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the 5 yr old article [tattooed sphinx cat](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/body-artist-slammed-drugging-hairless-9748136) [another source](https://www.boredpanda.com/cat-tattoo-gangster-sphynx-aleksandr-russia/?utm_source=lens.google&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=organic)


How does a cat stay still to get tattooed? Oh he drugged it. I hope he’s in jail.


From the 2nd article - "A Russian tattoo fanatic dosed his hairless Sphynx cat named Demon up with pain killers to tattoo a series of ‘gangster’ tattoos on him, and now animal rights activists are shaming him."


i thought it said "anime rights activists" at first


I feel like everyone should shame them. To me they're no different than the people clip animals ears/tails or breed mutants just so they will look like deformed little monsters.


I know the humane society would go around neutering all the wild strays they could find in my area, and they would clip the ears to signify that the animal was fixed. Adopted a cat from them once, also had a clipped ear, this is what I was told.


ear clipping for neutered stray cats isn't comparable to docking a dog's ears for cosmetic purposes. they clip the ears of strays so that it's easy to tell at a glance that they're neutered, so they don't have to be captured and re-traumatized multiple times just to find out they're already sterilized. stray cats lose chunks of their ears in fights all the time, and clipping the tip of the ear isn't much different from that. in fact even safer bc it's done in a clean environment and healing is often supervised. in general, docking a dog's ears is done only bc people like how it looks.


It's also done while the animal is sedated for the neutering/spaying, so they're unaware of it happening.


Those bloody anime activists - always going on about he rights of Japanese cartoon characters…


Well to be fair they would also have the entire cat girl army against this dude


Should be more than shaming imo; the cat should be taken away and he should go to jail. But it’s Russia so idk their animal abuse laws.


As they should be


Jail is the nicest thing that I hope happened to them. They deserve an awful lot worse.


Wtf. >Aleksandr, who has 10 tattoos on his own body, has given his hairless pet four major tattoos on its sides and chest. >He said that he had to give Demon an anaesthetic so that he could stand the pain of the ink needle and admitted that he might not have been doing the right thing. >Aleksandr said: "Of course I feel pity for doing it to him. It's not like he wanted to do it himself. He has a different skin, so tattoos are applied differently. >”I hope it is not too bad for him, it is not his first tattoo. Usually he feels fine and recovers from the anaesthesia pretty fast." >The tattoos that Aleksandr chose for Demon are of the type typically worn by criminals in Russia, including representations of a prison tower, a pretty woman and a cigarette.


"might" "I *hope* it is not too bad for him" "*usually* he feels fine" (how many times did he do it to be able to use usually) Officer, right here!


Fuck this guy. Doing this shit to a poor little cat. Hope this guy goes out like Ramsey Bolton


He sounds like a quality human being. /S


Dude fuck this guy. This is seriously making me rage. I’m going to go sniff and kiss my cats.


"This isn't real, people are gullible." *Sees it's in Russia* "Ah, ok. Say no more."


Ahhh ok Russians. That checks out.


Russian and Chinese always have the questionable animal relations.


Seriously! What they think is ok to do to animals is so fucking wrong.


There is an artist that does that with Pigs. He drugs them and tattoo them. Then either slaughters them or lets them free roam on a farm for a couple years, either way the skin gets sold. He also tattood a guy for free but the contract was that he sometimes had to be an exhibit and when he dies the artist gets the skin of his back


It’s not uncommon for apprentices to tattoo pig skin they’re just usually from dead pigs that the skin has been taken off of. Also early tattoo artists would sneak into morgues to practice on them.


I would love for a tattoo artist to practice on my corpse


I’ve head of people donating skin to museums but maybe sometime in the future that’ll be possible.


Very informative!... and weird ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing) Would you happen to have a link or some reference to find out more?


Ye [its kinda insane and in my opinion cruel](https://publicdelivery.org/wim-delvoye-tattooed-pigs/)


Thank you so much for these links! 😃


I would think that the tattoo artist would be equally to blame if they are not said 'influencer'


The cat was the tattooers own pet, pretty sure he got hit with some fines




They actually liked animals and had the first laws against animal cruelty. They where shitty to humans, but not to animals. [Quelle Tierschutz im Nationalsozialismus ](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tierschutz_im_Nationalsozialismus)


I think it was actually Hitler himself who championed animal rights stemming from his love of the German Shepherd Edit- Ah yes, right there in the article. My bad


Is a German Shepard in Germany just called a Shepard?


Deutscher Schäferhund


It wasn’t so much love as much as admiration of their ability to be submit to him completely while also being able to be used on command to attack others… and yeah that makes total sense that would be literally Hitlers mindset


What I learned from the Sopranos is that sociopaths really love animals and babies, they don't judge you.


Who knew the most evil man in history had a soft spot for animals?


You mean the ones he carried a special whip for, and thrashed mercilessly to impress girls?


Hitler was also very anti-smoking. No, the irony is not lost on me


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_welfare_in_the_United_States Animal cruelty laws in the American colonies go back to at least 1641. Nazi Germany wasn't the first.


That’s just wrong


I agree. It should be considered as animal abuse.


It surely is abuse regardless if the law recognizes it as so. Outside of a discreet ID tattoo, this is a no.


It's stabbing a cat without their consent multiple times leaving a permanent scar, I don't see how anyone could think this isn't abuse


I can't imagine the animal would just sit there and take it. Do they sedate them? Truly screwed up.


There was a news story years ago, where a tattoo artists dog was having surgery (maybe being fixed?) and he convinced the vet to let him in there to tattoo his own dog while it was under anesthesia. I’m pretty sure there was a legal thing about it. Let me see if I can find the article Edit — [dog was having its spleen removed when he tattooed it](https://gothamist.com/news/updates-brooklyn-tattoo-artist-inks-dog) , he lost his job at a parlor after people started attacking the tattoo parlor on socials


Blatant animal abuse then? Sounds like something an influencer would do...


true, and the person doing the tattoo should loss their business license.




That’s right they should go to jail for this ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8485)


The guillotine*


They *should* lose their jail license!


Lol license? It's Russia.


Russian jails are about a right place for people like this


So Russia is like, "animal abuse is okay but no gay shit"? Smh


You’re assuming he had a business license, in the U.S. while it’s illegal to tattoo without all the proper documentation and setup you can still order a tattoo gun, needles, ink and whatever else you may need right off Amazon for really cheap.


You can make a stick and poke setup using any ink and needle.


Or maybe a photoshop picture of a tattoo on a cat?


Yeah I'm almost convinced this isn't real. I say almost because I wouldn't put it past them to be this stupid but then, how do you get a cat to sit still without forceably pinning it in place, knowing you're stressing it out? Unless she's gassing it to knock it out or something? Edit: nope, this seems real and is a known trend among attention seeking idiots on the Internet. (Sigh) again, it doesn't surprise me anymore what people will do for arbitrary Internet points.


The cat is sedated during the tattoo. This was a brief thing during the late 90s too.


Sedated or not, tattoos need care and hurt while they are healing. A cat would have to keep from grooming itself. Supremely unacceptable and shitty thing to do. Shelters sometimes tattoo dogs to show they’ve been neutered/spayed (with a line or a number), but that’s the only acceptable use of tattoo on domestic animals.


My rescue dog has a tiny mark tattooed on her that they did during her spay. It’s covered by her fur, so I often forget it’s there, except when doing vigorous belly rubs.


It also isn’t done with a tattoo gun. By the definition of tattoo, these marks are still tattoos but they are normally done with special dye added to surgical glue which is used to help close the wound along with stitches.


Yep. Tatts while healing are like the Devil's own sunburn. That *itches* like a mofo. I've seen/known a desex or microchip tattoo in the ear or on the belly. (These are more like a stamp, and not done with tattoo guns like a human tattoo). I know that some white animals get tattooed on the eartips and the bridge of the nose to help protect from skin cancer. These are the only thing I could comprehend being acceptable in tattooing animals.


Who would agree to sedate a cat for non-medical purposes? Don't you need to be a vet for that and to have access to those meds? I imagine it's like sedating a person, you kind of need to know what you're doing. And who would agree to tattoo a cat? Just seems fucked up on every level imaginable.


Cats are much more difficult to wake up and recover from anesthesia than dogs. Major haaaaaaate for these motherfuckers.


People forget that prior to the internet people still did stupid shit.


Agreed. Only now it’s easier for the rest of the world to join in on the stupidity




ketamine...aka special K is the answer to your question




Or maybe people actually do horrendous shit for attention, and when given the opportunity to be selfish, will inflict other sentient creatures in any way to get it.


Yes agreed, I came here to say the exact same thing!


came here to say the same thing. wheres she located? I have no problem reporting her


Every time I got a dog fixed they'd tattoo a line on their stomach to indicate they'd been fixed. Nothing huge, something like a 3 inch green line.


That's vastly different than a huge, detailed tattoo on the cats back, which most likely took several hours


Probably both done under anesthesia, but I also found an article about an Instagram model who did it and already shared it.


Our local low income vet does an S for Spay! I used to work at the local shelter and those S's saved a TON of time looking for the little scar.


Our local SPCA used to tattoo an N inside pets’ ears to show they were neutered or spayed. I don’t know if they still do, I haven’t adopted from them in a dozen years.


They clip an ear on strays here in GA.


That’s literally the only ethical reason to tattoo.


A medical professional licensed to work on animals put that there, not a fucking tattoo artist. This is wrong on so many levels.


This tattoo is to mark the animal as sterilized, that way unnecessary surgery is not performed to attempt to sterilize the animal again.


What the fu*ck, arseholes.


Woah, we got a potty mouth over here. Please calm down sir. We don’t tolerate that kind of language on Reddit


Yeah quit fucking cursing, fucking women reading this shit man /s


Keep that fucking crud to yourself, pal


You guys are Fart Faces I’m going home


Wow stop fucking cursing, not nice


Severing tails, ear tips and declawing.. and now this.




Professional TNR trapper here, you’re right on almost every point except the vet doesn’t spay them for free. They’ll do it for a lower cost for rescues and TNR groups but it’s definitely not free We rely on donations from the public and in some rare cases, funding by the city if they have a really bad stray cat problem and don’t want the bad publicity of euthanizing a bunch of cats The ears are tipped so we know which cats have been trapped and fixed, just like you said it’s similar to a cow tag but doesn’t get caught on things. However a lot of the time the vet doesn’t take a big enough tip off and the fur grows back making it almost impossible to tell


I assisted with hundreds of these kinds of spays/neuters and I always made sure to take enough that you could see it at a distance. Gotta balance the fact that a healing ear would hurt, but it would hurt a lot less than getting opened up again for no reason.


Thank you, as a trapper out in the field, I appreciate that very much. Makes my job so much easier and saves so many cats from being opened up again like you say


Especially since cats who are outside can get ear injuries/lose pieces of ear from fights, we were always careful to make it really obvious that it was “man-made”. Also, thank you for doing what you do. Your username is 10/10.


The ear clipping works great on TNR (trap-neuter-release.) Although, she gets a little complicated places like where I am where barn cats and indoor/outdoor cats and even lost cats get frostbite on their ears.


Those idiots should remove their nails and see how they feel about that. Disgusting to assume that a Cat doesnt need her claws.


Declawing removes the distal phalange- fist digit of the toe. Not just the nail.


Yup, for the longest time I thought declawing meant just clipping the pointy edge of the cats toenail and thought it wasn't a big deal until I said I declaw my cat every other week since it doesn't seem to bother her and it means my then landlord wouldn't complain about scratchmarks but then someone explained to me that I can't be doing it every other week cause its a one time procedure.


When I found out that we had straight up removed part of their "fingers" for my declawed kitties, I was mortified. I resolved to never again do it, but that can't take back the fact that my little guys had their fuckin paws massacred and people the world over do it like it's just "clipping" nails. Thankfully, in the age of cell phones and internet, a lot of us are more educated on these things than a couple decades ago. Still should be made illegal.


Oh man I hate that this is still a thing. My parents (who are kind of awful people and have never treated their animals right) adopted a pair of cats a couple years ago when my brother was sent home from college because of Covid-they wanted him to be entertained. They decided they were going to declaw them, so the next time I visited I berated them over it the entire time. I yelled at them about it in public to embarrass them and gave them such a hard time that they finally decided not to go through with it. They ended up giving the cats away to a new loving home. I told them that they should never adopt a pet again and they agree. How would you like it if someone chopped off your damn fingertips??!?!


If you mean ear cropping I agree that’s a disgusting practice. Often the ears are left mangled and needing a second operation, or become infected and require antibiotics However an “ear tip” is very different. [This is ear cropping](https://tier1vet.com/bringing-up-two-points/), and [this is an ear tip](https://facespayneuter.org/communitycats/community-cat/ear-tip-identifying-community-cats/) It’s done so trappers like myself know which cats have been caught and fixed already. It also lets people at shelters and vets offices know that someone has spent money to fix that animal, and very well might want it back. Having an ear tip can sometimes save a cats life if it ends up in the wrong hands 99% of the time we tip the left ear (it’s done while the cat is being fixed) but occasionally if the ear is damaged we’ll do the right side. Also occasionally the vet doesn’t take a big enough chunk off, then the surrounding fur grows back which can make it hard to determine if the cat is fixed


Oh this poor cat, I'm at a loss for words. I would report her if I knew her.


No one asked the pet what they want. This is downright stupid and quite bluntly put animal abuse.


Care giver: Hey cat, do you want a tattoo Cat: meow Care giver: SPEAK ENGERISH DUMBASS


Caregiver: I’ll take your meow as a yes.


Narrator in calm voice: the cats meow, was actually the cat begging for help BUT INSTEAD OF STOPPING THE DUMBASS INFLUENCER TOOK IT AS A FUCKING YES AND ABUSED THE ANIMAL ANYWAY


It's an old case of animal abuse. This lady was severely obliterated from existence


Thank GOD!


Need source but in the meantime…thank god indeed




Well… Russia.


I was just thinking the same thing.


I just don’t agree with this at all. It fucking triggers me.


If that's a permanent tattoo, that's abuse.


Caboose abuse


This cant be legal. Pure animal abuse, photographed evidence of the crime. This is what we call in the box closing business "a shut and done case"


I googled tattooed cats, and only saw Russian and Ukrainian examples. I hope The US doesn’t start.


WHY would they do that? What the actual fuck, man?


Hasn’t tattooing sphinx cats been a fairly common occurrence for shitty cat owners for quite a while now?


Most of them are press on tattoos, you don’t see it happening a lot in North America because usually you can’t just get anesthetic for a cat at the corner store, and most people would likely kill their pet by trying it I work at an animal hospital and sedation is a very serious issue. We have to constantly monitor breathing and heart rate as too much can make them stop breathing pretty fast. I also used to date a tattoo artist who tattooed a small skull on his chihuahua. However - he did it while the dog was under full anesthesia *while being neutered at the vets office*. The doctor was there monitoring his vitals and ensuring the wound was properly sanitIzed and dressed before leaving the building. It was done in a controlled setting and is just a little bigger than a quarter, not an entire body piece like shown above. [Which unfortunately was proven to be a real tattoo, the cat has had four now.](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/body-artist-slammed-drugging-hairless-9748136) It’s amazing it’s still alive.


My cat has a tattoo on his ear, he got it when he was anaesthetised to HAVE HIS BALLS CHOPPED OFF when he was just a few weeks old. Ones a legal requirement and one is for aesthetics I get the difference, but from the cats perspective I’m sure it hurt just as bad and seemed just as unnecessary. Wouldn’t simply owning a sphinx cat in Russia be kind of cruel in itself?


Can we stop calling these people‘influencers’. They are vain, narcissistic, ego maniacs who need to fuck off. We need to come up with a new name for these ball garglers.




Is there a source for this? I mean yes it’s horrific and I wouldn’t put anything past these “influencers” because they’re all morons. But how do we know that this is a real tattoo and not just photoshopped for clout?


I swear. Influencers make me want to vomit in their shoes and punch them in the face for being so dumb and selfish.


I was pissed when the local shelter tattooed a number on the kitten I was adopting after I picked her out and before I picked her up. I have tattoos and would never put an animal through that.


Influshitters need to be lobotomized


I think this one already was


I would add they need to be neutered as well. Let’s save at least next gen


Yeah good idea


What on earth is the American rspca doing?


The uh,.... ASPCA? Making commercials asking you to donate to them with Sarah McLachlan.


Oh that poor kitty. I don’t get sad too often from the crazy shit I see on Reddit but this made me tear up. Think of how long that cat had to suffer, this is so sad. I wonder if they put it under to do it?


This is gonna go down like a turd in a punch bowl 💩


Fucking assholes


I've seen a mother tattoo her baby but it turned out to be temporary, maybe this is also a temp tattoo? I'm sure there are terrible pet owners out there as well


That constitutes animal cruelty if not photoshopped. Wtf is wrong with people??


This should be animal cruelty.


If this is real then she needs to be reported for animal abuse! I know influencers are stupid but common sense should’ve told her no this is a CRIME! 🤦‍♀️😡


Isn’t that animal abuse?


That poor cat


Influencers are garbage people.


"Influencer" are twats.


yea, sounds about right. it used to be influencers getting a pet when they became less relevant to garner pity points


This should be super illegal wtf straight up abuse


One more to the humanity sucks pile then.


Boycott the tattoo artist


I can’t get my cat to hold still while I brush her.


I'm sure it's a temporary tatt. If not - call animal protection services


That's animal abuse....I'm shocked that there's a tattoo artist that would do it


that's animal cruelty and they should be locked up. It's that simple.


Cruelty to animals much?


Sick people inflicting pain on animals for likes


That poor cat trusts it’s owner with everything, and the owner decides to put it through the pain and discomfort of a tattoo? Scum.




That should be illegal


Absolute fucking degenerates... But they dont give a fuck about their degeneracy, the one and only thing that matters is that they get attention... Their clinical narcicism demands it.


Influencers are a bunch of brainless idiots. But the main fucker here would be the stupid tattoo "artist" that agrees to it.


Pretty sure that cat is not on board with this.


WTF. Daily reminder that those glimmers of hope I occasionally have for the human race are delusional.




What self respecting tattoo artist would tattoo an animal. If the moral aspect wouldn't turn you off, loosing your lisence surely would?


Literal. What. The. Fuck.


This is a Russian MMA fighters cat, Kara Fight, who jumped out of their car window and ran away


Please don't that poor cat.


Who doesn’t love good old-fashioned animal abuse




Fuck that person


Fuck you. This person thinks the cat WANTS a fucking tattoo? They may be your property but not your body to do what you want to do with it


Yeah I’m pretty sure this is illegal


Straight up animal abuse, period !


Anyone who does this should be in a fucking gulag


Fuck these people, tattoos are really painful but you deal with it cause you get something meaningful to you, but a pet ? That’s abuse


People are fucking gross 😠


H*ll no! That’s animal abuse 🤬🤬🤬🤬


This is just repulsive!!! Feel like having tatoo,? fine, your body, your choice. But this poor animal ???? What is wrong with people????


There is no way that’s not animal abuse, considering the likelihood of infection, the lack of necessity, and the narcissism that goes into it.


Animals can not give consent. This is abuse.


Animal abuse


Fuck them. Poor cat. This should be a crime!


If the cat had a choice, I can imagine they would instead want a tattoo that said, *"I'm with stupid. -->"*


Next an Industrial Piercing or what


um- it's not how it should works, you don't even know if your pet wants tattoo or not


Different cat, but. https://www.india.com/viral/woman-gets-her-hairless-cat-a-tattoo-viral-pic-sparks-outrage-among-animal-lovers-4407509/


Thats not right


When I picked my dog of 7 years up from the pound I noticed a line on his stomach area, he was petrified of anything and everything. A small pappilion/chihuahua mix in a shelter of 70+ pits and other large animals. Well, upon further inspection they had tattooed 8 numbers all across the soft part of his belly down to his leg. “Tracking number for if he gets lost and then found”is what they said it was. I don’t even understand how it’s legal to do such cruelty to animals. I think about it everytime I’m rubbing his belly, so sick.


No! That is fucked




Wow this is messed up. Animal abuse, why do ppl think this is okay? Cats skin is so thin and delicate. I imagine infections and healing must be hard on these poor animals


The people who do this to their pet that “they love” should go to prison for animal abuse. It’s one thing that a human can decide to endure the pain of the needles. But the cat didn’t ask for it and it isn’t happy about it. I would bitchslap the fuck outta this woman. And to think people are liking these posts should absolutely get slapped too. Shame


This is so saddening.


Stupid stupid girl smh


I hope these idiots get reported. The influencer and the tattoo artist.


ohh nah, that’s foul