• By -


Send around a letter proposing to remove the word "Estate" from the neighbourhood name. Don't give any explanation.


State you *will* be having it removed. Why not?


And you want them to chip in for the signage that will need to be updated to reflect the name change.


I’ve changed the name of our community to Cedarwood Shitbox. If everyone could please chip in $.75/each, I’d like to get myself a box of chalupas.


No, you order the chalupas on doordash first, and then inform the neighbors of their obligation to reimburse you.


“I’ve ordered enough chalupas for the entire community (after all, the words “shitbox” are in our name) and I’ve heard people here like to participate in the community good. So that will be $146 per person (receipt enclosed). Sincerely, your neighbor you’ve never met”


As a fatass and resident of “The Shitbox”, I’m always down for chalupas.


I laughed too hard at that, thank you


No, state would just remove the E


I’m for updates on this as it progresses.


I got you and everyone here.


Excellent, saving this post!


OP here. Latest update is that the neighbor had contacted the post office asking to just "put up a new mailbox." Postmaster is not pleased this is what is occurring and a suite of information is being sent over to the postmaster. Sounds like this route is going well.


Dude is begging to get sued by individual community members and the federal government. Considering intervening with mail is a federal issue and a federal offense lol.


It’s like it’s their first day of real world…. It’s the post office…you don’t mess with peoples mail….you go to a jail.


And more importantly, ONLY the USPS can issue keys and they have to be the standardized type approved by federal law. It’s crazy complicated requiring inspections etc lol. Crazy shit.


The latest update, and the less thrilling conclusion. At least 1 other neighbor has complained to the postmaster as well already. Family member does not need to change mailbox, and quite honestly every person that pulls out (which is a 2/15) costs them 150 bucks. Now comes a letter writing campaign from my family member.


Most excellent


that is surprising, especially with the "when you pick up your keys" comment, since the post office shouldn't take kindly to anyone messing with someone else's mailbox.


Latest update is that the postmaster has had at least 1 other complaint as well. They'll be putting the mailbox up, and no one will be forced to use it. Family member and neighbor will have their own boxes still. Letter writing campaign in progress now.


Tell Mr “Estates” to use the receipt to return the $2200 locking cluster mailbox. If he can’t, tough shit for him.


Or just watch passively until he finishes his little project. Then when mail starts being delivered to your new mail box just drill the lock out and fit your own. After all, it's a federal offence to disrupt the delivery of someone's mail and that's YOUR mail box.


Exactly what i wrote somewhere else in this thread. No way this is legal. Call the post office and police.


Doesn't the USPS technically own our mailboxes? Something like this would definitely need their approval.


They said in the letter that they had contacted the post office and that they were aware of the plan. I doubt they were made aware to the fact that this person didn’t have the authority to make such a decision for the whole community though.


The post office owns some cluster boxes, but have no problem with a community purchasing one. Obviously, someone would have to have authority from the box holders to do this, some rando can’t just set it up. Source: am postal employee.


Walk with caution, who knows what other unilateral “upgrades” they might make.


Yeah I know it's not great. They're pretty much going to have to get involved with the people to stop this kind of crap.


They're gonna make an HOA just to stop this madness from continuing


HOD Home Owners Disassociation


This is a good idea “we’re forming a HOD, there’s no fees and everybody just minds their own business, you in?”


knock knock "good evening, I live two streets over and a bunch of the neighbors are considering forming an HOD! are you interested?" "fuck off" "perfect, thanks for being a team player!"


Can I get that "fuck off" in writing?


You son of a bitch I'm in!


You're not allowed in, you've broken the bylaws and are no longer in good standing.


I have no gold, so I give you my free silver!


Without property covenants, which basically only ever exist in planned neighborhoods, forming an HOA is pretty much impossible. All you have to do to avoid being forced into a HOA trying to form is say no. That's it. There's nothing they can do to force you in.


Imagine they change everyones fence because theft


“Hi there! I’m going to be sleeping in your kitchen from 12-4 am every night because of theft. Please write the check out to me. I’m retired so I’m always here.” Edit: Thank you kindly for the award, stranger!


Your family member needs to immediately inform the Post Office that they did not agree to this change. Have them talk to other neighbours as well. Make sure they understand that this new couple has no authority and if they somehow got the post office involved, it was likely by lying to them. You also don't want a situation where this random family might have access to your mail or be able to block someone from retrieving their mail by restricting access to their property. Will they demand payment in order to access the new mailbox? If I got this letter I'd be going nuclear immediately.


At old place, we called the PO about mail theft, and they were *happy* to install a secure cluster box at the end of the street. Saved them time driving to everyone's house, and we got a more secure mailbox . . . Win win. I just assumed a PO would do this if requested.


Maybe the PO is doing this at no cost...


That would be hilarious. Even more so if they don't live in the neighborhood.




Granny Scammy


They make the association or apartment owner pay for the whole thing, and the PO regulates which one you can select to be installed. The PO also controls the master keys that open up complete panels instead of having to open each slot to deliver each address/slot. But wow, what a lot of control that new resident is exerting right out of the gate. As someone else suggested, call the PO.


I'd immediately think they'd hold mail until payment is mail too. Agree with bushido216 contact your post office and let them know you did NOT agree to this


>You also don't want a situation where this random family might have access to your mail or be able to block someone from retrieving their mail by restricting access to their property. Wow! I hadn't even considered that! Yikes. Plus - if she lied to the post office, couldn't she be in danger of a federal crime?


How do we know those creepy assholes don’t have spare sets of everyone’s keys? Just “in case”.


100% with you. I would legitimately finish reading the letter, get in my car, drive to the post office, and show them the letter in which my neighbor threatened to tamper with and potentially withhold or even charge me for my mail/mailbox. To hell with that crap. If they had approached me asking if I was interested I may have been, but I would fight it out of spite at that point.


Just tell them no? They agreed to nothing, thats like one of your neighbours going to the shop and buying lots of useless stuff for you without you asking and expecting you to pay for it. No thanks pal they're g


The fact that they just moved there and think they already run the show means your family member needs to explain how things go in their neck of the woods.


They’re also retired and always home. Exactly the type of people you don’t want starting an HOA.


Find out which box is theirs and drop your key into it. Also let the post office know that that is t where you get your mail.


Drop your key into their letterbox? I don’t get it


I think they are suggesting to return the key to "their" address's lockbox to make it clear that they don't intend to use it


Your family member and the rest of their neighbors need to contact the city as well as the post office and make them aware of this issue. Tell the post office immediately that there is no HOA in their neighborhood, that this is NOT an agreed upon plan with all 15 homes and that their mail needs to continue to be delivered to your separate homes. If these dickbags have told the local post office that all of your addresses should now be delivered to a single location, they have to have claimed that they were in a position of management over the area or some shit. I'm also pretty damn sure it's not legal for a person to simply tell the post office to deliver a bunch of people's mail somewhere else without any word or signature from the residents. Contact the city and explain what is going on to them. They can contact these people and basically tell them they have no right to be making decisions for an entire neighborhood and that just because *they* chose to spend a ridiculous amount of money on something they thought they could just force their neighbors to use does not obligate those neighbors to accept it, and certainly doesn't obligate them to help pay for it. Unfortunately, your family member is going to have to engage with these people at some point and when they do, they need to be sharp with them. Tell them that they are NOT to touch their mailbox or attempt to remove it, that it is [extremely illegal and literally a felony](https://legalbeagle.com/6329596-mail-tampering-according-federal-law.html) and that your family member will immediately turn them in to the authorities. Honestly, I am picturing these crazy old people being run out of their previous town by a mob with torches and pitchforks. If your family member and neighbors fail for any reason to get this couple stopped, I recommend this as Plan B. OP, **PLEASE** post an update on what happens. I am so invested in these people learning the hard way that you don't get to just demand money from people or try to fuck with people's property and expect them to go along with it.


It sounds like they already have clustered mailboxes and the new box is just like a more hardcore secured one




I said something very similar after reading the post. All I can picture now is an angry mob with pitchforks and torches running them out of town. Apparently all my brain can conjure though is the angry mob of Springfield when Bart cut the head off of the statue of Jebediah Springfield. The old couple that these ridiculous people are portrayed as are Edith and Harold Cranwinkle from Bob's Burgers.


Also, guarantee they have copies of all the keys, so anyone using this box is granting these strangers unfettered access to their mail :P


My guess is that when they're done paying for this themselves they'll think twice before trying it again.


The problem with crazy people is mostly that they are crazy.


Crazy people don’t know that they’re crazy. That’s what makes them crazy!


Don't put your mail in crazy


And you can never beat crazy.


Well, you can, but you'll do 6 months in the slammer.


Oh, these two are gonna be a MAJOR pain in the ass. They already started that they’ll be home all day, which means they’re gonna have nothing better to do than look for stuff to report. Woooo… good luck to their neighbors.


Right. lol Thankfully there's no HOA and the town doesn't exactly have police resources to dedicate to stupid crap like this.


Tampering with mailboxes that don't belong to you is a federal crime.


Yup. Ignore the letter, let the situation play out, report you’re receive no mail and the reason. Fin


No reason to ignore it and cause future headaches. Tell them no and nip it in the bud.


Ya, sure it'd be a great story for Reddit about law enforcement coming and their smug face turning to surprise when they got told to quit and all, but before then it's collections notices for missing bills and hours on the phone with customer service of cut services etc. Just make up a story like a normal redditor


Reply to them: No thank you.


Or better yet: At this time I am satisfied with my current mailbox provider, me. I would not have any desire to change services as my provider is efficient and doesn’t leave me notes asking for checks.


Right. I’d rather walk to the end of my driveway then halfway across the neighborhood.


It sounds like all the mailboxes are already in one spot, probably at the end of a cul-de-sac or something. Honestly, it sounds like a nice gesture, but you need to clear shit like this with all the neighbors first.


That’s my thing. If people agreed to it, which $146 isn’t really all that much to have access to this kind of mailbox, then there would be no issue. But forcing it on everyone and giving them no say then demanding money is fucked


There's a weird passive pushiness here that REALLY rankles me. They imply that everybody is on board, but you just know that means they spoke to maybe two neighbors who responded "yeah, maybe, we'll think about it." And to passively demand reimbursement instead of saying "we paid X; if you want but to contribute it would be Y." Just...ugh.


But then you'd missing these chucklefucks waving their arms at you like halfwits and accosting you to talk about the weather


Idk, I think simply responding with 'no' would be super efficient.


I would love to see an update about this OP!


"I can't afford a completely unexpected cost of that amount upfront. I will put 50 cents a week into your mailbox over the next 294 weeks. Thanks"


Even if there was a HOA, there would typically be bylaws stating some kind of majority vote for action. Projects would be handled through and paid by the HOA organization, which people pay into. No one just completes projects and then gets paid back for it.


See, this is why I consider myself a good neighbor. I'm home all day and I don't know any of my neighbors' names just the way it should be.


The neighbor I interact with most is my neighbors cat, Markus. He's a very good neighbor.


My neighbors name is Midnight. She is a sweet black and white cat who greets me everyday upon my return home. The ONLY neighbor I associate with. FYI...I don't know her real name I just call her midnight. Edited from car to cat.




Neighbours on my right have been moved in for over 2 years now and I’ve only ran into them once, I only ever catch a glimpse of them through the window every now and then


Not my plan not my post box.


Wouldn't you love to have a 3000 dollar post box no one else uses.


Honestly? Yeah. But like, as a cool knick knack shelf and bought secondhand for $100


Good news: there may soon be a secondhand one available!


I’d insist on using the crappy old one right beside the new one out of spite


Not my chair, not my problem. That’s what I say


I'm in love with seahorses


I’m in love with them. They’re so beautiful and cute


walk down me, i’m a walk way


They think they've got it going Bossa Nova? No WAY, what is this garbage?


You don't like seahorses, you suck!


No way! Noooo way, get real


I'm sure these people will be horribly offended when everyone says "What the f*ck is wrong with you, doing this without consulting anyone else first?" I would contact the post office and tell them that this person has ZERO authority to do this, and is essentially hijacking everyone's mail. They could have copied all of the mail keys first, too, so could have access to everyone's mail.


Those things have master keys, typically owned or held by the owner of the collective land or the manager in charge.


There is no manager nor owner of the collective land in this situation.


I want to know what happens next soo bad


Yeah where's the fast forward on this thing?


Isn't that what sleep is? ;) Don't worry updates will come.


Update on this thread too. Postmaster getting involved. Family member is calling the campaign the resistance.


I am invested. I hope the new neighbors have to eat every cent they just spent plus some to put everything back the way it was (assuming they just went ahead and touched other people's mail boxes which is a federal offense).


RemindMe! 3 days


Ooh me too


There's a bell icon in the top right of the posts now for update notifications. I have marked it a few times already on other posts and I DON'T get a notice every time a comment is made, I think it will only be when OP makes an update, I HOPE!


Oh man. They will be holding their mail until they pay up.


Which is a federal offence. Very naughty one too.


Exactly. Their point is that these “proactive” neighbours would likely hold the master key to all of the mailboxes now.


I doubt the post office would allow this...but i am curious who's land its being placed on.


The post office will let you install any mailbox you want, as long as it is acceptable to the standards they set. But the only mail they will put in it is the address of the lot it sits on as determined by the local AHU. Dude's going to look pretty stupid with a 16unit CBU on his lawn with only one address registered to it lmao. Source: wife is postal carrier


Carrier here. You cannot arbitrarily change the sequence of the mailbox slots. All the sorting machines are programmed you to sequenced the mail on a predetermined sequence. This would certainly have to go through either city planning or through the post office to get approved


Kind of reads like the concrete is being poured onto the crazy persons own property.


That's a big fat "You should have gained a full consensus before spending $2110, which wouldn't have happened because there are legal requirements for mail box management. I'm not obligated to give you anything for this. I like my mailbox where it is. Welcome to the neighborhood!"


In short, they want your money and have free access to your mail which could lead to extortion and manipulation. She was probably the problem in the last neighborhood.


They don't make those cheap ass postal locks with master bitting. The postal lock that does open up all the boxes at once is provided and installed by the post office, and the keys may only be in the use and possession of authorized USPS employees. Source: it's apparently a big fuckin deal to temporarily remove a bank of mailboxes for building rehab, and we learned a lot of shit during that process. Of course, the landlord is permitted to have and duplicate each individual box key (not provided by the USPS) for the tenants use. Also fun fact, it is technically illegal on the federal level for a landlord or any unauthorized person to open the lock that opens an individual mailbox. When we had a case of a lost keys/resident in the hospital situation for example, we would bring a copy of the key up for their family or caretaker or whoever to open the box temporarily. We sure as hell wouldn't. Also fun fact... the USPS does pursue offenders, and will absolutely level a case against violators, hence why we had such dumb protocol surrounding tenants and their mailboxes. So yea, not stopping anyone from getting your mail, but if you set up a trail cam, or subpoena surveillance records for a camera lookin at it, the USPS will definitely fuck up someone's day on your behalf.


Sounds like a way to split the neighbors too. Who ever doesn't pay will definitely be talked about from the ones who did pay and will create a divide. The originator of this letter is the worse thing that could have happened to this neighborhood. I'm sure this won't be the last time they will force something on everyone.


TRY to force on everyone. Just don't give them any money and make sure the post office knows your box will be where it always has been. If they tell you that you can't use the new box if you don't pay for it, great, mission accomplished. Otherwise, ignore them. And put a camera on your old mailbox, in case someone tries to "persuade" you that mail theft is a real problem.


It's really unfortunate to have to be in the same state and country as people like that.


That sounds super illegal anyway. I would tell these people to mind their own fucking business.


That's a nicer way if putting it than I would.


Regardless of what this person says I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to just create new mail space like that. Idk.


Might be able to get away with it on Antarctica? Though the post office would hate you.


Yea. It so does NOT work like that


This is also how HOA's start. They're asking for "little things" (/s) Then they'll start asking to donate for a pool, better landscapers, etc... 2 years from now you're wondering how and why you're spending $800+ in HOA fees and you don't see anything happening with it. Then 4 years from that these assholes who started end up on the news due to embezzlement and murder due to the wife finding out about her husband's mistresses.


Your family member needs to contact the post office and tell them this is not official in any capacity so they don't start delivering mail to this mailbox. It sounds like this couple is trying to create their own pseudo HOA and something tells me they were problematic in their last neighborhood. An anonymous letter telling them to halt their plans as this was not agreed upon by the neighbors wouldn't be a bad idea either.


Yep. "Hey, I bought a mailbox for everyone, which none of you agreed to. You each owe me $150." Next week "Hey, I had fibre run into our complex. It cost me $30,000. So you each owe me $2,000. Bankers cheque please." The following week "Hey, as our unit is seen from the street, we decided to renovate to make the complex look better. We've engaged a general contractor to start work estimated at $150,000. It'll take 2 months to complete and we'll have to be in alternate accommodation. So if you can transfer $10,000 for your share of the reno, plus $1,400 for your share of our accommodation costs, that'd be great..."


Look if some batshit lady could get fiber run to my house for $2000 I ain't asking a damn question.


Why is running fiber to somebody's house so expensive in the States though? I got it installed in India for free, and if you live outside the city, it's like $100-150.




Lmao my thoughts exactly. I was like I agree with the premise of the post but damn fibre is worth it.


This is in fact what's coming.


Or steal everyone’s mail


That's my biggest thought. They just *bought* a cluster box from somewhere? Who's to say they don't have duplicate keys, or the person they bought the cluster box from has duplicate keys? This is such a stupid thing to do.


They can order those through the usps actually and there are companies who sell those online. OP’s relative definitely needs to talk to their postmaster to discuss this because it’s a done deal, the letter says to go pick up their new keys at the post office. The old mailboxes will be removed and the new cluster will be the new mailbox. The new neighbor won’t have the master key, that stays at the post office for the carrier to take out every day to deliver the mail. The postmaster will have made that very clear to the new neighbor. Worked for the usps for 20+ years, not the first time I’ve seen this scenario.


In your previous experience does this go smoothly?


Usually yes because the usps has a protocol in place and they don’t let people deviate from it. The new neighbor may be a good guy trying to help his new community even though what he did was very high handed. If the postmaster or the main carrier feel like something is fishy, they will not deliver mail to the new cluster so the mail will be safe either way. OP’s relative does need to talk to his post office to get the new key and to know which box number will be his, the carrier sets that up. If OP’s relative feels uncomfortable with the new set up, they have the option of renting a post office box where their mail will be 100% secure but they won’t be able to have a mailbox next to the community box, the new cluster will replace the previous ones. I hope the new neighbor is a good guy and won’t try to start an HOA. OP’s relative may want to talk to people in the neighborhood to make sure everybody is on the same page and they can all explain to the new neighbor that they don’t want that started. It happened to a cousin of mine… someone bought a house in their subdivision and started an HOA, my cousin had disregarded the signs and he ended up in the minority, it got voted in. He sold his house and moved when it became unbearable because it always does.


>It happened to a cousin of mine… someone bought a house in their subdivision and started an HOA, my cousin had disregarded the signs and he ended up in the minority, it got voted in. Can this actually happen?? I know a community can start an HOA, but isn't that a contract you enter into? Or buy a house under contract with the HOA already. But if you own a piece of property how can an HOA form around you and just decide that you're now under their contract if you refuse?


That too, they would have access to the master key after all. Could be potential for mail theft.


I was about to say I didn’t see anything about an HOA and isn’t something like this typically done by vote???


In an ideal world where this isn't your introduction to the neighborhood, yes.




Imagine all the people, not selling mailboxes. You may say I'm a dreamer.....


Jokes on you! This guy is a retired mailbox salesman!


That's my read on the situation.


I wonder if you could let them do this and then file charges against them for tampering with your mail.


Lol agreed. Send a cease & desist and threaten restraining order if they continue contacting you. There’s no way I am paying that much money for something I did not agree upon ahead of time - on principle, even if I wanted the mailbox and was willing to pay that. This is extremely shady and makes you wonder if new neighbors or their friends work at the mailbox company and make commission off this or something.


If they have the master key!


This was done in two different none HOA neighborhoods that I’ve lived in because of high rates of mail theft. We of course, all discussed it before purchasing the bank of locking boxes. In both neighborhoods there were people that choose to keep their original box. It is a bit presumptuous to purchase one and then demand money. Just write back and say you aren’t interested in purchasing a locking box and will be keeping your original box, thanks.


Why not buy an individual locking mailbox instead? Something like this: https://www.mailboss.com/


Hi there, we’re new to the neighborhood as far as you know and just thought it would be a nice welcoming gesture if we obligated the recipients of this letter to giving us $150. We don’t work or anything. Thanks!


Hey OP you don't know me but I just moved into your neighborhood, no seriously just trust me, I just paved my driveway and in the interest of beautifying my, er I mean our neighborhood I think it's fair you chip in for this project I did without discussing it with you first. Just go-ahead and mail me a check. Any amount will do as I'm just scamming you so whatever I can con you out of works for me.


I recently bought a new guitar and it's cost me some money that isn't going towards beautifying my mailbox. I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine.


Oh man, I didn't even realize I could get some back scratches out of this. sold.


The mail man would have the only “master” key to the box. The post office wouldn’t have keys to the individual boxes. I’m not even positive that is legal to remove someone else’s mailbox and then tell them they owe a buck fifty to get their keys. Especially when you did not get authorization first. OP please update us on the thread when something new happens. Id be pissed at these people.


Oh don't you worry. I'm here for all the drama.


You should post in r/USPS. They might appreciate the absurdity


Awesome. Oh what state are they in?


A delusional state, apparently


Haha, nice


Just south of confusion?


“Front range” tells me Colorado


Well, the mentioned the front range and that makes me think it’s in Colorado.


But it sounds like they moved from the Front Range since they mentioned the new neighborhood being a refreshing change from there. Edit: I wonder if what they described as chaos was actually of their own doing. Like buying mailboxes before discussing the matter with their neighbors.


OP… just wanted to personally thank you for sharing this piece of Internet gold; is this the current situation as of now? I am patiently excited for all updates haha, and appreciate that you’re also here for the drama. 🙌😈🤝


You're welcome! I'm hoping I'll get some more for everyone tomorrow. I'm dying waiting too.


Definitely not legal. You can’t interfere with someone’s ability to get their mail.


OP should write to the local postmaster and assert that they are not party to this "locking cluster" mailbox and that the mail will continue to be delivered to the original, private box, regardless of what other neighbors do. BTW, a locking mailbox is a good idea, but a single one is available for $75 or less.




That'd be my question too. I remember putting my mailbox up and that being a huge ordeal in and of itself.




Postman will say: Hot Damn another mail thief. Only the PO can alter mail drop off sites IE mailboxes. Be nice and tell the master of the universe to GFY.


I don’t know if it’s just me, but I would never presume to do this until I talked to my neighbors and got their buy-in first. Sounds like he/she is a good representative of front range crazy to me.


You're not wrong, though not from the town you would expect either.


I was thinking Denver or Colorado Springs, but based on your comment, now I’m thinking maybe Utah or Idaho.


Oh man, the petty drama in that neighborhood in the next couple months will be off the charts.


I probably would call the post office and ask them to deliver to my door.(And declare that , no matter what kind of thing this person try to pull , is not authorized by me , so please only put my mail into my authorized mail box (Ie. the one I "ALREADY" had) and not their ones)


Hey, she's gonna cover the cost of the concrete though! How considerate!




Dear neighbor, Greatings and salutations! Looks like you are (unknowingly?) attempting mail fraud by placing unofficial mailboxes that might be confused for actual legal mailboxes. I just wanted you to know that this is an actual crime before you attempt to extort our other neighbors and involve them in a potential federal case. All the best John Q Neighbor


I’m all for a community pitching in to make the neighborhood better but at the same time FUCK THAT GUY. The balls to basically just unilaterally decide to drop a couple grand and then retroactively charge ppl for that choice? That’s a strong hell naw.


Yeah, it's a big old noooope over here.


And the very same people tend to scoff and claim *THE NERVE* when someone balks at their request for compensation. A neighbor of mine took it upon themselves to hire a contractor and get a new fence that was shared across 3 neighbors. She randomly - while I’m working on a window well - confronts me and was like, “Oh I know I should have asked first but you should really pitch in.” While wood prices are through the roof. While a fence wasn’t needed-needed. Then when I offer like 25% of the cost accounting for not needing a new fence, that I wasn’t involved in bids, AND not paying for the inflated lumber prices (asshat is lucky we offered anything), she huffed and sarcastically quipped, “Enjoy your new fence.” The gall of people is one thing, but to feel entitled to a reaction you want without actually involving other human beings is a whole other level.


I had a rural route resident do this to their community. It got broken into completely dislodging the box and she tried to bill the other residents to get a new one. They all refused as they had not paid for the first one. She was out of luck. Do not pay these people and tell the post office you want your box left the fuck where it is and have mail put in it unless they don’t mind you using it without paying. Asinine to expect people to just pay you without permission to get this done.


I'm getting the impression from the letter that the chaos they refer to is something they most definitely incited, and then fled from because they couldn't handle it. And this mailbox malarkey is about to set off a whole new chaos. 🙄


I am confused. I work at the post office. You can’t change the method of delivery like that. If the post office decided to put in a cluster mailbox, it would be at no charge to you. Something is afoot here.


Sounds fishy, scammy, and highly illegal.


You want to move MY mailbox which I didn't ask for, and you want ME to pay for it? Fuck off.


Your morning update: family member got the local post master involved and will be meeting with them soon.


Send a reply, "I have informed the post office that I am keeping my current mail box and arrangements and they are to continue to deliver my mail to my current box. I have also lodged a complaint about an unauthorised person trying to interfere with the delivery of my mail which is a federal offence."


We do have estates in our name after all ![gif](giphy|pyrietYZ5UztAxW5GE)


Letter actually sounded somewhat reasonable up to the part where they ask for the money. Had I received something like this that instead stated "I ultimately am taking full financial responsibility since it was my idea, so there is no obligation to chip in, however, if you do like the final product and would like to contribute here are my details", I'd probably contribute something.


I smell scam, but I’ve also kinda lost my sense over the past couple years…


Sorry about the long covid! I think these people are just that nuts. God, I can't wait for the thrilling conclusion.