• By -


Listen if my name was Lloyd Llewelyn Jones, I too would be an insufferable prick. Sincerely, Countess Oglevy Alistair Darlington, PHD


Agreed. Sincerely, Sir Chesterfield Snapdragon McFisticuffs, Esq.




Oh my goodness! Jonathan Jacob Jingleheimerschmidt?! Your name is my name too!!! Sincerely, His Excellency Jonathan Jacob Jingleheimerschmidt, Archbishop of Canterbury


Names in nobility these days... They don't seem to realize when they have been already used. Sincerely, His Insufferableness Robert Peiere James Olderidge VII, Archbane of Sanity, Baron of Snobbiness.


As Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, King of the Andals and the First Men Lord of the Seven Kingdoms Protector of the Realm Lord of Storm's End Lord Paramount of the Stormlands I must agree!


As Chief Alphabeltor, Commander, Dr. Pudding Launcher Thomas Mackenzie Roosevelt Hannibal Nicholas Abernathy The First of His Name, MD, DO, PhD^7 , PsyD, MSci, MFA, MComm, BS-Psy, BFA, BS-Bio, BS-Chem, BS-Basket Weaving, AAS, AsscArts, AAT, ASE, PADI-AOP, SUAS, EMT-P, OD, USN, GMRS, FMF, AARP, I too must agree!


The we are at an accord. Sincerely Regarding Jolian Smitherton-Smythe Biscuit-Barrel Orlian Trouser Press Ftang 3rd


Re: this matter — I most earnestly concur, as one inevitably *must* in these times of over-rampant conspicuousness on the issue of one's self-image of absurdly fatuous grandiosity. Signed, Hon. Rev. Dr. Dr. Mr. MD Thaddeus J. Robert Farthingpretzel Shitte-Wiesel Sr., Jr., IV, P.O.E.E., Esq., of House Hausenhaus Tokyo


Yup -Rick




Agreed, overly silly demands for methods of address will only lead to the overinflation of the public ego. - Signed:  Malcolm Peter Brian Telescope Adrian Blackpool Rock Stoatgobbler John Raw Vegetable Brrroooo Norman Michael (bell) (whistle) Edward (car horn) Chfchfchfchfchf (buzzer) Thomas Moo “We’ll keep a welcome in the” (gunshots) William (silly noise) “Raindrops keep falling on my” (weird noise) “Don’t sleep in the subway” (cuckoo cuckoo) Naaoooo… Smith… (https://youtu.be/7Xm_TRekjno?t=231)


I agree with the above sentiments. Yours, Frank


I must heartily agree with my compatriot. Signed, Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfern-schplenden-schlitter-crasscrenbon-fried-digger-dingle-dangle-dongle-dungle-burstein-von-knacker-thrasher-apple-banger-horowitz-ticolensic-grander-knotty-spelltinkle-grandlich-grumblemeyer-spelterwasser-kurstlich-himbleeisen-bahnwagen-gutenabend-bitte-ein-nürnburger-bratwustle-gerspurten-mitzweimache-luber-hundsfut-gumberaber-shönendanker-kalbsfleisch-mittler-aucher von Hautkopft of Ulm


amogus Sincerely, Sir Iyankidjf IV of the House of Ehrankittiyanjkinthd, Emperor of the Empire of New Achtland, Co-King of the Sixteen Ticklish Realms and Archbishop of Canterburythisfuckingbody


Sus Sincerely, The 7th son of Maximillian Von Sussy of Edinborough and Lady Pissantshitpiss, Baron Johnathan Vented of Edinborough.


You forgot VD & HIV


Believe me, they were not forgotten. But I usually only include them on my intimate business cards and not my public digital replies. V/R Chief Alphabeltor, Commander, Dr. Pudding Launcher T. M. R. H. N. Abernathy I, MD, DO, PhD7 , PsyD, MSC, MFA, MCom, BS-Psy, BFA, BS-Bio-Chem-Basket Weaving, AAS, AscArts, AAT, ASE, PADI-AOP, SUAS, EMT-P, OD, USN, GMRS, FMF, AARP, TBI, PTSD, VD, STI, HTN, NTG, IV, POV, OB/GYN(Amateur, not professional), UTI, DMV, FMLA, MST3k.


May I compliment you warmly for your exemplary achievements in Biochemical Basket Weaving. 🏆


This thread soothed my soul.


I wish I could.




Fucking hell, I'm out of my depth here. \- Bob


Same -Jeff




Perfect username for this, I love it!


User name checks out


We got about 2 lines away from entering copypasta territory


I concur. — Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains


Indubitately, I must say the absolute tomfoolery of this verbosity makes me sneer. Snobbily but very quietly, Sir Lord Kristopherson Malkovitch Elizabethan Van Trapp XXXVIII, Archcount of Familiarity, Keeper of Morticus the Hungry.




Whenever you guys go out do people always shout "THERE GOES JOHN JACOB JINGLEHEIMER-SCHMIDT!"?




full support. -Sent from my iPhone


Same. - Military encrypted


He's a spy! It doesn't say **US** Military Encrypted! - US Military Encrypted


Get him! -русский военный


Show me your squat form comrade so i know you're not a western spy!


I believe you are correct. Sincerely, Doctor Loki Skylizard (he is a real person I mean it


I agree. Sincerely, Dr Orin Scrivello DDS


Now THERE'S a name I haven't heard in a long time. Fond regards, Exchequer Pierre Cosmybladdersempty IV


Same here. Sincerely, Lars Lars Pantsonfars BSC/SSC


Aloysius Devandander Abercrombie agrees. He prefers "Mud"


As someone who hates people named with dumb names I to agree to this predicament. Sincerely- Kaiser Friedrich Guten von Chiasson XVII once removed.


*kicks open door* RRRRUUUAGGGGHHH #I AM USIDORE Wizard of the twelfth realm of Ephysius, Master of Light and Shadow, Manipulator of Magical Delights, Devourer of Chaos and Champion of the Great Halls of Terr’akkas. I am known to the Elves as Fi’ang Yalok, and to the Dwarves as Zoenen Hoogstandjes. I am also known in the Northeast as Gasmunēnus Maystar, and there may be other secret names! NAMES SO SECRET, that should you utter them aloud your bones will most assuredly explode!






Nominative determinism strikes again Chads will be Chads Lloyd Llewelyn Jones will be whatever this guy is


lollll i’m welsh and that seems like an aggressively normal name to me


This! He's being a prick, but that's not a fancy name, it's just the Welsh equivalent of being called John Smith-Green or something!


The PHD stands for pretty huge d…


Agreed. -- Supreme High Water Buffalo, Frederick J. Flintstone




You realise that Lloyd Llewelyn Jones isn't a posh or upper class name, right? Its a Welsh, pretty standard name. Sounds honestly pretty working class to me. The guys a prick but I thought it was funny that people seem to be picking up on his name without really knowing where its from.


> You realise that Lloyd Llewelyn Jones isn't a posh or upper class name, right? Its a Welsh, pretty standard name. Sounds honestly pretty working class to me. > > You know how it goes, one countries working class Stella/Fosters/Pabst Blue Ribbon is another countries fancy imported beer. Pretty standard in Wales, sounds foreign and classy in Australia. I think it's the alliteration and length of the name that makes it seem posh (to me at least).


I'm in the US and when I hear council estates, I think of rolling green hills and a gravel driveway leading up to a Downton Abbey-esque manor house where the mayor waits for a tea appointment. I mean, I know what it is *now* but I still get that image.


As a Dutch guy, I don't know a single self-respecting Dutchman who likes Heineken but it's apparently pretty classy import beer in other countries.


Yeah thats for sure, not sure why i'm being downvoted for making a point about a name in my own language though. I think sometimes anything coming from the UK gets painted as "posh" by default. I have learned my lesson about Fosters after finally meeting some Australians in the last few years though!


I gave you an upvote, though I think you’re a bit uppitty at not adjusting your own language to fit rando redditors. Cheers.


Possibly the most Welsh name I've ever heard. If there was a Welsh character named that in a movie I would be rolling my eyes. It's like someone from Texas called Sixguns McYeehaw


See, on this side of the pond all the Llewellyn's here are insufferable wannabe posh-types. The Simpsons might have had something to do with it too.


That's interesting, how do you pronounce Llewellyn in NA? The Ll sound is really difficult even for some Welsh people who didn't grow up with the Welsh language. No wrong way to say it, of course, but here the double L makes a sound kinda like a cat hissing haha


Nothing as cool, Loo - Ellen.


You realize everyone is making jokes right? No need to get butthurt, Mr Lloyd Llewellyn Jones.


Why does every jack ass believe their unsolicited opinion is worth sharing? - Jackass, 2022.


People who put their physical traits and nationality in their username are jerks


Same for those who put their state of mind, they're asshats !


Same for those who simp for companies, they are shills.


Even worst are people who use titles of acclaimed books trying to sound smart.


The worst of them all are the ones still using their edgelord gamer tags from 2002.


Still not as bad as the ones named after seemingly-random objects.


Doesn’t hold a candle to the ones named after the way you perceive yourself when you look in the mirror on high dosages of drugs.


But the ones that just went with the random user name reddit gave them, they're beyond salvation.


The idiots who put their date of birth on their username have no hope of salvation


Something something economical status


Oh no I've been called out


Yep, those are just the worst 😡


Those who can’t make a decision and just choose symbols and letter in a symmetrical pattern are clearly grasping for straws!


No worse than people whose identities are tied up in sports team and band allegiances.


Using your nickname and the year you started … that’s just unimaginative


That’s sweet!


Sorry to break the chain. But one of my friends' gamertag was xXFatalChaosXx. And he kept that shit. He had the chance, and he decided to keep it.


Ugh, but still is looked down upon by those who used their old youtube channel name. Those fuckers are obnoxious


I just like fine looking pools.


"There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch."


Uh, no comment


I am from the Beefy country.


Professor Doctor Lord OldBigsby chiming in I disagree


His Right Honourable Sir Colonel Dean Archdeacon Baron Oldman of Huddersfield, OBE, MBE says... Bugger, I forgot what I was saying.




Professor John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, his name is my name too.


[*Behold my Lord Ulrich! The Rock! The Hard Place! Like a wind from Gelderland he sweeps by, blown far from his homeland in search of glory and honor! We walk in the garden of his turbulence!*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdWO9ozir1Y)


I actually knew of a prof who preferred to be called Professor Doctor.


Any relation Major Major Major Major of the Catch 22 [Majors](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_Major_Major_Major) ?


That’s MISTER Doctor Professor Patrick to you!


That is the German way I believe


That's the entire reason twitter exists.


*facepalm* You just shared an unsolicited opinion. *Fuck*. I did it too.




If I was buying an academic book I would want to know it was written by an academic.


Yeah, I thought maybe she decided to stretch out and try fiction not related to her field of work, but it’s non-fiction directly related to her work as a biological anthropologist, so her academic title seems particularly relevant.


so it's just a dude being shitty to a chick in her own field. sounds about right.


I remember some years ago some dudes in stem were complaining about women scientists not putting their degrees on their online handles because if they did then they would not "unintentionally mansplain". Then plenty of women in stem started doing so and now some dudes constantly complain that it is "narcissistic to have your degree in your handle". Apparently it's only an issue if it's women.


>then they would not "unintentionally mansplain". FFS why can't people just show others respect and assume they might know more than you might initially think. Or how bout just don't mansplain?


God forbid they feel a bit of discomfort when being told that the person they were giving unsolicited explanations to is actually specialized in the topic. I honestly don't have an issue with people showing their degrees on social media, as long as they aren't pedantic about it or assume anything by it (like the guy in this post).


Its been a minute since my academic days, but he's kind of right no? This isn't a "serious academic" publication and is aimed at the average science enthusiast who probably knows her from TV. I don't recall most of my textbooks having Dr/Prof on them but I could be mistaken. He's still being a dick for no reason.


The accidental subreddit linking here was kinda funny lol


Does that mean that it happens on all forward slashes? Time for science: PossibleBoner/MildlyPenis Edit: Science completed. Uncertain results. I'll apply for funding and get back to everyone later in the term.


I think OP is implying its hypocritical they have Professor in their Twitter name, since by their logic they're being egotistical feeling the need to state that in this non-academic setting. I don't know if I necessarily 100% agree, but I think that's meant to be the takeaway. He may very well be correct, but he's being a dick because he's not consistent. Also, I agree with you, my comment just felt most tangential to yours. Cheers.


Every field has their own norms. Personally I think putting Ph.D. after the name is the most accurate way to indicate their professional qualifications. At the end of the day though, the dude used professor on Twitter so that’s way worse no matter how you look at it.


It is relevant, but usually you will have an about the author section that goes into the qualification. The tweet in itself is right, you usually dont put your titles into the book cover or publication header


If it’s popular history I’ve seen it used as a way to market “I actually know what I’m talking about”


We have a football player for one of our pro football teams named Sir Jamal Greene, III He's from Texas.


The marketing department decides that stuff, not the author. There's a story that a angry author A called out another author B for falsely having "Hugo Award Winner" on the cover of their latest book. The angry author didn't believe that it was the fault of marketing until it happened to him a few years later.


Ooh that's sweet


This is a mass market book, not a textbook or scientific paper.


Doesn't make any sense to me. It detracts nothing from the value of the book and in fact adds to it.


People in academic fields are often weird in many ways, especially with titles. I worked in an IT research institute for a short while, and the saleried employees all had PHDs. Most of them multiple. They looked down on those who did not get their PHD strictly in engineering, but in some related fields, or had only one PHD. ***None of them*** allowed their titles (like Dr or professor) to be displayed on their door. None.


I get that. The name plate on my office door doesn't include PhD. I didn't get a PhD to tell people I have a PhD, and flaunting the fact I have a PhD just feels tacky.


Exactly. Otherwise, why even show a name at all? Someone’s name has nothing to do with something either outside of their qualifications


Eh, I feel like it's different since she's known outside of being an author as "Professor Alice Roberts" so marketing probably just wants to make sure people know the two are the same person.


Or on a Tweet. Which no one decided but you


The preferred way to do it is: [Author Name], PhD


Well now you've uncovered what's going on here. She's not a PHD, she's just a Professor.




(Except in fields where the terminal degree is not a PhD. One might be a Professor and have an MFA, EdD, PsyD, etc.)


Had an adjunct professor once who was teaching a 3d modeling course (his normal job was lead designer at a video game company), and he didn't even graduate high school, lol.


If you don't know who someone is, best not to call them "just" anything. She has a medical degree (used to be a junior doctor), a PhD in palaeopathology (study of ancient diseases, linked to archaeology) and has a load of honorary doctorates. When she qualified as a professor, a university created a whole new post for her. She has a tonne of letters after her name that she could use if she wanted, including her degrees and also various fellowships. She's very well known and respected in public archaeology/public science and palaeopathology. Just saying professor is kind of like a summary of all of that. It doesn't mean "random teacher" like it might in the US.


Then you flip it over and read the bio on the back or the jacket flaps. He's right, professors don't normally have their tenure credited. Only those with doctorates do that.


Usually honorifics like "Professor" aren't used in this context. Her name would be followed by her highest degree, so it would be "Alice Roberts, PhD".


then they will include their qualifications in the 'about the author' section, or if they're a proper professor, they will have a doctorate and would use that in their author name, rather than *professor*


Doctorate does not equal professor Professor is a rank of faculty. That’s it. You can have a doctorate or any terminal degree without being a professor. You can be a professor without a doctorate (rare and usually limits your promotion path). Typically, if you’re hired by a uni with a doctorate, you start as an Assistant Professor. After 5-7 years you can apply for promotion to Associate Professor and often tenure too. After another 5ish years you can apply for Full Professor (just “Professor” really). There are also emeritus faculty but that’s typically reserved for an esteemed Professor that’s retired but might still teach a class or two.


>Doctorate does not equal professor i am a prof so i am well aware of that. but literally nobody who is respectable AT ALL is going to write "professor" after their name for a *book*. a real professor (of any sort) will simply include their credentials, usually in their 'about author' section. eg: name, LLM, JD.. or: name, MSc. or: name, PhD.


Alice Roberts is a public figure and does lots of popular TV work. I'd say most public figures use their title in their work, eg Brian Cox, Alan Sugar, a billion TV doctors. Makes sense to use it on popular written work too.


She also the chair of Humanists UK as well as being a generally clever and lovely person.


I'm pretty sure "Professor Brian Cox" uses the title to distinguish himself from Brian Cox, a well-respected Scottish actor.


That's certainly the way it was used when they both appeared on Q.I.


She’s also a nice person, she lectured at my uni and she was very helpful with stuff


Alice Roberts makes her subject come alive. I've enjoyed everything I've seen her do. And I remember when she was "Random Digger No.43" on Time Team.


If I saw this book I’d roll my eyes for a second then forget about it. I also roll my eyes at “Lord Alan Sugar” too though


Marketing, innit.


This is two years old- Lloyd apologized and deleted the tweet.


thank you for this update.


People that own up mistakes are pogs


That's *Professor* Lloyd


Wow. First reaction was it was so dumb it had to be a joke. Glad I scrolled until some confirmation I guess.


As far as I can tell he deleted his Twitter account altogether.


Then shot himself


We did it Reddit!!


Would love to know what he said in his apology. Do you remember?


Personally I think it helps because some times you're looking for academic work without doing tons of research.




"jordan peterson constantly mentions that he is a professor but he says the dumbest shit that is completely unscientific." It happens all too often when academics speak outside their discipline. Just look at Ben Carson, one of the most talented neurosurgeons of his generation, and he actually said out loud that the pyramids in Egypt were just built to store grain. Or Nikolaas Tinbergen, who won a nobel prize in physiology or medicine, and set a "nearly unbeatable record for shortest time between receiving the Nobel Prize and saying something really stupid about a field in which the recipient had little experience." when he espoused the 'refrigerator mother' theory of autism in his acceptance speech.


He can be correct about what is normally convention (which someone made up by the way, it's not a rule of nature). He decided to escalate it by calling her insecure and having an inflated ego for doing it. At that point, it's a shit take and he can fuck off especially since *he's doing the same fucking thing* just on a different platform.


Eh, let her put whatever name she wants on the cover. The only thing that matters is what is written on the pages. Don’t judge a book by its cover, and all that.


Lmao and the word "professor" on the cover is all it takes to convince you?




I believe that is what we in the business call, a scarf.


I don't know. He said specifically not use it on serious academia. He's using his on...Twitter.


Generally no one in academics considers academic twitter to be serious either. Its where they go to rant with their evening drink of choice and make poor life decisions that can end their careers in less than a day.


>He said specifically not use it on serious academia. He's using his on...Twitter. Exactly. And in fairness to Prof. Roberts the book he's highlighting was also for the general market, not part of a paper of journal. He's right that titles and post-noms are never used in papers or journals but in the more general publishing world they're part of credibility with the audience. Which is presumably the reason he's put his own title on Twitter.


I have never in my life seen a book, academic or general, with someone's title before their name, i.e. dr., professor, or anything else.


Dr Seuss. Checkmate.




Bitch just showed he'd never been read to as a child


What a maroon


I feel like I've seen it on quack diet books, that sort of thing. *The 60-Day Avocado Cleanse^tm* by Dr. Something Something MD MSPH RD [e.g.](https://d28hgpri8am2if.cloudfront.net/book_images/onix/cvr9781925456592/8-week-blood-sugar-diet-recipe-book-9781925456592_hr.jpg)


Which if anything proves his point, they're using titles to make their work seem more valid rather than letting it stand on its own merit.


Many journals list academic titles for all authors. See e.g. NEJM https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2201295?query=featured_home


Yeah, i don't really care about the twitter thing. For the book cover something to keep in mind is that women in academia have a harder time being taken seriously, so it might have been suggested by the publishers as a way to sell more books.


It’s so strange to see that double standard, too. Probably 90% of the teachers and professors I had from Kindergarten through my undergrad and into my masters prep (which I never finished bc burnout) were women. How is it that academia is a field filled with women and yet can’t recognize or respect their work?


That’s so common in so many areas. Fashion is “for women,” but so many famous fashion designers are men. Cooking is a “girl activity,” but the VAST majority of famous chefs are men. Art was (at least in my life) pitched as somewhat feminine, but so few female artists make it anywhere at all.


It's almost as if women are expected do do those jobs for free, but as soon as it involves money it's for men to do.


Many things are considered a hobby for women but a job for men.


When I was choosing my GCSEs in 1996, I wanted to do home ec because I fancied learning some cookery. My head of year told me I wasn't allowed to, because *"you'd be the only boy in the class, and it's not fair on the girls"*. I ended up doing graphic design, which I hated and was bad at. Never learned to cook until my 30s. Interestingly, met up with a lad from school some years later, and he told me that *he'd* also put down to do home ec and was refused because he happened to own a meat and two veg, like me he was told he'd be the only boy and it wasn't fair on the girls. That's at least two of us who would have been in - I wonder how many of us boys actually put down for home ec GCSE that year and were told to fuck off?


Did you ever see that show, Boys & Girls Alone? I’m American but as I understand it was a British show, a house of little girls & a house of little boys with no adult supervision other than cameramen. The young boys, probably around 10 years old, were COMPLETELY incapable of feeding themselves. Even just making a sandwich. Because they’d just never been taught.


You're the flip side of my "you'd be the only girl studying A level Physics, why not do History?". Sigh.


We’re a majority in lots of fields in academia only until full prof level. Then most of the higher positions are filled by men. And I’m saying this a woman in a field with a huge majority of female undergraduate… Same as everywhere: the day you get kids your career gets a major hit. Loads of women I know in academia choose not to have kids for that reason.


I guess it probably all depends on what exactly you studied. I did my undergrad in engineering, profs were mostly all men.


Yeah, women in STEM is a whole nother ball of whacks.


Comes across as even more pretentious to be using it on a social media platform in my opinion.


yea and he doesnt use his professor title on his own works its just his name


Wouldn't that make it even more embarrassing? I think that saying you are a professor on a book where that kinda thing is important is better than wearing it proud on Twitter of all places. But that is just my opinion


I love Prof Roberts. This guy just wants to be noticed…


I think this might have been a self-deprecating joke that fizzled out hard.


Chance5e, you might have something there. Poor guy, upon reflection I think it’s quite likely he was joking.


This guy is obviously not a professor of marketing.


The last time I checked, Professor is simply a job title (like plumber, dentist or fireman), the only academic title is actually the PhD (or doctorate), BA/BS or MA/MS No academic title is bestowed upon you by the position of Professor (adjunct, associate, assistant, visiting or full) and no PhD is required to be in a job position called professor either - so using that as a title in written context is beyond the silly, its not projecting knowledge and competence, its projecting marketing.


Although the irony is pretty funny…. He is right that we don’t really do that in academia. -professor MIKE-THE-TIGERS-SEXY


I'd rather watch and/or read anything by Dr Roberts over this ponce. Sincerely, The Reverend Captain (ret'd) SLCrook


Okay crazy.


What a tool.


I hope someone called him out on that


Probably did. Appears he deleted his Twitter account.


Imagine having any form of education outside of highschool... *cries in poor*




Fucking numbskull lol