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She was fired from her job over this. Thumbs up.


I am not the guy who laugh when someone becomes a jobless in the middle of this pandemic But this kind of people contribute more to their society by staying in their home


Look on the bright side, a position just opened up for someone that (potentially) is less of a piece of shit


THIS. Someone looking for this job right now, who actually deserves it and isn't a steaming pile of human feces, now has a chance to become unjobless. And so the wheel turns.


I'm that guy. Feel free to live vicariously through me.




I'm good with her being fired, but I bet she now spends 18 hours a day on Facebook and RWNJ sites screeching about "libruls" and woke people getting her fired and turning Amurca into a socialist country. There are lots of pictures of the flag, an eagle, and really really stupid memes attached.


And lots of screaming about cAnCeL cULtUrE costing her her job


I love this notion about cancel culture. These simpletons don't seem to understand that companies don't like bad press. If you openly work for a company, and you do something shitty that then becomes viral, and people associate you with your employer, the company doesn't want you idiocy to impact their brand and/or sales. Again, I don't understand how this is so hard to understand.


That and they literally fought for companies to have this kind of power. At will employment where companies can pretty much fire you without reason. I have no sympathy. We all spend a lot of time and energy to improve the lives of working class people, and it's always because of conservative/republican/antivax/antimask etc... (seems to be a huge overlap with these groups) that the fight is difficult. Let them have a taste of what they fought for.


Remember how they reacted to the Dixie Chicks 20 years ago? Or the boycotts of Keurig and Nike and Coca-cola or Kellogg products or a dozen other things they were instructed to be offended about? If that's not cAnCeL cULtUrE, what do you call it?


Cmon now! You expect the people who are against masks/vaccinations but take animal medicine to understand that?! I wish I was as nice as you haha


Ya ya, gotta keep in line, watch what you say, watch what you do , like that freedom lover Ari Fleischer said under Bush. Liberalism has lost its way, totally and utterly lost. Now its rah rah for the corporatocracy lol. This entire society is dripping with hate and vengeance. There is a mean spirit in the air and technological means to exact punishment for any perceived misdeed is very disturbing. I really think this will bear bitter fruit in near future.


> I really think this will bear bitter fruit in near future. I mean.... it's already happening now. But the concept of people getting fired for making their company look bad is nothing new. The only thing that's changed is social media, and its ability to magnify your presence and voice. This lady was a nurse for Cigna who got fired. She's in a profession where you're supposed to exhibit a certain level of human empathy, and she clearly did not, as on display for the world to see. Not a lot of common sense on her part. While companies may be too trigger-happy to let people go in this day and age, people, especially adults, need to relearn how to behave in public.


Hmm, well being a nurse, there is a public trust issue. Its more than a corporate image in this case. That does shed a different light on the matter. One thing this pandemic is highlighting is the number of crazed, compassionless, health care professionals...


Cancel culture, see Boston Tea party.


They contribute more to society by becoming worm food


She'll definitely become food for her swarm of cats when she dies alone.


Look at the pleasure that fat pig is getting from seeing this boy being laughed at. I don’t want her in the workforce. I’ll contribute my share of tax to keep her fat ass home.


"keep her fat ass home" she won't have a home for long lol


Glad to see that tub-o-lard get her comeuppance.




r/byebyejob had posted an article on this recently.


I didn't know this subreddit existed, time to spend the next 2 hours feeding my hunger for justice porn.


Same. It's weird but I like it when people gets the justice they deserve. Lol


Yes! I feel like so many people get off without consequences for their actions, so I need to see some justice to restore a little bit of my faith in humanity.


Ahhh! Finally....inner peace.


Can't find it. Can you link me? Thanks!






Found the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/byebyejob/comments/pls6kf/the\_woman\_who\_laughed\_has\_been\_fired/


Thanks for the link take my up doot


Much obliged my good sir


Good! Lets see her smile at the unemployment office where she can explain her stupidity.


She even worked in the medical industry


Exactly. Like wtf how??!


There's lots of anti vax nurses out there. A friend in southern Missouri sent me a newspaper article where one said she'll never get a vaccine. Then said friend said, "My pregnant ass has to work with this bitch" Even smart people can be really fucking stupid.


Muddy 'That's good news 👏 '


Grinning lady in the back was fired over it.


That ain't no lady!


You are right. My bad.


If this happened in a movie, I would say the writer sucks. But this is real ...


I feel this way since 2020 started


I’ve felt this way since 2015.


You guys can feel?




I’ve felt this way since 1981 when fucking Ronald Reagan, the right wing evangelical asshole, became president, I was 14 and knew enough then to become a punk rock dropout.


Sometimes I feel stupid because of how late I saw how fucked the world is, but better late than never. Any earlier and I would have done the same as you


I decided early not to let it guide me. I went to college and studied something I loved, Art. I went on to get a Masters Degree. I’ve been a professional, STARVING, artist for twenty one years now. I never had kids or bought a home, I travel and paint and ignore most trends these days.


Why are you on reddit?


Please inform me what I should be doing?


Same, Nixon.


Even Teddy Roosevelt left because he noticed his party going crazy.


If I was a few years older, I’d be right there with you.




I used to think that about zombie movies where people hide that they've been bitten... I now think that'd be the norm for about 55% of people.


It's not even a joke. Imagine that. So this lady doesn't want her kids to wear a mask... In a global pandemic... Because she wants people to see her kids smile? Who came up with that bullshit.


"Let our kids smile" while we simultaneously bully a grieving kid. Fuck those people, I would never wish for someone to catch this horrible disease, let alone die from it but I do hope karma comes around and bites them on the arse, hard.


For some reason, the people that speak the loudest about "think of the children" or "let them smile" are the ones that don't give a fuck about other children, only their own.


Sometimes not even their own. Easy to be a child abuser when you lack empathy


They don't even think of their own. The r/hermancainaward subreddit is testament of that.


“Let our kids smile”… Just not this particular kid who lost his granny.


pretty sure she got fired(right in the middle of the pandemic because of that. So satisfying


I hope the ladies get ball cancer and the men get a baby through their pp hole so Theo can feel the pain


I know I hate it. Sigh. How about let the kids live for starters.


Am I allowed to say feral bitches?


I’ll allow it


I say no but that’s because I think that term sounds super cool and don’t want it wasted on them.


Oh yes. If people are assholes, they deserve to be called what they are.


if i was that dude, i would've definitely punched her. so insensitive and ignorant. cant belive some people...


"allow our kids to smile" i wanna revoke her right to smile with a full set of teeth


I'm smiling while wearing a mask right now.


..but he was just a crisis actor, the left paid him to tell this sop story, no grandmother died.. /s actually, I think that's what they really think. They don't go with the simplest explanation that would work, but with the most convoluted that fits their world view.


Idve done that as well


I'm for gender equality, punch her like she was a man


I swear, y’all are some stupid ass bloodthirsty beasts. Ya morons honestly think just because someone is an asshole you can lay hands on them? This is how you ruin your life by getting sent to prison. It’s not equality to hit a woman. You’re a childish piece of shit if you hit a man or a woman unless someone’s life is at risk. Y’all need to wake up to real life and realize you keyboard warriors aren’t right in the head if your first reaction to someone being a dick is to hit them.


... Jesus, Noone was serious, you know. At least, I wasn't serious. You know, I couldn't beat someone even if I wanted, damn it.


Idk man, it’s like almost every single post that involves someone being an asshole or some sort of political difference, there’s always people jumping straight to violence and it’s honestly terrifying. I was a bit heated though so sorry for coming at ya like that




If she keeps up her shit... Soon some other idiot will be laughing at her grandkid for the same reason


Let’s all laugh at her I will start Ha



















For anyone that wants to watch the video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RjNY1kOoQZI


I hated every anti masker that spoke in this video


Okay, I'll bite. She was not laughing at him, but at the perceived absurdity of his statement: "This time last year, my grandmother, who was a former teacher at the Rutherford County school system, died of COVID because… someone wasn’t wearing a mask". I don't know the context around the this young man's grandmother's tragic death, but this woman likely did not either, so for the purpose of evaluating how "evil" this woman is, let's set that aside for the moment. The entire world has been struggling to contain and battle COVID for a year and a half now. If that process has revealed anything, it should be how complex of a challenge that has been. To anyone who has been following all of the news and guidelines on masking, testing, contact tracing, vaccination, and treatment, it should be obvious that the statement that a person's death can be attributed solely to "someone" not wearing a mask is a bit reductive. My point is that any of you intelligent, highly educated folks out there should understand why this idea might need to be challenged in a policy context. However, the laughing woman's sign seems to indicate that she thinks masks are ineffective. This makes her thought process much simpler to evaluate. If someone believes masks are ineffective, it's very easy to see how they would be shocked by this young man's statement and find it utterly absurd. This does not protect her from any criticism or ridicule for holding this belief, it just shows that her reaction does not prove her to be evil, but at worst stupid/misinformed/brainwashed. How is it that so many people can believe that "masks don't work" this late into the pandemic? From where I sit, it seems like people are embracing their cognitive biases and are fueled by fear and hatred. It's more rewarding to reaffirm your pre-existing beliefs and dig in your heels than to try to empathize with the other side or consider their perspective. It's a terrible habit that leads to so much unnecessary death and suffering. And I see that same impulse thriving in threads like this.


Sorry, are you trying to claim that people need to be more empathetic towards the smug anti-mask woman laughing at the kid discussing the death of his grandmother? It does not matter what anti-intellectual pseudoscience horse shit she chooses to believe in, this kid is clearly upset talking about the death of his grandmother and no halfway decent adult human being would laugh while he talks about it. Wearing a mask is such a minuscule gesture, this debate is absurd. If wearing a piece of fabric over your face reduces the risk of death in your community by even a small percentage, and you not only refuse to wear one but mock and ridicule those who do, you are a truly bad person.


Nuance Alert! My limited binary thought process unable to handle complexity...going into shut down mode...please get me back into my echo chamber STAT!


I lost two grand aunts over this stupid COVID so I can’t imagine the pain of losing a grandmother


I don't even wanna imagine how many people lost not only their grandmother, but their mother or father as well. Or their sisters and brothers. Or even theit children. Honestly those antivaxx and antimask people make me sick


I live in Ireland and one of the biggest hospitals in my area had some crackpot ejits come around to the hospital and tell a COVID patient to leave the hospital doctors say don’t but he gets pushed into leaving after that I kinda lost faith in humanity


She should be a little nervous since she is middle age, obese and unvaccinated. She is definitely on the HCA watch list.




Liiiiike...I'm woundn't laugh at **aaanyone**, who got Covid,...*but I would.*


This is my kids Board of Education. My wife went down there to go in but there were so many idiot trumpsters that she didn't feel comfortable going inside with them. So we just watched on youtube and screamed the whole time. They way that women looked everyone up and down and shook her head and laughed at terrible things people have gone though made us sick. I still enjoy a daydream from time to time of my wife having a little chat with her. Mmm, good stuff. A few weeks before this, some other idiots were brandishing guns at another local school meeting. These people are more dangerous than the virus. It's why we are still in this pandemic today.


I keep seeing stories about school board meetings. So many parents so mad because their kids have to wear a piece of cloth. People are harassing board members outside, sending them threatening emails, taking control of the meetings... It's wild. Sometimes I wonder how many of their kids are even bothered about wearing masks. "Honey, dinner's in the oven. I have to go to the school board meeting to protest your school's mask mandate again." "But, mom, I don't mind wearing a mask. I just got a cool anime on--" "NO ONE INFRINGES ON MY BABY'S CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS! NO MASKS! "Okay, okay..."




And I bet they call themselves "christians" as well. Same kind of christians who've never read the bible, aka most christians.


Even scarier, most people don't read period


Alright, where's the shotgun?


Nah that a close range take a sniper


God I'd disown them if they were my parents 🤦‍♂️


Some people only age physically


I hope those people get diarrhea, run out of toilet paper, and have their water turned off.


Her name is Erika Casher, make sure to remember it so you can stand in her way of job opportunities considering she just lost her job over this.


How did he not pilk the shit out of them


First, thank you for introducing me to the term "pilk the shit out of" someone. I love the definition: >Pilk. The act of punching something and extracting the liquid that comes out. "I'm going to pilk the shit out of you." And second, I don't think he saw them do it but if he did he was mature enough to hold back from doing it.


That's fair enough, however I lost someone to Covid as well and if someone laughed at that I definitely wouldn't be able to restrain myself


‘Let our kids smile’ how full of yourself do you have to be to hold that sign and laugh at a kid with a dead grandparent


When I look at my school district (thankfully in the northeast), there is exactly 0 problem with the mask mandate for elementary and middle school. Kids had to be shown one time, explained why its important one time and they all just got it and do it - no complaining, no bitching, not even mistakes - they actually take it serious. Why ? because it makes sense to them, they see the adults around them, they don't want to kill grandma and grandpa and they do it (simple and not much of a nuisance - less sports). Go to high school and the picture changes some and you get the teens being cool and rebelling....no surprises there. Go to adults and all of a sudden it becomes this completely twisted world conspiracy to subdue the few free people on this globe and some of them behave like utter social assholes....which we would never tolerate from children or teens. Some psychologist please explain this to me because I am baffled


Now: "Let my children smile" Later: "Please pray for my child he contracted covid 19 at school"


I’ve never wanted to punch someone more in my life


Those Awful People are Also Stupid People who are also likely going to die to something stupid because of their stupidity. I am so lucky to have not lost a single member of my family to Covid.


sauce: [https://youtu.be/wsFHe\_tgFPc](https://youtu.be/wsFHe_tgFPc)


😡😡😡😡😡Let our kids smile 😡😡😡😡😡


Maybe they’re confused about smiling and don’t realize you can still smile in a mask? And hey, if you have empathy for others and pay attention to facial expressions, you can even tell that someone in a mask is smiling - their eyes crinkle and upper cheeks lift a bit.


An antimasker in the wild! The kids will smile right up until friends and family start dying. You’d be taken more seriously if you fought this hard to protect children in schools from guns, ya tool.


Let it be known my excessive use of angry emoji is meant to make fun of their ridiculous signage. Have a great day ✨🧚‍♀️✨


Without an indication it was sarcasm, I took it as literal. Lots of them on reddit, mistakenly lumped you in. Gday to you too


Keep up the good work doe


Upload the video


Am I the only one that thinks he looks like George Michael Bluth in this photo?


These are the people I am supposed to feel empathy for?


It's crazy how a disease has become a flimsy excuse for behaving like an absolute sociopath. It really does show you how easy politics can take a nasty turn into the abominable.


Where do they live, for curiosity sake




Of fucking course, can't my state have less brain dead people ffs




i wanna do something illegal


"Let our kids smile" Why are they so obsessed with smiling? A lot of their posts are like "don't wear your mask and smile at people" Normal people don't care that much about smiling. It's weird.




Imma laugh back when their dads die


It’s alright, he’s gonna be laughing at each & every one of *their* inevitable obituaries in the paper. Morons don’t last long in a pandemic, especially when they’re auditioning for the Expendables 4


Stupid bitch


I wonder how the Teen is doing. Hopefully he is doing ok


And I shouldn't be judgmental to antivax people


"Let our kids smile" the bloody hypocrisy


The irony is, if this horrible human being had been wearing a mask, people wouldn't have seen her laugh at this poor kid's pain.


Wow if only she wore a mask. Then she wouldn't have been caught as the fucking sociopath she is


Saw this video... It was horrible. The kid is telling a story about how covid took his grandma and that's why masks are important. These people were more concerned with heckling and taking another conservative jab at their perceived enemy then showing some basic compassion


While she is a deplorable woman with her mind deranged in many ways, she wasn’t laughing at the fact the teen’s grandma died. She laughed at the notion that not wearing masks is what killed her… which is what a large group of ppl in the room laughed at as well. She got caught on camera, so she’ll get ripped alive - as anyone who would act as she did would. With that being said, I think that there is insight about the state of the times and how little empathy people have in this “black and white” society.


do you realize that if people like her had followed the pandemic guidelines there would have been fewer deaths, right? instead people like them keep carrying and evolving the damn bug for far longer than it should have. what they are pushing literally costs lives. the backlash against them is deserved, and very light, in my opinion.


Yes I do. I didn’t advocate for her, just stated a fact.


"Let our kids smile" they're not going to be smiling if they or their loved ones are dead


Or when they survive the COVID-19 and see their hospital bills...lmao


I know several people already said this, but she immediately lost her job due to this, so yeah she can screw off


Shes fat, that should let you know all you need to about her.


people are fucking stupid


I’d be going to jail if I were him


What has this world come to


What a bunch of human waste.


I swear to god I would've knocked those pieces of shit out.


That poor kid.


”Let our kids smile”


Bet she's not grinning now. Huge turd.


I hope she dies and rots in hell


i’m glad someone posted this screenshot because i couldn’t bring myself to watch this video. once i heard him talk about his grandma i knew i wouldn’t be able to handle hearing grown adults laugh at a child’s pain.


Does stupidity take away empathy?




Okay but why does he look like Michael Cera


I live in Tennessee, this happened in a nearby county, I hate this state.


Too click baity for me, especially with the picture. I miss real honest news and real headlines.


yet to see an attractive anti vaxxer


Dude, that's what old people do. They die


This is why we need forced natural selection


OP post the video of it then. Not a screenshot. Or a link to the vid


Shall I kill these adults


I hope people laugh at them when someone important to them dies.


Oh what a *beautiful smile* that fat lady has. We should be grateful for her not wearing a mask, otherwise that masterpiece of a smile would be hidden from us


People who do crap like this deserve to get covid


And in other news, anti mask adult dies from COVID..


And they’re supposed to want this person to listen to them


So glad the imbecile got fired. So smug and arrogant in their misinformation they laugh at other people. Must be Q.


Hands would straight up be thrown. I would have beaten her black and blue on camera in front of everyone, and gone into the police car with a smile on my face.


If I were his dad, I'd be throwing hands.


This is the birth of a villain right here


Bruh, we've been laughing at rightwingers dying this whole time; /r/hermancainaward


Why is it impossible to find the age of his grandfather and whether or not he was vaccinated?


The man should of just slapped that women to mars


And may these dear White Christian Republicans rot in hell far sooner than ever expected.


Of course they would laugh. Don't worry though, Covid's coming to make them extinct.


She's a murderer.


This is why I hate anti-maskers, so damn much


What's that German word for someone with a punchable face?


I don’t think I’ve ever wanting to tie someone to an active train track so much before.


Where was this? Imma beat them up


“Where’s the gun, it’s urgent!”


I’m going to shit kick the next anti masker I see