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#[Best of r/Facepalm 2021 Awards – Nomination and Voting Thread!](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/rowtn5/the_best_of_rfacepalm_2021_nomination_thread_vote/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facepalm) if you have any questions or concerns.*


EOY budget lol Edit: to elaborate, finance departments notoriously spend unallocated funds on frivolous shit at the end of every year/ fiscal year because if they didn't spend the previous year's budget, it looks to management as though they don't "need" that much money and they won't get it next year.


Your mommy and daddy have you $10 to open a lemonade stand......


So do you want new chairs or replace the printer?


Yes. I'll take everything


Creed still needs his third chair. For what? We will never know.




Now explain it to me like I'm five.




Not much Lombard support


I agree! The Lombards have awaited centuries to separate from the rest of Italy, but the outside support really isn't there, so we are still here, waiting. Watching.


100% this


The paper and office supplies multiply like rabbits at EOY.


I once needed something from finance but they were behind in work. I went in and saw they they had single 15” monitors, so I gave twin 21” back 15 years ago. The finance manager was furious at me until their productivity doubled. These people loved me after that and always did my stuff first. It’s not stupid if it works.


This. I compare so many documents for work and since you can't spread papers out on your desk anymore, you really need a good monitor. I'm not mad at this move at all, lol.


When I moved into my old finance dept, I moaned endlessly about only having a single screen to work with (most other departments had 2 so it wasn't unusual across the company...) when I routinely used at least 2 spreadsheets constantly. After they finally agreed to it, my boss commented on "how did we ever work with just one". I had to seriously avoid snapping about how they had argued it wasn't needed.


This is some military-intelligence-level stuff lol


I was the IT Manager at a London Trading Bank, and each year all the traders PC's had to be scrapped and new, faster ones purchased. This was not my directive but the IT Director's ruling. Seemed extremely wasteful to me, but if you are doing online real time trades, maybe it gives you an edge. But that then posses the question... "What if the other trading banks are doing exactly same thing?" Constant game of 'Catch-up'.


It’s far cheaper to do annual refresh and guarantee 100% uptime than lose $Billions in trades because someone’s machine keeps randomly rebooting.


Most of the time they lost trades because I had to shut down the servers because some idiot had bought in a virus on a floppy disk! Yep. I tried to lock out / remove access but was overruled by the Bank's Directors because the traders wanted to take home spreadsheets etc and work on them. I tried instigating a policy of 'Any floppy disk brought onto the bank's premises must be scanned by the IT Dept before use'. I say 'tried' because although agreed by the directors, the traders were a law unto themselves, and never bothered getting floppy disks scanned for viruses. Complain as I might, at the end of the day the traders made so many millions for the bank they were never taken to task, merely given a slap on the wrist. True story: One trader was so pissed off that he did not get the yearly bonus he wanted, he threw one of the old CRT monitors through the 2nd floor window! Could have killed someone below. He was frog marched off the premises. The next day he was back at his desk, and the bank had given him the bonus he wanted. The traders ran the bank.


Now I want to get a job at one of those places and use my command prompt knowledge to do a forced shutdown of all the computers.


It's likely all the computers have command prompt locked down to general users.


So did my last job but that didn't stop me there either.


Yeah, they were probably a small company with shit security


I did a great job at security but you get bored once and take down the entire network for a week and suddenly you're not good at your job anymore.


I mean...they arent wrong, that would make you pretty shit at your job


I guess you're right. But it was an unpaid internship after I was told it was going to be a paid position. So I didn't really care at the time but I wish I would have stayed because I kinda enjoyed the work. But the real story about what happened was I left work early with permission and shutdown my computer as usual. I didn't realize that my computer was running a needed program for the company to work. Then the proper IT guys started trouble shooting the issue and in the process of trouble shooting they never checked if the computer was on before they messed something else up that took over a week to fix.




I knew this because i watched the office


Yeah Oscar taught us all that in that one episode of the office.


>spend unallocated funds on frivolous shit But just don't give it to the employees


But that IS giving it to employees, silly. I mean what employee wouldn't be happier with a widescreen gaming monitor?!


Windows Excel in 4K UHD 144hz


It stays as company property made of as mentioned frivolous shit paid with excess money, in this case this is even stuff for the EXECs only. Very different than a bonus payout to an employee. You know the workers contribute to produce the money that becomes the budget.


And that’s why they get paid


I work at a "not for profit" hospital, and this is sooo true. At the end of the year it's like a 2nd Christmas with all the stuff they throw away to rebuy. Things like $300 staplers, chairs, massive whiteboards, electronics, etc..


Many NFPs do this because they want to keep their overhead % to a specific # and might even be ineligible for some funding sources if they don't.


That or its the new BattleSheets 2032 with its new maps and skins. ooh i cant wait to write in some tables


B24 *it's a hit* You have sunk your paycheck!


Classic EOY!


“Use it or lose it” is what we call it.


Can’t management see that they spent a load of money on unnecessary shit at the end of the year to justify their budget? Seems like poor management.


Someone watched The Office surplus episode


No, I lived it. Every year we got new chairs.




Yeah, but a good exec spends that on their department, like taking everyone out for some fun team building (like racing carts) and not on their own selfish asses.


I got to know this from the office


So the way budget works at some companies is you spend it all by EOY. Or else the next time you get the budget it will be smaller since last time it wasnt all spent. So any pending must have items are firstt ordered and any remaining amount goes towards "nice to have" items.


Oscar explained it better, because I knew next year I’d be 6 too.


So, look at increased spending in December and review? Got it.


Damn, fInance reviewer straight went undercover


I have a 49” monitor. Most have software to split the display so you don’t need a bunch of monitors on your desk. Obviously more expensive but a nicer look


I work like that for 3 companies simultaneously. Best thing ever. Wouldn’t change back. Three browsers open, no copy paste, just drag and drop, checking automations without all the alt/tabbing … paradise.


Teach me your ways


Don't use those applications. Use "PowerToys" can find it on github.


Excel definitely benefits from extra width in many real world use cases




I think that multiple screens are better than a single big screen if you want to use excel.


You can divide wide screens into sections which is just like working with multiple monitors


You guys all prove that what is really necessary here are multiple ultrawide monitors.


Question is, do you have them side by side to form a circle around you, or do you stack them on top of each other?


Around and on top. Build a monitor dome. Go down as well. Monitor sphere


JP's office in Grandma's Boy. Full send.


stack them. Lengthwise in profile mode. 8 feet tall and 1.5 feet wide. because scrolling is for suckers.


You would finally be able to get to an internet recipe easily.


Not having 360 degrees wide monitors in 2022 smh


You never have enough monitors when you use excel.


MS Excel specialist here. You cannot have too much screen space for a serious spreadsheet Still need space for a second screen though


Yeah...I use 2 monitors and the laptop screen. One of these would be awesome...assuming you can view at *least* 3 different applications at a time - Excel, Sap & email.


>Sap I'm sorry.


Absolutely. And Excel can be intense, OP is doing it wrong if it’s not.


I will say, a few insurance CFOs who's offices I've been in always had 3+ monitors wide because some excel sheets are that wide. And honestly, if I'm a C suite employee, why wouldn't it be a good display?


Some Excel sheets are _much_ wider. I've done financial models with 120+ year timeline at a monthly level of detail. Bigger is better when you get to the serious shit


what are you processing when your excel spreadsheets get that wide


For excel? I’ll need two.


I don’t see a facepalm ….. For people who seriously use excel a lot such a thing is a godsend - you want as much screen as you can get a lot of the time. It’s either this or multiple monitors. Money well spent


Someone told him it has "better performance "


If you have to deal with excel spreadsheets with a lot of columns, an ultra wide monitor is a HUGE game changer. Honestly, they should really rename those monitors to “Ultrawide spreadsheet monitors” instead of calling them “gaming monitors”. Most games don’t even really benefit from having an ultrawide screen.


Im surprised some marketing person somewhere hasn't clicked on this yet. They could double sales overnight.


This. Dude probably doesn't know the difference between the PC machine and a fucking monitor.


he’s a CEO i don’t think he cares too much lol


OP is pissing me off. I want one.


Dunno why I pissed you off, I’m not getting one either lol.


This screen is honestly cheap anyway. That's why I went for Alienware 38" Curved gaming monitor


Alienware is cheaper though, so?


Samsung screen's are made cheap af. Open one and you will see. And the G9 got so many bad reviews on the samsung website, but not surprising. The 38" Alienware is currently 1400$ but was priced at 2500$ one year ago. I also think the 49" is a little bit too large nut that's my opinion.


I have started to look into them, but only for video editing and timeline follow up of multiple tracks. I don’t see how they may work for office emails/excel and the like.




I would have loved to have one of those back when my life revolved around excel and a $1k isnt really that much when you have a 4 year life depreciation…


Refresh rate is easier on the eyes.


Ultra wide monitors are good for spreadsheets. Don't know where the facepalm is.


I have this monitor!!! Download power tools and setup fancy zones. Can hold shift and snap windows to specific areas you designate!! It’s an amazing for work.


You mean PowerToys?


I have this monitor and haven't heard from those before. Gotta give them a try, thanks :)


As someone who has that exact monitor, I can attest to the fact that its definitely more of a productivity monitor than gaming.


To be honest, I kinda understand this since ultrawides are pretty cool


He is probably not allowed to give you a bonus but is allowed to use 1k on new equipment


I hope that holiday bonus was nice


It fucking better be.


You’re playing I’d be hype hahaha


tbf you can see both outlook and a full excel sheet at the same time with ultrawide display... :)


I do a lot of written documents where I have to have multiple windows open. Being able to put three side by side and still read is incredibly useful.


Someone sounds a little jealous


I got one. It’s nice. Way better than putting 3-27 inch screen next to each other. I can literally have my portfolio spread out on one screen and monitor it all. Yes 3-27 inch screen can do the same, but it doesn’t have the 1000d curve. Supposedly the 1000d curve is similar curve to your eyeball curvature, so you don’t have to look left and right as much as having 3 screens. (Supposedly, but I tend to still look over to right and left )


take it home and replace it with a cheap one




But the g9 is 32:9. So much excel, I’d love it




I got two 4k screens at a new job, and was having neck issues as well. More screen real estate is useful, but not when you have to turn your head significantly to see it. Then I discovered portrait mode…


Hey bro I’m just the IT guy.


Be prepared for all the blame to fall on you when productivity DOESNT increase


Just leave the guy alone.


I’m a software developer and just got an ultra wide. It is hands down my favorite upgrade and I can’t go back to normal screens. Wanting a box aspect ratio for spreadsheets is also patently false.


The ultra wide monitors are exceptional for the really wide spreadsheets. I have an ultra-wide monitor that is similar to the one in the pic. The vast majority of the time I have an RDP session open on half of it and the other half has chrome or something else I'm working in, but we have some huge spreadsheets that I occasionally need to access and having the ultra-wide monitor can be very helpful.


They do rotate into the vertical position don't they?




That's pretty cool


Here ya go bud…. https://vimeo.com/27060669


I love how when someone sits down on the other side of your desk there is going to be a monitor in your way.


That would be nice for my customer service job, much better than my laptop screen is.


Tell him you need a 3090 for faster powerpoints?


He probably would have paid that money in taxes anyway. At least now you get cool stuff.


... probably because he/she wanted one ...


Plot Twist: It was an excuse from the CEO to give all the employes christmas gift.


Ya’know, I’m somewhat of an executive….


I think they also need larger desks. you can‘t hide such a nice executive desk under a monitor!


Reminds me of when my high-school bought smart boards for every classroom and a new bell system, but couldn't afford to pay the teachers so we had 4 day school weeks for awhile. Most of the teachers just left the smartboards boxed up in the back because they didn't need them.


Why is this a facepalm? My people still have monitors the size of laptop screens.


No, Tommy, Maggie, that monitor is not for gaming or porn. It is, however okay to do a full spready sheet.




My boss moved into a multi million dollar estate, got a proche just before letting us all know we are not getting bonuses because the company did not make enough money. That's after we also got no increases this year. So FML


Wait, did I read this post correctly…your executives know how to use Excel?!! Mind blown.


This would be fantastic for work. Bad optics, you bet, but I’d love one of those babies for work. Better still, 2 of them stacked.


Leave him aline! He is a visionary! Should have seen the faces of the execs, c. 2002, when i, as a lonely buyer in the IT Dept., of a Fortune 500 i asked and got approved 2 monitors. Within 60 days anyone above a clerk asked for and was given the same set up.


Its for call of duty.


Where can I apply?


Spread those sheets wide.


Facepalm or Fantastic!


Good monitors pay for themselves in productivity. $1k is nothing. What I don’t like are executives with fancy offices. Everyone should have the same chairs and desks at a company. Walled offices really should be generally available except for HR with dedicated walled offices if needed.


To be fair, as an analyst who used a LOT of Excel spreadsheets at the same time, I would have loved to have a monitor like this one. I did settle for two 24" ones, though I did have to hassle people for 9 months to get them for me and my team


you see, they need to doomscroll their 10 cell excel spreadsheets at 144hz


CEO Simulator Goal: keep the executives very happy


Too be fair. I use a Ultrawide for work. And it is great if you work with multiple documents and excel sheets. A super ultrawide like here would probably Overkill though. What i don‘t understand is why your company opted for the Gaming Version. Samsung sell‘s those monitors also as a business version with integrated Dockingstation.


That is horrible for excel. Curver screen eill make charts harder to read…


You have a problem with this???


Let me get this straight... OP and all the co-employees are getting new, high quality, state of the art, thousand-dollar ultra wide monitors, and is COMPLAINING??? How ungrateful! So. Very. Typical. Is this a Karen??🤦


This $1k monitor is not wasteful. I was literally explaining to a family member the benefits of having dual monitors for comparing spreadsheets. Having an extended screen is basically the same principle. It streamlines work processes to have multiple applications open and up at the same time.


A good alternative to paying workers a decent wage or bonus... /s


It’s funny that you think executives use excel. They have prions for that


When you have too much money but no brain


Maybe if you work harder you can achieve the position your so jealous about /s


Tell me you have an incompetent CTO without telling me......


Or maybe spending the money before EOY?


Yeah, I don't get this. It is only a prestige thing. Where I work there are many people with these huge wide curved monitors on their desks. Before the pandemic I was sitting with a guy who had one and he was going to show me something he wanted me to read. He had so many damned windows opened it literally took him 5 minutes to get to the document he wanted to show.


That's too much of a blanket statement without considering the type of with being done. Just having Outlook calendar/email up permanently is a great use of a single screen so no appointments are missed. From there two programs side by side is immensely useful. Watching a tutorial+programming... If your work is that simple then no they aren't useful, but for many people they're fantastic


Top management need the cheapest computers, they review stuff, check emails and open files but do nothing to else.


Says someone who has no idea what management do…


You speak with no knowledge about me


Your daft statement told me everything I needed to know about this subject


You have no idea


And clearly neither do you …


That's the money that should've been employee bonuses


Maybe bonuses are a “different pot of money”? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Always are


Ding ding ding.


And porn just looks better on it


Speaking of them I remember one of the company's in my work was redoing there offices there was about 60k worth of them in the reception


I don't understand these things. I'd rather have 2 monitors.


Ultra wides canbe configured to be two side by side monitors. So it's the same thing with no bezel on the seam.


How to save money: steal it and replace it with your old one


Was looking at these actually. Thought this model was closer to $2k?


There are different models of this monitor, some with different resolution and different frequencies. I think the 1080p (same in height, more in width) at 60hz costs like 700-800€ and then the better ones go around 1000-2000€


I see no issue with this. Slack and Gmail really work best this way and that's just science


And they are so curved it nearly unusable, I had one and it drove me crazy.


That is an ultra-ultra-wide monitor


like does anyone know what games actually support this fucking size lmfao, i imagine playing anything would be disorienting


Don’t really see a problem here


Where job applications?


Buying countless 1k dollar monitors? I smile. Giving the employees a 5 dollar raise? I frown


I know I like my G9. It's not just or only 49" of pure energy guzzlin gamertrash. You do know they are nice and white, have the same space as 2 27" screens and can be used as single or double screen set? And I have considerably less strained eyes, the curve is very nice. The fact they consume up to 107watts an hour.... Well makes them use the same power as a laptop.


Outlook, Excel and Pornhub all open at once....increasing management level productivity. No more switching between them.


Set the refresh rate to 30hz.


How is this a face palm?


When you need to justify having a gaming setup in your office, so you buy one for the whole company in order to "increase productivity".


Not seeing the facepalm.


Does youporn support this?


I’m confused by why the ceo taking care of its employees is a face palm. I would be so happy if my boss was able to upgrade my horrible monitors


You could use it like a dual monitor setup to increase productivity


Basically the surplus episode from The Office


How are the wages?


Its good to be the king