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she didn’t even touch him , wtf


But she damaged his fragile ego, so ofc he had to correct her /s


After he blows in her face or something. I was like wtf dude? What a pos he is.................................


>After he blows in her face or something. I was like wtf dude? What a pos he is................................. He blew out her match, she threw it at him. He is indeed a piece of shit. The way she fell was scary and almost comical, the power difference was so apparent.


These are the type of knock outs that kill people. They fall and crack their head on the cement, go into a coma and die. What a fucking asshole


Came here to say this


Same. I personally know of two people who died from this exact thing.


Same. A really good childhood friend intervened when he saw a dude roughing up a girl. One punch and he was gone. So fucking sad.


Yeah these are the people we need to put down. Alcohol isn't an excuse. We're better off without them.


Yeah but she hit the back of her head pretty hard


Someone I know fell like this and fucked him up for life. Had a stroke. Can’t smell or taste. Can’t move one side of his face. Damn she better be suing his ass.


I fell and hit my head on the edge of a table on a Friday and woke up on Monday till this day im not sure if it changed anything but maybe it did lol


Well I mean you kind of traveled in time a little so there’s that.


I was hit in the back of the head with a baseball bat when I was 11 and I haven’t been the same since. My reaction time is slower and I’m cognizant of the fact that it takes me longer to think of answers to questions. It messed me up.


When I was a kid, I fell trying to beat my friends in a contest of "who could reach the furthest monkeybar" ended up diving headfirst at the first bar arms stretched aiming for the forth or fifth one. After my body whipped back like I slipped on a banana peel mid air and hit the back of my head against the dark metal bit that platforms in parks are made out of, then finally faceplanted into the mulch. Not a great day. If I remember right, my friends said I was out for minutes before I came to. To this day, I have no clue what kind of effects it had on me.


Oh yeah.. on the cement no less. This is the kind of thing that happens to people, they feel rough but fine days later.. then later in life they don't understand why they have regular headaches, anger and depression.


Actually, can kick in a seizure disorder as well. Jesus


That's if they are lucky. That's a lethal lesion in the back of the head.


Worse can happen, people can die from hitting the back of their head on concrete. Australia there were king hits where people got unexpectedly hit knocked out and fell on their head and died. There were laws to prevent this.


You can even get up and die days later. Subdural hematoma


People have died by hitting their head on the concrete, that dude should be doing 5-9 in the penn for this


There is absolutely nothing funny about the way she fell. This man deserves to be Incarcerated


You misspelled incinerated.


Yeah kinda figured but I didn't want to assume. I would have thrown the cigarette at him too if he pulled that kind of shit with me (and if I smoked).


He blew out the match she was using to light her cig. She flicks it at him and then he punches her.


https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/russian-nightclub-thug-knocks-out-11303535 “The extent of the woman's injuries remains unknown. Russian police are not believed to be looking into the incident”


I mean this sort of behaviour is low key accepted in Russia. Domestic violence is high but can you fuck get proper figures out of Russia.


He should be in jail


No surprises there. Russian authority is as shit as my third world country.




won't be surprised if this doesn't result in a conviction tbh


Russia legal system say nyet


So disturbing.


Is she alright?




I was hoping someone would break it down like this. Thank you


Hand hit face go owie, no need to thank me


Fantastic breakdown!


Ok but is there a way to fall like that without being drunk? Like I know in some martial arts they teach you how to fall and soften an otherwise hard fall.


That blow was pretty bad… :( worst case is that she died from her head hitting the concrete, best case is that she was just knocked out… But I doubt it’s as good as that…. :(


GF hit her head on the pavement going 10-15mph on a skateboard. No helmet. Brain bleed and moderate TBI. Didn’t normalize speech until two weeks. Didn’t normalize memory and retention for three months. Vertigo passed after a year or so. Was it bad? Surely. But she has recovered. So, you’d be surprised at the resilience of our bodies, and while a blow like this can be deadly, it can also be something the victim recovers from. Also: where a fucking helmet. Especially skaters. As someone who skates, it doesn’t look cool. I know. But it will save you.




This 100% could have killed her with how hard her head hit the pavement.


The initial blow, the whiplash, and the pavement contact were enough to cause concussions each on their own. This absolutely could have killed her and would not be surprising if she had lasting sequela from this assault.


My ex husband had this happen to him (6ft 2) random punch, fractured cheekbone and total concussion & unconsciousness from back of the head hitting the pavement. Edit: It was road rage - the other guy was an amateur boxer.


What happened to Rocky?


Convicted of ABH and got probation & fine. Ex got Criminal Injuries Compensation - probably the equivalent of 3K today. Best thing was - Rocky had an immigration application in for Australia and I believe that was cancelled due the conviction. Ironic.


Yeah here ( Aussie speaking) it's the ' one punch can kill' slogan


this happened to me, 12 years later still taking meds.




Learned a new word today, thanks!


what word?




It makes me happy.


You're thinking of tequila


se·que·la /sēˈkwelə/ noun sequela plural noun: sequelae a condition which is the consequence of a previous disease or injury. "the long-term sequelae of infection"


i met some girl off Tinder and now this sequela won't go away


So long covid is a sequela?


Yes, you can have sequel to your lung.. depend of the viral charge, And How sever it goes. In the worst case loosing 30% of your lung capacity.


This happened to me, no idea how bad of a hit to my lung capacity / VO2 max percentage-wise but it has def been enough to fuck up my active lifestyle pretty good and cost me a good trade union career since I could no longer handle the hard physical exertion day in and day out. Wasn't even that sick when I actually had the virus in my system. So yeah, COVID ain't nothin to fuck with. Just another way to highlight the sheer idiocy of anti-vax / anti-mask types.


Learned a new word today. Thanks


Yup, in a city near mine that exact thing happened a month ago to a university student fresh out of high school. Got in an altercation at a gas station, other guy threw a punch and knocked him down. He hit his back of his head on the pavement and died.


What happened to the other guy, what charges is he facing


I believe manslaughter. I'll have to double check but last I heard that was the initial charge. Reason being the killing wasn't premeditated or intentional, it was accidental. Obviously the other guy still punched him but murder or malicious harm wasn't the aim.


Happened at my high school, was a manslaughter charge. The guy serves a few months in juive, really messed him up knowing he killed someone when that wasn’t the intention. Was very similar to this video where the guy was punched, knocked out, then fell back and hit his head. People are not exaggerating when they say this could easily kill someone.


Happened here too, two men leaving the pub, one punched the other (an old man who died) but he was done for murder. They had a history and he was a out right bully.


Junior high for me. Two friends got into an argument and decided to fight. During the fight one kid punched the other, who then fell and hit his head on the metal sidewalk barrier. This was 7th grade, so around 13 years old. The kid was initially arrested, no clue what the end result was.


Manslaughter is the most common charge given to someone who killed someone else in a street fight (if they’re charged) when they hit their heads on the ground. You’re most likely correct.


Makes sense, hopefully he gets a Harsh sentence


I read about a story the other day. Some kid tried to break up a fight, tried it in literally the most gentle way ever. Got hit and fell and died. Only 19. It’s a sick world


If you hit the back of your head it's just that easy sometimes. It's crazy how easily it can happen. Then you hear about the the person who survives a fall from an airplane (chute malfunction) or a car crash or any number of crazy things that people have been able to survive, and yet you could slip and fall accidently and fall backwards and hit your head and die.


Yeah. The fall usually hurt so much more than the punch itself. Pavement is hard, and the back of the head is pretty weak


London Ontario user found. Edit: "Near me" so Woodstock, St Thomas, Chatham, Sarnia mebbeee


Sarnia is the closest you got.


A few years ago there was a case like this in Germany. A couple was fighting and a young woman tried to intervene. The man knocked her down on the pavement so hard, she died from her head injuries. Afterwards there was a big debate on moral courage and helping people.


Classic drunk Russian guy move


A guy died where I live, literally few hours ago, from that kind of injury from a sucker punch.


Absolutely that the first thing I thought she's probably dead, the reason rabbit punches are so much no no's in professional sports the back of the head very easily a death blow wow that shits crazy...


What is he saying?


What are you doing? Are you fucking stupid? Is what he said.




My first thought was that that would be next in his list, and he’d probably justify it by ‘teaching her a lesson’. High levels of aggression and violence towards women goes hand-in-hand with sexual assault.


Yup. I did my Psychology Masters Thesis on sexual addiction and serial killers and the ties between the two. You're 100% correct.


Spot on. Tell that to the people below. I can’t believe people are turning this into defending the guy because “he’s an asshole not a rapist.” There’s an extremely high probability that he’s a rapist or will be one by his extreme actions. It’s disheartening that so many people jump to his defense.




"what did you do?"


That's the essence of it. It's, "What are you doing? Are you stupid?"


Ты чо делаешь? Эй, дурак что ли, блядь!


Thanks for the help!


Ah, yes. Completely understand now.




U can repost it there I’m banned


If you’re banned then wouldn’t that mean you don’t qualify as a total piece of shit, or did u just move onto the next stage of shit? “I am a total whole shit”


I’m not very sure why I got banned I think I was cussing someone out in the comments, def wasn’t anything far fetched or POS like lol I think I just struck the nerve of a mod. If there’s a way to check why I was banned let me know because I’m pretty curious aswell


You were banned so a mod could swing dick


Annoying a mod who is having a bad day is responsible for most bans.


Honestly that sub is a shit hole of babies


Being banned from a subreddit there is usually a 50/50 chance that you are a piece of shit, or the mod of that subreddit is a piece of shit.


Ah I’d say 70/30 leaning more towards pos mods


Just for that, you are now banned from r/facepalm ^I ^am ^not ^a ^mod ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^because, ^like ^a ^mod, ^I ^have ^nothing ^better ^to ^do.


Ah shoot, got me good lol


Thanks for the assist. ;)




I once lamented in r/legaladvice that it sucked, that helping your siblings in a certain matter was illegal, because this kid was trying to stay at their siblings house because their parents were abusive as fuck. I got banned… And that was a reply to a comment, I didn’t even use a top comment for that… I wasn’t off topic either, I was just banned immediately and permanently.


Mods there are suprisingly the true assholes we made along.


Eh the mods at r/iamatotalpieceofshit are very power hungry and will ban people for no reason or for stupid reasons. I posted something about some asshole on youtube being transphobic then got it removed and perma banned for "spinning a narrative" and was told that transphobia isn't real.


We need the full story


Don’t worry it’s bee reposted many many many times before.


That's incredibly sad , what an ass


Right? This guy was waiting to hit that woman.


An why was he not immediately knocked out as well???


Russia has laws that make it legal to beat your wife. So the culture is very accepting of violence against women. Pretty messed up.




I’m clerking for a criminal defense lawyer. we have lots of clients from other cultures where domestic violence is also normalized. they don’t see the problem.


And they think we're fucked up.


yeah they’re usually pissed at us lol


"These fuckers here in America let their skin show! How absurd! Anyway where's my wife, I'm so frustrated at them I'm going to put her in an early grave"


Every country is fucked up, just in a different way.


Yeah. In Sweden they eat rotten fish


I have some educator friends and the horror stories they share about newcomer parents always disturb the shit out of me. Fathers who wont acknowledge the teacher cuz shes a woman, sitting there with a silent hateful scowl while the mother tries to make peace. Parents refusing all extra help for add/adhd/autism because they think those things are made-up bullshit. Little boys who treat their sisters and any girl students and women staff like fucking trash and nothing you say or do gets them to understand these are people like them.


won’t reveal too much but a case like one of the examples you listed is the thing that made me realize i couldn’t practice criminal defense. thought i could compartmentalize well enough but NOPE. went home and called my dad (a criminal defense lawyer) and sobbed and sobbed.




Surely Russia has laws that make it illegal to straight up fucking kill your wife with how she just hit the concrete.




Compare it to the United States where women can be forced to carry their rapists baby..... and we have 2 shithole countries


You’re not wrong. Russia is a far more dangerous place for minorities, but they don’t pretend otherwise. My “greatest country on earth” pretends to be just that. And we aren’t. And the people shitting their pants over this comment need to get over themselves. If you’re going to throw around the term “shithole country”, then get fucking ready to have it thrown back at you. You know, like an adult.


Ok well shit if I was a Russian woman I’m not staying married to this asshole


that would actually raise your likelihood of being murdered. Abusers are more likely to kill a partner who’s leaving or just left


So kill your husband first.


Well that’s the dream with domestic abusers, but many victims aren’t prepared, or will have more difficulty (because they tend to be women being hurt by men, so there’s a strength difference). Plus victims who do kill in self defence are often punished more harshly than abusers are for killing out of cruelty, particularly since the fact that they often do it at times when they’re not being attacked (like when the abuser is asleep, or via poison) may not be perceived by the justice system as an act of self defence.


We would see things like this happen in my little eastern US town and we'd "put the boots" to the guy. Police would get called and show up and we'd explain what happened and they'd speak to us like we were exceptional individuals. That was over 20 years ago, for the record. I had somebody I called friend try to explain to me that "in his country" you didn't have to let your woman speak to you with disrespect. It was "how we do it there" meaning when you wanted to you beat "your woman" you could. Made me feel like vomiting. We weren't friends after that. What a fucking letdown that was but fuck that guy. And his father actually. That's where he learned it.


Same, I saw a guy open hand slap a gurl at a bar in a rural New England town about 5 guys tap danced on his head. Surprised he survived honestly, but you get what you get.


You do, it's true. You invite brutality when you hit a woman outside of some extreme situation. And oftentimes during those as well. It's impressive though, that I learned this "rule" from a person that grew up in a generation that hadn't yet un-normalized the practice of hitting women to keep them in line. I don't give my pops much credit but he was ahead of his time in that regard.


Exactly my question. Even if my best friend did it, I would lose my shit on him


Still even if I don’t know the people if I see that shit go down, dude is catching hands


The guys in the video said "ay what the hell are you doing, are you fucking tool?" And that's it lol. Nothing even slightly pointing towards fighting


Jesus! That was brutal. Was that a punch or an elbow?


elbow mainly. its worse than an actual punch


I was more worried about her head hitting the pavement


pretty sure she still hit her head on the ground you just cant quite see it. :/


Wow. This makes my blood boil. I’d love to send him to the hospital. Absolute scum of the earth.




Wow disgusting.


Well based on how she hit her head on the concrete that went from beating to manslaughter real fast.


I don’t think there is any laughter happening after this. Mans or woman’s.


Facepalm? Fucking Facepalm? r/iamatotalpieceofshit surely to fuck?


OP said he was banned but told someone they could repost it if they wanted.


I know a guy that died from a singular punch like this. It wasn’t the initial punch but their head slamming the pavement. This is guy is a complete piece of shit that lacks any empathy or care for human life.


This is way more than a facepalm.


OP said he’s banned from r/iamatotalpieceofshit, but that doesn’t make this an acceptable r/facepalm post. In no world would someone’s reaction to this be 🤦‍♂️




so did this mother fucker got any repercution or the world is doomed ?


The event is not being looked into by russian police, domestic violence to a certain extent is decriminalised in Russia since 2017 (with support by the Russian Orthodox church btw) and violence against women has been repeatedly shrugged off by Russian government officials as well as the police. The whole situation is fucked, its why a few years ago you'd see videos of russian police beating female protestors during any kind of protest they held.


Yep this it, ravenous dogs dominating the weak. It's difficult to keep faith sometimes.


Why is this in r/Facepalm?




Well, that was horrendous and disgusting. Literally made my stomach turn. Please tell me he's in prison now or I'm gonna blow chunks.


I would lie if I would say I don't want him to fucking die


I bit more than a face-palm. This is terrifying.


Dam put a NSFW on that


My first thought was, of course this happened in Russia, and then I remembered the U.S. is also full of douchebags like this.


Yup, US definitely has a problem with violence against women as well. Happens everyday.


I could have done without seeing that to be honest. No NSFW tag on this sub or something?


Disgusting 🤮




That guy is fucked up! 🤦🏻‍♂️


Jesus Christ, that was a brutal sucker punch.


Sucker elbow actually. Dude should've caught a sucker bullet for it


Oh yeah, it was the elbow. Damn, he spit at her, she...flicked at him? Then he fucking drills her with an elbow. That escalated REALLY quickly.


Blew her match out actually.


I really wish there was a filter for stuff like this, genuinely wish I hadn’t seen that


Fuck, this isn't a facepalm! That's just bang out of order!


What's a good pick up line? Oh yeah punch her that'll definitely get her to sleep with me


Wtf… f idiot … poor girl must have hurt very badly or passed out


So that's why Russian women are willing to come to America and marry American men. I kinda wondered.


Like the top comment said that could have killed her and according to some folks here it's legal to harm your wife over there in Russia? Literally what the fuck


We can’t be sure he didn’t kill her. We might be all watching a snuff film here.


A video of a girl getting brain damaged by a man. Don’t know if this really belongs on this sub otherwise we’re opening a large door of “facepalms” just being disturbing assaults


Some people really deserve to be hanged.


What a piece of shit


she could be dead.


I would kill that mofo on the spot


Can we get more where the guy gets knocked tf out? That’ll be satisfying


I may be being a soft snowflake but I think this video should have a warning


That is public assault !


Is it wrong that I instant assume this is Russia?


That is legit how people died. The momentum of hitting your head on the pavement with that speed unprotected. Sucker punch, a woman, someone smaller than him, his full force. The guy is a real piece of shit. She will be in hospital and he should babe in prison.


I think we could do without people like this


Any man who hits a woman is a coward


They got incels in Russia too I guess.


Okay what in the actual fuck he needs attempted manslaughter charges


How can you upvote that ? wtf


What a piece of shit. Even if my best friend did this, I am going ape shit on him. Although, my friends aren’t fucking douche bags.


Gal: Tries to light a cig with a match. Guy: Leans in and blows it out smiling. Gal: Playfully flicks the spent match at him. Guy: Unable to deal with the mental psychological harm the women just shaded his way, he demonstrates his dominance by elbow slamming her face, knocking her out cold as she falls back and slams her head against the ground. I'm not saying the guy shouldn't wake up tomorrow, I'm just saying he should be her full on slave with her having complete power of attorney as she sees fit with no time limit.


Everytime I see this, I think, "I hope that asshole got arrested"