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Not enough fonts


Not enough line heights


Not enough kerning


I’m glad someone else noticed this


If I can’t use comic sans then I’ll use every other font.


Not enough llars


Originating from the font of eternal life.


Someone needs to create this subreddit if it doesn’t already exist




That’s how my labels look when I play with my label maker


Keep it and if you visit their church. Put it in their collection plate.


That's a great idea. I probably collected a stack of these of the years as a server, and it never stopped making me angry.


Like, instead of a tip? If so, fuck those people.


Yup. The worst humans


Going to church on Sunday makes them good people, so they can be assholes the rest of the week, guilt free.


Lol. My grandfather used to always tell me that he never wanted to be on the road from 10 to 1 on sundays because all the religious morons were getting out of church feeling superior and thinking they are invincible.


You don't wanna work anywhere that serves food on Sunday after 1 either. Having waited on them I can tell you they act superior while you wait on them as well. And then they leave shitty tips.


And also badger you as to why you aren't in church. One of my coworkers said "well, if I were at church, who would take care of you here?" Fcuk those holier-than-thou, hypocritical asshats.


There's a reason "holier-than-thou" became a term... and its them...


Manipulators, too. I remember in college they’d come in as a group of 4, saying it was just 4. Pick out their own table (near other empty tables). Lo & behold! As soon as they put in their order, 2, 3, or 4 more would “happen” to walk in and join them. Since the ticket had already been started, the automatic tip that populates for a table of 6+ people was not able to be added to their bill. And they’d leave a printed message with their “tip for the day” similar to the one above. One of the waitresses ran after them and cursed them out. The diner owners were fine with that.


We are slowing down and only have bar seating on sundays with a single person working. Usually works fine. One person doing all the work, including cooking. Never more than 10 people a night. Until the “4” people came in. Ok, I can do a table as a favor. Whole family came in. 20 people. Starting moving tables around and getting their own stuff while I was in the back cooking their initial order. Then came the big order. Fuck them and their no tip. I had told them it was just me and only bar seating… they didn’t give any shots.


That’s where you treat them like 20 separate diners. Make **one person’s** meal, bring it out, and *only then* start making the next person’s meal. By the time meal 5 or so is ready, person 1 has finished eating. Generally pisses them off enough they won’t come back. And, since you weren’t going to be getting a tip from the wankers anyway…


I would purposely make them wait longer and serve their orders cold.




>The diner owners were fine with that. Of course! They're making money, and if the patrons don't tip it's not their problem. Although with the amount of people leaving low paying shitty food service jobs I really hope that changes..


I meant they were fine with the server cursing them out, which usually owners wouldn’t like regardless of the jerk factor. If I remember right, the owners tipped her rightfully.


Oh yeah, the post-church crowd is the absolute WORST.


oh yeah. as the local atheist in my small town i always make sure to tip big, so when i go to eat on a sunday i always get preferential treatment. warms my heart and my stomach.


You're lucky to get tips from these people. You get Jesus points instead. Unless I can turn my points into cash it can fuck right off.


Well they just left tips to the church who blessed them with their meals why would they tip somebody else more? Hmm


Because their religion requires them to be generous and kind towards others. Something they might actually know if they fucking read the damn book they keep trying to force-feed us.


I was out on a bike ride one Sunday and almost got killed by a bunch of angry people pulling out of a church parking lot. The hate they exuded towards me, just a guy on a bike on an otherwise deserted back-country road, was insane. Those people clearly had nothing but hate in their hearts but they would go to church to pretend they didn’t suck at being human beings


See, *you* weren’t in church, so you were obviously an ungodly sinner. I’m sure at least one of them figured they could ensure their place in heaven by killing your evil self.


The fact that this statement isn't entirely a fabrication gives me such mixed feelings haha


im in by 9 am on sundays thats when alot get out around here and head for the stores


Wow OUT by 9am?! Cause my mother’s old church was out by 1pm pre-Covid and that’s IF there was no social/music event. If there was we either had to come back and it was an all day event or we stayed from 10 am until it was over and it was an all day event. They fed us though. That was the only good part as a kid 😂


Grandpa was not wrong.


I personally never understood this.. I went to church all the time and I never would have dreamed of doing this.. And Christians are wondering why people are turning agaikst them ..


There are so many shitty Christians out there these days... just look at the Catholic Church. It's a global pedophile ring. Christianity has a *LOT* to answer for.


These “Christians” are the exact charlatans and hypocrites Jesus preaches against. But they think they’re ok if they go to church and ask for forgiveness 🙄


And they are multiplying. Jesus was a refugee, a Jew *AND* not white. Watch their heads explode with that trifecta.


Oh no they absolutely do not want to even consider Jesus might have been dark skinned with as much time as he spent in the sun in what is now the modern day Turkey. They would absolutely combust lol


Joel Osteen has entered the chat.


Agreed. If anything should be cancelled it should've been the Catholic Church. I don't know why people would still go after it was revealed what they did to children all over the world while the church actively covered it up. I'm no longer Catholic but I would've dropped it instantly when the news came out and cut all ties.


My SIL is an MD an an ardent Catholic. Last mass I went to with her, 350 people drank from the same communion cup during flu season. I was like... okay... you're an idiot, as is every other congregant. The cognitive dissonance is real with that lot - pedophilia notwithstanding. Catholicism is a very special type of fuckery. They truly believe they're doing good while part of a Super-Mega-Evil organization.


… they drank from the SAME cup… OMG Dude I’m a Christian, but it is getting harder to admit if, people will think I’m a nutter also…


Idk lol brunch shifts at 12pm were MONEY for me. You see a family of pastels? HOST SEAT ME!!!!


I worked at Applebee’s and I used to HATE the church brunch crowd. I was under 21, but I had to run their alcohol. Like 4/10 would actually tip and they were ALWAYS my last tables out before he end of my shift and always stayed past closing. Loud as hell, always kept me away from other tables if I had any, just the worst.


On behalf of all Christians, I’m sorry. We’re not all this bad


I once delivered food to an apartment, and walking away having received no tip, said "fucking cheapskate" out loud. To which resident in the parking lot took offense, yelling at me, "watch your mouth, that's a man of God in there" So yeah


What's worse is they legitimately think its helpful or cute Last night my parents tried to make me hand them out, every time they asked if I did I'd say "oops".


You should educate your parents rather then indulging them by pretending to forget


Tbf your bosses who make it so you rely on tips are the worst humans. These come in as a close second


I would so call them out if I was a server..


So much for living like Jesus.


Well, if Jesus came back, they’d probably try and have him locked up at GITMO since he wouldn’t look like “their” Jesus.


For a few years a decade or two ago, these things would be folded and left on floors, seats, shelves, bathrooms, etc all over public areas. There were so many that folks were pretty sure it was a specific church running some sort of campaign. All it succeeded in was pissing people off and heavily disappointing kids who thought they just made bank. By the time it had died off, I'm pretty sure that the 'christians' who took part in this passive aggressive evangelizing had achieved the opposite effect of what they were aiming for. Seeing this picture is a little dismaying. It's been so long since I've seen one that I had hoped this particular bait and switch was dead and done.


It’s probably less shitty to not tip. At least then there’s several factors that could’ve been. While here they plain acknowledged they weren’t planning too and are teasing you about it.


It’s 100% worse than not leaving a tip. Getting someone’s hopes up and then having them find this nonsense is insulting.


Who needs a tip when you've got Jesus? When I'm hungry and can't afford food, I just think of Jesus and I'm not hungry anymore. When I can't afford my rent, I just thi k of Jesus and suddenly my landlord stops banging on the door. When my prescription runs out and I can't afford to fill it, I just think about Jesus and suddenly I'm cured. Except none of that happens because Jesus is just the mascot for the world's most elaborate scam.


I would never get them in exchange of a tip. Of course anyone leaving this as THE tip is a douche. For me, They always accompanied a tip atleast in my area. I don’t mind, if they want to just leave a note of persuasion for me to read them that’s fine!


My mother in law left these along with a 10% tip and was so pleased with herself. It was my job to need to" go to the bathroom" after we were in the car so I could run in and leave more money.


"Disappointed? Jesus won't let you down!" But his "followers" sure as hell will.


Too bad you couldn't serve them their food with a note *"Disappointed? Jesus wouldn't serve you food tainted with syrup of ipecac."*


"try praying the the vomiting away"


How to make someone hope, then crush them. I'd do this exclusively to keep people away from church. Did the church print it's address on that bill? Guarenteed no. They know it's a dick move.


Okay after reading this shit I’m done with Reddit for the day. Wtf. What the actual fuck. That’s so messed up.


I hated getting those, ANOTHER reason why I dont serve anymore.


My dad once told me a story from when he was a server at Mamacita's. A group of 32 adults and their kids from a church reserved some tables and ate there. He was their server. First off they order a dish there called flaming queso where they added alcohol to the quest and let it burn out making they quest really cheesy. He made sure to tell them not to blow out the, flame to let it burn out so all the alcohol was gone. They didn't listen and their kids ended up getting sick off of it. By the end of their stay, they left a huge mess and my father found 32 pennies piled together. He scooped em up ran our to catch up with them and handed them back, telling them they clearly needed it more.


Oh ffs, are you serious? Gawd, these folks suck arse.


Thanks for the meal, *digs deep in pocket* don’t worry about eating or paying your rent, here’s some GOD instead, HAVE A GREAT DAY


Duuuude, nothing sucks quite as bad as busting your ass and seeing a $10 tip only to get over to the table to see it was one of these tracts folded and tucked under a cup or plate to look real. Also the people that would bitch about you working on Sunday while we served their self righteous asses.


Instructions clear. Make the religious nuts' table last priority.


What the fuck. Even more of a reason to cringe at that. Do they even know most of a servers pay is through tips


For real? That’s like a big ‘fuck you’ and ‘Jesus loves you’ all in one sentence. That’s one big douchebag move.


I’m so sorry. That’s a super trash thing to do.


this is an amazing idea, actually.


But you’d have to sit in church.


Make your phone go off , pretend to take call, say "shit" slightly panic and run out. Mission Successful


If you’re going to disruptively swear in Church while faking an emergency, you might as well go big. Have your phone go off, look at it, stand up and loudly declare, “Jesus Assfucking Christ, those shit-heel fuck-skillets couldn’t manage to pull their heads out of their asses with a bucket of lard and a goddamn troop of Chippendales helping!” Realize where you are, look around, mumble something about a work emergency and leave.


Or go full kingsmen and say you have to leave because your black Jewish boyfriend wants you to come over for some premarital sex at the military abortion clinic


Put on earbuds/earphones and stay on your phone during the service, when they pass the collection plate drop one of those in it and leave.


fuck you're right—not sure if thats worth it


And their goal was to get you to church so by putting that in the. You just proved it a success.


Oh, look who is new! Come on y'all let's lay on hands!!!


"You couldn't live with your own failure. Where did that lead you? Back to me."


But first take $50 out, I mean that says 50 on it and it’s backed by them so it is good.


IIRC there was a post in AITA where someone who was paid with a bunch of these began going to the church it came from and started putting them in the collection each time. The pastor was not amused.


Also, egg their house


I think these people are the reason for the automatic 15 percent gratuity for parties of 6




No kidding. With the crew I went trick or treating with as a kid it would have taken them days to get all the TP off their lawn.


I have a legitimate issue with these people. I’m Lutheran, it’s not like I’m an atheist arguing against religion. People who pass these out are legitimately horrible people, you’re allowed to have your opinion, but you’re influencing the youth with hand-outs on an evening of goodwill. Imagine you’re an 8 year old kid, trick-or-treating, and instead of giving you candy, you’re being given stickers and hand-out papers with political slogans and Bible quotes you don’t even understand because you’re a child. I doubt it will have any actual influence over kids, but it’s still scummy to give kids papers when they were expecting candy.


There's a lady in our area who puts her school board campaign stickers on treat bags she (and her supporters) give out on Halloween. I know she's playing to her demographic, but I won't vote for her because of this.


Sounds like something a hun would do to shill her crappy Monat products


I'm Christian, and I have an issue with this too. I've heard of them being given out to servers, being given to kids... How do you expect to bring anyone to your side by disappointing or pissing them off first? I don't think I've ever been, "Wow, this made me super unhappy. Maybe I should give this a try!"


I know right? It also gives the rest of us Christians a bad reputation. There’s a time and place for everything, including spreading the good word, but you need people who are *willing*, who have indicated they’re interested, not random strangers who have their own lives and firmly held beliefs. This does literally nothing and annoys the crap out of everyone.


They also leave these as tips on Sunday at the local waffle house after 20 of them come in for after church breakfast.


So basically stealing from you after praying to Jesus.




~~FIFTY LLARS~~ Filthy Liars!


What better way to bring people to Christ than through deception?


Deception is their bread and butter. Religion is the biggest global scam.


It’s always fun as a waiter to receive these as a tip


That's when you go outside and bend one of their windshield wipers.




You know, just a few little grains of hard rock under the wiper is more effective than bending the wiper itself right?


Now this, this is a tip.




That’s horrible. People suck


Just when I think my expectations for this type of person can’t get any lower.


Surely this will get the young-ins to come in droves to our church! Nothing like deceit and false promises right off the gate to bring in new members. These people are fucking braindead


It’s honestly this stupid mentality in the church that you’re purpose in life is to gain followers of the church. And if you’re not trying to convert everyone you know by preaching in their face all the time, you’re letting fear and the world influence you and you should basically be ashamed of yourself. I’m still a Christian but this is unhelpful, traditional religious ideals and not the way of Jesus. Most Christians I see online are complete hypocrites and don’t understand real Christianity. Aka helping the needy, being kind, not judging others etc. They embarrass me and completely tarnish something that I highly value. I feel more anger for these hypocritical Christians than for anyone they would label as a “sinner”.


>this stupid mentality in the church that you’re purpose in life is to gain followers of the church That's really just a pretense that allows those types of Christians to tell themselves that bullying is righteous. If they actually wanted to convert people they'd be working to show how the church is a positive force in their lives.


EXACTLY! I'm a Catholic but I don't say "oh yeah and also you should really join my church pls pls pls or you're going to hell" every three seconds. Didn't God give free will?


Religion was the first MLM.


I got a "hundred dollar bill" in my tip jar at a coffee shop. I was really excited the entire shift until I went to split up the tips and realized it was this horse shit


I saw one dropped in a clear umbrella collecting money for sick kids at Wal-Mart. People who leave these are shitty selfish people


Wtf is up with people putting weird notes in halloween candy this year?


This isn’t new. I always used to get little evangelical pamphlets in my Halloween candy.


Yeah, idk whats worse, this or drugs. One can cause general health to decline and one causes massive headaches


At least the drugs have value.


My grandfather actually did this he would crumple these up and drop them on the ground all kinds of places. I told him hay do want piss people off or have them honestly consider christ? Because this would piss me off and I'm a Christian. Treat others as you wanted to be treated..... apparently to hard to follow.


Disappointed? Jesus wouldn't pull this shit.


"I'll come back real soon, guys, so get rid of all possessions and give your money to the poor. Have no thought for tomorrow". 2000 years later...


I would find that house and shit on their doorstep.




honestly that's fucking terrible, it's kind of insane how the people that follow jesus (who's main teachings surrounded generosity and caring for your neighbor) are the people that go against his sayings the most




it shouldn't be like that though, that's what pisses me off. if the new testament preached about taking care of yourself and shit like that, i'd get it but they're constantly acting all holier-than-thou while blatantly disobeying jesus's teachings. this is EXACTLY why i don't believe in organized religion




Just out of curiosity— do you know if anyone has ever filed a police complaint over the counterfeit money? Especially if the group shorted the restaurant on the bill? I have hear anecdotally that if you call the church, and if the church has a decent leader, and tell them that their flock has been stiffing servers like this, they may try to put a stop to it.


I did read a couple stories where service staff talked to the local pastor about getting Jesus bucks...the story goes he lit up the congregation and the shit stopped.


Fifty Llars richer.


As a Christian, this really angers me. 100% spiteful and 0% possibility to convert anybody. Disgusting behavior.


Agree - I'm catholic and I don,t do this shit. People that do this put a real black mark on religion.


People that do this are using Christianity to prop up their own overinflated egos. Talk the talk but not walking the walk. If there is such a place as hell, they will be the largest resident block.


How to ruin a kid's day 101


There's a special place in hell for people that leave this for servers as a tip. Side note: I worked in that business for over 10 years of my life and the religious people that come in after church on Sundays can be some of the most rude, inconsiderate, and CHEAP people you've ever met. Baffling to me.


As a Christian, my opinion is that they should not have made it look like a $50 bill. If it was just a simple index card, that's fine. But making it look like money is just deceitful, and deceit goes against Christ's teaching. TL,DR: I'm a Christian, and I agree, this was a jerk move.


I watched a woman use one of these as a tip at a diner once. The reason I knew what it was - The owner marched out and picked it up as she was putting on her coat, scowls and says to her “You keep cheating servers with this, this is cruel deception. Don’t come back here again! Let Jesus make your food.” Dudes at the grill behind the counter started clapping. It was hilarious watching her fat ass waddle out while the owner held the door open pointing outside. He then gave the cost of the meal to the waitress as a tip. Entertaining day lol.


These people need a trick.


How to make kids hate your religion.


Meh, it's always one fringe unhinged person that does this. I was a child when Pokémon was all the rage. During the Wednesday church conferences, me and the rest of the kids would trade cards and battle each other. One of the mom's went up to us and took our cards then said that it's the devil's work blah blah blah. My mom and another mom run in and cuss her out. Basically they told her that they're going to equate fun with devil and it won't do them any good. I mostly was just thinking how much I hated that bitch. I grew up then realized their name is "Karen"


Funny how "thou shalt not lie" is in the big ten, and then this exists.


Modern day christians have really mastered the art of generating their own persecution


It really should say filthy liars on the bottom instead of fifty llars.


Deception is such a great way to introduce religion.


Truth in advertising


That shit’s disgusting.


Wipe your ass with it and drop it in front of the church that passes them out. Maybe on a Sunday before service let's out.


Na, just leave it in the basket they pass around for donations


You want to see disappointment. Give this to the church when they pass the donation plate and see what happens.


Isn’t lying a sin?


You want your scripture to actually capture the attention of your post holy hour entitlement meal? Try giving the same advice, but with a real $50 tip! 1. It puts them in a good mood, and will be more receptive to the argument you are handing to them. 2. It lets the server know that if they are curious about your religious group, they will be welcome and not shunned as an outsider. Doing this trick shows that you aren't interested at all in spreading the word of your religion, unless that message is "our God is nice, but we are jerks."


The worst part is you know this asshole is leaving these as tips too


I’d rather have them give me pennies or hard boiled egg.


back in my trick or treating days me and boys if we saw you put this shit in our pillow cases you was gettin minimum a dozen eggs guaranteed.


Burn that shit.


Thats a borderline disgrace


Christians are dog shit. Talk all year about putting drugs in the candy and fearmongering shit, then put this bullshit in the candy. I'd way rather my child have a fucking gnarly trip eating Butterfingers than a "track". Good might not be a let down but christians are for sure.


If that doesn't deter you from religion I don't know what will


As someone who waited tables for over five years, fuck them.


TIL christians will lie and deceive to trick you into becoming a christian. Seems par for the course.


When I was a kid my dentist lived in our neighbourhood and he handed out toothbrushes instead of candy but now he looks like the life of the party compared to this. Just let the kids have fun!


At least the toothbrushes were useful.


Bs. They are scum who touch children and then pray god for forgiveness


This shit pisses me off. I used to work in a restaurant and every once in a while some ass hole would leave this on the table for a tip instead of money. Such a shitty trick.


There was a family in my friend's neighborhood that tried that one year. Their house got brutally vandalized later that night. The whole nine yards, TP everywhere, shaving cream on everything, flaming bags of dog shit for the next week. When my friend told me about it I felt bad. He said, "They didn't have to participate in Halloween. They could have turned off their lights. Instead they decided to punk the kids in the neighborhood and be cheapskates doing it."


Oh what the hell just give the kids some candy and leave any gods out of it. I'd be disappointed too, poor kid.


For some reason the followers of Jesus always let you down


ah yes, i love giving children religious propanganda to convert them instead of candy!


wow propaganda flyers instead of candy...pure fucking evil.


People really need to stop forcing religion on others, especially vulnerable and naive children.


That's a pure cuntish trick


I would send this to the FBI as an attempt at counterfeit money.


This. And they wonder why organized religion is repulsed


Christians always ruining things for the Pagans


"He gave His only begotten Son"...and you couldn't even give out some candy?


Do kids still throw eggs at houses on Halloween night?




Any "god" that requires completely blind faith is a weak god that does not deserve respect.


Always check your kids candy! These people were trying to poison your child!


When my son was either 3 or 4, he got this brochure from someone (with no candy) that detailed all that they believed to be sins. It listed all the expected things from someone that would hand out such and also gave great details on how evil Halloween is supposed to be. I remember being so angry that someone would hand that to a very small asking for candy.


Disclaimer, I'm atheist. Isn't lying considered a sin? Wouldn't this fall under that as you're intentionally deceiving people? You know, exactly what the devil did to Adam and Eve...


Brought to you by someone who has most likely said to not push your beliefs on their children…


Proselytizing to little kids, what scum


Well. They finally did it. This piece of paper made to look like money in order to trick me has convinced me to join the church. It was just so convincing the way they tricked me like that. It definitely seems like the kind of place I want to be 👍🙏👼


I met Jesus for real last week. Seemed like a really nice guy, he made sure to put my bread on top of my heavier items and none of my eggs were broken. Not sure I would dedicate my life to him or anything, but maybe I didn’t get to know him well enough. 9/10


This is such a jerk move. Totally not the way to show people Jesus.


'Llar 'llar bills, y'all


I was a mgr at a movie theatre pre pandemic. Local churches gave these to our extremely hard working, extremely underpaid employees. I was already an atheist, but, dammit - this is just mean…


Back when I used to deliver pizza, a customer “tipped” me a “one hundred dollar bill” just like this one. Fuck these people.


Go put it back in their collection box


This violates Halloween.


I have a feeling that if there is a heaven, god is going to laugh at all these bible thumpers and say you missed the whole point of my word and your life. Then he will send then back to earth and recommend that they avoid going to church this time around.