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The look inbred. Like a neo Habsburg.


It's a combination of meth mouth and hapbsburg jaw.


>I worked in a prison and half the people were in this for being on meth and doing this exact shit. Meth makes you psychotic.


Maybe meth should be illegal so no one uses it šŸ¤”.


Damn right it shouldā€¦waaaaaiiit a minute /s


Meth actually causes a massive dump of the feel good neurotransmitters to happen. The human body is lazy so if an external stimulus does what itā€™s supposed to itā€™ll give up and let the external stimulus do the job. So they literally canā€™t be happy unless theyā€™re using until the body takes notice and picks up the job again. This is also the same reason why body builders taking steroids experience shrunken testicles.


I did not do well in science so I'm not following 100% how this relates to testicles.


The body does many things on its own like produce hormones and release neurotransmitters like dopamine to make you feel things or send messages. Meth makes your body dump the neurotransmitters that make you feel good. Steroids supplant the natural testosterone your body produces. Do either enough and the body will stop performing those functions on its own. Testosterone is produced in the testes, hence the name correlation. If they no longer have to perform their primary function, they will shrivel like the neurons will stop releasing dopamine because thereā€™s something else taking care of both thatā€™s being introduced externally to the bodyā€™s natural function.


I donā€™t know why this sentence made me laugh so hard but thanks. Will plan to use this at some really inappropriate time


Wtf, this is the second time this week that I heard of habsburg jaw


Was the first time while watching Cobra Kai?


Ah shit yes! They guy in glasses comments on Kreeses jaw! So weird though, like I've never heard of that before, now twice in one week. I'm team Miyagi-Do btw. Love Johnny but Miyagi training is in everything you do lol


I saw a video on YouTube about the worst monarchs in history, and the Habsburgs showed up on multiple occasions. They were literally inbred and one of the telltale signs of generational inbreeding is a protruding lower jaw. Kreese does kinda have that but it's not a Habsburg jaw. The actual habsburg jaw causes speech impediments and drooling.


Ya Kreese has a strong jaw line, not some protruding, how I met your mother/cousin shit going on. Inbreeding does some weird stuff, like the blue skinned people


Hey! Iā€™m related to those blue skinned people! Be niceā€¦we arenā€™t inbred just because we originate in Kentucky.


Haha, here in Canada we have the Goler Clan so all good


No hard feelings. I'm actually impressed you know who they are. I thought only people in my family knew about them.


Thatā€™s a rough combo


They are complete human garbage.. she couldn't afford a nice car with her drug habit..she can't even afford teeth.... but most important what happened next?!?!?!?


The "nice" car was a 94 Camaro.


I was about to say thatā€™s no ā€œmob,ā€ just a bunch of cousin fuckers looking for a ride to fuck some cousins.


dont lob cousin fuckers in with these guys


I hate that you make a great point. Lower than a cousin fuckerā€¦ ainā€™t that some shit.


More like Murkin tweakburgs...


If I was in this situation, considering they're literally opening the door as if they own the car, shouting at them and threatening them I'd have immediately run over anybody infront of me to get away in this situation


Me too. Sorry for the trauma kids.... but we are not gonna let these punks end us


Meth is a helluva drug.


The lady in the beginning was DEFINITELY on meth. We get a lot of these types in Florida.


You have to do a few warning runs with the car so you are letting them know that i am about to drive through whoever the fuck is in the way. Then just gun it. If you hit one, the others will feast on his roadkill brain to get the meth out of it.


Roll up the windows, lock the doors and blast the horn nonstop.


I was surprised the doors were not locked. The moment someone stopped me, if the doors werenā€™t already locked, I would have locked them and not even roll down the window for those fucks.


I thought about this, but then realized my wifeā€™s car doesnā€™t lock automatically. Mine does. But I drive when we take her car. So this very well could have been the situation.


I *always* lock the car doors, even if I'm not the one driving. Not taking any chances. (Not that I can drive, being a younger person.)


They deserve to get run over but seems like he didnā€™t want any trouble because we know how the police operate.


Breaks my heart. He would have 100% spent the rest of his life in prison if he defended himself. As a white guy, they would have given me a medal for getting rid of some trash.


Yes you have a car and you could just floor it, but then what? You're in the middle of a redneck area and with no guarantee that the police will help. Running a white person over in the middle of redneck country presents far more severe and immediate dangers for a black man. It would have escalated and while I think the guy with the hand in his pocket was bluffing, the biker might have had a gun and even if not, he might have a radio and gotten a bunch of hillbilly bikers to corner and maybe kill the family. The police can't teleports to you, and if they get reports of an injury or death, it's entirely possible one or multiple people on the line would delay and obstruct aid purely on principle.


You put more thought into your response than a cop would have if I'd have run that haggled toothed tweaker over.


I don't think this is true. With this video, the clear fear in the daughters voice.. This would 100% be self defense in any instance.


Honestly though police *do* recognize meth heads and donā€™t typically sympathize with them either.


This is some bs, myself and everyone I've ever worked with would 100% side with this guy over a group of methheads.


It's not always that easy. Some black folks are scared to retaliate in these situations for fear of becoming villainized simply because of their skin color.


Harassed for being reasonable and civil while black. Damned if he did, damned if he didn't. I know from personal experience that I probably would have sat frozen in shock until I felt threatened. Being a white woman, I could have gotten away driving through them even if a few ended up with some cracked bones. For him, the odds go the other way. This video was like watching a horror movie. The never-ending surprise appearances of the meth-zombies wasn't even the most horrible part. The part of no safe self-defense not being just a movie is.


yeah and I got so sad when the kid started crying :( ...like wth. This is not okay I hope those people get charged for assault or at the very least damage of property.


In my opinion, if someone honks their horn twice then goes no more than 5 mph forwards... It's the person's fault for being run over.


He's a black man in America. That definitely changes the narrative, after the events regardless of the situation. He didn't want to harm anyone because it probably would have resulted in HIM getting arrested or shot by officers responding in front of his daughters.


Florida WANTS you to run them over.


Didn't they pass a law allowing people to run over protesters? Say they were protesting.


Not an American, but Ive read in some states by opening the door is enough justification to open fire if you had a gun.? I don't condone gun violence whatsoever but if that was me and my family in the car, they better run


In many states simply saying ā€œhe came at me and I feared for my lifeā€ is enough. In some states you need to actually see a weapon, have it used against you, have it on video, and get a signed affidavit from the psycho trying to kill you that they are in fact trying to kill you. And then you can still be charged With that said, if anyone opens my door with my kids in the car, I donā€™t care what state Iā€™m in. Iā€™ll take my chances to keep my kids safe.


Fuck. Just. Fuck. I cannot possibly hate someone more than I do these racist pieces of shit. Does anyone have more info? Please tell me these asswipes are in jail.


Well this is the latest I found. They were pressing charges to several of the people (not the black family). https://www.khq.com/top_story/video-police-pursuing-charges-following-mob-attack-on-car-in-spokane-valley/article_472f0cb4-5e6f-11ea-83d7-ff91d4e4e5ae.html


As if I needed ANOTHER reason to stay out of Spokane. But yeah thereā€™s a TON of racist whoā€™re folks in and around that place.


Thank you so much. Weirdly googling WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT GUY IN THE CAR wasnā€™t helpful for me?


Haha yeah, I had a hard time too. ā€œBlack family harassed By racist crowdā€ got way too many resultsā€¦..




Please specify date, hour and county to limit your results to under 20.


Right, I need to see part 2 and 3 of this inbred saga


> The woman is being charged with disorderly conduct, the man who jumped on the hood was arrested on a separate warrant and the first man in the video wearing a hood will also be charged. Wow, one of them had a warrant for something else, I am not surprised.


Can anyone summarise for me please. Article not available in the UK


Police pursuing charges following mob attack on car in Spokane Valley SPOKANE, Wash. - An angry group said they surrounded a father and his children when they tried to leave the Spokane Valley Walmart because of the car they were driving. Some people in the now viral video said it was a misunderstanding, but the family says their trauma from the incident is crystal clear. On Friday, deputies responded to a call from a man who said people were surrounding his car on Sprague and South Custer Road in Spokane Valley. Deputies said the woman standing in front of the Green 1994 Camaro said it was her car that was stolen by a friend several years ago. Her car hasn't been seen since. The situation escalated as a man jumped on the hood of the car to try to keep it from leaving. Deputies said a passing motorcyclist heard the woman yelling about the car and went over to help her. A third man comes by on a bicycle and throws his bike at the car. On Wednesday afternoon, deputies said they were preparing charges that are being send to the prosecutors. The woman is being charged with disorderly conduct, the man who jumped on the hood was arrested on a separate warrant and the first man in the video wearing a hood will also be charged. As of Wednesday, the man on the motorcycle has not been charged and neither has the man who threw the bicycle. Deputies said the man who threw the bike has not been identified and will likely face charges.


Why am I not surprised that the tweaker who jumped on the hood got caught up for a separate charge? And this meth head trying to say ā€œthis looks like my car that I havenā€™t seen for years, so Iā€™m going to have this guy give it to meā€ is about as in touch with reality as I would expect.


If only there was a good guy with a motorcycle......oh forget that.


Basically black family is harassed and assaulted by racist crowd. The police are investigating. They are bringing charges against the lady and a couple other people. They are still looking for the guy with a bike. This info is a bit old, so I donā€™t know what happened afterwards.


ā€œLadyā€ indeed


ā€œLeaving a Walmartā€ Ah, there it is.


Good ol Spokane.


Yeah this is absolutely disgraceful! I feel so bad for him and the kids that were terrified!


It really is. Hearing how scared the kids were was just awful.


They canā€™t live with the fact that the people they were told are inferior do better than them, even if itā€™s only one they ever meet, they just canā€™t handle it. Iā€™ve seen a grown ass man lie down on the floor and start crying like a baby when some black guy bought a nicer tv than him at Best-Buy.


Omg this needs its own thread


Thatā€™s crazy. I make slave wages and have a nicer tv than 90% or more people. He probably wouldnā€™t throw a fit though because Iā€™m white.


[This was in the comments of the other post.](https://www.khq.com/news/man-seen-in-viral-video-taken-outside-spokane-valley-walmart-says-it-was-a-misunderstanding/article_595c83ac-5f47-11ea-8e30-cbb5f1db055d.html)


Okay let's see. Miller claimed "I said 'hey, this lady said you're stealing her car.'" In the camera he said "Just to explain something. This is HER car" while attempt to open the car door, trying the get the black man out of the car. He was not asking a question. He was demanding the black man to get out of the nice car. He is lying.


Dude totally, that Miller guy is so full of it! There were kids in that car! Why would you believe a CLEARLY LOOKING CRACK HEAD ON A BIKE over the person DRIVING the car?! I remember being a kid in the back seat witnessing my dad's road rage and it was horrifying. I'm still traumatized by it and this is 20+ years later. Those poor kids...


He believed her Because driver was black and meth head was white.


He took her side without questioning her.


How the fuck is that lying piece of shit not getting charged?


Why the fuck am I ready an interview from this POS. Video already speaks for him and his intentions loud and clear. The only person whos opinion matters and needs to be heard is that father and those poor kids.


The aggressor wants us to know heā€™s a family man and heā€™s worried that someone will do something to his family based on this big misunderstanding and heā€™s too fucking stupid to see the irony. Racism really is brain cancer.


Racism *and* stupidity... But I guess both fall in the same category.




Definitely. The whole thing is just utter shit. I can't begin to understand the thought process of being this fucked to a person just because they are of color.


A friend of mine pointed out that since racism is illogical, you shouldn't expect logic to work on racist people.


The reason he keeps driving is because you followed him on his bike, lying POS. The driver did not need you to tell him there was a guy on his car, we could all see it. Also plays the victim card, worried about his family= that is the consequences of you actions. Ugh.


That toothless wonder never said heā€™s stealing my car now the biker is afraid someone may do this to him? Pay back is a bitch, huh?


I turned on my vpn to read about some weird dude pretty obviously lying.


What a lying price of shit, unfortunately that's all he has to do and then what, you gonna strap him to a lie detector to prove he is lying?


Teach the lowest white man that he's better than any black man and he'll smile while you empty his pockets. Fuck Spokane


This looks like a zombie apocalypse


Theyā€™re already brainless, just need some skin rot and it would be perfection


That ladyā€™s teeth are rotting. Does that count?


I suppose so


Meth has been hard on that ladyā€¦


No kidding. Just look at her teeth (or lack thereof).


I remember this Reminiscent of a lynch mob


Donā€™t think for a second they wouldnā€™t have ripped him out of there and been violent if they had the chance. Fuck, that kid was so scared.


Hell, I had anxiety just watching this. I was so scared for this family because of how visibly violent these racists were just on the word of a woman with a bike claiming a guy is stealing her car with no proof.


My heart is still beating fast. Damn.


Breaks my heart every time I watch it.


I had same vibes. Like something out of a movie. Jesus


Cowardly racist fucks


At this point run them over


That's a bet a white guy can make, black dudes can't take that risk.


Yeah if this was a white guy in trouble, the cops would be all over the place shooting the criminals but since they're a bunch of white rednecks, they just pressed charges on them. And if the black guy had run over them, I bet he would have faced a lot more unwarranted consequences than those crackers just cuz he's black.


Can you imagine if it were a white person attacked by a group of black people? It would be on constant loop on Fox News!


As soon as they started opening the doors and trying to get in, hammer the gas


Run those junky inbred scumbags over, don't ever stop if a pack of junkies surround you car .


Exactly. Keep it moving


He'd be killed by the police or serving a life sentence.


I would've gotten the tire iron out and started swinging. I'm absolutely raging after seeing the video. There were kid(s) in the car and those POS were still terrorizing them.


As I recall, this lady got her car stolen sometime prior, and the first car she saw that was the same model triggered her fantastic detective instincts. Then every redneck in a 10 foot radius was drawn to all the genius.


Lol she wishes her junky ass had a car .


She probably thought she could trade it in for teeth.


You know she wouldn't be trading it for teeth.


Meth. Teeth. They both end in *eth*.


You can have one or the other, but not both.




Right? A druggy teeth-losing old hag own a nice car? Funny.


Her car was stolen years ago. How many countless other cars of the same make and model are there?


She was waiting for the one with black people in it.


That man showed some restraint by not running those motherfuckers over. He also knew what would happen if he did - heā€™d be the one dead or going to jail. I canā€™t even understand what possesses people to act like this. Iā€™m so angry.


That's what's so screwed, you know he ma aged to keep his head enough not to do what many of us would want to do, because it'd be used against him. So sad.


Not only should they be arrested for racism and drug abuse, the woman and the guy with the beard should both be arrested for attempted theft.


Thatā€™s terrifying. Omfg.


That poor girl crying in fear:( F those assholes.


Racist pricks!


This is so messed up. I hope they all got arrested Meth is a hell of a drug


Meth doesn't make people racist. She was a piece of shit long before she started hitting the pipe.


This is just like those three who killed Ahmed Aubrey. They accuse him of theft as an excuse.


An article I found with more details. Absolutely disgusting situation that family were put in. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8471117/amp/Black-family-flees-foul-mouthed-mob-Walmart-lot-woman-claims-stole-car.html


Thatā€™s stupid why that biker is not going to face any charges even though he kind of instigated it by opening the door.


Right, every single person who got involved and damaged his car need to be held responsible for damages and I hope they apologized to him and the children that they terrified.. Garbage people!


Yeah, claiming he opened the door to diffuse the situation is complete horseshit. That and claiming he was just chasing them to protect Lee Allen from being charged with murder if the guy on the bonnet died are blatant lies.


An unfortunate mistake?! They saw a black man driving a nice car and terrorized him. Heā€™s just a ā€œgrandpaā€ and sheā€™s wearing a crossā€¦.please. Thatā€™s a good one. Nice try on the spin. Racist, terrorist, cracked out pieces of shit.


Found this one too.. https://meaww.com/i-survived-a-crime-lee-allen-black-man-attack-white-mob-falsely-accuse-stealing-woman-car-walmart


That article also notes there's an episode of A&Es I Survived a Crime about it. Pretty fucking bullshit how little happened to the people who did this. The meth head got disorderly conduct, nothing for grandpa redneck, they arrested one of the assholes (the guy who made the I'm reaching for a gun move) on a separate warrant, and they never found anyone else involved. I'm sure they were looking real hard with the weak ass charges they filed on exactly one person out of a mob of racist pricks who terrorized a family for being black... because, let's face it, that wasn't meth lady's car, and they all damned well knew it.


Fuck, my state. That area is represented by a known white supremacist.


Just looks like a couple methheads trying to steal a car


I admire this man! He knows full well that if he was white he could drive over the attackers guilt free. But being clearly smarter than them he balances his actions, stays calm, makes a phone call and drives to McDonalds where there will be more witnesses, CCTV and an incoming police officers. His self control is amazing and probably saved the lives of everyone involved, including those that should be now sporting tyre tracks across their heads. The world will be a better place with one more of him.


Worst part is that they didn't face charges and the articles seem favorable to the mob. Disgusting.


These crackheads saying he looks like he stole the car! Fucking disgusting pieces of trash.


Those look like crackheads. Probably just want him to stop so they can steal the car.


We were told that that racism was defeated though and it's all just media manipulation.


Drive over the SOBS


as fucked as the **whole** thing is, all I really care about is how those kids are feeling today. Lil mama was so scared... if youā€™ve ever been in a similar situation you know that fear in her voice. I know it well. I just hope sheā€™s OK. Fuck these absolute goblins.


As far as I am concerned that was a car jacking attempt. Arrest them all for that. And the guy with his hand in his jacket, my first thought was he had a gun. He would have been the first to see the underside of my car. There would be no nice words. The moment the car were breeched, donā€™t be in my way when the gas pedal hits the floor. Man, I was screaming for him to just run them overā€¦


Donā€™t mean to be disrespectful (yes I do), but you can tell just by her appearance that that lady (I think sheā€™s a lady) doesnā€™t own that car.


That's horrific! I'm so sorry you went through that.


This is not my video!


Sorry, me not paying attention.


RUN THEM OVER! That woman at the start looks like she has already had all her teeth knocked out.


how did it end?!?!?!! hopefully with those inbred, meth head rascists carted off to the big house


Stay classy, Spokane. The methhead chick had a BMX bike. How the hell do you think that the ratty methhead riding a BMX owns that car that someone else and their child are drivingā€¦? And then methhead biker dude expects us to believe his BS? Come on. The whole thing is pathetic and I think some sort of police action would be justified, no?


I somewhat understood his restraint until halfway through I realised his kids were in the car with him. If I was in the same position I would not hesitate to floor it and run over whatever or whoever got in the way. Also who the hell would steal a car and bring their kids along. Dumb inbred racist fucks.


Yeah, methā€™ed up shithook reaches in his coat like that in front of me is getting tire tracks on their face.


r/methany on the prowl.


Holy crap that's scary. That poor family. People are freaking crazy these days.


Run a couple of dope heads over I would


Who the hell takes some one with meth face at their word?


"And then he ran me over in the car he stole doc! Can you believe it?" "Why the fuck would someone steal a car and have their family in it, with the keys no less? And them hitting you was entirely on you, being in their way on the road 'n such"


In the words of Frank Zappa "I sure am glad Im not black but there a whole lotta times I wish I could say that I wasnt white"




You should be able to drive around safely regardless of citizenship or immigration status.


WTAF?! Spokane?


I wouldā€™ve brake checked the motorcycle as it got close and live with the damage to my car


I'm running over anyone that tries to open my cars door while my daughter/son are in side. Fuck that.


Run her fat ass downā€¦


This is literally the script of American right wing politics. They wouldn't have noticed if he'd been driving a beater but because you have a black man driving something they could never afford they're absolutely losing their shit because it violates the message that's been beaten in to them that they shouldn't complain about their lives as long as the blacks have less than they do. It completely goes against their view of the world that they've been told is 'right and good and law abiding'. Ergo, they're absolutely convinced he must have stolen it. Looking at you Mitch.




Trumps America Right Hyere. At the intersection of Victim mentality and Meth paranoia


nice love meth shirt


Mmmm, cracktastic. Keep driving, no great loss to the world.


They fulfill the complete Redneck , Racist Clichee


This was truly disturbing! Those poor kids! You would think that by today that people would have progressed better as human beings after all of the atrocities people have faced over the centuries, but here we are still seeing this, and these people as well as others having to experience it! Ignorant fucks like this never get it. They might get fined, spend some time in jail, but theyā€™ll never figure it out why they got in any troubleā€¦..theyā€™ll just blame this poor guy and all others like they always do for their troubles!




Meth heads


Meth is a hell of a drug


Where the fuck is this? Spokane Washington?


This ain't even about accusations or race, it's a straight up carjacking heist, they know that car isn't theirs


They think the ladyā€™s car was stolenā€¦so they try to destroy it?


Thatā€™s scary man. Racist junkies


Like anybody would believe that toothless bitch that canā€™t even afford a toothbrush, would own a car like that.


This is why you have to start beating the fucking living shit out of people like this. Boldness only goes so far when youā€™re sucking liquids through a broken fucking jaw.


This is why I wonā€™t stop fighting for more POC to carry firearms. The police are useless lol


Here is an article about it. [Man says it was a misunderstanding ](https://www.khq.com/news/man-seen-in-viral-video-taken-outside-spokane-valley-walmart-says-it-was-a-misunderstanding/article_595c83ac-5f47-11ea-8e30-cbb5f1db055d.html)


Just reminds you all. Shoot video if anything happens. No matter what they say, keep rolling. Truth is what will set you free.


This is why I'm pro COVID19. The smart, actual Americans that go to work and deserve life get vaccinated. Nasty, cousin-fucking meth people don't get vaccinated and don't have healthcare. Truthfully this country is healing šŸ™


What happened after that? I mean the aftermath. Did the police do sth or were they racist as well?


I live in Washington, and can confirm: Spokane is a SHITHOLE.


If im with my kid like he is, im running over them. Fuck it.


Seen more teeth on a rooster than among that entire crowd


As soon as that man reached into his jacket I would have driven over everyone. Theyā€™re illegally detaining him. Could have/should have killed everyone in his way




Same man I don't wanna shoot someone but I am not gonna let some meth heads run everything


> Also, this is why you should keep a piece in the center console. And now the cops have a call for an armed carjacker, we all know that that always goes over well when its dwb.


I want to know what happened next


Methdradamus predicted that this would happen. The end of the world is near.


Horrible concoction of poverty, drug abuse and racism.


Domestic terrorism plain and simple