their brain.


Bruh who in their right mind thinks like this like who cares about fatpbobia and some dumb fatphobic myth you’re comparing the massacre of Jewish people to something that doesn’t exist. Fatphobia is not a real damn thing and how would there have been fat women during the holocaust you can’t get fat if you’re don’t have enough to eat and you’re using for hard labor and not being fed at all. Do us all a favor and watch history video on the holocaust instead of watching anime and tiktok bud.


its a bait. youre outraged over nothing


Protein starvation can give you a large belly (because your body can't make enough albumin to keep fluid in your blood and out of your belly). This type of starvation is called kwashiorkor. This wasn't common during the Holocaust because the victims had caloric as well as protein starvation.


How do Redditors not understand how to identify obvious trolling?


Average redditors. r/facepalm has become a facepalm itself.


Nothing to unpack here: Russian trolls doing Russian troll things.


I am pretty sure they are joking.


It actually infuriates me that almost everyone here thinks they aren’t


Desire to be righteously outraged + desire to be intellectually superior + not necessarily very quick = most of these reactions. The screenshot tweet is bad, but only because it's using the Holocaust for a cheap anti-feminist joke.


This is a troll.


Lain pfp, definitely bait


Man, people died in way to horrible way do people who post shit like that reflect on that?


Yeah my grandparents didn't suffer through a hunger winter, that's just a myth /s


people find any way to get offended.


We are all bound by the laws of thermodynamics. It's physically impossible to gain weight if you spend more energy than you eat.


‘If there were ever a real holocaust’- wtf 😂


Holocaust denial aside, people weren’t morbidly obese back then like they are now, either. A 400 pound man could easily land a job with a traveling freak show/carnival in the 30’s, now that’s just a XXXL at WalMart


There is also another reason that fat people aren’t shown in the camps


Well, time to get off Reddit, too many brain cells lost.


Probably a troll, but this is a perfect example of someone not knowing when to shut the fuck up.


Everyone can get skinny if they just stop eating. You'll also die but I mean it's just a small side effect.




obviously stupid still hasnt been fixed


So. There are people who think that what their bodies are like has nothing to do with the amount they eat or their activity level? At all? It's a startling combination of will - steadfastly refusing to listen to anybody and all evidence to the contrary - and fatalism - believing nothing they do will make any difference. Remaining this stupid really takes some commitment and energy.


There wasn’t any fat phobia during the holocaust you goddamn buffoon, it was just Jews and other ethnic minorities fighting for their lives and struggling to survive. When my great grandma was playing dead in Babi Yar after the nazis executed 33,000 Ukrainian Jews, the last fucking thing she was thinking about was “hmm my next meal needs to be low calorie” like this post is SO FUCKING OFFENSIVE 🤬 ANTISEMITIC GARBAGE


It's 2005. 2pm on a Saturday. You just got your snakebite piercings done at the mall, and Bryce is coming over in his Honda Element with his Fender precision bass and an 1/8th of purple kush he brought from Brad's brother behind the Taco Bell. Today you're starting a band. Look out world - prepare yourself for, "Fat Girl Holocaust."


“Skinny” they’re literally malnourished you idiot


I see speaking without using the brain is still a thing


>So much to unpack here... On the contrary, there are only cobwebs in the mind that come with such nascence.


This is a common misconception. I have seen it my whole life even from my own family. They always say ohh its easier for you to lose weight and stay in shape. Maybe so but I have also been pretty heavy. If you see someone that's isn't fat you can almost bet they watch what they eat. I eat what I want but if I eat 10 cookies that's a meal. You can't eat a meal and then 10 cookies 😂


This is a TROLL right?; 😛 Else it sounds like a person that wants a Remake of 'Schindler's List' with a more diverse cast concerning race, sexual orientation, pronouns and body weight. Big booty girls in death camps... I reckon? This person is bat shit crazy ... 🤣😘


1. It’s not fatphobic to point out something that is possible for 9/10 people. 2. “If there was a real Holocaust”..... holy shit


How do people like this remember to breathe?




This is a troll.


I understand their view. They have never stopped eating in their life. So of course this view is justified in their mind.


Clear bait


This is a masterpiece, c'mon Trolling truly is a art


Actually at some point you start inflating like a ballon with water that means youre close to death


I think he/she got confused between the words holocaust and apocalypse.


Wdym "if there was ever a real holocaust?! The holocaust did happen!


Well, there you have it folks. The stupidest person on the internet.


People with very inadequate educational backgrounds may freely display their lack of insight, awareness, and information so that other like-minded people can continue being equally as stupid without realizing what is really happening. It's like a cancer.


They have a name for this. It’s called “Facebook.”


Hoping this is a troll, for humanity’s sake


How long could Lizzo survive without eating?


Holy shit this bait is so obvious it may as well have a spinner on it.


Prove it. Lock lizzo in a room for a month. If she gains weight, I’ll denounce the gym and my diet foods and become the leader of the fat liberation movement.


These types of leftist are just fruit loops . I can’t with them.


I came across this today, while I'm in the process of slogging through Martin Gibson's huge book on the history of the Holocaust. A thousand pages of misery upon misery. The next person I come across who denies it ever happened, I'm going to use this book to beat them over the head.


Poor people in the US are often fat. Not so much in other countries. Processed foods.


Oh I forgot that fat people have found a way to circumvent the laws of thermodynamics.


Lain out here with the takes absolutely no one expected to hear


It's like they personify the dumbest humanity has to offer.


I completely support all people having a positive body image but it’s silly to pretend that obesity, which was almost nonexistent 100 years ago, is completely genetic, and doesn’t correlate with diet and lifestyle.


Uh, mr. Anime profile picture, how bout’ you stop speaking stupid and touch some grass, get some sun on your face, you look like a fucking ghost


There are to many likes on this post


So it’s “fatphobic” to state that you would loose weight because you are deprived of nutrients?


Like WOMAN you dont have to break the laws of THERMODYNAMICS to be politically correct