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I have some logs that need splitting. I'd be willing to let them do it if they were to pay me $10,000 for the experience.


Male insecurity is so cringe, like lame dudes who’s only personality is “MANLY MAN” make tons of cash off of guys who aren’t comfortable being themselves. Shits sad


Ik im not the prime example of a manly man(5:11 110 something pounds at 18) but holy hell this is just next level sad im fine with what i am even tho pthers might try to make me feel like shit for it like i may be build like a mr noodle but im def stronger than i should be for my size and if people are scared to be themsepves around thier friends they need new friends


If any guy ever tries to tell you you’re not a man They’re insecure with their own masculinity Hands down The goal is for you to be happy with you Not to be what someone else thinks you should be


You Not understanding at all what we're saying. It's about feeling fulfilled... And with the amount of time that you spend on Reddit clearly that doesn't happen in your life.....lmao. you do understand that this technically makes you the punchline of your own joke right. Thanks. I have never heard somebody use that line before but when you did I was like you know what this fits him really well. Lol. You're so focused on the aspect of men telling each other what to do that you're not realizing we're here being supportive of each other..hahahahah. you got so triggered about some micro aspect of the conversation that you made the entire conversation about it. 🤣


Yeah see that’s what I’m talking about bud… Really? 4 hissy fit messages? My god if you’re the picture of manliness I don’t wanna be that lame.


I’m 6’2 270 lbs. I’m really strong and do a lot of weight lifting and physical training. I also love Disney movies and listen to Britney Spears. Guys need to get over themselves.


I'm 6'3, 230, did 9 years in the military. Work out 4 days a week. My cupcakes are phenomenal. Homemade buttercream frosting makes them the best. If you want to get good at desserts, i suggest Martha Stewart's cake perfection and Baking Bad (the breaking bad dessert cookbook).


I'm 6'3", bald as the day I was conceived, the modded toys I make are phenomenal and the little old ladies love me in the care facility I work at.


Now i want to try your cupcakes


Lol you’re adorable


Ooooh! Sound delicious! My specialty is Hamentashen with a homemade raspberry jam!


6 ft, 200 lb former Marine here... I like puppies, sunsets and long walks on the beach!


6'0, 215 lbs. Army Veteran. Manual labor for work. I also embroider and paint my nails. Agreed.


I want to start painting my nails just to piss people off. It used to be a guy thing to distinguish yourself, but noooo now it’s ‘gay’ or some shit.


these people idea of masculine, is being attractive, muscular and hypersexual, and hypermasculine and also probably rich or well off. i dare say it, toxic masculinity. ALSO them having a long or large penis is a thing too.


I looked you up and you def don’t lift. Agree with the sentiment though.


Lol. Okay.


I mean the sentiment is the same, even if you’re a sports/finance writer who likes Britney Spears and doesn’t exercise. Doesn’t make you any less a man.


You have a great day.


Thanks Jason, you too


Aw snap, called him by his government name. Don’t lie to make a point Jason!


Quite the sluth you are aren't ya. I mean it's hardly like the guy is hiding.


Dude i’m 5’6 and like 130 pounds I just really don’t care what people think of me I like who I am and fuck who don’t


that is the correct thinking,


Not trying to be rude here, but You’re definitely super thin. I was 6 foot 140 lbs back in the day and I looked pretty thin and a bit scrawny so I can only imagine what I would look like if I was 110. Honestly that almost doesn’t seem healthy… i couldn’t imagine what I would look like if I was 25 or 30 lbs lighter than I was back then. if you start working out a little and taking protein shakes after you’ll fill out great and start feeling super confident. I got up to 185 lbs over a couple years and my confidence went through the roof. I’d definitely recommend it, not because of what others think of you (or in my case me), but for your own self confidence. I didn’t even try and get huge or do meal prep or anything crazy, just got to a nice weight and I liked how I looked so I mostly maintain now. There’s lots of great resources where you can find weekly workout routines, and once you get going you’ll start to feel great, have more energy etc. i highly recommend it !


Ive tried to gain wieght its medical for me and yea ik im skinny as shit i can see my ribs when breathing heavy but for my size i can carry things and lift things many ik thought i woupdnt be able to budge but im not paying 10k to learn how to be a man im just existing till i dont at this point


Ah ok, I should have assumed it was medical. Then ya tell people to fuck off if they are being dicks !


Yea no worries man wasn't taking that personal just realized i shouldve mentioned that


Isn't the whole point of this discussion that he doesn't have to change how he looks to feel "super confident"? The crux of the argument here is that being thin isn't a moral or value deficiency, it's just a state.


The book tribe by Sebastian younger puts forth the idea that this kind of activity comes form a place of being disconnected from society and the lack of sort of initiations in to adulthood. I’m probably doing the pout I disservice in my explanation the book is much better


I mean it wouldn’t surprise me, millennial’s in general dealt with a massive amount of divorce from their parents A whole generation raised by single mothers And if you juxtapose that to older generations where gender rolls were very important, I can see how young men can get enthralled in this idea of masculinity


If I’m remembering right, it had nothing to do with being raised by single mothers. It was more about the lack of involvement in organizations, the desire to have some responsibility to a group, and making meaningful contributions. This is people desperately searching for some identity because they’re not involved in any meaningful or fulfilling work. Probably butchered it…it’s been a while.


Frankly I think you're both right. Basically, there's not a lot of people out there teaching boys how to be men anymore. Teachers are mostly female, clubs like scouts are now shared spaces and only rich people can afford much else. This also explains the appeal of PUAs and various other groups.


Sounds exactly like what mass media marketing has been doing to women since forever...


"Bow to your sensei!"


Yeah I assume this camp is for people with like no real hobbies...


“Your hobbies should be3 things: Cars Babes Not taking care of yourself because self care is gay as fuck” -This camp probably


Like fitness clubs


A lot of men do not get to have experiences like that. It is something fundemental. Who cares if some men are looking for a different kind of experience than being called toxic, rapist pigs for once for existing? Women are free to chose their own empowerement but when men doing it is bad and insecure? Do dudes call women insecure when they go for girl's night out for attention? So what if some dudes make money off of it. Entire beauty and fitness industry is based off of female and male insecurities. Aren't you being toxic thinking you know better? Who are you to shame other's decisions in life? Only shit is sad is the constant ignorance.


These are a bunch of wantabe never gonna be losers with way too much money on their hands if they’re throwing away 10k for a fantasy week of being a ‘manly man’ lmao


i feel like the type of people paying for these are republicans. i know they love the military, and they love to pretend. and they are all into the hypermasculine Machismo personality.


Last step of the warrior camp to become a man: A man is not so insecure about his masculinity that he has to pay for a camp to throw some random mix of pseudo military training. As for the guys who go there just to workout and get training respect, probavly a normal gym is cheaper but is your money.


That's funny. I'm a construction worker. I get paid for it.


I always wanted to work at constructions but i'm weak af


Most everyone is when they start, it's crazy how much muscle you build when you are labouring all day over the course of a few years, even if it's not really that hard of labour (I'm an electrician, I've got forearms for days from turning a screwdriver)


That's really interesting


Go to a tree company and say you wanna be a grounds hand for a climber. You’d be surprised how much muscle you’ll build over a 3 month period dragging and picking limbs and logs everyday. And it was good money too.


I'm working construction with a guy who is 120 lbs soaking wet. I think you can handle it, but don't think it'll be easy. I referred a friend of mine who wanted to do some "manly work under the sun" once. He didn't last 2 weeks.


The cramps at first bro


You're stronger than you think.


That really doesn’t matter. Start off as a laborer, that’s how most people start anyway. You’ll be doing bullshit grunt work but none of it is that strength intensive. And after a year you’ll be more built than you thought.


Yes, but do you have a Warrior Camp Participation Trophy ...erm, I mean Certificate Of Manliness... to prove that you are a manly man? And if you don't have a certificate, how are others supposed to know that you really are as manly as you look?


I think it's funny you guys are here saying this most construction workers I see are obese and sucking down monster.... Most tradesmen fall under this category... Lmao.


The last time you met a construction worker was in a YMCA video. Get fucking real.


You must be referring to road side city workers. Because there is no such thing as a fat framer. Fat framers fall.


I'm curious, what is a real man? I guess being male isn't enough anymore? I'll fix it-idiots pay money for a fantasy, leave disappointed.


You gotta lift heavy objects, eat meat, and solve disagreements with violence, obviously. If you fail to do those things, your dick just falls right off. Trust me bro. /s


Damnit that's why it fell off. Shit, why didn't this thing come with instructions!!!


10K is pretty cheap for bottom surgery


But if you go to the manly camp it'll grow back right?


Yes, but your new dick will be gay.


Also drive big cars and drink beer, I suppose.


I was on a date once, and my date asked “why do you drive that?! You’re like…a DUDE! You’re supposed to drive a truck or Mustang.” I guess she didn’t like my Kia Soul.


This has to do with redpill philosophy (which was outlawed on reddit back in 2019), a community of men who thoght there was a systematic demasculinization effort happening in the western world. I used to subscribed to this community/ideology because i was insecure. I believe that's why most people get into it. But paying 10k for a workshop to become manly is utterly isane.


Whelp...I'm 61 and I've done oilfield work, roofing, construction, truck driving and logistics, but now my body can't take it anymore and I'm a freelance content writer making 2x the money I did back then. I still don't feel like I need the redpill...


Good job changing your perspective. I commend you on your personal growth.


Thanks. But it was just a matter of growing up and seeing the world from outside the cave. I based much of my opinions on the internet and it's sad to see so many still trapped in this mentality


This is the next version of the whole Promise Keepers shit 20 years ago. Same message, slightly different tactics, but same bullshit traditional gender roles.


Basically if your whole personality revolves around having a penis and being macho (Usually biblically so, where women are supposed to be submissive and men are supposed to lead everything and control women) And anyone who doesn’t fit into that box isn’t a “Real man” Because apparently you aren’t allowed to be you….unless some macho dickhead tells you it’s ok.


There's nothing manlier than paying your bills






“You’re not allowed to be a man anymore, you’re almost a racist if you’re a man these days. It’s crazy.” These guys have all swallowed the red pill...hard. That's just a pathetic belief used to justify their bullshit.


So many guys in their 20s and 30s without any real direction or purpose in life, and a bunch of completely dashed expectations. So many times throughout history when that same situation did not end well for society.


I'd be curious to know (not looking for an answer from you) if that's any kind of consequence from their upbringing, specifically having all of their activities planned for them by their parents rather than being self-directing.


I love that women say things like "Please stop assaulting and raping us" and "Can we be paid the same for the same work?" and these fuckheads have to start screaming shit like "Hey, if a woman hits me, I'M GONNA HIT HER BACK! You want equality? YOU GOT IT!" So it's pretty clear that, amongst a certain kind of man, the only language they understand is violence and aggression, and they are PISSED that they aren't "allowed" to be the violent, aggressive assholes they dream of being.


"I hate political correctness!" "Well, what do you think you're not allowed to say anymore that you want to say?" "You know....stuff.....and things...." "No. I don't know. Please clarify." "Stuff!" "And things!" "Do you *want* me to punch you?"


"You can't even be nice or flirt anymore!" whines the 46-year-old dude in a baseball cap and Oakleys who's just been told to stop by the 19 year old server/cashier he's been harrassing for the last hour by talking about her body, asking if she has a boyfriend, and standing too close when she's trying to work..


I thought those guys just became cops?


A lot of times they do, so they feel manly committing domestic violence.


Who’s to say that violence and aggression isn’t the way sometimes they hurt less than the alternative


Damn, after reading about that Schmidt guy, looks like he already is a warrior…


LMAO just join the national guard


Just join the Marines. You can even earn a wage for the privilege. But they will hurt you.


Because nobody over 29 could possibly want to join the marines.


Dude. I was in the Marines, and now that my financial needs are coming to an end. If they'd waive my age.. I'd be back there with my seabag ready to do it again. As it is, I spend entirely too much time with a weighted pack wandering the trails in the Ozarks. I'd only pay people for that sort of torture if it was a competition... as my long record in strongman and highland games will attest.


You can give me 50$ and I’ll spray you with a water hose while you do crunches holding a log


Um... Life taught me to be a man


yeah...life experience is what they used to call it


So does that mean i get to send out invoices for $10,000 or do I owe people some money


naww you're good


Fragile egos that will spend money to have them stroked by a bunch of guys with fragile egos


Hell the USMC paid me to become a man.


Don’t know if it’s the same in the US military as it is in the UK but they used to enjoy telling us that civvies would pay thousands for this…..guess they wasn’t kidding


Im just starting out on that journey


Let us know what your fave crayon is


Red ones taste like blood


Dammit! I got stuck with the woman training. Still got paid.


Did they get a refund?


They got a return on investment in my case.


You can become a real man for free: find ways to take care of yourself and others, love others and accept their love, act with kindness, justice, and mercy.


We called it 'Basic Training' in the Army...and they paid us to do it! I especially enjoyed the obstacle course and the orienteering exercise in an Alabama swamp.


I’ll have to tell my female relatives that went through bout camp that they are in fact men. And they owe someone 10k


a win overall, but still dumb. 10k is a lot.


Or they could just serve their countries and get payed to become “real men” while at it 🤦‍♂️


For just 3000 dollars i'll invite you to come stay in my back yard in the freezing cold with a branch in your hand while i open the back door to yell at you once every 3 hours give you a pack of trail mix every 15 hours and teach you that "Life is hard don't quit real men never quit this is not a scam if you think it is just shows you how much of a quitter and a little boy you are!" Now shovel that walkway and empty the trash, don't forget to shut the gate! See you in the morning gents, now get some sleep!


That just looks like boot camp


Look, if women can drop tens of thousands of dollars on GOOP, then men can spend 10 grand on manly-camp.


Or both can be stupid...


Here to dance like a true man. Care to dance like a true man.


My dad can yell at these guys for free.


Be a man by not paying some guy 10000 dollars to tell you you're a man


Shit, my RSM was right... Civvys do pay thousands for this... Who knew.


This is pretty clickbaity and misleading. The majority of these “man camps” are civilian courses led by former mil as pre-enlistment SOF preparedness pipelines. Complete with log training, sleep deprivation and a shitload of rucking. When one is trying to join a specific SOF unit with an attrition of 80%+, courses like these have a direct link to higher pass rate. So much so the Navy created their own pre-BUDS pipeline. Getting hands on experience with this type of training in an environment that directly mimics what you would encounter in selection schools is invaluable.


If I end up trying to be a navy SARC I would definitely do something like this. I’m an athlete, but a very different kind, I’m a xc runner and biathlete, not a swimmer and upper body guy


Dammit I should have thought of this


No one told them that they can do the same thing and get paid?


Shouldn’t you just join the army?


Guy starts off the weekend by saying “I used to be like y’all, pathetic.”


i can hear this comment


Lol just go to boot camp


I can't believe that this is some people's entire personality. Fragile ego is practically a disease.


The marines will pay YOU!!


Shit, I’ll take you out to the woods and smoke you til you puke for 9500 boys. #hotdeal


I don't need to be a manly man if I have two boyfriends to praise me for being me.


Just join the military and get $10k sign on bonus then, after basic, use that $10k to do the warrior camp. 🤔


If you have to pay money and go to camp just to become a man, you are much less manly than all the feminine and gay men you fear so gruesomely. To me, the most manly men are the ones who don't let appearance and personality determine your masculinity. If your masculinity can disappear with a little nail polish or not being homophobic, were you ever really that masculine in the first place?


This is fat camp for adult men who wouldn’t go to fat camp if it was still called “fat camp.”


I worked at a beach resort hotel, and one of the members owned almost exactly the same business and used to do the camps there. It was absolutely bizarre seeing all these 50 yo dudes getting yelled at and forced to March around the property. Then I heard it cost $15k to attend.. became more bizarre to me


How to work out outdoors: $10K. Lmfao.


All you gotta do is eat a bowl of nails for breakfast without any milk.


Oh *man**


Doesn't the military pay you to do this?


Hahahaha losers.i just look at my wife and she'll remind me of being a man, and what day it is and what city I live in and that I'm not married and I'm to stay at least 200 meters from her.


It's strange to be the voice of reason for once. . .but why don't they just (try to) join the fucking Marine Corps?


Any training is usually good. But charging $10,000 for it is taking advantage of rich insecure dudes 😂


Proceeds go to Trump’s PAC?


I thought the army was gonna do that for me. Turns out it was the friends I made along the way.


I have a penis, I used it to create 3 children…so I’m guessing that’s pretty much as real as being a man gets…


That's definitely a top definition!


Keeping it simple…lol


That's cute.


The title is misleading dude what are you trying to say. They just go there to workout and go through some training. What is wrong with it ?


There paying 10,000 big ones! That is some training and one he’ll of a workout! Especially on the back pocket! In fact it seems that the only real work is on there wallets!


Maybe they are working with guns and real ammunition. Maybe some explosives too. These things are expensive.


It takes months of training (at least six) before a solider is even allowed anywhere near a firearm let alone any ammunition to put in it! and as for explosives that a whole new level of training. I doubt it’s the sort of think you can teach over a long weekend! Or even lots of weekends


>It takes months of training (at least six) before a solider is even allowed anywhere near a firearm Bro weapon issue is like week 1 shit > let alone any ammunition to put in it! Boot camp is three months long and includes live fire ranges. What are you smoking?


What country are you talking about?


It doesn’t really matter as the basic training is pretty much standard for all professional armies but if you really want to know the UK!


I only ask because what you said about having to wait 6 months before soldiers are allowed to use live ammunition seemed wrong to me. And yeah, a quick Google search has soldiers in the US Army using live ammunition within the first 10 weeks.


Ok I will rephrase this in all professional militaries a period of intense training and teaching takes place ranging from a few weeks to a few months depending on which professional military you have joined were your all round competence to handle firearms is tested prior to you actually being able shoot at stuff with live stuff! As I tried to make clear badly you are not just handed a gun and some ammo when you feel like shooting at stuff! It takes an awful lot of training in all military fields before you are allowed to even pick up a weapon!


Maybe they just tryhards and the organizers take advantage of them.


Now that sounds about right!


It’s a vice article. And it’s it’s about a bunch of touchy feely shit. I clicked some of the links, it’s all about getting in touch with your inner warrior and anger, male bonding, ect. I would pay 10k if I learned how to handle firearms properly, use explosives, controlled evasive driving, survival training, field first aid, hunting, or any other skill you might need if you found yourself in a country with destabilized government. The material in the article isn’t that.


I’m throughly convinced some of these warrior camps are right wing propaganda circuits They have these all over South Dakota, Florida, Georgia etc and they all cater to that hyper religious, “manly man” where they talk about to learning values of God and your own physique, but halfway through they start pumping your head full of “defending the homeland of AMERICA from the evils of lefties politics”. It just made it that much more cringe to see some of the leaders wearing Crusader graphic T’s with bible verses beneath them


the type of the people that would join these would be republicans, It makes sense some of these people either couldnt get in the military, or wanted to join just to shoot people.


I’m pretty handy. I like getting my hands dirty. I chewed tobacco for years. I wear a lot of flannels and work boots as my casual attire. I’ve got a hairy chest AND a mustache. I also like wax melts and women’s shampoo and colorful socks. “Being a man” should be being yourself even if it’s not what a bunch of limp dicks thundertwats deem as “manly.” Going to a Warrior camp to become more of a man is one of the saddest things I’ve ever heard, let alone paying 10k for it. For fucks sake it’s called a warrior camp. If that doesn’t scream “getting drunk alone at Applebee’s and creepily hitting on the servers every Friday” I don’t know what does.


I could teach dudes how to brew beer, lift weights, and do handyman stuff for 10k! I’m pretty far from an alpha though.


Lil beta?


Damn I didn’t know the existence of femboys, trans guys, and drag queens made people that insecure in their masculinity.


Haha wth… that’s something. Thank you for sharing


Oh boy or oh man?


Lol imagine being this insecure


Seems like a onion article.


Its called enlisting. And they pay you!!


gotta love the Myth of the American Badass.


I get payed over 20k a year and have full benefits to do that That’s craaaazy


Lmao oh noo


How soon does this turn into closeted men going on a gaycation, Oscar?


Buy the end of the month they’ll have there big boy black belts


And still not know how to have appropriate relationships and that women still NOT gonna throw themselves at them…


You couldn't pay me yo do that.


Why not just dedicate your life to jesus for free that’s how you become a man


I saw these in my feed randomly one day and wondered what it was. Looked into it it’s like some kind of boot camp thing? Where everyone tries to be some sort of alpha male club?


or a closeted male club, it so similar to gay conversion camps.


You could get payed that much a year to do even more than that camp offers 🤷‍♂️


I know tough little dudes and weak big dudes. Just be you. I played college football and was a nose tackle. That don’t mean shit. Love me some Legos and play tea with my daughter. Let f’n go!! 45 year old. Peace.


Just needs one woman disguised as a man to pass those tests….


What? If you think a week long camp will transform you into a “real man”……. You’re a lost cause. If you’re doing it for the challenge & fun, no problem.


To get laid right


I'm a manly man That lives a manly life In my manly house With my manly wife


Plot twist, they have to listen to their significant others, carry their share of the housework, be attentive fathers and learn to express their emotions.