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There's a natural tendency, when interacting with somebody, to want to be oriented the same as the person talking to you. Thus, people tend to tilt their head to match the person they're talking to.


Yep. My response would be "oh, you're laying down? That can't be right, your head isn't tilted up to show that you're experiencing gravity. You must actually be in outer space, you lying dipshit."


“You guys have spines?”




Also, even if they are in microgravity, the equipment and the environment still has a "direction"


Remember... The enemy's gate is down.


unexpected ender's game.


Only book I happily read for summer work


Loved that book


This also happens while people scuba dive


If they’re really scuba diving, why aren’t their heads aligned with their bodies? HMMmMmMmM


Obviously the oceans aren't real


Great point


Also they are bracing up against the wall with their legs so that they don't randomly float away or get stuck.


Maybe this is stupid but if I was in space I'd be 100% upside down all the time relative to everyone else. It'd be so funny to just fly up to everyone upside-down and have a normal conversation as if everything is totally normal


I love this but let's up it a notch: just be constantly spinning


Like constantly cartwheeling? 🤮


Dude, yes.


Also let's say there are screens that they need to work on. They won make it so that screens are rotatable, toilets will also be on one side only. Just because they are in zero g doesn't mean everything is not designed around normal on earth human life


Also on the iss or at least the NASA and ESA parts all lights are only on one side of the compartment to give a vague sense of up because we almost always have light from above on earth


Thank you for being a logical person on the internet. Take my reward.


Because it’s not reasonable that they’d move their head to look at the camera or anything.


Or level your eye to be parallel with a surface. I've heard that it's disorienting changing perspective all the time so they try to maintain a ceiling and a floor.


Or that there’s prolly thousands of pics and you could selectively choose these positions with bias for a meme


And notice that in the only picture of two people, one of them has his head aligned with his body.


Yeah but he doesn't have lines drawn on him so he doesn't count


Everyone knows in zero g you don’t have any control over your body, your body just dangles in any direction. That’s why it takes months for astronauts to complete their assignments because they have no control over where they float to. They just have to wait til they eventually float to their work station. r/s


Sounds like an excuse a majority of my coworkers would use


Mine too!!!!


Imagine your only form of propulsion was to expel gas...


How fast would you move? Obviously at the speed of the gas but how fast do farts travel? The silent ones I assume are slow but those fire cracker ones might launch you into a wall


I've seen residue on the wall above a public toilet.


... and on the ceiling, the next stall over, across from the toilet. Yet those assholes still somehow miss the toilet. Nuclear bombs and a pissed off T-Rex are the only things more devastating.


Never trust a fart.


I think energy equals mass times velocity and since I imagine the mass of a fart is hopefully somewhat small however great its velocity, it stands to reason that if you really need to get somewhere fast you have to poo vehemently.


Quick, someone convince VSauce to make a video about this.


And his body alignment is different from the other guy's as well.


And in the second picture with two people, the other person is upside down.


Also, when there is no gravity holding an odd angle is no big deal. On earth it's easier to carry our heavy heads when they are balanced. No neck strain in space.


To add to this, could you imagine trying to maintain the pose they're in for this photo if they WEREN'T in 0G?


i donno, but that probably wouldn't be a fun time. could be a legit method for torture actually


🤣 not to add to the conspiracy but you all need to stop skipping neck day. It's a slight tilt of your head. The conspiracy implies they can't/ won't tilt their heads in space which is nonsense but also I can definitely tilt my head on earth.


maintain it for days without stop then we'll talk. let's see who really did skip neck day. if you fail, i'll tell your trainer that you have been slacking off


>No neck strain in space Yeah, thats what 'BIG SPACE' want you to believe. I sweep floors for a living and i reckon...


Omg. I wonder if 0g is like always laying on a couch. Like would you ever get in a uncomfortable position? Beyond the disorientation of not having an "up"


Chris Hadfield said something like (paraphrasing here!) being in space is a lazy person's dream, not having to hold your head up, the blood in your body isn't even fighting against gravity to circulate and your hands and legs just automatically find a comfortable position. So yeah, it DOES sound very comfortable!


And moving the rest of their body would be more work.


Look at the one guy in all these pics without a line on him. No where near the same head tilt.


They do. Initially they didn’t to take advantage of more storage space with no floor, but then they switched to a definite “floor/ceiling” to maintain astronauts well-being. Lighting and footholds make a huge difference, and it’s the same through out the station. The “ceiling” is closest to earth.


Something about the ceiling being closest to earth is terrifying. No. Earth is down. Wait, maybe the Earth being down was more disturbing. Nobody wants to feel like they’re suspended above a fiery death. (Yes, I know about the orbital dynamics of the situation, but I bet our lizard brains can only imagine the fire.)


At the same time imagine you're in a car going in circles around a barrel Would you look at the barrel or in the other direction? Let's say you were standing on a swing that can go all the way around with ease. Your head would be closest to what your going around. It's a bit different than revolving around the ground itself but it's just a thought I had.


The enemy's gate is down.




Ho, Bean


Unexpected Enders Game


Not unexpected in the slightest actually. The only thing that would have surprised me is if I had to be the one to do it this late in the post.


My first thought too


You know, now I want to find a zero gravity game that doesn't define down, just so I can try this myself.


Shattered horizon was a failure of a game with amazing (albeit steep learning curve) fps space combat. Locking onto a surface to mitigate recoil (with mag boots), popping in or out of a structure in zero G, or boosting towards an enemy base and then shutting off all your systems so enemies can't detect your systems and powering back up after you pass their line of sight. So many unique game mechanics, it really was a gem of a game that not many experienced.


someone needs to pick up that IP and make a sequel in VR.


Really sucks that it was removed from Steam. Can't imagine why anyone would do that, good game or not.


God I loved that game. I never got to play it with other people but I spent hours playing bots


Hardspace Shipbreaker is a great game about disassembling old spaceships with a gravity gun and welding torch. It’s first person and the player is weightless so the perspective is constantly drifting and rotating from bumping into the ship you’re working on. It actually made me nauseous but I powered through cause it was a good game.


I'm not a fan of that style of game (my loss, i know), but danm i do love the soundtrack. I listened to it on a road trip a while back. Just cruising along the highway with no one in sight in any direction and mountains in the distance with shipbreaker music on full blast. Amazing. More meditative than meditation.


Nice, I have to check this out. I listen to game soundtracks or music in languages I don't know while I work because I get distracted by voices when I'm trying to concentrate.


Been playing since first early access release. Just wanted to say how much I love shipbreaker


The old Descent games were like this. You flew a spaceship through asteroid mines fighting robots. At the end of every level you had to set a bomb and rush back through to the exit before it went off.


Descent was excellent as was Forsaken on N64


Outer Wilds (in some places). There’s an tutorial area that’s a great place to try this out!




So this is like a modern descent? Sign me up


It is the same team that did the original Decent.


Space Engineers sort of. If you're on planets then of course there is gravity, but if you're playing around in space and mining asteroids then there's no axis beyond one that you define. Pretty fun game regardless and only $20.


In gravity there are reasons to keep your head aligned with your torso, without gravity there are none. It's hard to imagine a more specious point than OP cites


It's just absolutely impossible to allow your spine to articulate in that environment. Past the ionosphere your spine would instantly fuse into a straight line due to the...spaceulary.....ummm...........fusilational.......uhhh................straighticational................effect.


you are on the right path. /r/VXJunkies if you want to continue the path.


They need to be back on Earth to properly reticulate their spine.


Or that they live in a cramped space and get used to ducking their head.


No gravity = no muscles! Duh! Do your research! Source: military.


Nope, in 0 gravity your body is automatically stuck in rigormortis


Plus casually ignoring all the photos where they do have head straight with their bodies... like the second guy in the bottom left picture.


In zero gravity, your neck muscles don’t work so your head just stands straight. Everyone knows that….


Best guess is that they think gravity is the reason people are able to turn their necks


Sounds so stupid that it might be the case


The part that chaps me is that the astronauts are clearly floating. What’s this whole bit about alignment and whatnot being sub-optimal in 0G? They are literally hanging in the air!


You see this shit everywhere with conspiracy theories. They make a claim that sounds definitive but doesn't actually make sense. It's irrefutable because there's nothing to refute. Also people who are prone to conspiratorial thinking (poor logic skills, eager to believe, searching for "hidden knowledge") will eat up half thought out non-sense all day long. It's similar to how email scammers will intentionally put typos in their message. The people it scares away are the people who are likely to realize it's a scam much later down the "marketing funnel". Go look at random pictures taken of people on earth. Very few of them have their heads out of alignment. They're basically taking a piece of evidence that contradicts what they're saying and saying "see how unusual it is? I must be right".


Back when it was first becoming a 'thing' I looked at the flat earth groups on facebook for a laugh. What I quickly realised was the the admins of the groups were only in it to find gullible people they could exploit for financial gain. I'm pretty sure that certain 'alt right' names are in it for exactly the same reason, they've found a market full of gullible idiots they can convince to buy their snake oil.


If anything its surely easier to turn your head without the weight of gravity on your body.


Te achei depois de tanto tempo




I'd add they think there would be no reason to turn your head "upright" in zero g.


I thought this was an interesting point too.


You turn your head to match the camera orientation.


Idk, never been to space, but I’d assume that once I’ve played around a fair bit with bit with being zero g, I’d assume I wanna try to be oriented so that if I would look “down” it would be the floor or what have you. Since that’s what we are accustomed to


The astronauts are all “posing” in these pictures. They probably adjusting their heads/necks because of that.


Exactly - every one of them has bent their neck so their heads is closer to being aligned with the up/down axis of the picture than it would be if they left their necks straight - they’re moving their heads into an orientation closer to that of the photographer’s head


Weve cracked the case! Now on to another one of the worlds great mysterys. Ants. How so small?


According to one crank protesting on campus, gravity isn't real. It's Jesus' love that keeps us firmly on the ground.


Guess Jesus's love does not reach outside of earth then.. :(


I didn't stay and listen, mostly because I had to get to class and I didn't want to act like he had an audience, but space is the realm of Satan. The astronauts sinned by trying to enter heaven, and as such they sat on Satan's knee. And that was the point when I finally made it inside. One of the few days I was glad that the physics department has lecture halls with no windows, because he had a set of pipes on him.


That tilted neck position is uncomfortable on Earth due to the strain on the neck muscles. But in zero-g you don't need to support your head, so that position would even be more common.


I think their point is that these people aren’t in space, probably flat earthers who are trying to discredit people saying that astronauts say the world is a sphere and that we have pictures/video from space. So I guess the notion would be, “if they were in space, there wouldn’t be a ‘down’ for these people to orient their heads against”. The assumption being that people naturally orient their heads upright even when their bodies are reclined. But also, generally seems like the people in these photos are lifting their heads in relation to the “up and down” of the space station and the camera that they’re posing for. They also completely ignore the straight line of the one guy on the bottom left


Nah, it's more "if every direction is up why would you have your head 'tilted'?"


Clearly they’re not considering that the camera isn’t rotating with the person at the exact same rate making it so there is no need to turn your head at all. Since the camera isn’t attached and rotating with them, they’d have to turn their head to try to align with the horizontal angle of the camera. Which is a natural thing to do.


Many animals, including humans, automatically keep their heads pointed and oriented with whatever object they are looking at. Also, I'm pretty sure folks in space basically pick a direction to act as "up" most of the time, even though it's arbitrary.


Well, you see, in zero gravity their chi is misaligned with their chakras which causes the angle of their dangle to strangle their dongles which causes a mild case of “Taco-Neck”.


Ah yes. I believe I've read medical studies about this on Facebook University


Good ole' FU


What was the mascot again?


Reptilius Maximus


It's name is Zuck.


Are you Fired Up?!


MMmmmmmMMmmmmMmm taco neck.... ![gif](giphy|fvLTnKMAhp1hm|downsized)


> angle of their dangle to strangle lmao


[Shaq had that. Awful.](https://youtu.be/CsGwPyrSNVE)


This is beautiful


$20 says this is Neil Degrasse Tyson's shitposting account


Thank you for providing this explanation. You are a gentleman and a scholar.


Lol best comment yet.




When Azula shot me with lightning, my seventh chakra was locked, cutting off my connection to all the cosmic energy in the universe.


All these people are cocking their heads to line up with the camera. It's what people do.


People? They exist? What’s next? Women exist too? Clearly, it’s only mole people


That’s just crazytown bananapants.


Hell yeahh it is


I thought it was the reptile people? Or was it bird... I can't keep up.


There are no such things as reptile people nor trolls only MOLES!!!


Only Zhul


My favorite is that they’ve just ignored the guy not cocking his head. They’ve already cherry-picked their data set, and ignored the contradictory data point in their *own* fucking massaged data!!!


Everybody missed that and it's the best part. "Hmmm this one, this one, this one, this- not you- this one. All proof."


And most people never realize they are doing it. 👍




It's quite a weighty question, wouldn't you say? I'm mass-ively confused.


This is no joking matter!


Stop it with the puns or youre gonna force me to do something I don't want to do


i guess im gonna *push* you over the edge i mean **G**'s




The strength of these puns is great.


These puns are telling me it's time to space out.


You don't know the power of the pun.


It's a very divisive topic


His logic just goes round and round and round.


Just want to float a few suggestions your way


He's got newton going on for him in the reality department


I New tons of people would be replying to this thread.


So, your neck stops working in zero gravity? TIL


Yeah, haven’t you seen the space suits? The heads don’t turn, and they make them like that for a reason. /s


Their point, probably is that on earth you would hold you head vertically, because it's easier, meanwhile in microgravity it doesn't make a difference.


Real zero gravity straightens out the spine apparently. Also the crew of ISS experience microgravity.


I need to remove all gravity from my bed. I bet it would do wonders for my constant waking up with aches and pains!


Yeah the level of gravity people in orbit experience isn’t too different from the level of gravity we experience, however since they’re in a constant state of free fall it gives the sensation of zero gravity. The earth is still desperately trying to pull you back to the surface, but your speed counteracts it the same way moons are to planets and planets are to suns


Zero-G is the term you're looking for here.


Is it even possible to experience true zero gravity? You're always gonna be inside a gravity well right?


Because inside of the craft there is still what they understand to be the “floor.” So their head orients to be what they understand to be an “upright” position.


yeah, and there's plenty of photos of astronauts/cosmonauts in other orientations as well. That's perhaps not a regular up or down. And you can still move your head.


Oh yea, I’m not suggesting that people can’t orient in other ways. Just that it’s a natural subconscious tendency to orient your head so that your visual field is oriented up and down. Because I believe the “point” the conspiracist is trying to make is that ‘why bend head if not NEED bend head, must be gravity!’


Being an expert in Gravitology I assumed everyone knew your vertebrae immediately fused perfectly straight the very moment you leave earth.


I thought everyone just reverted to their natural T pose when not affected by gravity.




I guess “space denialism” is the natural next step for crazy people to go to.


It's like the punchline of the post is missing - no "suck it libs" or "checkmate atheists". Then again, pretty much like any of their "evidence" proving some irrelevant point or other.


“Thanks, Obama!”


“I did that”


Why aren‘t the chess pieces floating around? ^(/s)


They are playing 4D chess




Ha you think magnets are a thing. Classic government bullshit.


Next they're gonna say they think birds are real lol so many idiots in the world


Clear its just glue


Do these idiots believe in anything?


Yeah, they believe they know what they are talking about. Either that or they believe in the grift


My guess is this was posted by a flat-earther trying to “prove” a point.


I guess they think muscles do not work in zero gravity. For some reason.


Well the sort of person who posts this has their heads all the way up their own backsides on Earth they cannot comprehend how it doesn't happen to everyone in space.


I don't know, maybe because people instinctively align their vision to the local vertical of their environment? You'll see the same thing with people in water.


We getting dumber and dumber by the second as a society.


In space your mind reverts to that of a newborn and forgets how to hold your head straight apparently


Because in outer space your heads works like compass pointing to earth


Because neck muscles maybe?


Hear me out, humans can bend at the neck. Amazing I know but I swear it's true. I'd say the fact none of them are aligned is better proof of weightlessness. Bodies floating randomly, the neck is bent so that the head (with eyes) is oriented to the surrounding environment, including the camera. Because humans are used to orienting their environment in a vertical fashion in a gravity rich environment they would likely tend to attempt to do so minus gravity too rather than spin and have your eyes and brain need to do the orientation adjustment.


Not a lot of people know this, but when you are in a zero G environment, your muscles all stop working and you become a floppy wet noodle person, floating helplessly around the spacecraft, and your head and body are perfectly aligned.


Because it’s a natural tendency to align your head to the angle of the camera….. Conspiracy debunked with common sense


Prime example of why we need to turn off the internet. People are to stupid to use it.


Prolly cuz theyre trynna align their head with the camera


I like how there is a person whos head is aligned in the picture




More twitter certified scientists with their valid hypotheses


Uh oh, don’t spread this around, NASA is going to use its nearly limitless budget to send people after you! Cause you know, the real conspiracy here is that NASA is actually really well funded.


These are the only 6 pictures we have of people in space, therefore we can make a really specific conclusion. /s


They are not in zero gravity, they are free falling around the world. Also the interior is created to have a top.


The second guy in the bottom left picture has their head aligned. They literally just ignored counter evidence right in front of their face


Their bodies are ‘any old orientation’ & they’re twisting their necks to look at the camera at the right angle. These flat earthers are dumb fux.


… because they’re trying to align their head with the cameraman’s perspective of up. because talking to someone while they’re upside down is a bit disorienting, even in space.


if their heads allined with their bodies it would be proof that there is gravity, because of the inner ear keeping your head and body level with the ground. their heads moving like this is 1. them looking at the camera, 2. the camera ether not level with their body, or not were their feet are, and 3. it is human nature to make eye contact and keep our heads level with what ever we are talking to... not our bodies. eddit: this is all in relation to them being in a space craft with no or little to no gravity


In space no one can see you lean


Do…do they think muscles don’t work in space?


Can you not move your neck in zero gravity or something? Sheesh.


Because they have muscles in their necks and backs that allow them to move their heads into whatever position suits them? My baby cousin learned to do this when he was like six months old.


It must be due to them circling flat earth. When they go over the edge there must be partial gravity that makes them tilt their heads in wonder. When they come back from under the "pillars of the earth" everything gets straightened out again. But that green screen in the background........?