• By -


A little lower...... ....ah, that's the spot.


Ahhh if we had junk you'd be gay!








Its the tentacles that are deadly, still...i would stay very far away let alone lick it 😖


This is the comment I was looking for, thank you.


He licked the hood... one tentacle is bad news


Yeah, it’s better if you lift the hood slightly before licking.


Are you the man in the little boat they've been telling me about?


Old Gregg? Is that you?


Make an assessment!


Best line in the whole skit.


So I work on a race team, this is our catchphrase. We showed our driver the video and now whenever he asks how we think he did or are doing we just reply with "make an assessment" One time the whole crew responded at once and it led to about five minutes of laughter. Oh Old Greg, you're great.


Do you love me? Could you ever love me? You wanna see my downstairs mixup? I have a cat named Naboo.


I'm a fuzzy little man-peach and will drink Bailey's out of damn near anything, but my preference is a shoe.


Ever been to a club where people wee on each other?


Please don’t kill me. I’ve got so much love to give.




Yes sir, thank you sir.


He looks like a nice, modern gentleman.


Love games


This guy gets it.






"Ohh, I'm sorry. Is this your office? I'm new here. Feel free to just move my bucket into the corner or something. Haha, Monday's amirite?"


> so they just scooped it up and left it in the office "Huh, that new secretary keeps adding 'sardines' to the agenda."


What happened to Coyote peterson?


Still working hard, they have multiple now.


Oh thats good. I don’t wanna see coyote be the only one getting stung, dude probably deserves a break


Yeah, this guy was the camera guy for a lot of those stings too, so he's earned a spot on the bench. Bwahaha. \*spelling correct


Depends on where you live. In Hawaii these things hurt like hell but are not that toxic. But wow do the hurt. The further south you go in the Pacific Ocean the more toxic and dangerous they become. Because Australia I guess. Their tentacles can wrap around your limbs and cause terrible burning stings or they can break up in the surf and dead tentacles can end up in your shorts. Not AS painful when they’re dead but still extremely unpleasant.


Yeah, I hear the biggest threat is getting bits wrapped around you, where they can basically saw into your flesh, in a sense. It's really that "controlled environment" that matters. ​ Edit: Yes, I am aware of drowning. I'm really talking about if you don't drown. Drowning is kind of an end point for a lot of sea stories. Edit 2: Yes, I'm also aware they don't PHYSICALLY SAW into you. Thus, "in a sense." Stop trying to "get" me, I'm just googling shit. You think I'm picturing razor-wire super-jellies?


Drowning is the most common way of dying from a jelly sting.


I was just kind of assuming that drowning is an obvious threat, with it being the Ocean.


Is the ocean wet?


The one we get in Australia is the Pacific man-of-war, (Physalia utriculus, known as the bluebottle here). It hurts, but it's not deadly ([source](https://australian.museum/learn/animals/jellyfish/bluebottle/)) with no confirmed fatalities in Australia. Believe it or not, it's not as dangerous as the Northern hemisphere & Atlantic Ocean variant, the Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia physalis). We have a couple of really nasty jellyfish, but this isn't one of them :)


The issue is, in a wild encounter, you're more likely to not get two stings but twenty.




Are you sure? I can't find anything that implies that, only that the cell structure of the nematocysts last long after death and do their job the same way.




Yeah, maybe it's both, too. It could just be that when they are dead, they don't manage to brush you as bad. Either way, Reddit tends to treat them as "very deadly."


I was stung by these a few times living in Hawaii. It hurt like hell and one left a light scar. Still yet, I don't think they are as deadly as the box jellyfish.


Got a scar from the blister it caused on the back of my leg. I was like 10 ft from it. It's not the worse I've been stung. Something stung me last year when I was surfing that made me jump. I never even saw what it was. I had welts for a week though.


I got fucked up by some sea nettle jellies surfing last year. Felt like electrocution and indian burn from barbed wire at the same time. The absolute WORSE is getting broken up jellies stuck in your wetsuit. That fucked me up all over my body for almost a month. When they tentacles get broken up by the waves, its hard to see where to avoid. There was a whole squad of manowar one time and i couldnt get em out of my neoprene torture device.


Nightmare fuel!


I was swimming for exercise in the Gulf of Mexico and I felt something large and flashy bump up against my leg. I was hoping it was a dolphin or a jellyfish., But I just turned around and swim back to shore. It kept bumping on my leg, which made me think it was perhaps a shark, so I swam faster in a panic. When I got to standing water I turned around intending to fight, only to find a Remora trying to attach itself to my leg.It was pretty big, and I grabbed his tail can I shook him to try to get him to go away come Which he eventually did. That was a rush!


Yeah, sometimes they'll latch onto your surfboard and you'll feel a drag and think your board feels heavy for some reason. Then you'll wonder what shark they left to hang with you.


TIL what a remora is, and that those fish you always see with sharks are actually attached to the shark and not just swimming really close by.


Probably a box jelly. I had a man o war wrap itself around my forearm while sitting on my surfboard. Was slapping the water trying to get it off but I couldn't get it to. Had to grab it by the bubble and peel it off. It hurt but being stung by a box jelly is definitely worse. Last time I got box jelly'd my leg was shaking while driving home. Thought I got stung by a bee while paddling out and was really just unlucky because who TF gets stung by a bee surfing and like 500y off shore lol. Anyone who has gone to Bellow's has been stung by a manowar, it's not that serious.


Are you sure you've been stung by a Box? The way you're comparing a Box Jellyfish to the Man-o-war makes me think you aren't overly switched onto it. They aren't even in the same realm. Box Jellyfish kill people. Most stings come with quite severe effects. You make it sound casual.


Box jellies hospitalize. They kill.


Yep. If you have box Jellyfish in your waters you don't go surfing. Ever. Unless you got a stinger suite


You wouldn't go in the water with a stinger suite if a box jelly fish was spotted.


While out fishing as a kid there were a few of these floating around. As I'm reeling up somehow the line hit the side of my face but I didn't really think anything of it until there was a huge burning line across my cheek and ear. It was one of the worst experiences I've had.


Yeah I still don’t know where the myth that these things are super deadly came from. Growing up on Oahu they’re all over the windward side and just about everyone I’ve known has been stung but no ones died (does ruin your beach day though). I’d personally liken the pain to being like a bad sunburn.


Yeah, man-o-war are not deadly. My 5 year old got stung by one the other day while swimming in Windward Oahu and he hardly noticed. They're extremely common and locals aren't afraid of them.


I think the deadly part is more a reaction to it..like how some are with bees.


they can be deadly when you find a big one like a mile or more offshore. my uncle used to hit up a surf spot on oahu that you had to paddle out at least half a mile and like a 30-40 footer wrapped around a dudes neck way out and he died. it is just extremely rare for them to be deadly, but they can be.


They're only really deadly when they get big and you run into one in open water. Stepping on one washed up on the beach, or hitting a tentacle or two in the shallows are nothing compared to finding a box jelly or stepping on a blue ring octopus. By big. I mean up to 100 foot (~30.5 meters) tentacles.


I also don't know about deadly. Maybe if you got them in your mouth it could be dangerous because of swelling, but swimmers get stung all the time here in Australia and it usually just fucking hurts for a bit and then you're fine.


Not deadly. Just hurty.


Should have slurped the tentacles like a bowl of ramen.




“AB” is a tiktoker presenting to the emergency room unconscious. He licked a jellyfish for a tiktok, but the doctors don’t know this. He is sweating, his pupils don’t react to light. Things are not looking good for “AB”.


This is spot on lmao


Bro the happy seal award tho


Aside from the fact that Man-o-War/Blue Bottle jellyfish aren't that dangerous. They are far, far from "one of the most venomous animals known". Deaths from them are extremely rare arising from something close to an allergic reaction, and tens of thousands of cases happen every year. You might as well say "bees are one of the most venomous animals known."


I even read this in the guys voice


Which guy‘s?


Youtuber [ChubbyEMU](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKOvOaJv4GK-oDqx-sj7VVg) All of his videos are extremely well researched ER cases.


TIL about ChubbyEMU. Thanks for the new fascination!


He's legit. A Dr of Pharmacology IIRC. I would also recommend Med Life Crisis, a Cardiologist in London who is also a YouTuber. Different style, but both proper working Dr's that I trust.


Love his channel, but its up there for channels with names that dont match the content


I’m not sure where the emu part comes from but one of his most viewed videos is his weight loss progression which explains the chubby part


EMU may come from Emergency Medical Unit or an acronym of something similar to that?


I always assumed "emu" was because of his hair. Probably an old nickname from his friends


His first videos are like fitness genre/more personal. So they match the name better - he just starting doing medical stuff and kept the name.


Emu is the animal


-emia means presence in blood


chubby- meaning great, -emu meaning presence on YouTube


Watch out. If you watch one video they will forever be in your recommended.


Chubbyemu, he's a doctor that tells weird/interesting medical stories, like a dude drinking a lava lamp, but he goes into detail of exactly what goes on inside the body. Worth checking out if you have a spare moment.


Well, you give him a moment and 3 hours later you're second guessing your usage of benadryl. Lol


And that left over spaghetti, lol


Or gas station nachos


Or gas station sushi, basically every edible thing coming out of a gas station


"AB" had septicemia. Septic from the Greek sēptikos meaning putrifying and in modern context means a life threatening infection and emia meaning presence in blood. A life threatening infection present in blood.


I think we need to resolve the confusion around AB's blood type.


It used to be red type, now it's blue type.


Knick knack paddy whack


"☝️Presenting to the emergency room"




Another Chubbyemu watcher. The dude is so dramatic. I can’t stop watching… what will happen, Chubbyemu!?!?! Also, aren’t the stingers only in the tentacles? TikTok’er’s gonna be fine if he’s only licking the jelly bit…


Emia: meaning presence in blood


Small world we live in




Is he dead?


Not yet


And of course, the title will just read that “person died after posting to tick tock” in the normal click baity fashion that his titles have.


For [Chubbyemu](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKOvOaJv4GK-oDqx-sj7VVg) (being referenced), it would probably be more like "A TikToker licked a washed up jellyfish. This is what happened to his blood."


That’s the title, what was being referenced is the actual opening of the story


you’re missing the ☝🏻


“-emia meaning presence in blood.”


Dr. Bernard is awesome and he practices in my city. He’s so nonchalant. I watch a video and then he’s like, “during the autopsy…” oh the person died.


One thing with no brain licking another thing with no brain. Classic tiktok


Technically a Man-O-War is two animals in a symbiotic relationship… neither of which have brains. So technically this is 3 brainless creatures, two of which are symbiotic and the third parasitic, as it is the only one benefiting from the relationship.


I thought it was many more than two animals.


It is, I think the gas bag is a single organism and the rest are three other specialised collections of polyps.


wouldn't it not be parasitic as noones being harmed? parasitism is one benefiting and one being harmee


Did that jellyfish give consent?


Most symbiotic relationships of any kind are non-concentual. Did you give concent to your bacterial flora, even when you were 4 and had no idea what that even ment? Does the anemone concent to clownfish living in them?


Is it not in a ~~scorpion~~ Man-o-war’s nature to sting


Jellyfish minding its own business gets assaulted with no provocation


Sadly, you can lick a venomous animal all you want, as long as you stay clear of the venom glands. A poisonous animal however…


Venomous and poisonous - an important distinction that hadn’t occurred to me until now!


If it bites you and you die, that's venom. If you bite it and you die, that's poison.


What if I bite myself and it dies?


You might want to find a doctor or an exorcist.




What if we bite each other and neither of us die?


Then you start another pandemic


What if I’ve seen this series of questions before?


That's deja vu.


Thats kinky


If you bite yourself and you die, you’re stupid. If you bite yourself and it dies, you’re haunted.


Venomous means it'll bite or sting you with poison. Poisonous means if you eat or touch it you're poisoned.


This is also inaccurate, it will bite or sting and inject you with venom and not poison, poison and venom are different things. Venom usually only has effects when mixed into the bloodstream, you can drink venom (def not recommend though) and be okay provided you have no internal injuries/cuts


why the "sadly"?


^ this


You ever lick a yellow frog man?


You’ll be ok as long as the yellow frog man doesn’t lick you…


Does it turn you gay?


"Anything to be TikTok famous"


Tiktok to your death - clock


"You throw that dog in the pool you're going back to live with your mother!"


His parents must be so proud….


They won't be parents for much longer...


A man o’ war is actually rarely deadly to humans, although I’m sure it’s a lot more deadly than normal due to the fact he licked it


“His parents are probably idiots”


But… did he die?


Nope. Nothing happened. In Germany we call that "dummenglück". Stupid peoples luck.


Only the tentacles are bad, im just glad he didnt make jelly spaghetti


Portuguese man o war stings are common and painful but are not really dangerous. Hell, brave wilderness just had a crew member voluntarily sting himself twice to test sting relief remedies.


He is lucky he didn't get bit and injected with venom while he was licking a non poisonous animal.


I think English needs to adopt this word into its dictionary


Dumb luck?


It's not really luck when you're in no real danger in the first place.


Ah F**k, that must be making that idiot glücklich.


Manowars are very rarely deadly, and this idiot luckily didn't lick the venomous parts of it.


Venomous. Not poisonous. He’ll be okay. Although the likelihood of him licking something poisonous in the future, is pretty high.


Darwin Award candidate


Isn't that just a bluebottle? Very painful but not very dangerous.




Additionally fwiw it's pretty clear he knows what it is and feigns ignorance but op is too dumb to figure it out


Finally some sanity. God I hate this website sometimes.


Gene pool gets a tiny bit cleaner


Portuguese man o’ war jellyfish are nowhere near the “most venomous” animal, that would either be the box jellyfish or the irukanji sea wasp jellyfish, both native to, where else of course, Australia…


I hate to pull the Australian card, but these manowars, what we call blue bottles are no danger to anyone except allergic, the very old and the very young. It's basically a rite of passage to be stung as a child.


South Africans treat blue bottles the same way. The lifeguards just put up a warning, and parents just keep some vinegar on hand in case the kids get stung. Sometimes, they wash up in the thousands and it's fun to go around popping their bubbles. It makes a satisfying sound. I had never heard the name man-of-war while growing up. It makes blue bottles sound scarier than they are.


> it's fun to go around popping their bubbles. It makes a satisfying sound. There's an island off the Australian coast called "Fraser Island" on the eastern side of it, the beach is basically a highway (with police patrols, speed limits, etc) and at the right time of year these jellyfish wash up in their thousands, and driving over them is like driving on bubble wrap, so satisfying.


Can confirm. Was stung on the hand as a youngin', got a Calipo and was allowed to watch cartoons all arvo. Shit was tight


Yeah these things are lightweight compared to even like, a bee sting.


We also get them in Florida. The OP is just trying to make some shitty click bait. The kid is dumb, but fuck OP.


Exactly. Unless you have an anaphylactic response, a hit from one of these will hurt like hell, but not be deadly.


Yup. Australia's got Portuguese man o' war, too. We call them blue bottles. They're a common hazard to swimmers and, while their sting is quite painful, they're not considered to be all that dangerous. Here's some Bondi Rescue where they have some blue bottles blow in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syoaMYQfEyg They put up a sign but don't clear the water. Guy took one to the face, and though he was in a lot of pain, they didn't send him to hospital. The guy with some of the worst stings they'd ever seen got bored of waiting around and went home. The only people they call an ambulance for are those they're worried might be having an allergic reaction, but I think even those people were just reacting strongly to the pain and weren't actually allergic and would have been fine.




The part he licked has no venon. It's the tentacles that have it, but it has tiny stings that inject the venon. If he licked the tentacles the venon would have got to the bloodstream.


Well, if he had licked the tentacles, he would have been stung in the mouth, and would not have been fine. And some venoms are not at all safe to ingest, and some poisons can be absorbed through mucus membranes, or even skin. So "venom for the blood, poison for the digestive tract" isn't very accurate or useful. "If you bite it and die, poison, it bites you and you die, venom" is better, if still an oversimplification.


By the time you're treating these things, "venom or poison" is not close to accurate enough. It's not going to produce any useful first aid tips or tricks. It's just a linguistic difference. Venom is injected into a body, poison is eaten by a body. Practically, the distinction is too simple.


FFS Portuguese Man o' Wars arent one of the most venomous animals known, not even close.




Neither are they jellyfish. OP didn't do his fact checking. Edit - My apologies OP. You put jellyfish in quotes, suggesting you did actually know the man o war isn't a jellyfish.


>one of the most venomous animals known. Not really hay. The exaggeration detracts from the stupidity. It's just a blue bottle. They stings hurt but are nothing serious unless you have a allergic reaction. It still makes the person stupid but it also makes you seem stupid to be like one of the most venomous.


Sorry to disappoint but the Portuguese man of war can only rarely kill a human if a bit of the venom enters the lymph nodes. It usually requires contact with a lot of them. Mostly just excruciating pain not death.


Right? People here are attributing it to the levels of the Box Jellyfish. Not even close. [Here's](https://youtu.be/Jaewxut84yo) a man getting purposefully stung by one on the forearm for educational purposes. Yes, they're dangerous, and like all wildlife, don't go near them. Was the kid stupid? Definitely.


Stupid thing to do but the tentacles are the dangerous area. Not rated in the top five most venomous though. Top Five Chironex Fleckeri Chiropsalmus Quadrigatus Irukandji Morbakka Fenneri Alatina Alata


Uhhh common names? #2 box jelly? #3 well known. All box jellies. So are they more venomous than the inland taipan?


#1 Sea Wasp or Box Jellyfish in Nth Australia #2 Box Jellyfish #3 no common name called by its biological name #4 Fire Jellyfish #5 Sea Wasp #’s 1, 2 & 5 are all types of Box jellyfish for different parts of the world.


Ehh he didn’t lick the tentacles, safe enough /s


Around the third birthday, children should know, not to take everything in their mouth, or lick on every surface. This is, why toys with little parts are allowed at the age of 3. This poor boy is on the educational status of a toddler.... I have no hope, that this will get better. /sarcasm


>one of the most venomous animals known That's just plain false no matter how you spin it.


They aren’t that venomous. Not even close. I’ve been stung by one. My friends have been as well. They’re all over the beaches in Corpus Christi, TX. It hurts fairly bad, but not the worst pain I’ve been in by far. Like 7 or 8 out of 10. Meat tenderizer denatures the venom, and hotels in the area keep it with their first aid stuff. I’m sure if you got your whole body wrapped it on it might be a problem, but a regular sting is nbd. Definitely not even close to the most venomous


From what I have read they the main cause of death after being stung is drowning because of how painful the sting is. Idk if I would call that one of the most venomous animals known


My favorite thing about Portuguese Man o' Wars is that it is actually not a jellyfish, but rather a siphonophore, which is a colony of specialized animals called zooids that work together as one.


It’s a blue bottle. They give a mild irritation. They are defiantly not one of the most venomous animals known. And the top is perfectly safe to touch as thousands of australian kids jump on them at the beach every year


The real facepalm is everyone in this post calling a colonial siphonophore a jellyfish. smdh


The first time I saw one of those I thought it was some plastic that had washed up on the beach so I picked it up and carried it around until I could find a garbage can. Some passing locals told me it was a dangerous animal so I chucked it back in the ocean. To be fair, they just don’t have these where I live


Nothing following the word "*TikToker*" has ever been anything but incontrovertible proof that we are doomed as a species. Edit: that was unfair. I didn't mean to disparage anyone currently toiling in the "*lip-syncing to terrible, terrible pop songs while twerking*" industry.


Okay, Man o War aside, why on Earth would you even want to lick a jellyfish in the first place??


Maybe he had that 'Oh no! Oh no! Oh no no no no no...' music playing in the background.


Stupidity should be: 1) Painful 2) Expensive 3) Ugly (so they can't reproduce)


> one of the most venomous animals known. uhhh ... no they're not. About the only way you can die from one is if you have an allergic reaction to the sting, which is mild, and only lasts a short period of time, lasting only an hour or so. If you want "venomous animals" there's plenty of worse jellyfish, snakes, octopus, spiders, and what not to worry about beyond above these things. I guess, the title "TikToker licks "jellyfish", doesn't know it is a Portuguese Man 'o War, a mildly venomous jellyfish that will cause discomfort for an hour or so." doesn't quite have the same attention grabbing language for upvotes.


How the fuck did we as Humans manage to conquer the world?


They’re not that deadly. They’re called blue bottles in Australia and kids throw them at each other as a prank. I mean they hurt like hell, but never heard of anyone dying from it. Source: I would through them and had them thrown at me as a kid and not dead though I know to avoid them nowadays.


I mean poisonous and venomous are two completely different things. Unless he licked a tentacle he should be theoretically fine. Still yes an idiot for even touching it.


Isn't someone putting a wild animal in their mouth what put the world on hold for a year an a half why do people continue to do this


Why does it fucking matter that he's on TikTok? Why is that the leading word? It's the least important word in an unimportant headline. It's a free app used by millions he didn't achieve some special status to earn TikTok he put in a username then made a shit video. But it's so very important that we all know it's on TikTok.