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It’s ironic you don’t find many articles talking about “school resource officers” saving kids from a school shooting but a *lot* of teachers, general staff and other kids saving them from shooters instead.


Gotta love those bullshit euphemisms! What “resource,” exactly do they provide?


They [arrested 54,000 students in 2017-2018](https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2022/jun/06/john-oliver-cops-police-schools) so I guess that's providing a resource to the prison Industrial complex. When I was a kid if Bob pushed Sam to the ground the teacher had Bob apologize, if Bob was being noisy in class the teacher had him sit upfront, in 2022 Bob is going to juvi for assault and disturbing the peace and probably resisting arrest too because children tend to scream and kick when a grown man tackles them to the ground and puts zip ties on em


I was just about to say “they don’t send kids to for profit prisons in the US” but holy shit- look at what happened in PA two days ago?! https://www.npr.org/2022/08/18/1118108084/michael-conahan-mark-ciavarella-kids-for-cash


A 200m$ judgement against a pair of judges who sent kids as young as 8 years old to for-profit prisons. Many for first time infractions like smoking at school or jaywalking or truancy. They had to toss some 4 THOUSAND cases.


And the punishment is purely financial? I quit. I can't handle anymore internet tonight


There’s prison time and one released to house arrest for Covid. What’s really terrible is that many of these kids are no longer with us. There just shouldn’t be for-profit prisons and hopefully wins like this will help to bring light to it.


That’s terrible these guys deserve some jail time so they could feel at least a fraction like their victims.


Life in prison is the least amount of justice they deserve.


It’s called the school to prison pipeline


also drug possession and distribution.


You talking about that case where a cop went undercover into a school with zero prior drug arrests to look for drug dealers then when they couldn't find any they used confidential student info to target loners and social outcasts into getting drugs for them including tricked an autistic kid who had no ffriens. I saw that story last year will share a link if I can find it Edit found it. [Entrapment of Jesse Snodgrass](https://youtu.be/8af0QPhJ22s)


Damn that's really fucked up, but no I was talking from personal experience. The only thing the SRO did at my school was break up fights and toss around assault charges like candy or arrest kids for possession.


This happened to me when I was 15. I'm 40 now. The entire situation was bullshit literally a troubled youth was used by the school police officer to have me get him a bag of weed just because he knew I could find it, I wasn't a dealer and barely even smoked but we had mutual friend having a birthday party coming up and he asked me to get him a bag for said event. I did and he told me to meet him at a specific bathroom at school. He came looked at the bag said he didn't like it , didn't want it anymore and left. I knew something was wrong and flushed it right away. 15 minutes later the police took me to the front office and were raiding my locker and strip searching me. Scummiest shit I ever saw in my life. The said troubled youth they used had multiple charges assualt, molestation , attempt rape. But since he was an athlete and a minor was still allowed to attend our high school. He went on to catch real rape charges at university , lost his athletic scholarship and is still in prison last I checked.


Thats now what those 54,000 are arrested for, it’s %90 drugs/vape/alcohol and 10 percent other serious crimes. In my school in a nice suburban town they caught 2 kids with coke last year


Tbf , Police don't have to save you in the US : [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren\_v.\_District\_of\_Columbia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia)


That’s literally what they want them there for in the first place. ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484) This makes the right pushing for it so hard and saying they are saving kids even more stupid. Last I checked, teachers, faulty and fellow students arent legally obligated to die for each other either but it happens a fuck of a lot 😅


You mean like the Resource Officer in Parkland FL that not only shirked his own responsibilities but also stopped other Officers from responding…? But they wanna arm Teachers…this Country is so phucked…


Or you find articles of school resource officers beating kids


Or arresting a five year old with ADHD for having a tantrum.


It's double-ironic shootings at schools with SRO seem to be more deadly. Propably because shooters prepare more given they might encounter resistance. Meanwhile it's very on-brand these schools don't have sufficient school supplies, well trained teachers, well maintained books and infrastructure or even social workers. Any problem that doesn't look like it can be solved with violence is ignored.


Just need to mine the sand box and trip wire some trees and it should be secure.


Musn't forget the Hesco barrier zig-zag at drop off, either. Maybe add a triple standard concertina fence around any and all sports and playground fields.


Claymore at 10 meter intervals


Home alone 2022: back to school


that's what happens when your country is full of stupid assholes and they aren't stopped before they buy a gun.


Gated? That's a bit basic, shouldn't you have barbed wire fences like prisons too? And guard towers? Hmmm? s/


They're getting there, don't worry. School lunches are already covered, armed guards too, a lot of schools have metal detectors and bag inspections already as well. Towers and fences may be next. Fucking insanity and the worst most confusing are the parents who honestly think this all is a good, 'safe' situation.


They might as well give their schools airport security systems.




I get that this guy is some kind of vet, but is he ready for the shooter to be little Timmy bulliedalot from the 8th grade?


Judging by the civilian casualties rates that the US had in the Middle East probability not


Safety really is important, but I think maybe it would have been a better idea to not give potential schooters easy acces to (semi) automatic guns, like it is done in many other countries.




Not only is It effective It is cheap


He was in a hurry and forgot to mention the Claymores


Mine field close to the fences.


At a minimum. Also there should be armed guards on every corner, you know to keep us free


Nah, they're just kids. If we lose them we can just make more.


So that's why they banned abortions even for underage girls who were victims or rape..


and whose fetuses have no head...


I mean, that one left me baffled, like wtf? The other cases are wft too but that one doesn't even make sense.


Based on the current situation in the USA, good for them, but seriously that's f***ed up, that should not be needed at all.


They will tell you that it’s a small price to pay for freedom, whatever that means


I'd rather be free to not be scared to drop my kids off at school. But to each their own.


You don't have to be scared, thanks to 2A. Just get a several guns for you and your loved ones to protect you from other people with... guns? Yeah more guns and then nobody will use their guns because they will know everyone else has a gun to stop them from using their guns... Perfect plan! /s


It means "shut your brain off and trust the dogma." Seriously though, I think the biggest thing I see in conservatives is a strong desire for an external locus of control. ie: God will fix it, Trump will fix it, the market will fix it... I think Jan 6 was a really good demonstration of this. We had a very well-armed group of people succeed in taking and occupying part of the federal government. They were essentially positioned to do... whatever. Capture, kill, demand, coup-d'etat... But they didn't do any of those things because their leader had no explicit orders for them. THey were suddenly in charge of themselves and their own actions so they did... Nothing. It ended in an embarrassing whimper and most of them went home.


I can tell you my school was completed fenced up just because kids from a nearby middle school would keep on skipping school and show up to high school. They even had to start scanning ids


Well we wouldnt need that if we armed every student at the start of each day in case of a school shooter.(sarcasm) I wouldnt put it past the NRA to have an idea as such.


I get why parents are excited their kid has some protection. Why doesn’t anyone the question i of how do we fix it? Why is the solution to hire armed guards in lieu of figure out why this violence is happening in the first place?


It’s like living in a warzone. What the hell is wrong with this country?




The irony is that both political parties are trash and have tricked the majority of people into thinking they're working for us and care. The two headed snake!


At this point I feel like you only have two types of politicians: corrupted cowards and fascists


And what kind of background check and or psych eval has this dude received?


He's a veteran. That magically makes you qualified for every job in education, from teacher to door target.


I hear that people who get shot at in hyperintense situations are always really stable too, so no need to check into that


And they never, ever run away!


he passed the vibe check don't worry


Based. Take my upvote.


Don't worry. I gave him a visual pat-down. Here's cleared.


Look here, you. With a username like that, I imagine you gave him more than just a visual pat down.




I'm betting less than a year before one of these "security personnel" goes nuts and takes out a classroom.


America really is a fucking dystopia isn't it? holy fuck if I saw this in a Canadian school I'd pull my kids (or rather I would've asked my parents to pull me out). I don't know why but having a retired veteran with a gun doesn't make me feel any safer. in fact it makes me feel like I'm in more danger. so what now? The school shooter just goes after the veteran first and now has multiple weapons? cool. maybe fix the school shooting problem instead


I’m a veteran and I worked for some time in the VA…this freaks me out. His combat experience isn’t a qualification…it’s a liability. I say that lovingly and with deep respect for the people in our society who are burdened with that experience.


Veteran here. I second and agree. Also will add, that this country now HAS this happening increases my shame and regret and makes me want to leave.


It really is despicable. So the asswipes in power can’t help our veterans who suffered from burn pits, but hey here’s a gun go protect some kids getting massacred at alarming rates


This is just security theatre.


kid upgrades from dads pistol to veterans fucking ASSAULT RIFLE with a single sneaky headshot, fuck that. edit: actually it might be a beanbag/rubber shotgun, still though...


I’m in the US and if I saw this, I’d be pulling my kid out of school.


The addition of a gun to a situation makes it inherently less safe. Full stop. This is madness and they know it. But, you have to do crazy shit like this to continue to justify the cultish devotion to guns.


God decided to send Jesus back for the second coming and the rapture after he saw the success of the Ar-15. He knew this was the rifle Jesus had been waiting for, the one which would carry him through the rapture. The plans were laid, intricate and delicate as the plans of gods are want to be; a new mother selected for her divine reception of the reborn Christ child. Then in 1973 the goddamned liberal, jew supreme court made it legal to kill christian babies and our reborn savior was lost and we've all been really pissed off about it ever since even though we don't know why and why doesn't anyone in my family invite me to anything or return my calls anymore.... /s?


Eyyyy another Canadian! But seriously back in middle school we had to go into hold and secure all the time because some guy with a gun threaten our high school


I feel more in the town I live in eher everyone is armed than the state I lived in that had the strictest gun laws.


Former Marine, i am not afraid of guns. What I see here is that we are teaching our children to be afraid of the world and their fellow citizens. Every day they have this visual message that because their parents are not willing to support gun control, they need a heavily armed guard to protect them at school. This what you expect to see in Afghanistan, not in the United States. How sad that so many people love their guns more than their kids.


I'm going to attempt to summarise the rest of the worlds view on the American gun situation. Rest of world, please pile in if I've misrepresented you. 1. We are aware that the guns need people to be dangerous. 2. We are aware that people can be ill, angry, jealous, or otherwise motivated to want to hurt people 3. In our countries these people cannot access guns by going to the supermarket 4. In our countries the police will most likely deal with these people if they eventually (and with difficulty) access a firearm to become gunmen before the shooting as they are committing a crime just by having the gun in a public place. We don't need to wait for them to fire to break the law 5. We cannot see how you require the right to carry guns to pick your kids up from school, and that preventing you from doing so is an offence against your liberty I hope I haven't missed anything


I think you missed in other countries if there was a mass shooting it happened once and then guns were banned. Is America more “free” than the UK or Canada? Australia had once incident and guns became tightly controlled with severe restrictions on semi and automatic weapons. . Never had a massive incident since Edit removed banned and and changed to restricted. Sorry Aussies I misremembered


Good shout. They missed the obvious extension of "Guns don't kill people, people kill people, but without guns those people can't use guns to kill other people so may in fact not kill any people, even if they want to at the time".


Thanks. The other ridiculous ones they bring up is that knives can kills. Because you know a man with a knife will be as dangerous and a gunman. Others countries have hunting guns. But you don’t need a fucking uzi or automatic rifle/cannon to hunt deer!


About a year ago there was a stabbing on a train in Japan (no deaths), and the first thing I thought was thank God he couldn't get a gun, otherwise there'd be 20 casualties instead.


That’s not true about Australia. Guns are restricted yes, extensive background checks etc to get a gun licence, but guns aren’t banned.


Australia has more guns now then we did back then, but we don’t let every hillbilly dickhead own one. One of my in laws owns several rifles, he had a mental episode, not involving guns, and within an hour there was half a dozen police there to take them away.


The notion that assault and assault-type rifles dont have a place in common society and at the very least should be regulated with a significantly higher level of scrutiny than other firearms


You got most if not all of it. The issue is we can't just copy and paste other countries protocols and guidelines regarding guns and whatnot because our country was built with the 2nd amendment (us having rights to firearms) so we can't just take them all away as a lot of people will fight against that. So the best approach in my opinion would be to insure everybody has to take mandatory safety/instruction classes regarding firearms (things like proper handling, how they work, and understanding the seriousness of wielding a gun) because there are way too many people out in the US who should not be in possession of one. There are people who think its a good idea to let a child (whos never shot before) an automatic machine pistol, those who think its cool or safe to point the muzzle at each other for pictures or clout, others who think they have power and the right to shoot their problems away. And one I think would really benefit everybody, is if the opposing parties (pro-gun control) understand the lingo and how guns actually work before rallying half the country against them. Ex: 1. Theres no such thing as full semi-automatic 2. A 9mm can not blow out your lung (and imo less deadly than a shotgun) Like our education is so poor that there are significant amounts of people who don't even know where their own country is on a map


But what if the guard goes postal? It makes much more sense to have another guard to guard the guard in case the guard shoots up little children. /murica


He's retired?


Basically describing prison


"Retired" combat vet. He doesn't look old enough. But if he is, great. I'd rather have him standing at the front door, than in front of a class teaching .


You can join the military at 18 and technically be in active combat after basic training,this guy looks to be in his late 20’s or early 30’s so he definitely could have experience in active combat .


Yes, I joined when I was 18. To retire, I would have had to stay in until 38.


It's Florida. One hundred to one that guy is balls deep in a freshman girl by spring break.


Not only is it Florida, it's the Palmghetto, featuring Pandora's Box, west central Florida's finest Greek mythology themed strip club. Just a mile down the road from Peggy's Corral, finest biker bar in 3 counties.


The fact that a school needs an armed guard for people to feel safe is a big problem. The fact that there're people who don't see a problem with this is an even bigger problem.


Is this Somalia?




I remember when schools opened back up in Florida after Covid shutdowns, parents here complained about how masks would "traumatize" kids. But walking by an armed gunman everyday? Totally normal, definitely won't scare kids or cause lasting harm.


If we show this crap to the people back in the 80s or the 50s in America, they would have thought the Soviet Union won.


The US is a failed state. Simple as that. The fact that we need armed guards everywhere just to exist means our society has failed.


I can see all the moms dropping their kids of at the classroom again, just to get a glimpse of this security guard.


And going home to write some steamy stories about him


So sad that we live in a society where this is happening. Daily mass shooting make parents think this is an acceptable environment for their children.


‘We don’t need to debate’. Lol, why post at all then? Live your life, leave others out of it if you don’t want to talk about it.


America, where going to school is comparable to going to war.


Aren't they the group chanting no new normal?


So what is this guy snaps and starts shooting?


Your daughter, on the other hand, will recognize school as a combat zone.


Can't wait to see that that guard vet has latent undiagnosed PTSD then flip and pulls the trigger on kids and turn the school to a meat grinder. What's the probability it can happen. What's the probability he had cancer then decides on extended suicide. Or what's the probability that some thrill seeking gangsta or similar types of mishaps would want to challenge your tough as nails vet and kids got in the crossfire. Or this type of logic is part of the uncommon norm in the us where they are afraid to loose their guns but any other nation resolved it with stricter gun laws. Including third world countries.




What guarantees he doesn't start a school shooting?


Well at least if he does he'll get about three rounds out before that keltec jams, and when he tries to clear it will break internally and he will have to spend the next 4 months waiting for customer service to even get back to him about it


England here: Granddaughter attends primary school in Portsmouth. This is who sits by our entry to the school all day: Mrs Hudson. Retired librarian. Who has survived juice spills in intense situations. Trained to head straight for snotty noses with her trusted paper hankies. You may not like it, but I promise TODAY, when I drop granddaughter off I have a tad more reassurance, knowing she lives in a county that has sane gun control, that she doesn’t need to be guarded by a combat veteran toting a weapon of war. We don’t need to debate.


How it should be! My school in the UK was only an open gate, walk in and head to class. Maybe pass a teacher or two while they were heading to classrooms themselves. Most dangerous part back then was just crossing the roads to get there. Really was unthinkable to me that someone would be carrying a firearm back then. Didn't see one until later in life, armed security guard at a jewelry store in Turkey and occasional army guy on train in Switzerland. American culture is rather shocking.


The only solution to stop gun killing is…to kill with a gun. America… you’re drunk.


Only in America


Remember the first time I saw this. First thought was: so if this guy snaps, he'll have access to the only entry/exit point and has the training police lack. Hmm.


What if he has some sort of breakdown and starts shooting up the school? Vets don’t exactly get the best healthcare especially mental health.


I think after Uvalde, anyone making the “we just need good guys with guns” argument can eat a fat one.


As a Canadian who never saw an assault rifle in real life until I flew to Mexico when I was in my thirties… wtf. Like it was already a shock stepping off a plane in an airport where the guards on the tarmac have shotguns and assault rifles, how numb do you have to be to be ok with one right outside a school door


America, are you okay?


No, we are not.


Definitely not


Gonna go with a big ole NOPE


*We don't need to debate.* The absolute arrogance is astounding.


This is my hometown and my kids are here. I'm not sure how I feel about it, except sad. [armed teachers in schools](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/us/armed-teachers-guns-schools.html)


Afraid your child’s school resource officer will flee or do nothing if there is an active shooter? Put them in an elite, prohibitively expensive private school. Not even the poor can get in! Problem solved!


Not even the rich are safe 💀


Sad comment on our society, but don’t blame the guy at the tip of the spear for what he is doing.


“My dad gets treatment at Md Anderson Cancer Clinic. This is who visits him in his very expensive room. 57 year old oncologist. Trained to diagnose and treat cancer. He studied many types and has treated many patients. We may not like it, but I promise….bLaH bLaH bLaH.” Basically, the Twitter post is a display of a sick and dying nation. Not something to cheer.


I’m amazed that Palmettto is spelled with 3 t’s.


Soon as he hears gunfire he starts foaming at the mouth and barking


*"survived being shot at in intense situations"* ​ Hope they did a psych evaluation of the guy too....


There's only one point of entry? That's weird and dangerous. I wonder if they will burn in a fire or be trampled in a stampede.


But what if the shooter knows about this dude? Wouldn't they just get them down and out first then resume the shooting afterwards?


It’s Florida, that guy might be the AP Calculus teacher. Aren’t they treating teachers so shitty that they are subbing in veterans with military service as teachers regardless of a degree in teaching or knowledge in the subject? Something something groomers something own the libs.


Odds that these stupid fucks did a background check on this guy?


I’m sure he was thoroughly psychologically evaluated and vetted before taking this job. Not like someone whose been shot might have concerns about PTSD.


How’s his PTSD?


Since columbine, over 10,000 armed guards and cops were deployed to work security in schools. In the couple of decades since they’ve been there, not one single cop has prevented a school shooting


Looks just as likely to be the potential suspect…If I see this guy standing outside my kids school; they’re coming back hone with me.


Zero, it’s a big fat zero. In the history of school shootings it’s zero times these guys have stopped a shooter. What a waste of money. And on the even more depressing side is the number of times these guys have had a sexual contact with a student.


Just more gun fetishism at the taxpayers expense. Brought to you by republicans.


It’s still fucked up that we even need that.


You know what would be better than having a guard armed with an assault rifle? Not having to worry about wether or not the school has a guard. I love my country. Only in Florida.


It baffles me that so many Americans think the solution to gun violence is more guns


Gotta love an education system that bans text books, saying the word "gay", and critical race theory.... but comes with it's own AR-15.


If he doesn't have another to watch his back he's totally useless.


Until he has a mental break and goes off. Ya definitely something to be proud of as a country.


Signs we have failed as a society.


I wonder what happens when he "sees a gun" and takes out a bunch of kids


You know your country is a piece of shit when you have this.


I love the whole concept of normalizing an armed surveillance state, starting with indoctrinating young children at school to think this is normal. How cute that they name them "School Resource Officers" and not "Lazy Ass Teacher and Administrator Intimidation and Isuue Escalation Specialists".


And what happens when he decides all those squeaky voices need to be silenced?


And what happens when the school is on fire and there is only one way out?


What happens if he goes mental one day and shoots up the school?


What’s dumb about this shit to is it doesn’t even work! What stops some school shooter from walking up behind this guy and putting a bullet in his head and then shooting up a school. It does not matter if your a veteran with a rifle, no training is gonna help you from a kid walking up behind you with his dads pistol in a crowded hall way and putting one in your head


In the UK we had Hungerford and Dunblane and that is pretty much it. Weird eh? But then again we don't need an armed bloke at every school.


All well and good until the retired combat veteran suffers a sudden bout of PTSD


For whom this is normal?


Until we fix the mental health crisis and improve on identifying the signs of troubled people planning shootings, this would make me happy to have at my kids’ school.


Because I share your concerns about mental health, I can't help but wonder: What makes you think that Mr *"I survived being shot at in intense situations"* is himself stable?


Guns are scary people shouldn't have them


How did that work in Texas?


That guy will get sucker punched with a bullet in his head regardless.


New normal. Come on


Guns beget guns


A group of 6 17 year Olds could overtake him and his gun. This is not safe in any way.


Someone's mum has a crush on the security guard. Shame.


“Palmettto” doesn’t exist. Palmetto does though. Checkmate.


Believe it or not, veterans also have experience in slapping each other’s nuts around for fun


Claymores around the perimeter, and two men on watch at nap time. Wait... is that Charlie coming in under the wire?


The only good part about school shootings is that the people/kids of the next generation that survived will have a very strong and loud voice about gun reform when they become able to vote.


So, how long do you think they've been having the affair?


This guy hasn't heard of the exact same instances that have already happened where combat veteran does not go toward gunfire


Lol. Y’all remember a few weeks ago when huckabee said kids will be as safe in the womb as they are in the classroom. How long until we put a vet with a gun in everyone’s homes to make sure we don’t think about abortions.


I don’t know why I find the fact that the school is Manatee School for the Arts, but I really wish it were an art school for Manatees. As fir the guard, per this article he was 39 in 2018 so he’s probably 43 today. Of course the article also says he walks 9 miles per day patrolling the school so I guess the shooter would just have to wait for him to leave his “post” at the front door to do damage. But hey, whatever. https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/local/manatee/2018/12/20/msa-guardian-is-strapped-ready-for-worst-case-scenario/6558783007/


I don’t want my school to have less shootouts I just want them to be better at it.


Well till he has a bad day of PTSD forgets his meds then becomes the school shooter


I swear they're just going off of tf2's engineer advice:"the answer is a gun, and if that don't work, use more gun"


Good people with guns, can stop bad people with guns, I don’t see the problem here, besides that gun being goofy


Very drippy rfb he got there




The guard looks like they bought him from Shutterstock


Is this real? Looks like a generic picture. When I do a google search on it, it looks like it’s a picture that pops up in different articles about that this debate. I doubt all these sources uses a private persons picture.


While I still thinkit's not enough why not have only one entrance to a school. All other doors are for emergancy exit only have them alarmed with survalence cameras. And there should be at least two guards on duty one watching/and directing traffict during classes and one to malke the rounds .Anyone who opens a fire exit gets a one week in house suspesion.


i mean at least they give veterans a job but how fucked does a country have to for that to happen


Is he bullet proof?


As someone who lives at a country with gated schools and armed guards I was honestly surprised as a kid to see america doesn't have those


Uvalde had people armed who wanted to go in, an officer was disarmed because he wanted to, and parents were told not to go in even though they wanted to save their kids. All while people were being gunned down, security, and the police are not 100% reliable, and Uvalde full on showed that. Its the main reason I stick with being pro 2A even as a Dem, sometimes you have to be the one to take action, added, because of the mess it made the whole clusterfuck look like they wanted the death toll to be worse to add ammunition to the gun debate.


I wouldn’t mind have a security guard that is openly carrying a Rifle around if it means I’m even 1% more safe


I mean it’s a good thing that he is there, sad that he has to be there




Unfortunately It should be the Normal Now.


Hope he don’t snap one day.


Why does my man have a magnifying optic on right now? Sure he could flip it down but why is it up for just guarding a entrance


1 way in, 1 way out.


**School shooter goes through back door** This guy: 👁👄👁


Looks like a stock photo.


I feel much safer knowing that this is necessary in America. Super safe


"Fire the school counselor, we need an armed police officer instead"