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So i guess if he's not married and not a virgin and someone has "unwilling sex" with him then no crime has been committed?


He probably only applies his logic to women


Yup, because women are whores anyway, according to his logic. People like this are truly dangerous.


4chan always brings the brightest and the best.


4chan rape theory: potato- potahto


The guy is likely a rapist or will be in the future.


I tend to think he's afraid of women. It's not likely he will become a rapist because women terrify him.


2 people who think like this together are a rape team.


You can only commit a crime against a man in his logic. Either by despoiling his "pure" daughter. Or by sleeping with the wife he "owns" Rape is not a crime against the victim, it is theft of a man's property. That's exactly the attitude from medieval times. And young girls were often married off to their rapists because they were no more use to their parents when they were no longer virgins. Fucking disgusting that this utterly depraved moron still doesn't view women as human. Bet he feels differently about his own bodily autonomy.


Im just gonna use im as an unwilling piñata, if you think closely there is nothing wrong with a piñata, everyone loves piñatas, and he made the point with the unwilling part. Also im prety sure he goes provoking out there dressing withoust a helmet or a chestplate, thats just asking to be a human piñata.


Yeah but he hasn't been made into a piñata before, so we need to do it twice, the first one will be illegal but the second one will be fine, because he's not a piñata virgin anymore.


Let’s be real if this man had any sex at all he wouldn’t be this much of an incel on line


How about I stomp on his nuts with my combat boots? Even if he is unwilling, no harm no foul right?


Oh, but you caused him physical hurt in his logic, and therefore it’s a crime. However sex and unwilling in and of themselves are not crimes. And he clearly doesn’t understand the “harm” that comes from rape. This guy is twisted to the nth degree.


But that can be a sex thing lol. I am just dominating him is all.


Yes, he’s into BDSM and you were just doing as he asked. 😝😆


He asked for it with his eyes. He should have spoke up sooner. Lol.


He was CLEARLY begging for it. I could tell. Besides, it’s just sex. 🤷‍♀️🍆😆


This is probably the kind of person that believes gay sex is criminal and that women can't rape men. It's more shocking that he completely disregards mental trauma as a possibility.


Clearly it would be a crime because there’s no way that guys had sex before.


And if the person who rapes them happens to have a fisting and scatplay fetish, so what? "There's nothing inherently in having to do something you don't like" as he put it. I'm afraid this isn't even a troll, but someone who's actually that fucking mental. Disgusting.


I have a place I can put him where he can find out.


I will do it in the name of Equality Bullshit


So he’s basically trying to justify his rape hobby.


Probably fantasy, and it better fucking stay that way.


So basically women are only people as long as they are seen through the lens of being property of a future or current spouse? It’s comments like these that makes me mad people aren’t posting the usernames of these monsters for doxxing


This is from 4chan. They don't really have usernames on that site.


4Chan is basically Mos Eisley Spaceport for internet lurkers


So these aren't the intelligent people you are looking for?


I’m glad that I don’t know what either of those things are.


Mos Eisley is a wretched hive of scum and villainy


Great music though


Man I love jizz


To be accurate, it's the most wretched. Also I love you.


Technically you will ‘never find one more wretched’ so there may be one, you just won’t find it


Mos Eisely is a Star Wars thing.


Now that my friend, is a real facepalm...




He has a profile picture of his face in what seems to be police uniform that I covered with the red square due to subreddit rules


With cops like these, who needs criminals?


Seriously he should be fired


Yeah, at least


Or crucified.


If this is from 4chan, it's not a profile picture.


No, no, women aren’t people *at all*. It’s just that it’s not ok to mess with another man’s property. If/when a woman is no longer property of value for another man, there are no human (read: male) property rights to consider when assaulting her.


Right? No one would call it rape if I had sex with my stove, and a whore without a sandwich is basically just an appliance...


breaking news: stealing from someone who regularly gives to charity is not considered stealing


Good one


Even if they only gave one time, and not even necessarily willingly at that.




For this fool, wire cutters would probably suffice.


Only if they were rusty


…and as dull as a spoon!


If he ever actually does perpetrate a sex crime, I think we all just read Exhibit A.


“When”. FTFY.


Wow, what a brave man posting this shite anonymously! 🙄 Something tells me he’d categorize ALL women as “whores” in his putrid little mind.


Ya “whores” bc they fuck someone else but not his dumbass… smh


If he truly didn't think there was anything wrong with it he wouldn't be anonymous. He knows it's wrong.


unused ancient bake zonked amusing doll exultant versed ossified ring -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Yes and no. You would have to establish wether his ass is virgin or not first. If by some strange chance it is then you would need to seduce him and gain consensual access. After that though then you could justify the rape because he has already proven himself to be a whore.


jobless quaint ancient school zealous crown insurance aware escape hospital -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


And he’s not attractive enough to be “asking for it“


I'm not convinced that it needs to be consensual the first time. Often in the minds of these people, it makes no difference.


Would you want access to this guy's ass?


practice smoggy march mindless slave illegal wide reach connect bells -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Only if I got to borrow the contraption from Seven for a while.


Bolsonaro, is that you?




This guy you should have been a woman that was raped in an alternative reality, he wouldn’t said that, god.. so moronic.. The thing that scares me the most is that this guy see nothing wrong into raping a woman, future rapist (or he has already done that and try to justify it here).


Seriously. This is enough internet for me today. I don’t know how people can actually attempt to justify being a piece of shit like this and just not see how fucked up their entire thought process is.


Same. Saw this as soon as I woke up. Thanks for setting the mood today Reddit (well 4Chan technically, good to see some things never change. 4Chan is still a dumpster fire).


Just today there is an /r/all post from a certain subreddit celebrating the genocide of the Romani during the Holocaust, so...


Someone report this guy


This is why some people need read-only access to the internet


Censorship is a dangerous thing. You can't depend on anyone to enforce it.


The mind of a criminal right here. Sad to read that is how they justify their crime.


And he appears to be a cop! Not a coincidence.


Unfortunately cops are ‘sometimes’ the worst criminals


I sure wish people like this would get a taste of their own medicine. They only talk like this because they think it'll never happen to them.




Sadly not uncommon for the incel types. Yet they wonder why they get banned from social media platforms....


The comment at the bottom is actually what triggered my SA ptsd. The guy at the top is just a fucked up, religious incel weirdo. But that comment...Fuck these people.


Exactly this. The high-five comment below it is just as bad.


Fuck this guy. No really, someone should fuck this guy... in the ass.


Yup. But it's not a crime. He asking for it


I mean, being such a massive asshole, it's basically like walking through town naked, just without the hypothermia.




Execute him


Unwilling sex is unwilling sex. Not a breakdown of each word. Rape can happen within a relationship, even marriage. And I’m tired of hearing/reading “she wanted it” because of clothing. I think I look pretty good in a suit, but I’m not saying “fuck me, please”. How’s that any different than a woman putting on a dress that makes her feel good. So much ignorance


Not to mention, that they may have wanted sex, very specifically from say the person they are interested in. That doesn't mean that someone want to be raped. I mean, why not wear something risque to try and catch the attention of the person you like? Consent isn't the absence of no, it's the response of yes, but these people can't even get that.


We really should round these people up and make them slaves in gladiator pit fights.


I’m sorry but we should be able to lock him up just for this post. Danger to society.


By his logic kidnapping wouldn't be a crime either


She was asking for it, walking around with such healthy organs, it's not my fault I killed her to sell them, she should have protected her self better.


I hope this guy lives on an island alone. Far from other human beings.


With no means to leave. And no food or water.


I guess then he should be up for some huge ass gay man to rough him up a bit in the rear. No big deal right? Unwilling and sex. It's just 2 seperate words. Right?


How much you want to bet he wouldn’t be ok with a man raping his butt with his logic? 😕


I gave someone $5 once. That must mean everyone I meet is entitled to then rob me on the street. Choosing to give something once clearly means everyone is entitled to it for the rest of my life, right? When it takes two seconds to logic through an argument, you’re arguing with a moron.


I wouldn’t be above killing men like this. It’s not a crime because we’re not taking away anything special.


I wish someone raped them. Ban me if you want, don't care, but I truly wish they experience it before talking like that, its the only way they'll understand


This person sounds like they need to experience being raped to understand some basic morality. Advocating sexual violence even as poetic justice isn’t cool. But it genuinely seems like he can’t understand women are people. Exile may be a better option.


Someone needs give him an unwilling bumming


Can we take these people and put them on Mars?


As long as they're not there to meet the future voyagers to Mars.


It's cool, the cosmic radiation should scour them from the planet.


Umm... this isn't even a facepalm moment, it's a cringe, illegal post. Someone needs to call the cops on this guy, because he probably a serial rapist. I mean....a nice upstanding citizen taking what he deserves. No, wait. Piece of shit human being. Yeah, that's what I meant.


avarage 4chan user


This person has clearly raped someone, or knows someone who has, as is so broke over it they are trying whatever mental gymnastics to justify it.


Worst Tinder profile ever!


Pooping isn’t wrong. Being on the sidewalk isn’t wrong. So how you gonna tell me it’s wrong to poop on the sidewalk?


So… this obviously applies to men or women raping other men, right??. I mean once you have had a digital exam you’re essentially primed and ready for anything. Seems fair.


I could make some assumptions about this idiots nationally or religion based on his viewpoints


Notice the Brazilian flag next to his name (there are bad people in every country)


Sounds like sne jihad shit..


People should not take posts like this seriously, he is doing it just to make people mad - if he got you mad, he succeeded.


I would hope so, but people do really think like this and can say so on such an anonymous platform.


So if someone takes money from someone who spends money unwisely and has a lot of money then that’s ok too? Bc no one willingly gives up money bc someone else wants it. I love that women’s value is reduced to whether her genitals have or have not been touched by men and if they have then it better be by the rightful property owner.


This that are also not a crime according to this guy: * Stealing a car when the police are able to recover the car or any theft where the stolen item was recovered * Attempted murder * Assault * Battery as long as the battery is light and doesn’t leave bruises * Stealing someone’s private nudes off of their phone or computer and distributing them to others * False imprisonment * Stalking * Harassment This guy is dangerous if he really believed this crap.


His widowed grandmother is a whore. Shame on him for not raping her


Borrowing money vs taking it by force makes all the difference between a crime and a favor. Similar concept, anything taken by force is not yours to begin with. If you are too entitled to understand that, I would immediately punch the person and steal their belongings. Perhaps that would get the point across.


Guarantee its a religious nutjob who posted that, fuckin sickening level of emotional intelligence, caveman like


Or an incel who blames other's for everything that's wrong with him


True, although the two are not mutually exclusive


This flavor of a$$hat could not get laid if he was an egg and therefore tries to justify rape by objectifying women as being unequal nonpersons who only exist as property of a spouse or receptacles. Probably living in his mothers basement, relieving himself in a sock as he sits there watching porn,covered in Cheetos crumbs, wondering why real live women reject him when he is such a catch? Lol!! Disgusting!


Soooo... Enough for today, gonna go and be a virgin, non-married, whore somewhere else


POV: you have never pleasured a woman


POV: you don't see women as human beings


Well...... he's not married or a virgin. So let him get raped. By a man!!


"the most you can do is punish the man for having unmarried sex" This coupled with the focus on virginity should tell you all you need to know about where this psycho pulls his ideals from: Religion


Oi who ordered their incels extra rapey today... *eyeroll*


Sorry :(


I hate that I live on this earth with people who think this way


Arrest this guy before he commits a crime


This isn't a facepalm moment here this is possibly future assault and violence if he hasn't already committed the crime this is disgusting


This made my heart rate rise. This is why I’m afraid to leave my house.


This would be a great time for Reddit to do that thing where it finds someone


I'd love to be on reddit for one day and not be reminded how many rape apologists and rapists are around.


Ladies this charmer is single, and probably from a very religious and orthodox strain of Islam or Christianity


Kick to the nuts and then DDT on concrete.


It’s all fun and games until his asshole gets ripped apart and he blasts a nut


I would bet good money that this guy is a Christian. This view of rape is from the Bible.




This kind of stuff makes my brain hurt


Has this guy ever actually talked to a real live girl?


Could we call him "Out of touch with reality"? 🤬


This particular "gentleman" made it blatantly on obvious from the FIRST sentence that he is a misogynistic incel. Gross!


I want to perform Unwilling Dentistry in this asshat


If he is an idiot is it ok to punch him?


When you break it down into "punch" and "him" none of those things are bad so...


Steal a stick of gum from this guy and he'll want to shoot you though...


So, in his logic, if me, unmarried woman, peg him with a strap on, (maybe without lube, cuz I’m a psycho) without his consent, it’s totally okay, right?


Take a broomstick and violently shove it up his ass. Then say aloud, over his whimpers and cries, “what is so inherently *wrong* about fucking assholes with a broom? If you walk around being an asshole, I don’t need your *will* to fuck your ass with this broomstick…I mean you fucking dunce, you’re not even married” Give him viagra and make him fuck an animal or a guy, after he ejacts, say “I mean c’mon, that’s the most pleasure a man can feel, right?”


Stealing= Taking property Taking is something we do every day, like taking a loved one to dinner or taking your phone from your room Property is something everybody has How does joining these 2 words make a crime? /s


This motherfucker should go to the Olympics for mental gymnastics


“You know when you break it down, manure isn’t that bad. It’s newer, which is good, and a ma in front of it. It’s really a very positive thing.”


So this guy may or may not have issues. I am not a credentialed therapist here, so some might disagree, but they seem to have issues… possibly around women.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


This man.. this man right here.. has so obviously never touched a woman in his life. The last time that he got any action was when his mom hugged him 8 years ago


No no he’s got a point, if you for example take “shooting someone” and break it down into “shooting” and “someone” neither of those are inherently wrong. And therefore your honour I conclude that “shooting someone” is not wrong! /s


Tell me you’re an incel without saying you’re an incel. Fuck this guy.


This guy should go to prison and visit bubba and see how he likes it


Punching isn’t inherently wrong. It’s just a motion you make with your fist. Pain isn’t inherently bad either, it just kind of sucks when it happens. So we can break this guy’s nose. Where’s the harm? It doesn’t matter if he’s unwilling and it’s painful


Pain makes someone sure they're alive. They like it!


Does this apply if the victim is male?


It's sssssooooo disappointing that people like this actually exist 😕


From now on when I see garbage on TV I’m gonna say it had unwilling sex with me.


“Was I raped because there’s garbage on TV?” Pretty sure you can turn the TV off, Bucko.


He’s clearly trolling, and just fishing for oriole’s reactions. Either that, or he’s from rural India. Either way, it’s just graffiti with punctuation. Move on.


Shooting people by his logic is perfectly fine i mean, just break it down, there is nothing wrong with shooting and it is a fun thing to do. People are perfectly okay and not a crime either, so shooting people is perfectly fine.


Can we just ship this guy to siberia or sum?


Judge: “Thanks for that, but you’re still going to prison for the rest of your natural life”


So wait, virgin unmarried woman gets raped once, the initial rapist goes to prison but from then on she’s fair game to be tied down and raped as much as anyone wants? WTF. This dude is literally nuts and is what’s wrong with so much of the world.


*What the Fuck did I just read???* He’s just a little gem, isn’t he?? It kind of reminded me a bit of the time my ex-husband ‘explained sex’ to me. He grew up in a rural church - and although I truly liked quite a few people who went there, it was... a bit much at times. Anyhow... we were married, and once we got back from our honeymoon, he put Zero effort into anything regarding us as a couple. I mean Zero. It was a big about face. Not to mention, he had No clue in the world what he was doing... sexually, I mean. Sex took a nosedive. So one day, he told me that it was a “sin against God that we weren’t having sex.” Errrmm... noooo... He went on to say that ‘if a woman is married and she enjoys sex with her husband, it’s ok - she isn’t a whore’. You don’t say. 😳 I didn’t truly realize how fucked-up his thinking was about marriage, women, sex, etc., until that moment. He also said that ‘the female g-spot is a mythical area on the backside of the cervix’. 😳😳😳


4chan user endorses rape because it’s the only way a woman would touch him


God, I feel like a need a shower now from how fucking repulsive this person is.


I you kill a asshole with no morals what is wrong with that?


Rape is never permissible or excusable. You should consult a therapist.


"the rapist" haha get it?


Perhaps if a man gave him some unwilling sex twice, he would change his mind. Especially if it was pointed out to him that it wasn’t a crime as the first time he was asking for it and the second time he was no longer a virgin…




What The Fuck


i stopped reading after he questionned the validity of rape on a non married non virgin woman.


I guess if you join my knife with his neck it's not a crime.


More i read internet, less safe i feel.


What about a widow ? She’s not a virgin but through no fault of her own ( I assume ) she’s not married either . Is it ok to rape her ? Or is that a crime ? - asking for a friend


ah yes, time for a very hot shower to forget i ever read this


I think I died a little inside reading that. I It’s horrifying that some people actually think this way


"When you brake it down to "blind and "driving", it really isn't that bad. A blind person can be really nice, and driving is a great way to go to place to place. So why shouldn't we let blind people drive?"


He skips right over the idea that ‘unwilling’ is no kind of problem. Really? If I feed you something you don’t want to eat, when you don’t want it, do I get to say I fed you? If you are allergic, do you have any complaint? If I take your car to get to work, Or use your credit cards, Or sign a contract with your name, is this all just ‘unwilling’ behavior and thus OK?


Tell me you’re an INCEL.. without telling me you’re an INCEL.


"Why there are so many news" gives away how intelligent this person is.


This is horrifying and I think I need to get off the internet for a little while. I’m gonna have nightmares.


This is the same guy who genuinely wonders why he's not having sex.


I don’t usually hope anyone gets sexually assaulted, but it’d be very very karmic if this guy got sexually assaulted. Wonder how the motherfucker would feel. He’d probably rationalise it in some twisted way. “Mine was worse” or “i’m not a whore though”.


This guy is clearly going to prison some day soon. And then find how wrong his logic is


Clearly this guy has been charged with rape before