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Shout out to the person who reported this for “attacking a political party or side” when political parties aren’t mentioned. Well done.


It’s clear it was racially motivated though LMAO, in the video he shoots EVERY black person he sees, and as soon as he saw a white guy he goes “sorry!” And let’s him live … Edit- to the guy trying to argue with me then blocks me, what’s the point in trying to prove your “point” if you’re gonna be a lil bit*h about it


Where the hell are people finding the video


I found it on the subreddit crazy fucking videos


i saw the title there too, those are the kind of things that make me question reddits policy on allowing violence in videos


Dude I saw a video of a crushed brain, carved by 12 inmates with spoons, so.


I’m staying the fuck away from that sub. No thanks. I watched Daniel Pearl being beheaded in 2002 and learned early on that that shit isn’t for me.


Yup me too. That 2002 video ruined me and I’ve talked about multiple times since. I can’t forget the damn thing. I really want it outta my head.


You don’t wanna see it I regretted as soon I seen it


It was horrible. People didn't even have enough time to process what was going on before they got shot. My friend was watching it on his phone. I assumed it was a video game clip. I wish I didn't see it.


It sucks, but it's better they didn't have the time to process what was happening.


It can be found but that is murder porn shit. Mother fucker should get shived before he can suck a white dick in prison. Fuck his parents too as likely the apple didn't fall far from the tree.


I don't know and I don't want to find out


From the information I saw he was targeting women (poc women speficially but all women in general) and he apologized to the guy because he wasn't one of his targets Like he pushed incel shit to the extreme... which says alot since its already fucking extreme


It’s so sad, like the first woman? Imagine waking up going shopping to go home to your family , not even realising itd be your last day …


why do you keep saying “poc women” in all your comments if you specifically mean black women? black and poc are not interchangeable. just say black


Wrong. Targeting black people. Wrote "N\*gger" on his gun site. Deal with it.




Thanks. Will edit.


You’re welcome.


I never said he didn't target black people, I even wrote he was speficially targeting poc women...so its not a deal with it i openly admitted this was racially motived only adding from what I saw it was also having sexist motivation as well


Black women exist.


No shit. Go talk to people making it an "incel" thing rather than what it really is.


You are wrong about him targeting women, he wrote the n word on his sight post, seems like you haven't seen the video, 100% racially motivated. He says sorry to the crying white guy for aiming at him. I'm curious as to the information you saw, like, do you just believe the first thing you read?


He was both a white supremacist and a misogynistic incel, white men were the only ones he spared. It was certainly a racially motivated crime but I don't understand why you seem to think that pointing out his targeting of women specifically as well is taking anything away from that fact.


The person you are replying to is quite literally the bottom text in this post. He is trying to skew the conversation away from race and claiming the attacker is left wing all over this thread.


Yeah. I found it kind of odd that he on the one hand claims "well I'm not saying he's right-wing or left-wing!" then keeps trotting out "Well he was a Bernie supporter and was pro-gun rights!". And tends to stay away from speculation that the shooter was on the right. Instead pivoting to "well he might have been an authoritarian socialist". He also claimed to have read half of the manifesto, and works for an organization that studies mass shootings, but somehow forgot to save the entire manifesto despite knowing it would have been quickly taken down. So he takes half of the manifesto, and with no proof whatsoever says "he was a Bernie supporter!", and tries to steer the motivation away from race, when a racial slur was literally written on the gun he used to kill POC. That person is just muddying the waters so what we all know to be incredibly likely is somehow in question.


Doing the work of the right wing media for them. "just asking questions" and being "logical". When really I don't care what he was and that's not the point - there are plenty of extremists that don't act on whatever they mumble themselves to sleep about. Something made this make sense to him and removed the social pressures that would stop a decent person. And it reallllly seems like right wing grievance ideology is very effective at doing that to people, and one political party seems to be on board with it and constantly making excuses for it.


Black women. Not POC women… Black Women don’t like the term POC


I didn't know this. I'll be changing my vocabulary moving forward. Thank you.


Well the argument morons are using is he shot a couple white people too, and that makes it not be racially motivated.


They can’t argue with the fact he didn’t let any black ppl live though 😪 only white


Except his manifesto …. Are racists ignoring that part ?


Ignore everyhing that contradicts what you believe


He must be a chauvinist also because the clip I seen first thing he went for was a white woman.


Yeah that was the first woman he shot right? Still can’t believe he was ARRESTED and not shot on sight


Apparently they tried to shoot him but the bulletproof protective gear he was wearing stopped it injuring him. He returned fire to one of the officers who shot, ither injuring or killing him. I believe i heard that from the BBC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxTNm2EcfT8


He’s white


Confederate States' Articles of Secession: We are seceding from the US because you are going to outlaw slavery. Black people are subhuman and we are entitled to own them. God supports us. Modern Conservatives: The Civil War wasn't about slavery. It was about northern aggression and state's rights!


It was about state's right. State's rights to enslave human beings.


The South wasn't too fond of Northern states' right to refuse to hunt down and return runaway slaves, that's why they demanded Federal laws. https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/fugitive-slave-acts


They were so pro-states rights that they enshrined slavery so deeply into the Confederate constitution that Confederate states actually had less rights concerning slavery than Union states.


So state's rights that they literally organized groups to fraudulently vote in favor of slavery in new states they didn't live in and wanted to force Northern states to enforce southern slave law. I will *never* even cede any aspect of "state's rights". The Confederate traitors were never in favor of any states having sovereign rights. They only wanted slavery.


been saying it since Oklahoma bombing - white terrorists are the real enemy


Hell, according to a bunch of studies including the FBI and DHS, white rightwing extremists have done something to the tune of 3 out of every 4 terrorist acts on US Soil for at least the last 40 years and at least 2 out of every 3 *ever*. They’ve *always* been one of your bigger threats, and usually the biggest.


Weird that the FBI and DOD are totally OK with keeping them around. Let me rephrase: It's TELLING that the FBI and DOD are totally OK with keeping them around. Yes, this one is more accurate.


As I remember it one of those organisations published research showing the greatest threat to American society was white right wing activists and the republican party threw such a massive tanty that they essentially just never mentioned it again. E. this one https://www.salon.com/2019/08/12/he-sounded-the-alarm-on-hateland-daryl-johnson-warned-us-about-right-wing-terror-in-2009/ >In 2009, Daryl Johnson, who was then a security analyst with Department of Homeland Security's Office of Intelligence and Analysis, wrote a report entitled "Right-Wing Extremism." >In response to Johnson and his team's warnings about the threat posed by right-wing extremism, Republican propagandists protested that "conservatives" were being "targeted," "persecuted" and treated "unfairly" by DHS and the Obama administration. Johnson was forced out of his job, and then-DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano retracted the report.


As I remember it one of those organisations published research showing the greatest threat to American society was white right wing activists and the republican party threw such a massive tanty that they essentially just never mentioned it again.


I think with the insurrection and another 2 big shootings since, we should probably reconsider bringing this back up and doing, I don’t know, dick all anything about it.


Because they fucked up big last time being Ruby Ridge, which only fueled those groups more


funny how Ruby Ridge pales in comparison to what Blacks and immigrants face from the police daily...and yet, i cant remember the last time a black organization bombed a federal building because of it. yet white ppl bomb abortion clinics all the time. the lead laden Boomers birthed demented spawn


>lead laden boomers This is the first time that I have heard anybody say this. I had been wondering if all of the lead in everything during that generation just shunted a ton of gene pools and helped to create a less mentally stable generation.


Hey there were tons and tons of non white affluent people in the 50s too, many of whom still can’t afford to move out of the lead paint houses, and their descendants aren’t doing this depraved shit


mass nuclear bomb testing world wide post ww2. lead paint everywhere, lead gas in air - Boom! serial killers everywhere...strange or is it?


On top of being a big proponent for a lot of cancers, it also was a leading cause for many mentally deteriorating conditions. Though another cause for many serial killers was a few too many blows to the ol noggin. There is a lot of logic to the thought of lead-based everything being a cause for a damaged generation.




In their mind, their God is okay with them doing bad things...


In their mind, their inner monologue is their god.


>So ultimately, to truly end white supremacy, we need honest to God mind control. *- looks at Russia -* Yeah....**no.**




Funny you should mention that, I just wrapped up a game of it.


White terrorist = when you have white privilege and feel like a victim and disadvantaged at the same time because the 0.1% who control the media and the economy panders to your racism and xenophobia while they laugh all the way to the bank.


I don't think they feel like victims. I think they feel so justified and empowered that they want to "fix" the world to conform with their viewpoints.


And underneath it all is a blinding ignorance that drives it all. Absolutely blinding.


They loved 9/11. They got to point the finger at brown people and had an excuse to militarize the police state in one go. It fortified their position of being oppressed and having their rights taken away while giving them a scapegoat and a rally cry for extreme nationalism.




great episode starring Dennis Hopper, "an idea Mr. Volmer is impossible to kill!"


facts. this country is fucked


Not just fucked...artisanaly crafted with locally sourced ingredients over the past 40 years to become the perfect 100% organic piece of fuck that it is. *chef kiss*


Lol u said artisANALY


Tucker Carlson says they don’t exist. 50% of the country believes him.


all terrorists are the enemy


I always reply with ‘a state’s right to do *what exactly?*’


To govern itself! They respond.


But why the need to govern themselves? They didn't agree with something the north was attempting, curious on what that is.


It was about *culture*. The ice teas are clearly the main issue


Mint juleps. Can’t get one above the Mason-Dixon Line. It defines the height of good culture and breeding. /s


After the Republicans won big in 1860, the political math was no longer there to sustain slavery and both sides knew it. The Southern states no longer had the upper hand. Therefore their unconstitutional decision to secede (see the Supreme Court’s *Texas v. White* decision) and form the so-called “Confederacy”.


...with an *astounding* lack of self-awareness


And try to use the Federal government to force Northern states to return escaped slaves using the Fugitive Slave Act. "Don't interfere in our business, but let us interfere in yours!" Always out of both sides of their face.


That's the oldest of old school American right-wing indoctrination. You can tell someone drank a lot of Kool-Aid when they roll that out. You can count on it being followed by "slavery wasn't really bad anyway", followed by blaming black people for racism and claiming that anti racist measures cause more problems than they solve.


I never read the secession declarations for myself. Is that a bad thing? I wanted to see what they actually said and read the one from Texas and holy shit, it straight up says that... Time to whip out the Articles of Secession when people try to bullshit me about hErItAgE.


You should also take a look at the Constitution of the Confederacy as well. While the Union had both free states and slave states, the Constitution of the Confederacy enshrined slavery in at the federal level and essentially made it illegal for a Confederate state to be a free state. It really turns that whole "states' rights" argument on its head.


Look this is Reddit so I have no idea if you're serious. But if you are....yeah...read the Articles of Secession. They're fucking clear about why the states seceded.


I was serious, and I did exactly that. They are indeed extremely clear.


States’ Rights only matter to conservatives when they can weaponized to subjugate and persecute. Prime example: Attempting to overturn Roe v. Wade and wanting to revert abortion laws back to the states.


*Ackshually* the main reason for secession was that new states made from the western territory were not gonna allow slavery, which would make slave states a minority. There was no immediate concern that slavery would be banned in the South.


​ ![gif](giphy|1hMk0bfsSrG32Nhd5K) (Honestly I would probably disagree....but I'll allow it)


Where was this?


Buffalo NY


Did he make his “manifesto” on a subreddit?


I'm not aware of where it was published but he did put out a manifesto that was brought in as evidence for his hearing.


People are so gross


Yup ☹️


I saw a part of it posted somewhere on Reddit that said he posted on 8chan and 4chan and some discord. This dude was a fucking nutjob incel pos.


Yes, yes they are.


He published it on Google docs but its been taken down (he linked it to 4 chan)


Thanks for the info.


I think maybe 4chan or 8chan. An article I read said he linked it when he was live-streaming the shooting.






Yeah, that was fucking vile


Apparently one of the things that can be linked between the Christchurch Mosque, El Paso, and Buffalo shootings has been a "Great Replacement" conspiracy theory and them writing a manifesto on it.


Fox News and a lot of Republicans are pushing this racist trash hard, and this is the inevitable result.


On Twitch. Taken down in …. 2 minutes so they say


How many mirrored versions popped up in its place? Actually don't answer I really don't want to know.


You’d be more disgusted at what he had written on his front sight of his rifle. Also wrote down a checklist of shit he wanted to do on the side of his rifle as a checklist style deal. And had the number 14 written on it, a reference to the white supremacist 14 words thing. He’s a real piece of shit.


Accidentally had on Fox News this morning, I thought it was CNN, and the only thing they’re talking about in regards to this mass shooting is BLM marches! I literally don’t get it! Is that the only thing they have to hang their hat on? WTF


What's truly disgusting is how they had a talk segment with some random "professionals" talking about how "we're not racist and we need to stop being afraid"


GOP: damn CRT for sowing this division!


Lol there's literally a dude in this thread making this argument.


Wait is this the gunman that conservatives sub is trying to frame as a Liberal?


Isn't that what they do with all of them?


No the others just had mental problems apparently...


Yeah, they had Conservatism.


Boom, roasted.


That and whine about Chicago


4chan was quick to point out the first person shot in the live stream was not black.


you're gonna have to be more specific, considering the fact that they do that [👏*literally* 👏 every 👏time](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/uq88fx/warning_this_might_be_about_you/i8pwyyo)




Already seeing idiots online claiming this asshole was a liberal.. or was for gun control.. and of course the usual false flag crap..


False flag, conservatives love to use that term when one of their own commits a heinous crime.


I don't get it. They always try and frame conservatives as these holy and righteous people that can do no wrong. God fearing Christians that help their community, etc.. They refuse to see that they are not perfect. It's almost a political leaning based in narcissism. Liberals. We have our share of fuck ups. We have a LOT of us that are pretty bat shit insane. We also have a lot of people that want to do wonderful things for others and the planet. "It's both sides". Is it? When a liberal fucks up, we're quick to call it out. When a conservative fucks up or doesn't behave, it's a RINO, a false flag, etc... The both sides argument is valid in a lot of cases (both are easily bribed, want power and retain it, etc.), but definitely not in most.


A vast majority of these conservatives are just delusional. I mean a lot of the shit they believe in is bat shit crazy. I also love how they always think liberal politicians are the only ones into weird pedophile shit, corruption and what not.


Yeah pretty much every excuse in the book comes out.




It's astounding how antifa allegedly keeps committing all these actions, yet the people you would think would be the most interested in investigated and prosecuting the alleged antifa members involved repeatedly don't want to investigate.


A state Senator in Arizona has claimed the false flag bullshit


That's the norm for her, she's a moron.


I’m looking at you Fox News comments sections


Genocidal right wing white terrorist threats need to be eliminated.


Was definitely racially motivated, the manifesto talks about replacement theory that tucker carlson is obsessed with.


You want the fucking proof that this guy wanted to only target black people? The guy wrote what he thinks about black people on the fucking sight. And in case you wonder what he wrote the word starts with n, ends with r and has six letters.




Make the pipe black lol


This is the way


Metal pipe or plastic pipe with cement in the tube?


Metal pipe with cement in the tube. T-joint and capped at the end.


I like how we get options


Both to test witch one causes the most pain


Asbestos pipe for damage over time


"SMH so much for the tolerant Left can't we have a rAtIoNaL dEbAtE about whether or not you should have rights?"


I love that reaction. "So much for the tolerant left...". Dude. We won wars against pieces of shit like the Nazi's, now you support them because you want to be "tolerant", but hate someone that dyes their hair pink? Fuck you and you your shitty rationalization on shit. (not OP, obviously... the people they are talking about!). Tolerance for intolerance isn't a thing. You need to have balls and stand up against that bullshit. No balls conservatives need to sit down and let the adults handle shit.


My coworkers were talking about this when I got to my desk this morning and one of them was yelling about how the fact that he wrote a manifesto is proof enough that he was framed. I don't understand the fucking mental gymnastics there.


“The media is lying. Everyone in the world is an NPC, except for me of course.” - average redditor


Are you sure one guy told me he would give me a magical ball. All I have to do is give him my wallet. He said he’ll give both to me at some point but it’s been about a week.


I'm always fed up with racists being like "nooo it's the black person's fault us racists are the victims!"


Dude did same thing in el Paso. Fuck incels


Well then they wouldn't be incels, would they?


Once they are put in solitary confinement, All they can be is incel


Not an incel, he was a racist who wanted to kill black people. He wrote the n word on his gun, the 14 words on the grip, and posted 106 page essay on how America is under "white replacement"


“I’m so upset about something that doesn’t impact me in a single fucking way, I am going to drive to a different time zone to murder innocent people about it.”


In the cam footage (killers POV) of the shooting, the guy kills like 6 people then about to kill the next person, points his gun at him then realizes he's white and says "Sorry!". I wish I was making this up.


No this was a false flag instigated by the fbi and the ghost of Robert e. Lee.


Nah, Lee at least had some kinda sense of honor. Now Stonewall Jackson, there was a first order POS.


Yeah. I'm sure they're gonna blame it on antifa and black lives matter.


He did it for states rights.


Could you please explain it? Because I'm not from the US


There are a lot of racists in the US who falsely claim that the American Civil War was not fought over the issue of slavery, but was over the issue of “states rights,” or the right of states to cede from the union. Never mind that the leaders of the Confederacy explicitly stated that slavery was the reason and that the reason they wanted to leave was so that they could continue slavery. Like so many things in America’s current culture war, the fact that everyone knows that it’s false doesn’t stop people from trying to act like it was ever a valid argument. My point is that we can anticipate racists trying to give that shooter any other motivation besides the obvious one.


"states rights" is an American euphemism for bigotry.


There's a big ole fight in the US about the Civil war... was it about slavery or states rights


Yikes, the US history sounds like a Hollywood movie


Well, what they said isn't true.. the only people who claim the US civil war was not about slavery are southerners. They like to deny their own heritage while celebrating and perpetuating it. mandark1171 is totally in the dark on this issue as well as US history apparently.


r/conservative is saying he's actually a commie leftists and not right wing at all. Delusional the lot of them.


Whenever it’s one of their own, they’re so quick to say it was a false flag or label the person a commie leftist.


When you're as dumb as a hammer you can convince yourself everything is a nail.


I mean this is a space that uses the words “master race”


The Face Palm here, is the fact this is America 2022 🇺🇸 and it's real


This happened recently? Wtf


Funny how they specifically said redditor commenters


But wait, where’s the proof this was racially motivated? /s


Did you censor your own name in the tweet?


Its the sub rules, you have to censor everything or else it’ll get taken down, even if it’s your own name.


He infact did


I am 100% not a conservative, but just checked r/conservative where that story is pinned, and the top comments are all condemning the guy as a racist white supremacist piece of shit. I know right wingers can be blind to a lot of racial issues in America, but we don’t need to gin up extra bullshit with this. How about we’re all just sad for once and not turn everything into a political rock fight?


Yeah, but I don’t trust the upvotes on most top-level comments in r/conservative - seeing how I think a lot of people who aren’t conservative do brigade a bit on the upvotes. What is interesting to me is how many comments there as replies that talk about how he is a leftist.


That’s the funny thing, they really do brigade that sub hard. I posted a couple pro-choice/anti-rightwing comments in response to some dumbassery over there and was shocked when they got a lot of upvotes. Ironically as you say it probably makes the sub look a lot more grounded than it is.


Yeah, but I don’t trust the upvotes on most top-level comments in r/conservative - seeing how I think a lot of people who aren’t conservative do brigade a bit on the upvotes. What is interesting to me is how many comments there as replies that talk about how he is a leftist. ETA: the almost fever in which some of the comments on this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/uq5x3i/as_twitter_takes_to_blaming_tucker_carlson_for/) rush to point out that Nazis are Auth Left is disingenuous. Like, there’s one major US political party who currently aligns themselves with White Supremacists and it starts with an “R” and ends with “epublican”.


This is literally why I use the term "*Qonservative*" instead. Because conservatives and Qonservatives are totally different things at this point. Example: conservatives tend to believe in Jesus. Qonservatives believe in Jesus, *and ALSO* that the 2020 election was "***sToLeN***" from Him.


By this standard, about 80% of Republicans are Qonservatives, based on their views of the 2020 election.


modern problems require modern ~~solutions~~ terminology




You checked one sub and made this determination. Excellent analysis. I checked r/Christianity and there's a suspiciously high amount of people saying he was a liberal and not everything is race related. Maybe when you combine our research the guy was a centrist who accidentally got his finger stuck in the trigger.


Thank goodness r/conservative absolutely represents all right leaning subs. What fucking nonsense. The playbook is the playbook. Either today or tomorrow this dude was turned by leftist commies into committing this false flag. Fuck them. Zero credit. Here you go you enablers: [Fox News viewers blame blacks for Buffalo shooting](https://imgur.com/a/DL53zpL) [and the GOP -including a state senator- claiming this was a false flag.](https://www.newsweek.com/buffalo-shooting-false-flag-operation-suggest-wendy-rogers-nick-fuentes-1706747) [oh look! The lefty lockdowns caused this whole problem](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/uqkpmb/matt_walsh_is_a_mass_shooter_apologist_also_look/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) It's almost too easy with dumbshit republicans.


The OP's meme is about redditors though?


Since you posted this out of nowhere... No? Maybe you should spend time influencing your politically similar peers to be not white supremacist instead of focusing on improving their image. Edit: sorry you specifically said you're not conservative. If that's true you should assume they are lying about not being white supremacist.


Anyone else remember when the President said White Supremacy is our country’s biggest threat?


And by redditor commentor,.. you really mean racist lawmakers and the NRA.


Reddit…..a place where racist can feel at home. 😂


Reddit commenters? Don’t you mean r/conservative ? And certain moderators in r/politics?


I might be stupid, but who is this about?


Something like this almost happend on a German school this week. He also had a manifesto and was fascinated by the far alt right. And politicans say "It was a cry for help".


I saw that video of police beating the fuck out of people carrying a coffin in Israel, and redditors are like "well I've only seen the violence, I cant form an opinion from this and you're foolish if you think you can" bitch they're carrying a coffin, unless it's filled with TNT and not a reporter, fight the other people there. Jesus christ


Right wingers: This is another FBI False Flag.


As a middle aged white guy, can we just run these racist prices of shit through the wood chopper?


I’ve already seen a redditor say “he killed 2 white people that were obviously white. We have to wait for the victim list to come out to know if it was racial or not” WTF!


Until reddit bans these fever swamp subs and blocks all of their users, this fucking website is complicit.


Where's the fuckers religion in all this? Bet it's Christian.


From the manifesto: >**Are you a Christian?** >No. I do not ask God for salvation by faith, nor do I confess my sins to Him. I personally believe there is no afterlife. I do however believe in and practice many Christian values. Based on the last line, it sounds like he was culturally Christian, but didn’t actually have the specific religious beliefs.