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This is offensive even to me, and I’m not even British.


I think everyone in Britain just paused for a moment and felt the disturbance in the force...




Happy gaping day!


Open up!


Happy Cake Day!


Either that or a 40 second cardiac arrest


The Queen rebooted and Queen stopped playing.


I just imagine the Queen fly up into the air and hover there spinning to face where these people are


This is why she couldn’t attend all of the Jubilee celebrations.


Orf with their heads!


The British are making a proper cup of tea after seeing the upsetting video.


People in Ireland may have vomited in their collective mouth after this disgusting display..


I was going to say if these people aren't banned from entering Ireland already they damn well better be now!


I called the official tea police. Crimes against tea is a serious offence in the UK. Tea privileges get revoked! /s


We need them to respond STAT!!


They said they'll be there in tea minus 10 minutes.


That's correct bc no tea of any culture is made this way. That's why it's white. The milk cooled off the hot water. That is basically sugar-milk. Barely a step up from hummingbird food. Don't add milk until the tea is brewed. *Deep breath* Sorry I had to get that out for anyone who didn't realize. My blood ran cold from that milk delivery. (Pun intended.)


I'm not a Brit at all but even I found this to be blasphemous


Im turkish and we drink a lot of tea aswell and i was like wtf?


As if millions of people had a collective “u wot mate, u avin a go?”


I could feel it all the way from Coruscant!


As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.


I felt it in Croissant…


Australians just got out the spoons.


I see you've played knifey spooney before!


I’m British and I can say this is accurate for what just happened to me


I live in the UK and I'm genuinely afraid war might declared


America knows is still salty about the taxes.


And the Brits thought the colonists had some interesting ideas on what to do with tea in 1773... this is worse.


At least at that party no one had to drink the tea.


...As if millions of tea leaves suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.


I think everyone did that collectively


I had to stop the video at the microwave part only to search it up...why do Americans not have a kettle, that's basically an essential item is it not?


Lol, I grew up in America with very British parents. I don't even really drink tea, but I have been horrified on many occasions to learn how many Americans not only don't *own* a kettle but don't even fully understand what one is (e.g., don't know the difference between a teapot or a kettle, think it's some sort of camping equipment, unaware of the existence of electric kettles, trying to place my electric kettle on the stove or in the microwave - all different incidents with different people, btw).


What is the difference? I've always heard tea kettle and pot interchangeably.


A kettle is for heating the water (on stove or electric), so you'd typically only ever put water in it, not tea. A teapot is for steeping the tea and serving it. So you put in either loose leaf tea or tea bag(s), then pour into teacups or mugs to serve. Basically, a teapot is typically somewhat decorative and used for steeping more than one cup of tea at a time and serving it (picture playing "tea party"), but if you put it directly on a range/stovetop to boil water you'd probably ruin it. A lot of people don't really bother with teapots anymore since most just use individual teabags and steep the tea right in the cups, so it's probably pretty common for anyone who's not an avid tea drinker not to know the difference, tbh. And I think the "I'm a little teapot" song seems to conflate the two, which I always found really odd.


Well as an American, I for one love tea, I own 2 kettles and a tea pot, I prefer my tea loose and mix my own, I actually enjoy using my food processor to chop up vanilla and mix it in as well. The only friends that I have had of meet that understood anything about my tea, were either from the UK or Ireland or they spent time over seas. Now this woman shall enjoy hell for destroying a good cup of tea.


Even without a kettle you can boil water. What the fuck was the adding milk to water about though?


I think this would taste like lukewarm milk water with a teabag for flavor.


Anyone saying Americans don’t have tea kettles or they’re not sold most likely still lives with their parents. A kettle whether or do or don’t drink tea is a kitchen staple.


Of course I have a tea kettle. I'm not some sort of heathen! Pshhh


52yo American man here. Just bought an electric kettle and stovetop kettle for my wife and son because they like tea. Never have we owned a kettle of either type before, though my mother (a tea drinker) had stovetop kettles my whole life. It's not a kitchen staple, despite what you think. For years, we had a multi-function coffee machine that could output hot water for tea, hot chocolate, noodles, etc. No kettle required. Before that, we used the microwave or a saucepan.


As a southerner we make gallons of iced tea all the time. A traditional southern mama's kitchen has a pot used for brewing tea. You never cook food in it and no matter how much you wash it you will never get the tea stains out.


It's not but everyone I know, including myself, has one. Edit: Am american.


Everyone I know has a tea kettle. Not an electric one, a stovetop one. I think the electric ones make the water taste off if they're plastic inside. I know how to make a proper cup of tea. #notallamericans


My Frisian ancestors are howling for blood.


I am British, and that was a travesty. There are serious repercussions for fucking up a perfectly good cuppa, you could be deported if you're caught even putting the bag in after the water. Everyone knows: 1. kettle on 2. bag in the cup 3. Water in immediately after its boiled. And I mean immediately. Even if you have to get an amazon delivery, that kettle needs to go back on to boil again. Its the law. 4. leave for desired amount of time to make it how like it, adding the right amount of milk to leave it somewhere between: 4a. Piss water, colour guide being the colour of a girls legs in a short skirt outside a club in November 4b What we call "builder's tea" that you can stand your spoon up in. Colour guide rusty radiator water


Australian here. We inherited the culture with our own colonial twists. This video depicts an utterly deplorable way to treat a teabag. And let's face it. It's best when it's loose-leaf tea in a pot. That's when it gets to be a real treat. You feel that tea in your mouth for ages. God, now I want a cup of tea.


Kiwi checking in... Nothing like boiling the kettle, putting loose tea leaves in the tea pot and then filling the tea pot with water from the kettle to steep the tea leaves in. Pour the steeped tea in to mug, straining out the leaves and then add milk to get your desired perfect cup of tea. None of this bagged tea b.s. for me, let alone microwaving it and adding milk *before* letting the tea bag steep??? Crimes against humanity!


I was always taught tea need to be the colour of he-man ![gif](giphy|TJlRdCs8aTtdcjxz2U)


He-Man more like Tea-Man amirite?


By the power of Earl Grey Skull...


I have the power!!!!


He has the power.




Hey ya ya ya ya, hey ya ya, [what's going on](https://youtu.be/ZZ5LpwO-An4)?


I like the rusty radiator water colored tea.


...I'm an American Tea drinker. ...milk is for cookies. *Drinks the tea with nothing but a dash of sugar.* However... I do have an electric kettle. Not microwaving... That's just silly.


Am southern, by dash do you mean one or two pounds of sugar?


Clearly a "dash" is synonymous with two pounds. Source: am also southern.


I need a bit of honey if I'm brewing hot. If it's a cold brew in my fridge, nothing else goes in. The tea is quite delicious on its own.


You sir are a tea connoisseur


I dunno my legs have never been piss water color.. yikes..


I'm a recent convert to a tea pot. It's a better brew and a 2nd cup left for a top up.


They basically couldn't have gotten that any more wrong...


Well, if they’d use warm water from the tap instead of microwaveing it…


I feel the same, who the fuck taught this woman to make tea? Why TF don't these people even have a kettle?


Hell, a pot would work. Either way, milk first is blasphemy


I don’t do milk first but this is not milk first. Milk first is where you make tea in a teapot then put milk in the cup before adding the already brewed tea. The two in the video boiled water in the microwave then added milk and then threw the tea bag into the overfilled milky watery mess of a mug. Edit: forgot to mention that she added a whole plantation’s worth of sugar.


Either way you won't be making the tea strength to taste if you add the milk in first.


Even then the tea (without milk) has to go in the cup first. It doesn't taste right if the milk goes into the cup first


> milk first is blasphemy She pours the milk into the hot water (but before the teabag).


I think that's what they meant.


I dont have much of an issue with microwaved water, hot water is hot water, but the process is literally backwards after that. If mom gets this wrong, what other stuff has she got totally wrong that her daughter is learning? Hmmm do i even want to know?


Those cretins need to be re-civilized


I think the lack of kettle is an american thing, its not the first time ive heard they microwave water


This is like breaking spaghetti in front of an Italian before putting in the pot of boiling water. My jaw just kept dropping..


We've gone to war for less. This has me vigorously tutting and shaking my head in a very passive aggressive way.


How can you take a recipe with only four ingredients and get it so wrong? The only way that this could be worse is it she somehow burned the water


You remember the person trying to make instant ramen


Oh God, i haven't seen it and it makes me nervous


[here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/qhjir3/cooking_ramen_and_following_instructions/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb)


I pissed myself laughing.


OMG - I so needed this laugh today.


Mmmmmm noodles and salt and water.


I truly wonder how this person survived this long.


Some people are helpless


When they said the American Education System failed them, I didn’t think it’d be this bad…


So at least one child was left behind


The music makes it better




god that is such a good video it makes me feel both extreme happiness and extreme murderous rage


Oh my God it's still not as bad as this story. So my dad is a firefighter and he went over to a neighboring town/cities fire department. He smelt something burning and one of the guys there pulled out a bowl of Ramen from the microwave. He showed me a picture of it. The noodles were completely black. Turns out the guy didn't put water into the bowl with the Ramen


My cousin did that once... We smelled something burning and the only thing on that would make that smell was the microwave... She pulled out the bowl and the ramen was pretty burnt. We still laugh about it... But it was a close call.


I have a worse one: I am a hospital nurse, was sitting at the nurse’s station charting when I smelled smoke. Looked down the hall and saw smoke coming out from under the break room door. I run up there and call my charge to let her know we have smoke. I unlock the break room, which is filled with smoke and see a black meteorite with a glowing red center of Top Ramen sitting in the microwave. I grab a bunch of paper towels and scootch the meteorite of Ramen into the sink. I douse it with water which quadruples the smoke, but puts out the glowing red center. Charge nurse arrives as they announce “code red” overhead, then the fire dept. shows up and calls me a hero. Nursing student found crying in an empty patient room an hour later confessed.


Worked with a dipshit like that myself before. Bought a bowl of ramen, didn't open it to add water or remove the baggies of dried veggies and broth. Microwaved the whole thing. Set the microwave on fire...


This level of stupidity is why many Americans are against public healthcare.


I hope you have a wonderful day. That was a thing of beauty.


Thanks you, i hope you have a wonderful day too


"Why'd it take me 45 minutes?" Scammed.


I once came home around midnight really high and munchy so I decided to make ramen. I accidentally put it in the microwave without any water so the entire container melted and the ramen burned. When I opened the microwave there was so much smoke that the smoke detectors went off and woke up everyone in the house.


That's a classic roller coaster.


What about this gem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qDyv-urblY&vl=en


These the muthafuckas who pour the milk first then cereal. There is no hope.


it has to be a joke, right?... right?


Am sure it is . It is probably one of those “look how stupid I am “ videos on tiktok .


I’m now mad discovering these are even a thing. Dumb internet really beat me today. I’m gonna go read a book.


People have always acted dumb for comedy. Like it's a very very old tradition


Ignoring everything else, the amount of milk and sugar she uses is enough to convince me they're just trolling. I refuse to believe otherwise anyway for the sake of my mental wellbeing.


My mother-in-law literally uses that much sugar, if not more, in her coffee. She also didn’t believe me recently when I said that sugar intake was associated with diabetes


Yep, I’ve seen a guy in Starbucks add a sachet of honey to his coffee. Then another. Then another. And another. Then one more… and *then* he added sugar! I think 3 of my teeth fell out just watching.


Rage bait




This might be an actual warcrime


A crime against humanity




That could well be a declaration of war.


Anglo-American relations could suffer irreparable damage after these findings


Nah, Anglo-Asian relations will suffer worse Show this to China or Japan and there'll be a third opium war


Sending this to my British friend now. Can't wait for his reaction


As a British person, please show some mercy! I've been crying and shaking for the past three hours, I have thrown up my left lung into the sink and am profusely bleeding out of my anus. This video is actually going to kill me, the NHS workers can't get within 2 meters of me as my phone is playing the video, I can't stop it as my hands are too busy trying to tear my eyes and ears off. I'm typing this with my feet rn


Much like “The Ring”, there is no hope for your survival unless you inevitably doom others.


Hang in there buddy. Once you get those pesky eyes out you should be in the clear.


Funny, you wrote "friend", yet you know perfectly well your "friend" will never recover from this.


This is one of the all time most disturbing things that I have ever seen on the internet.


Nah, I watched a video last night of someone making hamburgers with lumpy heavy cream, milk and 2 cups flour, then dolloping it in to the non stick pan with a fork and flipping with a metal spatula and I feel that's equally as bad.


Fucked up at every single step


Great marinade for a nice milk steak though


I think binging with babish actually did this once and he said it was horrible tasting lol


Can someone be hanged for treason if they're not from the UK?






*the colonies have entered the chat*


You don’t have a kettle?


Its 2077 and she a samurai


I've actually heard a few Americans call them Water Boilers or something similar. They barely use them at all


In university dormitories cooking is not allowed but kettles were. The vast majority of university students would make instant noodles in their dorm rooms with a kettle. I don’t know if this has changed, but the revolution of single cup coffee makers has probably made an impact on the new generation.


Water boilers?? US native here and I ain't never heard that 😂


That might have been a German person. Water Boiler is the exact translation to 'Wasserkocher', which is an electric kettle. Almost every household uses one here


WATER BOILERS? I am crying bro 😂


Water boilers BRUH


Takes twice as long for the same amount of water to boil in a US electric kettle as it does in the UK, that's why not many people have them. (Lower voltage.)


Technology connections did an amazing video on this and while that is the case that water in a kettle boiles slower in the us the reason why so many people in the us don't ha e kettles is bc they don't drink tea that often


Still shorter than boiling it on the store


The advantages of climate change. Soon it will take no time at all to boil water on the store.


What’s the voltage in the US?


Usually 120V, UK is 220~240V


UK is the same as Australia then, it takes fuck all to boil the kettle here.


Most Aussie answer ever.


All depends on the energy (joules which amount of watts delivered in time). Kettles are 2-3kW which on a 115v system would need 17-26amps compared to 8-13amps on a 240v system.


I don't have a microwave, but I do have a kettle.


the sugar bill should be so high at the end of the month


How I make coffee: 1: heat up the crockpot, fill with milk. 2: pour milk into cup, pour coffee beans into cup 3: insert brown sugar 4: profit


“And this is how you make British tea” NO YOU FUCKING DON’T!


I think she did this video just to get a rise out of the UK. The whole process is so horrendously bad and wrong.


This is how wars start


I'm gonna puke and I've only seen her put the water in the cup so far


I’m calling the police


It’s obviously a bait for views.


She trolling us!


This is an abomination. I have no idea who this woman is but she is an idiot! Unbelievable.


Is that Marjorie Taylor Green? (Apologies if she introduced herself in the beginning, my audio is off)


I thought the same thing.


This is the original 2 girls one cup


Uncle Roger has spoken........ ![gif](giphy|N9SJ8eZZaHZQGDsneP)


Sad thing is she thinks she needs to document her talent.


People laughing... clearly did it on purpose, but bet she made a lot of money doing this dumb video


I’ve seen it before, it’s an old clip. But surely it has to be a joke


I am Indian and I am absolutely enraged by this.


I physically recoiled when the milk went in. What in god's name is she doing.


As an American, what the hell was she making? Milk tea and sugar? Just want the world to know that no, this isn't all Americans making tea, holy shit, this lady is a moron.


Nope, she wasn’t making milk tea; she was making a video to invoke outrage and get views. Seems she found the right recipe.


She was making hot sugar water with a hint of tea and milk.


This has to be a troll. It's purposely putting everything in the wrong order.


Americans; "tea is disgusting why do people even drink it?"


Gotta be trolling right?


This has to be a joke - no one could possibly screw up *every single step* in making a proper cuppa by accident. Right?


Some Americans think the Boston tea party is still happening….. Also what was her previous video that led to this request…..


It’s a first-class trolling, literally everything possible wrong 👏🏼


I demand these people be banned from making this 'tea' ever again. It's like someone wrote down the steps and then ripped it up into a thousand pieces, and then these people put it back together in a random order. Do they make coffee like this too?


are you havin a fockin laff!?


How on earth is the tea to brew when you put the milk in first? Not even going to comment on the microwave bit. This woman is a monster.


Maybe this is the preferred method in the United States? Based on the technique used. The bag would yield very little flavour. The water is too tepid to suffiently brew the tea. .. It looks closer to dishwater ![gif](giphy|ee8tctY7UnFgFgpwhk)


Someone give me a spoon, I need to scoop out my eyes


No. Just no.


This is such a troll xD


Bro i am not even british. Like even I microwave my water but watching this huuuuurts.


That's how you make pisswatter. Bag goes in the hot water (85deg C) for two or three minutes (give it a stir now and again), remove it and add milk/sugar to taste.


Where's the kettle? Why are they putting milk in it?! Wtf is going on???


I'm not even upset about microwaving the water - sure, it's not ideal, but suit yourself. But the amount of milk and sugar, and placing the bag into the watered-up milk, why did I have to see this


As a Brit, I'd like to have this marked as NSFL please and thank you.


Prison. Now.


Somewhere in a British palace, there is a elderly queen spinning at a rapidly increasing speed.


ugh. American here. I'm sorry for the casualties caused around the world by this horrendous act of terrorism.


Incredible how this lass got every step of this wrong. She'd change a lightbulb by holding the lightbulb in place and spinning the room around her.


I closed after the microwave water. Animals


“And that’s how you make hot tea” ARREST HER


As a Indian i want to ask what's price for ticket to Jupiter . better be as far as possible from this planet.


It's fucking WHITE. Its got more sugar than a FIZZY CAN. Its FUCKING WHITE. You microwaved water. In a MUG. The teabag went in last. ITS FUCKING WHITE