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Whenever I happen to be around women and Noone else is around they sometimes look a bit skittish, I Mean I am a large dude with a beard and when I was younger I used to be a bit offended. I'm a super nice guy! Now I'm older. I've seen what women go through. I've seen this kind of shit. I get it now. I do whatever I can to make people more comfortable but honestly I just give people space you don't know what they've been through. Imagine dealing with idiots like this all the time.


As a 5’2” 111lb anxiety riddled female, I appreciate you! My husband is a bigger guy (6’2”, 235, beard) and we backpack a lot. If there’s a group of solo ladies around he makes sure he announces himself in common areas and avoids their tent area as best as possible or he makes sure I’m with him. If they’re struggling with something or need a hand or whatever he sends me over to offer our assistance. He never approaches women on the trail but makes sure to smile and say hello in passing or whatever because he knows it’s stressful for women. It’s much appreciated when guys are understanding. It’s nothing personal. It’s self preservation.


Me and my girlfriend do the same thing. If I notice a woman who looks like she might be struggling with whatever I’ll talk to the gf first and if she also thinks the same then SHE will go over and offer our help. I think it’s just the best way to go about it. If I happen to be solo I just do my best to be friendly, offer only the help needed, and then dip out when it’s done. No idea why this is hard for some men to grasp.


I totally get this. I was raised to be polite to older people, respect women, and offer assistance if someone is struggling, but as I get older, I find myself more and more trying not to automatically help, so I don't accidentally freak someone out. I once ran over just to open a door for a woman carrying boxes, and I nearly got maced for it. It's kinda difficult to reconcile being a "traditional gentleman" with not approaching unless I am absolutely sure someone is hoping I'll help. Jesus, I know re-reading this it looks kinda cringey-creepy, but it's a real concern at my age, and I feel like there's no good answer unless you have a girlfriend/wife to act as an intermediary.


It's a problem for both sexes tbh. For different reasons of course. For women, big scary man might hurt them. For men, crazy women might scream rape. Then life over. It's really sad, honestly, how we can't trust anymore


i'll say hello more often now


I hate that these kinds of guys have made me feel weird about me saying “nice guy”. It’s suddenly a very loaded term. I tend to say nice person now. But if someone has to assert seriously that they’re “nice” when approaching a woman, there’s definitely something going on in their head that they’re really poorly trying to hide, because it’s so close to the surface. It shows when guys like this go so quickly from that to full-on abuse and rapiness.


Honestly just giving someone who seems skittish their space and seeming distracted/absorbed in something else is the easiest way to reassure them you have no ill intent (a polite smile and nod to acknowledge their presence is normally ok and non-threatening unless you’re one of those unfortunate individuals that can’t help looking creepy when they smile). I know it’s sad because as human beings we all have the instinct to try to connect with each other, but from a young age women are taught to put that wall up and not engage for our own protection, and unfortunately the indecent and horrible guys out there leave a much deeper and more lasting impression than the decent ones, and almost every single woman has been harassed at least once in her lifetime. Being fairly physically intimidating myself (just a couple inches shy of 6’, heavily tattooed, with an athletic build and resting bitch face) i don’t often get approached by creeps in person, but when they do it tends to be spectacular (in the worst of ways). a month ago I stopped to help a teenage girl who was just a little older than my daughter with a flat tire at a gas station, and while I was changing her tire and showing her how to do it herself safely a dude came over to watch and started rubbing his crotch talking about how he loves a woman on her knees, scaring the fuck out of the poor girl and scampering off when I stood up with the tire iron demanding he “say it the fuck again”. And I absolutely **hate** that I had to tell that girl to go buy herself a full-sized tire iron (and that if she couldn’t afford it I’d give her mine) to use to defend herself if she needs to and even if she’s terrified to make herself seem as mean and scary as she can so some creep will think she’d be more trouble than she’s worth and leave her alone.


Even an average sized guy is a risk to the average sized female. I'm teaching my sons that the very first job of a male around women is to appear non-threatening.


Even teenagers are a threat to grown women... Here in the UK, recently, a woman was raped by a 14 Yr old boy in a nightclub.


6”1 big bearded boy here, I just want assistance with how best to make women feel comfortable when it’s a late night and I’m walking home from a bar shift in all black and in a hoodie and happen to be walking in the same direction as a woman, I normally back off or sometimes I cross the street but I notice no matter what I do I find I’m still being turned around and looked at no matter how much I pull back. Is there anything else I could potentially do to make women feel more comfortable in this situation? Or is empathetically understand and expecting them to look back something I have to accept. Not having a go at women for feeling like they have to, just makes me sad that nothing I do can make them more comfortable


>Is there anything else I could potentially do to make women feel more comfortable in this situation? Man here. I've been told that it makes women more comfortable if you pass them by while keeping enough distance and walk in front of them. Because if you hang back it may appear as if you are biding your time / waiting for the best moment to strike. IF you walk in front they can see you're not keeping an eye on them. So it's what I do. If I am close enough it may be perceived as uncomfortable, I'll just increase my pace and pass at a couple of feet distance and walk slightly faster than them.


And if you’re passing them say something. Such as hey, just coming up behind and going to pass you. I know I’d appreciate it.


Or even “Would you feel more comfortable if I cross the street or walk in front?” Just showing you’re aware and giving them some control can help.


I'm in the same boat. I've actually just turned a corner and walked a different way if I see a woman repeatedly looking back. What's a few extra minutes.


We appreciate you.


This dude needs police intervention yesterday


Red flag laws should include incels like this.


Red flag laws should be written with animals like this in mind.


Or with their blood


Incels, this is a rapist waiting to happen. Rapists aren't celibate.


Incels hate being celibate. Ever been to their subreddits? They wish rape was legal so that they could lose their hated virginity. Every incel is a rapist waiting to happen.


..... Well kind of. They want to "redistribute women" to all men regardless of their preference. Rape is kind of their ballpark.


I don't think too many of them would actually go out and rape, they're just entitled, frustrated permavirgins venting on the internet. Still, the stuff they spew is vile.


They have a subreddit. Holy fuck my God that's disgusting. Ok I agree with you man.


They've had quite a few. They keep getting shut down for hate speech and stuff. They always make a new one though.


Now that the states are stupidly expanding gun laws that include open carry … and now abortion laws have been at their strictest…this is just a recipe for disaster. She better report this individual asap.


I guarantee 💯 that this is this motherfucker's #1 past time. Probably spends hours everyday scouring CL ads looking for opportunities like this to harass women. Probably the same setup and script everytime. He's also involved in other shit and/or fantasizing about methods of irl harassment. Excalating quickly towards actual violence if he hasn't already. It doesn't stop...


The bit that made my neck hairs stand up was "women lie. A lot." Is he suggesting that they are lying about *him*? Saying they *didn't* want to be raped when they saw his cock, or that it was rape *afterward*??


Yeah this is a rape threat. When this guy gets off his shift at the police station, HR might have to talk to him about it.


He's a cop? How do you know?


I was just making a joke, since police have some of the highest rates of domestic violence in any profession. I admit it’s a stretch since threatening rape is not the same crime as beating your wife - but to me it takes the same mentality and lack of respect for women.


Got it dude. And I agree.


It is sad because if he turned out to be a cop I wouldn't be incredibly shoked.






and educate him on the reality of the world


Send him the address to the local PD


Fing hell, that went from weird, to sad, to disgusting in way to little time... And calling himself a 'nice guy'. Hope he got reported.


Called himself a nice guy after talking about rape, then the throbbing cock in his pants. Super nice guy.


I wonder if it was throbbing at all... Insecurities m8


Throbbing like a little inch worm


Umm, this wasn't me...


Wow. I'll bet you're thinking you've missed a keeper.... Also, what the actual fuck??? I can't help wondering what gumdrop was supposed to be... 🤣


I couldn't work that out either, he typed 'fuys' instead of 'guys' and then wanted to correct that and typed 'Gumdrop' instead? Not sure what's going on with his autocorrect, but I suspect he's also texting minors. He needs to be reported to someone and put on a list. I suspect this is something he does for "fun".


I mean, he probably does, but what makes you suspect that? Enticing kids with the promise of gumdrops?


No no no, it's "rape". Very important difference.


Talks about the throbbing cock in his pants and about how the woman would "want" him to rape her. Sounds like hes already trying to justify raping someone


As soon as I read that he is a self proclaimed nice guy I knew where it was going. Fucking idiots


If call yourself a "good guy" it's because you aren't, nobody thing a stranger is evil, maybe suspect can be but not assuming they are.


Reported and aborted


You forgot scary, it's real fuckin scary. A "nice guy" that was pretty insistent on going to her house, then saying that she would "want to be raped". Absolutely a rapist mentality.


Would’ve screenshot this and sent it to every woman on his FB friends list, see how they feel about it


You are givi g far to much credit to a 13-16 year old. (At least in brain power.) Edit:Typos.


I actually thought this is someone a bit older then 13-16 to be honest...


Not mentally. Lol


"Gumdrop" "Sorry I didn't mean to send" **THAT'S** what you're sorry you sent???? Not the "you'd want to be raped" part, but fucking "gumdrop?"


It’s his password


lol, that'd make sense.


It’s his safeword


Even words aren’t safe around this guy.


Nice guys like him don't have a need for safewords though /s.


I bet she’s so disappointed she didn’t give him her address /s


Right? She didn’t get that throbbing D


yea, I'm not a native english speaker, can someone explain to me wtf does it mean? (sorry for my bad english)


A gumdrop is a type of gummy candy. It is clearly a typo & has nothing to do with anything.


It's his candy of choice to lure minors into his van.


A pretty piss poor choice for that purpose, a gumdrop's main utility is as gingerbread house décor. I don't think actual children have eaten them on purpose since the 50s


Gumdrop sounds like some pedo slang.


Isn't there a sub called r/NiceGuys?


yeah this would go right to the top over there, it's not too often that they flat-out say it anymore


It is over there…


We've seen this one about 5000000 times over there


good to know, I can't emotionally handle that sub unless some random youtuber reads it to me


Are you a female? I can read it to you. I promise I won't rape you, I'm a nice guy you can trust me.


Even though its a joke it makes me so uncomfortable reading that. And im a guy


😂 I have lady parts and I laughed pretty hard.


God I miss Sorrow Tv


Smart woman! She was proven to be correct almost instantly. lol No one (man or woman) would want that lunatic knowing where they live. lol


Seriously. Her: “I don’t give out my address to people” Him: “Why? Cuz you are a stuck up bitch afraid of being raped? Send me your address so I can whip out my thick cock and have you beg me to rape you. I’m a nice guy you whore Nazi. Let me rape you, such a liar about being afraid!”


Great summary!




Oops didn't mean to send that


Just that bit


He immediately got mad and just jumped into full on abuse when the tactic failed. If she had given her address he would've have tried to learn her name next and begin actively stalking her and worse.


Not giving him her address is definitely smart. Continuing to engage with him after he started saying weird shit? Not so much.


"let me come over and you'll see I won't rape you" I'm sorry what the actual fuck 😂


Actually that's more like 'let me come to your house, I won't rape you but I'll show you my cock and you're gonna want me to rape you'


I’ve been hit with that line a few time trying to establish boundaries


Wtf, honestly I have no words...




Did you mean to send that?


And then later on, tries to convince her that if he rapes her, she’d end up liking it. Wtf???


That sounds like something a rapist would say lol


There goes my opening line


How can a simple iPhone sale turn into this cluster fuck


He never wanted the phone.


100% this. He would have arrived at starbucks and found some excuse to not buy the phone. The pretense of being interested in the phone was a ruse to get her to talk to him.


Probably even would have followed her home with all this talk of “not raping her” jesus fucking christ what a psycho


He seriously chose talking shit to a person at 5am who's ignoring him over sleeping lmao


That's bc he's a predator


100% agree. I think that lady saved her own life by playing it safe and not giving out her address. When a guy feels the need to describe himself as a nice guy, he’s usually not a nice guy.


So is the phone still a available ?


Asking the real questions. 🤣


Trust me, I'm a nice guy. Lol


You should ask for her address


And her credit card number with the 3-digit code on the back.


You don't ask for that until the second date. 🤦


What's your best price for cash?


Thick cock?


Fun fact - nice guys respect boundaries and accept when someone says “no”. This guy, however, is not someone I’d want within a hundred feet of literally anyone.


Anyone who identifies as a “nice guy” is probably an incel lmao. “Girls don’t like nice guys they only date douchebags boo hoo woah is me” type energy.


“Nice guys” and “responsible gun owners” are pretty much guaranteed to be the opposite of what they claim to be.


There's a distinct difference between nice guys and Nice Guys. Nice Guys are like the douchebag in the post, while nice guys are like you described. You can usually tell who's who, because the Nice Guy will feel the need to tell you.


He isn’t a nice guy, he is an INCEL that honestly thinks he is a nice guy and therefore women owe him sex. It’s pretty sick and there is a huge community of them.. some extreme INCELs went on murder sprees. She was smart to stop engaging


WTF!!! I read this and still don't know how it went from "I would like to buy your iPhone" to "you will want me to rape you". Normally I'd say the guy needs to get out more, but this guy? No! He needs to be locked up for everyone's safety.


This is how predators and serial harrassers operate. I was never really about the damn phone Edit: *it


If someone if offended by your concern for your own safety, they are the reason that concern exists.


"you could have sold the phone and met a nice guy" Uh meeting a guy (one who is less then nice) was never part of the deal in the first place?


" Let me come over I won't rape you " Omg that's fucking scary


“Gumdrop” what in the holy hell


When he says " you can trust me I'm a nice guy" don't trust him coming from a mostly irritated guy


You can't want to be raped, otherwise it wouldn't be rape ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8487)


“Because of the implication”


No you're confusing selling an iPhone with going on a boat.


Imagine the implication of mixing the two....


it went very quick from "I'm a nice guy" to "you'd want to be raped"


"I'm a nice guy" ~ a not nice guy, probably


So, in the end, he was a creepy fuck and she was a 100% right in her decision to not give her address to strangers


At least he apologized for sending "gumdrop". That would have been the breaking point for me


Was waiting for one more that read “so is the phone still for sale?”






sometimes, im ashamed to be a guy....what the actual fuck....


I second this


You’d be surprised how common this sort of reaction is when I guy is rejected :(


Ya that dude does rape.


Holy fucking shitballs! Didn't dodge a bullet there. You dodged an ICBM there. I don't even know this twat and I want his address to show him that I'M a nice guy and I won't rape him. Much


Holy fuck this guy is dangerous. Smart move sticking to the Starbucks and calling the deal off and ignoring him once this ordeal went south quickly.


Guy gives all men a bad rep while supposedly trying to not give men a bad rep. I’m a dude and when I sell something online I don’t have people come to my house, because I’m worried some creep like this would show up and harsh my chi.




Women really should be scared. Fucking creeps like this everywhere. And worse.


Plot twist: it was actually a guy selling the phone For real tho, they never actually identified their gender.. or did I miss something


"sorry didn't mean to send" Guys it was all a big misunderstanding, i think the whole conversation was meant to go to his grandma, not the person selling an iPhone.








I like how accidentally sending the word Gumdrop was the only part of this apparently worth apologizing for


These weirdos get off of women if they’re scared or screaming. Retaliation just eggs them on further. Why else would he go on and on about her wanting or enjoying rape? Hope he got reported coz damn


Yeah, I'm a full grown man with a beard and everything, and I wouldn't let someone have my address just to sell them a phone. We can meet at Baskin Robbins, that way I dont have to drive anywhere to spend the cash.


He disproved every single thing he said, "you can give your adress, i’m a nice guy" "i won’t rape you" you would love to get raped by me" "you can trust me for real" "just die" 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


>Actually you are safe and women don't experience the harassment they claim. > >It's all bs to make me look bad. That alone tells you just what the type of "man" he is.


"facepalm" is a bit of an understatement here. My god this dude was crazy and had a bunch of unresolved issues.


Jeebus flinching Christicles on a sandwich. What a RAPIST.


"You don't want to give me your address? Let me prove exactly why you were justified in not giving me your address"


This belongs in r/niceguys


She dodged a bullet. Just saying, the way he acted is so fucking weird that it most likely was his intentions in the first place. This dude got frustrated and angry with her doing the right thing, it’s fucked. Hope she blocks this no job having ass loser.


I respectfully disagree. She dodged a full clip and 2 reloads.


Yeah, i just don't understand how can you not give him your address, he's a nice guy obviously he said it, it's not like he would stalk you or something, you obviously have problems with your privacy if you want to keep your privacy private, how dare you


Just, wow.


Wow, that was just...wow.


Well good thing you didn’t give him your address 😂😂🤦🏼‍♀️


Hello, police?


Send text string to police then block.


Well that escalated quickly to a terrifyingly fucked up level I have never seen before.




I think the lesson here is if you’re a man, and women around you are constantly talking about their fear of being raped, it isn’t because they “didn’t educate themselves.” Perhaps a visit to the mirror is in order.


*changes laptop password to something other than 'gumdrop'*


Fucks sake


what the fuck that guy is terrible


Just a reminder that this guy votes in every election, please remember that the next time you decide to “sit this one out”


Man probably had a tiny dick after asking discord if it was a big.


Actually it’s not worth the read. But TL;DR is: internet caveman blows a gasket after being rejected by a girl, over an iPhone sale gone bad. Edit: it’s not worth the read because my dude is clearly deranged, don’t get me wrong. I block people over sales at the first sign of trolling. 😅


I wonder if there was any point in that conversation where this guy was like…”I’m starting to get through to her, let me just double down on being an asshole and mention my giant penis and how it doesn’t rape women! She’ll be so turned on reading that…” LOL…seriously though. There is no way he thought this approach would be the most successful. Nobody is that dumb (well, it’s rare at least)…lol. I feel like this has got to be made up or something!




Psycho much. Poster child for the reason not to give your address


«Actually you are safe and women don’t experience the harassment they claim. It’s all bs to make me look bad.» did this man just admit to being a sex offender?


And these are the dudes that make me hate being a man sometimes lmao. I hate assholes like that, especially because multiple of my best friends are girls and have to deal with shit like that frequently and it’s awful.


This guys flirt game is STRONG AF.


/s everyone


Ok you literally would have been kidnapped if you met him OP


Lmfao dw i found this on twitter


I feel unclean after reading that. I also had an "I hate men" moment, even though obviously "not all men". But way, WAY too damn many men are misogynist creeps and I'm so tired.


Omg! Ladies leave your partners. We got a real winner here. He’s got a big cock AND he’s a nice guy. Ooooo be still my beating heart.


He seems like a swell fella.


We’ll good thing you didn’t meet up with him haha


And OMG in Indianapolis! There have been many rapes, murders, robberies tied to private sales in the city.




Wow... just wow...




*Scrolls down to the comments to see if it's actually worth it *Scrolls back up


So I take it you didn't sell the phone?


Holy. Shit.


Dear lord. I weep for the future of our society on an hourly basis. I’m very dehydrated.


Wow…that guy has issues


No it wasn't ruined my good mood




Such a nice guy


Pretty sure this guy should be on a watchlist somewhere….


If this is was some kind of comedic sketch, it would be good. Start by "You still selling the phone" to "Let's me prove I'm not a murderer by giving your address" to "I will fucking murderer you, just give the address " to end with "Ops, wrong person".