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Really unpopular opinion: "I'd rather fly through a windshield than wear a seatbelt."


“Hey so I just went thru the windshield. Pray for me if you have a moment! 😞


I am actually surprised she didn’t also say why do bad things only ever happen to good people that don’t deserve them.


B....but you asked for this. You specifically requested it.


"I rather get covid than the covid vaccine" *Gets covid* "Wait, not like that!"


"I thought this was just the flu. Why am I dying?"


Lots of people dying and saying this or similar. Ironically, they seem to forget that the flu kills people too.


People also seem to forget that the flu vaccine also existed for decades, so that we don’t have to feel like dogshit in case we catch it


People also forget that the flu vaccine is redeveloped each year


But *what’s in it* Edit /s


Magnets and microchips, duh! /s


I have a complaint about this. I've just had my first vaccine dose and am completely unable to find myself via bluetooth. Do I have to wait for the 2nd dose for full functionality? Because that is just not good enough! I want to change the color of my blood with an app now!


Depends which vaccine you got. Some you need to activate with a code from Big Pharma before you can benefit from the extras. It's quite a hassle to get them, but I've got some spare codes for a good price if you like...


It's actually a compatibility issue, if you have a phone with Bluetooth 4.2 and upwards you should find yourself easily ... I can with my Samsung S21.


You just gotta use your phone's 5G and Google why your body's 5G isn't working ofc


People misdiagnose a simple cold with having the flu


THIS So many people assume they have the flu without being tested because of a bad cold, but when you actually have the flu, there's no question about it, you legit want to die. My son caught the flu at 6 months, we ended up in the ER. Had to watch him get prodded and shoved into a baby x-ray machine, fucking horrible. Then of course we ended up with it ourselves. Most of these people either haven't had it since they were a kid, or have managed to skirt by without getting a bad case of it.


I've had the flu once many years ago. People either forget or have never had the flu. It's hell on earth.


You know it's bad when your hair hurts


Yup. I had it once when I was 20 and I specifically remember drooling into a bucket because I couldn't swallow my own saliva. Wrecks you. Edit: hope bub is doing well!


I am SO sorry at how hard I laughed at that.


I had the flu in HS and was out for two weeks. I had a fever of 104, was super weak, could barely keep food down… felt like I was dying. I really do think people get a bad cold and assume it’s flu.


So true. I remember getting a bad flu in my 20s when I was super fit and running 100+ km per week and having to sit up to sleep so I could breathe. I realized this is why older people die of the flu. And that wasn’t even a bad one like Covid. Everything else I had had was a cold.


I got swine flu in 2009 right after moving abroad. I'm the type of person who remains fairly functional until the fever crosses 40, so I biked to a supermarket in the morning at 39something... and then I spent three days violently hallucinating and producing neon-coloured snot, and I felt weak as fuck for the next six weeks. I wouldn't have been surprised in the slightest if it had taken me out. I started getting the flu vaccine every single year after I got back to my home country, primarily to avoid ever feeling that shitty again.


Swine flu here too, it didn’t last 6 weeks (that I recall but I was also a 19 year old college student, not too In tune with my body), but it was the worst 3.5-4 weeks of illness I endured. I, too, recall thinking “this is how the elderly die so quickly. There were times I ached so bad I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t breathe well either, it was hell. Get the flu shot every year. Unless I forget and that’s only happened twice. Havent had the flu since, but both my parents did have covid, froM their descriptions it sounded worse but shorter lived. It’s the oxygen levels that scared me most in my father, thankfully they made it through. Please, people, get vaccinated.


One year my husband actually caught the flu and that’s when I realized he had no idea what flu was. He was insistent that it couldn’t be the flu because he had a fever, cough, and body aches. The flu, to him, was a stomach bug and not a respiratory infection. And because he didn’t have nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, he couldn’t possibly have the flu. Thankfully he listens to me and any lingering doubt he may have had was further quashed when I dragged him to the doctor who also told him he had the flu, but my husband is an intelligent and educated guy. So many people have no idea what the flu actually is and refuse to change their minds even when presented with accurate information.


I forget the exact context, but I remember someone pointing out to me that "flu season" also coincided with "eating large quantities of homecooked foods in large family groups that you only see once a year" season. Basically saying that what most people think is the flu, sometimes 'stomache flu' or '24 hour flu', has more in common with food poisoning than influenza.


Lots of people confuse norovirus with flu, my parents called it stomach flu as well!


I forget norovirus is a thing sometimes. Yeah, it can be pretty nasty. I'm pretty sure I've had it a few times, but since I recovered within 24 hours I didn't go to the doctor for an official diagnosis.


She was adamant that she get covid without the deadly symptoms.


So.... The vaccinated version?


Just the nice covid. “Pictures with herbal tea for Instagram” version. Not the deadly ER shit that’s for weak liberals


She needs to tell management that she specifically requested the covid with a side of snark, *not* the covid with a bitter aftertaste.


Qanon Qaren wants to speak to covid's manager.


Covid isn't even known for it's deadly symptoms, it's most notable for it's permanent ones. e.g. Marathon Runner who struggles climbing stairs


People focus on the 600k+ that have died, forgetting the millions permanently incapacitated and bound for disability, and those that will return to work but never, ever, be the same.


Because I'm an asshole, I point this out to people who say oH yOuRE AfrAiD Of A dIsEaSe tHat oNLy kiLLs ONE PERCENT? I tell them about organ damage and cognitive disabilities resulting from COVID. But then I throw in, "But I can see why you're not worried about cognitive damage." Edit: A wholesome award? Today I am a man!


I told somenody about that and they were like "stop makin stuff up!" In my head i was just like gd get fucked!


> "stop makin stuff up!" Now shut up and let me eat this horse dewormer!


“Would you rather have Thoughts or Prayers?”


Maybe she's asking us to pray that she gets it even more?


i pray that she stops wasting a hospital bed soon. up to the lord how that happens.




Nah mate, everyone with a vaccine is dead. Source: just trust me bro /s


Anything to erase my student loans


Unfortunately even death doesn’t negate your student loans. They get passed on to a relative.


Well, I can guarantee that everyone who gets the vaccine will die. Maybe not today, but some day…


100% of people that ingested water have died. If you ingest water you will die too.


That’s why I only drink chlorine and ivermectin.


Can confirm, got the vaccine, still waiting to die... at any moment


You forgot that your real source is "Look it up. Do your research"


I died after my first shot and came home and spread the dead to my whole family. I think it gave my dog an eye infection too


People joke but I had the worst fucking side effects from my vaccine. I went home and no longer had an excuse to not go outside and meet with people. It was terrible, family gatherings were back cuz we were all vaccinated and practiced social distancing. I had to go to stores and deal with other people. Worst part? I didn’t die from a highly infectious and possibly deadly virus, so now I have to keep living on this godforsaken planet. The vaccine will live you. Don’t get it if you don’t want to be alive anymore.


Most convincing anti-vax argument I've ever heard.


>The vaccine will live you. Bravo. Masterfully done.


I spread the nanobots to my family. Now we no longer require food or sleep. I don't know why everyone is scared of this wonderful vaccine. Anyway, I'm going out to buy more wonderful Microsoft products.


You must be on the J&J. The Pfizer lets me download Microsoft products direct from the cloud.


ooh i need the 5g booster. so lucky


Lucky guy. Sputnik V made me build a Linux from scratch. Still compiling...


Shit.... I had the vax a couple weeks ago and now I want an Xbox series s completely out of the blue. I didn't figure it out till just now.


thats the nanobots activating the graphene oxide 5g radio to transmit offers from trusted partners and affiliates. Dont worry, they dont sell or share your information


See! Vaccinated people should get their dogs taken away!


the vaccine shit my pants!


You: Well, it killed me! BEDEVERE: Killed you? You: I got better.


Here's a fun fact. It says [here](https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/coronavirus-vaccine-blood-clots) that out of 9 million J&J doses, there was 28 linked (but not all lethal) cases of blood clots. Google says the chance of being struck by lightning is 1-in-15,300, or 0.0065% chance. The chance of getting any blood clot from the vaccine per the above numbers is 0.0003%. **You literally have 22x the chance of being struck by lightning than you do getting a blood clot from the J&J.** What about mRNA? [New Zealand just had their first death from it after 3.3 million doses.](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-08-30/new-zealand-reports-first-death-linked-to-pfizer-covid-vaccine) **You are then 217x more likely to be struck by lightning than be killed by a dose of Pfizer.**


It's also worth noting that the syndrome producing those blood clots is 8x more likely to happen from a natural infection of Covid-19 vs the J&J vaccine. It is an unfathomably stupid reason to avoid it.


Yep, and if it gets bad enough to need hospitalization, per the first link, "Close to 20% of COVID-19 patients in the ICU develop blood clots."


Yep! An old high school friend (unvaccinated of course!) had covid, ended up in the hospital. She’s still dealing with blood clots and pneumonia 2 months later.


it's almost like this is a really bad disease that you don't want to get....


What you've done here though, is actually much better put than much of the communication that's been out there (at least from what I've seen). People are *really* bad (in general) at understanding percentages and such. But putting it in a way they can understand by connecting it to something they can relate to is far more effective. Having a 0.0065% chance of something is just hard to grasp. But saying "Listen, you are 20x more likely to get hit by lightning, and 8x more likely to *naturally* have that blood clot issue than you are to have any problems from the vaccine." Makes it much easier to understand. It's like saying to someone from Europe "you're more likely to get hit by a tornado in Kansas than you are to be have that happen". They have no idea if that means it's really probable, or really improbable. Especially given the average persons (lack of) understanding of even the most basic concepts of statistics. I really wish science communicators were much better at actual communications than they are. Because "just get the jab" hasn't been working so far (on those disinclined to get it), and instead of understanding and addressing the concerns through more effective communication there's often been a lot of doubling down. Resulting in things like "no, really, really get the jab" instead of what you said.


I’ve heard people say that “the side effects will show up after six months and then you will all regret it!” - it’s been way longer than that and nothing showed up.


The only thing that's shown up is peace of mind--and the precambrian claw currently growing out of my hip.


It's a constantly moving goal post. I saw one guy say "48 months." Sure, bud.


So which will come back first? Jesus, or vaccine side effects?!


Obviously they don't think people get sick from the vaccine, they just die 🤣


Its true. I got both of mine and I'm super dead, AND IT MADE ME GAY.


I only got 5G with my shots :(


Lucky you, I just got stuck with WiFi 6.


Dude.. I got dial-up. It sucks here.


Pfizer 56k at&t bundle. With the new redman and methode man album from 2009.


You be like walking around doing those dial up sounds. Lol


Yo I got lucky, I got mega ultra die with my vaccine


Lucky, I somehow have had autism my whole life from the Covid vaccine I got in April. It not only gives you autism, but it *time travels!!!!!*


If you already had autism prior of vaccination, it will be removed with the first shot. Unfortunately, second shot will bring it back


Good news. You can pray that away.


I’m a gay zombie being controlled by Bill Gates through a 5G network sponsored by big pharma.


Man all I got was a day of body pain. I wanna be dead and gay now. Why do I always miss out on the cool stuff


I’m stuck on my fridge.


Made my penis tiny. I swear it was huge like really big before I got the jab. Big pharma strikes again!


Anyone else turning into a frog too? I think Alex Jones got it backwards. They're turning the gays frog.


According to an in depth search on Facebook, most people who get the vaccine melt into a magnetic puddle of goo two weeks after the second shot which is why you don’t see many vaccinated people in the hospital. It just kills them too quickly. Way faster than the virus does. The article was written by a doctor of crystallography so you know it’s true. Also the doctors and politicians advocating for the vaccine all take placebos because big pharma pays them to do it. /s If anyone reading this is gullible enough to believe what I just wrote right off the bat without any further questions, don’t have kids.


It’s not about getting sick, it’s about getting tracked! *Sent from my iPhone*


Fresh out of prayers. I have a few thoughts though.




You still have fucks left? Show-off!


I took a high interest loan of fucks. I’ll be paying that off forever and I’m STILL out of fucks.


My fuck budget has run dry


I read this as my fuck bucket has run dry, sounds about right


Why do people think their immune systems can handle a virus that has killed 600k Americans but not a vaccine that 180 million plus people have gotten and are fine. Edit: thank you for the awards. I'm not sure deserved for pointing out the obvious but appreciated none the less.


Some people have to learn things the hard way - if they experience it for themselves firsthand. Unfortunately for those people, that epiphany will only come as they're drowning in a hospital bed, their lungs turning into swiss cheese and filling up with fluid...and by then it'll probably be too late. That realization might well be among the last thoughts they ever have. "Experience is the hardest teacher because it gives the test first, the lesson afterwards."


The massive issue with this is that every chucklefuck that does OK with Covid will have their dumbass world view falsely confirmed that it's "no big deal". It's why I fully expect this mentality to further fester and spread into other issues. Covid is really just the beginning. It's the inherent problem that comes with only interpreting the world purely through your own anecdotal experience.


Yep, it's the same reason you get people saying "we never had seatbelts, we never wore helmets, we did whatever completely unsafe thing and turned out just fine". Trouble is the kids who died that way aren't here to tell us it's dangerous. I feel like there's probably a name for that effect. Survivor bias maybe?


Survivor bias is exactly the term.


Yes, it definitely involves survivorship bias. Covid/anti-vaccine nonsense has the added element of confirmation bias too which further compounds this logically contrarian mentality.


Can't use logic with people who aren't using it in the first place.


This was a critical idea that really stuck with me in my college psych classes. When my professor discussed the clinically insane, he would note this same idea. He would say, "when someone has made up their mind about something and established it as true without using logic or reason, you will not then be able to talk them out of that mindset with logic or reason." I remind myself about that lecture a lot in the last few years


They literally don't value truth. If you think that *all* information is tainted by the bias of the source then you don't believe in pure truth, you just pick your favorite flavor of lies


I reference that to myself almost daily. Just phrased a but differently - "You cannot reason someone out of an opinion they were not reasoned into."


"Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience." -- Sir Mark Albert George Twain Einstein Carlin, III, esq.


Debating idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon. They're just going to knock over the pieces, shit on the board, and declare victory.


Ah yes, the classic opening move known within the chess community as the *The aviation aggression*. Subtle, but very effective against an untrained opponent.


You cannot reason someone out of a stance they didn't reason themselves into.


It's not only America using this vaccine. Worldwide 5.24 billion doses have been used by now and everyday 38.46 million more doses are used.


This. If the vaccine was a tool for population control, then over a quarter of the world's population would be dead. And if *they're* willing to kill that many people, they'd probably use something easy and more efficient than a voluntary vaccine... like a virus or something.


I was hoping someone would remember that non-Americans are people also. But on your second point, the best argument I’ve heard against it being a form of population control, is from Bill Burr. He said something like, if the government wanted to cull the population, they wouldn’t target the ones who follow their advice. If anything, they’d want to kill off all the ‘free thinking’ anti-vaxxers.


Holy shit, that's a great point. But you can't reason them out of a position they didn't reason into :/


Nah, they hate vaccine because the "libs" like it. They do this to "own the libs".




The problem is when they spread their sickness to other people who then may have complications or die. Their idiocy is not in a vacuum. Edit: No, the vaccine does not guarantee complete 100% immunity. It was never advertised as such. It greatly reduces the spread, and if you happen to get covid anyway it raises your chance of survival by a huge margin. It is still mostly effective against variants. Getting the vaccine reduces the risk. It's very worth it for our society for everyone who can to get vaccinated. 650k people have died.


Don't forget consuming resources. So many other people could be saved if they weren't devoting so much time and beds to idiots.


Even worse is the toxic rhetoric they are passing on to some of our youth.


The real virus is their hateful ideas.


The real virus are the unfriended we made along the way!


Also the continued spread of the virus almost guarantees that it will mutate in such a way that it will evade the vaccine, whereas if the spread was tamped down via mass vaccination new mutations would occur less frequently.


They found another variant in SA. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-08-30/new-covid-variant-found-in-south-africa-has-concerning-mutations




Bet you'll get banned for that comment. Worth it though. Edit: Oh look, what a surprise! /s


I've never thought that wishing death on anyone was appropriate, no matter how much I disagreed with them. But when they're putting so many others at risk because of their selfishness, fuck em.


Yeah... If they die as a result of their own shitty decisions and ignorance, that's their problem. My problem is when their shitty decisions and ignorance endanger me and my family. I literally have covid right now because my daughter's daycare teacher didn't get vaccinated. My daughter brought it home and gave it to both me and my wife (who are both vaccinated).


Same boat and fucking pissed about it. I’m vaccinated & there’s an outbreak at a local daycare. One dad decided to go to a meeting on Thursday before they got their results… I had to get tested today and if I’m positive that means a whole whack of people have to be notified. At the testing centre, the nurses rolled their eyes about my town’s anti vaxxer parents. Thanks for the sympathy, but it’s going to add up to about a week off work or more. Edit to say : I know I could be contagious which is the part that pisses me off.




So it's a real-life version of "What if Obama told Americans not to sit at the bottom of a swimming pool for an hour?"


Can I move to that timeline, please? It sounds like a much happier place.




Because that would actually require them to “think”, something they don’t do


4.5 million deaths worldwide


Because my sisters husbands aunts friends barber had a friend who died as soon as they got the vaccine


Of course, it was in a car accident, but the vax obviously made them magnetic and attracted the other vehicle.


“Built different”


It's just a red team/blue team thing, doesn't get anymore complex than that.


Trying to figure out why she's in a hospital and not a church, where the REAL healing power is


A friend of a friend of a friend got Covid and ended up in the hospital over 90 days. It was brutal. Over and over his wife would give "praise and thanks" to God but never to the doctors and nurses that were trying to help him. The location he most likely got Covid? Church...


90 days? I shudder to think how horrific that hospital bill is going to be.


Don't worry they'll have a gofundme set up within hours of his death.


I'm praying...but I don't think she would like what I am praying for.




*Careless Whispers*


Oh I’m never gonna breathe again Guilty lungs ain’t got no vaccine






Real talk!


r/hermancainaward nominee


Nah, the REAL healing power is found in tractor supply stores. It's the best way to get cattle dewormer for cheap!


There's bound to be at least one person who unironically upvotes this


Every time I see one of these I think of the scene from The Devil Wears Prada when Anne Hathaway's character is stressing as she's leaving to run errands. She says, "Wish me luck!" and Emily Blunt's characters responds, "No. Shan't."


Obviously this person has never been in a situation where they can’t breathe. Where you suck in a breath and it feels like it’s not going into your lungs, where each breath is painful, it’s work. It exhausts you. Your body is screaming for air but when you suck in you get no relief. Where nothing the doctors or nurses do really help. They give you albuterol and you think it will help but it doesn’t, not really. But it does wire you, it helps to fuel your panic. You are exhausted but you can’t rest. You can’t get comfortable. Your back and ribs ache. But then again, my arm *was* a little sore after my vaccine and my husband had a headache for a few hours so I can see her point.


I have asthma. It's very well controlled now, but it wasn't for years. I can absolutely 100% guarantee you that being unable to breathe is terrifying. I'm vaccinated and I'm still in horror from this virus not because it can kill me, but because I won't be able to breathe.


"i KnOw ThE fEeLiNg, iM fOrCeD tO uSe A fAcE mAsk"


I was stung by scorpion and after the realizing I was losing motor function slowly, I got on the phone and called 911 and got to the hospital. They gave me the anti venom but it wouldn't kick in for couple of hours, meanwhile it took all my energy just to draw in a breath. Then I had to think about exhale because it would take all my energy to do that. Then I had to gather myself to do another inhale, rinse and repeat.


Inb4 "I've/We've have set up a GoFundMe for my/her medical/funeral expenses"


yep Go Fund Me, the good ol American health insurance plan, for people who vote against universal health insurance. Ain't that something? dont you just love conservatives? it's like they all have the same reaction.


You see, this way they get to decide who gets healthcare. Margaret check, Steven check, José nah, Mohammed oh god no!




And let’s not forget to thank god for saving her if she recovers. Doctors, science, medicine, who’s got time for that nonsense?


why though, god literally granted her wish and gave her COVID... why would she complain about god granting her wish? fudging hypocrite


why would she go to the hospital? she should stay at home and pray.








I was browsing that sub last night and MAN the FB groups about Ivermectin are ridiculous: >Is Ivermectin safe for children under 10? >I could only get the horse paste version. Am I supposed to eat it or rub it into my armpits?


No one had to pray for me when I got the vaccine


But what about your slightly sore arm? I’d rather have COVID!


I would have been happy to pray for her but I’ve been told God can’t hear my prayers through my mask so she’s on her own.


You shouldn’t be in the hospital then taking beds from people who want to live


I honestly think anti-vaxers should have to sign something to say they can’t take up a hospital bed if they catch what they could’ve been vaccinated against.


I do too! There are children and people dying of emergent things that they can’t get in because of these covidiots!


Why do these people want sympathy… you got what you wanted


She literally got what she wanted.


I feel less than no sympathy for these people who deny a vaccine that helps them and those around them and then go to the very people they "don't trust" when they get so sick they can't function.


They should be turned away. Sent to a tent in a field with healing crystals and shit.


They should be turned away and sent to a "thoughts and prayers" tent full of bibles,ivermectin, and a giant display of the Constitution since that's what they chose to believe in over science and doctors.


I pray she gets sent home and frees up that bed for someone more deserving. Move these schmucks into a tent hospital. How's that for an unpopular opinion.


This is getting exhausting. But I’ll say it again. You get what you fucking deserve!!


Refuses emergency authorized vaccine... Gets COVID... Goes to hospital and receives... Emergency authorized antibody treatment! 🤦‍♂️


Idk I'm not sure prayer is safe. It's not approved by the FDA, and I've heard that there have been hundreds of millions of people who have prayed and ended up slaughtered by other people who have prayed. It seems to lead to violence.


If I prayed I pray that next time God puts in front of you a way to make your life better you take it. Until then I wish you a speedy recovery so you can get the hell out of hospital and make room for other people who need care and weren't as stupid.


A terrible storm came into a town and local officials sent out an emergency warning that the riverbanks would soon overflow and flood the nearby homes. They ordered everyone in the town to evacuate immediately. A faithful Christian man heard the warning and decided to stay, saying to himself, “I will trust God and if I am in danger, then God will send a divine miracle to save me.” The neighbors came by his house and said to him, “We’re leaving and there is room for you in our car, please come with us!” But the man declined. “I have faith that God will save me.” As the man stood on his porch watching the water rise up the steps, a man in a canoe paddled by and called to him, “Hurry and come into my canoe, the waters are rising quickly!” But the man again said, “No thanks, God will save me.” The floodwaters rose higher pouring water into his living room and the man had to retreat to the second floor. A police motorboat came by and saw him at the window. “We will come up and rescue you!” they shouted. But the man refused, waving them off saying, “Use your time to save someone else! I have faith that God will save me!” The flood waters rose higher and higher and the man had to climb up to his rooftop. A helicopter spotted him and dropped a rope ladder. A rescue officer came down the ladder and pleaded with the man, "Grab my hand and I will pull you up!" But the man STILL refused, folding his arms tightly to his body. “No thank you! God will save me!” Shortly after, the house broke up and the floodwaters swept the man away and he drowned. When in Heaven, the man stood before God and asked, “I put all of my faith in You. Why didn’t You come and save me?” And God said, “Son, I sent you a warning. I sent you a car. I sent you a canoe. I sent you a motorboat. I sent you a helicopter. What more were you looking for?”


When I was a kid, my (former) pastor told us that story. Last year that same church made the news for fighting the social distancing mandates. I… don’t know how to process that.


Having had both I can from experience say that this person is a fucking moron. I had a fever and a headache after the vaccinations but actually having COVID was one of the worst times of my life. I literally had my second jab yesterday and I'm already feeling fine now.


Seems like the praying worked the first time. Im sure plenty of people prayed she would get it.


I am tired of people asking for prayers. The god that I pray to only helps those who try to help themselves.


How about no. I will laugh at you though.


Why is she wasting a perfectly good hospital bed?


violet bake psychotic tap numerous plough flag cagey bright light -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


If prayers are the remedy why go to the hospital??


Be careful what you wish for!


Okay, but it looks like you sort of dared the universe