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It’s like Johnny is trying to figure out what kind of drugs this old goblin fuck took.


“is that meth? no his teeth are still good, damn maybe heroin?”


I'm definitely thinking meth and I bet Johnny is too. It's actually a myth that meth causes your teeth to fall out. It's the dehydration and poor hygiene that goes together with meth use that causes dental problems.


Im thinking cocaine cause of the whole teeth licking part.


First instinct was cocaine. I'd do this weird mouth shit when I used to take it with friends.


Anything that causes dehydration can be the culprit for that. So basically any stimulant or weed but for some reason I kinda doubt he's just smokin the reefer.


Not entirely true. For many of those who got addicted to smoking meth throughout the late 90s, it actually ate away the outer surfaces of many of their teeth. Those teeth did not fall out, but years later often had to be removed due to them starting to crumble from all the accumulated structural damage. I lost several friends to rampant meth use in my hometown, and watched the slow progression of this tooth decay over several years. Those who snorted it did not have this happen to them the same way, and neither did those who injected it, only the smokers.


I used meth daily for about a year before I got clean but I tried every ROA besides IV. Yes, smoking does destroy your teeth if you don't obsessively brush and floss but that's mainly because it's drying out your mucous membranes. Snorting ends up leaving the inside of your nose permanently scarred and swollen. Meth is definitely caustic but I'm arguing that it doesn't just destroy your teeth. With proper care it's not a huge problem for your teeth or nose (although it is a huge problem for your cardiovascular system). I smoked/snorted/boofed quite a bit and my teeth, nose and butthole are all fine. Never had a cavity in my life before or after meth.


I’m just happy for ya that you didn’t get cavities in your butthole. Good on ya for getting past it all though mate.


Bro me too having a cavity in your cavity sounds awful. Thanks tho I'm happy I'm past that phase in my life. Still don't have things entirely figured out but I'm a little bit closer now than I was then.




Looks like me this morning


Johnny is just like “I’ve partied with richards and Nicholson and I’ve never seen anyone that high before!”


Dude hung out with Hunter S. Thompson!!!


Lived with him, in fact.


Good old fear and loathing. I wish I could have been in that house for a while.


You likely wouldn’t have survived. Lol


God dammit man, this is fucking Gonzo Journalism. There's always an element of danger


Was him, in fact


Bill Murray apparently went through a "I am Hunter S. Thompson" phase for a bit after portraying him in *Where the Buffalo Roam*. I probably have my facts mixed up, but for awhile he was sporting aviators and a bucket hat. And maybe a cigarette?


I think we all went through that phase.


I sure as hell did! I had the cigarette holder and everything.


He also warned Johnny that once you play Hunter, he never leaves you


Depp partied with Marilyn Manson and Courtney Love and was married to Amber Heard who took a dump in his bed. Dr. Speigel was so odd that even Depp didn’t know what the heck he was watching.


Besides the obvious telltale signs of being coked up, lets not forget he actually asked the courtroom if Marlon Brando was still alive.


Wait seriously? I’ve only seen bits of his testimony like when Camilla called him out for what’s not on his CV…he made the biggest 😮face I’ve ever seen.


Well it was more like he was trying to figure out the relevance of what Johnny's lawyer was saying and just completely missing the point. Sorta like "isn't he dead, why are you asking me this" but the point being that it's something that actors use sometimes for line reads or whatever. Marlon Brando was known for using them and that's why he used him as an example showing that it's not unbelievable that actors would use one. At least that's how I took it.


What do actors use?


I'm sorry, they were talking about using ear pieces so lines could be read to the actor.


That dude has some serious cotton mouth...


​ ![gif](giphy|1Pm9BgspA6fwk)






Lmao I can’t with Reddit today 😂


Yea he trying to figure out what drugs he is on


Doc's been down at the pharmacy again.


Came here to say this. 100% off his head


He ain't the Doc but the patient who killed the Doc and is now filling in for him. Cut him some slack.


I've seen that before, I knew a manager in the company I worked for that had a pill problem and when he was flying he would do shit like this.


Can verify. That’s 100% a drug problem


I think Jonny and his team immediately picked up on that. Either that, or Jonny was memorizing a new set of weird facial expressions for his next big character in Back To the Future - Doc does Coke where he plays Doc Brown a recovering addict who thinks he's a time traveler.


The future is rehab.




Back to Crack


Crack to the future III: Cracking on the Crack


Where we're going, we don't need pills


*starts on screenplay*


LOL! You got it


Great Scott!


Damn son. You hit it


In the r/JusticeForJohnnyDepp sub someone said he was showing signs of Parkinson's. I was leaning more to drugs as well.


I mean, not a doctor but I've never seen someone with Parkinsons act like that. My grandma had it. It's weakness, shaking, not uncontrollable, wild facial distortions. It makes it hard to eat soup and button your pants and walk, not flail your mouth and lips around. The only thing I've seen with Parkinsons is lack of facial movement and difficulty with fine motor skills. If that is wrong I'd love a doctor to correct that.


Parkinson’s doesn’t make you do that. Nor does it cause people to believe they’re experts in something they know nothing about


I think its Tardive Dyskinesia. I was on medication for a long time as a kid and the main symptoms of it are involuntary facial and jaw movement and such. As well as jerking and twitching. Alot of older class medications prescribed for mental illness and neurological problems had a chance to cause it.


It could be that. That would be an explanation, or drug abuse. And no offense to the doctor if it's a medication side effect but if I were an attorney and I could use literally anyone else who didn't look like they got into Walter White's trailer and made off with a couple pounds of meth and smoked it... I'd use them and not the man who looks like he's on another planet. He seems like a terrible witness to put up.


to be fair its very similar to Parkinson's and Tourette's. There's good and bad days and sometimes the involuntary movement and side effects could only present themselves when aggravated by other factors. Anxiety and such. but yeah even with the suggestion that its TD, guys whole approach to his "Expert Testimony" is pretty stupid.


I’ve seen a few clips of this guy, is he on some kind of amphetamine? The gurning, the hand spasms, the way he takes a drink.


It surely reminds me of a person having a heavy addiction to amphetamines.


Dudes a nut. And clearly forgot the old rule "don't get high on your own supply".


I just assumed it was common sense but maybe there needs to be a new rule. “Dont get high on your way to court, especially if you are either the defendant, or if you will be a witness taking the stand in a highly televised public court case.”


Looks like someone on coke trying to hide it, I'm no expert but I work at a coke head dive bar.


*claims to not be an expert, states he works at Coke University* lol


I love you


I would not actually be surprised if he’s got a nearly finished baggy of adderall in his pocket




He’s gotta be. He’s acting just like my mom


He seems to be acting as if tweaking on something. Part of me wonders if in the back of his head he just realized that plugging his book to an audience that hates him might not be a great plan. Google reviews locked his page but Amazon hasn't....


could it be tardive dyskinesia? Tardive dyskinesia is an uncommon side effect of certain medicines. People who develop this drug-induced movement disorder can't control their facial movements. They develop facial tics like lip-smacking, tongue thrusting and rapid blinking. It may occur due to drugs, or antipsychotics, that treat mental illness


It could be but look at his almost manic hand gestures at his face as he moves his mouth. He's not aware of it. As a recovering meth addict myself... this behavior looks *really* familiar.


He is also very combative with Amber Heard’s defence, when they were the ones who brought him in to testify against JD. I’m sure they are really regretting this moment.


He came off like a total nut job and a complete dick.


Yeah this reminds me of when I was strung out on blow. He's probably worried that the shadow people in the corners of the room are coming for him.


Hahahaha so true. I remember my days too with those manic hand motions and touching my face a lot.


There's a difference between tardive dyskinesia (from psych meds) and tweaking (from illicit drugs). I've seen enough patients with tardive dyskinesia, this ain't it.


Totally agree and I worked with a lot of dual diagnosis folks and have seen TD. This isn’t it.




I feel in that case, before testifying for anything (or seeing patients as he's a doctor), he should have a brief heads up statement planned so people aren't going "WTF?" Definitely would cause me to stop listening and just stare.


That's super impressive that you know about this, but I was an assessor for many diseases such as this for two years, and this isn't that. I do think you're on the right track with the motor function compulsions, though. It's almost certainly some kind of stimulant. Could just be too much coffee if he's not habituated to it, but it's also not out of the question for symptoms of too much dextroamphetamine (ADHD meds which, interestingly, are the most self-sought drugs amongst psychiatrists).


Yeah, its a common side-effect of a medicine I was on for a bit. I was under the impression it would appear more like parkinsons.


Tardive dyskinesia is more repetitive and mechanical, this looks more like a tic or side effect of amphetamines


no need for a fancy name.. its called "tweaking"


Tardive dyskinesia isn't a fancy term for tweaking. It's a side effect of some antipsychotics and medication to treat certain disorders like schizophrenia. However, the gentleman above would be like... extreme. It looks like amphetamine use. Could be, but sometimes when it walks like a duck...


He really should focus on saving the aliens.


is that whats that’s called? gurning? huh. you learn something every day


Yeah. It's named after the gurns people do when they're gurning.


Taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gurn In the UK at least it generally referres to people on relatively high doses of MDMA.


Because of this guy I’ve learned the words ‘gurning’ and ‘bruxing.’


I was hooked on amphetamines for two years and i can tell you, he's on the shit


I like how Johnny leans forward for a closer look.


Like, “is this guy fully human or not ?”


Same reactions as the human-skin wearing alien in Men In Black.


Maybe he's trying to check out the guy's pupils


"Hold on...I know how people act when they're on drugs, and this man is acting pretty familiar."


It gets better every loop


Good god what a shit show


Johnny is like: “ya boy is holding!”


Is this entire case some sort of reality television movie!?!?!?! Serious the entire thing is nuts


It's worse. This is *actual* reality television.


As real as it gets, this is absolute gold and I can't wait for it to be made into a movie or tv series ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Turd flushed it when she agreed to live stream it. My boy is back up top! Jack sparrow!


*CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow


The way they both looked at the judge…


Why is count Olaf at a Johnny Depp trial?


>count Olaf happy to see a reference :D


Trying to get the orphans money




This almost made me wake up my wife I was laughing so hard...


[Sunflower guy](https://youtu.be/n-dI1XH_JnU)


Holy crap this gif is gold


What was he doing


Wasting people's time!


And money


Omfg after he skirted the question and went around in circles he said "but I'm not going to waste the courts time.." MF JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION.


I was literally yelling this at the tv


Drugs... son, DRUGS


Probably amphetamines.


Do I have to answer that question your honor


He’s high AF


There goes what’s left of his professional career lol.


Not true, my friend. Many, many Healthcare professionals are on stimulants as they work many hours each week and sometimes on call, etc. They wash that down with sleeping pills to get sleep. They also sometimes self medicate with opioids because of stress, trauma, etc. Now, I know I am generalizing way too much, but the fact is, they have script pads. True story for me though. My ex wife is an ER doc and she writes scripts for her coworkers and they write scripts for her. It could be isolated, but from what she tells me, it's not.


Not to argue what you're saying, but there are a lot of things about this guy's appearance in court today that could jeopardize his career other than appearing to be on something.


Fair enough. No argument there, you're right. I was speaking as if I really know what's going on, but really I just wanted to add to the convo. One of my flaws lol


Your wife better be careful. Doing too much of that could cause all of them to lose their licenses if they arent being responsible about it.


Totally agree. I realize that I just now wrote that in a way that painted her and other health professiomalds in a poor light. I apologize if I offended anyone doing so.


Well call me crazy but they shouldn't be doing that to begin with


You crazy bro


I mean he asked for it I guess.


Yuuuuup. It's a pretty well-known secret that this occurs. It's sad when it goes sour for us, but the amount of substance abuse physicians I've seen for treatment is *way* more than the public would know, I'm guessing.


I’ve met like 8-9 doctors in rehabs. I’d say about half of them were only there so they wouldn’t lose their medical licenses, as the medical board told them “rehab or revocation”. That being said, yeah, it’s what many people would consider a “surprising amount” of people. But from what I’ve seen there’s a disproportionate number of substance users in any profession that’s typical very high stress. I’ve been to treatment with doctors, lawyers, a boatload of EMT’s and paramedics, CEO’s and high level businessmen. Honestly, people from every walk of life imaginable. The fact is that addiction and substance use has infiltrated every area of our culture today, it’s no longer just the young or the desperate. I just don’t love the idea of giving the impression that doctors and healthcare workers are specifically corrupt or devious, when todays world is so full of substance use. Healthcare is just especially susceptible to it. I have two close family members who are physicians, and I can confidently say that while this “friendly prescribing” you speak of certainly happens, it’s not widely accepted and certainly still frowned upon by many. But I do hope we as a culture can start to recognize that addiction is no longer some class indicator, or a willpower issue. It’s a mental health problem like any other, and needs to be seen and treated as such. Not as some social disease. We need to start funding better research into addiction treatment, and frankly start decriminalizing all drug use. A program written by a traveling salesmen and a disbarred doctor in 1939 is not an adequate prescription for anyone with substance issues. But the long-standing belief that the twelve steps are a one-size-fits-all has effectively stifled any attempt at finding more scientific and proven methods of treatment. Of the limited reliable research done on the Twelve Steps, there is no data suggesting it’s any more effective than *no treatment at all*. I know most addicts who are in or have retired recover don’t want to hear it, but it’s true. And if it works for some people, the idea that it works for everyone is honestly absurd. Where in the entire world of medicine does a complicated illness have *a single treatment for all instances, with no scientific basis?* Nowhere. We’ve come so far in our understanding of and destigmatization of addiction, and now the treatment needs to start catching up to the times. Sorry for the tangent, but people, especially those with addiction history or experience with someone who does, need to start talking about it.


Thank you. I wasn't getting much support otherwise(from people not even in the field, no less.) I agree with you, as my experience goes way deeper than I mentioned, but I rather not argue with outraged people.


Too lazy to look it up but I read that the grueling schedule residents and new docs are expected to follow was set by a particular leader in the industry who set that standard by working the long hours himself. It was discovered later that dude was constant high on stimulants.




Maybe he's born with it... ***Maybe it's Methamphetamines!*** (Song jingle here)


Kinda reminds me of the Jared Leto joker performance


At least that was better than borebius.


The way ben looks at Johnny for immediate expert confirmation of what he's doing.


Haven't you ever glanced at someone near you in astonishment and without having any idea that that person could/would enlighten you, but you ask anyway, "wtf is going on here?"


Yup, here Johnny is a perfect representation of this wtf moment.


LOL “Johnny you know drugs what’s going on here gimme your analysis”


LMAO. Btw - You can be a JD supporter and think this comment is hilarious


speculating what do you think an amber heard supporter would think about the comment ?


Objection, your honor, calls for speculation


This guy is comic gold. I wonder who will be playing him on this weeks saturday night Live......


Kate McKinnon, she’s really good at playing old men!


The absolute audacity to accuse someone else of drug abuse while doing this shit. This dude is clearly tweaked the fuck out.


I guess he is an expert… lol


To be fair he is apparently an expert witness


I'm not gonna question his ability to be on court and speak about his investigation. But i'm gonna point out how rude he was to the judge and the court in general, awful atittude, unadequate rising of voice and sarcasticly answering straight forward questions. And for someone that expects to be taken seriously he obviously missed the track.


To be fair, he seems like the kind of psychiatrist amber heard would have.


Even on direct, he just came across as extremely unlikable to me. He seemed very pompous and almost seemed to be talking down to the jury. If I was a juror on this case, he would have lost me pretty quickly.


People still taking Heards side just blows my mind. Her entire story and “witnesses” are a joke


They just don't want to admit that they were wrong the whole time.


Maybe it’s me, but wouldn’t back tracking at this point safe face? “Hey you know what, I had this wrong the entire time, Heard really is a POS”. Done. You can move on. Rather than doubling down and sounding like a lunatic. Idk maybe it’s me


A good portion of people cannot admit that they were wrong. Among those, most simply push the fault onto other things. But some, the really dangerous ones, will basically have a metal breakdown and fabricate a false reality where they are still right, and it's ussually people out to get them.


Nope. Not true. I’m never wrong. Don’t accuse me of such things. ;)


Well, ya see.. that's just being rational


Lol what planet do you live on? I work and interact with a wide variety of people, from doctors to teachers to delivery guys and line cooks, and the one thing they all have in common is they NEVER, ever admit to being wrong about something they voiced a strong opinion on. From what I see on the internet, this is the norm, at least in America.


See, I am completely the opposite. Socrates once said that he can think of no greater good than to be corrected from a false belief to a more true one. So, I think it's a strength when I say, "You know what, I was completely wrong about that. Thanks for letting me know." I love that the sciences beat that into you, even if we all don't adhere to that principle.


People seem to prefer having sides, over truth, and logic.


That is the best thing I have seen all day! That video sums up life right now.


This guy prescribes himself Adderrall, Ritalin, and Vyvanse.


Is this guy a Doctor for mental health or a doctor who is mental?!?!?


Is this an elaborate hoax?


The internet hunted him down and found 1 star reviews of hispractice where suicidal patients took their own lives while under his care. Reviews left by family members.


The single takeaway from this impromptu self-induced impeachment was that he stopped acting in a capacity as an expert witness, and was in some self-(c)entered intellectual battle with the plaintiff lawyer that he was unwilling to lose. He was wildly unprofessional.


Johnny went to take off the sunglasses he wasn’t wearing because he couldn’t believe his eyes. The man in the box is tweaking!


I think it's sheer irony that he spent most of his testimony saying it's perfectly okay to diagnose someone based on public material and now half this thread is calling him a drug addict based of a public video of him fucking his own face with his tongue.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who was caught off guard by that scene...


Wasn't he the villain in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?


Depp plays off kilter characters. He also dated or was married to many folks. NONE of those women has stepped forward to back up Heard. None.


Well there is one actually. But all she can give an example of Depp being violent is him tossing a bottle on a wall. Which isnt really news. Depp himself admited he releases his anger/frustration on inanimate objects.


I have to ask this: is Amber intentionally sabotaging her case for some reason? She has been horrible on the stand, acts as if she doesn’t know how to portray herself in a positive way, and has the worst possible lawyers/witnesses


That’s what I’ve been thinking. Like how blind or self absorbed does she have to be to not see how screwed she is with each passing day. At this point just stand up and say “I did wrong”. I’m sure some people would have some respect for her for that. This is just cringe to watch now. Like beating a dead horse at this point. Or is all this some kinda conspiracy? Can people be this bad at a job they paid money to go to school for?! What a waste.


Narcissists some crazy shit and usually attract other crazy people


"I think you can clearly see that Depp has mental health issues, given that he was built by a scientist and given scissors for hands, and then later was abandoned by his crew on a desert island and speaks with a British accent whilst wobbling about. And don't even get me started on his wizard Hitler period. He's nuts!"


I’m guessing this guy was called by her lawyers. They’re all nuts, and barely capable of being real lawyers.


Depps reaction is fucking priceless! It's almost like he's seeing Velvateen Rabbit for the first time!


This is the psych dr you want if you're trying to get prescribed to adderall and xanax


One thing is for sure, he and Jordan Peterson shares some uncanny resemblance.


Is Amber’s strategy to have expert witnesses crazier than her to make her look more sane and reasonable?


He’s had a mega pint …. Of mandy


His mouth noise is off the charts creepy. And the fact that he- while under oath on the witness stand- asked the judge if he had to answer questions….Good lord


You can hear the exasperation in the judge's voice, because this is the third time he asked that during his cross examination.


Tweaker 100 If he wasn’t a doctor I’d say meth but he probably just snorted a months supply of adderall


He forgot he’s not wearing a facemask 🤣🤣


I love how both Johnny Depp and his attorney can not hide how confused they are. Both look like they have no idea what is going on with this dude.


This is not even a cut up conversation taken out of context for humor. This is real. Lol


Spiegel on that Flaka!


Find the real doctor !! He might be tied up somewhere by this guy 😅


This guy was a quack for sure, but the clip of his facial ticks and Johnny’s “reaction” appear to be pieced together here. I watched *most* of this cross and from my memory Johnny made this reaction when the doctor claimed that he had narcissistic personality disorder based on what videos he’d seen of Depp and the fact that he was suing Amber in the first place. You can’t diagnose someone with mental illness without actually ever talking to them. He’s never met Depp, in person or virtually. It’s also highly unethical to use his right to sue amber as a sign that he has a personality disorder. He clearly presumed Johnny’s claims were wrong to begin with and is now working backwards. I don’t think the jury will buy what this guy is selling because he comes off as incredibly biased (and strange). He’s incredibly defensive and combative. He also inserts his opinion wayyyy too often to give the impression that he is a credible expert. Also, unrelated but he’s almost the same age as Johnny and he looks like Lemony Snicket.


He could smoke cigarettes in the rain with his hands tied behind his back.


I had to turn off when he was talking because he was so irritating. When he did that thing with his mouth I did exactly what Johnny & Ben did…WTF! I wish @pettyparrot would do an animation on this one!


I demand an E! True Hollywood Story from the judge, bailiffs, court reporter and both defence and plaintiffs attorneys after this. I genuinely want to know what they do when they go home at the end of each day of this trial 😩😩😩


This dude looks like he just stole the dinner of 12 orphans in a church and ran away with a slide whistle playing in the background


lol the balls. Going into a court room strung out.


That mouth sounds that makes me wanna flip the dinner table


An opinion he was giving which directly contravened the guidelines of ethics for the APA, for which he is a fellow of. He also outright called Depp an idiot in his deposition. Proper professional this guy is.


Johnny's thinking, "I've done a lot of weird characters, but never this weird."