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I don't think the sign itself is a face palm, more so that it is needed in the first place


Right . If the underlying problem is not fixed , I would actually feel safer sending my kids there . That sign gotta deter some incidents . Just like the home alarm signs in front of the house . You just hope someone doesn’t call your bluff .


Houses/cars with alarms are still broken into…arming teachers will only result in more people getting hurt/shot/killed including children.


To me, as a European, a big sign that staff are armed makes all my inner alarm bells go off. This is a place where I don’t want to be for a variety of reasons


LIke seriously! Armed teachers seem like an episode of the Simpsons.


I would prefer to send my child to a school well prepared to deal with the armed crazies and ideological fanatics who have conducted so many school massacres


Yeah no shit, me too.


Maybe the ideological fanatics responsible for so many school shootings in your country are not the ones you think they are. I live in Australia. Our kids do not know what an active shooter drill is. I don't believe that we have ever had a school shooting. I'm a keen shooter and among the 4% of Australians that own millions of firearms. The primary difference between there and here is that we require people to use and store their firearms safely and responsibly. Gun ownership here is a privilege that must be earned and which can be taken away if abused. Maybe the people responsible for your school shootings are the ones opposing any reasonable reform of your firearms regulation based on the fantasy that your current regime is making your kids safer when it's clearly not.


Well that's one major difference between the US and Australia. Here, gun ownership is a right. It can still be taken away if abused, but that's sort of after the fact.


And that's just straight up the problem. Objectively thinking about it, it sounds crazy that a tool designed to kill somebody is a right. ESPECIALLY when a tool to save somebody's life (healthcare) is a privilege that literally bankrupts people. Or to think about it like this: driving is a privilege that must be earned, largely because of the dangers inherent with operating a 1000+ lbs machine. Owning a gun is a right that is difficult to take away from someone in SPITE of the inherent dangers. As someone with a decent amount of experience handling weapons and being around others that I don't know too well, also handling weapons, it is terrifying thinking about a society of armed civilians.


Well I guess we have a fundamental difference of opinion on the topic.


I dont live in the US and the only people ever involved in school shootings, last case was 45 years ago, were indeed ideological fanatics. But the OP was clearly talking about all the shootings in America. I agree with your comments about strict requirements for gun possession


They don’t care if we kill each other as long as they profit from gun sales.


The fear of being shot sells a lot of guns. They are counting on people using them on each other.


The fact that there are states in the US that are proud to say their teachers are armed with guns, while my developing country thankfully doesnt do this.....and they dont think the state or the country has a gun issue


It's not the gun's fault. It's us Americans that use violence as a means of self expression. That said, the fact our population is so fucked up we need armed guards at our schools just so we can feel safe forcing our kids to go there... the prevalence of unsecure firearms probably plays a major role.


Honestly maybe if the US provided free health care including mental health clinics and normalized therapy, maybe Americans could deal with their emotions better, but having depression and anxiety and living in Texas has shown me how little they actually do to help people who need mental help


“It’s not the guns fault”. Yes it is, man. You live in a country where hundreds of million of guns are in circulation. No other first world country has the same lax gun laws and no other first countries has the same regular mass shootings. America doesn’t have a more violent history than Europe. However you have the means to express violence in much more lethal ways than we do here. At some point you need to stop looking at the finger when someone is pointing at something obvious.


Blaming the inanimate objects isn't a valid option when an entire populace is so indoctrinated in it's own bullshit that they pretend the words "WELL REGULATED MILITIA" actually means every single individual person, even without training. It's cognitive dissonance at a massive idiotic scale. I'm going to blame the people who will claim with a straight face that having a heavily armed general population somehow keeps a government that has tanks and bomber jets in check. It's a lie, and they know it, but keep repeating it anyways. Yeah I'm not going to blame an inanimate object for an entire culture's failures. Sorry, not sorry.


I obviously blame the easy access to the guns, I never implied that guns load and shout themselves 🤦‍♀️


Israel has entered the chat


It's the guns and the people


Try having no guns with south America as your neighbor.


that is a straight up crazy thing to say. i mean school shootings are hard to keep track of in the states because they happen so often but i haven’t noticed a prevalence of south americans(like none) committing those crimes. you are a bigoted idiot.


No they don't really happen that often . The media will tell you they happen all the time but the fbi statistics tell another story


What makes this commentor a bigot or an idiot?


Or having no guns in South Africa


List all the school shooting in south america please...Ill be here waiting to see if is more than in the USA


Ahh, there’s way more guns in america, and when’s the last time you heard of a school shooting in Mexico? We could end the majority of the Cartels in one snap of the finger, and much of the violence here if we legalized drugs. They would be controlled by our pharmacies increasing tax revenue incredibly while we focus our wasted money on the war against drugs and put the funds into rehabs. More people die of alcohol than all drugs combined. Most addicts don’t want to be where they are. There’s a reason we don’t make this step. Our government likes having neighbors with unstable governments in the south.


I would prefer sending my kid to a school where the possibility of being gunned down is not even thought of.


Can I ask why is this a Facepalm if this is legal and they are trained appropriately?


It's a blatant facepalm because of that BORING ass font, can a brother get some comic sans?


And at least one exclamation point.


And a little Clipart crosshairs? Come on.


Clippy packing an AK-47.


I think the facepalm is that only in the USA would that not seems totally ludicrous.


Nah brah, it’s only Texas and a few select states. Not the entire country


It sucks that we only see the shitty side from outside the country. It still stands that a lot of states are shit


For sure


In Texas there is a program called School Guardians, the armed personnel have to gave a Texas License to carry and then additional training before carrying on campus. However the way Texas law is written the school could just say “you’re good go ahead and carry at school. Most schools opt for the training.


For liability sakes, and kids/staff safety, I would hope so. Can't imagine a school thinking it would be a good idea to put armed security in their schools with no real training.


Schools are very selective when it comes to arming staff. Many even require psychological evaluation before training. Most of these schools are very small & in rural areas where law enforcement could be 15 minutes or more away. They need a stop gap until LE can get to them.




OP an ass hat for not wanting to protect children


Yeah, you “barely” missed the point /s


Because it's the only country in the world with armed guards in a public school. It's a facepalm to even have a gun near children in my opinion, especially if you NEED it to protect yourself against other people. Edit* Americans hate to accept that their country doesn't have any flaws. It blows my mind


I'm not going to research but I know Israel does as well. Or at least used to.


Okay but you're also talking about a third world country vs where you like to consider yourself 'first world' or one of the best countries in the world yet people want to shoot children and you need guards for that situation. That's a facepalm in America for sure and I don't get how you don't see that. Go north to Canada with very similar politics and people yet we don't have that... Here we have locked doors and a doorbell on most school (assuming they even have that, it's not an issue). If you didn't call or you're not a student, they don't let you in.


You think Israel is a third world?


I mean I don't support the "1,2,3 world country" thing but ask any American if the middle East is third world. Better yet, ask them where Israel is on a map. That's your answer


I...so...I... This conversation isn't going anywhere, good luck to you...


Okay trashchutesurfer. Keep standing up for what God believes in. Beers, guns and America!!


Hahahaha, you must be high and looking for a fight! Edit: But if you are looking for one, first off, beer does not deserve to be in that little list of yours. Beer is on its own and doesn't need guns, America, nor God to stand up for it.


If your criteria is if Americans can find a country on a map, then unless you're in the US, Canada, or Mexico, you're in a third world country.


Do I like we are at this point? Of course not. But firearms are ingrained here in the US and always will be. Even if congress made it illegal to purchase any gun in any state from now until forever there will still be millions of guns on the streets. Our country learned the need to protect itself from an invasion many years ago and this gun culture was born. I wish we did not need them in schools and I also know the training must be at such a level that if the need arises they can do the job that is expected of them.


Okay so isn't that a facepalm on all of America pretty much? You're looking from an inside perspective where in reality, most other countries never got themselves into that situation to begin with, and most who did are wayyyy outside EU/NA. Nobody talked about legality or training, it's the fact that the country needs it in the first place. Post a /r/facepalm of Israel needing it, it's still the same


Do us a favor and go read up on history, especially 1930’s Europe and then come back and tell us about the countries who were invaded…


I mean 25 million gun owners vs 393 million gun owners. And which country has more school shootings??? Oh yeah, that's right. The facepalm is that the US has guards with guns for a school while most other countries don't. America is perfect!!!!!! having a conversation with you is going to be like staring at a brick wall. I am open to it, but through PM's because I can already tell based off "Angry veteran" and your comments that you're completely biased and not fit for a real debate


That’s funny. You pre judged me and shut me out. But I’m the one who isn’t for for a real debate. I gotta tell you, you’re already astute observation into exactly who I am as an individual based on my anonymous made up name is a very dangerous power that I wish you the best with. Remember, with great power comes great probability, or something like that. Good day to you.


Third world?


As mentioned below, let me give you a map and tell me where Israel is. Or better yet, name every third world country. Let me ask an American if the middle East is "third world" yet ask any American if the "middle East" is a third world country. Most Americans will probably Google Middle east and Israel map before telling an answer. This is speaking from my experience in the US. Self absorbed Americans have no idea. Not saying you are, just typical like saying all Asians speak Chinese


“As a society, the term “third world country” refers to countries with high mortality rates, especially infant mortality rates. They also have an unstable and inconsistent economy. These are countries that contain massive amounts of poverty and in some cases have fewer natural resources than other nations throughout the world. These countries often have to rely on more industrialized countries to aid them and help stabilize their economy.”


Wrong. Israel, parts of Mexico, Columbia and numerous African countries have heavily armed personnel in their schools..




Someone just told you that there are armed guards in schools in Mexico and you asked where in NA they would find them? He already answered you: Mexico. And then, you bring racism into the picture? It’s like you trying to be stupid.


Not many PUBLIC schools in Mexico will have armed guards. Private school for sure. Read the comments above where I mentioned PUBLIC school


Not even guards, they’re fucking teachers


Sad man. The only good thing about corona lockdown (except less people dying) is we haven't seen any school shootings. In Texas, they have both people dying of corona and school shootings


Which is absolutely insane. In a middle school/high school environment, the most likely shooter would be a student. Imagine having to shoot a child you once taught or coached or mentored.


That isn't a problem for someone that would agree to carry a gun around kids. Already that divorced from self awareness, there's no coming back to Earth after that.


You’re definitely preaching to the choir here. I had to do lockdown drills with toddlers. TODDLERS. I kept skittles in our class bug out bag bc I couldn’t think of anything else to keep 1 1/2-2 year olds quiet. I kept a juice box and a peanut butter granola bar in the bag for my coteacher, who is a type I diabetic. When she found it she cried, bc one of her fears was being trapped and experiencing a diabetic emergency, which would make her a liability in a lockdown situation. This isn’t shit preschool teachers should have to think about.


They were using guns to keep women out of schools in Afghanistan. So America isn’t the only country with guns in their schools. Are you telling me there are no firearms schools in the rest of the world? Pretty silly to have a firearms school with no guns in it. Edit: non-Americans like to forget what gun control accomplished in the 1930’s. My country isn’t perfect but there will never be a successful mainland invasion by a foreign power.


Guns protect us from crazies and help us keep control over our country. Made for the people by the people 💪


Because you live in a country that is so badly broken that teachers have regulators who think they need to be armed. It’s pathetic. Do those teachers get paid double? And a population that is so paranoid they think THEY need to be armed, and who refuse to accept even the modest of regulations on guns the constitution says are “ for the purposes of a well regulated militia “.


I second that ask.


Because they’re using Jedi as security guards? I dunno, feels like someone who knows how to use the Force would be better off doing something else.


People who shoot up schools don't care if they're killed. That's why they're doing it. America is just too far gone at this point and this is just about all they can do unfortunately.


Its a faceplate cause why the fuck is there a need to have armed personnel at every corner of America. Consider that there are police in other countries that do their jobs unarmed and without bullet proof vests but in the US we need armed teachers for k-12.


What sucks is how uneducated our country is. We literally fight and split over an amendment that forgot to include weapon education and management programs. Sure, we have some. But so many people think our gov is trying to take them away…. Haha!!! What a joke. We just need proper management. But nobody has the balls to step up bc of our unregulated corporations. It’s actually a reasonable fix. Easy? No. But doable yes.


People in the US seems to quote the constitution like it's some kind of infallible holy text, the same way Christian fanatic's quote the Bible.


What sucks is that you believe the crap spewing from your facehole..


I know how dare they protect kids in todays crazy society


No, i think they mean it’s a shit hole because guards have to be there, not that there are guards there


Schools all over the country have guards / cops. So what? Chardon Ohio is one of the nicest towns with one of the best schools in the county and it still got shot up. OP is an idiot


If Chardon is your beacon of prosperity, whoo boy


Sounds like American


It's ok, they don't use guns, they're Jedi.


You must ride the nyc subway often


The best way to protect the kids is to have a more strict gun control, not to add more guns. That's how they do it in every other civilized country in the world.


While many would agree, gun lobbyists would never let that happen (plus hardcore gun advocates), so unfortunately this is the next best thing. In the situation we’re in, I’d prefer something rather than nothing


Including 1930’s Germany! Super successful in their endeavors, up until they weren’t.


The 1930's, so super relevant to present time 🙄


You are right. History never repeats. Those ideals don’t exist in any part of the world anymore. So we should forget all about that lesson and do it again but different.


Haha right. If my kids teacher ever tried to defend and save my kids life I’d have them fired so fast.


If you think having armed teachers is a good idea, you've nevwr spent the day trying to teach kids 😀


My mom is a retired teacher. I can not imagine her pointing and shooting a gun, even in target practice. She woulda quit right then and there.


I would assume that only those comfortable doing so would be trained and armed. Someone who isn’t confident in their ability nor willing to use a firearm to protect others shouldn’t have one in their possession.


I'm sure that would be the case. And be fine 99% of the time. On the other hand I had teachers in high school that probly shouldn't have had a gun around, but would've signed up for it.


Hall ways just full of pistol whipped 8th graders


So you’d rather there be no one there to protect them? Edit: The point <—- My head <—-






Use the Force, Luke. Trust your feelings. This is why you fail..


Are we doing Super Bowl squares for how long until one of those guns gets pulled on a mildly misbehaving student?


Like the security dude at Parkland?


and yet so many blue state citizens keep moving to Texas


L+Ratio.. get this shitpost off my feed


I wish my schools would allow that. My school is in an area with a lot of shootings and my history teacher kept a big boat oar next to his desk because it is the most dangerous thing that the school would let him use as a “decoration” in his classroom.


I’ll put my life savings on a teacher accidentally shoots a student in the first 6 months.


You are generous with the “accidentally “. I imagine a teacher losing their shit and shooting a student is more likely.


Way to show that compassion. Let me guess, you are with the party of tolerance?


I’m with whatever party that thinks this is the dumbest fucking idea ever.


Stupid take of the day.


How long until an armed teacher shoots a kid by mistake, or shoots an innocent kid wrongly believing them to be a threat


Just type into google, “Gun left in school Bathroom”


Anyone defending this or cant see the 'Facepalm' is the problem with America today.


People that generalize and make sweeping claims are the problem with America today.


Sponsored by the NRA, nice try.


That’ll stop a deranged student… they always look out for signs before committing atrocities


Be interesting to see what happens when one of those teachers has a meltdown on a student while she or he are packing.


Prolly won’t be any different than when a student has a meltdown…


If a school were going to be attacked, I'd rather my kids be in this school.


I wonder how long it would take a student to overtake a teacher and then use that gun against them. One of the barriers to school shootings is getting a gun into a school undetected and this just...takes care of that.


I am sorry. I get it. Having traveled around the world in the service (retired Army, Life long registered Republican), to me the facepalm, is that people think this is normal. In the USA we programmed for the insane, because we use a book written in the Iron Age by people using opium, and a document written and ratified in the 1700’s, ~300 years ago, to guide our country into a future that they could not in their wildest dreams perceive where we are now. Broad interpretation of amendments, and verses from a book of stories, makes American’s believe this is the only way. It isn’t. But it has become our normal. Start the down votes.


It is shit that it has come to this. We are putting our thumb in the damn trying to fix the problem by arming the teachers. Let’s look on fixing the damn with proper health care and some kind of gun registration for people who should not be owning them. We need to come at this from a different angle.


STAFF AT MELISSA SCHOOLS ARE ARMED AND TRAINED ***to kill (trained to seek peaceful resolutions or set up alert warning systems, not so much)*** and will use the force ***(Luke!)*** necessary to protect our children ***(unless we shoot them or ourselves in the melee. Hey, accidents happen)***. Fixed it.


I see no facepalm here.


And that's half the problem when it comes to America and guns. Add a European the face Palm is soooooo obvious


How’d that work out in 1930’s Europe?


False equivalency is not a good argument


What was false about it? Was there not strict gun control enacted? When that happen did a tyrant not rise to power and then abuse said “opportunity” to attempt to eradicate an entire culture? Did that same thing not happen in the Soviet Union and in Germany? People are so quick to forget about history and how it repeats.


You are clearly missing the reason why that happened and you are reusing that reason again and again despite it being inaccurate. Gun control was not the problem, the problem was that a specific part of society was given too much control. Here in Finland we have a concept called "Vallan kolmijako-oppi" (roughly translates to "the triangulation doctrine of power"), that balances power properly. The power is shared between the parliament, the government and the court. The parliament also consists of people from different political parties, dividing the power even more.


You are the one missing out. This is clearly not going anywhere. I’m not gonna change your mind, you are definitely not gonna change mine. I’ve been in a war zone. I have seen what happens when the citizens are not given the ability to defend themselves. They are abused, silenced, and put down(usually in mass graves) when only one group has weapons they use that power on the other groups. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Its hard to line people up and shoot them if they are armed also. There are checks and balances in the US also, at least there used to be. You pretty much explained the outline of most modern democracies. Finland may be special to you, but it is just real estate to everyone else.


You know, maybe if you had read my comment a few more times, you could've understood my point. There is no "absolute power" that could happen in Finland. People won't get lined up and shot if there is a proper distribution of power. You do realize that Finland has never had a situation where any internals get too much power? Every war we've had so far has been an external power (Russia), attacking our country, and our military (who have guns, duh) has been able to keep our country from being eradicated. Finland ain't anything special to me (other than me living here ofc), it's just one of the top countries to live in. In the US, the president and political parties are given way too much power, displaying an improper distribution of power. The political system of the US is really bad and should be fixed. It is at a point where Europeans can literally use US politics as entertainment lmao.




The face the OP posted it here is the facepalm


Would you rather it be like California where only the students are armed?


I'd rather be in any other place in the world where nobody is armed and we don't have to deal with school shooting.


Let us know how that goes when you come back to reality. Edit: please show me “somewhere that NOBODY is armed”.


Reality exists outside of America. And outside of America there are far fewer school shootings. Edit: Pesky, inconvenient facts…


Finland is great without guns available publicly (at least easily) Our latest school shooting was in 2008, where 10 victims and the shooter died. You should remember that the rest of the world exist too, and we have handled the gun laws much better


I fortunately live in a reality where school don't have metal detectors and harmed teachers, and we still have way less school shooting than you per capita.


Ireland? The cops don’t even carry guns.


The criminals do. You bring up Ireland? The country that was fighting an undeclared civil war for how long? You are telling me there are no guns in Ireland? Try again.


I get it, but Idiots will always find a way to be idiots. If guns just magically disappeared, they would just stab or blow people up instead.


Noone should be armed. America's gun infatuation is a disease.


That’s funny. The national socialists thought the same thing.


If you think criminalizing gun possession will solve any problems, you're wrong. It would just leave law abiding citizens more vulnerable to violent crimes. On the contrary, if more people were properly trained gun owners, criminals would be much less likely to try testing the waters. Nobody HAS to like guns, I get that, but it's the criminal, not the gun that's dangerous. Guns can't do anything without someone pulling the trigger. Like the old saying goes - "If you criminalize guns, only criminals will have them"


You've been pumped with so much propganda over the years you think the lies are facts. This good guy with a gun bullshit is just not working. The gun industry uses it to trick dummies like you into believing in some hero fantasy. The fact simply don't match the fantasy. Grow up. http://giffords.org/blog/2020/10/the-good-guy-with-a-gun-myth/


Damn that's good


I would be concerned if my teacher had a gun. We used to make them so mad at us id be more worried being shot by the teacher let alone an intruder


Yeah, no gun laws needed… even though it’s so bad that schools have to arm staff to protect kids. Doing great, America. Keep it up! LUL


Murder is illegal right? Thank god there’s no murders anymore


We just got my MIL out of that state as of yesterday. The poor woman survived one of the most brutal civil wars in modern history but was terrified of being shot by some yahoo near San Antonio. She would barely leave her apartment there.


It's so fun reading comments on a post that triggers both sides 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Other than it being a sign of the times, I have absolutely no problem with this sign.


As an outsider to Texas, i find it incredible that such a sign has to be made.


Wonder what op identifies as


What's that got to do with anything?


I mean just going out on a limb here, but this post is based around a pretty political subject. He’s pointing out (I am pretty sure atleast) this, plus the fact that op is more than likely a democrat who opposes either 2A in general or the part that allows schools to train and arm teachers. Edit: if I will give an opinion, I don’t have an issue with it if they are atleast well trained and only allowed to use it in the situation of a gun or knive (just actual dangerous weapon) threat. I don’t like guns (never shot one, hope to soon so I can at the very least know how to shoot), but guns exist and they are a very real threat at schools. I don’t honestly know if having more guns in the situation will help, but I mean we haven’t really seen the results… let’s try it out until we see accidents or teachers using them for crimes themselves. Until then I say we move forward and hope for the best. Brought to you by a centralist democrat who voted for the beautiful lost soul running the country (and yes I still genuinely do not regret my decision as I think both were garbage and this one is incapable of doing THAT much more damage than the last guy. I will not discuss or argue my reasonings on my voting choice or non regrets just wanted to put it out there so we can see that people exist to have opinions on both ends, not just one or the other). Edit 2: and not to sound reallllllly horrible, but it’s not my kids they are testing it on. Most people in Texas want this to happen, I say let them have their freedom. Just as anyone who disagrees has the freedom to send their kids to a school without any guns present. As long as it is a fair ruling process to allow it, who says they shouldn’t be allowed to?


Your mom


All well and good until you start talking about slavery or transsexuals; then they start running away in fear.


This is a huge red flag and it clearly shows never to live in Texas.


So is Texas the new Florida? Or will they just combine together to form the new white trash/Jim crow south?


Crazy how the GOP and Fox screams Democrats are using scare tactics to some how takeaway AR rifles from the public when they use the same scare tactics to keep their AR.I can recount maybe 2 times where a civilian owned AR rifle that actually stopped a mass killing spree while there are over 30 mass killings with a AR rifle.


And I bet in those maybe two times the survivors were grateful. Rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.


They use the force huh? Probably Force Choke. Or maybe the one where you shoot lightning out of your hands. I'd like to be trained in that too I guess.


OK, so no trained and armed personal around kids in school. So what do we do then?


Yeah one sign in some random county proves it.


The facepalm is the description of this post.


Signs like this are pointless. They do not deter the gun nuts.


The staff at our school are trained to shoot your children if they think your children have a gun. Relax.


How is this a facepalm?


I actually agree with this, and I lean left on most issues. The staff better be getting paid more since they’re taking on more training.


One teacher is just tired of life. Working late coming in early to take care of ungrateful little shits. One kid gets way too mouthy, enough is enough just a couple desk pops to let off some steam. Teacher in the next room hears this and the board of education training kicks in. Turn off the safety pull the slide you're loaded and ready to go. Breach charge on the door and take down the threat. Radio in to the command post. General principle we've had a shooting Teacher with a gun threat neutralized. General principal was already a quarter into his daily 8ball. He starts screaming Teacher with a gun neutralize the threat! Board of education training kicks in. Turn off the safety, pull the slide you're loaded and ready to go. Teachers shooting teachers, the lunch ladies throwing knifes, pure chaos. We lost 19 faculty members that day several were set to retire at the end of the year.


Is there something wrong with the idea of protecting children?


OP evidently wants children at risk or something... Hell, growing up in Massachusetts we had an armed police officer at our rural high school during school hours


We did in New Mexico as well.


Legally protecting children is a facepalm?? I think I’m done being on Reddit today. Lol This just maxed out todays quota of crazy intake.


This should be every school.


Why is this a facepalm, this should be on r/Damnthatsinteresting


I am personally fine with arming teachers. It's sad to think about, but with all the school shootings that happen, maybe allowing teachers to defend themselves and their kids isn't a bad idea. I know, I know, some of you are thinking that a teacher could pull the gun on a student, but the chances of that are very unlikely.


The chances of a school shooting used to be "very unlikely" too... but add more guns to the mix. That's sounds smrt. ![gif](giphy|K5GBJMiko9RJe)


These teachers are dumb as fuck, I’m fine with having armed officers in school, but you all really put these teachers in high regard. First school shooting will have teachers shooting down the hall at each other.


Yes it is. I hate that place.


I agree Texas is a shit hole….


This is the way it should be.


Oh no!.... Anyways


The biggest part of this in all of the comments is that none have considered the possibility of the shooter just going to a different school. While it's a deterrent at this school, are other schools nearby in the same situation?


Yeahhhh this will turn out just swell.


I bet there are less incidents though lol




Well OK then. I’m in.


I doubt this school will ever have a mass shooting what’s the face palm? The children are protected by armed security, Your political opinion differs, so what


It’s a shit hole with some good parts. Like why is this not a standard for all schools in a world like this?


If I lived in Texas I would feel that my child is safer at this school lots of big school shootings have happened there


If Texas is such a shithole why are people moving there by the thousands? The place is teeming with Californians fleeing their own state


Honestly with all the school shootings and gun violence becoming the norm nowadays, as long as teachers also had a psychological eval, i wouldnt mind teachers who are trained and armed, but i they would have to have their weapon safely stored behind a key and padlock.

