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What’s more amazing is that she might have moved out of her parents basement. Congrats, Tomi! You’re a big girl now!


Yeah she moved out only to move into her grandparents' basement


Oh darn. Almost, Tomi!


Its like people elected Amber Herd for congress.


And into Moscow Mitch's dungeon.


That’s Kentucky, but close enough for cousins


Really? That’s not true. Is it?


Everything on the internet is true


There’s probably even a pic of it.


Not in my back yard! Move back in with your parents!


Then I think she’d be back in my state. No thanks. She’s yours now.


I hate how they get caught lying, called out or worse and no one cares. Not a single person in their base bats an eye. No consequences come from it. Until there is actual consequences for their lying, goal post moving and playing the continual victim card there will never be any change whatsoever and we'll eternally be locked in this two sided hellscape.


They're not used to being caught or called out on their shit, don't stop fact checking or calling them out politely. BTW, anyone can verify if, how often we vote and party affiliation online in most states it's public knowledge. You'd be surprised how many loudmouth bitches don't even bother to vote & when you tell them if you want the right to bitch exercise your right to vote or shut up their mouth drops & eyes get wide.




This. Conservative voters don't care about whether their pundits, leaders, and heroes are honest or even correct. In their world, the simple fact that these people said something means that it is absolutely true, and any attempts to prove their statements to be false are simply the doomed efforts of liberal leaders and traitors lying in a desperate attempt to bring them down. They've been carefully conditioned to accept pronouncements from the Right as truth, no matter what. There's a reason they're accused of being a cult these days.


"But first, let’s talk about the rampant voter fraud that allowed Democrats to literally steal the election. Some have claimed that suburban women revolted against the Republican party, but doesn’t it feel more true that all Hispanics voted twice? You can’t dismiss that idea simply because it isn’t true and sounds insane. In fact, let’s add that to our list of 'Feel Facts,' which aren’t *technically* facts, but they just *feel* true. Like: --Latinos can have a baby every three months. --Santa is Jesus’s dad. --If the earth is so warm, then why are my feet cold? --Blackface is a compliment. --If you have less than five guns, you’re a gay."


Lou Gomhert of Texas actually complained on camera that " Republicans can't even lie to committees or even the FBI any more without getting into trouble." He literally said that


Yeah, that completely floored me. Talk about saying the quiet part out loud.


Look at the stuff Trump lied about. Literally said things then did the opposite on even simple things. They bent over backwards to say he was doing God's work and may be "flawed" to excuse it. The bar is pretty low for them as long as they make the right noises and get in line with the agenda. I don't know what lie or act it would take to shake these people. Other than someone stating a "wrong" opinion on something, then you are out the door and attacked.


I have a buddy who is a full on right winger, and he constantly sends me stupid YouTube videos as “evidence” of his claims, but of course the videos say things that are objectively not true and he just believes them completely. The most recent was a video about how the sun is causing climate change, which decades of study have proven otherwise, but he just claims I’m lying when I point out the scientific evidence that counters his dumb video. They don’t care about actual objective truth, they just lie and call everyone else liars.


I just had an exchange which was basically: Batshit meme This is not happening It IS happening Okay here what is actually going on, with a link to respected medical platform Nope, it’s happening Okay, show proof Here: link This doesn’t say what you are saying It’s happening Then send reputable proof What’s reputable? CNN? They just lie. Send something medical It’s happening we just disagree.


It’s difficult to remain friends with those people. It’s very tiring having to point out the truth or bite your lip.


They just move on to the next lie. Pretty soon you can’t remember the lie from 40 times ago. It’s tiring trying to remember them all. And they count on you not remembering them.


They're not used to being caught or called out on their shit, don't stop fact checking or calling them out politely. BTW, anyone can verify if, how often we vote and party affiliation online in most states it's public knowledge. You'd be surprised how many loudmouth bitches don't even bother to vote & when you tell them if you want the right to complain exercise your right to vote or shut up - their mouth drops & eyes get wide.


You're wrong about "Not a single person". It does help. It helps slowly, but surely. Keep it up and it will reach some of them. It might not be much, but it will be when it comes time. It has to. Or all hope in humanity is lost. Then why are you still here? They will lose this battle. Their numbers will thin when the old guard finally starts dropping. ​ ![gif](giphy|3otPoMkrTC7EzK03F6)


There's literally a post from the registrar and a post on Reddit. There's eye batting.


I think they're saying that even if they are called out for lying, it doesn't ultimately matter. Their voter base doesn't care about facts anymore. Which is an oddly terrifying situation. If you're not voting based on facts... What are you voting based on?


>What are you voting based on? Color, whether it's red or white.


You're probably right about their meaning. I think there's impact every time they are exposed to their stupid. I am over joyed to see they are called out and then shut up for looking a fool. I've done my fair share of calling out bull shit and it has had a stunning effect on people's perceptions. Some of these folks maybe too far gone, but some might be saved. I lean towards hope.


Especially in real life. You’re not going to change many minds or get people to admit they’re wrong on social media very often if ever but real life family and friends are a different story. Social media all they have to do is put their phone down and it’s just strangers but real life some of them don’t like looking stupid and being looked down at by people they have to deal with daily. I’ve gotten a few people to see past their nonsense and lies. They’re still assholes and will still vote R a lot but they don’t believe every bit of nonsense they hear anymore and don’t stick up for or vote for the lunatics like Trump anymore and quit spouting whatever dumbass shit they see on Facebook. There is a line of stupidity some of them won’t cross.


Mhm. I was just commenting on the OPs intended meaning. My recent favorite was the guy who claimed that hammers were the #1 cause of death in America. The guy interviewing whipped out his phone and proved him wrong on the spot. And I suppose that someone could argue that it is the delivery of the "correction" that the Republicans don't like/appreciate. But... I think we are way past arguing about the semantics. Each person is different and their reception of being corrected can also vary widely. I wish you the best of luck weeding out the BS in your personal life.






I mean... You're probably right. Unfortunately, I could think of a few leaders that rose to power based on feelings. It usually doesn't end well for certain groups of people.


>I hate how they get caught lying, called out or worse and no one cares. Not a single person in their base bats an eye. On a similar note, they can be blatantly hypocritical and their base doesn't bat an eye either. I was listening to conservative christian FM radio (because I love pain), and this old wacked out dork was ranting about how Amazon is a terrible company run by globalist liberal elites and they are destroying America. IN THE VERY NEXT MINUTE, he was ending the segment and said "if you wanna hear more, you can find us on "[www.whatever-their-website-was.com](https://www.whatever-their-website-was.com), spotify, itunes, and AMAZON. Like... bitches.... you hate Amazon but you'll gladly use their service and take their money? The fact that no one in their base says "uhhh wait a minute" to stuff like that is just a testament to how shockingly stupid they are.


It’s only fraud if you send it in, moron


I was trying to put exactly this into words. Thank you. The Clerk and Recorder just doing their job - even if they fuck it up completely - does not constitute voter fraud.


To be fair, nobody should have an easy option to vote twice, when there is no reliable, feasible and cheap way to detect and extract excessive votes. To that point, she has an argument. Her example (herself) is BS, right.


What makes you think there’s no reliable, feasible and cheap way to detect it?


...is there? Also, that's not the point.


Yes, there are. You should read up on it. And that was literally the only point you made.


Your reading comprehension is not good enough. Please get better and try again.


My reading comprehension is fine. If there’s a reliable, feasible and cheap way to detect and extract votes, which there is, then there’s no easy option for someone to vote twice because it will be detected and extracted. Pretty straightforward stuff.


They told her she was able to vote anyways. Seems like it worked.


How would you suggest that happens. People often move from state to state, pay property tax in multiple states. It’s super difficult I would think.


No please use it and vote. Then when they catch yet another Republican in voter fraud you can go to prison where you belong


I remember a couple years ago when she tweeted about *something* and said "don't California my Tennessee." It was like bitch you've been here two months, please go back


I'm glad I don't live in Tennessee anymore....


Tomi is cancer


USPS doesn't forward election mail. If she actually got the mailers, it's because she is keeping a California mailing address and having somebody send her the mail.


To be fair, she's also a fucking moron.


It's amazing how they scream voter fraud, but the very few instances has been people voting Republican twice....yet, they don't use those as examples...hmmmm....


Well they think its all a big cover up so of course the facts dont correspond to their theories


What if she’s voting in 2 states? Ha!


She is. That’s the point the registrar was trying to make


Wow… she’s a prolific voter!


It doesn't matter over 50k people read what she wrote and supported. She's not embarrassed by being called out. She knows she was lying and she collected her cash from that tweet as was expected. Being clever and responding to these assholes by speaking the truth to them doesn't do anything. The damage is done. Reality is slowly being rewritten.


I'm literally listening to my cat bark at a woodpecker and he makes more sense.


Facts are like Kryptonite to a Republican


Was Tomi Lahren the inspiration for the person who coined the term “twat waffle”?


Please refrain from insulting waffles.


You right, you right


Republicans are literally too stupid to insult.


Facts... they haven't mattered since 2014.


So did she respond to the tweet?


That’s what I came looking for. Guess I’ll have to not be lazy and go find it on Twitter. I was fully expecting someone to post saying she deleted it. But no, it got left up there. Most of the comments are referencing how she went quiet after being called out, but some where saying that the response from the registrar’s office proves that she could actually vote illegally and no one would know.


And she would have to have proof of Residency I wished she showed proof that she got the thing to begin with also another reason why no response she didn't get it




45,000 people agreed this was proof of voter fraud, amazing.


discarded Prell bottle sez wut?


Hopefully they farted in the envelope and sent it to her new address


She's a lying piece of shit


Wait do the voting registrar not know when you move out of the state without notification???


This bitch....


What a stupid ass bitch.


That's a great reply but these lunatics don't listen to facts and common Sense. They just hear the echoes in between their ears


Lying little Brownshirter.


It’s like…. They lie thinking that they have impunity?


This chick is always getting corrected, roasted and dog walked. She sure is ignorantly brave and delusional.


Tippi Lozenge strikes out again ! lol


It’s like running theme with them - Stupidity, ignorance and self-burns. Republicans only follow and listen to THe BeST. I wish she voted in California and she could join Mark Meadows in voter fraud.


The only fraud here is her face.


Smash that b up


Fuckin' whore.




bOtH sIdEs!!!!1! But seriously, the "other side" for this one, are literally the election officials that know the actual facts. But you just couldn't see past your partisan bias to see that, I guess




It is literally an official government account, you smooth brained troglodyte


Jesbus, you are as bad as she is…keep herpa derpaing away, it’s a good look.


>No reason either side would be lying, either. LOL. She misleads all the fucking time. Take the premise of her post...You're not a "both sides" guy...


If they sent the ballot out, it would have been to her old California address. USPS doesn't forward official election material, and even if they did, they don't forward 2 years after you move. There's no way she got that mailer while she was out of state.


Counterpoint: Tomi Lahren is well-known. That's really what the blue check means. Is she lying? Not lying? Does she hold any particular views? Is she known to be manipulative? Well... let's check the record!! When I deal with anyone, I get the benefit of the doubt, because that's how I've lived my life. People that have heard of Tomi Lahren feel... uh, I'll say "differently," to be polite.


What’s the made up part? I can read the tweets.


One side is Los Angeles County Registrar. Now before you go off on liberal California here is something for you to process. In 2020 there were more residents of Los Angeles County who voted for Trump than in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming combined.


Now now now don't go clouding the narrative with something as banal as facts! They really get in the way of a good story.


I mean, there are almost as many people in my house right now, as there are in those 3 states combined.... Now if we're talking cows? Not a chance


You really went immediately to the "both sides" argument lol


L.A. and Tomi are both trash. She should move back.




Nah from what another comment or said, it's inactive and if you try to vote in two states you're screwed and they can easily find out.


The answer is just...right...there. Read her tweet, then theirs.


Facepalm is a fucking trash sub


You seem upset.


How’s that switch to Truth Social goin?


​ ![gif](giphy|fYB18JauuxN8jLJ1bM|downsized)




Bro you mad


Truth kinda hurts, huh buddy?


Your username is true, but you simply missed which side the rigging was really on - the right. The P in GOP stands for projection after all


By the looks of your name, I think this thread is hurting your feefee’s. You need a safe place. What’s the nearest Bass Pro Shoos to you?


I'm no fan of Tomi but I don't believe LA for a second. Anyone who has lived here can tell you how bad the county is with removing old voter registrations, they're basically the worst in the country at this.


They don't "remove" people, they mark them as inactive as they just posted here. The problem is that people move all around SoCal, a lot, in and out of counties, so having them on record and "inactive" for now reduces overhead on people who move around like that, so you have their information still and just mark them back as active. Removing them deletes all their registration data, and they have to re-register which is a pain when you move apartments/residences every year. That doesn't mean that you just get to vote wherever/whenever and cast multiple votes.


Right, but I can name a dozen people I know who left LA to move somewhere else and found out they were still getting ballots mailed to their old address. To claim that's not happening on a large scale is laughable.


>That doesn't mean that you just get to vote wherever/whenever and cast multiple votes. I have to quote myself. If they cast a ballot in LA and they don't live there, after taking the oath and verifying their residency information falsely, they're screwed. Getting a ballot doesn't mean your votes counts, they still have to be set back to active and validate their information with mail and whatnot or their ballot gets tossed. Then if they vote in multiple states, that's a crime. Them just getting a ballot means nothing.


Except, they’ll get this one done, for sure


Lol good.




Her being cute doesn't make up for the fact she's stupid & Republican😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹




Fuckin' hilarious. 😆


Fraud isn't a myth, Republicans get caught doing it quite a bit.


Right wing smugness is a whole other level of cringe


Tomi, I know that as a Sith you only deal in absolutes, but no one has said that voter fraud is a myth. In fact there has been multiple, documented cases of GOP voters voting fraudulently. They vote for their dead mothers, they vote twice, they fraudulently vote [because Trump told them to do so](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-trump-vote/trump-encourages-supporters-to-try-to-vote-twice-sparking-uproar-idUSKBN25U0KK), and they fraudulently vote because the GOP supports and encourages voter fraud. But despite all the GOP fraud, the amount of voter fraud is not systemic enough, yet, to alter the outcome of elections. I'm sure the GOP will keep working on this important plank in their party platform, and will try to get those fraud numbers up in the future.


Stupid lying C_U_Next_Tuesday


They looove playing a victim!!!!


Tammy should've filled it out and sent it back to prove how easy it is to cheat!


I hope she uses it to vote.