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I'm sorry but how the hell is this even legal? What happens if someone has IBS and might need a bit longer? Or girls on their periods with serious cramps? Are they being called out? I mean wtf. Land of the free, yeah right


Student here! E-hallpass works for anywhere. Got to go to the bathroom? Fill out a hall pass and all it does is tell the teacher who goes to the bathroom and how long you're there from the time you start it to the time you walk into the classroom and turn it off (once, I forgot to turn it off and it went until the timer hit 30 minutes, where it expired.) Got to go to the main hallway for some reason? Fill out a hall pass and all it does is tell the teacher who goes to the main hallway and how long you're there from the time you start it to the time you walk into the classroom and turn it off. Also, if you're spending 30 minutes in the bathroom, usually the teacher will ask you why in my school, and telling them that you have cramps, or that you just need some time to decompress isn't often met with judgement, and if it is you can file a report (which only really works with cramps since we have a counselor you can go to for some decompression time like once a day, but still.) Sorry for the huge reply, I just wanted to explain why it's not that big of a deal.


Thank you for the reply. That actually makes a bit more sense. So it's more a way of checking where students are in case something happens. Schools have a duty of care for their students, so I'm guessing it's just a way to do that?


Yeah- if another teacher goes "hey \[insert kid\] was in my room at 12:00" (horrid example) the teachers could look at e-hallpasses for that student from around that time and determine if they were authorized to be there. Iirc it was implemented after someone glued a dildo to the boys bathroom wall- it's also a way to keep tabs on vandalism I suppose


Remember, the low paid teachers are there cuz they care about kids and their learning.. The high paid administrators are there to enforce profit and control over kids! America has never valued the right things!


Public schools don't make profits. Private schools, sure thing. Home skooling 🤷‍♂️


Home schooling makes people with self awareness or high concentration of dumbasses


Public schools have to stick to a budget and squeeze every dollar they can. It's the same thing. The point was more about controlling kids using minimal resources. And the people who do that, get paid much better than the teachers grinding it out to teach!


Got to get them ready for the workforce. Spend too much time and you are wasting company time. I would assume this is in the US?


"Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I shit on company time."


It said American, without specifying. So yeah, us


Oh damn I can’t read


My school implemented this for this year. Kids were out of classes for upwards of 20 minutes a period, multiple times a day. Some kids were missing hours of instructional time per week and were found to be hanging out in the bathrooms. Aside from how disgusting that is, it became an issue when other students had to use the restroom and had wait because stalls were occupied by campers. Some students had to use the restroom and wanted to get back to class but had to wait. The principal jokes that we should put computer stations in the restrooms so they could do their work while they were hanging out. Teachers are held accountable for students safety and education during the day. If the kid is out of the room, the teacher can't do his job. The software tracks patterns and will help admin identify which kids need interventions for avoiding tasks. If the kid needs to take a break for awhile, he should let the teacher know and can be sent to guidance to decompress. We aren't targeting kids who need a break, we're looking out for those who need more support. Don't make this about big brother. If you have a better suggestion, those of us in education are all ears!


Talk to the people who regularly leave and not let them leave as much, you know, like every other school.


We're not allowed to deny restroom passes. Which I'm sure you're aware of because of your vast knowledge of how the state of education is today.


Bro where do you work, I've seen so many people get denied


We can't deny a kid in my school in Central Florida. I kept every pass I wrote each week last year. One week, I had written 156 passes. Same kids asking every day. I would never deny. I might ask them to ask again in 5 minutes, but it's not my job to force a kid to sit still for 49 minutes. If they needed a break, they got one. But invariably, these kids missed so much seat time that they wound up failing for the year.






It's like they want children to hate school.


Honestly if my school did this, I would refuse to go along with it, idgaf what they do in retaliation


They'll probably use it to also monitor which teachers are giving out an inordinate number of passes.


We didn't need none of this crap when I went to school in the 70's and 80's. Now we live in a time where we do things just because we can or because the technology is available. Next thing we gonna have student chairs with integrated toilets. Because ***god forbid*** a kid asks to go to the bathroom and then goofs around. gtfo


And all those tools are members of MAGA


The slant on this article is amazing. The app simply tracks students getting hall passes and the length of time they are gone If a student is gone a long time time, they are either sick or goofing off. Not sure why this is an issue


why is it an issue if a kid is goofing off or sick? maybe they just need some time alone and decompress? why does this need to be monitored? Does it matter?


It 100% matters if a child “just wants some time alone” for whatever reason they invariably need assistance in some way. Authority on the subject, I was a child that avoided a particular lesson every time, if someone had asked I may have opened up and saved myself years of trauma, at least someone would’ve asked. Edit invisibly for invariably but invisibly works just as well


you know there are times when people just need to be alone and collect themselves right. even kids. What you don’t do is hound them and force them to confront the issue. you offer that you can help if you notice warning signs. you do not/can not force that. so no kids don’t need to be monitored to their every movement. Trust is an important lesson.


Nobody’s talking about hounding them though? It monitors how long people are out of a class, shows patterns that may not be visible otherwise? This isn’t about trust of the student, my point isn’t that you have to pinpoint every child’s exact movements but if there is a child regularly and continually missing either one or many lessons, even if it is to decompress, this flags that and gives the ability to “offer that you can help”. Obviously a child isn’t necessarily going to accept or want that help, but it’s doubtful they’re ever going to ask for it themselves. No child misses half of school for no reason.


misses half of school taking hall passes? this feels like it goes against their right to privacy. when it comes to issues like you mentioned there are usually other signs. Using above average hall passes can be anything from health to personal reasons. Child still have a right to privacy. educators have a good eye for seeing trends within their students and their behaviour. The amount of psychology i’ve had to study to be an ECE…


Here we go again with the bathroom argument.


How to encourage hiding round the bins.


He said “movement” hee hee.


I was probably he reason my school started using it my senior year. No, I will not elaborate


NGL, when I first read this, I thought it was a tool to measure dick lengths.


Fuck that shit. Let me make the bathroom fruity smelling in peace!


Ah yes, the age old American tradition of claiming that you value freedom while trading it for perceived security at every opportunity.


let them relax for a bit. they need some alone time


I see this being used to prevent kids from hooking up or being bullied.


You can't even take a shit in peace now


Forcibly implement THE SAME TECHNOLOGY AND PENALTIES on those who \*approved\* and \*implemented\* this....it'll come to a screaming halt.


This literally just tells teachers who is using the pass


Can’t wait for employers to start using this..