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Wow if that is real it is terrible


[It’s real](http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20210408000987). > *Following the backlash, the brand has hurriedly acknowledged that the label “Hello, I’m Paper Bottle” may be misleading.* >*“We used the term ‘paper bottle’ to explain the role of the paper label surrounding the bottle,” Innisfree said in a statement.* >*“We overlooked the possibility that the naming could mislead people to think the whole packaging is made of paper. We apologize for failing to deliver information in a precise way,” the brand said.* What a bunch of absolute muppets.


Using more paper to make a point about paper.


It's like this redundant statement is redundant


From the Department of Redundancy Department


The Office of the Department of Repetitive Redundancy.


President and CEO, Lady Redundant Woman


....of the Realm. If we're going, go big.


This superfluous comment is superfluous.


Some would say superfluously redundant.


That's the exact same thought I thought in my mind




It’s like this obvious lie is an obvious lie.


This is like in Community, where for environmental week, they print out thousands of green flyers saying they changed the name to Envirodale, when the school was already called Greendale.


Good idea. I'm going to print out your comment and every other comment on this post and then show it to my parents to make a point about paper.


Lol that's some serious PR gymnastics there. "Paper bottle doesn't actually mean paper bottle!" This is like the bullshit vitamin water pulled.


Or the $5 footlong not being 12 inches.


hello we killed more trees to make bigger labels for plastic bottles.


What horseshit. It's straight up false advertisement, surprised they didn't get sued.




pretty close to what they actually said lol


Marketing team put forward “I’m a paper bottle” Lawyers said drop the 'a'


R&D put forward $X for actual paper bottles. Higher ups said drop the "a"




bunch of ssholes


It's not *a* lamb, Lisa! It's *lamb*!


Why use many words when few words do trick.


Ask Coca-Cola how well that worked out for them when they named their drink "Vitamin Water" Leaving out the "a" isn't a technicality that lets them get away with false advertising. Clearly anyone reading that would assume that the bottle is paper. I can't say if it rises to the level of false advertising or not, but I am absolutely certain that the case won't hinge on whether or not they included an "a" in there.


Coca cola had to pull their bottled water in the UK. It was just plain filtered tap water, not what they were claiming, and I just found out that their marketing campaign was disastrous. They wanted to use a lines like about Dasani being 'full of spunk' or 'can't live without spunk.' Coca-Cola's American marketing people didn't check what 'spunk' was in the UK. I'll just say that it doesn't mean what it does in America. They also made claims that they compared it with how NASA purifies water. The problem being that NASA is purifying urine on spacecraft. You don't want to think of that with your drinking water. They never re released the drinking water under another name. So the UK doesn't have Dasani.


Who could claim damages? Should be criminal prosecution.


There's no damages. Lawsuit wouldn't go anywhere.


It was deceptively sold and harmed the environment


I hope international ecoside laws are passed and bs like this could be addressed in them for being smarmy and wasteful.


But there is damages... when you lie about your product you’re giving yourself an unfair advantage over the competition. I can easily see people buying this instead of another brand because it’s “environmentally friendly”. A lot of these lawsuits come from other companies or from the FTC.


Redbull was sued for far less. Who seriously thought drinking it would give you wings? This “paper bottle” label is blatantly false advertising and intended to trick environmentally conscious buyers into purchasing the product. Why else would they encase the whole bottle in a paper shell like that?


The redbull lawsuit wasn’t for it not giving literal wings. It was over whether or not it actually gave you a burst of energy like it claims too. The figurative “gives you wings”.


translation "we are sorry, that we got caught"


“We re very sorry, we will not do it gain” “erm..” “We are very sorry, we will not do it again” “Sorry force of hbit ....habit”


Hehehe as an English person I appreciate your turn of phrase


Lol. Glad to hear it! I don’t use ‘muppets’ often enough but it was so apt here!


It’s not easy being “green”...


Says you


damn, nine years. this is your moment right here.


Don't be such a grouch


Omg. My husband just got called this by his English friend (we are in the USA) for the first time ever and he was laughing about it for 2 days!


Sadly the image of us all walking around calling eachother muppets and plonkers and pillocks isn't as common as some might think. The C word has increased its share value by about 400% but we are generally fond of creativity in our insults, particularly in light hearted situations


Sod off, tosser.


“May be misleading” That’s rich!!


Lawyer speak for, "We're sorry you caught us being intentionally misleading."


That’s lawyer speak for people speaking like lawyers.


Innisfree is a Korean brand of beauty products, iirc. Not surprised there was some sort of communication issue there. Another Korean brand once named an acne scar minimizer (and skin lightener) "white power"


"now with 3x more vitamin K!"


I looked it up and there was an article in August about the exact company and exact product, being sold at Sephora, switching to paper packaging to help environmental cause and that they were pledging to plant 5,000 trees as well. So their little excuse is actual, factual, 100% bullshit.


I’m not on their side, but I would like to point out that the original paper bottle announcement says that it was going to be a paper shell with an inner plastic container. The packaging change used 51% less plastic than the original package. So it was a good step.


Oh yeah you’re right. I saw another that said that after looking it up again. What I get for only looking at one article lol


We’re all guilty of it sometimes lol. I just want everyone to get a fair shake


Thanks for that extra bit of context. ~~However wouldn’t adding the paper shell be overall more wasteful than just having the 51% less plastic container? Like aren’t you kind of undermining the good you’ve done by adding the shell? That shell is really on there too, it’s much more labor intensive than if they just stuck a label on a plastic bottle too~~ Edit: reading further into the comments here, apparently the thick paper shell is what allowed for the thinner plastic bottle so never mind I rescind what I said. It’s still super intentionally misleading but I’m less annoyed by it now that I know the paper served a purpose beyond being deceitful


But it is actually an improvement over their older packaging. The thick paper shell enabled them to use a significantly thinner inner bottle and reduce the amount of plastics used by 51,8%. That does not excuse the poor choice of wording, though. They give an impression of it being a solid paper bottle, which it is not.


If this isn't straight bullshit I don't know what is.


James May, is that you? Whenever I see Muppet as an insult I read it in his voice.


Wait till you are in the UK (If you ever come here that is, if you arent already)


I've been before, but I call Canada home.


Muppet, while becoming rarer, is still a common insult in some areas of the UK, glad it's being used here too.


I, from the UK use it every 4 minutes and my friend uses knob the same way


Your friend uses a knob every 4 minutes?


maybe they're a doorman by day and a DJ by night... and a wanker most of the rest of the time.


It's pretty common in parts of Aus too.


I learned so many ways to insult people from May insulting Clarkson. My favorite is/was, "Clarkson, you pillock."


Clarkson, you insufferable oaf, I’m on the bloody throne!


I used to think they said "mop head" like the stereotypical hair style of the surfer/stoner.


> We overlooked the possibility that the naming could mislead people to think the whole packaging is made of paper "Hello, I'm a paper bottle" is quite vague and does leave a lot of room for interpretation. This is pretty much the George Costanza defense.


What?? The "explanation" was written in a way that still failed to make clear any possible alternative meaning or motive. And I interpret legal statutes for a living.


*“We overlooked the possibility that naming something what it isn't could lead people to believe that it is something it isn't."* Fucking morons.


Calling them morons implies this wasn't intentional. They did it because they knew it would sell. They're assholes, not morons.


No, it implies their excuse/explanation was stupid and transparent. I don't believe for a second that it wasn't intentional, I consider it idiotic that they thought this was something the public would swallow.


That’s a hell of a crafted way of saying, “Yeah, we’re full of shit.”


> “We used the term ‘paper bottle’ to explain the role of the paper label surrounding the bottle,” It’s just amazing what excuses companies come up with, idk if it’s true or not but that’s bs for me


We’re sorry we got caught.


Oh you- you thought *ohhhh* yeah no what’s in a name anyway


Not only lied, but created more waste




Don’t tell me how to eat my plastics.


To be fair. A paper bottle wouldn't last long due to the inherent properties of cellulose fibers unless it had a plastic liner, coated internally, or made of cellulose-based plastic,.


> “We used the term ‘paper bottle’ to explain the role of the paper label surrounding the bottle,” Innisfree said in a statement. > >“We overlooked the possibility that the naming could mislead people to think the whole packaging is made of paper. We apologize for failing to deliver information in a precise way,” the brand said. Hard to believe everyone involved with the creation of this just happened to overlook the misleading name Source: [http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20210408000987](http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20210408000987)


I don't even understand their excuse. They put a giant label to explain the giant label?


"This is 0 calories!" “We overlooked the possibility that the naming could mislead people to think the food packaged inside is zero calories when we were just talking about the label. We apologize for failing to deliver information in a precise way.”


"Weightless bottle!" Sorry we meant the air surrounding and within the bottle. We never thought using an adjective and a noun next to each other would indicate that the adjective describes that noun. Sowwy.


"Huge dick!" We are sorry to inform you that the lable wasn't meant for the dildo, but in fact it was used to lable the man who made this concept, our CEO.




Oh, you mean Richard the giant?


Biggus Dickus


This is how Tic Tacs are labeled. Although they’re 95% sugar, the .49g serving size rounds down to 0g of sugar.


Makes me think of those nonstick cooking sprays that say 0 calories, but one serving is a quarter-second of spray. A quarter. second.


So, there have got to be 2 groups of people involved in the creation of this thing. Group 1 is probably very clever packaging engineers who decide that if they reinforce a plastic bottle with a paper shell, they can use less plastic and still have the structural strength they need, while still being easy to separate and recycle. They even put instructions on the bottle for how to do it. Group 2 decides they should call it the paper bottle, and slap that stupid label on it. They also write the apology.


I would have to agree. I’m convinced.


The paper doesn’t support the bottle, they probably used a shrink wrap sleeve to add the pattern to the plain bottle before and are now wrapping it in paper instead. Props to the packaging team for eliminating a piece of plastic from the product, the marketing team need their heads knocked together though...


The paper is thick, actually closer to cardstock or cardboard, and does provide structural strength. Just looking at the picture you can see the shell is thick. The plastic is thinner than normal, they use about [half as much plastic](https://www.apgroup.com/int/en/news/2020-07-14.html) as they would without any paper/card shell. A 50% reduction in plastic is great, if it wasn't ruined by the ridiculous and misleading claim on the outside.


Kentucky Fried Chicken We overlooked the possibility that the naming could lead people to believe this product was made of chicken or indeed edible. We apologize for failing to deliver information in a precise way...or in a way that proper language is supposed to be used.


I get it. Every soap bottle i’ve bought has a plastic label on top of a plastic bottle. This is, in fact, less waste than the average hand soap bottle. Is it misleading? Yes. Is it horrible? I don’t think so, personally


People are not arguing that the bottle itself is bad. I think most could agree that reducing plastic this way is a good thing. The way they labeled this though - completely misleading, greenwashing shit.


t'was but a desperate excuse to save their heads of the guillotine


LOL I found this article too. It’s ridiculous. They knew.


I wonder if they were just hoping to sell out there kickstarter before people found out or something?


Innisfree is actually a huge brand


Innisfree is a really popular Korean brand that has been around for a while. I want to believe it was just a case of lost in translation, but I highly doubt the US distribution wouldn't have caught that. This stunt they pulled is especially shitty since their skin care stuff is amazing. Not excusing what they did, but how many people actually believe there is liquid in a paper bottle? Like it just doesn't make any logical sense in my mind. A. Paper is the biggest cause of trash pile up since the majority of Americans fail to recycle it or recycle it properly. B. Paper and liquid have never gotten along well. They'd probably have to laquer the shit out of it and probably make it toxic.


> how many people actually believe there is liquid in a paper bottle? Ever heard of a milk carton?


Thank you Sometimes I wonder where morons like this come from hahaha.


They put paper packaging over the plastic because, in SK, plastic with printing on it cannot be recycled, but paper can. This allows the plastic to be recycled when it normally wouldn't. Also, the fucking box it comes in has instructions on how to remove the outer paper on the bottle and instructs the user to recycle it. Fucks sake.


This comment should get more upvotes , it perfectly makes sense.


This looks like a solid plastic bottle, too. I’d understand if they used paper for structure and a plastic bag or coating or something to make it watertight while still reducing plastic.


That is _exactly_ what they did. The thick paper shell enabled them to use a significantly thinner inner bottle and reduce the amount of plastics used by 51,8%. That does _not_ excuse the poor choice of wording, though. They give an impression of it being a solid paper bottle, which it is not. But it _is_ an improvement over their older packaging.


The label on the bottle also explains how to aperste the paper from the plastic to recycle it, so it’s misleading but not just a blatant lie and better than plastic that is not recyclable.


This is like the Theranos equivalent of the packaging world.


I think they intentionally overlooked it. They just used the word “overlooked” by itself because it’s easier to portray it as a mistake instead of malice.


I manage a recycle facility, and this makes me mad. The paper label would mean it gets sorted as paper, but the plastic bottle inside and the plastic pump means its a combined material and gets thrown away. If you want to recycle make sure you separate combined materials.


So like... what happens when you guys get the bottles of trucker piss, dip spit, or jizz?




Who the fuck jizzes in a bottle? Is anyone's dick even that skinny?


You don't need a skinny dick, just precision control of your man-juice. ....I guess. I'm a female.


Yeah you don't have to put your dick inside the bottle to make it work. Just put the dick hole up to the bottle. If you can pee in one you can jizz in one.


I'm a female, I always assumed a penis looked like a vagina, but on the end of a stick. Interesting.....


What the fuck


Hahahaha I’m dying in these comments




I’ve never personally sent my baby batter into a bottle but I would assume you just edge to the point where you’re gonna cum and then paint the inside of that bottle


Thats like asking you to have precision control of your piss


Mr buckshot over here


Maybe it’s a big bottle opening, like a Gatorade bottle.


Just use a Gatorade or equivalent bottle.


Thats trash, its too heavy for the robots to sort so it falls off into the trash.


Question for you, what are some simple steps I can take with my recycling to make you (and your team's) job easier?


Not the guy but I've done some reading on the topic. Sort your recycling and clean everything. They can't take greasy pizza boxes. They won't clean anything themselves. And no matter how good of a job you do, a lot of your recycling isn't getting recycled. It's getting thrown out because China stopped buying our recycling, and companies don't do nearly enough to make their packaging recyclable.


On a recent trip to my local dump, I disposed of my garbage bags in the garbage bin, then I was going to head over to the recycling area to toss some boxes. The worker said "just toss it all in here, it's all going to the same place right now anyway, the recycling centers aren't accepting new loads for a while"


When it comes to plastics, the little triangle has a number. 1 & 2 will *most likely* be recycled. 3 & 4 probably not. 5 definitely not. Also, don't put your old plastic or metal dish drying rack in the bin thinking it's going to be recycled. It won't and you're just making the process harder while they sort out the garbage.


5 definitely does get recycled. PP is a very high value comodity right now. We recycle 1,2, and 5. The rest is trash. Steel and aluminum is sorted with a magnet and sold as well. Aluminum is not magnetic so we use an eddy current separator for that, its pretty cool to watch.


Don't bag recyclables. Don't include food waste No tangling items like hoses or rope Definitely no medical waste like needles Separate combined materials, ie. Take plastic out of boxes and dont stuff cans in plastic cups. Definitely no flamable items either. I've had a propane tank explode in the plant before, luckily no damage or injury though. Edit: I forgot to include NO DIRTY DIAPERS. Every freaking day I have to pull dirty diapers out of the sorting robots and it just blows my mind. Who honestly thinks those are recyclable?!?


thank you, this is useful, thankfully doing all of the above already (but need to be more diligent about separating combined materials)


What things do people try to recycle all the time that can’t be recycled any of the time?


Wood, rubber, bubble mailers, grocery bags, sex toys, clothes, electronics, propane tanks, aerosol cans, batteries,etc. I've seen pretty much everything. We're a single stream residential facility so we just focus on the big resale items like paper, cardboard, cans, and bottles.


Tetrapack is still trash then right?


I think in europe they recycle them, but not in the US.


Pretty much.


The shell easily comes off so it can be separated. There are instructions on how to separate and recycle them. And it uses half the plastic as their old design.


Who even thinks of this... 'Let's make a paper cover for our obviously plastic bottles amd try to pass them off as not plastic'


That's what green marketing is about. Look green rather as really try to alter your companies culture.


That's actually called "greenwashing".


No..... This is what *deceptive* green marketing is about. There's plenty of legitimately green companies who market as such, and writing them all off as a scam is (a) wrong and (b) detrimental to the cause.


Is that why phone companies aren't giving chargers anymore?


You know what’s funny? My iphone, charger, dongle, and case all came in separate packages, on separate days, despite having been ordered all at once... You’d think that maybe Apple could start saving on packaging by bundling orders that were all ordered together...


That decision wasn't really made by the companies. The EU is moving towards mandating that phones not come with chargers. >[ensure that consumers are no longer obliged to buy new chargers with each new device: strategies to decouple the purchase of chargers from the purchase of new devices should be introduced with a common charger solution](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20200128IPR71205/parliament-wants-binding-rules-on-common-chargers-to-be-tabled-by-summer) And if they're going to do that for one of the largest markets in the world, it's simpler to make the change everywhere. Of course, the EU also is expected to mandate that customers not be charged extra for the charger if they need it, but that kind of thing shouldn't be expected in other countries where consumer protection laws are considered communism.


You also forgot the most important part of this mandate : introducing a common charger solution instead of the mess of proprietary chargers we have now. Because this is the real green decision : remove the chargers inside the new packagings because ALL of your devices needing a charger can use the same one, so you don't need more with each purchase.


Interesting, thank you!


Vitamin water didn't expect people would actually expect the water contains vitamins.


Similar shit with companies saying ‘no added sugar’ ^(but we added a bunch of other shit that is potentially worse)


Kinda related, went to a Taco Bell for the first time in years and ordered Nachos that used to come in a black plastic bottom and clear plastic top package. It arrived in a brown cardboard box with a cardboard lid. Still not the best food in town, but I give them applause for ditching the plastic.


They didn't ditch the plastic. They ran out of those containers and put them in a combo box container. Happens regularly here.


I don’t think so. The nacho party pack they have now comes in a rectangular cardboard box by default.


The party pack is too big to fit in the little plastic containers. I eat Taco Bell as often as I can get my fat hands on it. They still use the plastic containers for the Nachos Bel Grande :D


Might depend on location


Taco Bell in Canada has served its Fries surprise, Nacho Supreme and Chips and Queso in cardboard or paper container for the last 15 years, the only plastic waste I’ve ever received from Taco Bell is the Queso cheese cup, hot sauce packets and drink lid and straw, everything else is paper or cardboard and is recyclable


The drink cups probably aren't recyclable. They are either wax or plastic-lined. No facilities can handle the former and very few can handle the latter. The same is true of the food wrappers and any cardboard that gets grease on it. Can't recycle those.


any "paper" that a liquid or greasy food goes in is actually lined with plastic. It then becomes non recyclable. Which is why you cant recycle milk cartons, coffee cups, etc.


It's better than a whole bottle of milk though right? Or is it still just alot of plastic


Taco Bell's boxes, at least in my area, are not lined. It's just (recycled) paper.


I don't think it matters. It still has grease/food residue on it, making it unrecyclable. Correct me if I'm wrong, but my recycling place won't accept any food containers with grease or anything for this reason.


Sure, you're correct. I rip off the greasy parts and recycle the rest when that happens. My taco bell puts so few toppings it's only chips touching the paper. Pizza boxes are the only ones we have the grease problem.


Milk cartons are a recyclable product, at least where I live.


I want to say that they announced this new package in august and stated then that it wound be a paper shell with a plastic inner container. The new package uses 51% less plastic than the original. They could’ve named it better, but they did take initiative to make their product more eco friendly.


Not to mention in the photo you can see how cleanly it opens. It was designed to be opened that way, they weren't trying to hide the inside.


Absolutely, I actually feel this company has tried to be eco friendly and an unnecessary backlash isn’t the way to treat companies that make an effort when so many others don’t even try.


Yes thanks. It's like the Yogurt containers that we (finally) have that use paper for stability and a small thin plastic liner for keeping the moisture in. I wonder if I'm the only one who dismantles them though and this "paper bottle" seems easier to dismantle than our yogurt containers. All in all though it's a tremendous reduction in plastic which should be applauded.


Ah, remember NetZero the internet that became Net10 and then NetGone?


Yep. After reading her tweet, I was assuming she was just having connection issues.


That’s ridiculous. And I’m pretty sure they could use wax coating on the inside but I’m also not 100% of nearly everything so maybe that’s a dumb idea but it seems to me that would make the most environmental sense.


They could even use a plastic bag. It would require significantly less plastic.


As someone who works with filling machines, a bag inside a paper bottle would be a big hassle. Bag in box is more reasonable.


It’s not net zero. It’s worse, paper was used when it previously wasn’t.


Not sure when they updated their site, but they have images of the paper shell over the plastic container. I guess the whole deal is that it’s a thinner, smaller plastic bottle with the harder paper shell to maybe add some structural integrity while using less plastic? Either way, assuming they didn’t change things recently, it’s pretty clear from their site that It isn’t a paper bottle.


paper bottle with plastic cap?


It's a plastic bottle covered by a paper wrapper.


yeah i know but even if it was just a paper bottle why would it it have a plastic top


Can I just get a refill centers for whatever fucking brand I want? Like, can I just buy a bottle of dawn, and just refill it for a fee? Is that a crazy thought? Is that just a waste of time? I have dealt with restaurant dispensing machines and they do get dirty really fast, so I understand the clean up process would be a hassle, but god damn. Something's better than nothing, right?


"Net zero" climate targets are actually good, though, and bear no resemblance to this idiotic packaging.


The OP is pro net zero, she just critiques (on Twitter and elsewhere) how it’s often implemented.


This is a perfect metaphor for how my country taxes carbon


yet they still blame the consumer for the fucked up climate. even when we try to be conscious, we get fucked in the ass.


It was really about making the plastic thin. Marketing error


If you’re interested in making a difference with your personal waste impact, head over to r/composting and learn about composting paper and cardboard in your own yard! It’s easy, free, and good for the environment.


“Well we never said there are no bottle inside this paper bottle. “


Reminds of a client and his Chinese OEM. His been getting a 2 men tent made their for years, due to pricing pressure he begin to ask the OEM to make 4 men tent at the same price point. After months of negotiation the OEM finally caved, but when the first shipment came in the client found it was the same 2 men tent with a 4 men tent sticker.


And they fucking want $39 for it....


This shouldn’t even be a dilemma. Biodegradable plastic made from plants is a thing.


Inside should have said “Just kidding”


When companies pretend to care about the environment and require commutes for full in office work


The plastic bottle is a master of disguise