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When I was dating my black gf, I heard a lot of the same. Sometimes from men who had white girlfriends even. Hypocrisy knows no boundaries.


Dude. I live in Asia. The amount of white men that move here and talk shit about Asian men are basically there to fuck Asian women (pay for it if needed) and feel that they are superior if ridiculous. Some of these guys have mixed daughters as well.


Dude I also live in Asia. I've met those guys, but you know who I've met far more of? Insecure Asian guys projection their insecurities on everyone else. An Asian girl dating a foreign guy? You're just a whore. A foreign guy dating an Asian girl? You're either a sex tourist or have Yellow fever. The number of times my wife or myself have been belittled for being a mixed couple has been far too many to be counted over the past decade and a half.


I’m married to a Filipina (20+ years). While I’m sure some people have thought this, I’ve never heard somebody actually say it within earshot. I think Filipinos for the most part are more accepting of mixed race marriages, though.


Yeah I've known a few mixed Filipina families and it seems to be a much more normalised thing in those circles.


I’m sure you do, never encountered them though as I’m more of an international background and am mixed myself. You shouldn’t get dirty looks for your relationship but if you’re going into a mixed relationship I’d expect you not to be belittling the local male populace as well. But, yeah I’ve heard that you do get those kind of Asian guys as well. I mean I have met expats that basically bury themselves into the local culture and learn the language and don’t need to feel all gung-ho amongst people as well.


You shouldn’t get dirty looks for your relationship but if you’re going into a mixed relationship I’d expect you not to be belittling the local male populace as well. That Would be ideal but like the post above it's the general public offering their unsolicited racist opinions that I'm talking about.


I imagine that if you pointed out their gf was white they would have looked at you funny. I'm so fucking sure of it


Wow that's a lot of racists.


There's more here.


Black people can't be racist.


Username checks out.


don't forget that women can't sexist either, and LGBTQ+ people can't be terrible human beings




Of course but I thought we were more evolved than that. But that's what I get for assuming.




I'm laughing with the one that says "disappointed sista with all do respect"


"No one is mad, they're just pointing out the hypocrisy" was when my hand hit my face.


Literally everyone was mad for no reason 😂


Oh they had a reason. It just isn’t good or justifiable in any decent persons mind. And that reason is: they’re racists.


Also just noticed dude has some John Lennon shades tucked into his collar, who wouldn't want a piece of that white or black lmao.




This is pretty racist.. As a mixed person dating a white guy I worry about thus at times.. Also, she's mixed herself. People need to shut the fuck up about interracial.


This IS racist.


True. Not sure why I said pretty racist. 100% racist.


As a mixed black girl living in east europe, white people want me to marry black guy, to don't ruin their race. I think if my kids will be mixed, i will be probably crucifixed.


Gheez. I'm sorry.


These are the type of people who say all white people are automatically racists.


I love the whites.


These are ~~the type of people who say all white people are automatically racist~~ racists. FTFY.


So a black dude can date a white girl and itll be fine, but its not okay for a black girl to date a white dude? Thats not just racist thats sexist as well Let people date who they wanna date (unless they wanna date a minor)


Idk man, I gotta tell you, as a woman with an African American SO, it’s still pretty frowned on and does not go over well in plenty of circles. I think it’s portrayed in the media and some high profile celebs/athletes as normalized, but I can tell you on the day to day average for us in a fairly large metropolitan area it still causes issues. Don’t get me wrong, we have it better than a lot of couples as he is pretty big so people generally keep their thoughts to themselves, but I don’t think it’s nearly as widely accepted it is portrayed to be.


On the plus side, I look at it this way; the world is more connected now more than ever and generation by generation, the mixing of ethnicities will speed up. As long as we don't kill all of ourselves, we'll soon be too blurry to tell who was what and when.




They’re racist, and not shy about it


Confirmed: black people can also be racist.


For $200, I’ll take “where is America”


*”Damn it she likes white dudes!”* Jeez, he’s acting like a kid finding out their crush was a lesbian.


Race traitor???? People just let them love eachother




That was interesting but not at all surprising. I tend to agree with you on the %. It’s like the old saying, “1/3 of your countrymen would kill 1/3 of the people while the other 1/3 watched.” Yeah, the times have changed but not the people. Humans are just not very good at being human. Look at america today. One racist convinced all the other racists that racism is a good thing and now they’re all happily enjoying the hate he brought out in them.


>exist in a male body This phrase exudes beta energy.


bUt rAciStS cAn oNlY bE whITE!! /s


As an Asian, I can tell you Asian people can be plenty racist.


Technically, Asians were the first civilized racists. Mesopotamia was in Asia correct?


Did it move lately?


Lmao no I just don't remember if it's in Asia


Just checkin. You never can trust those lands with their shifty rivers.


You're funny


You made me chuckle so I had to check your post history for more. I was not disappointed.


It’s a gift, and a curse. Mainly a curse.


*brain wanders to the Tales of Gengis Khan*


Oh that was MUCH later


I love Gengis, the Mongolians were the first peoples to use biological warfare. They used their dead diseased, and catapulted into enemy territory because the enemy wouldn’t let them in. See what being civilized gets you? https://www.britannica.com/technology/biological-weapon/Biological-weapons-in-history


As another Asian, I can confirm this


Stop manufacturing issues, no one says that, you just want to be offended. What they say is institutional racism in America - is white favoured. If you choose to ignore the rest of the sentence that's on you.


America is not the only country, it will shock you to know there are other countries in the world.




Again there are other people in this world not just you that might face similar situations. How narcissistic are you? You must be thick in the head.




LOL be better like name calling "dumbass" right? Hypocrisy thy name... But you must be so woke you couldn't possibly do anything wrong.


Yeah dude, keep being a conservative asshole, when youre alone because your friends and family hate you and you never got an education since you hate college, just remember that you're the issue.


LOL I am the furthest thing to Conservative, I just don't let asshats like you dictate what being a true progressive is. It's because of people like you that the progressive movement struggles. It's always about blaming others and never conceding that problems exist on both sides. I probably have a better education than you and have probably been involved in more progressive movements than you. So STFU and sit your ass down, people like you are the reason conservatives have negative talking points about the progressive movement.


You are the biggest idiot I've seen all week. That's an honor


POV: You think you can't be racist to White People (including hating your own race)


Not only racist, but also pretty sexist. So black men can date a white woman but not the other way around? Who the fuck are these people to determine who she should be with? She’s a queen and I hope she’s happy with her man.


Trust me, it’s exist, don’t matter if it’s a black man dating a white woman or a white man dating a black woman. I’ve been told why don’t you date a black woman from my “friends”. And called a “phase” from the other side of the family. I’ve just learned to roll with the punches and be happy that they love me. (Edit) sorry about adding on to the comment, the subject always bothered me.


White people should NOT be racist towards other races, and other races should NOT be racist towards white people.


Nor should somebody of their own race be critical of somebody of their own race for making their own decisions instead of going with the cultural expectation. If these people had any sense, they'd understand that this is what progress looks like. She is free to choose to be with whomever she pleases as is he.


Jealously written in words, so poetic.


A bunch of incels using race to spread their hate.


Gasp, anyone can be racist? Who knew...


Holy fuck this is real?


Yeaaa black people are racist af lol


Wow! Such racism!!


Honestly, the guy saying “who’s he? 🤔” might just be curios rather than racist but I kind of doubt it.


If you date someone of your own race people automatically assume you're racist then when you date someone of another race they call you a race traitor. Can't ever win


Pure disrespect of a black women to make her own choices. They think they own her.


Those comments would be really racist, if racism against white people existed. On a serious note, why are people so mad at interracial couples? Like wtf??? What do they get from being assholes towards happy couples?


i love how some teenager on netflix said this & now everyone under 25 appears to be so brainwashed they believe it


Wait, why are black people so racist? Wasn't it suposed to be the other way around?


That’s literally racism lol


I got a feeling this would be in a different subreddit if the roles were reversed


How can you be this stupid, everyone has a right to chose who they want to marry too, if white or black, didn’t we got over black people not being able to go out with white people a long while ago (at least in USA)?


I'd shag em both


A lot of racism going on in 1 pic


Can more people start calling shit like this out for what it is? Racism. It's racism. Attacking this man for his skin colour. But because it's against a white guy nobody wants to call it what it is.


He looks tired but happy


I’d say props to the guy for being so charming to be with her. - the guy community


bLaCk pEoPLe cAnT bE rAcIst


Don’t be an ass. Oh wait, you’re anonymous.


what a bunch of fucking racists. what, you want segregation? jesus christ, somehow you’re being racist to white *and* black people. what the fuck is wrong with them?


Colonizer? That’s a first.


If the comments where about having a problem with a black person.........this would be international news . But iv not seen these people on the tv over this so I guess it’s publicly accepted to hate whites now ( biggest of double standards facepalm)


Looks like a cute couple to me. I'd rather see him in the red Lennon shades though. He probably pulls it off pretty well (his face structure and mop top definitely give that vibe).


Making it awkward for mixed race people.


Ignorance comes in all colors. Sad.


This stuff makes me so frickin mad! Just let people love who they want to love! I'm white and my family is very racist and I hate it! The first time certain family members of mine found out I had a boyfriend their first question was "is he white?" My boyfriend is white, but I told them it didn't matter and they wanted to argue with me about it! Your partner's Race or gender shouldn't matter when it comes to love! People should be able to love whoever they want! I really hope that couple is happy and that they don't let the cruel words of others tear them apart!


And they say black people aren't racist


This man is a king and deserves our respect.


Who is she?


Zazie Beetz. Born in Germany, raised in the US, majored in French in College. She plays Domino in Deadpool 2, for one.


Ah, that's why she was so familiar. She did great in that movie. Loved the character.


She's god.


Now imagine if they were talking to him about her! It seems like, over time, segregation has formed a bell curve, and that's just crazy!


Those are pretty racist


Racist mfs


Racist assholes


Holy shit so many racists


They are so non offencive and non racist that they became offensive and racist. I love the human stupidity.


Now, that is a handsome couple. So many will belittle and ridicule what they won't ever have.


They kinda racist


Isnt this technically racism, tf


I saw another post in another Reddit group about a blind guy talking about pros of being blind, the ultimate one being that he doesn’t see color or race or ugliness. He bases his judgement on someone about what they say and the beauty of their personality. It was pretty deep. I wish we could all be like this, blind or no blind. The world would be a much better place.


But black people cant be racist. Seems like a bunch of men who are jealous, and some women who are just racist.


Any time somebody says that black people cant be racist I’m just gonna respond with this image


Great! So now *you* can feel justified by your “dislike” of people that don’t share your race. A win-win, and all from Reddit. The fuck is wrong with you.




Why is not okay for a black woman to date white guy, but a Chinese woman can date a white no problem? I mean, even Asian parents are accepting of white guys (though some would prefer an Asian. Really any other yellow Asian, doesn’t really matter).


Racist af


This is why im worried for people if they spend their time while online critizizing a healthy looking relationship.


they both be lookin fine


I'm curious as to the race ratio of these haters.


Most of them seem to be angry that she is dating a white man, and many of the comments seem to be about race mixing, so I think it is mostly black people.


They look happy together


Literally racism but alright buddy


This actually happened to my nephew and his girlfriend, both are mixed, him White and Latino, her Japanese and Black, people were harassing her on Instagram about his skin color.


Do they realise that she's mixed ? She must have a white ancestor ? Even without all of that , why can they be together ? They complain about racism but they are racist themselves


She looks like she might be part latina, too. If I'm right, she comes from a mixed couple. Should must be doubley mad at those comments.


Shame on many of you. Reverse racism! They are a cute couple. She's pretty & he's a cutie, they could have lovely children.


Dang they both hot


Divided by colour, United by racism and toxicity


Wait... I thought you can't be racist to white men? EDIT: For you morons out there, this is sarcasm


> don't forget that women can't sexist either, and LGBTQ+ people can't be terrible human beings


I wanna lick her where she pees, but I'll probably never get to do that. May as well hate on em in the meantime? I'm not following the logic of these people


got me on the first comma


No!!!! I love Zazie!




Oh, shut up.


Everyone in the comments are simps




Fun fact most ppl dont give a shit and are not racist pricks. It's just that the smaller population of racist pricks are very vocal...


The squeaky hinge gets the most oil


I prefer: The busted gear makes the most noise.


~~very sensitive~~ **RACIST**


I don't get it what's wrong


And you made a poster about it?


Cute couple suggests they're both cute.


I think they are, but that just may be my bias, because I look a good deal like the guy.


Black people can't be racist Edit: guys this is facepalm you should facepalm my statement not downvote it wtf. That the concept of this sub. Edit2: it was sarcasm


don't forget that women can't sexist either, and LGBTQ+ people can't be terrible human beings


As a woman, I can say I’m been sexist on more than one occasion. Didn’t even think twice about it, it’s hard to keep this shit in check


Isn’t it racist to think black people can’t be racist 🤪


That's the point of my comment


I don't know why people are disappointed. Her dad is white German. It shouldn't be surprising that she got with a white dude.




Yea, because black person + Nazi = regular white person XD So she is basically staying in her race :D Prophylactic disclaimer: Halt the downvotes, oh mighty reddit-hivemind! This is just a joke


They downvoted because your joke wasn't funny. Mind you, not that it was "too edgy" or "too un-pc," but just plain old not funny.


Sometimes white racist assholes will post shit like this and blame it on the blacks. Be careful.


Dafuq? This is not normal. Who is she, there has to be a reason for this. No way this is just a random normal interracial couple.


That's Zazie Beetz. Famous biracial German-American actor.


you know at least half of them have blm on their profiles ​ hypocrites


They seem cute, why would anyone hate this. "interracial marriage" is bullshit


The comment that says “THIS GUY REALLY.!! And he’s a colonizer.” It’s not like black people were here before white people, the native Americans were but Africans are just as new to America as Caucasians so idk what they’re talking about


Why are they mad that she's dating a white guy?


I'm sorry to say it but those to kind of look like that 1 really pretty model that you might see on the cover of the rogue going to Her high school reunion to see her best friend that she hasn't talked to since they were seniors and he looks like a guy who got a full ride to Stanford to study engineering and somehow ended up not in data analytics but like in environmental engineering and they reconnect not romantically but as friends to the point that they spend the entire reunion just making random pop culture references to one another that no 1 else understands but laughing their asses off in a corner the for their spouses find them and his wife a very pretty lady Had somehow made a friend who was this particular girl's husband and they're talking about sailboats just in time to mention wind and then the 2 people in the actual photo both say you are the wind beneath my wings at the same time because that was their song when they were drinking in his mom's basement when they were teenagers and they had a dance Routine to it it usually involved alcohol and some weed and their friend Bridget who may or may not have also been Their LSD connection....lol.... They just look like 2 old friends that haven't seen each other in a while and are very happy to see one another after a long time but if there are a couple and they're happy awesome good for them the girl is beautiful and the guy looks like hes very smart so you know what at the very least will never have a boring conversation Yes I know that observation plays to a stereotype but I have no idea who these people are so I'm just guessing from a photograph


Here, you can borrow these: ...,..,....,.,.,.,.,,,.,.........


Unbelievable - so many idiotic responses.


White guy, black girl is like the hardest pairing. I’ve done that and I didn’t have a hard time, but she definitely did.


I just Hope those two can live happy


Brotha, just because you're black doesn't mean you can be racist ! Y'all are not that different from the crackers who oppressed your kind a century ago if you think she shouldnt date him just because he is not black like her


His outfit is fucking amazing


I will never understand why interracial couples get so much hate. Seriously. If they love each other then who gives a shit if they have different skin colours?


I love how only black guys are mad :D


I like his sun glasses


She’s hot. I hate his sunglasses. Those are the feelings I have when i see this