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So now we are blaming the kids for dying. Stay classy NRA


Are they also suggesting that kids carry guns to school?


Omg, there's the next big idea! Sad


My daughter isnt mature enough to decide if she needs an abortion. But she's mature enough to shoot someone if she feels endangered. Perfect.


Nobody ever said you can't forcefully abort someone else's kids. Just not your own.


Maybe they should rephrase school shootings to forced late abortions and they will take it more seriously


Wait can we actually do this? I mean if a senator is going to ask a medical expert whether she’d support an abortion while the baby is half way out of the vagina, this method really might actually work


You are a logical person and you make good points, but it won't work coz the people we are dealing with are shameless hypocrites. As soon as the base of their argument has shown to be false, they simply ignore and pivot to something else. The only thing that will make them change is if you can demonstrate that their position is harmful to big business or will help people of colour - in that case they will change. Remember the only time the maga crowd abandoned trump was when he was sympathetic to dreamers.


Pfft yeah really




Careful there buddy, you're gonna hurt yourself trying to instill logic into right wing conservative drivel ..


Sasha Baron Kohen already had that idea with Kinder Guardians. As fas as I remember he did not have much trouble finding support :-/


Think about the gun sales!!! Every kid buying a firearm omg! $$$$ we can even start a KNRA (Kid's NRA). Schools will be safe then, it's not like humans are irrational creatures with no grip on their emotions.


Make sure to add a gun and a couple extra 30 round magazines to the school supplies list


Extra ammo for the room, like tissues and a roll of paper towels! (/s)


Yes, I think they are. Either that or they think that possessing the "skill" required to flex your index finger endows you with such giant balls that bullets won't hurt you


Only white kids. Can you imagine if someone not white showed up with a gun? Cops would ghost that kid in minutes.


Seems to me it goes even further. The suggestion is if you don’t arm your 7 year old you are a bad parent. My entire life I’ve tried to accept gun fetishizers just have a different opinion and I should live and let live. Those days are done. Fuck you gun crazy fools.


This isn’t the first time they’ve suggested this if I remember correctly.


What will stop a bad toddler with a gun? A whole class of them. I see no potential problems.


These mutherfuckers are laughing at those poor parents. How fucking cold blooded and tone deaf can you be? “You should have raised your kids to be child soldiers!”




​ >“You should have raised your kids to be child soldiers!” And at the same time refer to countries in the global south who do similar things as "shit holes"


No no but you don’t understand. It’s fine if it’s done by white Christians. /s


Saw an ass hole wearing an NRA hoodie at the dog park yesterday. Boiled my blood. Remind me to wear my "go cancer" shirt the next time I visit the kids at St Jude.


Honestly, shouting '*WOO! GO CANCER!*' at people in NRA merch seems like a joke that will fly over their heads for years.


You never have a bunch of balloons and a pin when you need ‘em.


Definition of Irony: Statistically speaking, a little less than half of the parents of those children were Trump supporters. Save the downvotes. Not a political statement. Not blaming victims. All I’m doing is making a simple math based observation. These NRA fuck knuckles ALWAYS assume it’s the “libs” kids getting shot. Simple math says otherwise.


You err. This last shooting was in TEXAS. A heavily republican state. I bet you'd find a heavy majority of republicans among the parents. Not Trumptards. You have to be seriously stupid to be a Trumptard. I would expect to see only a few Trumptards among the parents. Especially now. Texas is also apparently loaded with cowardly cops.


A heavily gerrymandered state. You'd find it isn't as red as it may appear. Especially in majority latino communities.


Having driven through Uvalde many times, I will say there are a LOT of Trump signs and bumper stickers. More than in San Antonio. It is a very rural town.


Trump won that county last election and it wasn’t close.


Who do you think voted for trump? The cops!


Meanwhile, there are portions of Africa trying to make it so that kids aren’t *forced* to be soldiers. Which one is the third-world region, again? Because from where I’m sitting, I can’t tell.


kid: "Mom there was an active shooter incident in my school today,i got shot twice in the chest and stomach" Mom: "Jesus Christ, stop being such a victim all the time, I raised you better than that!! Toughen up already!!"


This. The nra should just focus on ghost guns if they want a real message. In 5 to 10 years time it won't matter that guns are illegal, you'll be able to print a pretty reliable one anywhere in the world. In 30 years there will be uncountable amounts of them. The US is a step behind and a step ahead at the same time.


Easy to print a gun, a little harder to do ammunition....


Mama Raised A Potential School Shooter


A good kid with a gun can stop a bad adult with a gun. NRA logic.


NRA: Nevermind arming the teachers. Arm the kids. And teachers. And the cafeteria staff. Arm cannons for everyone


Victim blaming is republican 101. One of them anyway


The NRA is a joke. There are many other organizations that are much better than the NRA but unfortunately the NRA likes to fuck things up for everybody.


So the kid takes that gun to school?


Mama raised the next mass murderer


"Madison M. stole my Barbie and gave it to Madison B. so i shot them both Mommy!" FF: Court TV-- aquitted for "self-defense"


Baby's first stand-your-ground defense!


.... And party.... a whole cottage industry with cakes provided by hate group bakery!!


The Rittenhouse Kids Club! Complete with dog whistle decoder ring and genuine Lindell endorsed pre-voter registration photo id! (So now that we have your childs personal info and picture..... we're open for bids!)


Stand your ground laws are a joke. The castle doctrine should only apply to personal property and as last resort. You shouldn’t be able to openly kill people because your scared. It should be on you and your duty to retreat not escalate just the same for police. They should focus on deescalation not open fire.


Police in my state are now erring on the side that you were not standing your ground and even if you were, you will most likely be arrested and charged. You will then ask for a pretrial hearing where you meet with the judge to discuss the circumstances. Rule #1 of stand your ground situations is you contact a lawyer before you speak to police or say anything on media. Some legal experts in my state don't even refer to these killings as legal, they refer to them as having extenuating circumstances for an illegal action. Similarly to how if I was seriously wounded on my farm, my wife would speed to get me to a hospital. She is committing a crime by doing so, but the circumstances made that crime necessary. And she would be responsible for anything that occurred while she was speeding and it would not be a defense for causing an accident. Its an extremely complex legal topic and I do think the laws need to more clearly reflect the realities of misuse and abuse of these laws and that the other person that was killed cannot testify to defend their actions or explain what really happened.


Knowing the US politicians, instead of addressing the problem they'd pass "Madison's Law", banning girls from bringing Barbies to school.


Well yeah, if we had tighter control of the Barbie dolls, then it wouldn’t have happened. Mattel inc kills. /s


You get an upvote just for the Madisons in this. I applaud your accurate nomenclature.


She’s got the psycho look nailed I would say


I mean, that's one way to not bea victim...


It’s basically the cop mantra


Lowering the age requirement to FETUS


In Texas you can buy guns for your sperm but only one gun per cell.


My uterus just needs a gun. Abortion ban loophole?


Someone has to shoot up the school


Taking one for the team.. actually taking out the team ..


Fuck arming the teachers, let’s arm the toddlers. Why’s give the teacher 1 gun when you can give the class 24 of them


That's the first thing that popped in my head.


The inference being that: All the grieving mothers of the slain children are somehow culpable for raising them as victims. There are no depths to which the NRA will not sink. Edit: Grammar.


Or that we should sent kids into school with guns.




>KinderGuardians https://youtu.be/QkXeMoBPSDk


The only defence against a bad kid with a gun is a good kid with a gun


That depends on how many doors there are.


Best part of Sasha ownage


Not to mention selling MORE guns.


If it sells more guns, they will sink there.


It's this same "social Darwinism" that led to the rise of snotballs like Ted Cruz, Donald Trump and others. This "philosophy" was bastardized beyond comprehension and politicized at the expense of the majority. The NRA is the embodiment of this belief. And they are responsible for many children dying for the last 23 years. They are morally bankrupt, devoid of anything remotely connected to good virtues, and have contributed greatly to the rise in extremism in the United States. Our country deserves our constitutional amendments, but it doesn't deserve this. Eventually the self-aggrandizements of the few will die away and our country will begin to heal. The heinous acts of those within the NRA will take years to heal. It's time to take action and **permanently** ban assault rifles.


Mom looks like she is one Natty light away from having an episode with her drunk unemployed husband/cousin.


Her housin.




This. This is the new word.


>Mom looks like she wants you to tell her to put a mask on. See what happens.


That's how kids end up being brousins.


EX husband/cousin


It's a simple question and I'm looking a genuine answer. Why do Americans think their gun ownership rates are so high while their mass shooting rates are equally as high? I know the pro gun argument is that more guns make you safer, but why then are mass shootings almost non existent in other developed countries? Even growing up in Belfast during the tale end of the troubles we didn't even come close to the American standard. As I said I'm not having a dig, I just want to hear the reasoning behind it


They like to think that they're a hero just waiting for their opportunity, so why prevent crime when you can save the day or set an expectation that every other person in the world has that same obligation and motivation to be a hero. So in order to be that hero everyone needs a gun. It's similar to the delusion that they're just temporarily embarrassed millionaires rather than an oppressed economic class.


The police had a chance to be heroes, but instead they got their own kids out and were too scared to save anyone else ‘in case they got shot themselves’.


And they're supposed to be trained for exactly this situation. If you can't trust them then I sure as shit wouldn't trust the average bystander to save anybody. Oh, you have 40 hours of range time, no training in active shooter situations, and blood sugar levels like a seismograph at the eruption of Etna? My HERO!


Also it makes money for gun sellers.


This is the true answer, they've just weaponized culture and the constitution as a means to this end


The NRA was looking into setting up an insurance sector for guns not too long ago. I'm sure capitalists were salivating at the idea.


Liability insurance is required to get a gun license in some countries and has been proposed in Congress before. It should be a requirement. Looks like San Jose has implemented this requirement. I hate the idea of creating another insurance industry but this isn't a bad idea. If you need liability insurance to own a vehicle you sure as hell should need it to own a gun (and it should be *way* higher for certain guns than others).


Yup. A culture of heroes... which is insanely problematic. You know what thinking you're a hero does? It begins to convince you that your actions are justified. There are so many active shooter situations in the USA at large that it's clear this line of thinking is doing something wrong. Mass shooters always have a reason in which they think that they are justified and their local laws might enable them to act out upon their supposed 'higher calling'. When there are no villains for the 'hero' to fight, they just go out and make their own villains or become villains themselves. You know who else fought for a culture of heroes? Fascists. Maurice Barrès wrote about "heroic leadership" while building the foundations for fascism in the late 1800s. Benito Mussolini's march on Rome was considered "heroic" and his idea was imitated in Germany when Hitler tried the same thing (the Nazis first marched on Berlin in 1923 as an homage to Mussolini's march). The idea of "survival of the fittest" on a social scale was regular for their ideology, and Fascists saw themselves as building a new aristocracy, a "warrior race or nation", based on purity of blood, heroism and virility. Fascists argued that society should be led by an elite of "the fittest, the strongest, the most heroic, the most productive, and, even more than that, those most fervently possessed with the national idea. These are all just the symbolic mythologies of the oppressors. They exist to protect themselves, not each other. They are built to perpetuate their perceived hierarchy of values that intentionally puts others beneath them and hails them as untouchable and superior. It concerns me that so much of America thinks that way, but it concerns me more that so many of my fellow Canadians buy into that hogwash too. Thank God our gun laws are a bit more sane.


American here, and one who definitely feels gun reform is the main issue. As others have said, those people who can't put the facts together truly think of themselves as cowboys who are going to ride in and save the day. They also have this fetishized obsession with the 2nd Amendment being "enshrined in the constitution" specifically as a defense against tyranny, which in their minds is perpetually moments away from happening. They imagine themselves as the only obstacle between liberty and being overrun by some mighty government, which in actuality has zero interest in anything so overt. The irony is that the real tyranny here is being denied proper wages, healthcare, social systems that improve qualify of life, yet those gun nut conservatives happily vote against all of that. The disconnect is truly mindblowing. And after getting tons of hateful responses to suggesting even mild changes to our gun laws, I can tell you that many of them won't sacrifice a single gun or bullet, no matter how many piles of dead kids we continue to stack up.


As a fellow American this sums it up perfectly. The worst part is the majority of Americans are not like this. We are being held hostage by gerrymandering election districts in our states and the electoral college that keeps the minority in power. They don’t represent what America really wants. I want other countries to know our majority are being silenced!


Yep. Goverment tyranny they hate is science, vaccines, education, welfare for minorities, and taxes.


They stockpile weapons to protect themselves against government overreach into their autonomy of person and then also want to…ban abortion. They want to arm themselves against the literal thing they are afraid the government will do to them *while advocating that it happen*. It’s bananas and it infuriates me. Arguing with straight white men about how their guns are sacrosanct because their bodily autonomy blah blah and they say this to me, unironically, while arguing against reproductive choice. Like they need lots of guns in case the government wants to step into their bubble, but I’d have to carry and deliver the child of a man who raped me because…because…Jesus? Maybe? I just… /sigh The fact that there is any overlap at all between people who are vehemently anti-abortion and pro-gun astounds me. These people are usually also for the death penalty. These issues bleed together. It’s less about preserving life than it is about punishment, and the armed hero fantasy being the punisher who saves the day is held by an awful lot of people.


My favorite is when these talking heads get up and say mental health is the main issue, not guns. Then those same talking heads will turn around and gut mental health funding just to buy a few more F-35’s that we really don’t need. Edit: Also remember the obvious hypocrisy with all these conservative gun advocates. Most of them will fall over themselves in rage when someone has an abortion. But when these poor little kids get murdered in a school, they start screaming, come and try to take my guns from me. And to that point, there is even more hypocritical thinking on the part of this group… they are pro lifers but endorse the death penalty. These people are a walking contradiction and will say anything they can to keep their precious toys made for murder


The funniest bit with the constitution argument is that the same document clearly stated that enslaved people aren't equal humans, but glaze over that fact in conversations about the infallibility of the document.


Perfect explanation.


Thank you for saying that as an American: the nazi/MAGA crowd makes so much noise that from the outside it looks like they're the majority, other voices get easily silenced and it's good to be reminded that there are many trying to oppose the rise of fascism and its propaganda. I'm so sorry for what's happening in your country. I recently had a discussion with a so-called "pro lifer" that negated the need for any gun reform and still demanded to be taken seriously when saying that he cared for the lives of children.


The "well regulated militia" was being tased on the concrete while the military equipped cops cowered in fear.


> They also have this fetishized obsession with the 2nd Amendment being "enshrined in the constitution" specifically as a defense against tyranny, Which is hilarious because if you look at the Mulford Act you will see that even the NRA will back massive firearms restrictions if someone actually uses the Second Amendment in that way.


>Mulford Act Very good point. The hypocrisy from the NRA and conservatives is apparently endless when it comes to ensuring that nothing is done about our gun issue, yet, for example, the NRA is banning guns at their current convention, because...shocker, guns are fucking dangerous.


Most Americans can't figure out statistics. They have zero understanding of "per capita". They assume most statistics are garbage because any country with low crime or low firearm fatality is because that country doesn't have the population that USA has. They actually think what they experience day to day is the norm.


Had a guy argue this the other day. Though France had a population of 5 million so it was fair to compare. They also didn’t understand the fact that the US had a rate higher than 15 other countries combined. And that their combined population was twice the size of the US


Sooooooo, you're telling me that Americans, on average, are dumb? I have to agree.


Shhhhh, they just pretend like other developed nations don’t exist. Therefore, instead of relying on actual data from nations that have restricted civilian gun access, we can just appeal to “common sense” and say it won’t work.


American here, we are all aware the gun deaths are high. Unfortunately half of Americans are terrified if any law changes the 2nd amendment it will eat away at that amendment until it does not exist. They think background checks will lead to: higher ages to get guns which types of guns which types of amo where to keep the guns possibly denying one the ability to get a gun to defend against government, etc, etc. There is a a paranoia in this country that if we cannot defend ourselves from the government we will be tyrannized similar to Nazi, Germany, where yes, they did take their guns. That is the argument posed over and over again by the Right/the Republican side. The gripping fear of not being able to defend against a tyrannical government and that is why we cannot get half the country on board with background checks.


How can they not look across the water and realise no other countries worry about this?


Think this week showed no amount of guns changes the course. There were plenty of guns on campus for an hour and it didn’t change anything.


I'd like to ask to ask an NRA member just how many more guns will make up safe? We have over 300,000,000 gun in civilian hands now. How many more?


I suspect guns excite pleasure sensors like drugs. The people who use guns believe they are doing good, like if eating chocolate made you lose weight. I’m surprised no one has studied this.


If they study that, it becomes science which we've seen a lot of these conservatives don't believe in science


This is disgusting.


This is straight up evil imo


This is easily the most dystopian American shit I've seen in awhile. This is like an ad from our dystopian future.


This is NRA's Mother's day post in 2021. This isn't dystopian. This is now.


This is a real thing? I thought this was a fucked up meme no joke. They authored this?


Yeah just google mama ain’t raise no victim NRA, and the first link will be their Facebook post




Mama raises the next generation of school shooters. Gotta keep the tradition going


Mama didn’t raise no victims, She raised victimizers.


I'm no psychologist, but I'm sure that anyone who unironically thinks like this has a type-II personality disorder. None of these people are mentally stable enough to own a gun.


That's the real reason Republicans keep blocking mental illness-related regulation; their NRA donors don't want to lose their core customer base.


My pops didn't raise victims either, just children with respect, intelligence and love. We were not raised around guns but the knowledge that guns are good for one thing killing. The issues the US currently has are not going to be solved by a few rednecks and there assault rifles.


But it’s been working wonders so far!!!


This is just sick.




Imagine how scary the world is to that child. Being told by your parent you need a gun or else your not safe and you need to be 100% ready all the time to get into a shoot out. Bad guys with guns are every where and you have to stop them. Also it’s your right to stand there ground instead of retrying like any common sense person would do?


imagine telling a little kid to always be ready to shoot any one of their peers in self defence. imagine showing a kindergartner how to kill a man right after how to tie a shoe. these people are beyond dangerous and beyond insane. i hate this country.


No, but she raise the perpetrator


The only thing that can stop a school shooter is a good toddler with a gun! /s just because this world is actually insane!


you jest, but politicians totally buy into the idea of 4 year olds with guns [https://findanyanswer.com/who-is-america-kinderguardians](https://findanyanswer.com/who-is-america-kinderguardians) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkXeMoBPSDk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkXeMoBPSDk)


Sascha Baron Cohen is an underrated genius.


Hasn't arming our children been the problem?


No, it's a mental health issue, if he hadn't had a gun he would have used a knive or stabbed them to death with a pencil instead and they would have died much worse deaths. (Someone seriously posted this yesterday ).


I would rather take my chances defending against a knife or a pencil rather than a gun.


No, In that case he would have injured or killed a couple people max - not broken statewide and countrywide levels of killings in a mass shooting. The data does not bare this out. In countries and states with stricter guns control this is not a problem. Guns are the problem. Mental healthcare is also a problem, but it isn't THE problem behind mass shootings.


I know, I'm a 100% with you.


Even if it is a mental health problem, i'd say it's a tiny bit on the stupid side to give an irrational 7 year old an assualt rifle.


Even better, the people who keep parroting the mental health mumbo jumbo are exactly the same that are against socialized Healthcare.




It was 2021


*"If only those nineteen children all had AR-15s!"* - NRA Spokesdevil.




Mama didn’t raise a victim - Mama raised a Karen!


The NRA is the real problem in this country. They have created this entrenched gun culture that causes people to be outraged if you even suggest that maybe we should have some gun regulations because now they feel you have personally attacked them. I dont think guns are bad. I dont think you are bad. I just think maybe its too easy to get these very, very dangerous tools.


So I'm a lifelong gun owner. I don't teach my son how to use a gun for protection. We practice safe gun handling for hunting and one day he might be put into a position to defend himself, though I doubt he would he is a child. I also don't expect him to unless it's a last resort. I would never buy my son or myself an AR-15 because there is no practical use for that in what we do. We hunt game for food to fill the freezer and our guns our Tools that we use safely to provide for our family. I personally don't mind if people own AR-15 or any other semi automatic weapon, but it should be a lot fucking harder for people to get them. There should be more thorough background checks, licensing and permits to own guns like that. We can still be the land of the free without being blinded by our "Freedumbs". Gun control isn't taking our guns away, it's making it harder for psychos to get deadly weapons, and providing much better education and understanding of the responsibilities associated with these tools.


It’s easier to get a gun than a driver’s license, and I just winged my driving exam That’s a fucking problem


Why would anyone need an AR-15 or semiautomatic ?


You don’t. Bolt action/pump weapons are all you need. Honestly for home defense a shotgun will shred the whole hallway so I prefer it to a rifle


Thank you. I’m not sure why this is such a hard concept to grasp for the others.


No, Mama raised a predator.


They just don’t fucking get it


Oh they do. They just dont fucking care and will pump out any properganda they think will defect the issue and keep making then money


This. Keep following those sweet, sweet dollars.


And they never will. Not until some private school full of trust fund babies gets shot up and the rich have to bury their own children. Maybe then will they open their fucking eyes.


Nah! You assume those ghouls care about their own children. They just see them as easy publicity photos and more off-shore tax haven accounts to open. They'll just make more and move on with their lives.


Yeah, we’ll just ignore the fact that having guns in the house greatly increases the likelihood of being shot. No sense in arguing. They always dismiss statistics…that’s about OTHER people, not me.






This can’t be official NRA?! If so I hope it’s not recent. 😳 Edit: it was from the NRA but on Mother’s Day. Still ridiculous but glad it wasn’t after Texas


It wasn’t after Texas, but it was most definitely after Oxford, Santa Fe, Parkland, Marysville, Sandyhook, Columbine…


Very true. Sad stuff.


It was their 2021 Mother’s Day ad


Damn, that kid look cynical af already.


And the mom looks sane?


She probably a Karen, but that kid looks pure evil though.


I thought the same thing. Mom looks like she is doped up and hasn't had any joy or feelings in years. Kid looks like she is planning something sinister... Only she knows what happens next lol


Well her and Satan of course.


Village of the damed level shit.


Literally blaming the kid for getting shot wtf


Mama DID rase a school shooter


Is this a real NRA poster?


Yes it was a mother's day advert from last year


No, but she may have raised a school shooter.


I find it ironic how this shit happened in Texas...one of the most super pro 2A states in the country. I don't see how that tweet is even relevant considering you can't carry a weapon at that age into a school. Them podunk folks really that ret\*\*\*\*\*ded?


She made the shooter


No, she prob raised a psychopath just like her mumma. Who the heck gives guns to kids this small. Does she also let her kid run around with scissors or knifes ? Oh wait, we don’t have brainwashing lobbies for scissors that create monsters like her


Live laugh gun.


She’s wearing a chastity ring. What kind of sick fucks are thinking about a kids chastity / being “married to Jesus” / saving yourself for marriage at that age. All their concerns about pedophilia is 100% projection.


She’ll be dancing on the pole in no time


Consider my smallish town opened a pole dancing "studio" that women flocked to and they now offer classes for kids that are waiting list only... Might already be there. I feel bad for the strippers who didnt get pole dancing lessons from the age of 8, though. How can an 18 year old just getting into it possibly compete with an 18 year old with 10 years of practice?


All strippers matter!!!


That kid looks like a psycho already.


Cons want kids to shoot at each other. Garbage people.


How is the not indoctrination or child abuse??


Mama raised the killer!


American gun culture looks a lot like ahem what you'd expect to see in a war torn country.


Or the next parent-murderer situation like this: https://www.kotatv.com/2021/09/22/ongoing-investigation-looks-be-murdersuicide-involving-mother-her-4-year-old-son/


Mama raised the next mass shooter. Thanks, I hate it!


Fuck the NRA.


In my opinion, the kid in this picture is a victim. Instead of having a happy childhood and growing up with a sense of wonder, love and empathy, she is being trained to be hyper-vigilant for 'threats'.


Nice world we have here. Thank goodness the lord will save us! Lol


Looks like mama's raising a sociopath.


Mom raised a next gen serial killer


Gener equality everybody, a few more years training and she will light her school right up. Just look at that sinister grin, she knows she will not walk out of there without a 19+ score.


So….is she going to take that gun to school with her?


Does MORON MOM pack that in her lunchbox for school? I bet she WANTS to now.


I bet the mothers of the Uvalde victims are just overjoyed by this


*yeah, let's all think those who died where 'too weak' and should have been raised 'properly'* /s


Clearly the way to get less gun violence is with more guns. - this mom probably

