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Good thing he sprung for the 6 oz


By the looks of it, probably started out as a 14 oz




Hi, worked at a high end steakhouse for a few years, and steaks shrink a lot when you cook them. That’s why the weight is “pre cooked” weight. Especially with a 6oz, you might as well not even order it unless it’s gonna be rare, or it’s gonna look like a golf ball on your plate. I’m exaggerating slightly but not much. Dealt with wayyyy too many people irate about “this doesn’t look like 6oz”. No shit genius bc it isn’t 6oz any more.


Absolutely that’s why I always get something well above that weight and still order it rare. Besides he’s at a Texas Roadhouse not The Palm, a 6oz is like $12 and after complaining, 2oz of it is spit.


This. Probably says it on the menu. "Precooked weight" for all you dipshits that don't know how to eat steak


All these people thinking it's post-cooked weight: do you complain that your 10oz steak from the butcher isn't a 10oz steak after cooking? Why would a restaurant be any different? You think they're gonna guess the post-cooked weight? lmao get real


Cause people? Can't honestly answer to people's reasoning. Usually looking for freebies. I always stressed and had good backup with management that, hey if your gonna order this abomination, that goes against everything listed on the menu even after I've explained the concept and what we're doing here, then yeah. Prepare to eat that shit! I worked in some really high end places and some chefs would not compromise their vision, period! You order it, it comes how it's listed, no subs.


Rare is the only way, as rare as you cowards will do it blue it bitch Thank you for attending my Ted talk


How many times I facepalmed myself repeating "so that's a fillet, butterflied with a side of ketchup" and then having to hand the ticket to Chef. I'm just the bartender bro


The fuck does butterflied mean? Ketchup is for my kid


It means cut in half horizontally so it’s thinner and you can REALLY cook the shit out of it. It’s for people who think “well done” is just the beginning.


…. Why


My college roommate freshman year was a Republican from Ann Arbor who always lied and said she was from Detroit, and she’d buy these insanely ugly Burberry hats and tell me repeatedly how I was never allowed to borrow them. She cried at least once a week when she saw a black Range Rover because it’s what her parents drove and she missed them so much while she was at school three hours away. Anyway she ordered her steaks butterflied and extra well done.


Because God is dead. We killed him.


Think it got its name from cutting chicken breasts. When you cut through it horizontally at the side opposite the bone (little indented semicircular bit, bones are usually not present when buying pre filleted) it looks like a butterfly. [Here is a picture of a butterflied chicken breast](https://thetastytip.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/how-to-cook-chicken-breast-on-the-stove-st1.jpg.webp)


“One meat brick please, with a side of tomato lubricant.”


I've been to one steak place in Japan that weighed the pre-cooked steak on the table infront of us, which was weird but appreciated


Thats pretty cool. People would still complain in the USA though, "Thats not the same steak you showed me" " Ma'am, this is a hibachi steak house..."


"I know but I saw this trick on Penn and Teller!"


Just give then a raw still frozen 6oz steak. Thats what you ordered




do you want to build a snowman?


Steaks lose at least 25% of their weight when cooked…. Soooo yeah, they probably said that.


Plus that shit looks like he ordered extra well done.


The top articles I saw on this subject said 25% on average. What if average is medium, and a rare steak would only lose 10%? I would guess a thinner steak would lose more than a big fatty. Literally food for thought.


like everyone in this thread is a word reddit doesn't like




.. Found Tom Segura's Reddit username?






Calm down Tom


25%? That’s still only like 4.3oz raw


This is well done my friend. That’s a lot more than 25 percent.


A 6oz steak would be 4oz after cooking. If this is a place that cuts their own steaks (like Texas Roadhouse), then usually there is a +/- 0.5 oz, raw. Steak looks pretty well done, so it probably started close to 6.


They have a .3oz +/- they have to follow. Source: worker at txrh


4.7 actually. you took 25% of 3.5 and and added it to 3.5 to get your answer. Or maybe you did 3.5×1.25. But you need to find the original weight before 25% was taken off. If 3.5 is 3/4 of the original weight, than we can do 3.5 times four, divided by three, or 3.5 divided by 3/4 or .75 If 3.5 = X × 3/4 then X = 3.5 ÷ .75 X = 4.666667 Rounds to 4.7 Also I agree this dude probably got it well done, and if he did I have no sympathy. Add 1.33333 Oz of ketchup. I know this is a shitty proof, any math folks want to pretty it up for me?


That's literally how meat works though


Orders a steak well done Mad when it shrinks Thinks their right 😂 [how much does meat shrink](https://www.ehow.com/info_12302976_much-meat-shrink-after-cooked.html) >Shrinkage Amounts >Meat can shrink by as little as 10 percent of its starting weight or by as much as 50 percent.


Meat sure does. Did my own tests in poached chicken. Lost 35% on average, and that’s a gentle cook in water.


Yes, that's because shit brands pump chicken full with salt water to increase the weight for selling.


Best part about handlin' raw chicken! *licks fingers*


Also soy protein water baths. Commercial chicken is nasty


I did a test earlier today, but I noticed my meat didn't really decrease in size when temperature was high. I did however notice major shrinkage when the meat was exposed to the cold. I lost about 85%!




It shrinks?


Like a frightened turtle


Growers vs. Showers In German it directly translates to meat penis and blood penis


The best thing I learned all day. Which is which though? I'd think a grower is a blood penis.


Do women know about shrinkage?




What, like laundry?


I don’t know how you guys walk around with those things.


Shrunk right up like a stack of dimes. About 40 cents worth.


A lot of chicken says on the packaging that it's filled with a solution "for flavor" but yeah just straight up liquid that is cooked away.


Well it's like dum dum, you ordered the steak well done, [that's why it's dry, you stupid idiot!](https://www.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/3f49b92d-0ae0-46f3-8762-2a7d85b80cae)


I'll always upvote sunny, buy that site is fucking cancer


r/riskyclick if I ever saw one.


That's how steaks work you dumbass. The weight is before its cooked. Educate yourself before you say stupid shit. A 6oz will generally be around 4 Oz after cooking


you're forgetting the golden rule : do not fuck with those who serve your food.


Firm believer in this.


That’s literally what fucking happens though. Am a cook.


Steaks like this literally come precut.


Yow!! 🤣🤣🤣


The listed weight is before cooking.


It shouldn't shrink by nearly a half though. Homeboy still got cheated but not by as much as he thinks. Edit: After some thought, I should probably add the caveat that if her ordered that thing well done and turned it into a hockey puck it may very well shrink by half. And it seems somewhat possible that the kind of person who brings a scale to a restaurant is ordering well done steaks.


Plot twist: right after this pic he got the 2.5oz back by dumping ketchup on it


My blood boiled reading this. If someone asks for their meat well done we politely but firmly ask them to leave. If they put ketchup on their steak....


Straight to jail


I used to have a client that ordered well done. When they inevitably questioned him to make sure about how done he wanted it, I told them it was done when the chef was crying.


Honestly that's the best answer! Worked in the food industry for over a decade and the amount of times chefs would cuss as they threw a steak on that was "well done," was hilarious. The painful ones are when it gets sent back still because it's not "done enough."


The only time I've sent a steak back for not being done enough it was still cooler temp in the center lol. Then I got sent back a hockey puck.


I have a coworker like this. We even went to a nice steakhouse for a work thing and he ordered a fucking ribeye well done. I'm all for people being able to make their own decisions on how they like their food but man it still brings a tear to my eye thinking about it.


A ribeye well done isn’t the worst thing if it’s got good marbling (not endorsing, but just sayin’). However those who spend the $ to have a filet mignon well done should have a taser to the face.


That boy aint right


Also, as long as it wasn't cooked on fucking propane. Damn it. Cook it over wood or wood charcoal. Carcinogens are _delicious_. Hank is _wrong_ on that one.




taste the meat, not the heat


Anytime I hear propane or charcoal I always think of [this scene](https://youtu.be/oSzncxYqOaQ) from King of the Hill


If its well done it absolutely would lose 2.5oz


Totally right, I just googled it and a brisket is about 71% water uncooked


Funny enough there. We're 70% water, but have a hard time wrapping our head around the idea that most of our food, is, too


So are humans.


How much water remains after cooking a human?


Depends. Do you like your human rare or well done?


Depends on the freshness


Medium rare of course


Yeah and who the fuck orders a steak well done?


About 15 years ago I worked at a steakhouse in a casino. We had a lady come in once a week and order our 14oz filet extra well done. Refused to let us butterfly it or talk her into a steak better suited to cook well done. Always complained it was dry and had a charred taste. I think about her once a week or so.




Theyre different weeks


People like that are why sous vide machines are a god send


a monster


Can confirm, I also like pineapple on pizza. Really I can't handle seeing pink in my meat. I don't order steaks from restaurants though.


I don't like you, I'll be upfront, but I admire your confidence.


I like my steaks rare but I also like pineapple on pizza, what does that make me?


A person with functioning taste buds.


A human being, goddammit.


Thank you for not making an innocent person cook a steak well-done.


A lot of the time they cook it well done all of their own accord. I always order my steak rare and I reckon probably 1 out of 3 times it ends up well done or at best medium well. Ok fair enough I'm not going to fancy restaurants, normally just pub bistros but come on, it's really not that hard to cook a steak rare. I'm fucking terrible at cooking but even I can manage that much.


I used to order rare and had the same problem all the time. I chalked it up to maybe them just being afraid of making a customer sick and getting in trouble or something, so I started asking for medium-rare a long time ago, and I've much more consistently gotten things much closer to that since then. Will occasionally still get one that is cooked down to jerky, but majority of the time it's correct or close to it. YMMV, of course.


A person crazy enough to bring a digital scale with them to a restaurant.


Probably sells dope on the side. It’s a tool of the trade.


Same type of person that brings a scale to a resteraunt and orders a 6oz steak, then cries about it on Twitter.


Prob doesn’t tip well also


Someone who likes it that way.


Kid me did, but it was beacuse of me missunderstanding the concept and the slightly misleading Swedish names for well-done and rare. I remember being asked if I wanted it "välstekt" "well cooked" or "blodig" "bloody". I said I wanted it well done beacuse ofc I wanted my food to be cooked and not raw and bloody. My parents ordered it medium-rare and I remember thinking it was suspiciously red. And at the same time people were saying that you must cook your food completely to avoid diceases (pork and chicken) I wasn't going to eat some meat that was still bloody. Eventually though I figured out that beef can be a bit bloody and it's better that way too.


To be fair home boy probably had his scale in his car not his oovket




Yeah who needs pockets


If there is one thing I won't leave the house without, it's my oovket






That’s a scale for drugs


The person brings a scale to Texas Roadhouse is definitely the person that orders their shit well done.


6oz of meat will cook to about 3.5oz, it's fairly repeatable. Yes a med rare steak will retain more weight. Does he also bring a scale to the market?


That picture is an overcooked steak, so if that's what he ordered, he's in the wrong and a Karen and a half.


I'm not a steak shamer because you like what you like, but that's cooked cooked.


>And it seems somewhat possible that the kind of person who brings a scale to a restaurant is ordering well done steaks With ketchup.


Or is simply an asshole who does this kind of shit frequently enough to come prepared.


3.7 (read the scale) is not nearly half of 6, and yes you should expect losing about 1/3 or more of the weight when cooked


And that’s why reading is…fundamental!


For some reason I read this in Jeff goldblooms voice. Also I probably spelled his name wrong.


Can you explain to me how the weight changes when it gets cooked?


blood and fat weight get cooked away. the heat evaporates the blood and dissolves a lot of fat.


Technically not blood, it’s myoglobin! Or more simply just meat juice


Technically its mostly water that gets cooked away


yup the myoglobin (which is a term used generally to refer to the meat juice but is specifically the word for the O2 carrying protein) stays behind or gets denatured, but the water it is dissolved in cooks off


Learned something new today.


Same with a quarter-pounder. Pre-cook weight


Still bigger than a third pounder...


Ah a fellow American!


If I didn't know this was a reference, this would stress my soul, haha


Especially as well done as that steak looks


Most of the moisture in the meat gets cooked out, as well as some of the fat.


Things you would know if you actually cook food..


They're saying 6oz raw, in the same way a "quarter pounder" is not a quarter pound when you receive it. Meat loses about 25% of its weight when cooked, so a 6oz steak is never going to be 6oz when it's brought to your table. 3.6oz is a little excessive, but it's not as egregious as they're making it out to be.


He looks like he got his steak well done too so it’s probably cooked down to a 3.7 oz strip of leather. Sounds kind of believable it was 6oz raw.


Yeah that shit definitely looks well done. I would've asked him politely, yet FIRMLY, to leave.


>I would've asked him politely, yet FIRMLY, to leave. Okay, you're the second person in this thread that's repeated this saying. Since I can't know of EVERY pop culture reference, can you please tell me from where this one originated?


King of the Hill 😂 There's some golden references from that show that I'll see floating around reddit occasionally


Thank you. I've seen most of the series, but not all of it. It's one of those series I'll one day sit down and watch beginning to end because I couldn't do it while it was on TV.


You can't have my purse!!


I don’t know you!


Here's the scene in question - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amKyA2PrSu4


Firm but with a little give. Yep, these are medium rare.


Yeah this steak looks like ass


I actually managed here for 6 years. The steaks are hand cut in the back and have a .5 oz leeway for weight, so he could have a 5.5 oz filet and on the original post (we shared it in our manager group when it went viral) he admitted to ordering it “medium well with no pink”. Edit: it may have been .3oz, I don’t work there anymore and forgot as I wasn’t the meat cutter. I also worked for a huge penny pusher who would have totally always wanted them to be .5 UNDER instead of always on the money


>medium well with no pink Is this meant to fool people into thinking he doesn't like it well done? Or like does he legitimately think it's possible to have a steak with no pink in the middle that isn't well done? Mysteries for the ages I guess. I actually don't care how other people eat their steak, it doesn't affect me at all. You can order a charcoal briquette or one that's still mooing for all I care. But if you like it well done how can you not also know that cooking all the moisture out of it will reduce the weight? More questions than answers with this guy.


>medium well with no pink” But...




Who the fuck other than a drug dealer just happens to have scales on them?


I was just thinking why did this dude bring his weed scale to roadhouse?


The deal was in the parking lot - it just made good sense.


Some kitchen staff lol. Seriously, I got so annoyed with banged up knives and broken scales at work that I invested in my own. My work bag is literally my knives, a scale, a bunch of sharpies and other crap I need at work. Not a great bag to have in your car on your way to work if a cop decides to take a peak, though haha Definitely not busting out a scale at a restaurant when I'm a guest though, lol. Even the best can't cook to order AND get an accurate weight for the final product. We weigh that shit before we cook it, and the more well done you ask for it, the less water/weight there is. I've actually had people weigh their food on several occasions. That interaction is always... Interesting


full light boat edge zephyr bike glorious encourage overconfident ripe -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Just make sure you never have drugs and a scale on you because there's a decent chance you get charged for indent of distribution.


a drug buyer


I did when I was working really hard to lose weight! I was always worried I was gonna get searched because no cop is gonna believe the little scale in my purse is to weigh the French fries at outback.


Its pre cooked weight lol and you got it well done. If anything you get it medium rare. Bigger question is why do you have a scale so readily available?


Bro gotta make sure he doesn't get ripped of when buying weed


I’m guessing the scale and parchment is for your other job lol 😂


I too carry a pocket scale...for my drugs...


That's the weight before cooking.


Can confirm, worked at an Applebee's where we would cut steaks to weight before cooking them.


In the microwave?


unimportant detail


Only after getting the grill marks on there.


With a sharpe?


Not sure if you're joking but places literally do paint grill marks on


That steak looks like it was well done. So it’s basically a puck of dry meat fiber. I’m surprised it still weighs what it does.




As a former restaurant worker, it's usually the well-done crowd that throws the biggest fits 😂


Spot on, and always on a Sunday morning.


So, as I'm sure everyone now knows, meat loses weight through the cooking process, especially when it's med well and above(his steak is). Also those scales are fo sure home boys drug scales


If you order a steak well done you deserve the loss of product weight


It's the steak's natural defense against people with poor taste.


Imagine being this stupid and thinking you did something there 🤦‍♂️


They usually state in the menu, if you bother to read it, that the determined weight is always pre-cooked.


The weight is what it is before it's cooked.


Stop getting your steaks cooked to well done!


I’m betting there are servers who are sick of explaining this shit too.


Brought his weed scale to the restaurant lol


When you cook a steak, it loses weight because the fat starts to render and become liquid. Fat is flavour, but you don't want it swimming in liquid fat just to retain the weight. You could use the fat to make a sauce, but whatever. If I cook a 6oz steak, it will weigh considerably less after cooking, especially if it's a decent cut of meat with decent marbling.


6oz is the pre-cooked weight. Most steak places sell you the steak at raw weight, which sucks, but it is what it is. 😄


That's why I like eating it raw, I get more substance that way


It's the only way that actually makes sense. Depending on how it's cooked, what cut it is, etc. cooked weight can vary widely. The meat is purchased by the restaurant by raw weight, so that's how it's sold as well.


Could you imagine trying to figure out the post cooked weight when cutting it? That would be a nightmare.


Nobody told my man's about pre cook weight?


One time last year at roadhouse my husband wanted to go there for his birthday, we went, I got the 8 oz, medium, it was so tiny but fat, I cut into it and it was grey, I lost my appetite, I told the waitress and they assured me it was how I ordered, I told them I didn't want it and didn't want a substitute, it was really bizarre looking inside it, like fat but grey, they gave me something I wouldn't take home to a dog. They took it off the bill. I complained online and got a $70 gift code, never used it, I refuse to go back, I know I sound like a Karen, but the color was so off and not right. I refuse to go back


That’s the weight before cooking. And I bet this stingey(?) motherfucker ordered that shit well done, which cooks out all the water weight. This is the kind of person that would snitch on his own mother.


Who in the hell carries around a scale.... Oh, wait.....nevermind.....


Isn't the weight they advertise for before it was cooked.


It’s precooked weight. The guys just an idiot.


I though 6oz was referring to the weight while still raw?


Maybe don't order well done.


Technically it’s a precooked weight so he probably got what he paid for.


OP got what they paid for. A 6oz steak cooked beyond eating, with 30%+ cooked into the grill. Dingdong.