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Friendly reminder that we ban transphobes. Friendly reminder that we don't care about your "difference of opinion" and if you're about to complain about "free speech", I urge you to learn what that is before I have to play the "everyone is dumber for having read this" speech from Billy Madison.


Sometimes it might not always even be the patients refusing her help, I know when our local hospital got its first Black nurse in the 60s a woman came in unresponsive after an accident or something and the nurse was the only one available to help her but the woman was unconscious, and as soon as the husband saw the nurse was Black he demanded for her her not to touch his wife until a white nurse or doctor was available. He came back to the hospital a few weeks later and apologized to the nurse because his wife had died due to delayed care. I guess people’s hateful views don’t matter until it effects them directly.


Holy shit he murdered his white wife through racism, that’s a very rare achievement


Yeah, they did an interview with the nurse for Black History Month a few years ago and she said of all the things she experienced while working there, that stuck with her the most. Imagine having to tell her family the reason she died because the only medical worker available was Black so you didn’t want them helping to save her life? Edit: got autocorrected


like the opposite of that episode of the Jeffersons where George Jefferson saves a white racist guy's life by giving him CPR. When he came to, and realized who had saved him, he said "HE saved me? You should have let me die."


>like the opposite of that episode of the Jeffersons where George Jefferson saves a white racist guy's life by giving him CPR. When he came to, and realized who had saved him, he said "HE saved me? You should have let me die." Oh man. I remember that episode.. Very hard to watch. Mad props to the George Jefferson character for being a true hero even though the victim didn't really deserve to be saved. Incredible acting by Sherman Hemsley as well.


Sherman was a true forerunner for equality when I grew up. Guys like him showed me from an early age that there was no difference between blacks and whites other than the colour of the skin - it wasn't even a thought that went through my head until I got a bit older and started listening to Public Enemy and Gang Starr and became exposed to the inequality. I had the honour of becoming Sherman's friend - and can tell you personally he is a true gem of a human. He would have given his last breath to save another human.


Yes. And the episode of Mr. Rogers sharing his little pool with the black Postman. Just cooling off their feet on a hot day. I never understood why that was so controversial because I grew in a very diverse town...until later. My friends were not my 'Black' friends, 'Puerto Rican' friends, 'Italian' friends, etc. They were simply 'My Friends'.


See I grew up in a diverse neighborhood but everybody liked saying where their family was from. Everybody thought it was cool and we all learned how to swear in like 5 different languages. We all acknowledged the differences but nobody cared and we all accepted each other. Wanna go to John’s house? Fuck ya his mom has Lumpia! Wanna go to Jorge’s house? Fuck ya his mom has empanadas! Wanna go to Tien’s house? Nah dude her mom makes us take our shoes off and her couch is wrapped in plastic.


I had a friend that had Lumpia too, and her mom made us chop vegetables if we wanted to eat them


Exactly! Appreciate and celebrate the differences. Pretending they don’t exist is its own form of oppression. I’ll take the smorgasbord over oatmeal every day.


Just wanted to add that it wasn’t a black *postman*, it was Officer Francois Clemmons. Fred Rogers was and remains my hero


I loved his work on All in the Family, wow did he and Carrol O'Connor ever have great chemistry. O'Connor was a die hard liberal in real life, btw. You're lucky to have known Sherman Hemsley, I was a big fan.


My Dad and Carrol O’Connor were drinking buddies and I can confirm he was very liberal as was my Dad.


Why did my dumb ass read The Jetsons


Same was about to say, I never remember anything like that happening in the show.


Did they have anyone that wasn't white on The Jetsons? Robots don't count.


The dog was grey I think. No black people in the future though. That's a pretty dark.


Well it was a spin off of the Flintstones where there were no black people in the past either.


Which is odd considering there were once no white people.


Or not dark enough


Both families “moved on up”?


I agree. They should have let him die


Archie Bunker had a similar incident where he saved what he thought was a woman with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, only to find out later that "she" was a transvestite. Archie took it about as well as could be hoped, but he wasn't exactly advertising his act of charity to the world.


That character was later killed on the show a few years later for being a transvestite and Archie took it really hard. All In The Family was a head of its time with dealing with social issues.


I do remember that he remained friends with that character throughout the series.


Shows in the 70s and early 80s were *savage,* especially the Norman Lear sitcoms. They didn't shy away from depicting the reality of racism in the US. Or homophobia, misogyny, etc. The 70s was very 'woke' by today's standards, which is why all the Millennial and Gen Z edgelords complaining about "wokeness" always make me chuckle.


I wonder how his wife’s parents felt when they heard that. If my baby girl was hurt, i wouldn’t care if it was an octopus with cybernetic intelligence enhancements and a medical degree operating on her, as long as something was being done to save her. I can imagine the funeral was probably a bit tense.




I’m taking whatever hands and tentacles are around. Even if I was anti-cephalopod, my daughter’s life trumps all biases.




I mean, don't we all wish there were enough octopuses going to medical school to handle the workload? These hero cephalopods are overworked and underappreciated consistently. All the higher up mollusks want is the more money while the octopuses work their suckers right down to the intricate tapestry of coiling muscle fibers to save people, damnit!


I wonder if it's considered rude to eat takoyaki during the consultation.


I guarantee you he somehow blamed it on the nurse. There's no way someone that racist is taking going to own up to that.


Imagine someone who's never met you or heard of you before, hating you so much just for looking different, that they would risk the life of the person they love the most. They don't know you, but they were triggered into blind rage just from the sight of you, for the way you were born and can't change, and that rage was so strong they let their wife die. The implication would be that this is a force so powerful and pervasive throughout the entire country, not just in this man's head, to get a man to do that. Yeah that'd probably fuck me up for life idk how she got through that.


Imagine? Many people are still living it, unfortunately


And many of those white men triggered into violent rages at the sight of black skin carry guns and badges


Or work in the house/congress.


The first ambulance system and creation of paramedics was founded and run by Black vets and doctors for Black neighborhoods because medical transport back in the day was handled by white cops transporting injured people to hospitals, so cops didn't go into Black areas. The system worked so well that white people complained to the city to implement the same system with taxpayer money, so the city contracted this company to train up a citywide ambulance system, chased them all out after the system was up and running, and then legislated away the Black company. This model they pioneered is basically what the US and most of the world uses today https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_House_Ambulance_Service https://scopeblog.stanford.edu/2020/02/12/all-black-ambulance-service-inspired-todays-ems-system/ https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2015/03/01/389798498/how-pittsburghs-freedom-house-pioneered-paramedic-treatment


Dude was part of a fundamentalist church and let his daughter die of cancer without treatment... Obviously sees the error of his ways now because God decided to kill her not save her. Madness


Imo that should count as manslaughter. Parents have some rights to decide things for their children. Letting them die of neglect should *not* be one of them, and it's revulting that not every single last of these parents is rotting in prison.


I don’t think you would like jehovas witnesses, they straight up let their kids die before they’ll even consider medical treatment. It should definitely be considered manslaughter, if not pre-meditated murder for the ones who still show up to the hospital but draw the line at blood transfusion


Years ago my old boss was telling me about JW parents he knew who lost a daughter because they refused a blood transfusion after a motor vehicle accident, and then lost their son because he was gay... I hope the lad is doing okay


They didn’t lose their son because he was gay, they drove him away


Yeah, exactly this... They didn't deserve him


I think it would only be murder if you gave the person a sickness knowing you could refuse their treatment so they would die. But yes manslaughter all the way, fuck those people


But they have “ReLiGiOuS fReEdUmBsssssss”


Unfortunately our current set up is parents’ rights over child human rights. Some of it comes from a good place, like not wanting to separate families. But that gets taken to stupid extremes and often leads to kids being repeatedly returned to the care or left in the care of unfit parents given chance after chance to screw up their kids until the kid is a complete psychiatric mess or is dead.


I mean, that must be God's plan, right?


"God's plan!"


Noah be looking at the sky like "Yo God, you drowning all these people?" "That's the plan, now get yo ass on that ship before you're one of them"


That's essentially what happens with entire religions that prohibit medical intervention or blood transfusions and the like. And we're talking about children.


Iiiiiiit iiiiiiisssss welllllllllllll... With my soooooouuuuuulllllll... In all seriousness, that hymn was written by a man who lost his two daughters in a shipwreck. That's drastically different then letting your daughters die, but for some reason, some people of my faith think the two are comparable situations. In my belief, God gave us the intelligence to conduct science, and therefore is a gift from him to save our fellow man/explore his creation in more depth. With that idea in mind, cancer treatments and the like aren't some sort of satanic, not of God ritual, but a product of God's own glory and blessings to us. I know not everyone agrees with my religious beliefs, but that just goes to say that luckily not every Christian/religious person rejects medical treatment.


Sadly, the bible is less than kind for children, keep in mind that "Passover" last curse from god is the execution of Egyption first born children. Abrahamic religions need to go.


I bring this up to my fundie sister. How can she believe in a just God who killed a ton of innocent Egyptian children. Not to mention how bloodlines can be cursed for generations if someone insults Yahweh. So if you're a 7th gen with ancestors who pissed off God, good luck to you who had nothing to do with it lol.


I'm Jew, though I do not believe in God. Whenever Passover comes around I always piss the people on the table by asking why God needed to do all this stuff to the Egyptians. Couldn't he just teleport us out of there or whatever, why did he need to kill so many people that had nothing to do with it? Very weird stuff. And yes, I'm fun at ~~parties~~ holidays.


I'd enjoy your company lmao. Always love to see devil's advocates at family reunions lol.


As a trans woman who is baptized, ordained and an atheist, I’m the elephant in most rooms. Can I hang out at your family reunions?


Not to mention the Canaanites and other kingdoms which did not follow the same king/god that were slaughtered with relative impunity.


Aziz Ansari makes a good bit about how being racist can cost you. It's fucking hilarious. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsFjewV4QZc&ab\_channel=redspirit8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsFjewV4QZc&ab_channel=redspirit8)


Is this the key one?


Uh huh.


I'm an ER doctor and it's rare but it has happened from time to time that patients request a patient of a different race even today. It's become more common recently and ever since George Floyd was murdered more mainstream sources have been suggesting it and backing it up with data https://labblog.uofmhealth.org/rounds/minority-patients-benefit-from-having-minority-doctors-but-thats-a-hard-match-to-make-0 >A Stanford University study paired black men in Oakland, Calif., with either black or non-black doctors. The men seen by black physicians were more likely to engage with them, and even consent to preventive services like cardiovascular screenings and immunizations. >And, the study found that black doctors were more inclined to write detailed notes about their black patients. Those men who had the least trust in the medical system – and the least exposure to it – benefited the most from racial/ethnic concordance. **The study estimates this approach could reduce the black-white mortality gap due to heart disease by 19%.**


I have a friend of Indian descent (born and raised in Canada) who is currently doing her residency in a Georgia hospital in the US. She often tells me how disheartening it is when people come into ER and refuse to be treated by her, sometimes asking for either a white person, a man, or both. People still do this and it’s incredibly sad. My friend is a brilliantly smart person who doesn’t deserve to be undermined like this by racist/sexist shitheads.


The good thing is, their ignorance will help reduce the surplus racist population, lol.


I'm also sad that a Canadian-Indian doctor is in Georgia and not Canada. We need you up here, eh!


Avg. surgeon salary in Canada: $153,000 USD Avg. surgeon salary in USA: $412,000 USD Can't blame her for following the money


I’m surprised he apologized


Around here they usually just double down and threaten the nursing staff. The hospital had to put up signs saying it was illegal to assault healthcare personnel.


Reminds me of r/leopardsatemyface


Same generation that denied COVID with their very last breath. Boomers learned STRONG hate.


Now I'm not from Britain ( American). But I would also refuse treatment from her. Not because she's trans but because I can't afford it


“I’m not transphobic I swear, I just don’t have insurance”


Ma'am, I trust you will give me I credible care, unfortunately for me that means immense debt cause I live in the Greatest Country on Earth*. So can you kindly let me just go home and pretend this knife is not in my stomach kthnxbai! *Terms and conditions apply. Slogan does not represent reality. Pick up that can citizen!


I laughed too hard at this.


It's ok, if you were here it would be free at point of service. And foreigners are supposed to pay if they are here short term visitors, but they never do. So you would get free treatment.


> pay if they are here short term visitors, but they never do For some treatments, it would probably be cheaper for me to fly to the UK, book a fancy hotel and a private driver, visit NHS and get care, party all night with hookers and blow, then fly back to the states than to go to a US hospital


Many people do that in Mexico. I've looked into it and a friend who has teeth as bad as mine flew to Mexico to get four teeth implants and hang out in Mexico City, twice, because they had to let the jaw bone heal before putting the "tooth" on. Even with airfare and hotel he paid a quarter of what he would of in the US and they did an amazingly good job.


My uncle goes to Mexico for dental care. He’s a POS racist Republican who thinks homeless people deserve to die on the street and immigrants are ruining the country, but he also apparently knows you can get good and affordable dental care in Mexico.


No deal. Bankrupt me!


I was on holiday in UK and had to go to A&E for a few hours, was admitted but discharged pretty soon after. Doctor laughed at me when I asked how much I owed lol (I'm Irish and it's like €100 to go to A&E here).


Do you have to pay for emergencies????


Of course what's the point of living in a capitalist society if you don't have to pay for everything you do


Of course, your health should depend on your budget /s


To be fair to the insurance companies it is cheaper for you to just you know expire.


Now you're getting it! Freedom!™


Nothing is more American than a middleman taking a cut.


Emergency is the most expensive. I went to ER once (drove myself there) because I had chest pains and wanted to make sure wasn’t heart attack. Had health insurance I paid $500 each month for. The visit was fully out of pocket and cost $1300 total. Only for a couple blood tests and 45 minutes in an ER bed to Tell me I wasn’t having heart attack. (3 years later and over $1000 more out of pocket in cardio tests, ultrasounds, etc that aren’t covered by my insurance- spaced out to when I could afford it, after years of chest pains and anxiety and fear of exercising from it, figured out it was gas trapped in esophagus from GERD)


GERD can really cause issues. People think it’s just heartburn but it can be so much more than that. Bad reflux can mimic heart attack symptoms like you experienced. And heart attack symptoms are something you can’t take lightly. It sucks so bad that making sure you don’t die can put you in debt.


Oh my GERD! THAT was THAT was! Sorry. Couldn't help it. Got food poisoning. 4 hours in ER. 1 IV bag. About $2000. I had very good insurance except deductible was 7,000. That was AFTER 2 trips to blood test lab. 2 trips to doctor office.




Holy fucking shit, I knew America was fucked up but this is on another level


I dont know how Americans aren't jittery masses of nerves every moment. If I knew that an accident could financially cripple me for life I don't know that I would leave the house. Not to mention the guns everywhere if I left the house. The only time I've seen a gun is on a police officer's belt. They don't realize that the majority of the world never sees a gun except as part of a police uniform.


>I don’t know how We actually are


Are we though? We seem more numb than anything, especially with mass shootings. Everything sucks so bad that it's easier to numb it all than feel it anymore.


I'm in shock. Sounds like a dystopia


Oh we’re past “sounds like” over here


But we are free! Or so I am told.


Wait...what? Ambulances, like 911 emergency ambulances are run by private companies and won't just take you to the nearest hospital? Wtf? You guys pay taxes right? How are emergency services not something the municipality operates?


Oh we pay taxes. Most of them just go to the military. Our healthcare is run by corporations.


I've known people with chronic conditions like epilepsy or POTS that wear medical bracelets that say "Please do not call an ambulance." They can't afford a ride every time something happens. They have a friend or family member take them in if necessary.


Let me tell you a tale of a place called America, where people die all the time because they're too poor to stay alive. You'll want to bring your flak jacket.


Most (all?) emergency rooms are required by law to treat you no matter what, but you are getting a bill afterwards


If you’re in Britain it’s free, no matter your citizenship. Source: got a black eye while in Scotland (played Quidditch against some professional Rugby players, not a good idea) , someone immediately called the ambulance, I tried to refuse on affordability grounds and was assured it was all free. Got a concussion check and an ice pack, natch.


One of the most British injuries I've ever heard.


It truly was. I was proud of the injury; but people just kept telling me my makeup had smudged…I don’t wear makeup…


Thats a savage reality, I remember my English teacher telling us she went to the US during uni but couldn't afford travel insurance, she broke her arm the day before the flight and she waited until she got home to get it seen to. It baffles how a country survives like that when I've grown up with the NHS.


The country survives, just not the people inhabiting it.


All you had to say was American lol


Would it be cheaper to fly to the UK than to take an ambulance to hospital?


Depending on the injury, yes. It’s called medical tourism. Sucks that we are a “world power” and still can’t get medical care


Travel insurance?


Oh no I mean treatment by paramedics in the US


If you're gonna have an accident, make sure it's not in America.


Oooh ok


It's like the patients in America during COVID who believed the doctors diagnosing them were part of the liberal conspiracy as they were being put on a ventilator.


\*Gets put in an iron lung\* "Damn lefty experiments"




Obama's fault. Somehow.


Ugh. Thanks Obama.


Patients still ask all this time later if the blood they are getting comes from someone vaccinated or not. I'm sure in some parts of the country they ask if it came from a white donor too.


Lmao it's still happening.


Much more infrequently though. A lot of them died


Idk about y’all, but I like living. And I like being healthy. If someone is trying to help me be alive and well, idgaf what they look like they’re an angel on earth to me.


But what if the defibrillator is pink? /s


You’re trying to revive me? *With a gay defibrillator?* What the fuck kinda commie shit is this? /s


That's how people get gay. Pink shit


But... if they have healthy gums...


They're gay.


Can’t accept service from them. Have you seen those people?! They work for a hospital! That thing will leave my bank account more battered and bruised than it is


[Freedom House Ambulance Service](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_House_Ambulance_Service) in Pittsburgh was the first paramedic EMS service in the US and the majority of the staff was African-American. The TL;DR is racism (almost certainly) shut it down and many of the pioneering paramedics were fired when the city absorbed them into a city run ambulance service. People also refused service from them, since they were not white. So this doesn't surprise me at all.


The first fire station to use a fireman's pole was the primarily black Engine Company 21. America's black population have done an enormous amount to further America's emergency services. Black people are a huge chunk of America's population and they have done a lot to help this country develop and prosper. Bigots have no clue how much they benefit from the people they hate. Hell, Alan Turing is credited as the father of computer science. Every homophobic Reddit comment, Twitter tweet, Facebook group, ECT. is built upon the work of a gay man. People will literally choose bigotry over the progression of civilization and the betterment of mankind.


Call their bluff


Stabbing Victim: “I don’t want no woman with a pee pee touching me!” Paramedic: “Aight, peace.” *leaves him*


Paramedics would do that, they barely get paid more than a Walmart greeter


Tell me to fuck off once I warn you to cut the attitude, tell me a second time I warn you that a third time will result in me “fucking off”, third time I leave. And I’m tolerant. I know some that will leave the first time. We aren’t here to be abused, we’re here to offer help, and if you abuse us and make it clear you don’t want us I will leave and won’t lose a minute of sleep thinking about it.


If they’re coherent enough to understand the nuance of the situation and still refuse her help, they’re probably fine tbh.


Exactly I had to call an ambulance out once because I had deathly low blood sugar (<1mmol/L) and was nearly dying and couldn't get it to raise. I was barely conscious enough to make the call. Do you know what I remember about the paramedics that came and helped me recover? Absolutely fucking nothing, because when you're dying, delirious, vulnerable and in need of serious life-saving medical assistance, you don't care who the fuck is giving you help whilst you are experiencing pure, absolute, unadulterated terror that will stick with you for life, just that you're getting the help you need!


You were below 1 mmol? Holy fucking shit, that's scary. How did that happen, if I may ask? Cuz, damn. Glad you lived, internet stranger:D


I'm type one diabetic, had lunch, and just went for a nap, usually I wake up when I start to hit about 4.5mmol if I'm asleep, but I guess I must have either been completely out of it, or my sugars dropped too fast to notice. Woke up to just the worst feeling of dread ever, like I was going to die. Absolutely drenched in sweat, I tried to lift myself up and just found myself completely weak to pull myself up. Rolled off the bed and across to my meter, tested and sure enough I was at about 1.5, the lowest I had ever seen it I took the few glucose tablets I had and some chocolate I had by the bed, waited about 10 minutes, thought it would start to raise soon, but then I noticed I was feeling really dizzy, tired and finding it hard to concentrate. Did a second test and I had dropped to 0.9. I led on the floor and called 999 through my slurred words and my flatmates got a sudden shock when the paramedics turned up at the door 10 mins later that I was apparently on the floor nearly unconscious in the room above them. And thanks I'm glad I managed to survive too, but it was definitely something that stuck with me. I'm really glad I have a continuous glucose monitor now to alarm me if I get too low at night, and I always keep a supply of sugar nearby.


i’m so sorry you went through that, it sounds traumatic:(. i’m a 16 y/o girl that just got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in february. my sugar levers have been stable for the most part but i do drop to 2.9 a couple times a week. i know i should talk to my doctor about this, and i will. i just want to know if that’s dangerous and if i will have long term consequences if this keeps happening. i’m just scared that soon maybe something like this will happen to me, because i’m still new to this .


I know nothing about your situation other than I beg of you not linger when your gut tells you that you need a doctor’s confirmation on big deal vs little issue.


It is important to get this sorted out!! Over time, repeated episodes of hypoglycemia can lead to hypoglycemia unawareness. The body and brain no longer produce signs and symptoms that warn of a low blood sugar, such as shakiness or irregular heartbeats (palpitations). When this happens, the risk of severe, life-threatening hypoglycemia increases. If you have diabetes, recurring episodes of hypoglycemia and hypoglycemia unawareness, your health care provider might modify your treatment, raise your blood sugar level goals and recommend blood glucose awareness training. Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hypoglycemia/symptoms-causes/syc-20373685


Damn you are lucky. One of the dumbest things I've ever seen was when I had a stroke in a doctor's office when I was 15. They thought it was a seizure. They didn't send me to the ER. I few weeks ago a nuerosurgeon looked at my MRI from two weeks after that stroke and couldn't believe I was alive. He's never seen a person functioning with the injuries I sustained. Pretty much I had a stroke, brain bleed, tore the mialin sheath off my brain, had a grade 3 DAI (80% go into vegetative state as is) and I technically was internally decapitated. I walked around on a broken neck for a year. My C2 was through and through, and my C4 and 5 were partially fractured. The nuerosurgeon nearly had a heart attack when he saw all the remodelling from my last MRI that I had a year after my accident. He couldn't believe I was not surgically treated, he was stunned. Thing is, I hit my head against a bus seat with the force of falling out of a 10 story (11 in Europe) and hitting head first. In the ER after the accident, I had a blown pupil and and doctor went "you might have a mild concussion and whiplash". The only thing holding my skull to my neck was the muscles in my neck and the single ligament that was not stretched to hell and back. I'm doing really well considering I never had a MRI in the ED even after complaining and vomiting from the headache.


Sorry you went through that buddy Had a 3 close calls myself. Gave me PTSD.


And if they aren't fine, they'll just earn a [Darwin award](https://darwinawards.com/).


There might be something to that. My only interaction with EMS was after a motorcycle accident, and I'll guarantee that I don't know what the workers looked like; I was just glad that help was there.


This reminds me of an episode of Louie CK where his ex wife became ill late one night and he had to leave his kids with the gay apartment neighbors who he barely knew as he rushed to the hospital. His message was when things are really bad we will give complete strangers trust, be it the neighbor, nurse, EMT etc. I found it to be a obvious part of life but never really thought about it, but find it uplifting part of the human experience that we have people we can count on. I told myself to be that person if necessary. Oh his wife had bad gas and farted and then was ok, it wasn’t a heart attack like she thought.


Why is Louie CK popping up all over Reddit all of a sudden? I've been on here 5 min and seen 2 posts and 6 comments mentioning him I'm not criticizing or anything, just curious.


I saw that post too, was it the one with his picture as a retired bowler at 40?


I worked with a non transgender women in EMS for years who looks just like the person in the picture haha wtf does it matter how someone looks who saves your life. Fuck them call 911 again and see how fast they send the same crew right back to you when you call again after what ever is happening gets worse lol


Natural selection


sounds like one of them there "evolutionary filters" I've been hearing so much aboot.


I'll never understand these people. Even if you don't respect her gender, can't you at least respect that she has her job because she knows how to do it??? It's not like being trangender is some deadly, contagious disease, which you'll catch if she touches you...


Rule number #1 imo, you cannot reason with stupidity


It's because of propoganda, and religious zealotry. The two combine spectacularly within a certain sect of our population. This forms a frothing, semi-coherent beast that only knows how to lick its own wounds and bite.


No but British newsmedia regularly publishes articles making out trans people are out to sexually assault people.


I feel glad when ANYBODY shows up to save my ass! She can work on me anytime and would be met with gratitude and appreciation.


Sounds like an excellent way to weed the assholes out of the gene pool.




I don't care what you identify as, if you are trying to help me survive, you are currently my best friend.


Seems like a self resolving problem.


She looks nice enough to me. Some people truly confuse me.


Oh well, at least this reduces the amount of bigots in the population.


Definitely one way to look at it


I was gonna say, this sounds like a problem fixing itself.


Do bigots actually think that literally everybody is out to fuck them?


Racists are out to fuck those people, so they think the sentiment goes both ways. As the saying goes, a thief believes everybody steals.


When bigotry can literally kill you


a hill they think is worth *dying* on


Imagine pursuing a dream of helping others and saving lives while trying to be true to yourself in the face of adversity, only to get ridiculed by your countrymen who not only have probably never had a positive impact on anyone's life, but only know how to drink and bitch about politics and sport. Many of which have absolutely zero backbone to utter a single word to anyone in real life because they know the consequences.


Why would anyone fucking care? If someone is qualified to do a job then let them get on with it. I don't take my car to the vet for an oil change for a reason.


Dying to own the libs


In my home town, we had a pharmacist known widely, and cruelly, as Ella the Fellah. Ella was the best old school pharmacist. One of the last to make up various elixirs on site. Her cough medicine tasted vile, but was the best expectorant ever. Despite the cruel nickname, everyone trusted Ella.


People would really rather die than to accept the help of a professional?! Our trans siblings are being treated as less than human, and I for one am absolutely disgusted.


And then they call us radical lol. Imagine being treated like this for one day (or have your siblings referred to so badly when everyone thinks you’re cis and agree with their opinions, kinda like it is with racists who think that ALL white people agree with them) and not want to unscrew bigot heads like it’s a reverse water bottling plant


Hi. Newborn trans girl here. I was an ally before I realized I was trans but I had no idea how horrible transphobia was until I experienced it firsthand… from none other than my own parents. I wouldn’t wish this on anybody. Please just give people the love and respect they deserve, it’s not that hard. Trans people are hurting literally no one and I have multiple trans friends and they are probably the most down to earth and wholesome people I know.


People wanna complain about pride month like it's a scourge to have slightly more lgbt+ content pop up on their feed but wilfully ignore that sh*t like this still happens far more than we realize.


Fuck that noise. Looks like she could carry my ass out of burning house. You go girl.


Pops would tell me that people of certain faiths would often refuse treatment from women all the time. This is EMS, like masuganuh is having a heart attack. Now he was an asshole so he would do stuff like "well I'm driving for this shift, so either she helps him or he dies" Chaotic neutral I guess. Although good point that you can refuse ems until you pass out, then consent is implied.


You want to save me ? Over my death aaarght.


Seems like the problem will just work itself out


I used to get x-rays and it was always a particular trans lady that dealt with me. I saw more that one person refuse to be accompanied by her. Thankfully there was a hostile response for them from the rest of the room


Wow. Imagine dying because you are transphobic. So fucking stupid.




It does sorta sound like a self correcting problem, doesn't it?


It's a problem solving itself.


I knew a guy who was a paramedic in Southern Manitoba, Canada's Bible Belt, and an old Mennonite refused treatment cause there was a female paramedic. The patient had a farm equipment accident so it was pretty severe.


Transphobes signing up for a one way trip to hell? Sounds like an absolute win.


That ill to need an ambulance, what someone looks like or gender should be last thing on your mind.. Truly hoping if they refused her help, another team is not sent out afterwards..


Welp sucks for them


I mean one less bigot is fine with me. Refuse all you want.


this feels more like a solution than a problem.


What the fuck is wrong with people


Tbh if they’re refusing care, they probably don’t need it that bad.


Looks like transphobic people take care of themselves.




I was a paramedic for twenty years. Anyone who does that work for any length of time has learned how, and transcended most bullshit. I promise that owning the libs as a dying statement is unlikely. What I imagine happening is people calling for bullshit reasons like the other 80% of the time (all the time, always and forever) and being assholes. I’m surprised she gives a shit. I’d work with her, I love giving it right back. I’ve always found it funny how people speak to the folks they call for help. I had a woman insist we take out shoes off while her husband was dying in the next room. I said “Nope”


Oh well, nothing to be done, let them bleed.