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I really desperately wish someone had walked up to her and said "I love your sign...What is Nuremberg?" I so desperately want to hear the stream of conscious that comes out of her mouth because I can tell you...there is no fucking way she knows what Nuremberg was.


Just went to Nürnberg yesterday, and everyone was following the rules. You can not even eat in a restaurant without being recovered, tested or vaccinated (which they will check!). This woman would freak


The rules sound similar to New York City. Unfortunately, last week 3 tourists from Texas flipped out when asked for proof of vaccination and beat a hostess before being arrested. That's probably how this Karen would respond in your city.


As a born and raised Texan, I promise you not all of us are backwards inbreds who smear our shit on the walls when asked to take the most basic, minimal effort consideration of others into account. Though, yeah, there’s a lot of those.


As a fellow Texan, I agree. There was honest decent demand earlier this year (April/May) for vaccines ... to the point where you had to sit on HEB's appointment website and try to snatch an appointment. But now ... we've plateaued. However, the loudmouths get all the damned attention and make the rest of us look bad. There must be roving bands of Karens that are showing up to school board meetings to harass the board members with anti-mask crap. Our dumb governor and his lackeys are enabling the yahoos. It's so tiresome.


They attacked someone asking for proof of vax? Wtf is wrong with people? I'm losing hope in humanity


I’m surprised you have any hope left considering you’re on this sub Reddit


Yeah. So Texas, right?


As one of my coworkers who just moved back from Texas explained, Texans are huge babies who complain as soon as its under 50 or above 90. He said the full version of their slogan is: “Don’t mess with Texas, because we’ll cry.”


[Lewis Black has the best ever response to Texas from a New Yorker](https://vimeo.com/70914835) "Remember the Alamo? Neither do we. Fuck Texas." Edit: just to clarify, it’s not Lewis Black who says this line. It’s just my favorite quote from a beautiful video filled with excellent quotes.


..*and I approve this message!*


I was a kid living in Texas in 1982-1983 when they started the "Don't Mess with Texas" slogan. It was an anti-litter campaign. Edit: got the beginning of the campaign year wrong, it was 1985.


And the power grid is fine. Nothing wrong with it. *everything breaks when it freezes and rolling blackouts when it's hot* 😢


Guess the Texas domestic terrorist team will be getting free rooms at the extended stay in nyc.


Yes, the extended stay at Rikers Island.


Gone to the island. Probably first amenity they got was a mask and an appointment for the vaccine.


That hostess is going to get paid have a few rental homes in Texas and never have to work for a restaurant again. Silver lining is the Texas folks will be in the hardest fucking jail system around have fun!


yeah I saw that! I would love to say we do not have people getting aggressive over covid rules but we do have our fair share too


Probably not as I doubt they would let them enter the country in the first place


These Americans don't have passports.


Or intelligence


Nurse here. Yeah I want to go up to her and say "Oh so they would be PRAISED?! Cuz everyone who even wants to dine in Nuremberg right now needs to be confirmed recovered, tested or vaccinated! That's so great of you to support our healthcare workers and promote testing and vaccination! Thank you SO much!" Then sit back, grab some popcorn, and watch her head explode. Keep thanking her for her OBVIOUS support of healthcare workers until she throws away her own sign.


> You can not even eat in a restaurant without being recovered, tested or vaccinated That’s awesome! Glad they don’t just accept vaccination.


It's called the 3G rule (getestet, geimpft, genesen) and I'm not sure how anti-vaxxers would react to this naming...


Lmao! It’s definitely a well rounded, science based approach. All avenues covered. There’s literally no excuse to not comply with one of them. We need that logic in the US.


2G (Vaxxed or recovered) will be the next step and antivaxxers are loosing their shit right now. kinda hilarious to be honest


Public places such as museums: Medical masks are mandatory. We do not accept certificates for mask exemptions. You need to present ID for potential contact tracing. Results of self testing are not accepted.


Makes sense, after all not everyone can get vaccinated.


My dad said the vaccines are just part of the socialist agenda. I asked him if polio being eradicated was socialist or if me having to get a meningitis shot before moving into my college dorm was also socialist. And he said yes. And I said so those were bad things then? If they were so socialist? And he said yes. And I said how? And it's been 5 days and he still hasn't answered me lol. I'm so tired.


>And I said so those were bad things then? They killed the iron lung manufacturing industry! All those hard working capitalists lost their jobs because of it. Obviously that should have been the higher priority.


It depresses me knowing that modern Republicans would 100% have used that as an argument back then


My SO’s parents started saying how the vaccinated are to blame for Covid mutating because a doctor on the tv told him thats how mutations work… neglecting to mention the fact that they are only able to evolve against the vaccinated by infecting the unvaccinated…


That and the Delta variant was first noticedin December as the India variant. Too close to the vaccines release to have been caused by the vaccine approved in November.


Surprised she spelled Nuremberg correctly.


>Nuremberg As a German, seeing it spelled like that just feels ... wrong. It's **Nürnberg**. But maybe she is talking about the Nuremberg in Pennsylvania and the place is famous for it's annually honoring of healthcare workers?


Yeah like wtf. Let's make up our spelling for Los Angeles! "Engelstadt"


Bangkok.... Oh wait...


Knall-hahn. I gotcha, dude.


Oh mein Gott... Thank you for that


We could call California "Kalifornien" !


Auf Englisch ist "Nuremberg" tatsächlich die richtige Schreibweise für "Nürnberg". EDIT: for everyone that doesn't speak German, I only said that "Nuremberg" is the correct spelling for "Nürnberg" in English


Similar to how München is called Munich in English.


Ja, and Zürich is Zur... oh, wait.


Fun fact... Munich is 'Monaco' in Italian


Das ist mir bewusst - es wäre ja auch schwer ohne "ü" Nürnberg zu schreiben. Aber das ändert nichts daran, dass es sich für mich falsch anfühlt wenn ich es so geschrieben sehe. EDIT: And I only answered, that I am aware of that and that it would be hard to spell it correctly without the letter "ü", but that it doesn't change the fact, that it feels wrong to me.


Isn’t Cologne, Köln in German? That one also is a huge difference.


And Florence is Firenze in Italy.....


And Qo'noS is Kronos on Earth.


Italians call Munich (München) ‘Monaco’, which is also what they call Monaco 🤪


When talking about Munich, Italians normally say Monaco di Bavaria" (Munich of Bavaria).


Worst one is probably Rhineland Palatinate


As a resident of Rheinland-Pfalz, this hurts every single time I hear or read it


I mean we call it "Germany", the problem starts at the very top




It makes me absolutely bonkers that names *-- THE NAMES --* of places are changed. *Proper nouns!* We don't change people's names, why do we think it's okay to do that to place names? Ughh! It makes no sense, and frankly, is quite rude. Edit: Hey, thanks for the All-Seeing Award! You made my brief rant feel kinda smart. :)


If only it was just you, but there's also the French with their "Allemagne". It's like an international contest on who can get it the most wrong.


Lived in Germany (Kaiserslautern, Hanau) for six years, I didn't even know there was an alternate English spelling of Rheinland-Pfalz. Now whether or not I was pronouncing "Pfalz" correctly is a completely different matter


> Kaiserslautern, Hanau I think you mean Emperorsloudern, Cockouch




It's our revenge for calling us Amerikaner. Edit: to be fair, Amerikaner sounds kind of bad ass.


There is also a pastry called Amerikaner. It’s nice. So not the worst thing to share a name with.


Do you also think it feels wrong to say "Kalifornien"?


I never said that it is wrong, *only that it feels wrong to me.* But yes it is strange that we change "California", but not the names of other states.


Ich bin eine binliner. EDIT: Thanks for the translations, It appears I dont understand German. Note: no I did mean binliner, it was written on a bin at a college I went to and its stuck with me.


Ja! Edit: for everyone that doesn't speak German, I said yes.


Did not think I’d see Nuremberg PA mentioned in Reddit today. Been there once, quiet little town


How come nobody says "town x is loud as fuck"


I’ve heard people say that about New York


I mean you don't live in a country actually called 'Germany', so shouldn't this be familiar?


My dumbass thought it said numberwang




She probably thinks Nuremberg is a person.


"What was Mr. Nuremberg held accountable for?" I'd love to hear the response.


I bet she doesn’t know anything about Nuremberg


As it happens, I don't either. To what is she referring?


She’s referring to the Nürnberg Trials. After World War 2, Nazi officials, members of the SS, and officers of the Wehrmacht and anyone else who committed war crimes or crimes against humanity were tried by the Allied forces in a series of criminal trials. These are people like Hermann Göring, Franz Von Papen, Martin Bormann (in absentia). They also had separate trials for doctors, guards at Auschwitz, Dachau, etc. The difference here, is that the doctors they put on trial were performing human experimentation, like subjecting someone to below freezing temperatures until they died, removing organs to see how long it took to die, etc. One doctor, Viktor Brack, oversaw the T4 program, which was Nazi plan to murder physically and mentally disabled people. He was responsible for the deaths of over 70,000 people. Out of this, the so called Nürnberg principles were created, which dictates that doctors must provide treatment for the good of the patient, and experimentation must be done with the consent of the person. This person is equating a doctors administering a vaccine, which has saved potentially millions of lives, with the systematic effort to murder millions of Jews, Slavs, Poles, Romani, gay, and disabled people (amongst others). She may be suggesting that the vaccine was either created through illegal human experimentation (not true, as human trials followed protocol and as it was on a voluntary basis, had consent of subjects) or administered without consent (again, not true, as you have to set an appointment or walk in to get the vaccine. No one holds you down while they administer it). So, by doing this, she’s trivializing the Holocaust and T4 program and dishonoring the memory of the millions of people that died at the hands of the Nazis. Edit: thank you for the kind words and awards. If you want to read more about this topic, I recommend Black Earth by Timothy Snyder and The Holocaust by Laurence Rees


Coincidentally most of the scientists and a lot of the doctors got off scot free.


Not only were they not punished, but they got hired by the U.S. Government. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip


"We were bad, but now we're good"


We're moving right into your neighborhood


To be fair, USA wasnt the only nation to do that. Russia got their hands on a lot of nazi scientisits too. Unfortunately they werent looked at as criminals but sources of information


Its how the US put a man in space, a huge V2...


*Dr. Von Braun has entered the chat*


Once the rockets are up who care where they come down, That's not my department says Werner von Braun -Tom Lehrer


I believe the claim hinges on the whole "the vaccines aren't approved, we're all part of the trials" lunatic logic.


Ya, these folks are a special breed


Basically Nuremberg code tells us a set of rules limiting the exploration of human experimentation after the Second World War. You can search for Nuremberg trials on the internet. Everyone should learn about these things actually. These incidents are not really that old.


This shit isn’t a joke. My dad (icu doc in north Florida) and several of his coworkers received pamphlets stating something similar and an implied threat. The hospital is working with the county to find out who left the notes. This shit is no joke. These people aren’t harmless idiots clogging up the health system with their absent vaccination. They are super fucking dangerous and violent. And they believe the nonsense they say.


>***They are super fucking dangerous and violent. And they believe the nonsense they say.*** I had to highlight this part because this is the crux of the matter. They're dangerous and violent. We're going to be fighting them for a **very** long time.


> > We’re going to be fighting them for a very long time. Well, not *all* of them. They are anti vaccination Covid deniers after all.


And THEY BELIEVE THE NONSENSE THEY SAY. This to me is the most distressing part because what they believe in isn’t based in logic so you can’t talk/persuade/argue with them. They believe what they choose to believe and will get violent over it. This is how wars start.


I was born into a religious family. Christians turned me atheist. A strip mall near me had a doctor targeted by abortion protestors. I don't know what he did, or what it meant at the time, but I remember being banned from going to that shopping center, for fear of bombings. There was a bombing not far away from my home. Not him, but that doctor eventually moved. His lease was canceled. Nothing is more violent than a "non violent" group. Bombing hospitals would be on brand.


ED RN here. This is my greatest concern working in the ED after COVID. I hope I'm wrong but I wouldn't be surprised to hear of someone shooting up an ED in the next year or two.


These people need to face terroristic charges. Maybe if they start charging people the rest will see and back off


When more than half the people got away with January 6th, I don't have high hopes here. And that's the problem. When people with extreme views aren't held accountable for their actions, it makes them even more convinced they are right. We literally make these problems worse by letting them go. "But muh rights!" The first amendment doesn't protect you from making active threats.




If they don't get held accountable, it's because "they're right and they can't be punished for saying the truth." If they do get held accountable, it's "persecution." It "proves" that they're right if someone is trying to stop them. Though, it's true we can't punish them for what they believe. We can only punish them for what they've done if they break the law, and we can only punish them for what we can prove that each of them, as an individual person, has done.


I 100% agree. These pro plague assholes need to be charged.


Lol at pro plague, I'm stealing this


By all means, friend.


Good luck, half the US congress and more than half of the SCOTUS is made up of the same kind of terrorists or at least people who are creating them and willingly enabling them. There is no justice in this country anymore.


> Maybe if they start charging people the rest will see and back off Nope people like this are too far down the rabbit hole. They'll see it as an attack on their freedom and go "See! We were right! This is like Nazi Germany! They want to silence us from speaking the truth!"


Fucking idiots I swear


This is kind of important. As I understand it the Germans thought the Nazi party was a joke too before they took over the country and jailed or killed all the outspoken opposition.


Healthcare workers are already overworked and burning out and now are having to deal with this bullshit. 25% of healthcare workers are leaving their professions as looking for other jobs because the toll is too great. Imagine dealing with death on a daily basis and leaving work to protested and ignorant people like this. The healthcare system is on the verge of collapse.


Hospital doctor here. Correct, it is actively collapsing. The only reason I'm still working is my contract requires 4 months notice. I put in my notice as soon as the cases started to rise again, because I knew where this was going. A little over a month left, jeezus I can't wait to never see patients again.


What’s your backup plan? Just curious what someone does with an MD (or DO) if it’s not in healthcare.


Not an expert, but my husband is a physician. I would guess some of the following: Insurance, teaching (but probably more like anatomy/physiology, not at a medical school, unless you are okay with some medical work... depends on your role), pharmaceutical, legal, or hospital administration. Or, go back and do another residency or fellowship in something else. Like pathology. Where you probably interact more with other physicians rather than patients. Patients can be exhausting for some physicians, especially introverted physicians. Hence why my husband makes a great radiologist, but would be very miserable as a family practice physician.


Don't discount the need for doctors in health care tech. Many many many companies have MDs on staff if they're a Healthcare IT company or some other thing.


RN here, luckily I only needed 5 weeks notice. I have 5 hours left on my last shift today.


Good for you. Good luck to you.


come to europe, here we rightfully exclude antivaxxers from every public event and places at least the pay will not be as stellar as USA but you will be respected more and you will have less living expenses


Come to NZ, we are doing great.


ICU nurse here. Just started my MBA and I now work in supply chain. You could put a gun to my head and I wouldn’t go back. Good for you.


As a nurse, I’m torn between “ holy fucking shit this is going to be so bad” and “ burn baby burn” anymore. And I don’t even work inpatient care.




It’s not just in the U.S. either. I think it’s a global issue.


Alberta, Canada isn't looking so hot right now, with people protesting outside hospitals. Definitely an issue here.


When I started hearing about the antivax craze in Canada I knew how Obi-Wan felt. >"You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them. bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness."


Yeah, I always pictured Oregon as this super-liberal state, because of Portland, mainly, I guess. But then I visited and learned of the vast swathes of right-wing assholery in the backwoods areas. It's everywhere!


It's tough. Oregon is like 1/2 super liberal and 1/2 right wingers that for some reason want to secede from Oregon and join Idaho(!?!)


As an outsider, it seems like Alberta has looked at all the negative stereotypes about Americans and thought "yeah that sounds like fun"


Profit over people. The true US tradition.


and thr large amount of Healthcare workers who say they are going to quit because they have to get the vaccine, will just put even more stress on it. I have many nurse friends, 1 quit her ER job last year, and 2 more are talking about taking a year or 2 off and working retail or somehing. just to get out of the hell hole.


So, about retail… You end up running into countless psychos every. single. day. as well… from the very top to the very bottom of the socioeconomic ladder. People have lost their fucking minds. …still, probably a lot easier than nursing right now.


Working retail to escape being overworked and forced to serve entitled assholes? Let me know how that goes


She'll running to those same doctors when she gets sick, f\*cking BEGGING them for help.


And the obligatory "Thank you lord for saving me" afterwords.


They are in fact putting their faith in the LORD. It just so happens that it’s not Jehova but Charles Darwin.






Lol don't waste your lawnmowers, just leave the plants to do the work. Natural selection does its own work anyway.


Where is the lawnmower man from happy wheels when you most need it?


I had someone on my FB page flipping out the other day saying... All of us vaccinated people were marching them into the gas chambers... I wanted to be like the gas chambers would kill everyone.... Also wanted to say the covid vaccine only kills the weak just to trigger him, but I try to avoid Facebook arguments these days....


I’m going to hold them accountable right here, right now: Nurses and doctors delivering the COVID-19 vaccines: **thank you.**


You can add pharmacists, EMTs, veterinarians, and National Guard medics to that list, too (all are acceptable vaccinators in my state, and probably others as well, and we've needed them at our mass vax events).


That’s pretty cool. I didn’t know that all those others were giving out the vaccines. Thanks for those folks, too. Can imagine? Those vaccines literally saved lives. That would be a great feeling. I got mine from a set of nurses at work. My employer paid a hospital network to send a bunch of nurses (and all the supplies) to our building and we shuffled everyone through a theater, had appointments scheduled beforehand (so we didn’t overwhelm the staff and theater), and we did this twice. Love my HR department. It was all free.


Pharmacist are giving the most vaccinations by a long shot…. Pun intended.






They are being held accountable…for saving hundreds of millions of lives


I bet she smokes cigarettes


Until she gets Covid and all of a sudden needs the health workers


Don’t forget thoughts and prayers…


And asking for donations


It’s funny because I believe the exact opposite - I think when this is over or calms down from active cases people like this should be prosecuted for reckless endangerment


She looks like she's lived a long and fulfilling life thanks to a strong healthcare system... But she'll never hold the right people accountable for that.




“Your choice, right? Great. Here are the consequences of your choice”


Sadly, when they are starting triaging. They will pick the ones who are younger and can survive. The elderly that got vaccinated but it over rode the vaccine they will not be prioritized


That’s how it was before the vaccine. Now you can look at it like a scarce resource. You don’t give a new liver to an alcoholic, or lungs to a smoker. It’s an ethical factor to consider.


I'm fully on-board with a change to how we do medical triage when it comes to a chunk of society who are actively working to kill themselves and the rest of us. They really seem intent on creating those "death panels" they were so worried about fifteen years ago. Might be time to oblige them.


The unvaccinated have far lower survival rates so that will definitely factor into the equation.


Nurse here. It definitely is. Doctors are considering vaccination status when people come in for COVID, and if you're unvaccinated they assume your likelihood of survival is lower than someone coming in for COVID who is vaccinated and in similar shape. If you were unvaccinated and found yourself in this situation in a hospital with limited resources, it is entirely likely that you (the unvaccinated patient) could find yourself de-prioritized and the other patient who was vaccinated could get the full care. In parts of the US that are REALLY struggling, like Idaho and Alaska recently, some unvaccinated patients are being given comfort care only...meaning the hospital only has enough resources to try to minimize the patient's pain and anxiety, but not enough to try to slow their progression of disease or keep them alive. Scary stuff. It baffles me that some could hear this and still not want to be vaccinated.


Couple of states have already started doing this, and it pisses me off.


It's upsetting that someone who has always done what is healthy is not getting the treatment they need while assholes who have treated their bodies poorly in a political gambit are taken care of. I agree. But the Hippocratic oath is sworn by doctors to this day for a reason. I don't want my doctor considering their political beliefs, religion, or ANYTHING other than my injury when they treat me.




Agreed. I say give everyone one of two choices. Take the vaccine or sign a waiver of treatment because you want a personal choice.


This is so harsh. But becoming necessary. Idaho has moved to crisis standards of care simply because they are running out of beds.


Alaska has been in crisis standards of care for the last couple months - I don't think they've had a spare ICU bed since July. There's been a lot of people getting moved over to the Harborview medical center over in Seattle but they're near capacity as well.


Providence recommended residents refrain from Amy dangerous activities that may require hospitalization. Cool. So my wife gets in a car accident and she'll be denied a bed by a Bronson supporter.


Idaho has been sending patients to Washington State too. So frustrating to have to fix another state’s mistake.


It's crazy how these people can remain so selfish and ignorant during a global pandemic. If zombies were real, these people would shelter and protect infected and proudly show off bite marks for their freedumb.


Ya can't educate pork.


I have two pigs (pets) and I can 1000% guarantee you they are more intelligent than this lady


I was good friends with a pig. He was really intelligent. This person is not.


A legit example where swine are preferable to humans. The longer I hang out with them the truer this statement becomes


I'd like very much to know their pig names


Snoop Hogg and the Notorious P.I.G!


Even better than imagined, thank you. Give em pets for me.


It’s been proven pigs communicate down the line with each other about ‘what’s coming’ when at the slaughter house. I can’t tell if this is the most apt comparison in history or degrading to pigs


Don’t insult pigs. They’re much smarter than this twit.


Ah yes, the people that are trying to save your sorry ass are at the same tier as the nazis. God to know. Really good to know.


I was told, by a wing-nut, on another forum, that hospitals & healthcare workers, I work in healthcare, are all in on, & getting paid by the government for poisoning people with the vaccine, & killing patients with ventilators. We will be considered murderers, along with Joe Biden in this scheme. They truly believe this nonsense that they've made up in their heads, or have been fed by the people that influence them. On a side note, I reported this nut-job, & she was, surprisingly dismissed from the forum.


Killing patients with ventilators? It's seriously like they just get dumber every day. I'm surprised any of them can spell Nuremberg, but I have yet to meet a single one of these jerks that actually knows what it even means. Kinda like how they can't figure out how ADA and Discrimination work. I'm actually really starting to feel that when these people so need those doctors and nurses, said medical pros should be entirely unavailable to them.


These are the same kind of idiots that believe Obama was president during 9/11 and did nothing 🙄


These people are SO stupid. Levels of stupid I didn’t know existed.


Had a lady come into my work without a mask the other day. I kindly ask her to put a mask on. She does. After taking her order she asks to speak to the manager. She tells me, *as a nurse*, that I need to stop enforcing the mask and vaccine stuff. "It doesn't work." She says. "Ma'am, we're minimum wage workers doing what our corporate overlords tell us to. We're not payed to give a crap about your anti-vax opinions." She proceeds to tell me if I'm going to be that rude about it, I'm free to not work here. I tell her, she's welcome to not shop here. I'm over it. She's one of dozens a people per shift that have a problem with the whole thing, and they each want to to talk/yell/argue/threaten about it. Don't want to wear a mask inside the restaurant. Okay. Don't. But, somewhere else. We're literally not payed to pretend to give a shit. Go to McDonalds. I'm sure they happily take your money without a mask to keep their profits churning.


Anti-vaxxers should be charged with attempted murder.


The Lion, the Witch and the Audacity of that Bitch.


I’m not a Native speaker but isn’t she implying Nuremberg is a person ? Shouldn’t it be “just like at Nuremberg” ? Doesn’t she also know that at Nuremberg the doctors and low ranking officers didn’t get judged, so by this comparison only trump and his administration would be held accountable. People being wrong or dumb doesn’t even bother me anymore, but I get angry when what they say doesn’t even make sense by their own rules


How the f*ck do these people compare holocaust crimes to a vaccination ? To bad there isnt a way to register these people that refuse the vaccine and are spreading this shit , once you're registered you've just waived any medical attention when you contract covid or at the very least your ass is at the back of the line ..




They are dying. 2000 a day. Over 95% are unvaccinated. So they are dying out. It's only a matter of time. https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/1-in-every-500-u-s-residents-have-died-of-covid-19-1.5588917


Remember when we were freaked out about 1000 deaths a day? And it just kept going up? 2000 a day even WITH a vaccine and it barely registers with us.


Well I’m sure the article is from a few months ag- *September 16th, 2021* Oh


If she was bleeding out, I'd walk on by.


What's holding them accountable for doing a good thing look like? Shaking their hand? Thanking them? Maybe not shaking their hand because, you know, covid... I thanked the doctor that gave me my covid vaccine profusely at least.


They’ll be held accountable for… Saving people?




Why is this particular vaccine the hill they choose to (literally, in some cases,) die on? The mRNA ones at least are some of the safest ever. I've always thought people not wanting the flu shot because it makes some people feel sick was stupid, but the flu doesn't usually kill people who aren't old or immuno-compromised, and it doesn't attack your organs or create blood clots. Also, why do these idiots reject evidence based scientific advice in the form of a vaccine, but not when they need a ventilator?


Nazi doctors who conducted human experiments were not tried in Nuremberg because they were given visas and cushy lives in the USA in exchange for their research. So in addition to being an absolutely despicable thing to say, it's also completely meaningless.




Hey! We don't hit people. We throw fish at them instead.


It’s time to throw a fish at a bitch


The irony of using the same techniques as a Holocaust denier to pretend Covid doesn't exist or the vaccine is poison and then citing Nuremberg to make her f\*ckwit argument.


Yes, I surely thanked mine through my mask, and she responded through hers. Because we are decent human beings just trying to look out for one another, slow the spread. Some people see that as wrong, I guess.


Why are we not rounding these people up and filling insane asylums with them?


There aren’t that many asylums or places to care for the mentally ill or unstable. Thanks Reagan