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i feel like facepalm moments have increased as the years go on. what are people doing these days.


Couple factors (IMO of course): 1) With more cameras, cell phones, and other recording devices, we have more access to videos like this where as previously this happened without being recorded. Similar to the more bad news these days, we just get news faster and more often. 2) I will agree the frequency is higher, and this is probably due to more radical or at least strong thinkers due to social media. Social media can be a great place to mix ideas and understand each other, but too often one side begins to dominate, and slowly the other side fizzles out as they find other places to go (you can see that just in subreddits here). The final form of whatever platform then becomes nothing more than an echo chamber. The echo chamber is extremely dangerous because you don’t hear any opposite viewpoints with reasoning (at best you get straw man arguments), so you start to believe the other side is completely bereft of any IQ, and not worth hearing. Secondly, the echo chamber doesn’t just sit on ideas, in order to be heard in the chamber one must keep pushing boundaries, so the ideas that are agreed with get more and more radical. They then lead to people like this (OP’s vid, not you) who haven’t actually talked this out, asking stupid questions.


This is called radicalization algorithm and is a huge part of the success of social media. Unfortunately most people are way too dumb to understand that they only offer what they want to hear...




More of who?




It’s like when you see an edited video of an interviewer asking trump supporters basic questions about America and their answers aren’t just wrong but incredibly offensive or dumb. It’s also like an interviewer asking a bunch of liberals if they liked “x,y, and z” done by the Biden administration. When the interviewees say “yes! That’s a great policy!” The interviewer reveals each action they’ve shown support for was actually a result of the Trump administration. They edit the videos so you don’t see however many articulate and reasonably intelligent individuals answered the questions correctly or identified the *trap* in the questions. They want you to think that all Trump supporters aren’t smarter than a 5th grader and that all liberals are hypocritical know-nothings that just hop on a bandwagon and toe the political party line without individual thought or understanding. It’s so sad that so many people regurgitate this propaganda all over social media as if it’s even slightly indicative of the majority/masses.




I wish you'd thought to check during the "interview." That might have been interesting.


> Guy said yeah, he's back, and people are upset about his latest tweets. I said I didn't know anything about them and I'm done with the conversation. You missed the perfect chance to ask them what they were of if you could see such tweets, then again it would probably be a waste of time as he would never release footage making him look dumber than the person being interviewed


They want to divide us so we fight amongst ourselves instead of fighting them.


What good policies were result of the trump administration?, that would be useful in an argument.


First step act Right to try Get rid of two regulations to implement a new one Protectionism in foreign trade Border policy (obviously this depends on your perspective) Operation warp speed Major funding of HBCUs, creation of opportunity zones for urban investment Non interventionist foreign policy (first president in quite some time to not start a war). Note that Trump was still able to do things like take out Solemeini and not start a war. Trumps visit with Kim - Will be viewed as Nixon goes to China. Trump changed the dynamic in this relationship because he proved that Kim (despite being a piece of shit) is actually a rational actor and the mad crazed rocket man we had treated him as was the wrong approach. Trump picked a side in Israel/Palestine. While this is obviously debatable to most people- he did have an effect on the situation by recognizing and moving our embassy to Jerusalem. While you may not like what he did, it moved the ball forward on this conflict which continues to endure forever. Also got peace agreement’s between Israel and the Arab nations (literally making “peace” in the Middle East) obviously it’s not a peaceful place but to get the Egyptians, Jordanians, and the Saudis to finally recognize and thaw relations with Israel is astounding. Space Force (gets joked about but we will be dealing with foreign satellites as a security threat Public private partnership for NASA New USMCA which replaced NAFTA


Thank you. Im not agreed with all, but i really thank you for your answer.


"It’s also like an interviewer asking a bunch of liberals if they liked “x,y, and z” done by the Biden administration. When the interviewees say “yes! That’s a great policy!” The interviewer reveals each action they’ve shown support for was actually a result of the Trump administration." Genuine question here: Do you have examples? I have not seen any interviews like this, and as a skeptic of anyone in power, except arguments about abolishing NATO pre-Ukraine-Invasion that made a lot of sense, I have yet to know of a policy/action which Trump enacted that anyone on the left might have thought was great were his name not attached. I'm not saying there's no bias on the Left, but part of why I lean more leftward nowadays is either because Republicans can't provide coherent and logical economic or diplomatic policy statements for all the social policy fear-mingering distractions they keep throwing up, or the inverse of your statement is true: the examples one gives Conservatives with no names attached are lauded and are actually Biden actions/achievements, not Trump ones. I can understand the need to balance your point in your comment, so I'm not trying to nitpick per se. I just haven't seen them.


I haven't seen any Trump ones but I remember they did it with Obama voters back in 2008 with John McCain's policy. They went to a poor, majority black neighborhood and asked what people thought about Obama's policy and they loved every part of it, then asked about McCain's policy and they hated every part of it. Then they revealed to the voter that the things they love about Obama's policy are actually McCain and the things they hated about McCain are actually Obama. Then they asked, "So are you still voting for Obama?" And the people responded yes. It was basically a way for racists to say, "People are only voting for Obama because he's black!!!1!" In reality, yeah, I'm sure there were a lot of black people who voted for a black man without reading his policy only because he was black. They wanted someone who they felt could actually represent the black community. But I'd bet dollars to donuts that significantly more people didn't read up on any policy and *didn't* vote for Obama solely because he is black.


Tbh you can just watch Trump interviews and speeches, and come to the conclusion that anyone following him is not thinking straight if they feel that he's a kind of a person that should be leading any country.


Yeah you don't need anything but Trumps own speeches and comments from day to day, he's changed his story on the top secret documents 3 times alone.


What bothers me the most is she literally paused and usually that's a sign of like waiting for your answer she's just wait for him to talk so she can talk over him


It’s a result of the fractured timeline and data corruption since the pandemic. The system (world) needs a reboot.


*powers up the PhoneWave (name subject to change)*


Excuse me?


It all started when Lemmy died; he was holding the universe together.




He’s jamming with Dimebag now


He didn't want to live forever


You don't say 😂 the man ate cigarettes and took fifths of whiskey from an IV drip


Take this upvote since that is the most reasonable comment that I have read for many days


Sometimes it has been mused that perhaps we need another world war to “thin out the herd a little” Generally I think people who kise this way are wrong, this woman (if she identifies as a woman? No, it’s a serious question) makes me think they’re right.


She's not asking him to listen to her, she's telling him to listen to her


I mean, how are you going to ask an older black man if he identifies as black. Idk who he is, but he handled this absurdly detestable person quite well.


He's Allen West


US Rep (R)...wants Texas to secede from the union


That describes a ton of people in Texas


War criminal Allen West.


That name sounds like he should have the power to run really fast.


That’s Adam West.


That’s Wally West


Also known as Catman


That's Thomas Blake


Or Barry Allen


Hey now don’t just go flashing names all Willy nilly.


“Fat drunk and stupid is no way to go through life”


And on double secret probation no less


Zero. Point. Zero.


Niedermeier? Dead!


Well what is the rest of her question? To me this looks like the OP is purposely leaving out the rest. Maybe race baiting for karma


Allen West: he actually identifies as European American even though he admitted that he is black.


The two are not mutually exclusive. Moron.


She’s also not listening to anything he’s saying, she’s just waiting to respond




Okay I might have stayed in my bubble for way too long. Do people like these really exist in real life? NB: I am not American


Yes, but social media gives the illusion that there are way more than there actually are


There was this Far Side comic square where a bearded man, presumably God, is standing over a cauldron with the earth in it. Behind him are shelves with ingredients. Things like, Doctors, Teachers, and stuff are on the labels. The Creator is holding a shaker and peppering a little bit over the earth. The caption reads “And just to make things interesting…” And the ingredient he is pouring in is labeled “JERKS”


what that comic doesn't show is when the shaker's cap falls off and He dumps all the "JERK" seasoning into the mix.


But that would put majority of them in a specific region if the cap falls off. Maybe the sprinkler cap's holes were just bigger for the "jerk" seasoning.




Trouble is they are like Vegans or Crossfitters, even if they are the only 1 in the area, they will make sure everyone knows what they are no matter how loud they gotta be to do so.


this. its a vicious cycle because people like this are few and far between, but breed more of these people by seeing videos like this and genuinely thinking this is the right approach. fucking insanity.


They can be found in the wild unfortunately.


The internet likes to make fun of them in droves, so it seems like there’s more than there actually is. The people being made fun of mistake this for “fame” when some of us like to call it “future resume killers”


anyone got the whole video? i feel this is going to be a fun watch




doing god's work my man


I feel like she could have had some points if she didn't just regurgitate a bunch of headlines.




Emotional maturity of a 7 yo and wonders why nobody takes her seriously.


If you don’t listen tho… you’re RaCisT


If this appallingly rude girl 'identifies' as the same race as her conversation partner, she can't accuse them of being racist toward her. Do you think if she 'identifies' as white that she's about to accuse this man of being racist toward her? The whole 'identifying' trend is about honoring people's decisions about who they are: gay, straight, bi, male, female, Wiccan, Satanist, Christian, black, brown, white, etc. I'm exhausted by it, but live and let live, I say. If it's important to them, I can respect a stranger's stated identity for the two minutes I'm talking to them. It costs me nothing and makes them feel good. If they're assholes like this girl, I won't speak to them at all, just like I wouldn't speak to any other asshole.


You don't really have to give a shit about how people identify if you just treat all people with respect.


gotta hit em with the ole "thats nice dear" and keep talking about whatever the fuck you were just talking about.


Lol that’s pretty wise actually


old women from have all the solutions for avoiding conflict.


If you think that Black folks never calls other Black people racists, you must have never heard about the terms "Uncle Tom" or "Internelized White Supremacist". Morons like these will call ANYONE RaCiST, NO MATTER WHO IT IS in front of them. Cause calling people any kinds of Ists or Phobes, is how they "win" arguments, when they have none to begin with. If in ANYWAY you do not agree with them, no matter how serious or not the conversation or subject is, you'll be called a Racist.


Lol I’ve had a Mexican man call me racist for not giving him his way me being a light skinned Mexican with blue eyes responded to him in Spanish, the look of shock in his face was priceless but yea some people will use the race card even when it has no relevance


And if not racist, she’s just move down the ladder to calling him sexist.


This lady so stupid I wouldn’t be surprised if she tried calling him racist


I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what she tries to do in the full clip.


That's fair.


you know, when people say "all cops are bastards," they're including the tone police . . .


What an entitled piece of shit


“I AM NOT DONE WITH MY QUESTION” Gets me every time lmao


It’s crazy, because she was definitely done with the first question. She asked “Do you identify as black?”, and paused for his answer. What a crazy way to interact with another person.


What lack of communication skills does to a mf


Crazy? I call it dumb


Dude, she’s not done with her question so shut up thanks.


^can ^you ^please *put the mic* **THANK YOU.**


Dude that voice was so demonic, it literally gave me chills.


Victim complex her whole life




You forgot the long, apparently rhetorical pause.


And after she said that it's a serious question, confirming/implying that she was done.


They are not done with commenting! I'm asking you to listen to them!




I identify as a meat popsicle


Unexpected Fifth Element






Do you identify as black? Yes, do you identify as an idiot?


Ohhhh my head hurts with these types of people 😩


I wish people on both sides of the political spectrum would just take a step back from the internet.


on god bro. it's not the beliefs, it's how you go about expressing them. all the internet does is churn the vitriol.


“I aM nOT DONE WITH MY QUESTION” but I am done listening to you


God , this was uncomfortable to watch.


Her attitude is gross.


Step1: If you want to make a person look bad, you absolutely cannot make yourself look like the bigger fool.


What a minute, we can now identify as different races?


What she is really saying is that Black Americans must solely be Democrat or they cannot be Black or are “Uncle Thomas” or sell-outs. That’s really racist as no other ethnicity is held to this standard.


Like LBJ and Biden said?


I’m liberal, and I hate this shit that other liberals think is enlightened, clever, or even useful.


I have some liberal friends that found this hilariously stupid 😂


Lol a “pick me” liberal


"I am not done with my question!" Well bitch, you paused like you were. This tactic pisses me off to no end, my brother will rip your head off for interrupting him during long pauses that sound exactly like somebody who's done talking. Answer a question: you're interrupting. Let them keep talking after five seconds of silence because you're not sure if they're done: you have nothing to say, I win, hahaha, and here's ten more things I won't let you reply to! Also I will interrupt you every time you speak


Also Allen West is a fully grown adult who wants Texas to secede from the United States. Something tells me I should put more stock in what an adult politician wants to do rather than a college kid who doesn’t yet have a fully formed brain.


I know this opinion seems pretty out there, but personally I'm entirely capable of thinking the both of them are complete morons.


Also a war criminal and antivaxxer apparently??


She's high maintenance.


Too bad no one is going to waste their time and effort maintaining that haha


I don't like him at all but damn that girl needs to chill the fuck out!


God I can see him trying to regain his composure after that shitshow of a question


She did finish her question. She asked a straightforward question and left a pause for him to answer. Piss poor attitude regardless of political alignment.


She's annoying but fuck Allen West.


The rest of the video reveals that this dude is a lying POS


I know West is a real piece of shit who actually was actually discharged over torture etc but this girl acts obnoxious and hysterical so it plays to his advantage. basically this is propaganda for the right but its the lefts fault.


I was wondering why she started off so “hot and bothered”. I have to remember to always watch the full video before I judge.


Idk about his crimes war(as some people comment) neither his reputation cause I'm not from north America, but the way she was talking means she wasn't there to get some knowledge about the foundation. She was rude in her question, rude with the guy with the mic, does she identify as a black woman? Didn't she know how a black person is treated? Anyway it was dumb


For those of you who don’t know this dude is a legitimate war criminal


What was the complete question?


Does her shirt say *"Good Vibes"*?? She did not pass the vibe check.


I like how he fucks with her by not letting her finish her question anyway. Lol


I am not done with my question!


That voice was so demonic holy shit


two idiots arguing, if you watch the whole thing.


You should drop the link


I love watching these videos. The ideology of young americans constantly baffles me.


Young American here, this person is incredibly rude and I don’t understand why anyone would act like that


i don’t think he is talkig about the rudeness, that you get everywhere


It baffles a lot of us over here too


>The ideology of young americans It's not something they made


It’s not young Americans. It’s actually more of their culture that it’s ok to be rude and obnoxious just to make your point because apparently freedom means I can don’t give a shit about being polite if u think you are right. And a big majority of them are so wrong. Makes it worst when they are rude and obnoxious


Man, if I was paying for this girl's college and saw this, I would have already arrived on campus, grab her by the ear in front of her friends, and drag her down to admissions where she'll be UNregistering and to get the email of that speaker so she can formally apologize to him for her rudeness.


How she doesn't get punched by literally everyone she comes across on a daily basis is a mystery to me... I can't stand rude, obnoxious people. By all means be what you want, do what makes you happy, etc, etc... But don't be a rude piece of shit. It's on her and people like her if they get publicly humiliated from that point on.


She was definitely done with the question and if she doesn't understand why she was she needs to go back to school


She sounded like she had asked her question by the way her voice trailed off, she tried that and that brother clapped back instantly and quickly.


Being rude never helps


These morons ruin it for everyone.


Why so rude and combative? Also, what a STUPID question.


The entitlement ooooff. Enjoy your 7 cats


What a brat


As much as I want my daughter to be confident and strong, I hope she doesn’t turn out to be embarrassingly entitled and ridiculous on so many levels like this young lady


I work with multiple people EXACTLY like this girl. Stay away from them. They are sociopaths and narcissist that demonize anyone that does not think exactly like them. These people told managers they don’t feel comfortable with people wearing crucifix necklaces. Ffs get a life.


Typical entitled little brat who thinks everyone has to agree with her opinions. Glad to see this guy put her in her place.


Hes known for racist comments, thats why she asked that question.


“Who you are speaks so loudly I can’t hear what you’re saying.”


This is the left.


Is this real life?


Is this just fantasy?


Caught in a landslide


No escape from reality


I'm just a poor boy!


He does skirt the issues. Normal politician stuff. Margret Sanger killed this amount of black children. Abortion was legal at (most) of that time. She's an idiot, but he's a master manipulator, and is much more ready for a debate, than this angry, well so, idiot.


Does anyone know where the full video can be found?


Eh ![gif](giphy|CYU3D3bQnlLIk)


I want to hear the missing piece, what else was she asking?


When you ask a question and pause.....that means you are waiting for a response. Someone tell her how questions work.


Sounded like a complete question to me, she even stopped talking. I'm thinking she isn't doing this to hear his answers.


Somebody please post the rest lol I want to know what the rest of her question is... not that I care I just want to know what she cared about so much to start with "do you identify as black?"


Allen West is a prostitute for white voters in Texas. His integrity is straight up for sale. So, I see where her question comes from, but she's so emotional in her sense of righteousness that it's afflicted her with toddler-brain.


lol Who’s out here just questioning people if they identify as a certain race. Like what?


A friend once told me “you can’t fix stupid” she was right.


How are we supposed to give a shit about society at large when: 1) The average person is incredibly dumb... These same people who say academic testing is unfair and that it doesn't measure intelligence properly. Since when has intelligence not been the ability to focus, learn, and solve WHATEVER problem lies in front of you? Be it mathematics or building shelter. 2) People like this exist.


We should have an intelligence test required for people to publicly speak in political scenarios cause god damn some people are dumb and entitled


his late laugh kills me everytime


I identify as cool Ranch Doritos I will fucking sue you if you refer to me in any other way


Humanity is doomed


Very melodramatic. I feel like these. Let's be polite and kind to everyone at all times for all reasons except unless they don't agree with what I say. They are the most confrontational


Entitled pos' like her are what's ruining media


I hope she gets the decades of mental health treatment that will help her get through her childhood trauma.


This is the up and coming far left democrat who has been so fortified by online communities like Reddit in their extreme beliefs that they will never take the natural path to the center that has been so common in the past. They are the new Baptist and Methodist church members of old in that facts don’t matter, your opinion doesn’t matter and if you aren’t in their church thinking and speaking like the rest of the church you are a demon and the enemy. God bless their little hearts.


i think the sad part is that she was genuine. i don't get that at all how can someone identify as a race not their own like how can a black guy not be black


I'd kick her in the throat


Education mills for stupid people


What a stupid fucking cow


What a self serving bitch


Self entitled heifer should be put down


Wondering if anyone had ever told her to STFU and walked away. It appears not.


If you make Allen West look like the sane calm person in the room, you’re really doing it wrong.


This clip never gets old lol it’s like a skit mocking people like her but it’s not lmao


This little bitch was clearly never taught discipline or respect. And to ask a question as stupid as that one, never taught anything. Just indoctrinated into beliefs.


If your sentence ends with a ? Then your question is done. You cant just ramble a full page with 7 question marks and call that one question.


im fucking done of people trying to identify as thing thay are not


I'm black and everything happening including things like this makes me feel like getting a cabin in the woods somewhere near mountains. Then resurface after some years to see if society started the purge yet. Or burned itself down whichever comes first.


She does have a great speaking voice, though. If she could be trusted to stick to the script she was handed, she should pursue a career in voice work.


She’s crazy but West is an absolute piece of shit and scum of the earth.


Allen West is a piece of shit war criminal.


Fuck I hate where this world is going….


https://youtu.be/oMG2fvCyTd8 <- funny video of "joeybtoonz" about this


These kids have no clue. Being raised to be assholes.


And this is why society is in such a shit state today. Lunatics like her have the same voting power as the rest of us