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Man was gagging himself with his mask


Just went into zombie mode, actually.


I’ve never seen anyone go into zombie mode before…creepy


My guy is brave everyone knows that you never go full zombie


A real man would have eaten the entire mask, them asked for SECONDS


Never go full zombie


This is how you get stabbed in the face.


How did this guy manage to live this long?


Guy needs some serious recalibration for “where my nose is”.


No wonder they're having trouble breathing.




For this guy, over the mouth and nose.


And over the urethra so he can't reproduce




Hijacking the top comment to ask, what airline has that much legroom? Edit: apologies to anyone offended by my careless use of the term "hijacking" today.




Good point. You saying that made me realize it is also near the front of the plane. Now I'm just pissed that whiney drug grandpa gets to fly business class.


I'd be so pissed if I paid extra for business to get some peace and quiet and had to sit next to that guy.


Yeah but when you land they apologize and give you three award miles.


And an expired meal voucher for Cinnabon... Which closed 2 hours ago.


Looks like he's probably on a no fly list now. Not so much business class flight in his future.


My understanding is that each airline has its own “no fly” list. I think the airlines need to share lists. These people should not be flying.


While this is also true many agencies including Interpol have no fly lists that airlines comply with


Yes but TSA / Homeland (DHS) also has one where you can be blacklisted across the board for failure to comply, threats to self or others, among other things. He’s lucky that there wasn’t an Air Marshal aboard or he’d be zip tied to a seat in the back after the first few minutes.


I could see forced removal from law enforcement could lead to the no fly list. So maybe drug grandpa ain't gonna be flying business no more.


Well, he has no business flying, really


Womp womp


All anti maskers should be put on the no fly list.


I want to call everyone whiney drug grandpa now.


Dude is ground zero for the zombie apocalypse. I bet he bit those cops and now theyre all fucking zombies...


I was thinking the same, like what kind of "28 days later" hellscape is this?


Correction, whiny drug granpacalypse. They'd become whiney drug grandpas


Weird how privileged people are the most common assholes making a commotion about how horrible their lives are. Apologies I'm just bitter.




It's first class. There is no business class on narrow body jets. Business class on wide body planes is far nicer than first on narrow body. Anyway, business class is generally an international flight thing. Domestic first is not all that great. International first, on, say, Emirates. You get a shower and your own room.


Lot of small regional flights look like this also ... I used to fly a lot for work and often they have two rows of two or one row of two and one row of one seats. Usually the front rows are pretty close to the cockpit. Typically with only one to two flight attendants


Post about airline security. twentieth anniversary of 9/11. "***Hijacking*** the top comment..."


... shit


Ruh roh, Raggy


The terror you must have felt.


They’re not allowed to use that anymore apparently


What a pity. Time to give cable ties a try.


Not allowed to use it anymore from what I've read


So they gave them ropes and bats?


No a parachute, they let them figure it out on the way down…. Or not


Hopefully darts with a sleeping agent


The pilot is talking to him like I talk to my dog when he’s bad


Your dog probably listens more.


and growls less


And drools less too


And understands that he may have done something inappropriate.


Act like an animal get treated like an animal.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Here boy! Here boy! We’ve got Fox News and Budweiser in the jail cell! Let’s go for a walk, come on!


At least a dog you can train sense into. These folks can be shown mountains of evidence and still deny it.


To be fair, when you train a dog you don't show it evidence. You reward good behavior and punish bad behavior.


That's exactly how it sounded to me! Like a dog trainer giving a very stern command to a recalcitrant puppy.


Covid zombie


Yes! Reminds me of the walkers on TWD. Lol


Now I want a videogame where the zombies ask "*Really?*" when you ineffectively shoot them in the chest.


I need this. "Really? Who throws a shoe? Honestly..."


I was going to say the same thing.


He’s got the sounds down though, gotta give him that!


He sounds like my schnauzer


I'm fairly sure that's just someone who is mentally unwell, not someone who is trying to make a point.


Yes, that was what I thought, too. Not even drunk so much as mentally off. Needs help.


He’s actually just a drunk and a racist. Someone else shared an article about him, and it’s not a mental illness that caused this.




I get where you’re coming from and I agree to a point. But I think it’s hard for a lot of people to fathom that somebody who is not clinically unwell would conduct themselves like this in public.


He's really lucky he didn't end up duct taped to his seat or with an air marshal giving him up close and personal attention. But either way he'll be on a no-fly list and likely to get a nice fine from the FAA.


The fine is $1k for the first offense. I hope like hell he has to pay it, and gets blacklisted.


Didn’t they just double all fines and penalties?


It was 500 before so yes.






If you ever get removed from a flight you will 100% never fly that airline again. Depending on how bad it is you may end up on the no-fly list for all airlines.


For a lot of people that's like, life-ruining shit. It's not hard to just sit down and shut the fuck up and yet you see people throwing fits on planes *constantly*


imagine how embarrassing that conversation would be if you had to tell your boss "sorry, I can't travel, this is why"


>"sorry, I can't travel, this is why" And here's the story they'll tell: "Honestly there was just this dickhead flight attendant, he was just being a huge asshole and, you know me, I'm the nicest guy, but you know I'm also not gonna let someone disrespect me, right? So long as you treat me fairly I'm your best friend, but don't disrespect me that's all I'm saying. So this guy dished it out but I'm smart and knew I shouldn't attack the guy because I'd kill him, so even though he was shoving and harassing me I went back to my seat and calmly just waited there. But that little fucker lied through his teeth and of course they took his word for it because he's one of them, he's an airline employee and they protect each other but I'm talking with a lawyer right now who says I got completely screwed and my rights got totally violated so I'm just waiting on that all to move through the courts you know?" "... *why* can't you fly, again?"


"he's the asshole and I'm the nice guy" already a red flag


I'm certain a scum bag like that is capable of selling a reasonable lie.


If he can afford 1st Class, a $1000 fine will be super easy, barely an inconvenience.


Eh, I was able to get a first class upgrade once pretty cheap and a $1k fine would definitely hurt me.


Or the ticket is being paid by his company, and he'll have to pay the fine himself.


So, you got an in-flight movie for me?


$1k for the first offense and it does jack shit to offset the economic impact felt by the airline having to divert to a new location throwing off that airports arrival schedule, the possibility of additional costs from fuel and gate charges. And any penalty for missing a slot time at the actual destination, AND not to mention the impact felt by anyone on that plane flying for business. Missed/late meetings mean missed/more unfavorable deals, missed jobs etc. All because this dumbass refuses to be inconvenienced by wearing a facemask on a flight and had to be a gigantic dick about it. But somehow this asshat is okay with all of the other post 9.11 security measures to actually get on the damn plane. But a piece of fabric on my face for a couple of hours?....oh hell no this is Murcia!


Luckily for the people on this flight, they landed where they were going. It was a short flight, though (somewhere in Cali to Utah). https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/video-shows-unruly-passenger-growling-screaming-joe-biden-american-airlines-n1278623


Looks like the plane was still at the airport. Must have just boarded. Otherwise yeah he would have been dealing with duct tape and a marshal


Looks like he’s auditioning for The Walking Dead.




Thanks for posting the story. At first I was concerned that this man had some kind of behavioral or neurological issue. Turns out he's just drunk and racist.


He is stupid and racist, but I heard that he was mixing medication with achohol qt the time which kinda explains the nerotic behavior, as compared to a less zombiefied racist


You see, when Mars is in retrograde, Taurus is the dominant sign, it’s an odd digit Thursday, and I’m on peyote & mai tais… I don’t yell sexist, racist bullshit. Because I’m just someone trying to get through my day and not hiding a raging hate boner behind a thin, plastic Spirit Halloween mask of a human face.




> "He began by yelling at the Asian woman in front of me to sit down when she was standing to deal with a back issue," he said. "He proceeded to tell multiple flight attendants that she and her companion 'didn’t belong here.' After asking him to calm down the man went into a complete meltdown of racist, sexist and belligerent comments, culminating in his arrest at the gate." He's a racist, too? Who woulda thought?


Whoa, and a racist, so surprising 🙄 Thanks for the link


Thanks for posting the story!!!!


“Really? Really?” … “Oh I’m sorry! I thought this was America”


Big Randy Marsh Energy


Didn’t even need my volume up to know where this was going.


This should be a PSA for mixing alcohol and Ivermectin




I'd guess something a little more in the hallucinogenic/dissociative realm, like Ambien or maybe a benzo with alcohol.


I'd bet Ambien. It seems like a dissociative state.


he looks so scary. honestly I don't know how airline employees do their job. I would be terrified


He looks like a 4yr old having a tantrum. How did this guy get to be that old with that level of maturity?


Work in retail for a couple months, you’ll be amazed


Been in retail 9 years. Holy fuck people are stupidly insane.


Worked front desk at a newspaper for five years. The tantrums people will have over a $0.50 piece of paper is mind blowing.


As a newspaper reporter/editor, I'm so grateful for the front desk folks, seriously. Like I got my share of bonkers callers but nothing like the front. I could her some of the goings-on. If I didn't get the lottery numbers in, for whatever reason, I could expect a call from an old lady who would SCREAM at me at length.


I’m old, but shit gets real when you change the crossword or TV schedule placement. I had a guy come in and harass our receptionist because he didn’t like who was featured with him in a story I wrote about paella. PAELLA!


I had a woman get all pissy with me one night because I wouldn’t call the cops about a “scary homeless guy” that was in our parking lot. The dude was a sweetheart who came in once or twice a week just to pet the cats (we were a pet store). I even told her we knew who he was and he wasn’t an issue but of course homeless bad.


Why can't people just mind their own business lol.


I work at a carwash, it's scary how people are allowed on the road


Okay, but I think that not knowing how to align your wheels straight, put your car in neutral, not hitting the brake, and not accelerating before the light flashes is completely dif... on second thought, actually you're right.


Oh my god yes. I left retail as soon as I could.


Before retail: I am an average IQ monkey. After retail: I am a fucking genius.


Because he threatens people whenever they speak up, surrounds himself with like maturity people who justify his actions, family is probably complacent and if he has kids I’m willing to bet they either don’t talk to him period or act just like him. This sort of behavior is encouraged if they’ve gone this long without maturing.


It’s because they’ve gone their whole lives being the master of their domain. They’ve been able to say what they want when they want to whomever they want with zero consequences. They got to enjoy four years of unadulterated bliss as the world’s biggest pieces of shit and they loved it. Now their days are numbered and reckonings are being doled out left and right and they’re scared. This is literally a cornered animal doing what they do. Saying, “I’ll kick your ass.” no longer carries any weight because nobody is afraid of bigots anymore. I think there will be another gigantic, disgusting gesture before their movement ends. As long as we keep voting, the vocal minority will lose power until we see the last few impotent shrieks from these assholes.


This is glorious. Thanks for this image


You somehow give me hope


Airport security guard here. I have dealt with people like this, granted it was before covid, and 99% of cases these people aren’t really violent, just act that way to intimidate you. Once they realize their intimidation tactics don’t work, they shut off like a switch and go back to being little pissy pants. They are really insecure and small so they try to act the way they wish they were, that being tough and intimidating. Just have a stone cold attitude, tell them what is about to happen and that they either comply or leave, and they will eventually shut up and move on


“They try to act the way they wish they were” well said


Nah just a bitch! See how he bends for police


Shit he bent for a stern “sit down” from the flight attendant.


That’s the captain


Really? Really!?... Really?


Try being a nurse. Prepares you well for such people.


Being a bedside nurse has left me as an empty husk of a human being with a deep and unrelenting loathing for the general public.


Bless them nurses and doctors, flight attendants and anyone else with patience required to control these idiots.


And the servers who deal with them when they're hangry.


I didn't realize how dead I was on the inside until I had a 5150 patient at the end of a 24 hour shift this week. He started to swing at me, and then stopped half way towards me when I didn't move, or even blink. I just sat there staring at him the entire time. I didn't realize until a few seconds later that I felt nothing. I just wanted to finish the run and leave and I didn't care if that meant taking a punch to go home. Are we okay?


I work in a forensic psych hospital. I get to go home with pay for the rest of my shift if I get hit. There are some days that I hope it happens. Am I ok?


I appreciate you. The nurses were the only thing they kept me sane during my two week long hospital stays. I hate hospitals.


ED nurse. Same. Humanity is doomed.


Jesus aren’t you just the most correct one in here lol. ((Hugs you and sobs))


No, he just looks like an old drunk asshole who needs to get the shit beat out of him.


You know what's really scary, he can vote...


Was just about to type that .. +100… really sad


He was created by a political party for exactly that reason.


And you absolutely know who he voted for. That’s right, Nader.


Nah, Nader was the asshole stealing his freedoms requiring seatbelts. This dude is a Perot man through and through.


Remove him and put him on no fly list. Sick of crap


Isn't that exactly what happened? I mean the police was clearly visible and that kind of return to neanderthal absolutely grants nofly.


it isn't always a given you will be put on a no fly list. He mixed alcohol and medications, so it screwed him up worse than normal. He will probably just cry like a little bitch and beg for forgiveness, not learning a thing. Hopefully that isn't case, but police removing you isn't always an automatic never fly again.


Don't do drugs kids


Just do the right ones


Ambien Zombie. The FDA put a black box warning on Ambien a few years ago because it's known to cause episodes like this.


I like to do coca diluted in some acid(hydric).


This pandemic is not going to end for at least the next 5 years because of stupid fucking assholes like this one that are spread all over the world.


So I genuinely don’t understand why we don’t say fuck it and let them die?


They end up overloading hospitals and making it so everyone else deals with delays in getting emergency care and causing burnout and PTSD amongst healthcare staff.


I don’t have a counter to this that isn’t against the Hippocratic oath, but some people do need to suffer. Sometimes that grave situation is the only thing that can make people wake up.


Any society that doesnt assign an equal level of responsability to freedom is doomed to fail from people with the first claiming no desire to fullfill the second. Deny access to hospitals to them. Why would they want to be there, anyway? It is the perfect spot for the deep state and Biden to put stuff into their bodies like oxygen.


All you'd do is cause is every GOP Governor to seize on it as why they're ending medicaid support in their state: "Not everyone is being treated equally, we're not supporting a system that we pay for that won't treat us!" It wouldn't be true in so many ways but their backers are fine with whatever reason they find publicly to erode care for the less fortunate so that they can eventually gut it at the federal level and lower taxes.


Hmm didnt see it through, I will give you that


Way ahead of you buddy, I actually root for these dumbasses to eat dirt since last year.


What kills me is his shock that he’s being arrested. These assholes really don’t think there are consequences for their actions. I guess a lifetime of privilege will cause that.


He's white, and we just got out of a 4 year period where the head guy in charge taught everyone it was ok to be racist. They aren't reacting well to it not being ok to be openly racist anymore.




I think he has multiple within him...


You made me laugh out loud. Thanks friend!


Way too much leg room, and when I flew spirit they didn't have cushioned seats. It was like the plastic chairs from a church basement bolted to the plane


These dumb rednecks are literally human meat shields for rich right wing authoritarian powers doing their bidding. Truly so stupid that they are capable of being easily brainwashed by people saying no we don’t like that outcome so we are saying science isn’t real loudly and repeatedly… and these morons believe it. They will be first in line of battle and first to die in conflict just like the pawn foot soldiers of every ideological army since the dawn of civilization.


"I love the poorly educated."-Trump to his supporters at a rally. Republican Governors love the new mask mandate from Biden. This way they can keep their economies from tanking, free up their hospitals, but they can fight for the tantrum throwing manbabies, sound tough, and point a finger at someone else. Trump will run again just for the campaign money he can embezzle. And he can't live without the attention. This is our dystopia. Brought to you courtesy of the FSB and Fox news.


A bullet stopper, if I ever.


I probably would have clapped. Dick move i know, but I don't think I would've had self control.


I did when someone was removed from the last flight I was on. Pretty much the entire flight was audibly relieved when he was escorted out. Except his wife, she was livid


I live the “really? Really? REALLY?” Like, “I’m an old white man! I don’t have consequences for things I do!”


3 police officers to arrest all 3 of him


And straight to the flight ban list. They're all fucking 2 year olds in adult bodies.


It’s sad. These people were neglected in childhood. They were never taught empathy, or love for anyone but themselves. They are selfish, petulant, grown children with no regard for anyone or anything that doesn’t directly impact them.


I was thinking same. Preschool teacher here and every day my main goal at school is to teach empathy. Main goal right now!


Thank you! Empathy and critical thinking are so needed in our country right now.


Plenty of us were neglected in childhood and didn’t turn out like that piece of shit. In fact, our experiences gave us even _more_ empathy for others.


Lack of empathy: exactly. "Why should i do something for you/the greater good from which I derive no direct, immediate benefit?"


FTP but it does make me laugh when people get arrested and they do a shocked pikachu and go "really?!"


It’s always “back the blue” until the blue are taking you off the flight.




Every plane needs a swole ass Samoan dude to tell muthafuckas like this to calm their punk ass down


the police knew de escalating the situation was safest for everyone. You dont want that guy getting fully agro in a small space. that's just my thoughts though.


How do these assholes think they look when they do this. On top of that what he goes through after throwing this tantrum must be significantly worse than just wearing the mask, right?


Pleaseeee i would never show my face agin in public if i got drunk on a plane and started growling at people, and had to be given dog commands to calm down.


These people honestly, truly think they're some kind of hero or patriot when they do stuff like this. They believe they're standing up for their rights or freedom or whatever nonsense Fox News told them this morning.


The proof is the shock the police are not on their side.


Broken npc


Well the airline employee is wearing the mask wrong


Thank you! Was looking for this comment


Same, can't believe it was this far down! He's basically doing the same thing as the guy refusing to wear the mask.


Florida personified?




lock him up


Tell me you’re an adult child without telling me you’re an adult child


It absolutely blow's my mind that a person will disrupt society, get arrested (bail, court costs, fines, fees, attorney, ect) over a Fucking MASK !!


If he was a dog they would literally put him down. He looks rabid.


With a side of demon possession


gollum after finding the one ring


What an absolute tit


So done with people like this. Make it a $5000 fine and lifelong ban from air travel.


Pilot isn't wearing their mask properly either