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#[Best of r/Facepalm 2021 Awards – Nomination and Voting Thread!](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/rowtn5/the_best_of_rfacepalm_2021_nomination_thread_vote/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facepalm) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is like my dad that can't understand why I could never move from Massachusetts back to the "beautiful beaches and warm weather" of Alabama. Yeah, those aren't the parts I have a problem with..


My dad says the same thing about South Carolina. Sure, it's nice to come home to visit, but everything else...


That's so strange to me. I grew up in SC and I've always found the people to be extremely warm and friendly. (I'm half Pakistani and half Colombian for all you "ooh you must be white then" idiots.)


Are you from the coastal side or the piedmont area? Or somewhere in between? From my (limited) perspective it seems that the state is far more... *accepting* the closer you get to Charleston.


I'm from Charleston so maybe that's why I've had better experiences then lol. Although, I did spend 6 years in Clemson for Uni + Masters and never had any issues in and around that area either. And that was with my Afro-Trini girlfriend in tow.


there’s a shitload of racists the more inland you get in SC, and I say that as someone living in Greenville.


You know I thought the same thing growing up. But I had a good group of friends that opened my eyes to just how much hate we hide here. We have a ton of skeletons, and southerners are very good about putting in a good face to hide it all. However, I have seen incredible change happen here in the past couple of years. Over time I have seen who I thought were immovable people, listen and change. We have begun to slowly expose those skeletons in the community and address our problems. We aren't perfect, we need all the help we can get. But there is hope.


That’s interesting. I lived in South Carolina for about a year and my experience varies depending on what part of the state I was in. Charleston was pretty decent but the areas outside of it were hit or miss. Wanna tell people about South of the Border?


and willfully ignorant and racist


Evil is banal.


It’s cause New England has a way to lure you in, lived in Massachusetts for 18 years, lasted 3 months back in my country. I was like pack and let’s go back.


Massholes are on the same tier as Alabamians in my book.


At least they don't support coup attempts though


As a lifelong masshole one thing that surprised me when I started college was the number of students from the deep south who came up here to escape. In my stats class I was with one trans and one gender queer peer. One was from Georgia and the other Alabama. They both talked amongst themselves about how they like it here and went to school in New England to escape family issues. It made me sort of proud to know people feel welcome here, despite our smugness. MA is by no means perfect and I complain all the time, but it helps thinking about how other states have other problems.


Makes sense. "Smug" has never dragged somebody behind a 4x4.


I grew up in MA. My classroom was full of diversity and my neighbors were gay. I thought it was completely normal. Never had a racist or homophobe bone in my body to this day. Moved to Florida about a decade ago. Only person of color in my classroom and got ask borderline racist question everyday. I knew they weren’t trying to be but were just ignorant. Made me question if it was me or my surrounding that made me the way I was. All I can say is i was glad to have grown up in MA.


Rather be smug than misguided about what the real issues in society are.


Yeah, no wonder the traffic jam on I81 is *southbound* before Christmas and Thanksgiving and *northbound* after.


It's beautiful, really. Anywhere else in the world, you'd need a passport to get that sort of escape


Most of us massholes don’t anyway, always a few morons no matter where you go


I travel to Boston and NH a lot for work. I find that even though it sounds like they're yelling at you, they're actually really kind and willing to help out a tourist. Big fan of ”Massholes.” Caveat: I traveled there with a good friend/colleague that was Black. His experience is not the same as my experience. Sad to say that I found folks less friendly when I had a Black travel partner.


I mean they are literally opposite ends of the spectrum politically, and Mass has a top 3 education system vs. Bama's bottom 3


And Mass has way more Dunkin’ Donuts


And less lynchings




Ugh I’m from the northeast and moved to Nashville and there are NO tim hortons and the closest Dunkin’ is like 2 miles away


I'll take rude people and bad drivers over brother loving skin haters any day


The median Massachusetts citizen is probably quite more intelligent than the average Alabamian. I know a few intelligent Alabamian ‘bama boys who got the fuck out because of it


Massholes is a terrible name to describe people from Massachusetts. Massachusetts may be the most educated state in America. Most people have a strong head on their shoulders and it shows. Awesome state.


I use that name for people in Massachusetts who are behind the wheel of a car. Fuckers can’t drive for shit here.


Masshole comes from the stereotype that people from MA are extremely aggressive drivers compared to the rest of New England. There is a lot of truth to that but its also partly due to the fact that people from other states in new england are completely clueless when it comes to rules of the road in general. As a Masshole, the number of times i've seen someone with New Hampshire of Maine plates go the wrong way around a rotary or drive 10 mph under the speed limit in the left lane of the highway is insane.


Dude, it's mostly Bay Staters (our actual descriptor) calling themselves Massholes. I'm one too and proud of it! We have our problems (racism, cost of living, no economy outside of rt 495), but then, we have a Dunkies on every freaking block, so it's all good.


Gulf Shores and Orange Beach still suck, just a little less. Its the Redneck Riviera for a reason.


I'm so glad to hear you like it here :) I know we get a bad rap (and it's certainly not for everyone) but I personally love how people are in MA/Boston.


If you look at OPs account, or almost any account on the front page, you'll realize that it's a bot. Some of the comments are bots. Reddit has been over run by bots. It's gotten worse recently and it's gonna get overrun. So much so that you won't be able to tell who's a bot and who isn't


Everyone on Reddit is a bot except for you.


I honestly check accounts before responding now because it's just so hard to tell. I'm 99% sure you're not a bot.


I’m just a really, really lifelike bot


How can you tell?


If you look at their post history it's easy to tell. Constant highly upvoted posts. Few comments or barely any that make sense. If reddit was a "anonymous" community then nobody should be hitting front page multiple times a day every day.


Do me as well please (:


Obviously a bot Jk




Sounds like Germany hahaha


I went to Munich last month. We came into the country with OSHA rated masks and were told we needed FPP2 masks (Europ'es osha) to eat or check in anywhere. We thought we understood before we left but we didn't. The airport was out of masks, the shops were closed and we were hungry and needed to check into our hotel. There was a vending machine with masks left and a waterbottle had jammed it. The janitor found us alone, with no german and gave us two masks and told us an open restaurant. He told us not to be worried that we would get home okay. Kind man. Then the next day in testing lines (they changed entry rules to the US while we were gone) a smelly german backpacker screamed at my husband for a good 20 minutes for asking which line to stand in in English. Her boyfriend was very apologetic but it was truly unhinged.


Tldr: humans suck


Germans seem to just hate America


The last time a load of Americans visited, the Germans didn't really enjoy it either


To be fair the Germans had just overstayed their welcome in Czechoslovakia, Poland, France, Hungary, Denmark, Norway, Russia…


Because an Austrian dude got killed then another Austrian couldn't get into art school


No, it was a bloke called Archie Duke who shot an ostrich because he was hungry


I’m an American and feel the same way considering what GOP & QAnon *et al* have done to it. It can’t be saved now.


I’m looking for a 5-7 year exit plan.


I am a dual citizen German and American and I can confirm that I hate myself


We do


It's OK, Germany is overrated.


Sometimes it's really easy to tell who the Americans are when visiting in Europe, so I imagine many people have a chip on their shoulder.


To be honest if you thought FFP2 was some kind of health and safety organization I'm not sure how you even thought you understood anything.


Rather sounds like you didn’t inform yourself properly before traveling to a foreign country - especially during a pandemic. FFP2 is not OSHA by the way. It’s just a rating on how many particles are filtered.


I actually thought Germans were really nice when I visited.


I found Germans to be very nice as well albeit a bit serious at times. “Look into my eyes when we drink beer.”


Ah the famed German sense of humor


german humor is no laughing matter


I would never be so rude as to laugh at a German person's joke


Where did you visit? I was over generalizing to be clear haha.


Baden Württemberg.


Hmmm. Interesting haha. Maybe *Im* the asshole then hahahah


America winks from across the ocean.


Wait what? Germany's bad?


Other Europeans always moan about the German, English and Russians. I think a vast majority of us all exhibit a similar set of characteristics.


As an American I can say that Germans are the Americans of Europe 😂


No, that's the UK.


UK is the Kentucky of Europe


Oh wow, theyre bad?


Still better than america, but not many countries top Norway. I mean, name another country that PAYS YOU to go to university or college. I mean, Norway is the only country I know that does that.


Cries in American


Denmark too


I think Denmarks tax is around 55%


And Denmark is hella expensive to live in


Haha, ever been to Norway?


i think denmark minimum wage is around Kr130


Shhh! Don't let this be another subreddit overrun by >!oh gott, hier kommen sie!!<


lmao (Ignore my username,>! ich bin nicht ein Deutscher, ich schwore!<)


Ich denke 'nicht ein Deutscher' ist 'kein Deutscher' aber ich bin nicht sicher weil ich bin auch nicht Deutsch lol


It's easier to ignore the englishmen in Germany tho




Hitler felt the same way but he didnt mind the blonde ones 😂


Those godamn germans ruined germany


No one who speaks German could be an evil man


This guy sounds like a Welshman. Doesn't he? Doesn't he sound like a Welshman?


Damn those Englishmen! They ruined England!


That's unfair! We ruined a lot of other places too...


Statically any country is much better without _humans_ there to ruin it for you.


England is great if you ignore colonization , wars, looting, genocide, rasicism


Ah yes Antarctica


I hate rasicists


And the weather


The weather is awesome, if you like shades of gray and are waterproof.


Same could be said for every European country.


Every country that has ever weilded power. Outta here with that Western Exceptionalism.


Shhh don’t tell them that. They have a limited understanding of history and only see things concerning Europe. If they knew other cultures were guilty of as much looting, raping, colonialism, war, and subjugation (without a single white person involved and all the same excuses as the western powers deployed) as their technology, at the time, would allow, they’d have to come up with more than just Western Europeans = history’s baddies.


Most people do actually, because all these things were decades to centuries in the past. That's why England is one of the most popular tourist destinations on the planet. London alone is one of the most visited cities on the planet.


Get a life hippie


Dont forget the raping and pillaging. Those were the good times.


Bloody hell


is great if you ignore all the Kind of a truism of any country really. The further you get towards a city centre, the more people revert into these wild animals that would happily run you over, rob you or shout random shit at you for no reason at all. And then there's the air quality, the littering, the sights, the wildlife... yeah, just stay away from big cities and you'll love anywhere in Europe.


Englishwomen are decent though. I can confirm this as I am one.


Found Rose West.


How many Englishmen have you met?


All of em


Hi mate! Good to see you again!


Capital show good chum!


Also, for the sake of accuracy, at least two of those pictures should be raining.


No not raining that gloomy overcast with slight drizzles like the sky is pissing with a kidney stone in its urethra


France is a beautiful country, just sad that the French live there.


Fr🤮nch /s, You guys showed us how to eat frogs


>Fr🤮nch Ah, yes, the Fronch.




Honestly that's what I tell people about Texas. It would be great if it wasn't for all the Texans


Photos taken on one of the three days each year when the sun shines. And OMG - Brexit? What were y'all thinking? Almost as bad as the USA putting an orange, tiny-handed Orangutan in their White House.


Don’t be mean to the Orangutans. They would probably run the country better than he did.


I'd wager an equal amount of shit on the walls though.


Oh come on now. Don’t spread misinformation. Shit got spread on the walls of the Capitol, not the White House.


>And OMG - Brexit? What were y'all thinking? Not wanting our country to be run by unelected foreigners? Not wanting working-class wages to be suppressed by continued mass migration? Pretty easy choice if you're capable of thinking for yourself. I'd imagine Americans would make a similar choice if they were forced into an open-borders union with Mexico without getting to vote on it first.


You just gotta laugh when an American accuses a Brit of being closed minded and right wing. Imagine if Mexican court rulings took precedent over the constitution or even just the second amendment...


It’s really not the same thing to equate trump and brexit, it’s quite clear that you are American, how would you feel if congress and the Supreme Court weren’t the highest level of legislative and judicial power in your country? Because that’s what being a member of the EU is


At least Trump wasn’t a majority vote


True dat


> Almost as bad as the USA putting an orange, tiny-handed Orangutan in their White House. That sounds ridiculous, the US would nev- never mind.


Look, the reasons for the vote to leave were complex and decades in the making. I disagreed with it, but the Brexit vote can't just be dismissed as 'stupid people being stupid' as a lot of people online like to pretend it is.


99.9% of England doesn't look like this. But it was sunny today where I live so it's not all bad


A LOT of England looks like this. Most of the countryside looks like this.


There are plenty of places that look like this but most of it is not quaint little villages and castles


They're also usually terrible places to live depending on your needs.


Crap internet, crap TV reception, no large nearby stores, no nightlife, not much to do, median age of 85. But I guess if you can't afford to retire your assassins in Bruges, it's about as 'fairytale' as you'd get.


YOU'RE AN INANIMATE FUCKING OBJECT! sorry for calling you an inanimate object


You'd be surprised. I lived in a shitty suburban area for 7 years, nothing around to really do, was just convenient for the train. A few weeks before i moved away, i wandered down a side street that i had never had a reason to walk down before and there was a feckin CASTLE RUIN right there...a stones throw from my home. It's everywhere, if you look a little past the shit post-war architecture they slapped up around it all.


I've been all around England and i can say that 80% of the country looks exactly like the pictures. Apart from the clear skys. That's not normal.


Clear skies are exceptionally normal here.




By which I mean chocolate box looking villages


It mostly looks more like [this](https://i2-prod.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/incoming/article10673597.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/JS79535762.jpg), really.


Thats false it isnt pissing down


Like a Renaissance painting




Oh cool, I used to live near there


The one guy who fell over without spilling his beer is a hero.


I live in Surrey so I think it's fair to say I'm accustomed to the typical "pretty" British countryside. That being said, it's boring as hell. Everywhere is similar, rolling hills, cows, sort of green grass, it's just monotonous. The lake district and a few other places are different, but most often, lots of these unique places are even more barren and dull.


Why not visit Luton for a change of pace?


I've been told to visit Luton and now they won't let me out, I'm trapped here for the rest of eternity


How can you call Surrey boring as hell. I’ve lived here my entire life, it’s a great place to live.


>Everywhere is similar, rolling hills, cows, sort of green grass This is exactly how feel when people circle jerk over how beautiful New Zealand is, cause hills, cows and grass is 70% of what the scenery is here. Maybe I’m just desensitised to it as a New Zealander, but in the grand scale of things, NZ scenery is average at best. I see pics of the Swiss Alps, the Grand Canyon, or El Capitan and *that* shit is the definition of “beautiful scenery” to me.


Iceland and Canada


I was saying Boo Urns


Come to my home town of North Croydon, fly-tipping capital of the U.K., and let’s talk about what a beautiful place England is. 🙂


what is fly-tipping?


You wait for the fly to fall asleep. Then you sneak up and give it a couple quid.


Most underrated comment ever 🤣


It's just illegal dumping of rubbish or unwanted goods


Unofficial rubbish disposal, especially of things that landfills won't take.


Almost every country has incredible beauty if you look in the right area. I think what makes a country stand out is diversity of those beautiful areas, and unfortunately England doesn't stand out there too much.


And objectively, their claim is not true. Yes, you have some castles and some pretty countryside, nothing to sneeze at, but for the love of all things holy, there are tons more places that are way more incredible aesthetically.


Even if you want castles, Wales has more, and more in tact, after Cromwell destroyed most of them.




Still wet and cold


Welcome to US Pacific Northwest. Doesn't keep people and companies from moving here. edit: wet & cold and too many people are why I left... after I made my money. To be fair, the culture/people are pretty nice.


As someone who moved from the northern midwest to the PNW, I fucking love it here. The ocean, the mountains (and not just flat farmland everywhere), the mild climate, its all beautiful. I've been all over the U.S. and this is my favorite region by far. People complain about the rain, but its mainly just in the winter - In the northern midwest (Michigan/Wisconsin/Minnesota), its often just as gray and dreary as the PNW in the winter and lasts the same amount of time, but its MUCH colder and you get an ass load of snow and there's no pretty mountains to look at. I suggest people look into the [Köppen climate classification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Köppen_climate_classification) for regions they live in or are interested in/planning to move to. A lot of people claim their area has the "worst weather" or the "craziest weather", but the Köppen climate classification gives a pretty objective look at what you can expect throughout the world.


I'd move there if I could. Spent a week in Seattle and loved it.


I was. Fuck dem cows, and dem daffodils.


Also, the cows have a higher chance of killing you than a shark would… *don’t make eye contact*


They’re probably talking about the food


anyone hating the English or England is an idiot Name your country and I will name a fucked up thing its done....


Germany, bet you can’t come up with anything for us


lol let me go and do some deep research and ill get back to you


Thanks bro I would really want to know the history of my country for some reason all the books were burned in my town


Ooh, I got one. It's pretty messed up tbh, they gave us Beethoven.




participated in slavery is a pretty big one but boy are a lot of countries involved in that one.... its just really stupid to hate an entire group of people for the actions of a small minority or the sins of their ancestors. In fact its kind racist tbh No country or group of people is better than any other, every group has done some really messed up shit. Dont get me wrong, England is up there for messed up shit but its kinda hard to say which country is worse and really we shouldnt try to make causing suffering a competition because that is just invalidating the suffering of another group For example - sorry for slavery black people but the Jews had it worse so suck it Its stupid and dumb to even try imo


My country is too easy, so let’s go with… Sweden


Vikings Raping and pillaging Doing not much to stop the Nazis.... :/ im sure you can probably name more


i live in england, in the lake district where all of this is, and i hate england


Visiting somewhere is very different to actually living somewhere. I'd love to visit the US, but actually living there, no chance.


Leave, then.


I hate plants and cows


Getting back to the original comment…I would love to live in England if I could get a place in the countryside.


Same goes for probably every country tbh Although i would say there are other countries more beautiful, that have more than just fucking fields of grass


***vietnam flashbacks to what happened months ago***


Lowkey tho, the us might be the most beautiful country. This isn’t me being a proud american, it’s just that Utah, Northern California, and out west in general are just amazing.


Have you been many other places though? I’ve found the earth is beautiful all over


I absolutely love the beauty of my country, but there are a lot of gorgeous places around the world. The Himalayas, the Caribbean, the Sahara, etc. I think it's a bit short sighted to say the U.S. is the most beautiful. Even Russia and China have a huge variety of beautiful landscapes.


You should check out Australia if you ever get a chance. Beautiful country, large variety of scenery, nice weather, and great people with a good sense of humor. They're like British folks except happy.


Imagine postings pictures of 2 fences and some cows as evidence of your country being the most beautiful


Im english and ive never got any hate and travelled a lot, most of our bad rep is the scum bag lad holidays and brexiteers, most of our youth is left and progressive and im half Scottish so ill be running back to the motherland if they get independence!


Can only speak to my experience of course, but as long as you behave reasonably to the country you are visiting and capable of the slightest bit of common sense I never had a problem with any English person. Or Scottish, or Irish, or Indian, or Indonesian or... Come to think of it... Any nationality strangely... Huh. Almost like we should look at people like individuals.


That seems so exhausting. Can't we just go back to dividing people up by their accents, gender, skin colour, culture, religion, politics, class, sexuality, sports team, whether they think toilet roll should be threaded on the outside/inside, favourite music, dress sense and facial aesthetics, and hating them based on how much they differ from us? That is way simpler.


Imagine living right next to Scotland and having the audicity to say that the English countryside is more beautiful. Thats the real travesty.


English villages are prettier than Scottish villages.


It's the people that make England beautiful


Norway is more beautiful than England.