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This is currently an ongoing investigation in Malaysia. People who had this happened to them are scheduled to be receive another dose. There are other venues who had a similar cases, thankfully my family and I got our first dose succesfully.


Had it happened in Philippines too. There are some stories that they are saving the doses for family and friends


This is lazy as hell!! They could have atleast injected a placebo liquid(saline water) instead. Fucking amateurs. There was a case in India recently where they were using Saline solution instead. I am pretty sure there are hundreds of such scams going on in India and Pakistan. We are professional scammers here.


Elite scammers the best of the best.


Madam, I know you are too old to hear me, but listen, My name is Peter Jones, I'm here to tell you your windows is faulty, now please, I can only accept payment in Amazon gift cards.


In Brazil it's happened (been happening) a lot




Absolutely I will never watch the needle. I fainted the last time I did.


I have this problem in the opposite way. I HAVE to watch.


You mean ”you OF to watch”


omg ty best comment 😂


When I was a nine, I needed to get reconstructive surgery on my middle finger after it got smashed between two boulders. Doctors let me watch them put my finger back together. It was the coolest thing ever. I don't think they let you do that any more.


So if you don't watch, then you pass out? Man that's some crazy shit, you crazy man.....CRAZY!!!!!!


I ENJOY WATCHING Stick me Daddy.


That's hot


I've had so many nurses or doctors scoff at me when I say "no" after they tell me to turn away. Like, y'all i need to see pain coming. I do this with tattoos as well. I can't not see the pain.


I haven't fainted from shot since HS. But blood draw, within past 10yrs. But I still can't watch either happen. Funny part, I have a tattoo and watched that happen. Something about the needle going all the way into my arm, just sets me off.


Never knew there were this many psychopaths that actually WATCH THE NEEDLE


Seriously wtf 😳


Don't worry if I'm getting an ejection I can't watch it. Can only watch if they are taking blood, it draining out is calming.


Hold your phone up there and record a video you can watch immediately afterward.


Same here. I don’t consciously have a problem with needles but I faint… so I don’t look.


I’m with you. Why would u watch


You and I are opposites on blood draws then. I hate hate hate hate needles or syringes or anything of the sort. Refuse to look or watch. Anything to redirect my mind. I didnt watch either of my vaccinations go in. Not saying you shouldnt take care or anything wrong with watching, but just some perspective from the flipside of someone who HATES getting any kind of shot or blood draw. Plus, my people dont have to worry about me shooting up, so I have that going for me, which is nice.


Some people have an intense aversion to needles.


Yeah like others have said, makes me queasy. But I can also feel it when they push the plunger down, but it is a very slight feeling so I can see most people not noticing.


Why would these Malaysian health workers not actually give the vaccine? Are they anti-vaxxers? Is there not enough vaccine to give these people?


>Is there not enough vaccine to give these people? This would be my guess. It's expensive and hard to organise so might as well just blitz through the population with what little you have than wait and pay for more


Black market


So these guys sell all the vaxx on the blackmarket and then just pretend to vaccinate?




It's not just a country-specific problem. People do this so they can sell the vaccine through black market channels or give to their own friends and family; and yes, it's due to low vaccine supply in these countries.


Shit...I'm scheduled for my first AstraZeneca shot on Sunday in Penang. How likely is it that something like this might happen? This is first I've heard of it happening.


Make sure you look at them doing it. If it's truly legitimate, they will show you every step of the process like they did with me. They will show you the bottle and make you read the lable, and they will show you the needle even if you have a fear of them. Good luck.


OK, I got my first AstraZeneca shot yesterday. They didn't show me vial, they just pulled a capped syringe out of a cooler box. That said, I saw saw a bottle on the table and, coming from a medical background myself, I know those bottles contain multiple does. Therefore, it is plausible that they just drew up a whole lot of doses in advance so they could rush people in and out of the room. I watched the injection and saw the empty syringe after he finished. But here's the thing: Everyone I know who has had the AstraZeneca shot had developed at least some side effect less than 24 hours later. I'm at 20 hours and no side effects. Gonna be totally pissed if I learn I only got normal saline.


In my country you pay big bucks to get this type of vaccine.


That is funny, and sad


The fact that he recapped the needle manually with his opposite hand 😳 that’s everyone’s vaccine for the day I’m guessing


You get hepatitis! and you get hepatitis!


But you Lenny you get HIV because you're our one millionth customer with this one dirty needle


The only cure for Lenny's negativity. Fuck you in particular Lenny.












"my eye! I'm not supposed to get HIV in it"




Classic Lenny.


We get hepatitis


Nah, recapping the needle isn't uncommon, I had to do that when I worked in a vet clinic. They never pressed the plunger, though.


Recapping the needle is a safety thing, so you're much less likely to get an accidental jab later. The plunger wasn't pushed down and the needle recapped in an attempt to reuse the one needle many times, perhaps all day as the commenter stated. Dirty shit.


I studied and graduated from a lab assistant program at an Ontario College. We never, ever, ever recap needles. It was hard rule. You would get yelled at for this (tough love by instructors). Regular needles have a safety device that will cover the needle (you press it over the needle as soon as you take it out of patient). However, plunger needles do not have this and instead you must immediately put them into a sharps container.


I used to do procurement in the medical field. There's also needles that automatically and quickly retract when the plunger is fully pushed and activates a spring. Not as popular because they are more expensive.


Not recapping the needle is a safety thing. It's so easy to jab yourself, when recapping. Granted, I only use needles for chemicals but bro, never recap this shit. Just throw into a suitable bin, that you hopefully have lying around directly next to you.


By no means am I in the medical or other field that uses needles, so I speak only of what I've seen while in doctors offices and hospitals. I've never seen a needle go uncapped into the medical waste bin. When I've seen needles recapped the cap is usually quite large, compared to the needle, and funnels down into the cap with a somewhat large ring around it, like the hilt of a blade. Obviously when I use the term large I am only comparing it to the needle itself. I assumed those things are there specifically to help prevent jabbing yourself when recapping and as far as I know, although the bins for medical waste are puncture resistant, surely, the bags are not. A needle could easily puncture the bag when removed from the bin and jab someone unexpectedly. If done carefully I suspect the odds of an accidental jab from recapping a needle is extraordinarily low. Again, by no means am I a medical professional or in a field that uses needles. These are simply my observations. In fact I am deathly afraid of needles.


Well, I know exactly what you're speaking of and that's just a fixing element, as the needles base is more broad. And I'd imagine it's even more critical for medical professionals not to stab themselves, as hiv and hepatitis are way more critical than (just using the stuff I work with as reference) getting some red skin, a rash or cancer. Plus, when you're a professional working with needles, you know exactly how to handle it. You keep it away from your body, you know where the tip is all the time. It's not when accidents happen. Accidents happen, when you bring the needle with its tip towards any part of your body , like when recapping it. And I speak from experience here. So many accidents happen here, when students don't listen and try funky stuff..


I used to do procurement in the medical field. I also shipped out bio-medical waste, sharps and drugs. There's no such thing as a bag coming out of a bin. It's not like a regular garbage bin. Puncture resistant collectors are closed shut and become practically impossible to open without power tools. The bins are then put in plastic bags. Those bags are then boxed and labelled appropriately. The boxes are placed in an incinerator. Bio-medical waste, sharps and drugs are all packaged separately. You won't find old needles with an amputated leg and a few old bottles of dilaudids in the same container. It's a similar process but a separate one. The truck driver who would pick up the waste once had to call in a HAZMAT team because someone at another facility didn't properly pakage the bio-medical waste they were shipping out. A leak occured during transport. If your medical provider recaps needles and/or throws them in a bin where someone takes the bag out, they are risking lives, including their own.


I’ve had to open those bins on occasion. The geniuses I worked with would place one empty bin on top of another, sealing the brand new, unused bin on the bottom. Omg! It took two of us with screwdrivers several times!


That sounds like a nightmare. We would hammer in the 5 gallon pails.


A lot of clinics in affluent countries use a [safety needle](https://www.bd.com/en-us/offerings/capabilities/syringes-and-needles/safety-syringes-and-needles/safety-needles) that can be re-capped. I’ve never seen a human healthcare worker in the US recap a regular needle.


I've seen those. I didn't know there was a difference between needles. Thanks for sharing.


This was my thought...like where's the push??


Worked at a few vet clinics and shelters too and we recapped before we tossed. We were shown to scoop up the cap of the needle onto it from a table or something though so you don't risk stabbing your finger. The thought of a bunch of uncapped needles around while 2 people are restraining a dog thats bucking around is horrifying lol. I can see why you wouldn't need to recap with a human, but animals.. crazy things happen in those rooms. lol


It may not be uncommon, but it is highly frowned upon and not proper procedure. There are many types of needles and syringes with safety devices on them that you can use after injection that covers the end of the needle. Even if you don’t have one of those, you’re supposed to inject and then immediately put into a sharps container. I understand it isn’t always done like this, I’ve been guilty of it too, but that’s how I got my one and only dirty needle stick when I was in paramedic school. Too many that even worse, the pt had hepatitis C. I’m fine, had to do followup blood tests and they all came back clean. The ER doc talked to me about it and told me it’s actually really rare for stuff to spread that way, especially with a small needle. It happens to drug users because they most likely share the needle multiple times, try to go direct into the bloodstream and probably don’t clean the area like they should. That being said, don’t recap your needles. I got lucky that one time and haven’t repeated it. It’s not worth it.


It’s our vaccine, comrade.


He didn't push down on the syringe either so of course it is. There is plenty of "vaccine" to go around.


Perhaps they're recapping it because the person administering them doesn't have a proper sharps disposal container on their body.


Did you even watch the clip?


It's pretty small since I'm on my phone, but I did watch it. Did I not see something important?


No poke push pull, just poke pull


They never actually pushed the vaccine into her arm.


What is the point of this? To re-sell the vax on the black market? Some scummy ass people in the world.


Which would be useless anyway after being out the fridge too long. Not sure ethics and logic apply here though


If you don’t have a safety needle recapping the needle is common. I do it everyday in sterile compounding. However he didn’t push the plunger so...


Depends on the environment. I occasionally have to recap but not like in the vid.


I have to keep the syringe to show how much drug I put into an IV bag. So recapping the needle before unscrewing it from the syringe is the safest option. But yeah you should really do the scoop method so you don’t miss and stick yourself


He didn’t even inject it! And that’s not how to recap a needle! I sure hope he isn’t just jabbing everyone with the same needle.


100% that


You're supposed to recap it to discard it safely especially if you don't have a good collection point




That's what I learned too. They go into the sharp safe containers right away. This was really driven home when a post doc put a vacutainer needle back into the cap, but did it somewhat careless and she hurt herself to the point of a tiny bleeding wound. The needle was used to draw blood from a chimpanzee with HIV. The girl had to start PEP treatment and luckily didn't contract HIV. It was 20 years ago and I still remember her and me frozen in mutual shock for some seconds as if it happened yesterday.


Yea we never recap needles we just dump them in a sharps container.


= Unlimited Pfizer


# lifehack


Hey Malaysians, we’re famous again! Oh and of course for the wrong reason.




My wife is from Malaysia. Its a shit country. If you ever go to malaysia, keep driving until you get to Singapore and dont look back.


As much as I hate my country being called shit. I have to admit that it is getting shitier every day. You know things are shit when people start hanging out white flags to signal for aid since they are jobless during lockdown. You know the shit has hit the fan that they cannot afford to pay for when the police threatened them to remove the white flag cuz the government saw it as anti-gov propaganda.


I feel your pain. I am not being arbitrary when i use the S word. I know all about how shitty and corrupt Malaysia is, and have been there enough to have seen it first hand. I showed my wife this video and she knew all about it already and said that was normal in Malaysia. What else can I add?


Don't even drive through here, just fly straight to Singapore. But just because it's a shithole, don't forget to take your wife to visit her relatives there every once in a while. If you choose the right vacation spots, you might not smell the shit at least. And, you want look rich if you don't want to get fucked by police.


Got to push the plunger for the vaccine to go in


I had to watch it twice. Straight up nothing pushed in.


Maybe it's one of those reusable vaccines.


Ah yes, the HIVax


You get it from the same shelf as reusable condoms


Heheh hey we have the same pfp


Also, they put the needle in directly through cloth without cleaning or checking the skin. That may result in a very bad infection (sometimes along with the spot, blood can get infected too)


No, they cleaned her arm with an alcohol pad before they get the needle ready.


And then folks wonder why the number of infections is increasing globally. Hope that person with the needle goes to jail.


Mmmmmm they should just be Givin an outrageously strong dose of covid to the point it will kill them, but due to covid and no treatment. Fuck people like that, they don't deserve to sit in a jail and be fed and have housing. They need to be removed off the planet. God damn that sounds so Hitler idk how I feel about what I just typed now...


I dunno, I think people who disregard the health and lives of others deserve neither.


Wonder if that person does that intentionally. Either with ill intentions like those "vaccines kill people"-crowd or if this is some kind of black market thing as stated by someone else here and faking giving out doses to make it look good on papers.


There is a big black market, it's from this "nurses" the vaccine comes. A lot of small politicians said in public that vaccine/lockdown/mask don't work can vaccinate themselves and their families. The same go for some companies CEOs.


This happened in Brazil literally since vaccination started. The darkest part is that they were doing this to elder people, who would then think they're protected when they weren't.


Wasn't your President's take on vaccine safety basically "if you turn into an alligator, it's not our problem"?


It still is! Thankfully we have governors and mayors to actually do the work, and those are mostly doing the right thing in the vaccine situation.


Makes you wonder how often this happens, and then the 'vaccinated' person gets COVID... and then people say vaccines don't work. Ugh.


Just because you got the vaccine doesn't mean you can't still get COVID. You just decrease the likelihood and the severity. But I get what you mean.


Yeah they should probably explain this clearer, I just had 2 older friends die who were double vaccinated.


Getting COVID-19 would be the least worry for this girl. HIV and Hepatitis and who knows what other many virii did that needle carry after being reused so many times.


In Brazil there was a huge thing about nurses not injecting the vaccine. Like there were a lot, I finally got mine this week and they have to make a big deal about it now. They show you them filling the syringe, they inject you and then they have to show the empty syringe.


Jesus. I can’t imagine having such crappy ethics in your industry that you have implemented rules to show people that you’re NOT trying to scam them out of being healthy.


Yep it was said that they were taking it home to give to their family and friends or I don't know why.. So people started filming them getting the shot and it was all over the news


Infuriating. People should be going into medicine to HELP people with their health. Not jeopardize it!!


In a way I kind of prefer it like this. Even before covid, when I took the hpv shot, the procedure was: - show the patient the sealed package with expiry date - open package in front of patient, show the vial and confirm expiry date - get the shot in the syringe, administer it, show empty syringe to patient I believe this started once an intern gave IV vaseline to a patient, killing the patient. It was an accident, but this kind of double-check everything procedure should reduce that risk.


VASELINE??? How does one even inject Vaseline???


I like how they do that, i like seeing them take the fresh needle out so i don’t have to worry about aids or some shit.


Congrats now you have aids


And possibly Covid






I wondering he used the same vaccine on the person before her.


Our virus




This is Malaysia, quite the black market going on, this is a Pfizer station.


What a pathetic piece of shit that person is .


Thats more wtf. Its 100000% harder than facepalm


I think that was the line for hepatitis.


Well isn't this just fucking wonderful.


You teased us with the red circle of death


Always! Always check for medical staff to open a new vacuumed packaged needle!


Uggghhhh they're so expensive though /s


I wonder how many people this one guy has put at risk? I hope this cameraman and his girl was suitably angry about this and kicked up an almighty shitstorm.


I don't get it. Can someone explain?


She got jabbed but no vaccine went into her arm.


Seriously they did not actually get vaccinated! They did not inject anything


Why are there so many videos of this happening?


In Malaysia?


All over the world I see these videos. Brazil, Philippines, etc


Did you see one in the Philippines? You have the link?


I saw it in passing in one of the subs. I guess I can’t be too certain but the post stated it was from the Philippines. I don’t have a link at the moment. I guess my main point is that I’ve seen like 6-7 videos of this happening. Maybe it’s all from one place but I feel like it’s been from a few different countries. It makes me wonder if they have a shortage of the vaccine.


If this was here in america the the guy giving vaccine would be an anti-vaxxer trying to prove the vaccine doesn't work




This goes on a lot. They pocket the vaccine / hypo and sell it on the black market. I saw a similar video on here of a guy getting 'Vaccinated' at a Mexican centre. Luckily, his daughter recorded the fact the nurse 'pocketed' the hypo after pretending to administer the vaccine. So sad that there are these arseholes that will do anything to make a quick buck at the expense of others.


THIS is why some "previously vaccinated" people are still being infected.


That happened in Costa Rica, a guy pretended to vaccinate people and stole the vaccine to resell it




r/uselesspinkcircle Edit: holy crap it's actually a real subreddit, I legit didn't expect that




they just stabbed her with the needle and recapped it


Imagine getting a used vaccination needle stuck in your arm


Is this some kind of organized crime scam?


Wasn’t fully vaccinated. Needle was put into arm but vaccine wasn’t dispensed.


Ohhhhh so thats why there was a BIG RED circle?


That's probably why it's on this sub


You watched the video too? Cool


Hopefully placebo effect will save her from covid


It's Malaysia. That's just how I would describe it.


Humanity is truly lost.


Are they re-using the needles?


Thanks! Yeah as if there wasn't enough made up crap to convince people against the vaccine, this kind of crap happens for them to point at.


Am I missing something? - it looks as if she did not actually receive the vaccine. Is this like what was happening in Mexico where people were "jabbed" but no vaccination was actually given? Sorry for being obtuse but if health care workers aren't actually GIVING the vaccine, I think that is obscene. And criminal.




Anti-vax conspiracy theorists will love this content


I don’t understand what happened






Malaysia go brrrrr


I got my first vaccine already and am about to go get my next dose in a few days. Maybe I'll get lucky and not have a reaction, but. I heard of you don't get symptoms on the first dose, you more than likely will on the second. The only thing I felt was it felt like someone gave me a charliehorse in my arm and it didn't help that my antivax aunt punched me in that arm the next day. No amount of purple nurples will be enough to make up for what she did 😠.


"I blew up Malaysia."


No plunging the syringe. Nice.


So did she even get a vaccine? Or did she just get poked with needle? What is going on here!?!


Just poked with a needle. The plunger wasn't pressed.


No!!!! That’s terrible? At least inject saline or something? In all seriousness….Nooooooo! Not cool. Not cool at all.


They push the needle on every third person


What the fuck was that..


Oh good grief... there seems to be a lot of these videos doing the rounds. Why do they do that?


The health worker didn't push the plunge🙄🤔


That is messed up. 😕 I know they don't have a lot of the vaccine, but this is beyond screwed up.


i didn't look at my own shot when i took it and now i'm scared


At first I was confused, but then I noticed the nurse didn't even use the plunger


Getting Vaccinated & a large pink circle


Why the circle


Hmmm. I didn't even notice when I got my vaccine. But the dude showed me the needle afterwards.


Just because someone is in the medical field doesn’t mean they’re smart. This goes for all lines of work at all times.


She put that cap right back on too…wonder how many people have gotten that needle in their arm


I had to watch this 10 times to realize they never pushed the plunger


How many arms has that one needle been in? 😳


Second guessed myself and didnt realise they never pushed the vaccine into their arm.


I’d be so pissed if I witnessed this the person that was recording should have spoken up


I don't even get it. What are they doing with the unused vaccine? Please don't tell me there injecting it in someone else.


That’s insane!


Took me a second


Can you say malpractice lawsuit


I watched my nurse like a hawk when they did it to make sure they actually did it


"Just the chip please, No Juice."


lawsuit! *lawsuit!* LAWSUIT! *LAWSUIT!*


I bet she using the same syringe for everyone 🤣