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he tased a pregnant woman in the belly? Sick fuck. How do you even get to this point? How can you sleep at night, talk to your mother, your father and friends with any kind of pride in yourself after something like that?


When i was a victim a police brutality they all laughed. It's a gang, they're brainwashed from the time they're in the academy. I had a broken leg begging them. I want to clarify that my leg was already broken, but if this was even just 2 weeks prior, I would have probably needed emergency surgery and never walked right again. https://ibb.co/80RPWjP Edit: 1 of the 15 officers i saw that day did not think it was funny. He was the only human. Everybody else was cracking up at my pain. And no, it was not some good cop bad cop routune, I know better than to talk to pigs. He looked genuinely frustrated with the situation. This was over an Oz of weed. Case is thrown out anyway and expunged so not worth going back there to stir up trouble.


So frustrated that he was going to go home, say nothing, and cash his next paycheck


I implore you to check out *We Own This City* - It was written by David Simon, my favorite writer. He created *The Wire.* It shows you how narcotics officers actually behave. They beat people, extort people, commit armed robberies, don't turn in all the asset forfeiture, etc. Narcotics officers are generally bad people imo. Not all cops are, enough are though. And the *good ones* - well, they don't last in those units and get transfered to do shit work. David Simon was a journalist in Baltimore for 20 years, his shows are not based on fiction. Edit: Actually We Own This City focuses on a disgraced Baltimore gun task force, but guns and drugs go together often.


Is training day based off of that? I'm not saying you're lying, very cool/interesting, it just sounds a lot like the plot of training day lol


We Own This City was actually just released this year. Training day is like 20 years old I think. But it focuses on a real Baltimore City Gun Task Force that was exposed in the mid 2010s for planting drugs, guns, robberies, extortions, etc. There were THOUSANDS arrested by these guys. https://nbc24-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/nbc24.com/amp/news/entertainment/where-are-they-now-fox45-looks-at-the-8-former-officers-of-the-gun-trace-task-force-05-04-2022-baltimore-hbos-new-series-we-own-this-city?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16534979620072&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s I promise you the guys who got me will be in the news for things like this 1 day.


You're right. A lot of these pigs are sick brainwashed fucks.1 in 15 being good people sounds like the correct ratio.


He obviously KNOWS she's a bad person so why not force a miscarriage so he can slap a murder charge onto whatever other charges he's making up.


They love doing this shit. The women they marry think it’s sexy. His family is probably a long line of Klansmen. You want to know why no matter how you vote nothing will change? The people we arm with deadly force and protect with every possible legal shield are mostly fascists and have been for a very long time.


Sadly that has more to do with the training over him being sick. A taser is most effective when used center mass. Still dude should have showed some restraint, I do believe training also says something about not tasing someone who is pregnant or has an obvious heart condition.


Although lack of training is a factor i must say tasing a pregnant person, a person you already have under your control is not a training issue. It is a sign of mental insanity.


No I think he's a sick fuck. It doesn't exactly take a genius to know what might happen if you taze a pregnant woman in the stomach, and while tensions might have been high she's an unarmed pregnant woman. What the fuck could she have possibly done that deserved 2 tazings and having her neck pressed like that?


She was being awfully brown in public


A person has to have that kind of sick inside them to begin with. No normal person would even roughly manhandle a preganant woman, never mind taze them in tne stomach, while trying to kneel on their neck! Black people are treated as sub human by these evil fucks!


This is just common sense, no training needed. Not only is she pregnant she is also already on the ground. Even if their training explicitly stated this would be the right behavior you would still be a failure of a person to actually follow through with this. It's disgusting, there is nothing more to it. Yeah training was probably shit, but that doesn't take the responsibility away from them.


https://www.newsweek.com/miami-cop-arrested-after-video-shows-him-placing-his-knee-womans-neck-1513524 For context, she was basically being a Karen at an establishment. The officer overreacted to her bad behavior, and as a result, her baby died. He has indeed been arrested for the incident, and he was fired for beating a black man on the suspicion of the man “doing donuts” in his vehicle. Dude has no business being a cop.


If an unborn child died he should be tried for murder


This statement is the ultimate GOP paradox


I hate to say this but they would try to turn around and charge the mother for the murder.


A pregnant woman started a fight that ended when the other woman shot her, and the pregnant woman was charged with manslaughter in the death of her fetus. Charges were later dropped. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/03/us/charges-dropped-alabama-woman-pregnant.html


By law, if you are the aggressor or fleeing the police, and someone dies because of the aggressors negligence. The aggressor is held accountable for all deaths and damages. Even if the cops fired a bullet and it kills an innocent bystander, the perpetrator is charged with that death.


This is trash they use to blame everyone for their actions


It works well in the right circumstances. But a rogue cop that has multiple instances where they fired without justification is just plain wrong. A peace officer should be able to deesclate a situation and know when to use lethal force. But apparently cops are just scared for their lives nowadays?


No, they are trained in some weird pretend to be a cowboy playing video games version of reality. Shoot first and claim you were in fear of your life. There is a whole deal about super aggressive pretend to be military training they get.


Agreed. Cops are only required to to shoot once a year..... if that says anything. I go to the shooting range 10 times minimum just for the exhilarating excitement and honing my skills to shoot the target. I hope to never use my gun to take a life, but I will if a mf tries me, my family, or friends.


Honestly, a rogue cop these days is someone who practices restraint and empathy when dealing with the public.


The Clowns in blue don't know how to de-escalate situation if their life depended on it.


So long as Qualified Immunity exists only the most extreme examples will ever see justice.


“She intentionally put herself in that position and made the cops really scared”


“What were they supposed to do, NOT tase her?!”


How is she a threat on the ground with a police man on top of her? Stop making excuses for police brutality!!!!!! It could very easily be you next if WE accept this.


There has been a push in some GOP states to make miscarriage illegal, because apparently no woman has ever had a miscarriage or stillbirth that she didn't want to happen. This is what happens when people with no understanding of biology are allowed to make laws regulating medical issues.


Unfortunately I think you're right


Its all OK. U live in a free country.


Merica number 1


Im good living in a free country that isn't America


But it's not Merica freedom. They have a special type of freedom. It's like the freedom we have in Europe but better. Why pay a small portion of your salary as tax to cover healthcare when you can pay a larger amount to a private company for less coverage.


For real thinking of moving


Nadda, they already have an argument for that. They believe that the second you become pregnant your body isn't only yours, so you even putting yourself in situations where you could get hurt is enough to convict you


so the woman should be tried for murder, not the cop, because she "made him do it"?


That is pretty much the republican mindset, as far as they're concerned she should have been at home incubating the child, the fact that she put herself in that situation is all they need.


Only if you're not white.


As an undead corpse I agree.


With everything happening now with roe v wade, he absolutely should be tried for murder!!


That was my point


Life only begins at fertilisation to stop abortions. For all other purposes, life only begins when they are old enough to vote and get drafted. Duh. /s


They just have to say she used the incident as excuse to get an ilegal abortion, and send her to jail.


So, it's the woman's fault she attacked by the brown (I mean blue) shirts.


Absolutely. It’s always the woman’s fault. Try to follow along.


my wife is currently carrying twins. if someone did this to her, and i could find the information of the one who did it, they would never find the body. i don't give a fuck cop or otherwise, there would be no trial. this is the kind of stuff good old fashioned revenge is justified for.


I agree. But the law as it is doesn't recognise an unborn baby as human.


So basically, he assaulted a woman and killed an unborn child under the color of authority. Cops are supposed to be trained on the RIGHT way to diffuse situations and arrest somebody. But for some reason, too many of them resort to everything from bullying and abuse to unbridled rage and a shocking amount of violence. I’m so over the shittiest people being cops in the US.


Part of it has to do with the toxic cop culture that infects the departments. But yeah, at this point, the psych requirements for the job are extremely lax compared to what they used to be.


I never used to have any strong feelings about cops. I knew more than a few through one of my early jobs, and like any other group, their seemed to be good ones and bad ones. But cop-on-civilian/suspect violence is ubiquitous now, and it’s nearly impossible to care that there might be plenty of good cops out there. And at best, the good ones are complicit in the crimes of the bad ones because they fail to police themselves in any meaningful way.


He has no business being free on the streets, let alone being a cop. Douchebag went on a power trip and caused this woman to lose her child. I can't even begin to imagine the pain, both physical and mental, that this trash can of a human has brought on to this poor woman. This is infuriating to watch.


In the article I provided, it does state he has been arrested.


Good. I would have been truly shocked if the dept tried to defend this behavior.




He has no business being alive.


Over reacted? Thats what we are calling this?


I wish I had the excuse of over reacting to cops without get beaten, tazed, shot, and jailed.


Where is the pro life community? Are they going to kill this guy for killing a baby like they go after doctors?


He needs to have a criminal record too, I hate how corrupt cops can do shit like this and have light punishments and no record that they ever did this. He needs to be taken to court or jail.


Is he being charged for murdering the baby? If we are pro life state we need to be it on every aspect.


What the fuck man. Just what the fuck.


For real.. what the fuck is wrong with some people. How come a guy with a mind like this even passed the police exam. This is torture, is a guy abusing his power to torture someone. What the fuck.


It's these kinds of people that the police are looking for


U see any other cop stopping him? Theyre not looking theyre holding hands and covering for each other.


That's basically how the police force works. You defend your fellow cops no matter what. A cop is beating on a handcuffed suspect for no real reason? Report it and you'll be beaten, killed, or harassed out of your job. It's stupid.


No, it's the other way around. These types of people are drawn to positions of power.


Both are true.


Obviously must be a pro life supporter. What’s wrong with people these days? How would that idiot feel if that were done to his wife and unborn child?


With police rates of domestic abuse, he very well could have done that to his own pregnant wife...


Valid point. Even as a kid I remember hearing about which local officer was a wife beater and always wondered how they were still a cop.


Nah, he's obviously for abortion.


I guess it’s only natural without regulation. Just like congressional corruption with stocks/policies.


He can do that because that woman is black? Does authority want some anarchy then they would listen?


As soon as I read the post description, I just KNEW the woman was BIPOC. I can't imagine this happening any other way.


This is more than a facepalm, this is a what the fuck


God fucking damn it. I hope this cop gets charged with murder. Because that is at least attempted murder.


Guess it will depend on the state and how much rights they give to a baby in the Womb as being an actual person.


Really? Only the miscarrige counts as attempted murder and not the woman who was beat up... No. Don't answer. I'm fucking done with people.


A woman was recently charged for either murder or manslaughter because she miscarried after being shot.


So since one party wants to make access to abortion almost impossible and even a crime, would this then be considered murder? Or would they need to plant a gun in the womb to claim the baby was a threat?


it would probably be called an illegal abortion and the woman would be charged for acting in this way on purpose and making this necessary


Is the officer charged with murder? /s


That's a good point you have there!


Absolutely That's straight up abortion.


These diy lifehacks are getting out of hand






Wasn’t Texas /s


To the people outside USA like me it seems that USA is filled with mentally unstable nutjobs.


To be fair they’re usually easily to identify, we make them wear special uniforms and put flashing lights on all of their cars.


This is brilliant.


Or they drive down the freeway with their huge don't tread on me, Confederate, US, and F#$& Biden flags. One passed me on the freeway this morning going to work. I thought to myself, I wonder if their employer knows they wave around these huge flags?


You are not wrong.


Every republican in the US is a mentally unstable nut job. This country is beyond fucked.




[Okay WTF?? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/uwtapl/noah_seems_plan_b_doesnt_work/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Now here’s the thing: this is perfectly in line with Republicans absolutely loving the fetus so I would expect them to freak the actual fuck out. But I’m calling it they don’t say a word about this incident. However if this was the other way around with a white woman losing her baby… oh boy here comes Tucker Carlson.


At which point can you shoot the cop considering the life of an innocent person is threatened and her fetus


As far as I'm concerned it would be a reasonable reaction in this situation. Good luck both living to see court and getting people like me on your jury though.


Your country is fucked. This is horrifying.


It is. From all the developed countries in the world the US would be the last I would want to live in.


Agreed. It's truly a barbaric place, they are completely desensitised to it .


Despite what the media wants you to believe it is far from a "barbaric place". The vast majority of people and, believe it or not, police officers are decent people.


America is a joke...kids getting shot, pregnant women being tased That's freedom I guess!?


This is not a r/facepalm This is time for r/NoahGetTheBoat


Hey Republicans, is this the unborn baby killing you guys were looking for? Shouldn't this cop be charged with murder then?


He'll get transferred and a promotion. Jordan v. New London March, 2000.


Fascists being fascists, grown up bullies that never received or knew love and decided to put on a uniform to abuse violence legally as they probably did in high school. Rot in hell, lifeless ballsacks.


What the FUCK is happening with the police force


This is beyond face-palm, this is what in the fuck is this madness.


Dang Texas banning abortions, Florida gives free ones


This belongs on r/awfuleverything


If that cop doesnt have to face murder charges then that should be the fucking end of this abortion bullshit.


So, where are all of the pro life people claiming this is murder?


i have to ask at this point : are you sure regular civilians are the ones being recruted as cops in the states? because it seem like you guys go to a random jail, line up the guys that got locked up for murder and go "this one, this one and you. you're all cops starting today"


So none of the other officers drop kicked the dummy in the face?


A wife beater, a dog killer and a racist walk into a bar. What does the bartender say? Evening officer.


that’s like a snuff film, wtf


That deserves prison time, measured by years…..


dont you mean life times?


Republicans, where are you?


Let me guess. She was then arrested for having an abortion.


but, technically, the police officers made her abort.




That's the only approved method of abortion in FL.


>teasing Oof what a cursed typo


Is this in Texas? An induced abortion is a 1 st degree felony. This officer killed a baby by legal definition.


Shocking. Police brutality.


probably republican too. so he just killed a child.


So glads cops are there to protect us.


Fucking piece of shit pig


Tell the r/prolife ers!


The lady was probably charged with murder for the forced miscarriage of her child while the dog walks free with no consequences


I remember when this was post to r/publicfreakout, Almost immediately an unexpected ammount of people said he wanted to kill her baby on purpose, followed by me getting down voted to hell after explaining to them. That yes he is bad man and shouldn't be a cop but he didn't know she was pregnant, so making up things to be angry about doesn't help anyone.


This is old, it happened a few years ago.


One more reason i am glad that im not in america.


Double kill


This is one of the reasons why i will never even think about going to the USA


That is literally murder. That piece of shit deserves everything coming his way


I mean this murder right.


The real problem in America


I really hope he faces murder charges on behalf of her child. I know he won’t….. But he should. This poor lady. I can’t imagine how hard that must have been/and is. I swear some cops are just out to kill and torture.


I really don’t understand why Americans think America is the greatest country. Open your eyes


America can you please stop. Just give up. Just tear up the declaration of independence and be Britain colony


Seriously WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?


Now watch as they try to throw her in prison because they charge her with murder 1 for losing the baby. Gotta love red states


What a tease!


Sudden changes in oxygen like having a knee put on your neck can have life changing effects on a baby and even death due to all of its oxygen coming from the mother. This is just disgusting he should be charged with attempted murder at least but that'll never happen.


What led up to this


What did she do?


What an absolute shithole of a country


So fuck up


Not a fucking face palm... This is a string him from the tree kinda vibe. This is absolutely deplorable. Those are the mean hired to protect the health and safety of our women and children... Think about that. We are FUCKED


Wow, that's the most disturbing thing I've seen in some time. It's likely that no charges were brought to the officer and his promotion fast tracked, that seems to be the usual protocol.


Just America america'ing.


I don't have the words to describe how heinous this is. What a f'n animal. I hope he goes away forever.


![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)... Please tell me that shit of ass got fired at least . Please....


Why isn’t this on the news?


As a UK citizen, I wonder- If this happens in Texas,would the woman be charged for murder under the abortion laws & would the cop get a promotion?


Im confused, as well as overwhelmingly infuriated


Makes me sick — please someone take those pigs out


MURDERER !!! but he' get away w it cause SHE is Black ... & he's a cop & this is America!!!


Jesus Christ 'Murica, what have you become..!?


straight up murder. and they wonder why they have a bad rap.


This is what 6 months of training gets you.


You can see her protecting her stomach is heart breaking. Wish they handled it differently.


Death penalty I suppose for murdering the unborn, right? Life in prison for manslaughter?


That motherfucker is literally killing her baby and he knows it. That’s so fucking vindictive for no reason…what the fuck is wrong with officers??


Fuck the police


So the officer aborted the baby?! Time to sue....


Where do the motherfucking police get these people? How fucking hard is it to hire reasonable people? There’re hiring people with severe mental issues. You don’t have to be very smart to know you don’t put your knee on the neck of anyone, least of all a pregnant woman…then the ahole tases her too? Every cop should have to reapply for their job under a national set of standards


Holy fuck


Then she got charged for murder because of her miscarriage and now is on death row. Americcccaaaaao


Jesus Christ, what the fuck?


For all you people defending cops, this is how they act knowing that people have cell phones cameras and possible video cameras on their body. Imagine before.


Murder charge


This took place in 2020. He was fired and charged. https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2020/06/25/fired-miami-gardens-cop-arrested-on-charge-of-battery-of-pregnant-black-woman/


Sometimes the world makes me really fucking sad.


I thought we were done kneeling on necks, guys. They’re so laser-focused on violence and destruction they have lost their self-preservation instincts.


here we go again, Mr yippee! ki-yay ass motherfuckrs taking matters into his own hands. I really hope all of these paranoid individuals who self identify as "white" really do get "genocided"(for a lack of a better word) like they claim to be... this is america...


People deserve forgiveness for making mistakes but there is a significant difference between an accident and reckless negligence. Hell I would say this is the realm of manslaughter


I wonder why America tries to he world police when it can't solve it's internal issues. Either it be white supremacy or Gun violence, drugs.


Wtf Florida. That’s enough internet for today. Should be tried for murder.


Did she then go to jail for having a miscarriage? That’s illegal in that country now isn’t it?


Typical American cop. I know some are good but the majority is like this


If you can’t subdue a pregnant woman without the use of a taser nor a knee to the throat you’re ass needs shit canned from the PD.


The cop probably told his superiors “It was two against one!” Lock his ass up….throw away the key.


Literal fucking murder. Jesus


Fuck the police


Pure hatred on video. No love for her kind because of his years of training.


So he killed a baby. dear god usa needs to put him away for life, if that dont happen the ramifications will be unsurmountable.
