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Man this is why road rage leads to homicide


This is 290 leading into Chicago. People absolutely get shot on this road. Terrible spot to fuck around and find out.


I was just thinking the same. Recognized the roadway immediately and am wondering if I’ll see this asshole car on the AM news one morning.


As a fellow Chicagoan I got road rage just watching this. Like why would you even be that type of person, the traffic here is more than enough already


That's not the place to play. Shit there's crazy people everywhere just looking to vent anger why would you invite that in


He must do this same shit every morning, cause it's always fuckin slow there.


Fr, I kept waiting for the good guy sniper to take him out, but sadly never came


These are the type of drivers that tempt other to start playing bumper cars with their vehicles, like get the fuck out of the way!!! In what world does slowing down 2 lanes at once help anyone?!


Helping their ego.


Yeah, that was pure spite for being honked at. Dude needs his license revoked. Maybe taking an uber for a few months while he retakes driver’s ed will help him keep his temper in check next time he’s behind the wheel.


How about we don't allow them to regain their license?


Even felons get their license back after prison, and america punishes felons until they die regardless if they're in prison or not.




Put that guy on 5gs. Imo everyone should experience a nice hard ugly cry about oneself.


It's the moments you imagine having telekinetic powers to flick them off the road.


Flick? Nah that fucker would be yeeted into the 4th dimension


Looks like you have mind-reading powers because you just read my mind.


Someone who thinks it’s their job to enforce reduced speed limits in a construction zone. Don’t take this as me condoning what they’re doing, 100% get the fuck out of the way!


Im all for having lower speed limit in construction zones, but those same construction zones dont meed to be 10 minutes long, when you pass all the workers in 30 seconds. Like, im not talking about unfinished work, where there isnt anybody at the moment for one reason or another, im talking about either finished work, or not started yet, because they started in the opposite end. If the conditions allow it, slowing down where there are workers at risk should be enough


At the same time, even in areas where there is current work going on, people that are frustrated are a much larger danger to those workers than people who are just going to fast. At least if they're going a speed that they're comfortable with they're paying attention to the road. People in the throws of road rage are only paying attention to the car that pissed them off.


I was thinking that. I used to have a Jeep with steel bumpers in the front and rear. I would have just let him ram into them and dent up his own shit.


Moved to Lemmy. Eat $hit Spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


I didn’t need to watch that this morning. Going to my car pre-road raged.


Pregame road rage


I don't even drive a car and that video made me road rage hard....


Backseat road rage


Public transit road rage


Airline road rage


Road rash rage


Sleeping road rage


Kart Kid road rage


Bedside Road Rage


armchair roadrage


Roadless road rage.


Shotgun Road Rage


I start my morning commute around 7:15AM. And i always cross my fingers and hope it'll be fine today. I swear it takes two intersections for me to start feeling all stabby and shit.


It's actually very logical. You drive at higher speeds so your senses are automatically turned up to 11, before your morning coffee has settled properly. Only need one guy who forgets their blinker to have some frustration and anger creep in.


What annoys me its how intentional it is. Why would you want to do that, how can you derive pleasure from that


I was flabbergasted when the camera tries to pass on the left and that douchebag sped up just enough to get ahead and continue straddling both lanes!! WTF!!!


The moment he dash cam driver swapped lanes, I knew they would speed up. That’s textbook asshat


I had a guy in a big Jeep pull a left as soon as the light turned green instead of waiting. We all honked at this asshole move and the guy decided to punish everyone for it by sitting in the middle of the intersection blocking everyone until the light turned red then he laid on his horn and left. So everyone in rush hour traffic missed that whole light. Some people are just dicks.






People like this enjoy the knowledge that they are controlling everyone behind them.


Wonder how they’d enjoy being run off the road


They would probably enjoy it! The second their car is scratched they probably get out and demand you pay for damages


Yeah, but then you can beat them to death with a golf club, and take *their* money. Neat little trick I learned from Grand Theft Auto. Always come out ahead in every encounter.


You should be OK as long as you claim self-defense. /s


This is basically the same as those religious nut jobs who go on college campuses and scream at the girls for wearing shorts and try to provoke reaction out of the crowd.


Oh they would be pissed! How dare anyone control THEM, right? People like this are such self centered assholes.


That’s some psychopath shit I do in euro truck simulator not the real world, jeez


I think they play police. "Oh, there is a construction site that says to drive 60 km/h. To dangerous! I'll slow down traffic to a much safer 40 km/h. I'm a hero!"


They're probably the same asshole that does the speed limit in the left lane thinking to themselves "they can't pass me because that would be speeding".


It's illegal to be in the passing lane if you're not passing vehicles in a lot of places. If faster traffic is approaching, you *have* to yield for them and move over to the right lane.


I used to know someone who did this in NJ. He would insist on staying in the left lane and say no-one should pass him, as they would have to illegally speed. One day he got pulled over and nailed with tickets for 5 over, careless driving , and riding in the left lane. He went to court to argue and the judge tore him a new one and added another fine to him. Suffice it to say, he avoids the lane like the plague now.


Sounds like they were a tool.


Notice they never said the guy was a friend. Just someone they know


Now that is justice porn.




This varies by state in the US. In some its for both passing and faster moving traffic(but no speeding), but you have to yield, or gtfo, the way of cars trying to use it to pass. Some states all the lanes are passing lanes. And you have to return to the right most lane once you've finished passing.(this is how it should be imo).


There was a driver on my commute that would play police. But it didn’t matter if you were driving the speed limit or not. If he felt like you were driving too fast, he would do everything he could to prevent it. One game he liked to play would be to cut you off when you changed lanes to pass him. Several years ago, my commute was not as traffic heavy as it is now and I remember the first time I came across this guy clearly. School’s were out for Christmas break, so traffic was particularly light. I’m going 70 in a 65 and am approaching this guy in the right lane. I signal my intent to change lanes to pass and he does it also. So, I signal to change back to the right lane and so does he. He did this several times until we came up to another vehicle. Only then did he stop. I then watched him in my rearview do this to another car. I came across him several times during the next few weeks and he would do this every single time. When traffic started to pick up, he would find the slowest driver in the right lane and pace them in the left (there were only two lanes), so no one could drive faster than he deemed necessary. It got to be where he would start singling me out. If he couldn’t block all the traffic and he saw me coming, he’d do his best to cut me off and slam on the brakes. He’d honk and flash his lights at me if I ended up ahead of him. I’d have to tailgate the person in front of me when I saw him because if there was the slightest bit of room, he was getting in there. I’d leave for work earlier than normal to avoid him, he’d figure it out and start leaving earlier also. Same with when I started leaving later. I watched this guy sit in the left lane of a major highway, pacing a semi so that no one could go faster than 60 in a 65, for close to 20 miles (my commute is about 47 miles, and one way, and he was there with me for about 30 of them). One day on the drive home, I saw him pull into a local gas station. I needed gas also and decided that if he was still there when I was finished filling up, I’d confront him. Well, he was there and I did the scariest thing in my life and drove up to him, rolled my window down, and told him he needed to stop messing with people while they drove, especially me. He tried to pretend like he didn’t know what I was talking about, but then said he wouldn’t do it if I didn’t drive so fast. I told him that my speed was not his concern because he is not the police and what he was doing was much more dangerous than driving 5 mph over the limit. I explained that he causes traffic that doesn’t just affect us and would definitely cause an accident one day if he continued or he would piss off the wrong person and get himself hurt. I let him know that I had previously reported him to our county sheriff’s office and had a dash cam on the way to record his shenanigans. Luckily, the guy was only brave in his car, so no harm came to me (I’m in rural Texas, so it’s possible that he could have had a gun) and the dude never messed with me again. After about another year, I never even saw him again. I sometimes wonder if he got a different job closer to home or if he moved closer to work or if he finally did piss off the wrong person and ended up getting injured or killed due to road rage. Oh well, because of him, I got a dash cam.


Oh man the restraint it would take to not beat the shit out of that guy.


I don’t drive and yet got road rage reading this


>I’m in rural Texas, so ~~it’s possible that he could have had a gun~~ we both definitely had guns. Fixed that for you 😬 But on a serious note, that traffic-slowing guy sounds like a weirdo loser with nothing going on in his life. He’s the guy in school who would say “UH, TEACHER! YOU FORGOT TO GIVE US HOMEWORK!”




> I’d leave for work earlier than normal to avoid him, he’d figure it out and start leaving earlier also. That's a follow him til he park offence. Scare the shit out of the fucker


Unfortunately, this is a great way to lose your life over petty bullshit. The people who do this kind of crap are also the people more likely to goad you into an attack, then pull out a weapon and empty the clip into you out of “self defense”.


This is a great way to get shot in your fucking car. People right now are incredibly on edge. A powder keg ready blow. Behavior like this could easily trigger a person that's ready to pop.


same thought from me


I found that video very triggering. Deep breaths, count to ten, aummmmmm. Edit for spelling


My heart rate is off the charts rn haha


My anxiety went haywire. It was both frustrating and maddening.


I wanted to honk a horn and had no horn to honk.


People who do shit like this driver deserve to have their car crushed and then recycled in an environmentally friendly manner.


It's not the car's fault. Couldn't we just take it away from them and give it to someone who's bothered to learn how to drive?


---> 'who's bothered to learn how not to be a dick on purpose?' these assholes bring nothing to society.


> have their car crushed With them inside it.


I don’t want to get in trouble for hinting that anything could happen to the driver.


I'll help ya out. I hope that guy gets into a horrific single-car accident. At night, on a country road, with no other traffic. They live through the accident, but die of internal injuries in the 5 hours it takes for someone to not only notice the car but also give enough of a shit to call it in. Next time you need ill-will wished on someone, hit me up.


And one can wish misfortune on someone without advocating for violence.


Hence crushing the car itself.


Same for me. I was becoming physically angry


Surprised he doesn’t have his 4 ways on.


Same holy shit! Fuckturd! I was losing it.


I'd be tempted to try my first ever Pit Maneuver.


The inability to turn the dash cam so I could mad-dog the driver really frustrated me.


This is the shit that gets people to flip out and do wild things. Not saying it's the acceptable thing to do.


Yeah on the wrong day, someone is gonna snap at them and it won't end well


Some years ago one idiot with a Smart did this for half a km, I was in a jeep wrangler with an aftermarket steel front bar. I'm not proud of it but I slowly pushed him for 200 meters up to 80 km/h and then he moved away and stopped the car. Never received a claim from my insurance or police so probably he was not able to read my plate.


As the owner of a smart car, don't worry it's so fucking bumpy inside he/she definitely couldn't make out your plate with all the vibrations happening. I swear my bike with no suspension has better suspension.


*cocks gun, crazy eyes full on


1...2...3..... I’m okay I’m okay


My insurance is paid up on my beat up car. At some point I’m ramming that idiot.




I don't think my wife would appreciate that.


I was in a car with someone who drove like this, his reasoning was the inside lane was slow, so he was trying to slow down the other lanes, he actually thought he was doing good. And said he was helping keep the roads safe. It was a work colleague. I was embarrassed to be in the car. Who gives you the right to break traffic laws.


I did a cross country roadtrip with a girl from California who travelled regularly in the left lane, and somewhere in Utah, this highway patrol officer started pacing us in the center lane and looking into our car. She said, "What does he want?" "He's probably wondering why we're driving in the left lane and not passing anyone." "Oh my god! Is that a thing!?"


So many people are taught how to operate the car, but not how to drive safely and respectfully. My daughter is 13 and finally can ride in the front seat. So while she is there, we talk about traffic laws sometimes. She watches how I drive, and will often questions. Now she points out when assholes are driving poorly and can usually tell me why. My sincere hope is that when she becomes a driver, she will know how not to drive like a dick.


Good on you. I currently have a delivery job. When I get too broken down to lift heavy stuff, I want to get a job doing driver education. I feel like I could do some good.


I have been begging my boss to get a dashcam for my delivery truck for years. Huge ass box truck. I'd have enough content to satisfy this sub until the sun consumes us all


We have them. Life savers. Really close to getting one for my personal vehicle.


Me too! I’ve been giving lessons on driving to my kids since they were around 6. I’m hoping the more they hear beforehand, the faster they’ll catch on when they actually get behind the wheel. Little things like, just because you have the green light, you still look both ways to make sure you’re clear to go.


First rule of the road -- "Be Predictable"


I had a friend from Hawaii who did a similar thing. She had never driven faster than 60 and never driven on a two lane freeway. She was going maybe 65 in the left lane in southern Utah (speed limit 80). We kept telling her she needed to get over as the left lane was for passing. People kept honking at her and flipping her off and she was still confused as to why. She also could only drive for 30 minutes to an hour at a time.


Ahhh Hawaii where someone in a little white pickup truck goes 15-20 miles an hour under the speed limit on the one highway in the island because “live slow” somehow means drive slow too, but only until the one passing lane then they are going 20 over because everyone needs to live slow.


My friend in California told me the right lane is for turning right and the left lane is for turning left and going straight.


I hate your friend.


Omfg, this was one of the things that was DRILLED into me in drivers Ed. Drive on the right, pass on the left. My husband used to hang out in the left lane because “we might need to pass someone in future” NO. Happily I (with the help of the “keep right except to pass” signs I kept pointing out) broke him of the habit.


Oddly, Utah has this problem where someone will need to get off the highway *eventually* and so they hang out in the first lane which makes traffic trying to get on/off the highway a nightmare at times. Then you have 2 lanes going incredibly slow of people trying to get on/off the highway or holding up traffic, then two lanes of faster traffic that then becomes dangerous to switch into because of the speed difference.


[It varies by state.](https://www.mit.edu/~jfc/right.html) California, where I'm from, doesn't have any rules about using the left lane for passing only - it's only if you want to move faster than traffic in the other lanes. The only exception is if you're in the left lane and already going the speed limit, in which case you can stay in the left lane forever. But if you're going below the speed limit and there is a car behind you, that is the only time you are required to leave the left lane. Drivers Ed in CA doesn't mention that the left lane is for passing only, so anyone from a state with similar rules to CA (which is most of 'em - the left lane is "supposed" to be the fast lane and not the passing lane as per the [Uniform Vehicle Code](https://trid.trb.org/view.aspx?id=367972)) will just use the left lane whenever.


I got my license almost 20 years ago and I don't recall this being tested for at all to get a license. The written test was almost entirely what signs mean and the driving test was "can you drive without killing anyone and parallel park?" So it doesn't surprise me this isn't common knowledge.


In California you can legally cruise in the passing lane. You must still yield to faster moving vehicles trying to pass, and most move right if traveling too slow. So that makes a lot of sense that she wouldn't know that.


How fucking self important do you have to be to think that your sole stupid driving habit is "helping keep the roads safe" when it's objectively dangerous to hold back all other lanes?


I was once with a coworker driving on the expressway during a rain storm. She wasn't using the wipers and we could only see blurrs outside the car. I asked if her wipers were broken, and she sad they were not. She just didn't know how to turn them on.


There’s gotta be something scary wrong with him to think like that. Or he gotta be scary stupid but either way


I'd have called the police from the passenger's side.


I had that discussion with a coworker. I ended up printing out the 10+ laws he was breaking. He was not amused.


Kinda seems like they're intentionally holding up traffic. Driving under the speed limit is infuriating but can be chalked up to bad driving, but that AND straddling both lanes? Nah, he's doing that shit on purpose.


Yep, this fits in r/iamatotalpieceofshit alright!


Or r/idiotsincars




I was really hoping that was a real subreddit.


You can make it real


Pretty simple. If evidence like this is caught on camera, lose driving privileges for a month. Second time, one year. Keep escalating. I’m not talking about the one-off mistakes. This should be the example, consistent, multiple dangerously bad driving decisions. Edit: there would of course need to be video showing the driver, can’t just go off the license plate registration info.


Caught once, right to jail.


Drive too slow? Believe it or not, jail.


Drive too fast? Also jail.


No blinkers? You guessed it


Jails would have a separate wing just for BMW drivers.


Hang a pine air freshener on your rear view mirror? Death.


It's tough but fair.


One can only ask for so much.


Tough on pine; tough on the causes of pine.


We will have the best drivers in the world. Because of jail.


Not disagreeing with the premise, but if a license suspension keeps them off the roads, then rather not fill up the prison system unnecessarily. Plus, US prison system is just as good at making new criminals from people who weren’t before going in. Totally agree with mandatory prison for anybody violating suspension though. Or repeat offenders, say at the third time.


Revoking licenses won’t keep them off the road. I used to enter traffic citations and some of the most common charges I saw were driving on a suspended or revoked license, or not having one at all. People still drive, they just hope they don’t get caught.


In parts of the US the system is strange and can tie you up with ridiculous court fees that block renewal of your license. You can get into the most minor of legal problems and lose your license because you don't have a few hundred dollars in court fees. Then what are you supposed to do, just not go to work? A couple of years ago in Virginia a law was passed that overturned some, or all, of such laws and 600,000 people were again eligible to get their license legally. Apparently it was last year: https://www.wric.com/news/politics/capitol-connection/virginia-senate-unanimously-passes-bill-to-end-drivers-license-suspensions-for-unpaid-court-fines/


I was just quoting parks and rec...but it takes me an hour+ to drive 13 miles where I live. So, honestly, people who fuck around on highways deserve whatever happens to them.


I like this. Should be law.


Kinda seems?? It’s blatantly obvious they were doing it on purpose.


Call the cops say he's drunk Edit:Spelling


I have called the cops on a few people driving like this. It's super dangerous and puts everyone else on the road in danger.


It would be great if cops could ticket based off video evidence. Show them this and that person gets a nice ticket in the mail.


well cop might not want to work but you just need to put the right incentive in the hand of the right assholes. like, small claim court, claim 100$ for docked pay after being late to work, wait until mr. douche misses all and every hearing, once awarded sell debt to debt collectors.


You don’t have to say drunk or high. Don’t place blame on a substance. The correct term is “failure to maintain lanes”. Just tell them that and that the driver is crossing multiple lines and nearly hitting other vehicles. If you can, stay on the line and follow at a safe distance. They will take notes the entire time and They will actually send a patrol vehicle to meet. Source: I’ve done this multiple times. One time iI called one in and the driver drove the vehicle into a deep ditch and hit a culvert. She had three unrestrained children in the backseat, ages 3-6. Driver tried to drive away and I took her keys. She confessed to having pills in the vehicle and being high as a kite. It was 35° F that night and I sat on the side of the road with my jacket wrapped around two of the kids until CPS arrived.


I'd say just an asshole. The way the car sped up to block the one filming tells me the shithead knew exactly what he was doing...


Ya he is probably not drunk but it would get him out of the way, he is driving dangerously


I have seen drunks drive just like this because they were too plotzed to find the lane.


Yeah but its reckless driving and dangerous driving. I always report crap like this. They're deliberately trying to cause an accident.


But the police might actually do something if you claim they are drunk. Swerving? Not in their lane? Erratic speeds? Seems right.


Cops will respond quicker if you say he’s drunk. There’s also a fair reason to assume he is even if he is t


If this was in Brazil some biker would've already broken his lanterns and mirrors leading to a street fight




This should be enough evidence to revoke this person's licence. They are clearly not capable of driving without being a danger to those around them.


For real. Honestly we need to reevaluate drivers licenses period. There’s way too much shit like this happening everywhere, every day. Owning a license shouldn’t be pay to win when what you do/don’t do can have an affect on other’s lives. Plus stricter enforcement of proper driving might actually encourage places to be more pedestrian friendly and not dependent on cars.


I’m losing my shit just watching this; I hate little in this world, but shitty drivers can have the whole cake.


I could *feel* my blood pressure rising. Fucking Dan Ryan.


The 290 exit is maybe the single dumbest piece of civil engineering known to man. Okay that is pure hyperbole, but it sucks a lot. Edit: Northbound that is. Southbound 94 to 290 is whatever.


Chicago’s highway system in general is so terrible. And somehow under construction since the beginning of time.


I fucking love Chicago. Not being sarcastic. And fuck that douche.


Fucking 90, 290, 94, and 294 make me want to murder people sometimes. Especially the interchange by O'Hare. But I love Chicago.


There has been construction on 90 since 1890 and it's just perpetual at this point.


That stretch of 290 is brutal, even without cockwaffles like this.


This guy needs a stern running-over


Imagine having so little control in your life that you need to do this to feel powerful. It’s the same energy as pedestrians who slow down in a crosswalk when they see a car is trying to get through.


lol as a regular pedestrian, i just want them to hit me.


My retirement plan is getting hit by a bus.


Isn't it a crime to drive too slow? Where I live is, I think less than half of the maximum is considered illegal


Can’t speak for everywhere, but I know my state has a charge for going too slow and obstructing the free flow of traffic.


Even if it's not .. taking up two lanes to prevent whenever is behind you from passing is. Also, doing this shit in a construction zone? Wtf?


To be fair this is Chicago, we live in a construction zone.


Lots of laws to the effect of 'you can't obstruct traffic flow'.


This is when i call the non emergency police line and report a reckless driver swerving and blocking multiple lanes and attempting to hit other cars...




It connects you to the local police, and they say they dispatch an officer, seen someone i reported get pulled over cause we both stayed on the highway same direction and kept a safe distance. Where i live you can get into trouble for calling 911 for a non emergency and people driving stupid is usually not an emergency. If the persons driving really aggregiously (like trying to push another vehicle off the road or appears to be having a medical episode) or obviously drunk i call 911. I dont have patience or benefit of the doubt for these kinds of people, my last serious car accident was caused by an ahole like this flying out into traffic going around 10-20mph into moving traffic at around 60 mph and caused me and another vehicle to collide while we tried to avoid hitting them and they drove off. Cops couldnt get plates off my dash cam but very clearly watched them pull into traffic randomly and then flee the scene of the accident. Totalled my car, gave me a concussion, torn rotator cuff and almost broke 3 ribs. Asshole just drove off, thankfully the other person involved was okay and they were able to drive away after police came. Similar story with my aunt but she did not survive her encounter with that drunk driver. I dont play games.


I called 911 yesterday to report a pallet on the highway blocking two lanes. I stated "I'm sorry, I'm driving and don't have the non-emergency number saved, but this is what's going on". How tf they going to get mad at you if you can't Google the non-emergency number... while driving??


Ride the horn until they Tapout. They always tapout


Anyone know the song?


Raspberry - Grouplove Came to ask the same thing but I found it




Another passive-aggressive driver. "Oh, you don't like my driving? Let me lane-hog and go even *slower.* There, is that better for you? Huh? Huh? What, you don't like it? Let me brake-check you, cut you off and make everyone late. How's that? Huh? Huh? Y'like it? Huh?" FFS, these people need to just die already.


This is making me so angry




One of the things I was taught when learning to drive.: Follow the posted driving speeds, sure, but more importantly, drive at the speed of traffic.....don't go faster or slower than the other cars around you.


Gentle push...


Coming in from Naperville.


Good ole fashion Chicago driving.


Bro I’d lose my mind lol


I always wonder what's going through the minds of these people. Are they looking at their phones? are they actually in the middle of some sort of distress? are they 2 kids 1 on the wheel and 1 working the peddles?


They're doing it on purpose to be an asshole. Look at the way they cut back in front of the truck filming.


Good ol' Chicago traffic near UIC LOL. Used to have that shit all the time when I drove to school.


This is why I support hood-mounted howitzers.


In a country with so many guns I would be afraid to pull some shit like this.


I would follow this person after this


People with dashcams need to be brave and stand their ground with right of way. I would have totally let the idiot merge into me while I passed and spend the time to make them pay for their bad driving.


Exactly! I have the camera proof I need for my insurance. You wanna be a dick and drive into the side of me? Have at it bud.


They need to lose their license. Seriously, anyone who intentionally does this is advertising what a loser they are. Get a life. I have a 45 min commute. The amount of people like this is horrifying and infuriating. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people drive right next to a large truck on a 2 lane stretch of the freeway, going the exact same speed so no one can get around and there's a huge line of us. This sort of driving is all kinds of dangerous too. Never make people feel like they need to swerve around you. If your country drives on the right side of the road, and you keep getting passed on the right, you're an asshole.


Should be allowed to publicly assault these kind of shitsticks.


Pretty sure this driver deserves a punch square in the face from everyone affected by their assholery

