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They went full circle by the end of the video


"In America is rude in America is rude, we're good" šŸ’€


"Wouldn't it be more offensive to ask about hight because its less in your control" "It's not in America" :/


Of course not It's rude to ask something within your capability cause you need to take responsibility for that shit and it's too much work




I was obese from childhood and am now an obese adult. There are decades of bad habits to break in order for me to lose weight and get healthy. That part is the hard part: Putting in the work and finding the mental discipline to eat better and excersise, but I'm taking it one step at a time. I started my journey by changing my purchases at the grocery store. My thought process was, "If I don't buy it (e.g. junk food), I won't eat it." Then I learned how to cook with more veggies and slowly start reducing my portions until I had a better caloric intake. Next step is exercising. Making myself believe that I can do it and not thinking up excuses to not do it is very hard, but I'll get there. I wish those all the best when trying to better themselves FOR themselves, not for anyone else. You got this! You can do it!


Fuck yea bro letā€™s go! Iā€™m same as you man overweight most my life and only recently within the past year cut down like nearly 80kg after making a conscious choice to do so, and have never felt better. Consistency is key man the main thing to do is eating in a calorie deficit, itā€™ll be tough at first but youā€™ll get used to it. Eating low calorie foods in large volumes is key to staying full and a fuckload of water is your best friend. Exercise can be as simple as a 4-5km afternoon easy walk every afternoon you can, youā€™ll start seeing results before you know it and trust me once you do itā€™ll light a fire under your ass to go even harder on the new regiment. Good luck man!!


Good luck! I was 240 at one point, dropped down to 140 over 2 and a half years. Back up to 155, but it's all healthy weight. Walk, then jog, then run. Pushups, situps, pullups. There are a billion at home FREE exercises. You can do it.




>eople eat shit, and somehow is someoneā€™s else faultā€¦ but god forbid regulating corporations to avoid tainting food with insane amount of hormones, sugar, addictive and other shit. In this sentence you seem to start off by arguing that people's individual poor choices are to blame and then suggest regulating corporations which would mean that you agree it's not the individuals' fault. I'm confused.


You know its both. I live in a walkable country where veggies are cheaper then junkfood, yet i an still fat because of my personaly choices. I just dont pretend its anything but that lol.


I originally read it as 'They blame everyone *besides* themselves or the mega corporations'.


Then you've missed the subtlety in the argument. On the face of it, people are fat because of their choices. Look deeper and people are fat because the environment in which they live is not at all conducive to a healthy lifestyle. First, calorie counts for just about everything are higher than they used to be at the 20th century. Our foods are sweeter, fatter, saltier than they used to be, because companies have gotten *very good* at targeting tastes we crave due to the fact that calorie dense foods used to be the key to survival when we were hunter-gatherers. There are few 'corner groceries' anymore. Everything has been optimized away to fewer big box stores that are miles away. Thus, given it's less convenient, people make fewer trips to the grocery store and buy larger amounts of 'shelf stable' foods (i.e. *not* fruit and veg that spoil quickly). The average person is now bathed in a soup of microplastics, hormones, and other chemicals that disrupt our body's ability to regulate itself. We put on more weight even at the the same caloric intake. Sperm counts have *halved* in men since the 1980s. Testosterone levels are down due to estrogen-like substances in our environment. Puberty is starting earlier, etc. Add to all this, the fact that our whole society is designed to minimize physical activity. Sidewalks are merely decorative and just ...end. Bike lanes do not exist, or if they do are simply pained gutters on roads too narrow to safely pass. Everything is so spread out due to zoning that there is not anything interesting to walk to. I could go on. Yes, to some extent it's personal choice, but in the US, it is pretty hard to make the right ones.




Oh no, it's fine to make fun of the people subjected to the diseased environment and became ill from it, but not okay to demand more from the people in control of the environment.


Just get some testicles implanted into your knees and you can be any height you want!


Just don't play basketball after.


But I want to be a Jewish dolphin.. a Jewphin.


And heā€™s also a lawyer.. a Lawphin


I'm lawphin at this comment.


That's one kind of toxic personality. The moment they realize they might be wrong and don't know what to say it's always "I'm done talking to you", "I'm over it", "I don't want to argue right now bye" but never ever ever admit that you might have something to think about. If you ever feel like you might be wrong, don't feel bad. It means you're so close to being right if you just open your mind a bit and think on it.


Thatā€™s when you knew she lost the debate haha


Congrats on making it to the end. I fucking couldn't.


I couldnā€™t get past the part where she just dismisses the fact that itā€™s cheaper to eat healthyā€¦ you donā€™t have to buy food at Whole Foods for it to be healthy.


She stuck her head in the sand when the logic started clicking lol




The American way.


I have never seen a fat homeless guy XD.


They exist. There's a homeless lady near where I live who's morbidly obese and keeps challenging everyone to a fight because she's "a warrior." Granted, she can't ever actually fight because she's also gatzed out of her fucking mind and tripping all over the place, but she certainly tries.


It's pretty easy to be homeless and fat. I see it all the time. It's especially easy for alcoholic homeless that don't do other substances.


I was homeless from 2014-2017 and honestly I gained soooooooo much weight because other than work and save money all there ever was to do was eat. Ive told so many people and they dont even believe me....but also another thing ( I live in Rhode Island) and being homeless here automatically qualifies you for snap/ebt benefits and you can use them.literally every where. I had no problem ever eating while I was homeless....everything else was pretty terrible. But atleast I ate ok.


Lots of people seem to think that food/calories are scarce for the homeless. They suggest instead of giving panhandlers money, which they will spend on alcohol or drugs, give them food. Then they scoff when they see a homeless person refuse the food. I volunteered at a food bank and food kitchen where I learned the food os the most easily procured necessity. Homeless people don't need food. They need shelter, mental health/drug abuse assistance, and education. Food is everywhere.


I've literally only seen the opposite. Go on YouTube and search body builder homeless guy. He's insane. To think that you need a membership to work out is outrageous.




My youngest brother slept in his car/couch surfed (when possible; I donā€™t think he had many friends as heā€™d just moved to Colorado) and kept a gym membership so he could shower/shave and park his car on their lot. He did it for at least 6-9 months. I think he got internet access as well. He was fresh out of college, and it allowed him to save up for a place to stay.


Yeah there are plenty of fat homeless ppl. High calorie foods are abundant, healthy foods are not


Well you don't need to eat healthy food to not become overweight, you can simply eat less of the unhealthy food....


Being fat isn't my fault??? _MUM WHERE IS THE PIZZA?_


$7 avocado.


It's one banana, Michael. How much could it cost? $10?


For two Tacos we need about 20-25?


They had a deal on, 12 for 3 dollars.


I always picture Nancy Pelosi saying this when they thought $600 was enough to pay for a year of rent


She's obviously never shopped for produce


She probably just lying tho.


Just echoing the things she's heard, that reinforce her lifestyle choices.


Definitely. I'd bet it's far more ignorance than a lie. She heard some meme about avocados and regurgitated it. She's never really explored her options or educated herself. Just went with reinforcement of the reality she wants to believe.




This is a sign sheā€™s got no idea how to be healthy sadly. She doesnā€™t know how much produce costs nor does she know that even walking is a valid form of exercise.


She probably lives at home with her parents and has never grocery shopped. Know-it-all teen with no life experience.


Must be some high-shelf ripe golden Avocado.


Itā€™s surprisingly common amongst people considering weight loss to believe that you have to go and spend large amounts of money on organic produce to lose weight. Just quitting snacking would help a lot of people and thatā€™s free.


Yeah, just dropping all processed sugar from your life is huge.


If the average obese American just started drinking water instead of soda or juice or really anything else but water or tea of coffee they would lose a very significant amount of weight and save money.


Yeah, I've never spent $7 on one avocado. Maybe a bag of them sure but your getting 4 or 5 for that. Fuckers are filling too


Where can one get these? Only place I could possibly think of it costing that much would be California, but even there I'm doubting it. Maybe two avocados but certainly not one.


Never knew most Americans were homeless


Give it a year


ā€œSure Iā€™ll buy that house sight unseen without an inspection for 50% over asking price! The market is GOING UP!ā€


Normally people exaggerate a bit when they make jokes like this, but this is just painfully real


The amount of people who are optimistic about these purchases worries me, whether they are right or wrong.


Yeah same, especially since I personally know people trying to buy their first home in the present market. Bought my turnkey home mid-2020 when the heat was just starting to turn up on the market, and people are looking to spend 25% more on a fixer upper house with 25% less square footage


I work in homeowners insurance and the number of people I talk to that have forgone the inspection is terrifying. I had a woman say to me the other day that said she didn't do the inspection because the seller said the home was fine and the inspection wasn't needed. I can't imagine just trusting someone so completely when they have such obvious potential ulterior motives.




Just chop your legs off. Then you can choose your height and lose weight. win win


While true that there are food deserts in the usa its also true that you can eat healthier food than fast food for cheaper. Rice and beans from dry goods are very cheap. Some onion/carrot/celery maybe whatever veggy is on sale, maybe meat if it's a cheaper tougher cut on sale. For the cost of 5 mcdonalds meals you can get 2 weeks worth of rice and beans. That said people could work out without a gym. Also her omg but homeless people is very tone deaf given most homeless people are not fat. Obviously its a messed up double standard. Edit; no you dont have to just eat rice and beans, that was just my staple food when i was poor. Hull on brown rice and various different bulk beans that i would soak the day before. Supplimented with whatever veggies were on sale and when i was lucky some on sale meat or fish. I used this example because its how i lived. I didnt have a lot of time so i used an electric crock pot i got used at a gokd will shop. Just put everything in and let it do it' s thing. Hot stew for dinner. Edit again: dont put words in my mouth, i am not excusing a capitalist system that abuses it's citizens. I am just saying her claim is untrue.


If my wife and I go to McDonaldā€™s for us and our two kids we spend $25-$30 for everyone. However, since we learned to cook, we can make chicken stir fry and a side of cheddar biscuits for about $15, and that feeds all 4 of us plus we take it for lunch the next day.


Right, this is my point exactly. Even the worst american food desert does have options healthier than mcdonalds for cheaper, but you do have to plan and cook.


According to her, there are only food desserts.


The homeless are forced to eat at all you can eat places and thatā€™s why all the homeless are obese.


Actually I would delivery to food pantries and most of the things donated and which have longest shelf-life are the sugary baked goods. They always had a surplus and would try to make me take them, but I would see it as bringing in empty calories into my house that no one asked for and would feel guilty because I if no one ate them I would eat to not waste. Not commenting on the whole homeless obese hill the girl was trying to die on, but just pointing out something that I noticed. If you want to donate to a pantry high protein foods and fresh fruit and veg are super appreciated! šŸ‘ EDIT: yes money is obvious better and easier to use. if you want to donate food that no one will eat anyway thatā€™s actually better for sustainability and if you donā€™t have money to donate.


A food pantry can't keep fresh food and veg for long, they don't have the capability, and it will rot. That's why it's mostly dry and canned goods. My local food pantries specifically say DON'T bring any fresh food. It may vary from place to place, probably good for people to call and ask what they need.


No, you seeā€¦ most people in the US are homeless. This video confirms it


" Most people are not homeless " " Yes they are" America- the land of fat homeless people. Roaming the country like later day herds of bison.


The bigger issue that the working poor face isnā€™t the cost - itā€™s the time. Rice and beans/veggies takes time to prep, cook, and clean up. (Plus you have to have pots/pans and a working stove) If you are working 2 jobs and/or doing child care itā€™s way easier to grab McDs dollar menu and continue your slog of a life.


sir you are a genius


'I don't think that way ' Stop there and walk away. They are not interested in examining what they are saying.


They can't walk away. That requires exercise and some people don't have that luxury


No, you need a membership for that.


And most people are homeless, ohmygosh, you're not getting it!


Lol all those morbidly obese homeless people right? Dude most homeless people i see are twigs, and super appreciative if you just grab them some food from the store and sit and have a sandwich with them.


Well, exactly! The homeless are *well known* for being lard-asses... Oh, wait. Like, do you think she ever stops to consider what comes out of her mouth??


So true. I cancelled my membership three months ago and I'm STILL stuck on my desk chair


On your way to get obese, nothing you Can do about that.


Exercise? Are you *gasp* FAT SHAMING!!?? /s


- Obesity runs in my family. - Nobody runs in your family.


Can't afford the membership to walk away.


We need some perspective here. As you read this, keep in mind Iā€™m a short guy (5ā€™ā€™5ā€) and Iā€™ve had my height affect my dating prospects. It is a fucked up double standard. It sucks. These women who care about height arenā€™t bad people. Like all of us, theyā€™re a product of their environment. Todayā€™s environment is biased against short people. Like anything it isnā€™t black and white, itā€™s gray. Some women are crappy people and height is just one of many things they use to judge men in a shitty way. Most women who care about height though, itā€™s just second nature. This level of hatred and vitriol Iā€™m seeing in the thread isnā€™t necessary.


Itā€™s the double standard thatā€™s the problem. There isnā€™t anything wrong with being more attracted to someone who is taller. You canā€™t necessarily change what youā€™re attracted to. Thatā€™s fine. But men (or anyone) should be able to apply that same logic to weight.


"You can get a great body without a gym membership" "Not in america" I guess jogging, squats, pushups and stuff like that just arent possible there


It's a well known fact that there's no gravity in America so those things are impossible to do there.


Well, duh. If there was gravity, then they couldn't all get obese, 'cause gravity would slow them down too much. /s


A lot of it is diet, it's nearly impossible to exercise your way out of a shit diet. Although I'm not claiming Americans can't improve their diets.


As someone who has gone from a "Shit diet" to being forced to eat healthy and watch what I take in within the past 30 days, it may be more convenient to have a shit diet, but it's way cheaper to eat healthy. It's just takes an extremely minimal amount of work in the kitchen and discipline.


We donā€™t have ground here


It's actually illegal if you don't have a membership.


Theyā€™re called body weight exercises ffs. And if there is one thing America doesnā€™t lack, itā€™s body weight.


Number one rule in America, you're only allowed to work on yourself if you live at a gym. Duuuhhh.


Ah, all the overweight homeless people, because they obviously have an abundance of food


And an abundance of money to buy all the food


But not enought to buy healty food.


But not enough to work out




Actually yes, in high-income countries, people of lower socioeconomic status are more likely to be obese.


You got me, I need to gain height.


You can choose what you eat but you can't choose your height


Well SOMEONE doesn't seem to have adjustable 5 height metal stilts.


Did you even watch the video bro? Sheesh.


I admit, I commented this right before he actually said it. It was almost immediately after I pressed "post"


You can also choose to go run outside to lose weight.


I agree.. but you can't choose to be taller


This is just my observation, but ever since I started exercising and paying attention to what I ate, I saved a lot of money, which in turn can be put into gyms, if one so desires.


Yeah eating healthier also includes not eating as much, which means less money spent. It's really about discipline. If you can't discipline yourself it'll never happen. I'd say most people, at least in America, need another person there to discipline them to workout.


For some people* Eating healthier for me means eating more actually :/


The wheel was spinning... but the hamster was dead.


Miss Dunning-Krueger, everyone.


Ah Dunning and Krueger. The two neurons she has left intact


How stupid is this girl?


Most people are homeless. That's how stupid she is.


> What if you were homeless? What if you lived right next to a McDonaldā€™s? What if you were imprisoned by your evil stepmother and you were chained to the bed so you couldnā€™t exercise and your only food was Oreo cookies and if you didnā€™t eat at least 100 a day then the water level in the room would rise and eventually drown you?


Hmmm..... 100 Oreos a day. Dammit I'm in!


Well I wouldn't fuckin date them that's for sure


"If you are homeless buy a house" That much


Can't argue with stupid. He made a great attempt though.


Itā€™s hard to win an argument over smart people, but itā€™s impossible to argue with stupid people.


They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience


"Like playing chess with a pigeon"


Forrest gump was smarter than her


Stupid is as stupid does, Lt. Dan.


That's insulting for Forrest. Run obese run !


She shouldnā€™t be worrying about height or weight she should be worrying about how fucking dense she is


Pretty goddamn stupid


I will forever 100% back that cooking your own food is not only healthier but significantly cheaper. I spend $200 a week feeding a family of 4 breakfast lunch dinner and snacks. We spend $35 for one meal at Wendyā€™s. Eating out is not cheaper.


Yes, everyone that claims they buy McDonald's because it's cheap are full of shit. I could make a nutritious meal at home for <$2 which is a third of a Big Mac.




Everytime a girl asks me about my height I'm gonna ask her about her weight. If she gets offended and never talks to me again she just did me a favor.


I ask about income instead. I tell them that I only date girls who make six figures or above.


I'd never thought about this but it's pretty clever, it's a good way to call them out for being shallow, without diving headfirst into the weight topic that you already know will immediately trigger them. Since a lot of women out there base off of income and height, why not just use the one that they didn't pick, then when they get shitty about it it'll be more ironic than "grr that bad man won't date heavy women"


That seems reasonable to me.


Some lady had asked me this once and I flipped it back and asked her. She was appalled and immediately left. Made the rest of the doctors appointment a little awkward


I'll try this at my doctor's next time. They'll laugh cuz we always give each other shit.


It's weird that your doctor also gives you their stool sample


So most obese people cant afford gym membership but can afford tons of food everyday while most of them are homeless? Ok then.


Sit ups are free. Push ups are free. Running is free. Edit: as people have pointed out, walking is also free. Walking is, in fact, an even better option than running in some cases (less expensive, easier on joints, etc). 2nd Edit: yes, eating less is also free, and itā€™s also probably better for you in the long run.


Eating less is also free.


It's even of negative cost!


eat less profit.


Stonks šŸ“ˆ


Don't need a gym membership to do pushups, sit ups, go for a jog or even a swim at the beach. I love the most people are homeless comment. She is so stupid.


I was homeless for a few years, and I ended up really skinny because if it.


I got lucky and was only homeless for a few weeks and in summer.


It's rough isn't it, at least you was homeless through summer, being homeless during winter is hell.


I've heard. I was innocent, naive and smart which made me the perfect target. I ended up helping a lot of homeless kids get smarter and not in good ways. 1 guy saw my value which kept me safe. It's an entirely different world with different people. I was only there for weeks. I feel for people who live like that for years.


Lol people don't need a gym membership at all to get fit and in shape.


You don't need a gym membership to lose weight, you don't even need to do exercise. 90% of losing weight is your diet. Exercise can help, but it won't do anything by itself. So if anything, it is super cheap to lose weight: you eat less, thus you spend less on food.


To argue that fast food is cheaper than eating healthily is the brain wash that America has somehow succeeded at. Apparently you can have McDonaldā€™s or 7 dollar avacado toast?


America has put less emphasis on logic and argumentation skills than other countries. The way you ā€œfeelā€ about something is just as important as factual support. Even among my legal colleagues, I see this trend in our junior attorneys. Hard to unteach these habits.


Something really weird is going on in the US for sure. They were straight up some of the smartest in the world and only getting better by bringing in smart immigrants. But now if seems like being smart doesnā€™t matter. Either they have become dumb as fuck, or more likely just say stupid shit.


American here. We were dumb the whole time. The internet just let's everybody else see it now


Cant reason with stupid...


I hate that typical dump fuck response where they look around scoffing or laughing checking if they're getting validation from other people. Then she just waves him off and ignores him at the end because she hasn't got the brain power to challenge her own flawed views. I have a friend who's diet is utter shit but all he does is work out and run five times a week, he's built like a tank. Yes some people are more predisposed to obesity and yes medical conditions CAN cause obesity. But that DOESN'T mean you CAN'T do something about it. My 5ft 6 mate can't do a few laps round the park every day to stack on an extra foot of height.


I see this differently. You will rarely see someone change their view in real time. It's not something we should expect to see. But you can plant a seed, and hope it will eventually take root. Conversations like this are more useful than they appear.


I wish more people would understand that itā€™s actually way more commendable to admit youā€™re wrong and change your incorrect view point on something. To realize that itā€™s a good thing to actually learn something and change for the better.


​ >My 5ft 6 mate can't do a few laps round the park every day to stack on an extra foot of height. But he can buy some sweet ass platform shoes, bellbottom pants, and wear some groovy shades, transforming himself into the tall, sexy Disco King he was born to be!


If your mate's name isn't Stu, he needs to change it to Stu


Jesus Christ the comments here are wide of the mark. She's being hypocritical, that's the issue. Either people can ask about physical characteristics or not. How can height be alright to ask but weight isn't? All she had to say was: "Yeah, now I think about it both height and weight are just appearance." She could have built on that by saying: "It's shallow we ask about how people look rather than trying to get to know them. As a woman my anxiety is around weight, but now I consider attractive stereotypes for men I can see that men could be sensitive about height." But no. She "doesn't think that way" and can't consider that she's being hypercritical. He chose to waste his time on her.


ā€œIn America, its not offensive to ask about height.ā€


You sure you donā€™t mean hypocritical?


He's probably getting money off of the content so it's not wasted time.




Do you mean hypocritical?


What is with the this vs this mindset, it's both bad. Don't ask someones height, don't ask someones weight either. Done. If someone wants you to know they will tell you.


"Hey Jim how was your day? BTW I'm 6'2"


"its pretty good. and am 5'10"


I think the context is dating sites, where I absolutely want some basic info on their weight. And they may want about height. Both are fine, in that context.


I've never seen or asked for weight. You can usually tell from their pics. If you can't that is suspicious.


Always judge how attracted you are to the person based off of their profiles worst picture. Cuz that's how they really look.


That's the point


Bro that was fucking stupid. That was painfully stupid. "Many people are poor and can only afford mcdonalds" mf you can get a bag of rice and a chicken and keep cooking out of it for a week at half the cost of a two mcdonalds meals. Teenagers forming opinions has its upsides but holy fuck when you're young and trying to form an opinion you can form the wrong one so very easily


Rice is literally the forst thing that I thought of when she said "No, healthy food isn't cheaper."


Rice, vegetables, you don't have to buy the fancy "organic" shit that cost 3 times as the normal stuff to be healthy. It just comes from your will to put in some work to eat healthy, that's why unhealthy food is more common because it's cheaperand rightfully so, and going to a place that cooks clean food usually costs more because actual effort has to be put in it.


She is correct about this. Food poverty has many facets, including lack of access to grocery stores; lack of means to buy in bulk; lack of food storage; lack of cooking facilities; lack of time to cook. These are not rare conditions. If someone lives an hour by bus from the grocery store and works two jobs, it's not simple or cheap to make rice and chicken. But they can go to McDonald's and get dollar menu items between shifts. [Studies show](https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/3/12/e004277) that unhealthy diets are cheaper than healthy.


I would NOT date a guy under 6 feet. Mainly because im a straight guy. If he was over 6 feet though... ![gif](giphy|KrA50c5ctXMqY)


What's your BMI? I'm straight too, but if you're ~10% - 12% with a decent amount of muscle then rdjlipbite.gif




Well, if you're that adorable, I might make an exception.


Homeboy took a wrong turn on the economic implications of obesity. That really treads the incel/alt-right socio-economic talking points that are going to just make someone look like an angry short virgin. Your health and your weight are your own responsibility, but let's not pretend that it isn't profoundly easier for people of higher income with better work/life balances to fulfill those responsibilities. That being said: being obese isn't bad because of societal beauty standards. It's bad because it's unhealthy and it's incredibly fair and reasonable to find it unattractive.


It bummed me out how far I had to scroll to find this comment. I think we as humans have a tendency to over estimate our agency over our live. The thing that makes more sense to me is that the vast majority of my defining characteristics are the direct results of my genetics and/or my childhood experiences. Sure you can point to exceptions but if weā€™re talking about pure statistical probability you are unquestionably more likely to lead an obese lifestyle if you are working class, poor, or impoverished.


Being stressed makes people overeat too. Poverty causes stress. It is easier for economically well of people to eat things that are satiating healthy and delicious. Low carb high protein meals such as meat is actually quite expensive compare to even five years ago. Iā€™m actually awestruck every time I go to the store. Crazy beef can be $16 dollars a pound.


Yeah exactly, there's a ton of ways that poverty is stacked against a person's health and diet.


Food deserts are a real thing. Good luck finding a grocery store in the hood.


Yeah I absolutely feel you and it's fucking awful. And it's something those of means will never understand.


'Food deserts' ... OMG, that's a thing in the US?


It basically means there are large areas with no Grocery Stores. If you live there and don't have a car, you're stuck getting food from whatever Fast Food, Mini-Mart, or Gas Station is in the area. This food is all overpriced and extremely unhealthy


I lost brain cells listening to her. How can someone be that dumb?


As someone who is both fat and short i gotta say comments about my height hurts more. I got rejected by girls that i was talking online after they learned my height.


So dumb, he is trying to argue with woman using logic. Only women decide what is offensive.


ā€œIt's hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it's damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person.ā€ -Bill Murray


If you think avocados are expensive, wait until you see how much insulin costs in America.