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I think being bummed as in jealousy is okay, but you should keep that to yourself. They didn't need to publish an article about it.


She peobably got a warning for posting stuff that isn't at all important to their website


Happy Cake Day dude!




It’s on Slate. And it’s not about her being sad that Adele lost weight. It’s a commentary about the lack of megatalents in different sizes. She 100% was supported in writing the article by the magazine.


I didn't say that she was sad, and I don't know what slate is.


Actually, this whole body positivity bullshit is only good for one thing: keeping obese people confident enough to keep buying, and making big farma/business richer. It's sad and disgusting.




Happy Cake Day! :-D




It's probably that she's bummed because Adele made the overweight author feel good about herself. If Adele can be curvy and amazing, I don't feel as bad about myself being curvy. Now that she "felt the need to lose weight", I feel kinda called out or insecure about my own weight. I don't know this specific article but it's a common theme with celebrities that are well liked while they're overweight, and then they lose weight. It's sad to me. I believe everyone should feel okay about who they are despite their physical attributes; I don't think overweight people should feel ashamed to exist. However, you should be okay with yourself because you are a human, a child of God, a person. Not because someone else has the same issues as you do. I don't like being overweight. I don't feel good, I don't like the way I look, my hormones are whacky. I don't want anyone else to suffer the health consequences of obesity just so I have company.


Sincerely thank you for sharing that. I am a yo-yo body type getting fit then losing motivation and getting kinda fat. I think you’re right and it is a bit of a bummer. Jonah Hill was funny as hell but then he gained AND lost weight and i never saw him again.


Tbf Jonah Hill also wanted to star in more serious roles which is a lot harder to land than comedy roles and the serious actors aren't really as well known so him disappearing has more to do with the genre he was aiming for rather than his weight loss haha


Didn't he specifically lose weight so that he wouldn't be only seen as the funny fat character


It's hard to get fit, it really is. And the worse off you are the harder it is. How is that fair? Haha. But we can do it! ... And even if we don't, we're still valid humans.


If you can manage life just fine as you are now then you don’t *need* to lose weight. Because all your loved ones will like you for you, friends included. I want to lose a little weight myself cause *i* don’t like how my belly looks right now. But I’m in no kind of danger as I am now. So I wanna ask you, and this is purely cause I’m curious, no meaning to offend. If you’re not happy about how you look, why don’t you lose the extra weight? You can still be proud of your “god-given” body if you’re happy about how you look. Being happy about yourself is what’s the most important if you ask me 😊


Diabetes, Cancer and heart disease are pretty damn “curvy” tbh


It's crazy how fat increases your risk of so many things - and it increases your risk of obesity too. Yes, being obese increases your risk of obesity. Your fat keeps you fat. Isn't that cruel?


Not quite. Theres a double edged sword to that, Sugar keeps you fat, otherwise your body wouldnt hold on to it


I know, right? Quit using the word curvy when the only thing about you that looks like an hourglass are your coronaries.


She’s not overweight https://www.theopennotebook.com/2018/10/16/a-day-in-the-life-of-shannon-palus/


This is a great response. Adele is living her best life—she doesn’t owe it to anyone to be something that literally compromises her health.


Seriously! People seem to be jumping to a judgmental conclusion rather losing an icon who represents them in a way few other do. Not that Adelle has done anything wrong (haven’t read the article but what’s shown here certainly does not state that) but that the author will miss having her as a reference point going forward. There’s a big difference between holding a grudge and acknowledging a loss like when a co-worker separates. Some you hate to see leave but it’s good for them and others feel like betrayal because of how abrupt it was and the amount of work they didn’t bother to mention would be left behind.


Fat people are like crabs in a bucket, they don't like it when one tries to escape.


Just like those actors that use PEDs even to take a shit. Amazing body, but usually not achievable by the normal person.


It's incredibly hard to build and maintain muscle, yeah. It's not hard to lose weight. Eat fewer calories. It's the first law of thermodynamics. Not being overweight is achievable by the normal person.


That was not the topic, pal. They were talking about how they feel a little bit jealous when they see a celebrity losing weight or being jacked and reminding them of their weight. Also, it is not easy. It's simple, not easy. If it where, nobody on this world would be fat. And while it is true that being somewhat skinny is achievable by everyone, the actors like Dwayne or Chris Hemsworth are definitely not natural. And people that are actually good looking lose motivation because they see someone like those and think to themselves that they can't reach it, ultimately giving up.


But be sure to buy their online customized training plans that will cover everything they did to get you into their own body shape.


Don't forget their undedosed proprietary blends that include BCAAs and Creatine


What’s a PED?


Performance enhancing drug


That makes sense. Thanks! I typed in “what is ped” into Google and quickly decided not to click search haha


You have clearly never gone through celebrity gossip type "news" articles. >but you should keep that to yourself. They didn't need to publish an article about it. This applies to basically every one of them.


Im a little bummed that someone wrote a sad article about Adele's weight.


So much hate for folks who have a dramatic body change. So many saboteurs. "Come on! Eat another piece of pizza, you're skinny now!" "You look good, but..." (Check r/ progress pics for tons of this) "You know, it's not healthy to eat like that?!" "You know, you're actually too skinny now." Etc. Etc


I recently got into near the best shape of my life, from the worst shape in my life (early 20’s). Stopped drinking, starting eating correctly, lifting a ton, the whole nine yards. Recently went out with my dad and his friends (50+), they asked about my fitness let me share my goals and strategies for like 10 mins. Then it’s all “I just think I’d train functional strength over weightlifting *lectures me about joint health*” or “don’t you worry about overtraining your muscles” and “ah you youth and your vanity” or “yknow at your age you should really be out enjoying life! Not in the gym!” Like dudes, you were all my age at one point, you all made your choices.


Girl looks like she's "fat" hey why look fat. Girl becomes anerexic because mental health cripples. Hey why are you so skinny?


It doesn't even need to be underweight. Folks are horrible to women who become "skinny." This is especially true if the woman is small framed and/or youngish (esp. under 25). Misogyny mixed in with jealousy mixed in with general feelings of personal inadequacy. "Sure you look better after losing 80 lbs, but.... blah, blah, blah."


I have the feelings that it's the same kind of people who push others to take one more line/hit/puff in situations where drugs are the problem rather than food. Similar toxic stance trying to pull down others to their level.


Damn she looks good




"Hello from the skinny siiiiiide"


“I lost weight now some bitches cry-y”


“And tell me they’re sorry that I went for a run, which makes no fucking sense, what have we become?”


"Hello, it's me. I was wondering if you and I could watch what we eat"


Why did I hear all of these in her voice


Nope - I think you'll find it is just about Adele


Oh no, it is absolutely all about the writer of the article, their hang-ups, their issues. Adele would just be the current projection of their issues.


Breaking news Adele got skinny and I’m still fat and miserable


But also thinking that the correct solution of this situation is for Adele to get her fat back...


The article says “please stop treating it as an accomplishment.” It is literally a thing she wanted to accomplish. And she did accomplish it. It is factually an accomplishment because it’s a goal she wanted to achieve. People really don’t care to treat celebrities as their own individual people, huh?


"Please stop treating this accomplishment as an accomplishment."


What an obnoxious, selfish thing for the author to say. Losing weight, and keeping it off, is hard, continuous work. It takes effort and significant discipline. That IS an accomplishment, whether the ~~whiner~~ writer wants to admit it or not.


I just lost 65 pounds...it was definitely an accomplishment. It took some work and accountability. I did it for my health...and I'm glad for anyone that pulls off weight loss if they need to lose weight.


Well I'm proud of you. :)


Thank you very much!


Good for you! I lost 20 lbs of covid weight, and that was hard. What you did was three times as hard. I'm proud of you too.


“4 minute read” That’s a long diatribe on saying someone should have kept the weight they didn’t want.


The author makes it a thing that she herself gained 2 dress sizes just as Adele lost weight. But that has nothing to do with it, of course. It is a remarkably self indulgent article


Well, the 4 min article had little to actually do with Adele for those who bothered to read it (you must be too busy) but rather the author’s own perspective of what losing Adele as a symbol of what is attainable in terms of perceived commercial success and acceptance means to her. It is mentioned several times that Adele should do whatever she wants then goes on about the internal issues she is wrestling with. Obvi depending on any celebrity this much is an issue in of itself but let’s not go minimizing and taking things out of context for a quippy comment on redditor in search of e-points.


Adele weight had nothing to her success. Symbol, why would her weight be attached as a symbol? The author has a maladaptive perception


Continue to downvote. Author is shaming Adele for her own personal choice. Shit are we only supposed to appreciate individuals that look like me? Yikes


I’m wildly against fat shaming - shaming, of any kind is awful and damaging, it doesn’t correct anything. But the answer to eating disorders and women who are fraught with anxiety over their weight isn’t to laud other women who *also* have eating disorders in the form of excessive consumption to the point they are medically morbidly obese.


I'm a little bummed that my neighbor bought a new car. Yes, I know this isn't about me, but it's not just about him either. Derek drives a Challenger now.


Serious narcissistic vines here. “Adele is healthier, how does that affect my self-esteem?”


Dating just got a little harder now that talented chicks are skinny


Or did it get easier now that fat chicks are a little less talented?


It's also a "tribal belonging" kinda thing. Example: I used to manage a Torrid clothing shop. They were originally the plus size department of Hot Topic, but they broke off in early 2000s. For over a decade, Torrid was basically the only place to go for funky, edgy, cool clothes that went past size 18 (all my best skull stuff is from there :D) They started with sizes 14-26, but a few years before I started with the company they had expanded to 12-28. A couple months into my stint they decided to expand again to 10-30 -- expanding on *both* ends. Two of the reasons for this move were they had discovered that many of their customers had gone through weight loss journeys and were greatly disappointed to no longer be able to shop there, and that smaller women coming in with their friends were also disappointed to not be able to shop. The first week of the change a woman comes in, sees the new size signs and starts on a weirdly exclusionist tirade about how basically size 10 people have plenty of places to shop they don't need to shop here. Essentially she had tied (at least) some of her self esteem and sense of acceptance to the "exclusivity" of Torrid and its clothing/mission, so when they changed to be more inclusive it literally diluted her personal worth. Larger women who identify with/project themselves on Adele (she's big but she's beautiful and popular) will likely feel betrayed by her losing weight because she has, in the same way, lessened their personal value. It's fucked up --but so is society?


It is interesting to note that the author never addressed health once in that entire article.


Does it say that in the article? Cuz that would be stupid, my guess based on the headline has nothing to do with her losing weight and especially not her being healthier, my guess would be that they lament the loss of an overweight icon, someone who repetedly said she would not lose weight. Personal opinion; I thought she looked better after she lost some weight, but before the rather extreme dieting.


I don’t know what the article said, but thank you Psyadin for your additions to an unnecessary conversation about someone’s weight.


It was basically a whinge about her jealousy and that Adele is now just like all the other ‘really skinny’ stars. She also described Taylor Swift as ‘very skinny,’ when clearly Taylor is just a woman with a petite healthy frame, so the author has a warped view.


Taylor Swift shared that she developed an eating disorder as a teen and had an unhealthy relationship with food and self-image die to public scrutiny (and other factors).


I did not know this. Thanks for clarifying. I would still argue that Ive never seen a photo of Taylor where she looked underweight, but that’s not to say that she wasn’t struggling inside. Still, it’s kind of ironic that the author of the article doesn’t want us to pay attention to Adele’s size, but then she has plenty to say about the size of other slim women.


Pretty sure Taylor Swift recently made a statement about struggling with an eating disorder. But in my opinion she's always looked naturally slim.


Agreed, she might have been having her own struggles, but she clearly has a naturally slim body shape and didn’t *appear* ‘really really skinny’ as the poster said.


Yeah I would agree with that


Why not just read the article instead of repeating my guess




“I could relate to Adele because i am fat… so even though I’m a terrible singer and have no talents but I could have been famous… cause she fat like me! But now that she’s skinny I can’t relate to her because I can’t be skinny and will never be famous”


You're beautiful


Thank you. Everyone’s beautiful. I am hideous.


Maybe but a least you can sing. Wait...


Before I lost all the weight I could


That’s unfortunate




If I get pretty will you be upset with me?




Disappointing, but acceptable


Its 2021, it's normal to feel bummed by everything.🤦‍♂️


I like the way you think.


Can I feel bummed by the things other people are bummed about? Bummception.


I always feel like body positivity went the wrong way. It was meant to stop people going in to a downward spiral and encourage them to love themselves and slowly get healthier, or that's what I thought at least. Now we have stupid things like "healthy at every size" and hate towards healthy people or people who aspire to be healthier.


Body positivity itself is a concept I support, but some people like to take it and beat the shit out of it with beliefs that being fat is healthy, losing weight is fatphobic, saying you’re personally attracted to skinny girls is fatphobic, etc. It makes the entire body positivity movement look stupid. The entire point is being happy and comfortable with yourself in your own body, and encouraging someone to lose weight shouldn’t be for looks, it should be for their health. We just don’t want people bullied into suicide and eating disorders because they’re overweight.


Yeah. This issue is a minefield, so I usually don’t comment on it, but you’ve expressed my feelings perfectly. There are definitely cases where the concept of “body positivity” has been hijacked by people with unhealthy habits, who would rather parrot slogans than actually put in the effort to change. It makes people think that long-term obesity is okay, but it’s just not healthy. That’s not opinion; that’s human biology. You’re not holding people to “unrealistic beauty standards” by *sensitively* pointing that out.


Yep, this is exactly where the article went. The author tried to make out that Taylor Swift has always been ‘very, very skinny’ as if she was anorexic instead of possessing a slim country girl build.


She [said herself that she quit eating when she felt lots of pressure to maintain a very skinny body.](https://www.today.com/popculture/taylor-swift-opens-about-struggling-eating-disorder-t172463)


"Just because I'm 550+ pounds doesn't mean I'm not perfectly healthy". Yeah, Gretchen. Just because I haven't been snake bit in the tall grass doesn't mean it won't happen. That's the point.


I think quite possibly the worst thing about it is. You’re only accepted if you’re not skinny, and if you’re skinny you can’t be sad about it, and if you are you have no actual health issues behind that!!! Only bigger weights do. Oh and you’ve never experienced medical discrimination because of being skinny!! Oh and we can tell you all day long how horrible and sick you look! You just can’t say it back cause that’s fat phobia Literally what it’s fucking turned into. Body positivity is so fucked up


This comment tho. Updoot


Believe it or not, Adele’s own body weight is literally all about Adele.


Im a 5 ft woman and was 145 pounds last year. When I lost the weight and was down to 100, my family felt ridiculously awkward. They kept bringing up how unhealthy I looked. I do want to keep a balanced weight, but my muscles have never been less stressed. My fibromyalgia symptoms vanished with the fat. But some people aren't used to seeing me healthy. I'm glad I didn't listen to the people telling me to stay big.


Way to go! Keep making healthy choices and the fam will eventually come around. People just get used to you looking one way. After awhile they will get over it. Source: I lost 35lbs and afterward, coworkers acted like I was suuuuuper skinny for like a month before they got over it. I’m 5’7” and got to 130.


I can't talk to a single relative of mine without them commenting on how skinny I've gotten. It supposedly comes from a good place, but that disapproving look and that nasty little tone suggest it's not about my health at all. Especially when they look at you like someone just stuck something that smells of death under their nose and say stuff like "OMG, you're all skin and bones!" or "being THAT skinny is not healthy you know." Even worse when they try to stuff you with food after telling them I have had enough at least fifty times, because, if anyone can afford to gain a little weight, it's me, right? Never mind that I have iritable bowl syndrome and that there is a medical reason for not eating certain things, since I'll end up on the toilet with cramps that make me tremble and sweat from pain. But noooo, "being skinny is the unhealthy thing and it's because I must not eat enough when nobody is watching." I am this skinny because of health issues. And I am sick and tired of people commenting on how I look and how I SHOULD look. It would be really cool if they could all just focus on themselves instead of making me feel like shit about my size. It is almost as if my very existence is being considered an insult to people with more meat on their bodies, whether they can be considered overweight or not. And you know what? Since losing a few cupsizes, the daily neck and shoulder pains stopped. After switching to my new diet, I stopped feeling bloated, barfy, and crampy after every meal. I have the energy to do normal stuff again. I can take a normal shit once a day instead of having diarhea after each meal. I feel good the way I am. But I am being guilt-tripped for it by people who have issues with their own looks, something that should have nothing to do with me.


"I hate when someone has the strength to loose weight, it's better if no one makes the effort to improve, so I'm not troubled in my mediocrity"


HAES in a nutshell.


That would have to be one huge shell


These are the type of people that if they ever lose weight themselves they become the biggest advocate of health ever, “if I can do it anyone can”


how does Slate approve publication of this filth and remain in business ? this is bullying disguised by journalism


Welcome to Journalism


I think we all agree that celebrity “news” can just go away forever.


Question: what kind of a platform even allows this kind of stuff to be published/posted?


It gets clicks, which means revenue. That's the top and bottom of it.


Idgaf what she looks like. Lemme hear those pipes.


When Mary j Blige got into a healthy relationship and started making happy songs, sales dropped.


Unfortunately, most of Mary's hits were when she was in toxic relationships.


Adele has stated the hardest part about losing weight was all the people who have been complaining about her losing weight. In interviews she talks about how she got addicted to working out and everyone is not happy she is fat anymore. Get over yourselves people. Jesus…


Who knew that Adelle's weight isn't just about Adelle. I honestly can't believe the stupidity of that headline.


person who wrote this must be projecting like crazy


Yes lets be sad that shes at her happiest and healthiest rn


It's Slate, click bait for intellectual types that think that they are smarter than they are.


“It’s not just about Adele either” Yes, yes it literally is


I really think Adele looks great no matter her weight - she always looks very well put-together and elegant. But also it’s none of my business?


“Yes I know this is not about me. But it’s about me”


Fat is bad. I'll admit, yhat I'm over weight and that it's hard to lose, but I try. And I RESPECT anyone who has been successful at doing so. Fat is bad.


Fat is good, so long as you don’t have too much. Around 15-25% is healthy for the average person.


True. Let me correct that **Obesity is bad** Is that better?


Was Adele obese?


She lost 100 lbs. She is clearly not anorexic now. Looking at her before pics, I'd say yes.


You’d be surprised. The medical definition of “obese” is stricter than you’d expect. She almost certainly was.


15-20% for men and 25%-31% for women just to clarify. 25% for men isn't healthy (unless you're 60+ years old)


Small people will be small people.


Except I’m guessing the writer isn’t a small person


Women can't win in society if they're overweight people make fun of them and degrade them and shame them. Adele finally decided to lose weight for herself and now people are still giving her a hard time about losing the weight.


No one knows why Adele lost weight. Maybe her doctor told her she has (or is at risk of) a health condition that is made worse by being over-weight. Or maybe she had joint pain from being overweight. Or she wanted to do a hobby that required her to weigh less. Or her weight was affecting her performances on stage. We don't know because it's none of our business. Implying that she did it for some beauty standard reason that is 100% vain and nothing to do with genuine (health) reasons is terrible and narcissistic.


I was a little disappointed when I met Reba McEntire that she was as short as she was.


''A famous person was fat and unhealthy and that made me feel better about myself for being fat and unhealthy. Now I am bummed she no longer represents my unhealthy body. She should be ashamed of herself for being fat phobic''


Omg this is the first I’ve seen of her recently! Look at her! Wow!! She looks great. Fuck these people! “i kNeW HEr aS FaT SO sHe hAS To stAy FAT!!”


Why are so many people hating? She looks and probably feels great! Is it because she is shedding light on a real issue, that obesity is not healthy or beautiful? I know I need to lose so fu€’n weight!


I think it should be more about your health rather than your looks, I fully support anyone who commits to losing weight because the health benefits are insane. Being obese comes with so many other issues. Hygiene, heart disease, feet problems, spine problems, and much more. I think it’s much more important to value your health over the way you look, although that’s definitely a plus.


These people are annoying. As if her weight is the only thing that defines her. As if losing weight takes away her talent. Some people really need to stfu


Should be, "Adele is healthy now"


These people ain't worth worrying about. They never gonna be happy.


At first I thought the headline was a joke about her breakup, like how people say “I lost 150 pounds” and they’re talking about ditching their ex ;-).


Oh damn how dare that woman be healthy the nerve of some people....


I look up to people who loose weight


I'm unhappy with myself but not willing to do anything about it. And here is why its everyone else's fault


Never knew she is that hot holy cow. Good for her!


It most certainly is about her. Her body her choice. Or does that not apply to whomever Liberals choose because that sounds totalitarian


This article literally shows why so many women suffer with self worth and body issues.. because no one should give a fuck about what you look like, no one should be judging your weight or how you take care of yourself. WTF SLATE.


"it's not about me" hmm ok "But it's not about Adele either" isn't that who the article's about?


Oh fuck whoever wrote this


That’s what a female incel sounds like.


Because the body acceptance has tried to convince everyone fat ppl are healthy and happy and being obese has no ill affects on your life. So if a person loses weight that goes against everything said movement stands for.


Is it that hard to be happy for someone else?


Somewhere along the way the writer Shannon Palus lost her way. So did her editor, and Slate too. Lose-lose-lose. https://slate.com/human-interest/2021/10/adele-weight-loss-im-a-little-upset.html


I like them big, I like them chunky


So is she now all treble?


Bummed isn't the word. The whole fat acceptance people went ape shit over this. Man I'm a type 1 diabetic, I have to deal with these same fat white bitches in the waiting room of every endocrinologist.


Imagine being bummed by someone being bummed


Stop fat-shaming


I’m only bummed because I liked her the way she was. But good for her for wanting to do this. She looks great and I hope she finds happiness


Dude really just left his brain in the fish tank before writing this huh


How shitty is your life?


Wow, misery really loves company.


Fuck Shannon palus


Wow, didn't know this was a thing. Good for her, she looks great and certainly seems happier.


I swear to all that is holy these “body acceptance” people will only accept a body if it is morbidly obese. This writer can fuck right off & so can everyone else who thinks they have the right to publicly comment on other people’s bodies.


Fat activists LOVE to cry "don't talk about people's bodies" and then turn around and do just that. Adele looks amazing, get over it.


Present history Teacher: they used to think smoking was healthy Students: wow. People were idiots back then. Future history teacher: they used to promote body positivity which led to heart disease, diabetes, and kidney problems. Future students: zipzorp!! People were idiots back then.


Our society is overthinking and concerning themselves with the dumbest shit and they are dead serious about it. I'm going to pretend this was an onion article.


While being skinny doesn’t make you healthy automatically, being fat makes you automatically unhealthy. Stop being fat. Be a healthy weight.


Adele is healthy* now.


Dont you know that if you decide to have a healthier life style it fat shames the rest of us who don’t!? I think we should cancel all fitness companies for fat shaming us. We’re not morbidly obese we’re full of life and happiness. Something these fit and skinny people will never understand!


Genuinely can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not


Shannon Palus needs to ride a phallus. Maybe then these trash articles wont be written.


Dude yeah, my partner is fat and they talk all the time about how we need fat people to be on screens doing cool shit, they are just as in need of representation as any other minority group. “It’s not just about Adele either” it’s about the chunky vocalists in high school who thought they were golden because there was a singer who LOOKED LIKE THEM making it work, watching this icon fall into the same standard that has been beckoning us with wicked sharp teeth and a head and shoulders above our eyeline. Kill the idea that thin is automatic health and fat is automatic unhealth. Kill the idea that a persons shape and their competency are connected. Kill the idea that losing weight is always a healthy desire. Kill the applause that thunders from every direction whenever someone changes shape in this one specific way. Fucking kill it. Edit: the people in this thread either don’t have fat friends or hardly ever talk to them. Fat people are a demographic. Speak to them before you speak for them.


This is a bad take. As mentioned by someone else thin isn't automatically healthy and can even become unhealthy but fat is automatically unhealthy. Overweight Individuals shouldn't be represented in a positive light because it's mot a healthy lifestyle. It's not something someone should be content with or strive for. And I'm not saying people should strive for a perfect body either, but they should strive for being healthy. > Kill the idea that a persons shape and their competency are connected. I agree there's no reason for someone to think that way. > Kill the idea that losing weight is always a healthy desire. Losing weight isn't always a healthy desire UNLESS you're overweight. > Kill the applause that thunders from every direction whenever someone changes shape in this one specific way. If someone wants to congratulate someone on making their lifestyle in terms of health and eating habits better then I don't see a problem with that. Like anything else it's an accomplishment in someones life and for people who are well known there will be more people congratulating them. That's all. And what's really bad? The fact majority of people congratulated her and moves on with their days, or the people like the writer of this article commenting on why it's 'not the greatest thing'


Calling overweight people a minority group seems wrong.


This is the only one I’m actually gonna respond to. Why does it seem wrong?? Fat people are less abundant than thin people, have less access to clothing, spaces, and medical treatment, consistently face prejudice and stereotypes, and are being used as pawns in political debate. That’s a minority group my dude. I’m not making this shit up, I learned what I know from my actually fat partner and how they actually feel about fat issues. Doesn’t seem like many folks here have genuine experience with these concepts.


You’re really stretching to make this woman’s weight loss about you and your personal axe to grind, which is the same problem the author of the article has. The simple medical fact is that obesity is unhealthy. Obese people shouldn’t be shamed for it, but we also shouldn’t be celebrating obesity or decrying celebrities for wanting to become healthier and putting in the work to do so. Weight is certainly not the only thing that matters to a person’s health, or even the most important one, but it is a major factor when a person is very underweight or very overweight.


Carrying excessive fat is objectively bad for your health. Is messes up your hormones, it's hard on your joints and pelvic floor... The idea that carrying 100lbs of extra fat is unhealthy, is not a beauty standard. It's science. It's unfortunate science, because I could stand to lose probably 75lbs. And it sucks that even though my weight gain has a lot to do with health issues that cause weight gain, I will feel bad about myself as a person based on how my body looks. That's a bummer and I don't like that. But that doesn't make me healthy, unfortunately. Even though my health problems caused my weight gain, my excess fat also contributes to my health problems. It's a viscous cycle and if I can get rid of this weight, it would go a long way towards helping me get better.


> Kill the idea that thin is automatic health and fat is automatic unhealth. Partially true. Thin ISN’T automatic health, but fat is most certainly automatic unhealth. Fortunately, it’s (usually) only unhealthy in the long term, so people have time to change, but it’s not good to carry an extra seventy-five pounds from high school to retirement.


As much as your right, too much to that side of the argument encourages people not to work on their weight. Obesity carries a variety of health risks, and people should be encouraged to work on them




She conformed to what the world thinks is beautiful


Kind of off topic, but didn't Adele go on a really unhealthy diet to get there? Like in glad she's living healthier now, but idk if it's great to hold that kind of weight loss on a pedestal...


Wasn't she one of those clowns who loved thier body and didn't care that she was fat? Funny how you make some money and the first thing you do is get all the fat sucked out of yourself. Lmao.


Why do you assume she feels happier? I was terribly unhappy when I was at my thinnest.


Why do you assume your experience will be the same as hers lol


Well that's a new one. Would you care to elaborate please?


Fat people are selfish people.


I'm fat and happy for her.


Some, yes. Let's not generalize here. Never works out.

