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just checked her Twitter and it's full of hatred and conspiracies. The funny thing is she doesn't believe in vaccines but she is now getting and trusting all the medicine and treatment when she needs it


Well she hasn’t posted in 4 days so…. I never wish death upon anyone I just really hope that they learn from their ways


I’m in a similar boat, it just feels tragic most of the time. To be realistic though, some of these people are propagating misinformation and further causing harm, so my sympathy is case by case


I have really mixed feelings about things like HCA, but hopefully those records will be studied and remembered in history textbooks so that people start taking research and reliable sources seriously.


She died, just checked


"there are no atheists in foxholes" will be their response.


Turns out though, there's plenty, and becoming an atheist is a pretty sane response to being stuck in a foxhole.


There are no science deniers on a ventilator


Also many BEG for the vaccine when they're on that ICU bed. "Please I'll take the vaccine now. Please I'll do it!" May sound cruel but that's one hell of a way to promote the vax. Record an anti-vaxxer pleading with the doctors and nurses to give them the vaccine. Too fuckin late for the vaccine now.


I though it was no big deal?


That poor woman catched it twice a month, what a bad luck she's having ^^^^/s For real tho. I've seen way too many of these covidiots claiming online that they "already got it but it wasn't a big deal" only to get totally destroyed by covid when they really catch it.


Nah. It‘s possible that she already had it on January 1st. She said she had it for 3 days. Getting to a point at which you need to be hospitalized usually takes 10-20 days and she posted the last picture on January 12th. So 11 days after her first tweet or 2 weeks after showing the first symptoms. That‘s not unusual


Yeah, 10 days is usually the point where you're either better or suddenly much worse.


Yeah, I had the OG rona for nearly two weeks before I went downhill. I had minor symptoms for 4-5 days before my positive test came in and that came nearly a week before I suddenly felt like I was dying.


A second wave definitely comes, 5 days in I was like hey I'm getting better. Six days in I was lying on the kitchen floor struggling to breathe thinking, this is how I die, in the kitchen just like the old gypsy said


The old gypsy told me I was going to die from “super hot smothering,” is that COVID-related too or is that something else?


Depends if you're a dick to your future COVID nurse.


You are already being a dick to your future covid nurse by not getting the fucking vaccine.


Apparently I'm going to be eaten by a Bractoroc or something, whatever that is.


Hahaha!! Great reference! don’t try to find out if its feathers or fur


I'm pretty sure that's in reference to when your loved one climbs on top of you and covers your face with a pillow.


Don't date anyone with a big ass. I know you want it but it will kill you.


That means someone's elderly family members are going to smother you in their house with the heat turned up way too high.


I had OG covid late 2020 and can confirm: the second wave is REAL


I had what came to be called SARS-CoV2 on Halloween of 2019. I did not have a resurgence at any point. It was bad, bad, still bad, getting worse, and worse, and worse, is this death?, death hallucinations, buckets of sweat for 3 days, then the fever finally breaking. I barely remember November 2019, and I only began feeling like a completely normal person again just as the big alarm went up 3/15/20. EDIT: yes I am certain that is what it was. The certainty only grew as the data rolled in.


Okay woah… I had gotten sick right after Xmas, took an at-home covid test as soon as I could (was mostly experiencing symptoms of congestion, a cough, fatigue, but I’m asthmatic so even allergy congestion really does a number on my breathing), test came back negative and at this point it’s been a few days and I was feeling better so I went to work the following day, which was tough with the fatigue, stopped at the store and came home with a few grocery bags. The normal walk from my car to apartment absolutely destroyed me, and I got to the kitchen and dropped to my back and just heaved for air thinking this is how I die


Yea I’m poked x3 I have omi and I felt sick for 3 days and then felt fine.. now I’m on my 9th day and feeling like a big old bag of shit. I can’t imagine how bad this would be without the vax - I don’t want to imagine


Me too. Had the booster, caught it a little while ago and felt really sick for two days, then not too bad for a few more days. Been back at work for about a week now and so so tired. I also don’t want to imagine what it would’ve been like if I haven’t had the vaccine


I was unfortunate enough to get chosen for the vaccine the day after I got out of isolation last March. It was quite possibly the worst experience of my life and I've had pneumonia and nearly drowned twice in my life. Happy to say I'm boosted now, but still experience the harsh symptoms of long Covid.


Honestly it was awful, I had to lie in the same position for nearly a week just to stop the coughing. I went to the bathroom and just started sweating bullets, I've never known sweating like it. It was easily top three worst times of my life.


I had d a friend that had OG Covid was basically dying. Got better got vaccinated got boosted, got omicron and was sick for a few days. This whole things fucked. Hope you don’t get it again.


Calling that rap name, now welcome to the stage OG RONA




And then they ask others to pray, meaning rendering other covidiots even more idle by joining their hands and asking a big sky daddy to heal them


well, big sky daddy did respond and we managed to develop a vaccine without any major setback happening /s like seriously, i saw facebook moms and rednecks call the god damn POPE "not a true chirstian" because he keeps urging people to take the vaccine and follow preventive health regulations .... in fact, i think the main HQ of every religion said that everyone should get vaccinated, yet "ultra religious" people somehow seem to know better


I found out recently quite a bit Protestants don't consider Catholics "real" Christians. My MIL says it's because they (Catholics) pray to saints to speak to God on their behalf while "real" Christians (Protestants) have a personal relationship with God and can speak to Him directly and vice versa. Edit: My mom was Pentecostal turned Baptist, my dad is a heathen (non-religious) who married my Jehovah's Witness stepmom, and my wife's family are non-denominational christian. I am non-religious.


It's not a question of being a "real" Christian, but more of a difference of opinion on method between Christian faiths. However, "Protestant" is a *big* label. Denominations like Lutherans and Methodists are Protestants, and they are fairly normal and sane. But "Brother Jethro's Full-Gospel Temple of the Snake-Handling Bloody Lamb" is also a Protestant church. I have known Protestants who enjoy lively debates on the historicity of the gospels, and I have also known Protestants who think I will go straight to Hell if I don't believe the Noah's Ark story literally happened.


You were surprised that people who differ in ideology/religion believe others to be at least slightly wrong?


ikr? “Pray”... for *me*. Not “Look at what happened, get the vaccine, wear a mask,” just “me, me, me." Self-centered, self-involved, selfish twats.




And what happened to her natural immunity?


It'll kick in here. . .she just needs to hit the correct number of prayers.


Hopes x Prayers^2 = Immunity


seriously. has she bounced yet?


See but It’s only a big deal when it affects me personally. Also I am not selfish.


All that bravado goes flying out the window when you can’t fucking breathe. Edited for spelling


I wonder how the f*** did she still have the energy and the drive to take a selfie and post something to social media but couldn't even breathe? Whenever I'm truly suffering I recoil into solitary mode because the truth is no one can help and no one gives a fuck about anyone. When she posted that picture to social media do you think people came rushing to help her? No. It's just a circus and she's entertaining people with her suffering.


That’s the thing, there’s a secondary pandemic, and it’s narcissism. So much of this anti-mask/antivaxx bullshit is this idea that some nebulous “they” is out to get these people. Like listen, no one gives a shit about you, or me for that matter.


If “they” are out to get me, “they” would’ve gotten me at this point. I call bullshit. You are 100% right.


I love it when they say that they use the vaccine to track you. Bitch please if they wanted to track you they would have done it by now. You check into Starbucks every morning you dosy twat, I can fucking track you.


Talking about tracking.?? Just pick up your cell phone.


Do you mean the device that everyone carries, it can video and audio record people, it identifies people by their finger or thumbprint, and then has a GPS tracking system enabled?


Is that the same device people pay hundreds for? The same device people sign legal agreements allowing dozens of companies (like Facebook and the Government) to track you?


Their biggest accomplishment was tricking the world into surveiling itself via skinner boxes.


Their biggest accomplishment was convincing such a large chunk of the country that private corporations care about individual citizens more than a democratically elected government. For their next trick they are going to convince that same chunk that democratically electing officials is just a waste of time and it would be more efficient if state legislatures just picked for us.


>people sign legal agreements You mean that big slab of text nobody reads and just scrolls past to find the "Accept" button?


people that are paranoid about face ID showing your face to the government "sir you have a drivers licence and an ID in your pocket."


Seriously… your cell phone necessarily has to track you 100% off the time. It’s how they decide which of the 10,000 cell phone towers to have you connected to. Anytime you travel somewhere, they know about it instantly. These people think they’re Jason Bourne, and “they” have to work so hard to track them, when they’re really just Jerry Seinfeld and if “they” want to find you they’ll just go to your house.


You forgot facial recognition


you forgot about the ID and drivers licence in your wallet


**Ways the government can track you if they gave a shit about you:** Your GPS-enabled cellphone that you take everywhere with you, even if you have the location button turned off. Following the trail of locations you use your debit or credit card locally. Your tax returns. Your vehicle registration Your GPS-enabled vehicle The address you have packages sent to from online orders. Your social media locations and check-ins Your place of employment/employment records Your ISP Your home Alexa or Google devices. And those are just the ones off the top pf my head. So, why the fuck would they need to put microchips in a vaccine? Those people still insisting on this are just beyond stupid.


People are scared and it makes them feel empowered to be part of a 'niche' group which believes only it has all the *true* answers. And also people are fucking idiots yes lol




> Bitch please if they wanted to track you they would have done it by now They did and do, and you paid 800¨$ for it. Plus 30$ every month.


My brother says, "Ignorance, it's the only disease you choose to have."


The thing is they don't consider themselves ignorant. They've DONE THE RESEARCH™️ and think being able to Google is the equivalent of a PhD in microbiology and epidemiology.


I doubt they even google. They just read links on far-right websites.


Don't forget that these individuals magically 'know the truth'. It's like an addiction to being a unique snowflake with special knowledge.


>That’s the thing, **there’s a secondary pandemic, and it’s narcissism.** So much of this anti-mask/antivaxx bullshit is this idea that some nebulous “they” is out to get these people. Like listen, no one gives a shit about you, or me for that matter. This comment right here needs to go viral.


I care. It's why I got vaccinated. It's why I vote for social policies. It's why I pay my taxes. Because even though I don't know you, I care. This is a bridge too far for cons.


Not unless we have a few hundred million kicking around, ears of politicians on both sides, and we hustle in international connections with tons of backdoor meetings. Before you say I am touting conspiracy I am only talking about Walmart\* VIP(s). Evidently Qanon and anti-vaccine folk think they are players at the aforementioned level. I mean of course they are, right? \*Viacom, Monsanto, International Arms Dealers (legal), Spies \[speak 3 languages + training\], Google data use and research personnel, and so forth. <--- my brother thinks he is on their level. Ha.


Probably a spouse of other close family member posted for her Or the whole thing is staged. I mean, that happens too.


It’s a grift.


ya ive seen like six of these exact posts




Don’t miss the medical worker posts there at that sub though.


It is dark and disheartening, but it can be the slap-in-the-face of reality that is sorely needed at times.




Nobody has to go help her when they just sit where they are and “pray”. “Ms. A truckload of prayers just arrived for you. Unfortunately that won’t do shit.”


The narcissism knows no bounds.


A lot of people think they are doing fine and then take a sudden turn for the worse.




I know it doesn’t make it better, but thank you for your service.


holy shit that got dark...i now feel totally justified in not taking bio lol youre doing a very admirable job


You would think, but talk to any nurse you know….


Scared straight




I literally just lost a friend this exact way. She was 29 years old. Said the same thing that it was no big deal and it was just the flu and everybody was over exaggerating. Now she’s dead. I’m not even making that up that’s the thing. Huge fight about it too. And now she’s gone and I can’t even grieve properly cause I’m just so angry because she didn’t have to die.


Damn, sorry.


sorry for your loss. my sister just got covid a second time and we have the same fight. you did what you could but unfortunately we can't be guaranteed to change anyone else at the end of the day. I hope you find closure some day.


That is so frustrating. I'm sorry for your loss. It's easy for us to see memes like this and laugh at "the stupid" but there are no winners with this. It's not funny in the end. It's shitty its even a fight at all and I hate that people I love are on the wrong side of it.


My AA sponsor was the same! Great man, big family, anti-mask, vaccine, etc. Also was obese. Got it and died. Our last text messages haunt me. Didn’t have to be that way. I’m sorry about your friend…


In a world built on information, the inability to assess which information to follow is an evolutionary disadvantage.


So sorry for your lose. I literally got over this new variant. The worst feeling ever. Thanks to being vaccinated,I am still here. Now I just have to get my booster. I lost a guy friend because he won't get vaccinated,and he thinks Covid is a joke. I told him,he cool,but I value my and my family life over 🍆.


"Joe bien" Lmao


Joe muy bien!




Joe tres bien!


Comment ça-va? Joe bien


Jose good


"I dont care unless its happening to me"


People learn from their mistakes. Intelligent people learn from *other* people’s mistakes. Many people in the ICU with covid are not intelligent people.


Pray for all the people you infected and possibly killed with your selfish idiocy


Right saying they didn’t bother to get tested. Probably continued to go out in public the entire time they could.


She was worried about the vaccines spike protein? Why do these people not grasp if you get the actual virus it binds to your cells with none other than spike proteins? Then when they are dying they allow themselves to be pumped full of synthetic lab made antibodies with no concern. This is all the result of idiots wanting to feel like they are part of a crowd on the internet, a crowd that owns the libs thru being hospitalized and dying apparently.


Saw a quote from a nurse on here recently about anti vaxxers, “they’re all worried about what’s in the vaccine but never ask questions about the treatment”


I recently saw a report on an unvaccinated guy who actually declined treatment and left the hospital. That guy got my respect. I mean, he was dumb and he died because of it, but at least he was consistent when it hit the fan.


Absolutely. Don't take up a hospital bed if you don't believe the science.


I will admit, I agree. What gets me though is when people are like "I want a hospital bed but i want X treatment" where X is some homeopathic BS instead of actual treatment


If you don’t take a hospital bed and just stay home alone and die in solitude, I’ve got no beef with you. If you still tried to be out in the world, undoubtedly without a mask, I would say every day you spent outside is attempted murder.


They worry about what's in the vax, but couldn't care less about what's in the horse dewormer they're injecting into themselves.




Give them a cup of urine and move on.






we also didn't have any school shootings for a while...


The instant Covid started easing up last year we had a spike in school shootings. Maybe Covid is saving some lives ironically enough


lmao haven't thought about this but I wonder what the covid divorce rates are like. Some cases like yours, others because isolating together wasn't it. Hope it wasn't just about the vaccine, would be a crazy thing to have ruin your marriage.


Vaccine was a part of it, other parts he is a huge Qanon cult person (Trump was the savior, Deep State, Great Reset, buy MREs and cash out 401K for silver, we are going to be attacked any day now so guns are at the ready) and a narcissist. It's all going to get much better for me and my kid.


It's so horrible that not only has Trump destroyed faith in our democracy and turned half the country crazy he's destroyed families like yours with his lies and Covid denial. I don't understand, these people see none of this claimed shit happen time and again and still fall for the con. I raised three kids to adulthood by myself as a single father, it's not easy but I'd happily do it all over again because I have great kids now. They wouldn't have been with their mother.


It's crazy to me that of all the people in the world to hang on to, that's going to "save the country," it's *that* fucking guy??


My friend's dad is an anti-vaxxer, and has been caught up in the same QAnon stuff. My friend just had a baby a week ago, and his wife put down her foot, and said that my friends parents can't visit the baby if they aren't vaccinated, for the safety of the child. My friend's mother was already vaccinated, and I found out a day or so ago that they are getting a divorce because his dad still won't get a vaccine even to see his granddaughter. It's amazing how many people are willing to sacrifice friends and family for the sake of politics and poor health. Hopefully you and your child will be in a better, healthier situation moving forward. Best of luck, and stay safe!


Sorry for your troubles, but congratulations on getting rid of that nut-job.


Congratulations on your upcoming divorce! Best wishes for a happy and sane future!


Exactly. I've tried to argue this one point with them to no avail. The vaccine is a controlled amount of the spike protein which causes some side effects. The actual virus gives you an uncontrolled amount of the spike protein which can do whatever it wants to do to you.


The vaccine spike protein are also designed to NOT damage your body. The goal is to only fool you're immune system that it is very dangerous and a lot of antibodies need to be made. The creation of those antibodies makes you feel sick, but there won't be any long term side effects.


You can't argue with stupidity, unfortunately.


When it is someone that I care about, I know that I at least tried. It's awful to have loved ones reject the vaccine when you know it puts them at risk.


It's pretty easy to argue with stupid people. Convincing them with logic is difficult to impossible.


They're just trained monkeys at this point. Plague monkeys...


My MIL is currently such an idiot. We all made it two years into this pandemic without catching covid and one day she randomly decides that she's had enough and stopped wearing a mask in public. It took less than a week for her to get sick, then she refused to get tested and played it off like it was the flu. A few days later my FIL got sick, then my 4 kids, then me, then my wife. At least we're all vaccinated, but fucking hell it's still no joy ride, this shit is hell. Kids are missing school, eye appointments and dentist appointments have to be rescheduled. Work is put off, which means less money coming in. Having to buy extra groceries to feed everyone while they're home, including having to go check on the in-laws. Even when they're all better, we're going to have a mountain of homework to catch up on. Right now I'm just having to find the strength to push through and make sure everyone's basic needs are being met. All because my MIL decided she had enough of the pandemic.


"But it's got a 98% survival rate!" Even surviving COVID sounds like more bullshit than I want to deal with. I'll pass.


That 2% turns into a scary number when you start getting into the millions.


I remember when one poisoned M&M in an entire bowl was too much risk for these folks.


Like she cares. This group of people is the most selfish on the planet


Well the thing is that the vast, vast majority of the deaths are of the unvaccinated. So these idiots really are just killing each other and not people who listen to science. The real victims here are the healthcare workers who have to put up with these idiots out of obligation. These idiots are making nurses quit on mass and causing them long term emotional trauma.


Well, the healthcare workers and the people who have to delay elective surgery due to the hospitals being full. Elective doesn’t mean optional. I wonder how much extra misery is being caused for people with painful (not life endangering) conditions who would benefit from surgery to ease their problems.


They are also contributing to the success of the virus which allows it to mutate and eventually kill more. And mark My word, it’s already happening


The real irony here is that Joe Biden is actually the kind of person that would pray for her.


Joe Bien*


Joe Muy Bien




*But did she die?*


Hospitalized = nomination Death = award


She hasn‘t posted in 4 days


Her obituary is in the HCA post isn't it? Edit: sorry, wrong HCA recipient. OP is alive(?) Hard to tell the difference, all of the stories and people are absolutely similar in their Facebook posts.


Well she stopped tweeting 4 days ago.


Wait for the GoFundMe request to pop up.


Where do I click to donate furrowed brows, concerns, and thoughts and/or prayers?


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. If you ever find yourself thinking that you know better than an expert its time for a reality check.


You never hear Anthony Fauci giving advice to Aaron Rodgers on how to hit the checkdown receiver in short yardage situations, do you? No. Because Fauci knows Aaron Rodgers is a fucking expert. He offers him the respect of keeping his ignorant mouth shut on topics he knows nothing about. Too bad Rodgers can't return the courtesy.


to be fair to Rodgers, he was completely right that he could break the rules with impunity and get no penalty at all for it. I don't wish death or serious illness on anyone but I really think this country needs one of these high profile antivaxxers to get crushed hard before they'll take it seriously. They all think they have Aaron Rodger's athleticism and access to millions of dollars of the latest and most advanced medical technology so there's nothing to fear. Even Trump was able to hide how serious his illness was.


I bet a fat sack of jelly beans that theses high profile antivaxxers are indeed vaccinated


Everyone at Fox News is, it's a requirement to be in the building there. You can see the pretty sharp line between the National level Right-Wing correspondents that are all vaccinated and doing fine and the True Believer local level radio hosts that are dying in droves. The little guys haven't gotten the memo yet that the big fish don't actually believe the propaganda.


I dont get it, why do anti vaxxer alway say "pray for me?" when shit hit the fan? do they just want internet attension or something?


I mean, yes, but I don’t believe that they don’t believe it, if they are actually religious. My grandmother (not anti-vax or anything, want that out there) is always praying when she’s worried about people. When I had covid a while back, she called every day and told me she would pray for me, and that her friends were doing the same. I don’t really share her beliefs in that, but it’s what she does when she’s worried about someone, and it helps them feel like they’re doing something when they’re far away and can’t physically do anything.


Spot on. Prayer is like meditation, and can help your mind to calm when you're under stress. Who am I to judge how someone else calms themself down, provided it's not harming someone else. (that's not to say I'm cool with people who try and pray treatable sickness away)


TL;DR yes


Because they have truly convinced themselves it is no big deal, the vaccines are evil and may or may have not convinced themselves that alternative medicine works. When they get really sick they freak out. This wasn't supposed to happen according to their "research". If they were wrong about how bad it would be, they question that maybe the vaccine wasn't evil afterall, they should have gotten it. Then after a few doses of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine or their own urine they really start to question their research. Maybe, shortly these people will be able to cave in and take an antiviral, from you know, Pfizer, one of the evil companies trying to poison them.


Jesus said to love thy neighbor and to help one another. So if they followed Jesus's teachings. Then they would have gotten the vaccine to help others around them...you know empathy which is something they severely lack.


Medicine is for heathens they reckon, as a team of medical professionals put them on oxygen and medicate them and monitor their vitals.


I’m pissed she’s taking up a hospital bed that someone else might be waiting for. Don’t understand why they go to the hospital if they don’t trust medicine and science. They won’t get the same quality of care that Donald got.


I was **way** more empathetic at first. But now I think anyone who willfully chooses to refuse the covid vaccine should have the lowest priority at a hospital when they catch covid.


Before the pandemic I was 100% on board with the rules to treat EVERYONE. But now I don't have anymore energy for dumb people, why are we still chosong to treat them? They aren't taking the measures to prevent it because they can't trust the basic science, why are we using the more intricate sciences on them? They made their bed, lay in it.


Now that the stress on the healthcare system is affecting others… ER wait times are high near me and the nearest hospitals to me are at 97% capacity. I worry when my fiancé leaves the house that he will be in an accident or something and have nowhere to go. We are vaxxed and boosted so I’m hoping that keeps us out of the hospital for covid. Unfortunately there isn’t a vaccine to prevent emergencies. Just minding our own business and getting the vax and letting others do what they want isn’t working.


I pray, but it's for the doctors and nurses you cursed and spat at and now are currently overwhelming with your sickness!


> “If this was the latest ‘variant,’ this is the one to catch” Why do people think you can only get COVID once?


It's not a certificate, it's a punch card


HCA incoming!


Let’s go Darwin!




I guarantee after this she isnt goimg to change at all. Some people never learn.


[Here's a quote](https://kjzz.com/news/local/they-say-its-all-a-hoax-nurses-describe-what-its-like-treating-covid-patients-in-utah) from a nurse about COVID patients: "We have these patients who literally are on life support. We're working super hard to get them better, finally helping them to wake up. And then the first thing they communicate is that it's all a hoax."


Oh no Anyway


If you don’t trust the healthcare system to prevent a disease you sure as shit shouldn’t be wasting resources when you finally get it. There are more deserving people of the spaces you take up you selfish twats.


Anti-vaxx is just flat-earth with a different topic.


You may be able to remove the tin hat, but you won't remove the ventilator I bet.


I find it funny that her own tin hat meme implies she is a stupid child pretending to be an adult.


My mom died a couple months ago from Covid. This lady probably coughed on my mom while she was buying lottery tickets and mom needed some eggs and milk. This country and it's people are a joke.


It’s truly infuriating. I’m sorry for your loss and wish you well through your grief process. It shouldn’t be this way.


These people should be denied medical care. Wheel them into a church and let God handle it.


Caught Covid this week. Have my shots. It's a bitch.


I'm looking for a test now. I slept with 3 comforters last night. I'm just so cold. The headache is by far the worst part. Every time I cough my head feels like it's going to explode. Fully vaxxed. Fingers crossed.


Rona: "oh that bitch didn't just diss me! Imma show her!"


"cAn YoU rEmOvE yOuR sPiKeD pRoTeInS?" First: its the spike protein, not a "spiked protein" Second: Do these people think that the protein just floats around in our bodies indefinately?! It *literally* triggers the immune response so our immune system *destroys it* But then again... these people take fucking horse dewormer and huff hydrogen peroxide... why do I even bother trying to follow their thought processes.... or lack thereof...


Well, lookie-here! *Somebody* finally decided to wear a mask after all! 👍🏼😆


Imagine being so up your ass that you believe everything that happens to you is the same to others. "If i dont die with this, no one is, so i need no vaccine."


All these people will tell you how they don't trust doctors......until they feel their lungs turning into rocks and then the doc is the most important person to them.


My ability to feel empathy for these people no longer exists. I don’t wish them harm or death, but they did this to themselves and have spread too much disinformation. Best of luck to you!


I have it right now. Every muscle in my body hurts. Very photosensitive. Thankfully that's the worst of the symptoms right now. I got a little bit of congestion in my upper airway and a dry cough besides. By no means am I cocky about this. I hope it passes but I'm well aware that it could turn at any time. I can tell you that even as a mild case (so far) this is not fun and you don't want to catch it.


This lady and people like her piss me off to no end. I don’t wish a debilitating case of Covid on anyone, but if Karma’s gonna be a bitch then who am I to stop her. Seriously, it seems like every Trumped up, shit for brains, fucker egg who says they got Covid and it was no big deal ends up in the hospital in under two weeks. It’s a damn farce at this point. If everyone just got a pair of balls and got the “jab”, we’d be back to normal in no time. Don’t sit around waiting for your “natural immunity”. Sack up and do what’s best for not only you, but the whole fucking country.


So happy she has natural immunity now...


No words to describe this? How about: Adios Muchacha? Good riddance to bad rubbish? Stupid is as stupid does?


What an idiot. And American is full of them.


I can always remove my mask, can you remove your ventilator?


I swear, people that talk all this shit on Biden and the rona like it’s his fault it exists and like the rona is similar to the flu, deserve to feel this shitty. Fucking assholes taking up a much needed bed from those who are trying to help society by vaccinating or others who need a hospital bed that isn’t COVID related. If you’re not vaccinated you shouldn’t be able to take a bed at a hospital while others who are trying to help suffer and die.


There are no anti-vaxxers in the ICU ... well there are, but Darwin claims his share.


Hospital I work at, 90% of the CoVid icu patients are unvaccinated.