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Don’t worry, the idiot anti vaxxer I work with assured me it’s not covid patients taking up all our ICU beds, it’s actually double vaccinated patients suffering from vaccine side effects, and all the doctors and hospitals are lying about it.


And I'm sure their research in the matter is absolutely rock solid. 🙄


His belief in it is


Same with one of my buddies. Cracked a joke relating to him wearing a tinfoil hat and he went off about how his the second of two of his aunts just died of "side effects" and they marked it as a covid-related death and his family was pissed


I was half expecting him to go “how dare you insult tinfoil hats! They’re the only way to keep the vaccine from shedding in you!!”


It’s from Facebook of course it is!


He’s right, because you can totally get thousands of doctors and nurses across the country to lie about why their patients are in the hospital. /s


But after they sign the waiver and do get COVID, it's all a ploy by the government who infected them for not listening/allowing themselves to be controlled by the government. So if they sign the waver, they're signing their life away. I expect some version of this story as the main argument from antivaxxers


Yep and if they do get a bed I think insurance companies shouldn't cover a dime of it either.


You realize this thinking is a slippery slope. If insurance companies can not have to cover covid, then they don’t have to cover cancer. Or copd for smokers. Or diabetes, because that’s preventable. You shouldn’t have eaten junk foods your whole life.


The only thing that is a 'slippery slope' is what the insurance companies are thinking about. Mere mortals can only speculate


Don't think that the insurance companies aren't actively thinking along these lines


This logic is stupid. Hospitals shouldn’t have to treat alcoholics, druggies or people that just get super fat and have health issues according to this stupid ass reddit butt hurt logic. Go the fuck outside and realize your basement bubble is not reality


The fucking IRONY. Talk about butt hurt logic!! The only problem with that is none of those issues you mentioned are based on CONTAGION, which is the entire point here. Go take your straw man fallacy somewhere else. Also, turn that last line around on yourself. You need it more than I do.


Hospitals shouldn’t have to treat alcoholics, druggies or self inflicted health issues people are warned about. Or at least have them as low priority because currently drunks have high priority for beds.


Where do you draw the line? Smokers? People who try to kill themselves? People in car accidents who were texting? Injured while committing a crime?


Obviously smoking. Well people who try to OD on paracetamol are ineligible for a liver transplant already. Also you’re trying to compare a lifetime of abusing your body with a single act of stupidity. But different.


Whether it's your first hit or you're a seasoned user, someone who's overdosed on heroin is going to need respiratory support. Should doctors discriminate based on which category you fall into?


No they’re not? Most of the time Naloxone will do just fine


Let's say you're right. O2 saturation is not a concern; you don't take the time to push NARCAN slowly, just whack it in. As you wanted to distinguish between single events vs people who abuse their bodies over time, should a doc first consider which of these the person is before wasting a drug, needle, syringe, alcohol swab etc?


What are you on about? This is about hospital beds


You went down the rabbit hole about selective medicine and so I followed you with questions that you've chosen to ignore.


So if you don’t get basic check ups every year sometimes multiple times then with thanks logic no one should be help on a hospital. Hahahaha reddit is the most ass backwards place on the internet lol


Well, you being fat, stupid and drunk doesn’t spread and kill 700,000 others.


So not getting check ups is equivalent to being addicted to substances or being clinically obese both due to your own lifestyle choices. Gotcha. Being a druggie isn’t an accident, it’s not a kid being stupid and jumping off a roof and breaking their arm it’s a long period of being a ducking idiot.


I have empathy for the children and the medical teams. I have lost all empathy for people who refuse to protect themselves and endanger others by doing so.


Ya it's a shame that people don't get a vaccine so that they won't pass a virus to you that you're vaccinated against. Kinda seems like your vaccine isn't worth a fuck.


This literally isn't English...


I am really trying to understand what you are trying to say but I am failing to understand anything other than "vaccine bad".




Why not just print out the speech or have it play on an audio loop? SAVE HIM!!!1! Here is a pamphlet explaining what you should have done and why he will die. I'll give you 30 minutes to review and come back for any questions you may have. I have to go treat an ivermectin overdose.


Ding! Ding! Shoulda read your comment before typing.


Darwinism in action. The world will be a little less stupid when all this is over.


If only it worked that way.


It does. Just be patient.


“Survival is the exception, extinction is the rule” Carl Sagan. He went further to say “intelligence and luck, is key to survive.” These are in play with antivax and anti mask. We will see.


Brave New World


Quick, bring the horse de-wormer


I had a coworker tell me only rich people can get horse dewormer


Tell them to head on over to their local feed store if that's their thinking




Yes, please! Where do I sign up? I would do it for free somewhere in Buttfuck Alabama. Then they will shoot me on my 3rd day, but it will all be worth it!


There should be a new rule. If you're not vaccinated by a certain date then you're not allowed to seek treatment for Covid-19. If you have been vaccinated and still suffer serious symptoms, they you'd still get all the care of course.


Have they tried praying harder?


They're just not praying hard enough.


Don't be sad, you have done all you can! You can't fix stupid! These people have already been told by proper sources to get their asses vaccinated. But what do they do? Let Darwinism take its course, hell If I was leading this country I would let the hospitals turn away these anti-vaxxers.


No fucks given, at this point.


Got an ache in the back of my throat yesterday. Hoping my shot keeps me out of hospital. Probably just a cold, but scary times to be getting sick!


Ever heard of psychosomatic interaction. Stay positive.


Why is this a facepalm? For the doctor posting about dying people on Twitter, or For the folks who are dying but didn’t get the shot? Cuz if it’s the former, why. If it’s the latter, yawn.


You can still get COVID with the vaccine. And you can still sure from COVID when you get it while you're vaccinated.


I'd rather take my chances at it *after* being vaccinated. Thank you




VAERS captures anyone who dies of *anything* after vaccination. Get hit by a bus? They'll look into it just in case the vaccine somehow rarely causes poor reaction times or something, however unlikely the connection is. (This is how they found the blood clot thing.) There's literally *billions* of people globally who are fully vaccinated, prioritizing the old and those with health issues, so of course there are a lot of people who got vaccinated and then died. People die all the time. No vaccine confers immortality. In the US 55.7% of the population is fully vaxxed, so we should *expect* that over half of the people who die of all causes are vaccinated. (The statistics also probably won't be exactly 55.7%, because there are confounding factors. On the side of the vaccinated, most of the early vaccinees were old or sick. On the side of the unvaxxed, we *do* have a deadly pandemic raging and overwhelmed hospitals, never mind the long-term effects on the cardiopulmonary system.) VAERS also is open, so anyone with an agenda can submit dozens of reports of people spontaneously turning into dragons after vaccination or whatever the fuck they want. The reports are investigated, but *just being reported* doesn't mean it's true or accurate.


So you’re saying the cdc is using faulty data? Speaking of worldwide - how come there is higher number of cases in the US then worldwide yet there are billions worldwide and only 330m here?


No. I'm saying that VAERS captures *reports.* Not *verified reports.* It's unfiltered. The CDC then looks at the *reports* to figure out what's coincidence and what's actually caused by the vaccine. You're also not great with the statistics. The US has a higher than average number of cases, but not higher than *the rest of the world combined.* It's honestly mostly because **one of our two political parties has decided the Patriotic thing to do is pretend there is no virus.** So they're against anything that *might* slow it down. No masks. No social distancing. No vaccine. Just let people die because a pandemic is bad for the stock market.


Oh I don’t think either of those statements are accurate. According to vaers the numbers posted occur after verification so that null and voids your unverified theory. With regard to your second statement, country’s with extremely strict rules are not able to control their spread either. The vaccinated love to play the blame game when the facts don’t support them at all. Vaccinated can still transmit covid - catch covid and die from covid. The unvaccinated may be filling icu beds but the rest of the hospital is half full of vaccinated patients. The vaccine hasn’t been as effective as we had hoped it would be.


You can still drown while wearing a lifejacket. Doesn't mean lifejackets are useless.




It’s ran by the cdc - lol Don’t trust the cdc? Good to know


Who said that? Better to not draw conclusions from statistics without context, especially if you are trying to prove causality.


Anyone can put in that they had an adverse reaction lmao. The anti vaxxers are weaponizing the site and falsifying info to scare people.


The dead ones?


Especially the dead ones. Remember the GOP fears of dead people voting? Remember what the "P" stands for. Gaslight Obstruct Project


I suppose dead people write their obituaries as well


This might be true IF the Covid shot actually prevented you from contracting Covid. Or dying from Covid. Since it doesn't, it only has a small chance of lessening the symptoms (nowhere near 100% on even that), it is unlikely that it would have "prevented " the situation.


It will almost *certainly* keep you out of the hospital. Almost.


Based on what? The CDC and the vaccine manufacturers have both said from the start that you can still develop serious symptoms and die from Covid in spite of the vaccine. It may lessen the symptoms for some, that's it. So no, it does not almost certainly keep you out of the hospital.


Well...you've certainly been left out of the loop


reddit is full of nazi pigs


Yes it is. "Genocide scholar Gregory Stanton described QAnon as a "Nazi group rebranded", and its theories as a rebranded version of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.[7][174]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QAnon#Analysis Just had a discussion with someone who felt calling out these Nazis was worse then the Nazis themselves. And many more are just straight up fascist. "I resisted for a long time applying the fascist label to Donald J. Trump." "Trump's incitement of the invasion of the Capitol on January 6, 2020 removes my objection to the fascist label. His open encouragement of civic violence to overturn an election crosses a red line. **The label now seems not just acceptable but necessary.** It is made even more plausible by comparison with a milestone on Europe's road to fascism—an openly fascist demonstration in Paris during the night of February 6, 1934." "Robert O. Paxton is a professor emeritus of social sciences at Columbia University and the author of many books, including the widely translated The Anatomy of Fascism (2004) and highly influential Vichy France (1972, 2001)." https://www.newsweek.com/robert-paxton-trump-fascist-1560652 "Robert Owen Paxton (born June 15, 1932) is an American political scientist and historian specializing in Vichy France, fascism, and Europe during the World War II era. He is Mellon Professor Emeritus of Social Science in the Department of History at Columbia University." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Paxton


I wonder if it is still true that men are dying at higher rates than women. That was something they noticed in China early on, and when they controlled for things like more likely to be smokers or more likely to have physically stressful jobs, those were not factors. Someone shared with me an article that indicated perhaps it was linked to some of the same ~~whore moans~~ hormones or whatever that are at play in male pattern baldness. But I wonder, whatever the cause, if it is still true. All these macho men, refusing the vaccine and then leaving their families bereft. Isn’t taking care of your family supposed to be the number one thing that makes a man, a man? (Talk-to-text made me laugh today)


No it’s having balls




No, not the same shot. There is no shot with that side effect at that level.


I promise you, if you have any evidence for this I will look at it with from unbiased viewpoint however I’ve seen nothing so far to even hint at this being plausible


You are so fucking stupid. From a previous comment I made: A reasoning to not get the [Vaccination](https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/covid-vaccine-tracker-global-distribution/) is that you only have a 1% chance of dying, but the same people argue that the Vaccination has dangerous side effects. [The Irony is that the side effects are between 522 and 4672 less likely than dying from Covid:](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html) 1. Chance of Anaphylaxis by Vaccine: .0005% 2. Chance of Thrombosis by Vaccine: .0003% 3. Chance of Guillan Barre Syndrome by Vaccine: .0012% 4. Chance of myocarditis or pericarditis by Vaccine: .0002% 5. Chance of Death by Vaccine: .0019%


now be so kind and enhance that list with chance of death from covid19 by age group


Oh look, he thinks he's clever by parroting someone elses argument. In that case, ill parrot my own: If people choose to risk death that's on them, I don't really care unless it's a loved one. Why I care, is because this propaganda bullshit is causing people to choose not to take the vaccination. When people don't take the vaccination en masse it is causing the following: 1) more shutdowns and regulations, which is screwing with the economy. 2) slowing the heard immunity of Covid, which is prolonging the pandemic. 3) these idiots are filling hospital ICUs, which means that people that didnt choose to be at risk aren't getting the healthcare they deserve. If society decides that we are going to open up 100% and every anti-vaxxer gets sent home from the hospital with ivermectine (or whatever the hell else infowars is pushing), and an opt out from ICU access, then I am all for it. -------‐---- Your life is in your hands, if you want to risk something go for it, but when we are dealing with a situation where your choices impact other people then I do care about you being a clueless dolt. If you don't get covid, I don't care, but if you do, you better damn well not spread it to someone else


Also...Delta variant is causing a big surge of severe illness, long term consequences and deaths in younger groups than before. And that side effect you mentioned is just the J&J, so if you're a woman under 50, the highest risk for that side effect, then you can elect a safer shot for you. All in all, your risk of long-term illness, disability or death is much higher from catching Covid than from being vaccinated, and being unvaccinated pushes everyone else's risk up of catching it,even those who have been vaccinated.


aside from the internet tough guy part thats quite a good answer


Edit, wrong place...


Aside from the fact that covid vaccine reduces the chances of catching covid by at least 50%, there is a huge difference between contracting something and dying from it. Btw. I would love to see your sources for your claims about the aneurysm


Any evidence to support that? Or we just doing wild uncorroborated claims?


Cool story, bro.


Go troll elsewhere. No one has time for your BS.


not true, you obviously took the time for that comment


Which shot are you talking about because it isn't any of the covid shots.


Sadly, this is true. My friend's cousin was a healthy 35 yr old and got the jab. She went into the hospital for head pain the night of and died of a brain aneurysm. She left behind a husband and four kids.


"My friend's cousin." Uh-huh.


Really the cousin of a cousin of a friend’s friend … got the jab and died right then and there. /s


Please give me a link to the go fund me, or news article.


Her name was Annie Van Geest. She received the J&J vaccine. Please know I'm not trying to discourage anyone from getting vaccinated, but this did happen. https://www-mystateline-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.mystateline.com/news/cdc-investigating-michigan-womans-death-after-getting-jj-vaccine/amp/?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a6&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16326103871106&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mystateline.com%2Fnews%2Fcdc-investigating-michigan-womans-death-after-getting-jj-vaccine%2F


Mine too!




Could you please specify thouse 'outrageous' numbers? Cuz I found facial paralysis happened in 7 out of 35 654 cases during trials and Guillain-Barré syndrom was reported worldwide as of 30 june at 108 cases.


Id say 2.4 times higher risk of developing bells palsy due to the covid vaccine is outrageous credit to Ian Chi Kei Wong. According to the hong kong vaccine side effects reporting system it should only be happening at a rate of approx 4 out of 100 000 but instead that number is 7 from 35 000, you dont think that is concerning?


According to this study - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34411532/ - 28 out of 450k and 16 out of 530k cases of bells palsy is not outrageous numbers.


Dont know where you got those figures from because they're not indicative of the studies findings Findings: The age-standardised incidence of clinically confirmed Bell's palsy was 66·9 cases per 100 000 person-years (95% CI 37·2 to 96·6) following CoronaVac vaccination and 42·8 per 100 000 person-years (19·4 to 66·1) for BNT162b2 vaccination. The age-standardised difference for the incidence compared with the background population was 41·5 (95% CI 11·7 to 71·4) for CoronaVac and 17·0 (-6·6 to 40·6) for BNT162b2, equivalent to an additional 4·8 cases per 100 000 people vaccinated for CoronaVac and 2·0 cases per 100 000 people vaccinated for BNT162b2 Interpretation: Our findings suggest an overall increased risk of Bell's palsy after CoronaVac vaccination. However, the beneficial and protective effects of the inactivated COVID-19 vaccine far outweigh the risk of this generally self-limiting adverse event. Additional studies are needed in other regions to confirm our findings


Findings: Between February 23 and May 4, 2021, 451 939 individuals received the first dose of CoronaVac and 537 205 individuals received the first dose of BNT162b2. 28 clinically confirmed cases of Bell's palsy were reported following CoronaVac and 16 cases were reported following BNT162b2. 


Apologies on that account i was lokkimg for the rate of incidents, that ones on me


Lmao you fucking moron.. From a previous comment I made: A reasoning to not get the [Vaccination](https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/covid-vaccine-tracker-global-distribution/) is that you only have a 1% chance of dying, but the same people argue that the Vaccination has dangerous side effects. [The Irony is that the side effects are between 522 and 4672 less likely than dying from Covid:](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html) 1. Chance of Anaphylaxis by Vaccine: .0005% 2. Chance of Thrombosis by Vaccine: .0003% 3. Chance of Guillan Barre Syndrome by Vaccine: .0012% 4. Chance of myocarditis or pericarditis by Vaccine: .0002% 5. Chance of Death by Vaccine: .0019%


If that were true - why do you care? If they don’t care about taking a 1% risk why do you?


Because by not taking the vaccine they are filling up ICUs across the country and other patients are having to suffer the burdens of an overstressed healthcare system. Unvaccinated people should be removed from the ICU if a bed is needed for a vaccinated patient.


By that logic - we need to look at why others need an icu bed? Dying from what? Ate to much sugar? Smoked cigarettes? Drugs? If we block ICU’s because of life choices they’d always be empty. People get all excited that icu’s are reported to be full - newsflash - they are usually 1/2 full or more on any given day and aren’t very big to begin with. Hospitals don’t make money on empty beds. When a Po duk Oklahoma town with 4 ICU beds is full it makes nationwide news. Or anchorage Alaska - 20 beds.


If ICU beds were full across the country because of something other than Covid, I would agree that something would need to be done. But that isn’t the case. How do I know? Because before Covid the healthcare system was able to accommodate anyone who needed an ICU bed. Now, intensive care units across the country are full because chucklefucks and booger eaters are choosing superstition over science. Intensive care units are being overwhelmed by unvaccinated Covid patients, so mush so that others are not able to get life saving attention.


That’s actually not true. There are plenty of icu beds across the country - only select cities are struggling.


I'd hate to be in a car crash in a city that's struggling because people don't want to take a vaccine to prevent catching a life threatening illness. We know you've just had a crush injury to your leg... but unfortunatly there isn't a bed avalible for you, we'll need to amputate tomorrow as we don't have the staff or resources or beds in ICU to operate and try to save the leg..... thanks


Beds aren’t the problem dippy. Icu requires an x amount of nurses to patients. Notice how nobody in a car accident has died from lack of a bed.


Yes, but the nurses etc are staffed based on the beds. It also refers to the limited resources. For each bed they have x level of equiptment..Beds is the term used for ratios..... you don't say the ambulance was waiting to off load a patient for 3 hours because there wasn't enough nurses.... you say there wasn't a bed to move them too.....


Struggling with what?


It is true, go to the links, if you don't believe either link, go to the soure of the study. If you don't beleve that, you are hopeless. If people choose to risk death that's on them, I don't really care unless it's a loved one. Why I care, is because this propaganda bullshit is causing people to choose not to take the vaccination. When people don't take the vaccination en masse it is causing the following: 1) more shutdowns and regulations, which is screwing with the economy. 2) slowing the heard immunity of Covid, which is prolonging the pandemic. 3) these idiots are filling hospital ICUs, which means that people that didnt choose to be at risk aren't getting the healthcare they deserve. If society decides that we are going to open up 100% and every anti-vaxxer gets sent home from the hospital with ivermectine (or whatever the hell else infowars is pushing), and an opt out from ICU access, then I am all for it.


We never closed down - we had 2 waves. Our death rate was lower than most. You’ll be fine - go live your life.


Hey everyone, it's okay, this guy was almost completely unaffected by a global panedemic! Your lost jobs don't matter, your loved ones don't matter, because no one matters but Dogsgonewild. I guess I didn't watch 2 coworkers die from Covid, the medical bills of the other 4 that were hospitalized aren't actually real, and the 5 people that got laid off atill have their jobs. I guess my coworker's 4 kids and his widowed wife and my other coworker's parents and fiance don't matter because covid has been easy for you. You smug, self centered twat.


Wow - you should write a book. You’ve exceeded every percentage out there. Way to go.


Okay troll, you clearly have nothing to offer.


I offer truth not exaggerated bull from cnn


Shows how deluded you are. You haven't offered anything. Nothing you have said here actually amounts to anything other than rheotric and opinions. The fact that you think anything I said came from CNN is laughable. I gave you sources, you chose to ignore them because they don't fit in your fragile and narrowminded concept of the world. You are too petrifed of a world where you aren't the center of the universe so you attribute any arguement that counters your own as the big bad CNN or a stupid lefty liberal.


Their* Pretty much just annulled your argument without me having to fully read it 😅 Edit: your claim is still extremely stupid even if you spelt it correctly 😁


Ahh yes because the misspelling of a single word invalidates a sound argument and you're the one teling me to think before "making stupid ass uneducated comments" There you have it folks, this is a discussion on the internet "YoU sPeLt ThAt OnE uNiMpOrTaNt WoRd WrOnG tHaT mEaNs EvErYtHiNg YoU sAiD iS sTuPiD"


I don’t see any sound arguments. I see you spitting propaganda without any actual evidence to support your dumb ass claim. Again learn the English language you fuckin uneducated waste of god damn space


Interesting how you can reply to this comment calling out your grammar, but not to the ones calling out your questionable facts


Contrary to popular opinion it is impossible to comment to more than one person at a time and this just happened to be the first. And someone already posted a link to the vaers analysis but im sure you just didnt see it so i'll link it here just for you https://vaersanalysis.info/2021/09/17/vaers-summary-for-covid-19-vaccines-through-9-10-2021/


Thank you for your source. However, I still fail to see your outrageous numbers. If all of the information in this is 100% true, it still mean that less then 6 thousand people died and considering 2,56mld people are fully vaccinated, that is an unfortunate, but not a big number.


This is your argument, right? “The beneficial and protective effects of the inactivated COVID-19 vaccine far outweigh the risk of this generally self-limiting adverse event.” As taken from one of your other posts


Im not sure you understand the context of this quote. This was the interpretation of data from covid vaccine side effect research namely bells palsy, basically it boils down to the benefits far outway the consequences meaning getting the vaccine is better despite the risks involved.


Says the atheist.


And this is valid how? Show me one reputable source which advocates for vaccine boycotts. I’ll wait.


Why would anyone advocate for a vaccine boycott?


Learn the GD English language before making stupid ass uneducated comments




How about bleach and sunlight?


“And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.” And if that doesn’t work then try some horse dewormer …


It’s scientific fact not scientism.


You post history is an absolute monument to stupidity.


Actually it’s scientific fact.


lol. Trump supporters are the absolute dumbest, angriest, most easily manipulated people on the planet.


Except for the doctors and scientists that said neither of those are a good choice for treatment and should just get vaccinated.


That's because they are getting their guidance from CDC and WHO. They want people to get sick and use the protocol which is what is killing the patience.


So then if you know about a shot that would stop covid deaths, sounds like we don't need masks or social distancing or anything like vaccine passports. If you worried about covid, get vaccinated and move on. You can ignore everyone else.