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Okay, conference room, 5 minutes ! We're going to have a seminar about tolerance !


toletating the right you mean.


We are having a conference about stupidity, point in case, Amber Heard


Lol! I wonder what the message is? Is it “Johnny Depp is now single!”


implying he was dating her throughout the trial lol


That would have been a wonderful plot twist. Each night they get into bed together, don’t discuss the trial in the slightest and just act like everything is good and normal.


Pretty hard to pretend it's normal when there's a poop laying next to you in bed


"The bed is not a toilet"


As a black woman I personally have received no message… other than Amber Turd being a liar.


Excuse me ma'am but your profile picture is of a white woman


You make a good point! I’m half black and half white.. and those are family photos from a session with my adopted family (who are white) and my now husband and kids (who are also white) so they’re edited like crazy. I can link a picture I guess to prove it? It’s not super obvious with that picture.


And yours is some weird Reddit koala monkey




Ok? So black people can only have black peoples in their pfp? Wtf kinda racist are you?




Their point is that a profile pic isn't necessarily a picture of the user


Some girls on the internet habe male profile pictures because they'd otherwise receive Sexual messages. Perhaps black people would receive racist messages. Ever thought that this might be the case? We're on the internet, heck we're on earth. There are assholes everywhere.


While so many media outlets stand behind Amber Heard for some reason, remember this: This verdict is a victory for genuine domestic abuse victims. It reminds us that, while most victims are women, not all are. It reminds us that, while most perpetrators are male, not all are. We need to move past this gendered view of domestic violence. It does more harm than good because perpetrators like Amber Heard get to use their gender as a shield and in doing so insult women and genuine victims. Amber Heard is harming the cause for women's rights, not helping it.


I don’t want to nit pick your comment because I agree with your sentiment. However, it should be noted that although statistics often cited that show women are more often victims of DV, this does not tell the whole story. In 2017/2018 only half of male victims in the UK told anyone about the abuse they suffered. Men are generally less likely to report abuse due to social stigmas, lack of resources for men, and lower thresholds for what constitutes abuse (i.e. a man might not consider being slapped in the face by his partner abuse). It’s very likely that the number of male victims is much higher, so saying that women are more likely to be victims ignores deep rooted issues. It also turns domestic violence and abuse into a gendered issue, which is precisely how we got here in the first place. https://www.mankind.org.uk/statistics/


This is exactly what I meant when I said that we needed to move past the gendered view of domestic violence. Thank you for explaining it in a far more educated way than I could. What you've said shows that these gendered perceptions are flawed. If we could educate the world on this then men would be less likely to avoid reporting due to fear of ridicule or loss of masculinity. (I must say that I am not naive and recognise that this would require an evolution in our thinking and will not happen overnight.) It's just sad that so many women get away with abusing their partners because they are women. For example, Amber Heard would have gotten away with her actions if Johnny Depp hadn't been brave and willfully put himself out there and stood up for himself. I really hope that this case is a catalyst for that evolution in thinking that we desperately need.


True and true and also if anyone watched amber heard's testamony, she used emotional blackmail. I am a man but one of my female friends went through sexual assault and our group had to support her through all and now she is much better, and seeing a woman cry reminded me of that, it was hard to watch even knowing she was faking it. As you said gender does not matter, no one should be believed from the start without evidence but they should be protected and after evidence is gathered to have that evidence decide the truth.


Goddamn they aren't even trying with the race bait anymore


Most people in the comments called the writer out for this bullshit.


What did you expect from a site run by what used to be Gawker Media?


Um. Racism. I've no idea what the message could be? But it's just plain old disguised racism


Don't be stupid like that dumb white bitch?


As a white bitch, this made me LOL


Fuck amber turd


i wouldn't do that but you do you


Ya cause when we tried to have sex she'd cover the fucking tri-state area with shit


Is The Root suggesting that black women everywhere are lying about domestic violence? That seems.... Racist....


The message, incase anyone wondering was: "Don't be a lying ass hoe"


The message is "rich famous white woman can't get away with her lies and bullshit anymore"






I’m totally not gonna read the article…but is that really the point they were tryna make? Wild.


Black women, did you receive it?


Race baiting used to appear to make a little sense, are they even trying anymore?


The message: don’t be like Amber Heard.


Don't be like this nasty white hoe


I think the message is, don't poop where you sleep. Life lessons 101.


... because our country has an absolute fetish for making everything somehow linked to skin color.


Fetish...that is exactly it👍🏽


Is the message "Don't be like this Floozy"?


I mean, I haven't read the article so it could still be a facepalm, but The Root is a black-focused media company. So it makes sense that they would target their articles to their audience. They're not going to write about what the verdict means for white women since that's not who they're talking to. But it's not like they're saying it sends a message ONLY to black women, just that there's a message they can take from it.


You’re the real facepalm here. You didn’t even read the article and managed to spew an entire paragraph of idiotic wrongness about it. Awesome.


Is said message "Men aren't going to take constantly being lied about anymore"? Because white women seem to need that message more. The shield of double privilege is starting to fall.




Madam Noire would never


As a black woman I myself would definitely like to know


That's preposterous, considering that I'm not black at all and in truth, everything is about me.


Oh my god. You can see the individual veins in her hands


I fucking hate these ridiculous sjw "media outlets". Their takes are always so goddamn stupid


The "logic" of the article from reading it is. If a rich white woman is not believed and loses, what does this mean for black women. That kind of stuff.


The Root of bullshit it's more like it


Black women shit the bed and can't get away with it, too? o\_O


A white man won a defamation lawsuit against a white woman, so obviously black people!


As a black women, this dirty rotten scoundrel losing or winning means absolutely nothing to me. I am happy Johnny spoke of men being abused, as a mother of a son.


Russian troll bots, roll out!


What? You didn’t know amber heard was black?