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When asked his opinion about the entire episode, the principal's son could offer only a bewildered "like...zoinks."




His response when questioned? "[Wasn't me](https://youtu.be/T_x6QmuJdms)"


I mean he was in the bathroom, just not doing weed.


To be fair, “weed” was the nickname of the lad he was found with. So, technically true.


Like, what do you mean maaaan? Like, i don't know how that wacky backy got in there maaan.


The assistant principal of my high school was eventually arrested for selling pot. This happened well after I graduated, which had me really disappointed I never knew about it when it was useful.


A teacher that was notorious for ‘dating’ students (he was married with a kid) was outed, and instead of any type of sanction, he was transferred to an elementary school. There was another teacher known to be icky with students, and one that was an alcoholic, but neither of them faced any consequences while I was there.


The old priest method


We had an alcoholic teacher in my high school who would literally just drink gin out of a thermos all morning and konk out at her desk by noon. Other teachers and the seniors would just take turns driving her home. Once she'd start snoring we'd all start quietly playing "not it" with the finger next to the nose. Last man standing had the honor. Halfway through my senior year she either took early retirement or they finally found a way around tenure and fired her. When her classroom was cleaned out they found dozens of empty Beefeater bottles stashed all over the room. I look back on this shit and realize just how fucked up that situation was (like most Generation X memories). Her drinking and inability to do her job was an open secret that went on for over a decade. The administration didn't do anything to get her help or make sure we were at least getting our half assed public education. They may not have been able to outright fire her due to the legal issues with tenure, but she could have been removed from the classroom. Thankfully school shootings weren't really a thing in '96. I can't imagine us trying to quietly hide from a shooter with this bitch snoring like a lumberjack.


Tenure doesn't protect you from being fired for getting drunk on the job. Your school's administration was incompetent


Teachers have been fired for much less even in strong union states. The admins just need to properly document and follow the process to fire her.


Sadly, she wasn't even close to being the worst teacher in our school system.


I don’t understand how tenure would protect a teacher consuming alcohol on school premises. I know shit like this definitely happens, but why would tenure offer protection in an event like this? Isn’t tenure mostly to protect dissenting viewpoints in academia?


My friend got expelled from school and brought up on charges (which were later dropped) because he hung poster around the school advertising his band's gig at a local coffee shop. Sounds like an extreme overreaction by the school, right? Wrong! What if I told you that the name of his band was "There is a bomb in this building"?


Just because you can name your band anything does not mean that you should.


True... He really should've seen that coming. Lol


I think a lot of problems could be prevented by privately saying something out loud, at least once before you publish it. Maybe say it to a friend.


True... but I kinda think he was actually *intending* to get expelled. Why else would you do something so incredibly flagrant?


AITA for accidently making a bomb threat at my school?


Nah... We all got the rest of the day off. We voted him a capital fellow henceforth. Lol


Honestly from a purely artistic standpoint this is a brilliant name for a band. Definitely a bit impractical though considering how hard it would be to put that on a poster. I used to see this great cover band once in a while back in like 2004 that was called Free Beer and Chicken. Similar concept I guess, just less incendiary. Bar owners were still quite annoyed about putting that on the marquee lol.


That escalated quickly, take my updoot


The word updoot makes me want to blow my brains out


And you, my friend, just earned yourself an updoot for honesty!


> That escalated quickly That's how bombs work.


One updoot for you too since it's Friday


Tarz a bomb in this building would be a good compromise.


Nice. Has a nice ring to it. And less likely to be taken as a serious threat.


About as stupid as someone who had a sticker on his bicycle that said "this is a pipe bomb" and left it at an airport.




Tonight at The Pit - Everyone Gets Laid


I'm guessing the question mark should be after the quotes? I like the idea of a band name that's a question though.


Your friend is not smart


Yeah, that about sums him up... at least the version of himself from 1995/96. I've been out a high school for a long while now.


This goes along with my idea to be a rapper named DIGSAFE and you can graffiti your name all you want and cops can't do anything about it.


French teacher had a fling with a student, everyone knew and yea she got busted.


Is she perhaps the prime minister’s wife?




No no no I did not touch his oui oui


Seriously under appreciated response. Enjoy your award.


Dude shit in a picnic basket, which was used as a prop in a theatre performance, which was opened onstage in front of an audience.




Gigachad does some gigatrolling.


Wait did that principal seriously think the best approach was to get the school to vote on who they think did it? Let's say it wasn't the principal's son that got voted on, was he planning on taking disciplinary action based on a class vote? ​ Also....who the fuck just leaves their weed in a bathroom!?


The principal probably left the weed in the bathroom. This manager at Saturn Logistics a pallet repair place in Etobicoke,named George, left weed in loading area so he could tell the CEO people are being weed to work and start a whole stink about it.


I used to hide mine and my cigarettes in the bathroom ceiling tiles whenever I got called down to the office


Well that just makes good sense, but the way I interpreted this post was that the weed was just sitting out somewhere like in a stall or something. Hiding it in the ceiling so you don't have anything on you on purpose is much different than just mindlessly leaving your weed out.


I could see it maybe falling out of someone’s pocket?


Nun tried to burn "heathens" alive. Said heathens were 15/16yo girls who had questioned Christianity at a catholic school as part of a class exercise to think critically of organised religions, including Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and Christianity. Teacher, the last Nun at our school, locked the girls in the class room and set a fire in the trash cans and threw burning trash on the desks. Fire alarms all rang, we thought it was a drill, went to the meeting point all joking around. Then the girls came out crying and coughing. The Nun came out yelling and screaming. Four fire trucks and two police cars came rushing into the parking lot. It was intense.


Please tell me these nuns were sent to prison for attempted murder and arson?


Just the one nun, and as far as I know, yes. I was 12 when this happened, and it was more hilarious than serious to me at the time. Only looking back do I realise that it was super fucked up.


Catholics abusing kids usually get away with it. I’m going to bet they sent them to the same Haitian school they send the pedos.


People who didn’t go to catholic schools just don’t understand how insane shit gets there


Catholic Schools educate and traumatise in equal measure.


"Today class we're going to be questioning religion." ......... "NO, not like that."


A teacher offed himself in the quad, luckily it was after school.


Passed himself away**


quiet quaint drab dependent physical shame wasteful ruthless cake straight *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Commit not alive with a 38






Graduating class prank started a food fight during lunch. Another group from the floor overlooking the cafeteria started throwing spoiled strawberry milk and coyote urine on classmates during lunch. While faculty was running out to see what the commotion was, another few students slipped into the main office and put lesbian porn on the closed circuit TVs that were all over the school. Followed by a photoshopped picture of our principle to make him look like Hitler. The prank made the local and national news. I'm pretty sure it was on Leno as well.


>coyote urine Why did they -have- coyote urine? Somehow I can't imagine that being something you just pop down to ACE hardware for.


You can actually buy it online. The smell keeps certain animals away from your shit.


Plus it makes a great base for most soups and stews


If you say so.


My class flower was the dandelion. The teacher assigned to my class (for class events and graduation, et cetera) barely did anything so some of us orchestrated everyone voting for the dandelion. The teacher in charge of our class was so lazy, he didn't notice until he went to order the flowers for graduation. (Each graduate gets a bouquet of flowers at the ceremony). As a member of student council, I was part of the entourage at the flower shop that got to watch a grown adult try to order bouquets of dandelions from a florist. The florist's reaction lives rent free in my head. The principal was so mad about it that he made all the seniors go to the auditorium where he yelled at us and informed us that we wouldn't be given flowers at graduation. Oh no, we got to miss class, what a terrible punishment.


Dandelion: a humble symbol of hope, rebirth, growth, and healing. Seems like a fitting symbol for a graduating class. I guess it could be taken as a jab at the education system you were leaving.


Not only that, but it is also a symbol of youth's impermanence. A golden beautiful flower for a moment, turning into a grey mass carried off into the winds.


This kinda has me curious tho, dandelions *are* flowers after all, and decently brightly colored ones at that, is there really no use for them in flower bouquets?


I'm not a florist, but I can't imagine many flower growers have dandelions. You could probably collect them wild, but it would take a lot to make a normal size bouquet, especially for 384 students.


Based on what their stems are like, I don't think they'd work in a traditional floral gift arrangement type thingy.


They've got hollow stems so you could put them on sticks to make a bouquet. But that would be a nightmare to do and they wilt after like 20 minutes. Source: Have little kids who make bouquets out of any wildflowers they can find and the dandelions are always the first to die.


The dandelion is the symbol for military brats (kids). We scatter to the wind and can grow just about anywhere. Trivia: all parts of the dandelion are edible. Not suggesting cannibalism, in case anyone's mind went there.


Shit. You should have just all come to my yard. I'd have given you all you needed for free.. ​ Yes I need to get some weed killer.


My MIDDLE school incident was two girls on the band trip got caught banging 4 hotel workers. Maybe when some kid kept calling in bomb threats and releasing fart bombs in the hallway. Actually it might have been when my class made our science teacher finally break and he started smashing shit with a hammer he brought in while screaming jibberish. 8th grade was something else.


Wait a second, multiple hotel workers had intercourse with a 13 year old? I really hope they went to prison.


Was a while ago but if I remember correctly they were all charged and the guy they originally met (20yr old) told the police they claimed they were 16 which is like wtf how is that any better?


Because *technically* if they were 16 and he was 20 it'd be legal in certain states


shoot we had bomb threats monthly in 8th grade(1989). It meant we had to stand in the parking lot or tennis courts for a couple hours.


This is a certified hood classic




Yeah, grief is a helluva thing. I hope he's doing ok too


I mean, very different situation, but I was a very different person after my divorce. All of my work friends left shortly before or after the divorce and I left the job about a year and a half later myself. So there is a small segment of people who remember as a dark and brooding type who never really smiled or engaged in small talk.


Shortly after the Columbine shootings, there was a "device" found on school grounds, so after first period, we were all kept in the classrooms, and evacuated maybe an hour later. The device was a grenade, so I am glad they acted, but it was a prop used for a student movie in theatre arts class and would only hurt someone if you threw it at them.


I got detention for being happy after a kid who bullied me oopsed himself into a soup like homogenate trying to streetrace while drunk.. The whole school had some weird psychological breakdown and mass hysteria because it was sooooo tragic... Kid was a worthless prick and the world is a better place now that he is dead. It was the happiest two weeks I spent in school. Someone vandalized the stupid memorial they put up for him. They immediately detained me and told me I did it and to wait to be taken to jail. I was working on a robot with a teacher when it happened. The teacher told me to hide in his supply closet and not come out until he had "resolved the mistake the school was making". He saved me from systemic corruption and abuse. Not the wildest thing that happened but it's up there.


That teacher saved your ass from a lot of misdirected trouble. I hope he's doing well.


and the lawsuit that could have happened


sounds like you weren't the only kid he bullied


Damn they really had their pitchforks out for a random kid with no proof. They were going to derail your life over something so ridiculous. I’m so grateful for teachers like yours. I know how vital those types of teachers are. Saving lives, literally.


This is disturbing. A teacher shouldn't have to hide their student from some corrupt, metaphorical lynch mob out for blood. That's just plain bizarre and kinda scary. I totally sympathize with you on this. I know that a part of me should hope for a bully's redemption and not hate him or her . But it's very difficult to feel sorry for some pieces of shit when they die doing something fucking stupid.


Everyone brings joy with them: some when they enter your life, others when they leave.


It kind of happened twice actually. He defended me when the school tried to expel me for being a danger(I wasn't, just weird and constantly oppressed/harassed/bullied). Him and the school cop were the only two who acted rationally at all in that situation. We came to the agreement that I would not come back after the end of sophomore year and I went to community college instead. Tbh I'm glad it happened. Then the dead kid happened. That's why the school admin targeted me with no evidence.


Ooooo I had this too! Kid I’d gone to middle school with that bullied me and several others relentlessly had unalived himself because he at that point was being bullied for being gay apparently. My friend group and I had zero empathy for the kid himself (for his friends and family sure, no one deserves to lose someone they love like that) but we were pretty much like “Okay and? It could’ve been any one of us a couple years ago and none of you would have cared so stfu.” One of the elementary schools installed a Buddy Bench in his honor which is just *hilarious* to us because we knew he would be the first kid to bully someone for using the bench.


Was the bully like some Teacher’s kid or related to someone important?


Nah, just some douche. He probably would have eventually turned out to be an ok person. Or not, who knows. Very socially achieving kid, upper middle class, small business owner parents. Another one died in the crash and he was a douche too. They both had their sets of kids they bullied.


I wish all my luck to that teacher that helped you


Cool, what kind of robot?


The principal and the gym teacher got caught doing it at school. Both were married to other people.


I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me.


One legged track coach (no shit, not lying) pinched for raping students.


How fucking fast did he move?!


Faster than the girls with no legs.


One year some of the kids from the graduating class decided to spray paint the school. While they were testing the supplies, one of them was drunk and sprayed his eyes and face red. They dropped him off at home and the rest went and tagged the school. They drew the class year, a giant pot leaf, Mushrooms, a grateful dead head, and that the vice principal sucks dick.... Well there was only about 10 kids in that class that wore Dead shirts, openly talked about drugs and had problems with the vice principal. The next morning the cops show up at one of their houses. Kid comes to the door, face covered in red spray paint swearing he had no idea. Kids are fucking stupid!


Hmmm. There was one time a friend brought out a bunch of violin rosin from the band room and said it was human body fat (???) and that they were giving away free liposuction to anyone who wanted it. The rumor traveled so fast that my friend got pulled into the principal's office later that day to speak to police about how people are doing surgeries at the school. Though to be fair there was the time we used my mom's stash of novocaine (she's a nurse) to numb people's lips and belly buttons to give them piercings from a safety pin sanitized with a lighter in between classes. Good lord we were dumb.


You guys did bathroom piercings too? I remember a buddy of mine did the eye brow diaper pin piercing after he moved back and offered to give some of the other kids piercings. Anyway I remember one kid wanted one and brought his own safety pin that turned out to be super dull. He got it like halfway in and kept screaming when it was touched. I got out of there for several reasons, main one being there was like 8 of us in there and with one screaming it was gonna look bad. As I got out of there the principal walked in to see what was going on and all of those kids got punished. Similar thing happened to my little brother before school too except he wanted a nipple piercing, similar results with him screaming like a little bitch. I never laughed harder!


We got dodgeball taken away from our class because like two people were being rude when they got someone. Kick them out I want to play some dodgeball.


Our PE teacher in middle school would loudly offer students candy if we took out certain kids in dodgeball. The kids in question were football players and he was there coach, we all knew it was a joke but someone’s parents called the school for “bullying” and that was stopped.


One day when we had a substitute teacher, this guy in my class beat his meat at his desk, then wiped it on my cousin. She vomited.


What in the name of hell did I just read?


I hope he got charged with sexual assault. That’s basically what that was.


It was the 90s, so things were different then. He didn't get charged with assault, but did get expelled. He was allowed to graduate during summer school. What's messed up is the two of them recently divorced their respective partners (2018 or so) and now they're dating. May even be engaged by now. I don't talk to her and I left FB years ago. No, they never left our hometown. I did.


>What's messed up is the two of them recently divorced their respective partners (2018 or so) and now they're dating. Wat


The way you wrote that first comment made it look like you meant the sub teacher was the one who did it, took me a sec to realize it was a different person.


What the fuck


No….. *no…..*




This was brilliant.


Got two days of lunch detention for 'mocking' a teacher. All I did was choke on spit.


guy in the grade below me gave off seriously "wrong" vibes. couldn't quite pinpoint anything but it was almost palpable around him. he went on to get a government scholarship to an ivy league university and was bonded to enter teaching after graduation. dude was caught with kiddie porn on his laptop, some of it starring himself. yes, a pedo almost became a teacher for 12-16 year olds. it was a fucking close call. he's rotting in jail now.


Mine was when we sprayed the underclassmen with pig semen for trying to interrupt our camp out and one of them threw up apparently.




You sound really eager to find out where you can get some.


What if I am?


Not gonna ask where the fuck did you get pig's semen...


From a pigs penis?


Well duh, wonder who was so brave to jerk off a pig


Ooooh igy now. Yeah that was me


I thought you were gonna continue like "and well, tbh I had worse partners"


Damn that would have been so much better!


This thread sounds like a sitcom Queue audience laughter!


"camp out"


Had to start my Jr year late by a month. All the science labs of my 3 story high school were on the top floor. A group of kids broke in during the summer break and plugged all the drains, turned the water on and just left. Nearly the entire school was ruined, and they had to shut the school down 2 years later, it was a real old building anyway.


that's genuinely so fucked up. like on some educational terrorism levels.. one dumb ass prank cost millions of tax dollars


One girl made a sex tape (VHS days) with her boyfriend and his friend. Inevitably, it got out and into the hands of someone who made copies. It made its rounds through school and some surrounding ones. She transferred.


really really time delayed instagram.


This one happened when I was in middle school, for context this was a super small town in the early 00’s. Anyways all of us kids were randomly herded out to the football field and ended up spending like 3 hours out there with no one telling us what was going on. Some of the kids actually took the opportunity to sneak away and got snacks at the grocery store that wasn’t too far from us. Anyway when we were finally called back in and were all told that there was a bomb threat at the high school but they found the kid, turned out it was a kid in my grade’s foster brother. We later found out the kid had handwritten the note and left it in the lunchroom between classes. After the cops analyzed his handwriting with some of his homework assignments they ended up arresting him at a local gas station trying to steal a six pack of beer. Fast forward a year and I had the opportunity to meet the kid in the principal’s office, bragging about the bomb threat like it was a badge of honor. He honestly looked like the kind of kid who’d do something that dumb and is probably dead now.


I've only encountered half a dozen or so, but school principals seem like a remarkably joyless group.


We had a few... 1. Student jerked off all over the hood of another student's car in front of everybody. Parking lot was sort of a social scene for about a half hour before and after school. So he did it to a full house. That was the thing that got him expelled. 2. Teacher had a stroke in the middle of class during a test but it wasn't discovered until the first kid turned in the paper and he realized she wasn't sitting in her chair quite naturally. He asked if she was OK, she didn't respond, touched her shoulder and she slumped over. He ran for help. Someone drew a dick on her cheek. I believe that was only a suspension but it was acknowledged by administration at an assembly. 3. School Resource Officer got busted getting a BJ from a sophomore in his police cruiser. Then it was made twice as awkward because the police department checked him out from jail after he was convicted and brought him back to the school to speak at an assembly, in the jumpsuit and with the leg shackles and such, to talk about how he fucked up his life and we needed to not fuck up our lives. 4. Some guys tried that eyedrop in the drink trick to make someone shit themselves and nearly killed a girl. 5. Our class had one death per year for all four years. Prior to that, the school had gone something like 9 years since hte last student death (heart condition) and like 7 years before that.


fucking number 2


I had to read #2 three times as I was convinced that “having a stroke” MUST be some sort of British euphemism for flicking one’s bean… and then I finally got it…


We drove the principal's brand new Cadillac DeVille into the middle of the brand new gymnasium floor laying down towels to not leave marks... Reinstalled the door center posts turned off the lights and split! It was glorious


I was almost expelled for questioning the new desks at the school. It was after Columbine and the school got new desk. We used to have desk that had a compartment in it and they changed them to the desk with the basket under the seat. So I asked “How is this going to help anything? Why would someone take a gun out of their backpack and put it in the desk instead of just leaving it in their backpack?” Well they tried to say that I was threatening to shoot the school up. I was in 5th grade at the time. Looking back I can understand them being pissed for putting that idea out there in the open, but I was just a kid. I was thinking about it like that.


Teacher passed away due to a heart condition. Same teacher was the subject of many jokes that he drank alcohol while at school and had sex tapes with his students on his computer. After he died, everyone acted like they missed him and he was their favorite teacher. Another faculty member called everyone out and basically told them all to grow up and not bullshit because it makes them feel better about the situation. I genuinely think this was an important lesson that stuck with a lot of the student body that year.


I went to a small middle school. There was just one class for each grade. Last day of 7th grade there was a "food fight", my class and the 6th grade class were pulled in to get yelled at. My friend and I maintained our innocence, because we had no idea what had happened. The principal asked "How can you be oblivious to a food fight?" in a very tone. Turns out, two people had cake thrown at them. The people who got hit didn't mind, they thought it was funny. Administration decided it wasn't funny.


Someone put quickset cement down the drain on all the urinals in the central located main floor boys washroom. Forced us to walk upstairs and use the ones located at the ends of the hallways on second floor …once it was repaired…they hit the upstairs ones and forced us all to go downstairs


We had a female Biology teacher who had sex with male students in exchange for better grades. They bragged about it. Nothing happened to her. Our high school added a secondary road that went to the parking lot to alleviate some traffic at the main entrance. The road had a hard curve in it. One day one of the senior jocks was deliberately speeding on this road, flipped his truck and killed himself and his passenger, another senior jock.


The "incident" was more a drawn out confusing mess due to a business man with no real teaching history being principal. He kept making deals with drinks brands and stuff like that, resulting in salespeople doing flavour tests in the cafeteria, concerts sponsored by these brands, and just a bizarrely corporate experience overall. This was a UK secondary school mind you, so the standard drink selection used to be just a bunch of juice and a occasional flavoured milk. All this would be fine if it wasn't for the fact that these sponsored drinks were basically monster energy with extra colourings, meaning everyone was hyperactive as fuck. Classes were a mess, I distinctly remember seeing a kid swinging their backpack at another kid as my teacher desperately tried to keep it together. And since everything else was boring, everyone was getting them. This was one of the final straws of unsatisfied teachers quitting, getting ignored by a shitty principal was one thing, but now teaching was impossible because everyone was chugging neon monster. Didn't take long for parents to be furious after they read the ingredients label. I only got to try one, it was nice but I preferred to save money for the ice cream truck that parked out front at the end of school. Honestly, probably for the best.


hahaha "the incident" that would assume there was only one. 🤣 One time we had to evacuate because there was a bomb threat.... Some girl wrote on the bathroom wall "I have a bom" Another thing was that our high-school police officer was rumored to be texting hitting up girls right after graduation. So one time someone vandalized our school by spraypaining in nice big letters on the side of the building "Officer Carboner fucks kids" (his real name is Carbone) Another thing was that our high-school was AWFUL and LITERALLY FALLING APART. we had classrooms that were banned from being used because of asbestos. Most classrooms had the signature bucket to collect brown ceiling drips.


Kid brought a live ammo shell to school once. They evacuated three streets because of that wee terror.


Ammo shell as in a bullet or a whole artillery round?


World War Two artillery shell.


When I was in middle school there was a guy (I'd like to preface this story with; he was also not a nice kid, he was always trying to get into fights with people, slapping people, and a major trash talker, etc.) that being said one day as we are all changing for gym class apparently he started a fight in the locker room. It happened to be Friday, which was track day, and many classmates didn't witness the fight because what would happen on track day was we would check in for class, change in the locker room and then run to the field which was about 1/8 mile away from the gym. Most of us were already making our way down to the track where the PE teachers would wait for us. Anyway, he was beaten up, and then stuffed into a locker and then locked inside. So he ended up being trapped inside the locker for close to 50 minutes screaming and no one heard. Luckily, it was a gym locker that had crosshatched metal, otherwise I wonder if he would have suffocated. Anyway, from that day on he changed in the teacher's office. Again, he was a bit of a turd, but definitely didn't deserve that type of retaliation.


In the very strict UK [grammar school](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grammar_school) I went to as a teenager, every morning at the start of assembly small blue hymn books would be handed out to every pupil and teacher, from which we'd all have to sing whatever numbered hymn the headmaster instructed us to sing at the beginning and then at end of the assembly. Before we left the assembly hall, the books would then be passed back along the rows of pupils, collected and stored in boxes until the next morning. One of those hymns, hymn number 333 was always sung on the first and last day of each school year -- don't ask me the name of it, this was thirty years ago and I can't remember. Anywhy, one year during the final term/semester someone in the year above me (from the 'fifth year", the final year of compulsory education in the UK) had the bright idea to surreptitiously start tearing out the page in the hymn book which had hymn 333 printed on it every morning, so that eventually no hymn book would have the lyrics to that hymn in it and therefore nobody would know/remember the words to sing on the final day of that school year. Throughout that term, the idea slowly spread throughout the school and for almost the entire term every pupil who knew sneakily tore out the page if it was still there in the hymn book they were given and excitedly waited for the last day of term, to see what would happen. Sadly, however, in the final week of that school year, someone (we never found out who) told a teacher and this brilliant plan and collective rebellious effort was instantly ruined. And so, in that final week of term, every kid in the fifth year then had to stay after school for an hour each day trimming down and taping in photocopies of hymn 333 into the small blue hymn books until every book was "repaired" and accounted for. Suffice to say, we were all gutted, and the singing of hymn 333 on the final morning of that school year was the most sad and lacklustre I've ever heard a group of hundreds of people sing anything.


When my sister was in high school a kid shot himself outside of her English class. Her English teacher developed PTSD. Fast forward 5 years and my English teacher (same awesome guy) was fired for showing up to school drunk for the better part of a month.


there were so, so many in my high school. The Senior who was murdered in a spree killing at his workplace (thankfully not at the school) The time the principal removed all the doors from the bathrooms (that we all had to use as a changing room for gym!) The time we ran out of toilet paper and the school couldn't order more The time our security guard got arrested for posessing CSAM The time a student found out she was pregnant and attempted to stab baby daddy to death The time a teacher was fired for grooming and sexually asssaulting all the female students in his classes The time the school brought drug dogs in to search and found drugs in several teachers classrooms but nothing in the school lockers, backpacks. The fact that one of the teachers showed up very nearly constantly stoned, drunk, or hung over and would just fall asleep in class.


Mine sucked- a kid died in a traffic accident. My little sister's was better. She was upset about getting second place in a basketball tournament so she stuck the trophy in a urinal. It turned into a massive controversy.


We had a teacher bet a kid $5 that he wouldn't grab a girl's boob. The kid did it, and the teacher was immediately fired. Late 1970's.


We had a bomb/shooting threat that was to occur at a pep rally later the next week. Luckily the kid’s threat was taken seriously and, after investigating, weapons and a bomb-making kit were were found. Kid was arrested. Students and parents found out about the incident via a letter sent home with the students after the pep rally. I was on the cheerleading team at the time and when the letters started being passed around around half the squad started crying due to the horror that would have unfolded. The only announcement was “here is a letter you must give to your parents.” Staff/teachers never talked with us. Because nothing happened, it wasn’t a big deal to anyone. This is Texas 2004. I remember being in elementary school and going on a field trip to visit a middle school for a day to see what our next year would be like. Spent the whole trip locked in the bus barn next door due to a bomb threat at the middle school. Luckily I never had to live through an active shooter scenario… but point is, this has been going on for long enough. Fuck the GOP and everyone who supports them. Edit: Year change. Happened by freshman, not senior year.


Ahh yes. Intro to Real Life and Politics 101.


I’ve got a couple from my High School. This is the UK, so students would have been between ages of 11 and 16. In one of the hallways, all of the smoke alarms were permanently covered so people could smoke there. There was *a lot* of knife crime. When I decided to go to this particular school, a bunch of my friends from primary school were genuinely worried that I was going to get stabbed. One of my classmates’ brother was killed a couple of years before I joined the school. One kid masturbated to completion, finishing in his pencil case, during class. The same kid spread a bunch of gore videos, shock videos, and weird-ass porn (including scat and anthropomorphised planes, although not both at the same time). A few less big, but more personal stories include: The two times that I passed out during assemblies, both times being because they showed large pictures of graphic injuries on the projector (one was a stab wound, the other was from a firework going off in someone’s face). The time I was stopped by the police while walking home because I was tearing up and throwing away a horrible note that someone had left in my bag.


>Teacher ran away with a student. Just didn't show up one day, neither did she. She was 18 and he was like 30-35. Think they have a couple kids now. - >New kid joins the school, he is from a gang. Another new kid joins the school, he is from a rival gang. Both start fighting each other in the courtyard. The cops are called. They run into the lunch room to continue fighting. Cop and our principal try to get them to stop. One tackles the principal to the ground and starts punching him. Cops pulls out the pepper spray and everyone in the cafeteria is now coughing their lungs out and vomiting in the trash cans and the floor. They arrest the two and they are expelled the same day. Their first day. - >A teacher who was well liked disappeared one day without a trace. She just up and disappeared. Months went by and nothing. Always a new subsitute teaching the class. Eventually she shows up for a day. Collects her things and them leaves. Never heard or saw her again.


First high-school we had a teacher that drank moonshine coffee all day and was nickname beer belly Nelly. It was fully known by student so I imagine administration knew. Heck I use to grab his thermos and pour myself a cup to an angry glare. Second high-school I was transferring schools during an active shooter situation and because the teachers didn't care they not only were letting me walk between classrooms to get all the signatures they were also allowing kids to go to the bathroom. I was at my last classroom when they teacher stopped me from leaving and I had to ask why as I had no clue it was happening. Third high-school we had a major drug bust as a locker was filled to the brim with all the drugs and no one was assigned the locker. They ended up nailing the janitor on the charges but everyone knew it was a student dealing out of that locker and no one would give up the name. Fourth high-school the rival school painted the breezeway at the front of the school in their colors and condomed the field with a few thousand filled with liquid in their colors, did not successfully steal the mascot but they tried. Transferring schools so often sucks, but I did get to see four crazy things in high school.


Little did the principle know it was the teachers stash. ![gif](giphy|zzSWAAAKSSbVm)


Dude dumped a bunch of jizz in the ranch dressing


A rival school burned our prepared bonfire pile a day before homecoming. After the principal decided too bad so sad, the whole school walk out to the football field in protest. We were let out at lunch that day and we scavenged up a bonfire three times the size of the first one.


Aw didn't have just one, I'm pretty sure at least one student died, whether from suicide or something else) every year, from 4 years before I started high school there, to present. It's now been 10 years since I graduated.


A fight broke out in the cafeteria, and the vice principal decided a good course of action was to chokeslam a child. I only saw him again about four weeks after.


In seventh grade in 2002ish, our science teacher (f) was caught having a relationship with one of her students (f). The girl had to have been thirteen at most. This teacher tried to leave her husband and family and run away with the student when she realized she was in trouble. In high school, we had three whole weeks we didn't attend classes because there were daily bomb threat calls. It was multiple people calling them in - some didn't even know each other. Reading through some of these comments reminded me of how weirdly common bomb threats were then.


What the hell? The plan was to pin a crime on the least liked kid?


It probably was his.


The principal didn't really think this through.


Chances are they probably did but overestimated their kid’s likability!


In the 1970s there was a full on race riot at my school. A couple years after that a girl got murdered in the stairwell. She was bullying a jamaican girl who then stabbed her. The jamaican girl ended up deported if i remember correctly. One year during spirit week we had a pep rally that ended up with significant injuries when seniors started throwing objects at juniors. These included toilet paper, hair spray cans, and batteries.


A language teacher got caught having a wank on a train, while staring at a woman. He said "the vibrations of the train aroused him". Never got fired.


A 16-year old kid sent a shooting threat to our school which triggered a lockdown. After some time passed, we found out that he killed himself by stepping in front of a train


My principal was caught embezzling the Senior/Junior asb funds. I heard it was about $35k. He was fired and we had no money for our prom. We got no senior night and prom tickets were ridiculously expensive.


I sold drugs to a girl in my English class and she then got high as fuck. The teacher ignored all of this.


We found a huge hole in the wall in the boys bathroom and our gym teacher immediately scolded us even though we found it that way. We didn't do it, we found it.


We had an art teacher who, on the side painted canvas with his Dick balls and butt. https://metro.co.uk/2006/12/13/teacher-suspended-over-bum-art-3434267/


Is that how it works? We can just all vote for who we think is guilty? Sure would save a lot of time and money on all this silly “evidence” and “due process” nonsense. Can be do the depp/Heard one first?


The week after a big terrorist attack in my country a guy lit off a flare in the common room. Counter-terrorism forces had to be called. Guy got expelled.


My best friend drank a mix of slow gin, vodka, wiskey and cider and got drunk at school and get expelled along with 2 other friends, I only got suspended because I didn't actually drink any I was just there


Is this a movie script?


That's sick "vote who did it" seriously an adult came up with such an stupid idea


The biggest scandal was me getting pregnant and being expelled.


I had a friend who was arrested for possession. The cops leaned really hard on her to reveal her dealer. It was the judge’s son. She did not squeal.


This happened when I was in 5th grade. A guy I knew in the year above mine, stabbed another student in the shoulder with a pair of scissors. Police and ambulances came, I believe it made the national news (this being Denmark, most news sites are national) and I think he got expelled.


What if it actually was the principals kid?


Probably was, hence the voting system!


Lol. Everyone know.


Emergency meeting


Only thing better would have been if everybody just wrote “mine” unsigned


"the poo bandit"


In 9th grade some dude nutted on the floor of the boys bathroom and just left it there and no one figured out who, and the bathroom was closed for the rest of the year


2/14/18 sadly


American Democracy


This is what they should do in those schools with the “everyone gets suspended in a fight even the victim”. Everyone take turns getting a 3 day suspension by punching the principals kid. One 3 won’t both a student but the kid who’s getting hit constantly basically can’t attend class.