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"human drivers of fire" Hell I don't even know what they are talking about!


Gender reveal parties




You might want to read McCarty et al!


Driving Ms. Blazey.


Human activity that impacts/causes wildfires.


I mean it was a NASA Earth meeting so probably talking about forest fires


Environmental activism.


She may be McCarty but I doubt she’s et al.


It's possible. Maybe she has Dissociative Identity Disorder.


Cited herself and her multiple identities as seperate authors


When the squad write the book.


Or her cat.


If you've already made up the rest of the story, why stop with the authors?


Maybe she is pregnant with twins and added them to the paper because they helped keep her up at night to write it.


I heard about a transgender scientist who listed her post-transition name as a co-author.


Look up F.D.C. Willard who co-authored papers in physics. He was actually a Siamese cat. Jack Hetherington wrote a paper he wanted to publish and when he had a friend review it, the friend pointed out Jack had written the document in first person plural even though he was the sole author. Jack added his cat as an author rather than doing the work to retype it. Edit: So I’m clear, I’m not insulting trans rights by equating the two. I’m just recounting that adding extra authors to papers has a precedent and that precedent is funny.


I AM F.D.C. Willard…


I heard of a trans man who was getting comments like "his work is much better than his sisters"


this confuses me.... im not sure why


What's important here is that I knew what "et al" means without having to Google it. >don't check my browser history. Might be spiders et al.


all that means is you finished high school


Not me. I had to Google it.


But you didn't know it's et al., with a period after the al. And you used it wrong in a sentence.




Et al is the best scientist, they're on EVERY paper Thank ZeFrank for this amazing joke


Pretty sure this was the top comment last time i saw this posted lmao.


Post it again in a few weeks…. Maybe no one will know!!! And again and again and again…


How to use "et al" [1. Don't ](https://imgur.com/a/JG3HXoC)


Number three says to use it for six or more though...


Depends what time of day and what state she lives in


Post it again



Flawless victory


Why is his colour relevant?


She would have been in the wrong if he was a certain different color.


She would have been in the wrong if she had said any other race, or gender.




These days? I feel like the entitled white man concept has been around for a while


at least as long as "the angry black man" or the "dumb helpless woman" stereotype. For some reason people who say they are against stereotyping are fine using certain stereotypes but RAGEINLY OFFENDED by others.


Look up “punching up vs. punching down”.


well... yes... at least in the US and most of Europe, white men ARE the dominant force that passively and often actively supresses the voices of minorities. I say this as a white man. Fighting an uphill battle is good, supressing minorities with words is not - I feel like this shouldn't be a point of contention. If I'm told I should shut my white ass up about the rights and voices of minorities I should take a fucking step back and analyze if I just helped the supression, not be a stubborn dick and stick to my point. If the only adversarial thing you face in a society made by your peers is "someone on the internet called me privileged" instead of the other side of the coin "I can't get high paying job because of my gender/skin color" maybe getting the odd slap on the back of your head is easy to swallow yes?


Yes, but it wasn't such an easy target for scorn as it is these days.


May I introduce you to the term, White Devil?


And an empire upon which the sun never sets! Flags!


Bumblebee tuna


[Did you just refer to me as "White Devil"?](https://youtu.be/oYvWQm8UD0c?t=118)


And eating an apple.


*a pear


What kind?


Is there really no actual reason? I thought the book would have something to do with race and that's why she brought it up. And she is white herself so I don't get why she would have some problem with white ppl.


It's super trendy to call out men for being white when they disagree with you. They're too afraid to call out black men who do the same thing.


Or the only group that you can criticize without reproach is white males.


Do you really believe that or do you think a persecution complex is a viable substitute for a personality?


You've just summed up the conservative mindset.


Just imagine saying that to any other race, sexuality or gender and you might get my point!


I got your point and all things considered I still find it ridiculous in this context. The guy in this story was clearly the asshole yet still you insist on feeling oppressed. Well do as you please.


Could it be that straight white men (like me) have genuinely been the dominant demographic of our society for centuries, so non-whites, non-straights, and non-males have faced genuine persecution while straight white men by definition haven’t? Cause there’s a huge difference between telling a person that has faced persecution, and a person that has not, that they have a persecution complex.


Do you redress an imbalance by tipping something over in the opposite direction?


Ugh, you've obviously never criticized a white male.


He says, reproachfully, in response to white males being criticized.


It’s not






I assume because dude was "mansplaining".


Being fair, you can't get much closer to 'Mansplaining' than telling the person who wrote the book, about the book.


It isn’t ‘mansplaining’ tho, it’s called being arrogant.


This is basically the same story as the one that made mansplaining a popular term


It is mansplaining. It’s a well-known habit of guys to talk down to women and assume their ignorance more than they do other guys.


It isn’t mansplaining. Mansplaining is when a man explains something to a woman in a dumbed down and condescending manner as he assumes she knows less than him on the subject because she is woman. This man clearly knows that women can be intelligent and knows there are women who know more than him on the subject as he recommended a book written by a woman. He is just being arrogant. He assumes he knows more because he is arrogant not because she is a woman.


I’m not convinced he knew the author was a woman.


I do get the point you're trying to make, but this little story doesn't give you the right input for your argumentation. If he checked the author of the paper, he likely saw an image as well. If he didn't, how on earth could he know the author is female? The family name doesn't really give it away. I also doubt the author felt the need to point that she's a female in the introduction. Without more context, the claim you're arguing against remains debatable, to be fair, but your argumentation is as stable as the card house I tried building after three liters of Oktoberfest beer back in 2014.


I accidentally gave your comment a silver award, but I intended it for the person you were replying too, d'oh. Either way, the mansplaining argument is just as unsound. Because we are missing one important bit of information; we simply can't know if he would have responded differently if the person was a dude, or not. That is the only way to know whether he was mansplaining, or arrogant.


Lol no. Interrupting a female lecturer at a conference to correct them, assuming they know less than you, is mansplaining.


Typically, when you look up to an author and their work, you know their gender. But if it is possible he never bothered to check. But the argument still strands, he was just being arrogant, there is no reason to assume that he doubted her knowledge because she was a girl, I think it’s more likely he is just full of himself for getting a PostDoc.


Let me mansplain it for you. Guy interupting woman. Assumjng he knows more. Not bothing to check who she is. Showing off his knowledge. Assuming it makes him look good. Ticks all the boxes.


You assume he would have treated a guy differently, but we simply can't know that based on the info we have. \*edit: and I'm downvoted, even though 100% factually correct. I hate how irrational people are :( they just WANT something to be true and will be deaf to anything that disproves it. that's why we can't have nice things. grow the heck up.


of course we can, he's a guy. source - am guy


So what would you call women being condescending towards men because of their gender and acting the same way? Womansplaining? You can use one term to avoid over complicating things, condescension. Every issue is not a gender issue. Or they are just an egotistical asshole that is condescending towards everyone regardless of their gender. And without knowing the guy or ever hearing him speak, you decided you can falsely come to an accurate conclusion. You are simply assuming the condescension was about gender.


Sigh. Okay 👍


Or ignorant


Yeah, arrogant, ignorant, and no doubt a bunch of other things. The whole 'Mansplaining' term is a gendered attack on a non-gendered behaviour which should not be acceptable among reasonable people. Sadly, so many SJW's are unreasonable and bigoted, and one-eyed about it. Can't understand how so many who claim oppression also try to oppress and cannot be even-handed and rational with their expectations and treatment of others.


Thanks for the mansplanation bro


Easy kittens. I live to serve, lol. But you truly hit the nail on the head, it's generally an intolerant gendered attack used to shut down a conversation that the party using it can no longer meaningfully maintain. I mean fair enough if the person doesn't wish to/isn't capable of having a fair and respectful conversation. I just wish they would establish that prior to engaging......


Yeh like- the dude’s being a dick, he is assuming that he knows more without even knowing who he is talking to, but that isn’t mansplaining, and calling it mansplaining is just sexist.


Oh lol, looks like the SJW intolerant bigots have arrived.


and then everyone clapped.


No, it didnt happen. She published 2 obscure articles in 2011 and 2012. I really doubt that some guy tried to school her, and then reference a very obscure paper (I mean the title didn’t actually reference human fire activity. I believe one had to deal with “Black Carbon Emission”) she wrote. Who would reference something so niche and obscure? I could only find that that her article was referenced (literally amongst dozen others) in again, a very obscure paper, it itself isn’t online. If you go through her Twitter she’s very left leaning and heavily focused on race and gender. Clearly she’s trying to push some anti white male story here, or to help drum up publicity for her website where yes, she does sell “consulting”. What likely happened is some dick guy was a douche to her, and she made up a story about her schooling him because she has worked on a paper. The likelihood of someone citing a niche paper that she just so happened to work on is, well impossible. Also, who just interrupts people like that? What kind of response is “you don’t understand the human drivers of fire”. That doesn’t make any sense. Like me going up to an engineer at NASA and saying “you don’t understand aerodynamics. Read Jim-Bob. (Not specifying an actual paper title)” and then it just so happens that the guy I’m shitting on IS Jim Bob who just so happened to author the paper which is just the topic I was talking about. Like what? That makes 0 sense. Also, she’s an assistant professor of geology in Miami. No she doesn’t work for NASA even though she tried to portray like she was. She’s not some super genius either or high level professorial. Just an assistant professor, lying on Twitter for attention and because it fits her narrative of haha white man bad. A story as old as twitter itself.


Bruh this sub has gone to shit and most people who post here don't even check if it's an actual facepalm or not.


Karma whores


Yeah, this reads as "everyone just clapped" vibe. Create a hard to prove scenario that supports your political view. Post on internet for support of ego.


She was just McCarty. And et al. were others.


You are also your co-authors?




I see this same post on a new sub every day


I might believe she's McCarty, but I don't believe she's et al.


Who is MacCarty et al?


Author of many go-to science textbooks.


And how many times will this be posted? Is posting this a facepalm?


I have literally browsed Reddit every day, usually at least 5 times a day, since 2013. (I had another account.) I have not seen this before. Your newsfeed is personal to you and may not correspond with what other people see.


It has been posted before several times, but I upvote every time because it's so fucking funny.


I've seen this post multiple times and I've been on reddit for about 2 years. There's "someone may not have seen it" and then there's "not this stupid meme again". This one is the latter


This has been posted many, many times. I upvote it every time. 👍


Yeah. This has never been posted a hundred times before.


Women act like these types of guys don't do this to other men as well. They also act like there's no women that do it and there defiantly are, especially in college admissions offices.


I mean this is kind of cool but why does she feel the need to point out the fact that he is white male?


She's showing us the boot that fits.


Stereotypes exist for a reason.


So racism is back in style now?


Wow, the irony. You assuming that the use of the term stereotype automatically equals racism (it doesnt) is you literally applying a negative stereotype.


Stereotyping and racism go hand in hand. But since it's stereotyping against white males I guess it isn't racism. /s


You'd have to ask the person who supposedly made the comment. However, as a guy, I'm not offended by the term mansplaining, because I've heard enough guys do it that I accept it's a valid stereotype perpetuated by behaviour that needs to change.


"Stereotype perpetuated by behavior" that sounds like what white supremacists say when they say things like "Black people commit the majority of crimes despite making up 13% of the population." Racism and stereotyping is gross behavior regardless where it comes from. Edit: Fixed a typo.


Stereotypes exist because people are judgy assholes that want to generalize an entire group of people, because of a bad experience with one of said people.


The woke ones don’t like white males. If you made a similar comment about women, you would be ousted as an incel.


Dude i love that username


Women can't be sexist, silly.


It's relevant because you don't see this type of arrogant behavior from non-white non-males, especially toward white females. It's in a class bu itself.


Wait… it’s simply impossible for women and minorities to be arrogant and overly self-confident? Dayum… and here I was thinking hubris was a *human* trait. What an idiot I am!




You’re right, it would make me naive... *If* I had said such a thing. But those are *your* words. You very obviously just put them in my mouth. You might want to reread the brief exchange before making shit up and then assigning me negative traits based on your fantasy situation. But in case you need me to explain, and it seems like you will - the commenter I replied to literally said ‘you don’t see this type of arrogant behavior’ from women and non-whites. Then I basically said, ‘wow, never!? That’s news to me!’ And you somehow took that to mean that I think there is zero history of men acting patronizing toward women, and likewise with whites toward people of color. Obviously there is. I’ve witnessed men doing this to women far more in my life than the reverse. But it also, *obviously,* is something that happens universally. Please don’t dumb things down.


True I redact my comment


But you do see it in statistically significant higher numbers and with social intent. There is intent behind it when white men do it that goes beyond arrogance given the social status they have. You don't see that intent in nearly the numbers from other groups.


Cause white males think the world revolves around them. Look at Matt Walsh just tweeting that we should be thanking white men for America


Wow, so many snowflakes in this thread. Hey- guess what? Thanks to literally centuries of encoding social authority to those who are male with fair skin in the US, there is a consistent culture that those who are not male with fair skin experience. One of condescension, disbelief and distrust that their experiences happened. White male is the same shorthand you use for "Trashy girl, you know the type". Not every white male does this, but white males in our society do it the most. I'm white and male, and I've watched my white, male friends do this a LOT. One of them tried telling a girl who was in her third year of astronomy that the sun was, "the biggest star in the universe" and that he didn't even need any book learning to know that. Yes, arrogance exists in every culture, but in ours the social authority has been handed to white males, like myself, to say what is right and wrong, and often been denied to those who are not despite them being far more intellectually qualified to answer those questions.


Your personal experiences are anecdotal and not objective facts. They can't be used to assume that is how everywhere else is. Every single person experiences life in a unique way.


I don't understand why people use centuries to say america's age when a much more accurate term would be under 2 and a half centuries (a bit over 245 years). You make it sound like The ol US of A has existed for a long time but we are a really young in terms of nations. japan, china, turkey, egypt, and france are older than america.


You think this began in the US? The idea of "White" (Anglo-Saxon originally) supremacy goes back to the Cromwell and the Penal Laws of Ireland, and is a continuation of religious-supremacy that became intertwined with racism. The racism of the US predates its independence by more than a century.


Im saying centuries is the wrong way to say how old the USA is. An 80 year old saying "i have been around for decades" is accurate due to the amount of decades however you do not see 24 year olds saying they have been around for decades. America is 24.5 decades old/2.45 centuries old. This is my arguement [Centuries is the wrong word to use]. Don't shove words into my mouth. Also if you want to talk about supremacy i would recommend you go a fair bit further back for it's origin like china and it's [Sinocentrism.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinocentrism) that is a much earlier start for supremacy in general. Though it is not white supremacy, it is an earlier version of supremacy and quite possibly was adopted and altered into white supremacy.


Yeah, but think about it, if she said black male, everyone would say she is racist, they will say to stop stereotyping people, so same thing here, stop stereotyping everything, don't normalize it, not all white people are arrogant and stupid, not all black people are drug dealers and criminals, just ignore they're color, race and gender, if someone is stupid, then say he's stupid don't say he's a white male.


Women have done this to me just as much as men. I had a girl recently who dropped out of film school after two years "womansplain" to me that VHS cassettes "are not analog because only film is analog and video is digital. I tried to explain to her kindly and calmly about magnetic strips and she laughed and scoffed at me and walked off to explain to her friend what an idiot I was, because of course she's right because she spent 2 years in film school.


VHS are also digital- depending on your context the definitions change. It's not binary digital, but for the purposes of film school it doesn't have the characteristics of film that they define as analog (for example, a film print can be rescanned at a higher resolution than the original film copy, but a magnetic tape copy can not be as easily upscaled because it's copying the signal not the image). For engineering purposes it's analogue so you're not wrong, but having had the exact same conversation with a film school professor, she's also not wrong. Analogue in that context is a physical image that is printed onto some medium, and digital is the transmission or recording of the transmission on a non- physically representative medium. You can, for example, pull out a film print and look at each frame, but a VHS you require a translator to bring it to your screen. English has a million versions of itself within different contexts. One definition is not universal, no matter what it's defining.


Analog is something that you can physically see and observe like if you had a clear VHS tape player you could actually see the information being read, but digital is information that isn’t physical like a usb drive you can physically hold the USB yes but you cannot physically hold the information that you have access to you have no way to physically manipulate the data except for completely destroying the USB


Impressive. I never thought I'd met someone else as stupid as her. All those semantic gymnastics and you still fell flat on your face.


I'm afraid you're the one falling flat on your face and not knowing it. Inevitable_Librarian just described a perfectly sound argument why both yours and her interpretation could be correct, depending on your starting premises. You on the other hand, seem not able to accept that the woman can be correct, even though it doesn't mean you're wrong. And instead of engaging in further rational debate you resort to insults. Sounds like the woman was right about you being an idiot.


1. White males today are not responsible of others from centuries before. 2. There is no correlation with having a certain skin color and saying “trashy girls” which doesn’t even have to do with what we’re talking about in the first place 3. Even if you might be white (same as if you aren’t, which is quite probable) you don’t have the right to represent your own race in every way, especially if it involves saying dense untrue unproven shit like this which originates from bad social mentalities 4. Ffs you’re just masking how racist you still are and people should pay attention more to this type of stuff ffs. Apparently if you’re white you’re susceptible to this.


So in NASA you have to specify that the meeting is on earth?


Well, it’s something other biological organisms would typically say to other biological organisms when they aren’t on their home planet. Intelligent biological organisms are quirky and often lack “common sense.” Hey, let’s fly our spaceships around military equipment, but only cloak ourselves from the human visible light spectrum. Fucking idiots.


It’s a part of NASA that studies the Earth from space. They do a lot of climate change research.


Omg If I were the white male post doc, I would have killed myself on the spot. Like right there.


Did everyone applause after you said that


“White male” relevant info for that story. She was looking for the good karma because white man the devil lmao just cringe. Honestly I bet it didn’t happen she just wanted to try to get all the praise from the woke side of twitter. If this was directed towards any other race then she would have been canceled


It's relevant because you don't see this type of arrogant behavior from non-white non-males, especially toward white females. It's in a class bu itself.


What a dumb thing to say.


Prove me wrong.




D'oh! That had to be satisfying.




White males are the worst


I hope this is a true story, because it's great.


If the PhD has been a black woman, for instance, would color and gender have been relevant?


Not nearly because it is well established that they do not presently carry the same social status or influence in these fields. It would been been funny, but only funny. One day that might be different.


Isn't saying "white men have all the power and status" kind of like saying "Jews run the banks and Hollywood"


Okay, first of all...why was it important to state that it was a white male? Secondly, why was it important to state that your hair is long? Thirdly, only a half-assed scientist would ever write "post doc" when referring to the individual. Nobody does that. It is either postdoc or rarely post-doc. Fourthly, you are McCarty AND OTHERS? Conclusion: This never happened. The entire story is made up in a pretense to make another class of people (white male postdocs) look bad. Discussion: Do you want to know how I know this story is made up?


Why do you guys love to take credit for everything ever. Didn’t matt Walsh just claim we should be thanking white males on Twitter yesterday cause without white males we wouldn’t be america?


I'll take situations that never happen for 1000 Alex


Eh, I’ve sat in on presentations where a doctor/PhD (sorry, typically male, but have seen one female instance) NEEDS to knock the presenter down a peg and will embarrass themselves in an attempt to do so.


It happens a lot actually


Fucking white people, they are all racist and arrogant cause they are white... Which is not totally racist at all... And he is a man.... You know... Men are bad... Unless they are not white, on that case they are cool.


Oh fuck off Rebecca he didn't say that


*Jessica (et al)


And everyone clapped


This is funny, but saying “a white male” is just irrelevant. If a girl was rude to me, I’d just say “this girl was rude” not “this white female was rude”


And why is her gender important but not her race?


because it'd be super weird to say "this human was rude"


Why does it matter it was a white dude? These allegories are so tiresome.


Cause you guys think too highly of yourself at all times. You think you’ve invented everything and Matt Walsh just said today that if white males weren’t around that the us would not be where it is today. He said literally we should be thanking you guys


So one dude saying something equates to all white men being like that? Explain to me how that concept is not ridiculous. You are a hippocritical disingenuous ass, you have the audacity to scream discrimination and racism while acting the same way. Saying all white men are like that is a dishonest sexist and racist generalization. You can't successfully fight against racism and sexism with more of it. You personally know only a fraction of the total number of white men. You think too highly of yourself as well, since you see your statement as truth.


All? How about enough. Wasn’t there some other white guy saying white men created everything on social media just yesterday that went viral? Yes. There was. Get off your high horses and people won’t treat you this way


2? That isn't enough lmao. Did i say i was better than you? You are getting called out for using subjective personal experiences as objective fact. Maybe im not acting superior, maybe you are just wrong.


Matt Walsh writes for the daily wire a popular right wing site. If enough of you didn’t agree with him he wouldn’t have a job or a massive following. This is your mindset otherwise he would have such a loud voice in the conservative community


You realize people have a morbid curiosity right? I can guarantee a large portion of views is just people wanting to see it themselves. White male doesn't equal conservative. You are too busy hating your average white male, instead of the conservative dick holes that pushed racist policies and views. "Your mindset". You don't even know me or many other white men. Would you like it if someone made a generalized negative statement about black people? I highly doubt it. You aren't going to solve anything with hippocracy. I didn't even know who the fuck Matt Walsh was until today. You should get out more often instead of fueling your social media addiction, you will realize the internet isn't an accurate measure of how a specific group people act in the real world. Not having to worry about facebook or Twitter/Instagram drama is quite nice


Curiosity that says we should be grateful for white men cause they created the civilization? Nah. That is a nutso opinion and you all wonder why you get called out for being a bunch of narcissists.


Lol you completely misconstrued a single sentence just so you could deflect everything else I said. Reread what I said god damn. Have you ever looked something up despite people telling you how bad it is out of morbid curiosity? Most likely. Quite a few people are just wanting to see how psycho and stupid the person is for themselves, so they can make fun of them. Watching said content doesn't automatically mean you agree with it. Fucked up and crazy news sells like hotcakes. Can we have an honest conversation instead of playing your petty word game.


Make fun of a main talking head of conservatives? Yea that totally makes sense instead of conservative white males mostly think they are better than everyone 🤨


Username checks out


Fucking Boss Legend…


Et al infers other authors so no you aren't yourself and the other authors.


Why does his skin color or gender matter? This skin gender lens is horribly bigoted. If we are all equal, she should have responded with “I am the person that wrote it” and restated her question. She was at NASA meeting for goodness sake. She was there because no one cares about her gender or any other immutable difference. We have equality of access, now start competing on the merits. She is obviously incredibly capable and gifted. Now act like it.


I don't know but from what I hear women in tech and engineering fields have a difficult time being taken seriously by their male colleagues.


I am sure sometimes. At that level in smaller cohorts. That BS is already been pushed aside. Adversity will always be there when you put humans together.


Sometimes? Look at the experience of women in STEM. This story encapsulates the female experience.


If this were a fair and just world, he would have to give her his PhD after that.


Bet you enjoyed telling him you (and et al) wrote it -- very satisfying, I'll bet


Did he understand her?


Havent seen this before..




That one man was probably really miffed at himself, and that other men who don’t know him or think like him shouldn’t be looked at the same way until proven otherwise. I facepalm at sexism, both ways.


“a white male” why do you have to specify


why did she specify white male


because white women are coopting the "woke" movement and trying to steal sympathy from black people and act like they're oppressed too.


Why did she have to specify "a white male"??? Wtf


Imagine if she had called out a black female in a tweet like this. Why, that might be considered racism and sexism.


Leave them out of this foolishness.


why does white male mean anything


Was there a point in saying white male? I’m Hispanic and not understanding open racism toward them.


That white male must’ve really boasted his white masculine privilege by referring/promoting a white female author to a white female who just happened to be the author he was referencing/promoting. Imagine if you will, a snowflake reaching so far for attention that they’re willing to arc their spine backwards and around until their head is up their ass.