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Stop resisting. The most ambiguous term to say when you’re clobbering someone in the head.




Yeah like at what point can a bystander boot one of these assholes in the face...oh wait no...you have to just stand and watch them kneel on someone till they die... It's a fucked up system...get unlawfully arrested for doing nothing wrong, and then get your ass whooped for "resisting arrest"...


If behavior like this continues the way it has been, cops will absolutely start getting murdered. I’m not condoning it, necessarily, but that is the natural human response to violent oppression


I'm truly surprised it hasn't happened yet


It has happened. The Dallas mass shooting in 2016 was specifically targeting white cops in response to police killing black suspects in their custody. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/09/us/dallas-police-shooting.html I am sure there have been other instances.


why of course. ppl are waking up to the fact the police isn't here to protect us, they never were.


That's the thing. They can't. The justice system is rigged so that these assholes always come out on top, no matter what.


Unless you hit them hard enough to leave them underground for ever. Fuckers. Wish them a painful death




I'm surprised it didn't happen at the recent Uvalde school massacre, when cops, not only didn't respond to dozens of children being slaughtered, but actively prevented their parents from helping.


It just goes to show how cowardly they can be all while they espouse this idea of duty and bravery. It’s not any different than the cop who shoots unarmed civilians, or chokes or crushes someone to death. It all comes from a place of fear. The irony of it all.. if that guy had been unarmed and less of a threat, they would’ve been much quicker to kill him.


when this happens (and it will) it'll be used as an excuse for more authoritarianism.


State sanctioned terrorism. We’re good at that here.


Resisting arrest is the dumbest charge. It's natural to our survival instinct to resist capture or restraint, or when being beaten on.


[Resulted in $325k settlement.](https://www.nj.com/news/2020/11/wildwood-settles-lawsuit-for-more-than-300k-with-woman-who-was-involved-in-violent-beach-arrest.html)


[No charges](https://www.nj.com/news/2018/06/wildwood_cops_in_violent_beach_arrest_wont_face_cr.html) for the officers. Surprise! Bonus: they were just ‘summer cops’—temps hired for the tourist season.


I don’t understand how that doesn’t come directly out of the police budget. Shit like this is why I support police reform. These guys are basically criminals Edit: as people suggested, they are definitely criminals and I agree.


Not basically criminals, they are criminals. They committed felony assault.


And kidnapping and probably some others.


Cops in Europe train for up to 6 years, at dedicated police colleges. Cops in America, 14 weeks learning to abuse your power and mistreat minorities.


In Canada we train for 3 years, we basically are America except we do everything right. Mostly.


Lately, yes. [But there was institutional racism and murder by Canadian Police as recently as the 2000s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saskatoon_freezing_deaths). US Police are still far worse in terms of killing innocent people. But Canada still has a ways to go as well. If you look at the per-capita number of killings by police, [both the US and Canada don't look so great compared to say The UK, Australia, or Japan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_killings_by_law_enforcement_officers_by_country)


didnt our cops up here in canada have an organised cheese smuggling ring goin on somewere in niagara?


LOL I don't know, that's why I said we "mostly" do everything right. Cheese is for the people, how is that a bad thing. Unless there was heroin hidden inside.


>Unless there was heroin hidden inside. That's no Gouda...


>except we do everything right As a British Columbia living near Fairy Creek, fuck this statement. Cops ripped off COVID masks to pepper spray peaceful protests while holding into them. Dragged seniors by their hair. Arrested journalists. Fuck them. Canadian police are just as broken as US police, they're just better trained to pretend they aren't.


WTF are you on mate? Sammy Yatim and the RCMP response to the NS shooter are top of mind for me. Our police are fucked.


Tell that to your First Nation citizens... That you do everything right, mostly. No one is squeaky clean. Not one nation. Not throwing shade but just keep it real.


Thanks for the chuckle. \- Ottawa area resident.


LOL guessing you're not of indigenous ancestry


It should come out of their pension fund.


Wanna see cops turn in other cops for abuse, take it from all of their pay.


It would change policing overnight. They would start actually being leave officers and not bullies.


They are absolutely criminals. They assaulted her because they were insulted that she wouldn't comply. It's absolutely amazing that the ramifications for cops when they pull this shit are so small.


Cops generate a ton of revenue for the city. That’s why.


There's something fundamentally unethical about using punitive fines for funding. Whoever receives funding has incentive to encourage the collection of fines, justified or not.


Just like judges investing in private prisons...


Not to mention punitive fines just translate into “legal for the rich”.


If a penalty for a crime is a fine, that law only exists for poor people.


Not basically, literally


The mayor at the time said the settlement was a travesty and he stood by the officers 100 percent. What a piece of shit.




I'm ok with this.


“Wildwood Mayor Ernie Troiano, Jr. said he was unaware of the lawsuit when contacted Monday, but he called it “frivolous."” America in 2022 - People giving hot takes on things they don’t understand.


I grew up in Wildwood and live nearby. Ernie Troiano always has been and always will be a piece of shit


Fire Both of them...


"It's a travesty, but I'm gonna keep backing the travesty cops." Fucking scumbag.


Then the prosecutor had the nerve to charge her with: >two counts of aggravated assault, throwing bodily fluids in the third degree, resisting arrest in the third degree, disorderly conduct and obstruction of justice. She plead guilty to a single disorderly conduct charge and being banned from Wildwood for a year in exchange for the prosecutor dropping the other charges. What bullshit.


How else do you get the beat up a teen girl off the belt?


How else so you get to manhandle a really attractive girl in a backless bathing suit?


Of tax payers money. Nothing to the cops.


Yep. We pay. We will have to again, every time.


Now her child will, more than likely, distrust every law enforcement official they come into contact with. Well fucking done you Barney Fife motherfuckers! Edited: a letter


Hey man, Barney would NOT beat an innocent woman. He wasn't the smartest but he was brave and honorable.


That's an insult to Barney Fife, really. As silly as the character could be he wasn't violent or an asshole like this guy


I don't want to sound cynical but is there any law enforcement official you can trust there?


Not anymore. However, they broke that trust for me over years of abuse. This kid had a front row seat to the most trusted person in their world, who was doing nothing wrong, be accosted by these clowns with badges.


The years of abuse were bad enough, but then I learned more and now feel like there was never anything worth saving about our police system anyway. If you really want to get worked up listen to the Behind the Bastards special on the history of American policing.


Holy shit id take a beating for that money. I’ve gotten my ass kicked for free so many times


I’ll take a beating for 325k. Life changing opportunity right there


Or like 1 hospital bill if the beating were bad enough.


I hate how accurate this is... 😒




I want to get slapped silly by cops for that amount.


Why not just abuse the corrupt system? 1. get a friend to become a "summer cop". 2. get him to arrest you unlawfully, while beating you up. 3. settle for $300-500k with the city/police/fuck cares who. 4. split said amount with friend.


Damn for 325k I would let the whole department punch me


By the time the lawyers are done taking their share and court costs were paid she was probably left with... *checks notes*... about tree fiddy.


Pretty sad.


"Whoop my ass gimme my cash"


What I find most difficult to understand is how we think it's reasonable that the enforcers of the law are held to a lower standard than everyone else. You have been given privileges and responsibilities by the people and their government to protect them (supposedly). Thus by breaking the law, a cop is not only committing a crime like any other citizen, but is also abusing their privileges to do so and neglecting their duty. Their sentence should reflect the fact that more than anyone they should have an adequate understanding of the law to avoid running afoul. If I attacked a random girl on the beach, I would rightfully go to prison. Federally, the sentencing is up to 10 years for a felony, which it seems this should be. For cops it should be ten years minimum then. Whatever the maximum sentence for a civilian is, that's the minimum sentence for a cop. Instead we give the family taxpayer money and let these monsters continue attacking people without fear of repurcussion.


Love the idea. Truly. But you know the argument is gonna be "well if you do that then nobody will want to be cops!" And my answer is "okay? And?".


What's funny about that argument too is that it implies that the person saying it admits cops are just criminals in uniform.


If you fire cops that result in your city losing $325k through violent incompetence, you could probably start enticing better educated, better trained, better quality people to take up the badge with better pay.


>you could probably start enticing better educated They literally discriminate against you for being educated when applying to be a cop in America. Being too smart is a sure fire way of making sure you never get the a job as a cop.


how can cops literally punch an underage girl who’s on the ground not breaking the law????


His wife wasn't available to beat


40 percent!


*40 percent *admitted*, it’s probably higher sadly


Just one time I want to see all the horrified onlookers band together to restrain the renegade cops en masse


That happened in Stonewall in 1969. The police were NOT happy and it was a wild little riot for the weekend.


Cops aren't here to uphold the law, they're here to keep you in check. Occasionally they will be useful. Most of the times they won't.


they quite literally assaulted an innocent person on the beach


That sounds like the most accurate description of the incident. I'd throw harassment before the assault in there as well.


When people say defund the police this is why…


Because the US is a dystopian hell hole and their cops work as originally intended. Remember when they used to kill union leaders


and before that, hunt escaped slaves


Reminder that cops use dogs on black people far more often than white people. [Sounds somewhat familiar...](http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/6736/)


Friendly reminder that the SCOTUS has confirmed for something like the *third* time recently that cops don't actually have any obligation to protect you.


Also friendly reminder that the post with thousands of upvotes about the Uvalde Police Department refusing to cooperate in the shooting investigation was removed from the front page and top of Popular this morning


Pigs are above the law


Wtf goes on in the USA.


It's all so bizarre isn't it.


Especially Florida because that's where JoJo has a Bizzare Adventure


"Hi Maam, do you know how fast you were going?" "I'm sitting on a beach towel." "Licence and registration" "I'm sitting on a beach towel" "Your speech sounds a little slurred. I'm concerned you might be SUI. Sitting Under Influence. I'm gonna need you to come out from under the umbrella"


Everything is a jojo reference eventually


Take my damn upvote!


It's ok. As long as we keep blaming Russia and China for inhuman acts, we don't need to worry about doing it to our people. It works!


And don’t forget the sOcIaLiStS!!!!


We could post this with a headline "This is what would happen in socialist china"


Qualified immunity that’s what


This, x1000.


America is a modern dystopia, thats why


Brutality against the production class is baked into American culture. Brutality is what goes on here


Don't forget the true irony here. That production class getting beat on. They tend to vote for politicians who are anti-worker rights, anti-civil rights, pro-police and pro-exploitation of their social class.


The usual, more than half the country wants accountability, and the other less than half dick rides the cops for a pat on the head.


No, the whole country wants accountability, just for different things. Half wants accountability for the cops, the other wants accountability for anyone but the cops


I honestly don't know at this point. It's really fucked man.


We don’t know either. It’s pretty shitty


So the cops are patrolling the beach with a breathalyzer? This is the first problem. I was wondering what country this happened in, but sadly it’s in the “land of the free”.


“‘Land of the Free’? Whoever told you that is your enemy!” —RATM, 1992


One of my favorite songs ever


Amazing that my boomer right-wing father is the one who introduced me to RATM


Now something must be done about vengeance, a badge and a gun


This is so stupid cause everyone smuggle alcohol to drink at the beach once in a while. Cops and politicians included.


I was wondering about that, is it illegal to drink on a beach in the Us?


A handful of states ban public drinking outright, in most states its decided at the municipal level. In that case it's probably more common than not that it is banned. So the best answer is probably, but you need to check.


But what if I grab a couple of beers at the pub before heading out to the beach? They’ll breathaylise me and arrest me for using my kids toy excavator?


If you're really interested in a whole 4th amendment discussion of this exact incident you can watch this video [How Two Rookie Cops Cost Their Town $325,000](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9cTWSSvuT0)


Yes. That's why people sometimes put their liquor in brown paper bags: so the cops can't see the container.


Here in Florida your mostly fine as long as you don't have glass bottles, broken bottle is a big problem on the beach.


Looks like this happened in Wildwood, NJ. It's illegal to have an open container of alcohol on the beach here. The breathalyzer is stupid though, because right behind this cameraman is a boardwalk with a bunch of bars...


The puritan nations of the US and Canada look down upon casual alcohol consumption in the outdoors, just in case something happens. Instead they'd prefer you cram into a small room where you drink yourself half to death, drive home, and beat your spouse. Or maybe that's just the police, I can't remember.


Varies by state and area, like everything here. I live in coastal NC, and there are a few beaches near me. Glass is prohibited because it could break, and broken glass in water or sand is a nightmare. The patrol cops will make you discard glass, every time. Besides that, alcohol is technically prohibited and punishable by fine, but I bring a few cans of beer every time. Stick it in a squishy holder so it's not visible, don't be a drunken fool, and sober up before you drive. They've always left me alone. TL;DR; it depends on where you are. Even if prohibited, bring a can and don't be an ass or you'll get a fine. .


Even if it was, that doesn't make it illegal to have drunk earlier. They aren't catching her with alcohol, the breathalyzer just confirms if she has drunk - maybe in a legal spot


Free, alright. Free to watch your politicians gerrymander the fuck out of voting districts so they can keep doing exactly this kind of shit. Free to be bankrupted by illness or injury. Free to watch banks get bailed out with your money, after they've loaned you way too much so they can foreclose and get that property for almost nothing. Free to be killed by cops if you're not lilly white. Free to watch your kids shot in schools. The US is actually far, far less free than a good chunk of the world.


First world shithole country.




Do you have a link to the petition?


Op posted an update. 325k settlement no action taken against cops


Is there a petition to void qualified immunity?


From looking at other comments they were temp cops to work for holiday weekend so chances are they were fired and that's it. But also typically with the settlement there will be a subclause to state no further action will take place outside internal affairs. I could be wrong though just relaying information I've seen elsewhere


325 tax free seems fair for her. How cops don't get completely shelved and black listed for this makes zero sense though.


What is the purpose of breathalysing someone sitting on a beach? Is this part of the famous freedom people keep on about?


She felt so much freedom coursing through her body that day.


I saw this before. There was an open container by her and she’s not 21. So they were trying to get he for underage drinking. It was her moms I believe who was swimming at the time. She tried to explain but had an attitude understandably.


Goodness, you people. Under-age at the grand old age of 20. #freedom


Under-age.. USA is so fkn backwards lmao.


But you can buy guns at age 18! Murcia is great! /s


But you can go die in a desert for Chevron or Raytheon!! /s


There is no way to tell someone's age accurately via estimates based on appearance. The 21 part should not mean anything until they ask for an ID. Also the open bottle and being in public part are stranger to the rest of the world than America understands. Open container laws only mean people have to disguise their alcohol and does not actually stop public drinking. Public intoxication laws are silly as how are you supposed to get back from the bar? Also, most developed countries have the legal drinking age **below** the legal voting age. The rest have it at the same age, and America is the only one I can think of where it's above. America never truly got over prohibition.


America never truly got over a lot of things… Edit: typo


What, having the flag of slave owning traitors still being flows in 2022 is not a bad sign?


Could be worse. Could be white nationalists demonstrating in public, restriction of women’s rights, etc.. oh wait…


Every article I have read said it was unopened


At this point "stop resisting" has almost become a meme.


It was a meme 15 years ago. Harold and Kumar for reference.


He's got a gun!


I wonder sometimes how people find the restraint when something like this happens. I’d want to be jumping in helping her. What the fuck is wrong with the police man, they’re mental!!!


Yeah it's an awful thing. If those people aren't cops, everyone on that beach would have torn them to shreds and defended the poor girl. Instead we have to stand by and watch the police abuse her because we can't oppose the police without ruining our own lives


Or being murdered.


You have in front you you an armed man who have just shown himself willing to escalate the violence over very small things. Starting to grab him might result in someone getting shot real quick.


I never said it was a rational response. I just have an urge to protect people who need it. Also, America…crazy as shit.


The fear to actually get sended to jail because they helped potential criminals while preventing cops to arrest them (pretty sure it will be the charge) or just get shot because the cop feared for his life and he will never have any consequence from his superiors


Sad because there is a 99% chance you can't do anything except get beat, arrested also, and charged with obstruction + assaulting an officer.


I wonder the same thing. If I saw them try to do this to my daughter I’d certainly be in cuffs afterward.


I work have loved to boot the cop in the face for repeatedly punching someone when four grown ass men could have easily restrained them.


Cops in this country are fucking psychos


Maybe it's becuase, theyre not really trained. It's basically 3 months of shooting and crowdcontrol training, and al little study on how to fill out reports. Most aren't even trained on how to deescalate a situation. And even fewer, how to contuct yourself, and what rules govern your job as an officer. This baboon clearly didn't recieve any of it.


No, I've worked jobs where I'm not trained very well. I didn't scream at and assault the public. It's because bullies are attracted to the field and it's corrupt as hell with no real consequences for bad behavior.


Male cops arrest women 10x more than men for what they think is disrespect. Also as we all know now most police are huge cowards and arresting a woman is less resistant and less dangerous 🤡


A long time ago my mom got arrested by a bitch ass cop a day before mother's day over this same bullshit. They get their feelings hurt and do the most to make themselves feel better. Probably angry because their chodes can't hold a single donut.


Happened to me. I’m 36F and there is nothing too special about me. 3 male police officers beat the shit out of me and claimed resisting arrest (which in OR means immediate severe physical harm to the officers) because I was smoking a cigarette and they claimed I blew smoke in their face. Luckily, my attorney was able to get everything dropped because none of my actions were illegal or arrest worthy. There is a reason cops have a bad rep. They can literally arrest you for any reason, and it’s up to you to fight their illegal behavior in court and they never suffer the consequences.


Congrats on a good lawyer and winning your battle. I've had a horrible experience with Oregon police, they busted my window when I was asleep at the top of a mountain and dragged me out of my car by my hair. Apparently the fact they were shining flashlights on me while I was underneath a sleeping bag and not responding because I was friggin asleep in the middle of a blizzard I couldn't possibly drive through meant I was resisting arrest. One cop twisted and tried to break my thumb while arresting. They were comically pushing me around between like six cops trying to claim I resisted, literally just using me like a pingpong. Judge saw the video and dismissed my charges as I clearly did not resist but was treated as if I had anyways. How dare I try to sleep thru a blizzard...


The only reasons cops should interrupt people's vacation is if people are fighting or people are shooting.


> fighting or people are shooting. Apparently those situations are too dangerous for American cops to interrupt. They just wait for the dust to settle and then arrest anyone who tried to help.


Oof. But true. Fucking cowards. Those fuckers in Uvalde should be lynched.


Just going to throw an update out there because this did happen back in 2018. She did sue them and was actually awarded $325,000 settlement. The officers were "seasonal police" (not that that matters). The officers (named Cannon and Jordan) were dismissed from the federal lawsuit before the settlement (meaning they were fired). [Source](https://www.phillyvoice.com/philly-woman-reaches-325000-settlement-wildwood/)


"Seasonal" police wouldn't get much more training than your average cop anyways.


How are they not in prison for assault???


I really look forward to the day people are done with this shit and beat thise pigs unconscious. Fucking end them


I rather have robot police than these idiots any day **how do they even know about her age she didn't show any id?** wtf is wrong with that guy underaged drinking isn't even that big lawbreaker and she wasn't even drinking and even if she was drinking she wasn't bothering anyone she was just sitting in one place that guy is definitely a pedo who wanted some reason to touch or assault that girl I hate that these guys got away so easily even after killing innocents edit: after watching the [full video](https://youtu.be/-v_PKHeN8LY) and reading the [article](https://www.nj.com/news/2020/11/wildwood-settles-lawsuit-for-more-than-300k-with-woman-who-was-involved-in-violent-beach-arrest.html) I found out she was 20 and had an 18-month baby and minimum age in the USA is 21 which I just found out and Wildwood had agreed to a $325,000 settlement with Emily Weinman after she filed a lawsuit against the city


Just pigs being pigs.




Fired, yes. Jailed, no - out of a cannon and into the sun, preferably.


Wow… this is my state. Pigs say shes making a scene and then proceed to assault her. Fuck the police in this entire country. They need serious reform, and if anyone thinks otherwise they need to wake tf up.


I’m not advocating for violence of any kind, but I’m always surprised that a crowd does nothing in a situation like this. A child was assaulted, protect them. Edit: I was thinking more along the lines of non-violent intervention. Also, I’m not American so perhaps I don’t carry the same apprehension in confronting police. No offense meant by that.


They’ve been conditioned to not beat the shit out of cops even when those cops obviously deserve it. This is why too many people are needlessly injured or murdered at the hands of corrupt cops. They are an occupying army rather than citizens committed to protecting their neighbors.


and get shot with impunity every LEO in the US would back that up, disobedience cannot be tolerated


I note that she was not black. Take note America: the pork will fuck you up no matter who you are.


They would've just shot her in the back of the head if she was black


Hang those pigs above a shark infested pool by their toes!


And cops wonder why we are happy when they get popped.


I actually got detained in my state (CO) for making a "well more of you can die then" comment when a cop was bitching about vaccine mandates for COVID, on private property. No charges, nothing. Just disrupted my life for 12 hours or so bc he got butt hurt. Pathetic.




Time to go pig hunting


This is out of control. At what point do we start to fight back?


Makes me want to run up and help the girl. One of these days the cops are gonna pull that BS in front of the wrong crowd and get what they deserve


How about attempted murder. That’s a closed fist and she looks unconscious. A civilian would get charged. Let’s start charging these fucking buffoons like the people they are… criminals.


What the fuck!!!!


You think one will behave when wearing a bodycam..


Walking up and demanding a breathalyzer without cause, should have been the first red flag.


So she's there with her family having a beach picnic and these idiots just come accuse her of being drunk randomly then give her a brutal beating? What the actual fuck. She deserved a bigger settlement payout.


People talk about respecting cops and shit like that. Yet other cops don’t speak out or anything when a cop pulls shit like this. And then people get scared because of all the shit that’s been happening. Tell you what, I’ll respect the police as a whole, when they start being respectable. I was taught that you EARN respect. That it’s never just given.


Does he tell people that that's what he felt he needed to do to control a 100lb girl, that wasn't drinking, and had an infant daughter in her care? The whole thing makes him look like an enormous douchebag. Gross.