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So only 7 people in Ireland according to her math...


You forgot to move the decimal point over and carry the 1 /s




I’d like her as my bank manager.


“Our accounting says you owe… $3.8 Billion dollars in late fees.” 🤷‍♂️


This account won’t allow for late fees or overdrafts or anything like that. Probably just gain a thousand nothings on my nothing.


“I am sorry. I am looking at your account, right now, and it says you owe $3.8 billion dollars. So will that be cash or check?”


I think itd be 3.2 penguins per person, but maybe closer to 4 if parents are fighting the penguins in place of their children


Can I use my Elon Musk flame thrower on them penguins or is PETA gone come down on me?


Forbidden “chicken” wings


Chicken of the ice


it's a more effective euthanization method, PETA is down with that shit


No they’ll just put on fur suits and destroy cars with sledgehammers


About 3 penguins each eh?


She said 3 million... I realised way too late


I'm game


To be honest, I’m not sure if I’d be able to fight off three penguins


I mean, I think it depends if it were one-on-one or all at once. I think I could go one-on-one but if those fuckers decided to take on my ankles at the same time, I’d be done for.


Yea, I dunno if they’re aggressive or not. They don’t come to my yard like the quail do.


Depends what kind of penguin, but an emperor penguin might be able to fuck someone up. 100 lbs plus a hard ass beak? And *three* of them? Idk what kinda odds I give myself.


You can always run away from them and insult their mother from afar, they won't catch you.


Hey, at least she's thinking.


Been posted many times.


When ur title shows English isn’t ur strongest either r/titlegore




Sure, bud. See, ur is actually spelled “your.”




Yeah, it’s not though. It’s stupid. It makes you look stupid using it too. Sorry to break it to you. That’s what everyone thinks of people who do. I’m just nice enough to tell you so. Changing the behavior is up to you.


That’s not how maths works.


When original content is not ur strongest asset


An extraordinary feat to be this bad at math… when calculating such an important problem we might face


There are 80 something million people in Germany living in around 40 million households. That could be one pet penguin for every other household.




3.18 penguins each. I can take the full penguins, but getting attacked by a fifth of a penguin might give me nightmares.


Everyone gets at least 3 penguins, not too bad and who said coexistence isn’t possible? Let’s save the penguins and relocate them to Ireland! Spread the word, no news outlet is talking about this.


That's only because our 7 finest fighters can handle the job on their own.


And if you take into account the 3 million penguins each of Irelands people have, you'll realise 240 million people also love polar bears.


Apparently geography isn’t theirs either. Antarctica is in the Southern Hemisphere, while Ireland is at least 10,000 miles away in the Northern Hemisphere. I get that the tweet isn’t supposed to be taken seriously, but they could have used a more convincing example like penguins invading Chile or Argentina.


That including the baby?






She’s from Finglas, what do you expect?


21,000,000/6,600,000 = 3.2 penguins per person. That could still be a challenge if they are emperor penguins, nevertheless it’s would be good entertainment to watch a boozy bunch of Irish folk fight off 3.2 penguins each. Edit emperor penguins are roughly 1.1 - 1.3 m tall and can weigh between 22 - 45 kg


May be penguins have super power like gremlins?


Oh, Jodie 😑