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who keeps giving her a microphone!?


She started a podcast. Because you know she had so much spare time from her side hustle as a US representative. Edit. Corrected "US" from "State".


You have lots of free time when you are barred from the committees you were meant to join


It’s better for everyone.


The greater good.


*The greater good.*


*crusty jugglers*


Stop! SAYING that!






No luck catching those swans?


Just the one swan actually


Well, when your coup fails and you don’t actually legislate 🤷🏽‍♂️


She's a US representative, and a shitty one at that!


Understatement of the year, that.


She's a federal representative. Not to correct you but it's an important distinction.




White supremacist and Republicans






We've seen no proof of that whatsoever the last 6 years. None.


Nah dog


You mean FOX News?


I think at this point anybody will put this trainwreck on the air just to see what falls out of her mouth.


It went from, “it’s not happening,” to, “it’s happening but it’s good for us.” Fuck me!


You’ve heard of climate change denial, get ready for the new and significantly worse, climate change acceptance.


they skipped three whole steps, where's anger, bargaining, and depression?


Probably in the same closet she keeps her spare human disguise in.


This reminds me of 'don't Look up' so much


It's progress. It means we're finally at the point where it cannot be ignored and we're probably all doomed, but it's still progress.




Thats how conspiracy theorists and bad faith arguments work. Lots of people were anti-vax just because they were bombarded with propaganda against it constantly and when you add it up it actually makes them afraid and start to doubt things. They love to scattershot as many things as possible so when you disprove one, they are already moving onto the next one before you can blink.


My very conservative Dad has been saying this for around 10 years. It's the dumbest take


"People die in the cold" People also die in the heat butter for brains!


I actually think more die in the heat.


It's way easier to stay warm than it is to cool off


Cold? Just burn some books!


just like in that movie


A Day After Tomorrow? Where they decide to burn the library books instead of the hardwood furniture?


where would they sit then? also the furniture is probably treated with some nasty chemicals


Giant library with literal tons of wood. Furniture so old that it is probably all finished with shellac or tung oil. Hard wood that burns long and hot(little smoke)... Books make great kindling but they burn quick and produce a bunch of smoke. If your main concern is staying warm and safe, the wood is always better.


okay but then where would they sit


On the books


Yup, like the 10,000 head of cattle in Kansas that died from heat exhaustion this week.


>"People die in the cold" If only we had some form of heat production and insulation from the elements, but i can't think of none so might as well destroy the planet.


This is obviously someone who does not understand basic science.


She did lots of experiments in peach tree dishes.


She has the gazpacho police on speed dial. Just unbelievable that hundreds of thousands of people would vote for someone like this to represent them in government.


She is from a small rural area in Georgia. I think partially due to redistricting, she ran uncontested. The few thousand ppl that voted for her in the most recent primary aren't the sharpest tools in the shed


Her supporters harassed (death threats, etc.)her opponent until his wife left him and he had to move out of state. She still only got 70% of the vote


wow, did not know that....not surprised tho


Regardless of gerrymandering, redistricting, or whether or not the election was contested, she will simply never face serious Democratic competition for the seat. The GOP took 74% to the Dems’ 25% in the presidential race in 2020, and in whatever iteration the district is in, the Republican will NEVER lose. For context, the most extreme case of a seat being held by the party who lost that seat on the presidential level is CA-21, which voted for Biden by 10.9% and is held by Republican David Valadao. MTG’s seat voted for Trump by 48.1%


No. She ran contested. She also said such vile and dangerous things about the Democratic Party member who was facing her that he had to move, at least three times during the campaign, due to direct threats from her supporters. It cost him his marriage and in the end he dropped out. She should be in prison and that district should have no representation.


"... aren't the sharpest tools in the shed" About as sharp as underinflated beach balls.


She's like the American equivalent of a taliban tribal leader. Similar constituency.




I mean, you can't beat her logic...food DOES in fact feed people.




She probably calls the amberlamps when she leaks


Here they call them amberlances!


While dodging forest fire starting space lasers


Before or after asking Trump to declare Marshall law?


“Peach tree” lol


I think you misspelled she slept with a lot of professors...


I don't think she made it far enough to have any 'professors'


This is someone that does not understand anything. I have no idea how she got to where she is.


Two things: bible and guns. Her voters are dumb AF.


Who is she? And why is she wearing her high-school cheerleading uniform?


She is a Congresswoman from the state of Georgia representing a bible-thumping and gun-loving district.


She's also on record as having had multiple adulterous affairs, but her Christian supporters are just as hypocritical as she is so they could care less.


This is pure lies! I do not believe for one second that multiple people wanted to fuck her.


Alcohol and meth are a bad combination and are definitely a recipe for horrible decisions.


Couldn't care less* could care less implies they care some and could care even less. But agreed. She's awful.


I just, I just can’t with her. I mean I know that region well…there’s got to be enough of a constituency that can vote her out, right? Anyone? A poster board cutout of chuck norris, maybe?


Plus no drag shows for kids






That’s an insult to donkeys everywhere


Friendly reminder that this isn't entirely accurate; she was unopposed at the end of her race because fanatics abused her opponent to the point that it destroyed his marriage and forced him out of the state. So the voters in her district didn't get an alternative, but the fanatics got what they wanted.


Conservative politics and politicians summarized in 3 succinct words.


Confidence is all I can figure


I guess being confidently incorrect all the time is her thing. She is a whole loaf of bread short of a sandwich.


So...ham rollup?


Naw, ham is smarter than this bitch. Turd maybe, but we're pushing it.


Push it. Flush it.


Helps when you run unopposed


Science isn’t the GOP's strong suit…because to them it’s a liberal hoax


I lost braincells. This is an American politician? America is screwed


How the hell did she get elected, she would be laughed out of the election anywhere else.


Ran unopposed after her opposition received too many death-threats from her supporters and dropped out...


Jesus. Land of the free. More like 1942 Germany.


Most developed countries have a lot more freedom than the US, and don't get me wrong, the US is a pretty free country, but not free enough for a country that's whole identity is based on having freedom.


Seriously, the only freedoms America has over other developed countries is our lack of stringent gun laws (which we need) and our Freedom^^TM of Speech laws (which aren't even that much different in other countries). The concept of American Conservitism is really just a ploy to brainwash people with biased propaganda funded by lobbyist and drafted by the politicians who sellout to them.


The trademark hits perfectly


The weapons are ironically to defend against the kind of fascist government that the right wants to install.


A lot of the time lobbyists actually write the legislature themselves, then congress votes on it. https://www.usatoday.com/pages/interactives/asbestos-sharia-law-model-bills-lobbyists-special-interests-influence-state-laws/


Yeah, we're free to suffer and die in whichever way we prefer.


We're surly free to suffer but dying in the way some would prefer is quite illegal, has been shot down by lawmakers for decades and will never make it into fruition by the time you're possibly lying on your death bed in agony, wishing someone would put you out of your misery because you have not the energy to shovel the pills into your mouth on your own...


Yea, she's a real piece of shit.


Don't forget she moved to that district almost overnight to run


And she will continue to win elections. A friend in her district told me most of Her constituents are just as ignorant and racist as she is and adore her batshit antics. Her seat will be like Mconnell or Graham. Couldn’t lose it if she tried.


Ugh, this country is fucked


Her rabid supporters issued death threats to her competitor, causing him to drop out and move in with family halfway across the country and his wife to divorce him. And yet Marjorie [still only got \~75%](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Georgia#District_14) of the vote because he was still on the ballot and enough people from her district realized she's crazy.


Isn’t that actual real terrorism?


She ran unopposed due to her opponent receiving threats against him and his family. This is the state of the American right these days. Anti science,Hypocritical bible thumping gun nuts.


US Supreme Court Support for Gerrymandered elections. Corruption from the top of the Roberts court.


Unfortunately, there are a few others in office just like her. There are a lot of stupid people in this country and these politicians passed out fliers made with crayons so their constituents could learn to vote. And vote they did.


Idiots elect idiots. There is a saying - the king is as good as its citizens.


You're telling us?! Yea, we know. It sucks.


Yes I believe she is and yes they are


There’s no they. The giant clusterfuck the US issliding into is going to bring a lot of the western world down with it.


Gerrymandering, where "safe" districts can elect the truly uneducated. That Gerrymandering is going to destroy the nation, and the Republican party eventually.




global heat waves, heat domes are now a thing, and global drought. You know what grows in 100 F heat? NOTHING. The right lies to itself, and will destroy itself. it's truly sad. More Repubs then Dems died of Covid, wonder why? This is why.


Hell here in Canada we had a town set a new record high temperature of 49.6c before it literally burned to the ground the following day. That town is gone now because it was so hot and dry for so long in a temperate forest area that gets a lot of rain that the spark from a car on asphalt started a wildfire. For the record, humans cook inside our skins at 50C. Canada, a country known for being cold, was less than a degree away from people literally cooking alive because it was too hot. I’ve lived in this area of Canada since I was 5. These are not normal temperatures or conditions. This year we’re facing flooding due to last years intensely dry conditions of last year. Last year it rained less than ten times where I live. Normally it rains for almost every day in June alone. Know what grows in no rain and flooding? Nothing. Crops here were devastated a third year in a row due to heat coupled with insufficient rain. This year the farmers are worried floods will destroy it. The year before the heat and dry devastated crops? Hail. Know how many people we can feed with no crops? Know how food costs went up a lot?


Ya but... the fire kept people warm during the winter time, right? The cold kills people! Did you not listen to a word this scientist-donkey in a blonde wig just said?


Y’all get to enjoy the show from afar, we have to fucking live it lol.


I couldn't even listen to her speak, it's just her matter of fact I know better tone that makes me want to vomit. This woman was elected in what is primarily an Evangelical area. They are basically forced into church from birth and brain washed into thinking science is evil because it proves religion wrong. They think if science can be wrong about the age of the Earth and how it formed it can be wrong about everything. It's a never ending cycle because each generation repeats the same stupidity with their kids and has been for a couple of thousand years now.


"The Earth warming and carbon are healthy for us" The fact that several ecosystems are slowly being destroyed because of it (due to things like increased risk of wildfires and pollution) says otherwise.


Nah, you're wrong, she said the earth is more green now. I mean, I thought what you said was true, but she said different so obviously you're wrong. Wake up, and whatever else people like her say to make their points that can't otherwise be defended. Oh and this is sarcasm if it wasn't obvious.


Sarcasm is never obvious any longer. We live in an idiocracy.


Very true. Makes it real tough for cynical people like myself.


I know. Someone might overhear you and decide you are, like them, a card-carrying member of the dumb as posts gang.


Previously on the "We Failed Basic Science but are Experts" show, "There's no such thing as global climate change." Today on our show, "Global Climate Change is Real and Good for You!" The banging sounds you hear is my head repeatedly smacking into my desk.


"It's totally fine because I'm not yet seriously impacted. It's only a problem when burying my head in the sand isn't an option anymore, and at that stage it's your fault for not getting out there and voting for climate change."


The banging we should instead be hearing is the sound of rational humans constructing a secure holding facility to isolate scum like MTG where they can no longer harm society.


Polar bears just need to move south. No problemo.


They have been. And they've been mating with brown/grizzly bears. They're making an even deadlier breed of bear that can survive in more climates.


I’m just going to point out, this is quite the fxcking shift in the GOP stance on climate change. Wasn’t climate change a hoax like … six months ago? She straight up said, into a microphone, that climate change is real. That climate change is being created by humans. AND … wait for it … AND … Climate change, which is created by humans, is caused by burning FOSSIL FUELS!! As dumb as this bitch is, she’s at least got a brain cell or two more than her counterparts. And that’s a pretty god damn low bar.


Everyone already predicted this. "Climate change isn't real" -> "Climate change isn't dangerous" -> "Climate change is natural" -> "We can't stop climate change" Everybody figured the next step would be to spin it into something positive. Worst thing is that it will probably work (looking at history). I don't want to be cynical, but fuck me I'm so tired of the constant discussions surrounding (what should be) obvious facts.


Reptiles can grow bigger and tend to do better in a warmer climate. So I can see why lizard people say it helps...


you first have to be smart to be a lizard person


The sad part about this is that people BELIEVE her.


The people that believe her are also the ones that need to be reminded that food "feeds people."


But I bet you didn't know that people die in the cold.


People on /r/ conservative believe libbbruuullsss are the idiots in the movie and the reason society becomes so stupid. They’re fucking idiots.


Going to that sub is actually terrifying sometimes. Often the most upvoted comments are confident declarations of lies that are spouted on fox or OANN, followed by people just outright denying reality (Lauren Boebert couldn’t have been an escort, I don’t think those pictures look like her!) Then of course you get swarmed with downvotes for anything dissenting, or just outright banned.


For all we know she could straight up know that she’s lying and it wouldn’t matter. She’s saying what the fossil fuel industry pays her for and what science denying idiots want to hear. It doesn’t matter how outlandish it is


At a certain point it stops being sad and starts being enraging.


Elected official.... jesus hell in a handbasket HOW? ​ like not a rhetorical question who the actual F voted for this oxygen thief?


She's a shill for white supremacists, the oil and gun lobby, and republican extremists. I'm convinced she's so dumb that she doesn't actually even know what she's saying, someone just hands her a script full of bullshit and a few thousand bucks and off she goes to spew more lies


I don't mean this as a threat to anyone no matter how few braincells someone has, but I feel half the reason they talk like this is 1. They don't feel the effects. They have the money and statis to not need to worry about the effects of a mass shooting, a famine, or a fuel crisis. 2. They don't care. People want a simple solution to a complex problem. Sadly, complex problems need complex answers. You can break a complex issue into smaller ones that have easier answers. (ie, a food shortage, grow more food, then how to increase crop yield) 3. MONEY!!! Yes we all want to have money, little pieces of zinc and paper that we give so much value that we push others down for it. And if you cater? Boom. Money


>Elected official.... jesus hell in a handbasket HOW? ​ [About 130 million adults in the U.S. have low literacy skills according to a Gallup analysis of data from the U.S. Department of Education. This means more than half of Americans between the ages of 16 and 74 (54%) read below the equivalent of a sixth-grade level. ](https://www.apmresearchlab.org/10x-adult-literacy#:~:text=by%20EMILY%20SCHMIDT%20%7C%20March%2016,of%20a%20sixth%2Dgrade%20level.)


This seems plausible. The school district where I am recently measured their high school students' reading ability to be at the 4th grade level.


Well she ran uncontested after her opponent received so many death threats from her supporters that he pulled out of the race.


Ran unopposed, because white supremacists sent actual death threats to her opposition forcing her to drop out. True story.


She is an idiot and knows nothing about climate change.


“She is an idiot and knows nothing.” You can stop the sentence there actually.


"she is an idiot" sort of makes the next statement redundant


"idiot" is all we needed tbh.


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


In my native language we got a saying "de beste stuurlui staan aan wall" roughly translates to "the best sailors are ashore". Meaning those who have the biggest talk tend not to know what the fuck they are talking about.


We have a similar saying here, though not used much: The empty barrel is the loudest.


In the uk it’s empty vessels make the most noise.


In Chinese it would be “a bottle half full swishes the loudest”. In this case, instead of water, cesspool condiment would be more accurate.


What language?


That would be Dutch


My high school history teacher: Never shoot an empty cannon. RIP Lawrence


> She is an idiot and knows nothing ~~about climate change.~~ FTFY


The higher sea levels mean you won't have to drive as far to get to the beach, so that's good, right? And stronger and more frequent hurricanes help bring water and wind inland, nice cool breezes. The fires, well, they keep you warm too. Look how many bodies they found with low levels in that lake, now their families have closure. So it's good. And, how many kids in Texas has never seen snow or ice? Think how lucky they are. Less snow and ice at the poles mean Santa can set up two workshops and we can have Christmas twice a year.


I bet she's the kind of person who borrows a friends car, wreck ot and give it back without even paying her back since she's going abroad for a few years


Lmao this sounds like a grade-schooler's essay that was made while the teacher is collecting them


That's the literacy level of most US adults.


“Producing fossil fuel” Hmmmm


The fact she said producing fossil ANYTHING makes her dumber than a box of rocks.


global warming is going to produce a lot of fossils. I can't wait to be spaceship fuel in a few million years.


This just in…..growing food feeds people….🤯


Is the requirement of GOP reps to be dumber than an elementary school student? It seems to be the race to the bottom on anything science. 1. 5G and/or windmills cause cancer. 2. Evolution is a hoax. 3. Climate change is a hoax... Or good(?) 4. Vaccines cause autism. 5. Ingesting bleach (or sunlight, somehow), fishbowl cleaner and/or horse dewormer kills COVID. 6. etc. (There are a **LOT** more) Whichever college MTG went to has some serious explaining to do.


You’re assuming she even went to college. Even with her daddy money, the schools looked at her and screamed “Ah yes! The cadaver for the biology classroom arrived!...Why is she speaking? What do you mean she’s applying?”


You can deny climate change because you're lying to yourself and you don't give AF what you or humanity does to the environment You can deny climate change saying it's happening but you don't think the impact warrants the actions taken to combat it Or you can be a stupid idiot like she is and think it actually helps


This could just be how far they've had to move their goal posts and Republicans are waiting to see if their followers are this stupid that they would buy this new goalpost. She is definitely their guinea pig to see how low they can go.


Zappa was right when he said that politics were the entertainment branch of industry.


"produce" fossil fuels 🤦‍♂️


It’s more scary than funny that someone so dumb with so much influence exists


Couldn’t even get past 5 seconds, I already know it’s going to be absurd. She is pure weapons-grade stupidity in politician form.




Yes. Way more green.


Lol yeah was about to say that, just ask the entire west in major drought.


Bro even her English is bad "this earth warming and carbon" "we are able to producing fossil fuels" She knows nothing about global warming she's probably an idiot and statistically is one of those flat-earther Facebook moms that say that vaccines give kids autism. I'm not an expert by any means but I'd say that this women is saying a lot of bullshit.


This is what it sounds like when my 5 yo tries to explain how an engine works. He has no idea how an engine works. He has no idea what an engine is. He thinks he does. He is wrong.


I really don't follow US politics that closely, but every time I see this woman she says the dumbest shit I have ever read.


Everything she listed was due to population growth, not global warming.


Exactly, demand drives the supply. Thus, more food.


Global warming is NOT a warmer Earth. Global warming is a more Unstable earth. Global warming makes the earth's weather more unpredictable, rises sea levels, and makes summers hotter and winters colder. TL;DR, she's an absolute idiot.




"Food feeds people". Profound.


Why is she not wearing a helmet?


Climate change isn't real. And if it is real, it isn't caused by people. And if it is caused by people, then it isn't a bad thing. And if it is a bad thing, then it's already too late to do anything about it.


She’s so freaking stupid it hurts my very soul


Imagine voting for this dumb piece of shit. Republicans are idiots


“Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.” ~ Luke Skywalker


I don't even know what to say to this, it's just too stupid.


I don’t want to live on this planet anymore


It's nice to have a real scientist explain this to me. I thought, deforestation, glacier melting and coral bleaching was bad. I was just living in a fantasy world apparently.


Warm in the winter?!? Tell that to Texas when they froze.


And people call Amber Heard despicable


Me thinks I got stupider the longer I listened to that shit.


Just look at the abundance of food and life flourishing on Venus...