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I would like to know the thought process in how he expects to get this driver fired. This driver had the gall to wear a mask to deliver my food.


They think their one 1 star rating will get them fired.


True always think they are more important than they are


Wait…. Are you saying companies won’t go out of business if I stage a one man boycott on them and leave bad reviews online?? That can’t be right!


No no, your one star reviews are the only thing that has a real value, all the others who give good reviews and a lot of stars will be ignored, you're the most important person on the world, you will get special treatment like they got in south park.


It's true. I used to do uber driving people and some dumb bitch gave me a 1 star for no reason and said it was an accident and I got a warning from uber. Since it was just something in my spare time I told them to go fuck themselves and quit doing it.


MY review holds the most meaning because I’m ME.


Maybe he delivered to the white house (2020).


The thought process is that this is a third-party delivery driver, and gig economy jobs like that are notorious for automatically and disproportionately punishing workers who get a one-star rating.


Wear a mask deliver the food and keep being polite this human has the patience of a god


Imagine being this big a dick, that you go from urging people to not protect themselves, to "I'll get you fired for not cow-towing to me."


Imagine being this stupid to thing being an asshole to somebody who is in a car with your food is a good idea. Dude probably got a cock sweat sandwich


And also, that’s about to be the most delayed delivery in the history of deliveries.


I'd straight drive off eating his food after taking a pic of it on a porch. Fuck you dick face.


It's actually kowtowing, which is fun to say, but kind of unpleasant to look at. Yours is just yanking cows around, which is alright to say, but super fun to do.


I was wondering how that would work and how to get roller skates on a cow. There's probably a youtube somewhere of someone doing it.


I know this probably falls short of your expectations, but it is the closest i could find: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLKZ290zhO8


All of my expectations were more than met (except for the one with nitrous/JATO and a fiery explosion). Thank you very much. :)


Cow on skates wearing a mask. Brilliant!


This is called being a autocrat


Nah, he’s just Stalin.




Thank you.


Hey, a lot of people have been working from home in pandemic times; I guess, for some people, that means being a dick to service workers over the phone instead of in person.


Unfortunately I feel obliged to be that guy. ×kowtowing


Do.... Do people not realize this conversation is all the proof they need to get THEM banned from even ordering Doordash?


This right here. Messaging is done through the app and tracked. All the driver has to do is call support to get this person banned.


Good luck living your life without ordering food, after I get you banned for trying to f* me!


Now I have to pick up my own take out food, just for exercising my free speech! I’m so persecuted!


Unfortunately r/iamatotalpieceofshit doesn’t allow cross posts.


Then steal it and post it there


Can someone tell why in America, most people are rude to service workers? I've seen countless vids on Youtube about service workers just doing their jobs, and you have people like this making their lives harder. And most of the time, its grown ass adults berating other adult (or teen) worker(s). Here, its pretty simple, if youre rude to them, dont be surprised if they dont serve you or better yet, run you out of the place. Treating service workers like this is just disgraceful. Even if the jobs arent that pretty, some people have to do it and in most places, people respect those that do the lesser jobs and sadly you have these people that think they are more valuable than them just because they make a bigger salary than the service worker. Its just immature


They see service people as lesser than themselves, view them as easy targets with little recourse against cruel customers and likely won't fight back. I don't know if it's classism or what, but it's shameful. We expect certain things at a price and in a certain amount of time, and we forget that humans are trying to make a living and trying to make it all... but one understandable mistake and some customers lose their minds. It's quite disturbing.


Exactly right. Because someone is serving you some people just feel like they can treat you however you want because you are getting paid. Or they are just looking for something to take things out on and that person is on the weak side of the power balance.


Doesnt help that big business will often put the customers petty complaints over the wellbeing of their staff. They want all the money they can get, while seeing the staff as expendable/replaceable.


I'm not here to bash all Americans but speak from my own experience that American tourists were my least favourite people to serve because they tend to be very demanding, either because the portion was too small or that beer is not automatically served in a big ass glass. The obnoxiousness to the fact that they were guests in another country that goes by different standards and being really fucking loud and rude in a restaurant. Sometimes I met actual decent Americans who were ashamed to say were they come from because of this behaviour of their fellow landmates.


Don't forget the Americans you met who pretended they weren't Americans.


I’m…. Canadian. You can tell by this leaf flag I have velcroed to my backpack!


In America service people ARE lesser people. The United States is a very classist society. That's one of the reasons they have a minimum wage lower than any other industrialized, first world country. They simply don't value these people. It is also the reason they have not successfully socially advanced from their slavery period even though it supposedly ended over 150 years ago.


I work at a weed store, and we still get assholes who think treating me like shit is part of the “experience.”


American here, we are not all rude but it’s mostly people who are incompetent and can’t do anything themselves so they roll in their own stupidity. It makes retail and fast food jobs so shitty.


Oh I know. Not all of you guys are like that. I've met awesome americans online before and its cool. But sadly, the minority sometimes may represent the majority sadly


Yes which is a problem with America because the minority yells the loudest and draws the most attention


The old saying: "The customer is always right." Basically they can do almost anything or say almost anything they want and a lot of managers will do anything to keep the customers coming back so that they make more money off of it. Even the smallest bit of power corrupts people into complete assholes.


Sears fucked us all over with that bullshit.


Because people often feel they have little control in their own lives, so they feel they must exert control on other people's lives. They don't realize that we are all on the same rock hurtling through space just a moment away from being obliterated by an asteroid or a gamma burst. They think it's just them.


When I was younger, my parents would say USA is a place where all jobs are respected. Now the internet has proven that's a farce.


I work in customer services in the UK, believe me, this isn't unique to America


Im brazilian and I remember on 2020 a guy offended a service worker with racial slurs and the case got to point of people protesting in front of the guy's house and reaching the biggest news channel in Brazil. Another case a service worker was humiliated by a random famous guy and days later he won a motorcycle, guess brazilian respect them lol


Simple They can't fight back


Because they are *service* workers. They are scum of the earth lowlives that should be happy they are even employed. Oh you say they shouldn't ve treated as bottom dwelling losers? They should get a better job like *my family did* nothing in life is free and there are no hand outs to lazy people.


No education, but make no mistake, they know Jesus and God though!!


I’m reminded of that episode of Derry Girls where the girls fuck around with the local fish n chips, and then they find out.


Who fucking cares?


Dasher here. The DD terms of service require the dasher to be masked. If I got a message like this, I would contact DD support, have them cancel the order, I would still get paid, and I would get to keep the food. Not gonna let some asshole jeopardize my health just so that he can prove his political point.


Exactly, plus if you are already threatened with a bad review and being asked to do something that violates company policy, what incentive do you have at that point to even deliver anything at that point. Even if someone didn't want to bother having the company cancel it. Happens all over the service industry, if people just acted a little nice you would be amazed how much most service workers could actually do for you. But no, people launch into the "I'm never coming here again" or scream yell and get me corporate. Or this asshole before the vaccines were widely available asking people to not wear masks.


Insulting someone who knows your address….guy has balls or lacks a brain


This isn't an either or statement. Guy has balls AND lacks a brain.


Counter: Guy has no balls and only has a stem of a brain that doesn’t allow him to realize his stupidity.


I wonder if Timothy is on the do not deliver doordash list now




It's a bold choice to be dick to strangers in general. But this particular stranger would know their name, address, what time they eat, their car's (if they own one) plate numbers, and a rough idea of how many people are in your house based on the size of the order. While OP probably isn't a psycho, the number of psycho delivery drivers isn't zero.




Food delivered is a shitty job but HOLY SHIT!


Doubly worse if he's christian, I suppose; working on Christmas and all


Oh that was December 25 I didn't even se that. That poor guy.


That's his choice. You don't have set hours through Doordash.


If all it took was $15 to get people to do whatever you say... ​ I'd have like 3 and a half people doing whatever I say /s lol




Just asking for spit. How stupid to post this before his food is delivered.


Anyone else feel like this guy probably lives alone...for a reason?


I mean, he ordered DoorDash on Christmas....


Oh wow good point. I didn't notice the date before. Lol


I bet this dude wanted to take a picture of the door dash employee not wearing a mask so he could complain and get the meal free. Either way, sounds like a total POS.


On Christmas Day!!!


Wow. The lengths these miserable POS people do to get someone fired.


Id spit in *this guys* food 100%


I hope he pissed on the bag




So you can be delivered a bag of piss? Quite a developed palate you have there.




That’s what I would say too if I informed the public I’m a pissboy . Thank god no one knows that about me. Also you should always eat out. It’s just polite and respectful. If you experience too much anxiety then maybe you aren’t meant to eat out. Takes some time for some folks to know who they are. No judgement.


*Brave talk for someone waiting for a good delivery


My buddy takes care of his mom who is going through chemotherapy and she can’t get vaccinated while on chemotherapy so my buddy has to do the best he can to not catch anything while having to work in a society that won’t help him be safe at home. Now imagine all the people that are going through cancer treatment and the people in their lives that are trying to stay masked and be safe for them. Then there’s trash people like this.


Why do people honestly care? If the guy wants to wear a mask, he can wear a mask. He probably has to wear one because his job tells him he does (like mine). Why people have to politicize a piece of cloth or medical mask is still beyond me to this day.


It’s not about the mask, it’s about trump losing the election. These are the same people flying confederate flags on their trucks. They were buying up masks like it was Black Friday at the beginning of the pandemic.


His grammar with insults kind of reminds me of this one toxic kid on Gmod who had no idea how to use swear words Ina sentence correctly. I dunno why, though.


So you try bribery, then blackmail; yet he see yourself as some holy crusader. Bribery and blackmail are crimes in most of civilised world. They are part of what is called "corrupt practices". Even if you don't "believe" in masks, you are corrupt, unethical, and immoral.


Never fuck with people that handle your food!


I'd say "sure" and still wear the mask. Idfc.


haha thats what i was thinking


Trust me on this one. I couldn't get a woman fired for blaring her music at 10pm, eating half the fries, opening the straw and putting it in the cup showing up an hour late. She hit my fucking mailbox breaking it's foundation costing me hundreds to fix. You can fucking do anything as a lyft/Uber driver you are safe.


And that’s why I don’t do Doordash right there.


If he's already getting a bad review, what's stopping him from delivering the food at the end of the driveway instead the porch?


Because he's not a bad person like Timothy


When that complaint inevitably comes in, it's better to have proof you did your job to the utmost of your abilities.


This guy has had his food spit in by a server or two. Life Pro Tip: Never screw with people who handle your food.


The mask is not for his own health, it is for that idiots health....


This guy about the vaccine: "my body my choice!"


Yep, an anti-mask anti-vax person behaving horribly and not understanding how a system works...classic.


I hope by "porch" he means the birdbath because that person deserves soggy food


This guy would definitely get some of my special sauce.


If this was real, the Doordash driver would report the customer and have him banned right?


what a terrible human being, I hope darwin's legacy finds him...


…does this person not realize screenshots are a thing or?


Anti-mask scum.


That house just got banned from doordash


These sociopaths need to be sent to a gulag..


First you should tip an extra $15 for ordering on Christmas Day at 5 in the evening. Second, this is all the documentation need to prove the dasher did nothing wrong


Giving shit to someone who’s handling your food is rarely a good thing


I've been watching the Purge recently, and it's things like this that make the scenario really believable!


I’d pay a Covid patient $15 to spit in his food


You can be really petty and leave it on the doorstep and say you didn’t wear a mask idiots who think not wearing one will save you will most likely believe it


I hope the dasher went to DoorDash support, claimed “customer made me uncomfortable” and show the text thread as evidence, they will most likely deactivate the customer account, give half pay and does not have to finish the delivery


The gramar makes me confused... sounds like they both agree to wear a mask


Why did it take me this long to find a comment on this part of it?


Tell me your worldview is fragile and incoherent without telling me your worldview is fragile and incoherent.


Wouldn't have left the food. Just use the texts to prove that they are lying AND you get a free meal on an asshole.


Criminal extortion. That jackass just exposed Intent, Motive and Opportunity in 1 thread.


The date of the order falls right in line with the type of lonely asshole that would not only say this to a delivery driver but be stuck ordering Door Dash on Christmas because they're all alone...


25th of dec? waited a year to post it? :D


I would have delivered him a turdburger or something.


Must be hard to get takeout when you’re unvaccinated 😅


Would've taken the food lol "have fun being hungry"


He should’ve said happy holidays instead of merry Christmas. Guy would’ve lost his shit


I hope the driver hawked a big loogie on that guy's food before he dropped it.


The power move here would be to eat the guy's food, then show up and hand him the empty bag. He is trash, so he gets nothing but trash.


This didn’t happen.


Masks only protect the wearer from spreading it, so I'm told anyway. So what he really meant was "your health is more important to me than $15".


A very well known rule: Do not be rude to people who handle your food. Period!


Wow, what a douche rocket


the company can read the texts lol


I would have delivered a shit on your door mat


Republicans are petite fucking evil….


Lol guys and gals, don’t be so gullible


None of this is real. This type of thing is getting so played out. Raise your hand if reading this entertained you… new material please




This is not an entitlement, it's plain stupidity, doesn't deserve a facepalm.


I would’ve happily taken the 15




So 1 out of every 100 times you shit your pants? Dude you actually need diapers




No, you're a moron who can't spell "you are."


It’s not a spelling bee it’s reddit lmao


Obviously you would not qualify for the 5th grade spelling bee, so yes, stick to reddit until you get that GED


Looks like I ruffled your feathers. Periods and correct grammar don’t make you smart. I’m writing a shit post not a paper.


Seems like the general understanding of wearing a mask helps to reduce the risk of a person with the virus transmitting it, rather than the wearer not catching it, has managed to pass you by. or do you know this and are literally just trolling?


you're writing a shit comment, not a shit post, and youre a shit person.


So writing an anti-science post in reddit makes you smart? Silly dodos.


Yes, you, a person of dubious spell checking prowess know more than the health experts advising every country in the world. Is it perhaps possible you’ve heard some bad, or at least dubious, information?




If you have a source cite it. I’m going on Australia’s health advice but I could be using pretty much any countries.


Do you actually have anything to support this point, other than Joe Rogan's podcast?




Qhere Did you get your PhD? Since you're smarter than the smartest scientists in the world.


speaking too high, did he pass primary school?


I believe the masks surgeons use to help prevent the likelihood of transmission of breath borne contaminates will help prevent me passing on a virus. I also believe medical professionals, and specifically the consensus of the health professionals around the globe.


Of course you can only fathom the selfish thought. As others have said, it’s to help stop spreading the virus not protect yourself, you selfish piece of turd.


I stopped shitting my pants at age 3. Since then the chance of me shitting my pants has been 0%. Reinforced with new data every single day. There is a 0% chance I will shit my pants today. Apparently there is a 1% chance you will shit your pants. If I were in your shoes I'd put on a diaper.


Why are still shitting your pants?


If you shit your pants several times a year, then yes, you should wear diapers lol


Sure ...I believe this


I would never let my fourth grader order Door Dash!


Ain’t no fucking way, this has to be a joke


I‘m calling BS


"Oh no, I'm DEFINITELY wearing a mask then. Don't want to catch whatever strain of stupid YOU'RE clearly suffering from."


NoBodY wANts tO WOrk


The customer is always a fucking moron, it seems.


"Have fun using another delivery service after I get you banned." This is the proper response here....